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Oskar von Alvensleben Sold at Auction Prices


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24 Lots

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    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil
      Nov. 16, 2024

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil

      Est: €300 - €400

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, sawmill, 1874, Pencil Technique: PencilPencil on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Am Ausgang des Sagerthals bey (unleserlich)/Camiglio - Stenico Sarcathal". Lower right dated: "d. 15/10 74.". Date: 1874 Description: View from the Sarca Valley between Madonna di Campilio and Stenico in Ticino with a hut on the banks of the river between the rocks. Keywords: Mountains, rock, landscape, Italy, Ticino, Dolomites, river, valley, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Italy, Size: Paper: 29,8 cm x 21,0 cm (11,7 x 8,3 in)

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Oscar von Alvensleben, Frau mit einer Haube im Profil / Schlafende im Fauteuil / Kopf der Schlafenden im Fauteuil. 1858– 1860.
      Nov. 02, 2024

      Oscar von Alvensleben, Frau mit einer Haube im Profil / Schlafende im Fauteuil / Kopf der Schlafenden im Fauteuil. 1858– 1860.

      Est: €120 - €140

      Oscar von Alvensleben 1831 Benkendorf – 1903 Dresden Bleistiftzeichnungen. a) Frau mit einer Haube im Profil. Bezeichnet und datiert M. u. "Demker d. 13/7. 58.". b) Schlafende im Fauteuil, 19,3 x 11 cm. Bezeichnet und datiert u. li. "Ems (Emp. Adolf) d. 13/6. 60". c) Kopf der Schlafenden im Fauteuil. Bezeichnet und datiert M. re. "Ems d. 1/7. 60". Gemeinsam im Passepartout montiert. Der Ort Demker gehört heute zu Tangermünde. Oscar von Alvensleben 1831 Benkendorf – 1903 Dresden 1866–74 Studium an der Kunstakademie Dresden. Danach zahlreiche Studienreisen u.a. nach Spanien. Von den dort entstandenen Bleistiftzeichnungen fertigte er später Aquarelle an. Von Aversleben ist vor allem für seine Landschaftsmalerei bekannt.

      Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor
      Oct. 26, 2024

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor

      Est: €450 - €600

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): Tree near Bad Bocklet (Bad Kissingen), 1879, Watercolor Technique: Watercolor over Pencil on Paper (blue) Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "bei Bocklet./b. Kissingen". Lower right dated: "d. 4/9 79.". Date: 1879 Description: Impressive portrait of a tree with a man resting on a bench below in a mountainous landscape. The artist's estate stamp on the support. Keywords: Bavaria, mountains, tree, landscape, Germany, watercolour, hiker, rest, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Germany, Size: Paper (blue): 19,4 cm x 15,2 cm (7,6 x 6 in)

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Oscar v. Alvensleben, attr., Landschaft bei Pilsen
      Aug. 31, 2024

