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Kani Alavi Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1955 -

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          • A group of 8 watercolours by Kani Alavi (Iranian B. 1955), Watercolour on canvas paper, signed and
            Jan. 30, 2025

            A group of 8 watercolours by Kani Alavi (Iranian B. 1955), Watercolour on canvas paper, signed and

            Est: £400 - £600

            A group of 8 watercolours by Kani Alavi (Iranian B. 1955), Watercolour on canvas paper, signed and dated lower left 'Kani, 2016' Each 49.7 x 70cm (8) PLEASE NOTE VAT IS CHARGED ON THE HAMMER PRICE

          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, L
            Sep. 03, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, L

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed and indistinctly dated lower right, 10 x 15 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 32 x 39 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, L
            Sep. 03, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, L

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed and dated (19)97 lower right, 22 x 15.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 40 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, H
            Sep. 03, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER, H

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, has lived in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall, among others. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed lower right, 26.5 x 20 cm, framed behind glass and passe-partout 54 x 44 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI
            Jan. 30, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed and dated (19)97 lower right, 22 x 15.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 40 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI
            Jan. 30, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed and indistinctly dated lower right, 10 x 15 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 32 x 39 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI
            Jan. 30, 2024

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAI

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, has lived in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall, among other things. Flower piece, oil crayon on paper, signed lower right, 26.5 x 20 cm, framed behind glass and passe-partout 54 x 44 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Alavi, Kani
            Dec. 13, 2023

            Alavi, Kani

            Est: €240 - €360

            (1955 Lahidschan/Iran - ansässig in Berlin). 3 Bl. mit abstrakten Kompositionen. Gouachen auf Papier 1995. 8,8 x 13 bis 10,8 x 14,8 cm. In Passep. geklebt. D

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Alavi, Kani
            Dec. 13, 2023

            Alavi, Kani

            Est: €120 - €180

            (1955 Lahidschan/Iran - ansässig in Berlin). Landschaft mit orientalischem Paar. Aquarell auf Papier 1991. Blgr. 11,8 x 18 cm. Unten rechts sign. u. dat. In Passep. mont. D

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)
            Dec. 09, 2023

            Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)

            Est: €80 - €96

            Blumenwiese. Pastell, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)89. Ca. 20x 26,5 cm. PP., R.

          • Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)
            Dec. 09, 2023

            Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)

            Est: €160 - €190

            Blumenwiese. Pastell, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)94. Ca. 81x 85 cm. PP., R.

          • Alavi, Kani. Tränenpalast. Öl auf
            Nov. 11, 2023

            Alavi, Kani. Tränenpalast. Öl auf

            Est: €200 - €300

            Alavi, Kani. Tränenpalast. Öl auf Malkarton. Signiert und datiert unten rechts. 2003. Blattmaße: 50,5 x 84,5 cm. Kani Alavi (1955) studierte an der Berliner Hochschule der Künste bei Klaus Fußmann und wurde 1986 dessen Meisterschüler. Alavi betätigte sich ab 1990 an der Gestaltung der East Side Gallery in Berlin und erhielt dafür 2011 den Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, den er allerdings aus Protest am weiter laufenden Abriss der Mauerteile zurückgab. - Vollständig auf Unterlage montiert, teils mit Krakelee, untere rechte Ecke minimal bestoßen.

            Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
          • Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)
            Sep. 23, 2023

            Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)

            Est: €100 - €120

            Blumenwiese. Pastell, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)89. Ca. 20x 26,5 cm. PP., R.

          • Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)
            Sep. 23, 2023

            Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)

            Est: €200 - €240

            Blumenwiese. Pastell, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)94. Ca. 81x 85 cm. PP., R.

          • Kani, Alavi (geb. 1955 in Lahidschan, Iran)
            Jun. 24, 2023

            Kani, Alavi (geb. 1955 in Lahidschan, Iran)

            Est: €240 - €288

            Blühende Landschaft. Öl/Hartfaserplatte, re. u. sign. und dat. 2014. Ca. 45x 54 cm. R.

          • Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)
            Jun. 24, 2023

            Alavi, Kani (geb. 1955 Iran)

            Est: €200 - €240

            Großformatiges Blumenstillleben "Impressionen II", so auf Künstlerkarte betitelt, sign. und dat. 1996. Pastell/Papier, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)96. 62x 80 cm. PP., Künstler-Rahmen.

          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER
            Jun. 12, 2023

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Small flower piece, watercolor on paper, bottom right signed and dated by hand, 8 x 10 cm, framed behind glass 21 x 23 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER
            Jun. 12, 2023

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student with Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Small flower piece, mixed media on paper, signed and dated lower right hand 9.5 x 9.5 cm, framed behind glass 18.5 x 18.5 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER
            Jun. 12, 2023

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PAINTER

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann. Flower piece, oil on cardboard, bottom right signed and dated 2000, 27 x 17 cm, framed 44 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PA
            Jun. 08, 2023

            KANI ALAVI (*1955), PERSIAN PA

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. ''Buddy Bear'', mass casting with floral painting, hand signed and dated in the stand 2003, h. 35 cm.

            Historia Auctionata
            Apr. 04, 2023


            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Large figurative composition, gouache on light cardboard, bottom right signed and dated (19)84, 50 x 70 cm, behind glass and passepartout framed 77 x 97 cm Kani Alavi (*1955), persischer Maler, lebt seit 1980 in Berlin, Meisterschüler bei Klaus Fußmann, beteiligte sich u.a. an der East-Side-Gallery der Berliner Mauer. Große figürliche Komposition, Gouache auf leichtem Karton, u. re. sign. u. dat. (19)84, 50 x 70 cm, hinter Glas u. Pp. ger. 77 x 97 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter
            Jan. 24, 2023

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, gouache on paper, bottom right signed & dated (19)96, 8.5 x 12.5 cm, behind glass & passepartout framed 32 x 38 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter
            Jan. 24, 2023

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil pastel on paper, bottom right signed & dated (19)97, 22 x 15.5 cm, behind glass & passepartout framed 40 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter
            Jan. 24, 2023

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil pastel on paper, bottom right signed and indistinctly dated, 10 x 15 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 32 x 39 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter
            Jan. 24, 2023

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil pastel on paper, signed lower right, 26.5 x 20 cm, framed behind glass u. Passepartout 54 x 44 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte
            Aug. 29, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann. Landscape, painted tile, signed and dated lower right 2000, 24 x 11,5 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte
            Aug. 29, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann. Flower piece, oil on cardboard, signed and dated lower right 2000, 27 x 17 cm, framed 44 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte
            Aug. 29, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, has lived in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, acrylic on corrugated cardboard, signed and dated lower right 2008, 20.5 x 13 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 38 x 33 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte
            Aug. 29, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painte

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann. Flower piece, oil on cardboard, signed and dated lower left 2000, 27 x 27 cm, framed 37 x 37 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter
            Aug. 25, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, has lived in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Buddy Bear'', mass casting with floral painting, signed and dated in the stand 2003, h. 35 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jun. 20, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, watercolor on cardboard, signed & dated (19)93 lower right, 19 x 28,5 cm, framed behind glass & passepartout 43 x 54 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jun. 20, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Two flower pots, pastel crayon on, bottom right signed a. dated 2002, 30 x 32 cm, framed behind glass a. passepartout 51 x 53 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jun. 20, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on light brown handmade paper, bottom right signed a. dated (19)93, 18 x 15,5 cm, framed behind glass a. passepartout 34,5 x 34,5 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jun. 20, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. ''Overpopulation'', pen and gouache on cardboard, signed and dated by hand lower right 1993, titled on verso, 43 x 10,5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 60 x 26 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Apr. 04, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann. Landscape with poppies consisting of four painted tiles, each signed lower right u., framed together 28 x 53 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Apr. 04, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, signed and indistinctly dated lower right, 17 x 11.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 64 x 36 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Apr. 04, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, bottom right signed & dated (20)02, 41 x 41 cm, behind glass & passepartout framed 61 x 63 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Apr. 04, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, bottom right signed & dated (20)00, 42 x 43 cm, behind glass & passepartout framed 68 x 67 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jan. 24, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, acrylic on corrugated cardboard, bottom right signed and dated 2008, 20.5 x 13 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 38 x 33 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jan. 24, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, bottom right signed & dated (19)94, 32 x 38.5 cm, framed behind glass & passepartout 59 x 67 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jan. 24, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, bottom right signed & dated (19)95, 50 x 46 cm, behind glass & passepartout framed 74 x 65 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Jan. 24, 2022

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, pastel chalk on handmade paper, signed and dated lower right, 35 x 37.5 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 54 x 59 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Nov. 08, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Small flower piece, watercolor on paper, signed & dated lower right 2001, 11,5 x 16 cm, framed behind glass & passepartout 32,5 x 38 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Nov. 08, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Small flower piece, pastel chalk on paper, bottom right signed and dated (19)98, 15 x 13 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 37 x 36 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Nov. 08, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil on hardboard with very impasto paint application, signed and indistinctly dated lower right, 28 x 40 cm, framed 37 x 49 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa
            Nov. 08, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian pa

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among others in the East-Side-Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Large flower piece, pastel chalk on laid paper, signed lower right u.d at. (19)93, 68 x 85 cm, framed behind glass a. passepartout 92 x 110 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian p
            Aug. 23, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian p

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives since 1980 in Berlin, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Composition o.T.,, watercolor on paper, bottom right double signed and dated 2001, 27 x 21 cm, behind glass and passepartout framed 45 x 35 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian p
            Aug. 23, 2021

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian p

            Est: -

            Kani Alavi (*1955), Persian painter, lives in Berlin since 1980, master student of Klaus Fußmann, participated among other things in the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. Flower piece, oil in very pastose application on carpet fragment, verso on the frame cardboard signed u. dated 2000, 15 x 20 cm, framed 29 x 34 cm

            Historia Auctionata
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