      Oscar v. Alvensleben, attr., Landschaft bei Pilsen

      Est: -

      Oscar v. Alvensleben, attr., Landschaft bei Pilsen Blick auf einen an einer Klein stadt vorbeifließenden Fluss mit Eisenbahnbrücke, Graphit und etwas Aquarell in Braun auf grobem Velin, unten links bezeichnet und datiert "Die Eisenbahnbrücke über der Radbuza bei Pilsen, d. 23/10 (18)79", rückseitig in Blei Zuschreibung "Alvensleben, Oscar von 1840–1903" sowie "Die Eisenbahnbrücke über die Radbuza (Nebenfluss der Beraun) bei Pilsen. 1879“, etwas braunfleckig. Blattmaße ca. 21,5 x 33 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Oskar von Alvensleben, dt. Landschaftsmaler und Zeichner (1831 Benkendorf bis 1903 Dresden), Kindheit auf Gut Gohlis bei Leipzig, über die künstlerische Ausbildung liegen keine Informationen vor, 1866–74 Studium an der Akademie in Dresden bei Carl Gottlieb Peschel und Julius Hübner, ab 1871 Mitglied der Dresdner Künstlergenossenschaft, ausgedehnte Studienreisen führten ihn nach Böhmen, Österreich und an die Nord- und Ostsee, Teilnahme an den Akademieausstellungen in Dresden und Berlin, er verkaufte Zeit seines Lebens keine Arbeiten, so dass heute in verschiedenen Museen größere Konvolute lagern, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, AKL und Wikipedia. Oscar v. Alvensleben, attr, Landscape near Pilsen View of a river flowing past a small town with a railway bridge, graphite and some watercolour in brown on coarse wove paper, inscribed and dated lower left "Die Eisenbahnbrücke über der Radbuza bei Pilsen, d. 23/10 (18)79", on the reverse inscribed in lead "Alvensleben, Oscar von 1840-1903" and "Die Eisenbahnbrücke über die Radbuza (Nebenfluss der Beraun) bei Pilsen. 1879", somewhat brownstained. Sheet dimensions approx. 21.5 x 33 cm. Artist information: actually Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Oskar von Alvensleben, German landscape painter and draughtsman. Landscape painter and draughtsman (1831 Benkendorf to 1903 Dresden), childhood on the Gohlis estate near Leipzig, no information available on his artistic training, 1866-74 studied at the Dresden Academy under Carl Gottlieb Peschel and Julius Hübner, from 1871 member of the Dresden artists' cooperative, extensive study trips took him to Bohemia, Austria and the North and Baltic Seas, participated in the Academy exhibitions in Dresden and Berlin, he did not sell any works throughout his life, so that today larger collections are stored in various museums, source: Thieme-Becker, AKL and Wikipedia.

      Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    • Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben
      Jun. 27, 2024

      Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben

      Est: €160 - €192

      Ruine der Burg Calbe/Milde, um 1886 Bleistift, weiß gehöht und laviert auf braunem Papier. Bez. u. dat. "Ruine der v. Alvenslebenscher Burg zu Calbe/Milde. d. 1/9. (18)86". 22,2×37 cm. (Papier am rechten Blattrand vertikal angesetzt. Leicht knittrig, minimal fleckig. Rücks. umlaufend mit Passepartout verklebt). R. (59022)

      Leo Spik
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree in Göllheim, 1875, Pencil
      May. 25, 2024

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree in Göllheim, 1875, Pencil

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): The old elm tree in Göllheim at the monument to Adolf von Nassau, 1875, Pencil Technique: Washed Pencil on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed by the artist's hand: "Alte Ulme zu Göllheim am Denkmal Ad. von Nassau's. 28.7.75. eine kl. engl. Anlage umgiebt das Denkmal in O.". Verso further inscription: "Oskar von Alvensleben". Date: 1875 Description: On 2 July 1298, a battle took place near Göllheim between the troops of the Habsburg Duke Albrecht of Austria and the Roman-German King Adolf of Nassau, in which the latter was killed. His widow later had a stone cross erected on this spot, around which a neo-Gothic chapel was built in the middle of the 19th century. Part of the chapel can be seen behind the mighty trunk of an elm tree on the left-hand side of the composition in our watercolour. Otherwise, the artist devotes his full attention to the imposing tree, which is perhaps even older than the cross itself: "The tree seems to have been planted at the same time as the monument, and an unattested legend wants to give it an even greater age." The mighty trunk almost completely fills the picture space. It is surrounded by a low parapet, which is intended to protect it from intrusive visitors. The open composition allows the crown to extend beyond the edge of the picture out of the viewer's view. On the left, a male figure is depicted at a table, which could be a self-portrait of the artist during the production of the sketch. It is more likely, however, that the insertion of a human figure near the tree was intended to emphasise its enormous dimensions. Alvensleben's watercolour was probably created in preparation for a painting. This is supported by the comments noted on the sheet, Tree of Life Hedge and Transparent Leaves. They also provide an interesting insight into the artistic creation process. It is not known whether the painting was ever completed. The drawing thus gains significance as a record of a historical site - the elm tree of Göllheim no longer exists today. Keywords: Tree, Monument, Hiker, Rhine Romanticism, Archbishop of Mainz, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Germany, Göllheim (Rhineland-Palatinate), Size: Paper: 28,2 cm x 22,5 cm (11,1 x 8,9 in)

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil
      Jan. 20, 2024

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil

      Est: €300 - €400

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, Sawmill, 1874, Pencil Technique: PencilPencil on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Am Ausgang des Sagerthals bey (unleserlich)/Camiglio - Stenico Sarcathal". Lower right dated: "d. 15/10 74.". Date: 1874 Description: View from the Sarca valley between Madonna di Campilio and Stenico in Ticino with a hut on the bank of the river between the rocks. Keywords: Mountains, Rock, Landscape, Italy, Ticino, Dolomites, River, Valley, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Italy,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor
      Jan. 20, 2024

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor

      Est: €450 - €600

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): Tree near Bad Bocklet (Bad Kissingen), 1879, Watercolor Technique: Watercolor over Pencil on Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "bei Bocklet./b. Kissingen". Lower right dated: "d. 4/9 79.". Date: 1879 Description: Impressive portrait of a tree with a person resting at a bench below in a mountainous landscape. The artist's estate stamp on the backing. Keywords: Bavaria, Mountains, Tree, Landscape, Germany, Watercolour, Hiker, Rest, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Germany,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree in Göllheim, 1875, Pencil
      Dec. 30, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree in Göllheim, 1875, Pencil

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): The old elm tree in Göllheim at the monument to Adolf von Nassau, 1875, Pencil Technique: Washed Pencil on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed by the artist's hand: "Alte Ulme zu Göllheim am Denkmal Ad. von Nassau's. 28.7.75. eine kl. engl. Anlage umgiebt das Denkmal in O.". Verso further inscription: "Oskar von Alvensleben". Date: 1875 Description: On 2 July 1298, a battle took place near Göllheim between the troops of the Habsburg Duke Albrecht of Austria and the Roman-German King Adolf of Nassau, in which the latter was killed. His widow later had a stone cross erected on this spot, around which a neo-Gothic chapel was built in the middle of the 19th century. Part of the chapel can be seen behind the mighty trunk of an elm tree on the left-hand side of the composition in our watercolour. Otherwise, the artist devotes his full attention to the imposing tree, which is perhaps even older than the cross itself: "The tree seems to have been planted at the same time as the monument, and an unattested legend wants to give it an even greater age." The mighty trunk almost completely fills the picture space. It is surrounded by a low parapet, which is intended to protect it from intrusive visitors. The open composition allows the crown to extend beyond the edge of the picture out of the viewer's view. On the left, a male figure is depicted at a table, which could be a self-portrait of the artist during the production of the sketch. It is more likely, however, that the insertion of a human figure near the tree was intended to emphasise its enormous dimensions. Alvensleben's watercolour was probably created in preparation for a painting. This is supported by the comments noted on the sheet, Tree of Life Hedge and Transparent Leaves. They also provide an interesting insight into the artistic creation process. It is not known whether the painting was ever completed. The drawing thus gains significance as a record of a historical site - the elm tree of Göllheim no longer exists today. Keywords: Tree, Monument, Hiker, Rhine Romanticism, Archbishop of Mainz, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Germany, Göllheim (Rhineland-Palatinate),

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Alvensleben, (Karl Wilhelm Ludwig) Oskar von: Wegkreuz bei Bad Tölz
      Dec. 01, 2023

      Alvensleben, (Karl Wilhelm Ludwig) Oskar von: Wegkreuz bei Bad Tölz

      Est: €300 - €400

      Wegkreuz bei Bad Tölz. -- Aquarell. 40,5 x 30,1 cm. Unten in den Ecken bez., datiert und signiert "Tölz, Sept. (18)75 / v. Alvensleben". -- -- -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • OSCAR VON ALVENSLEBEN (1831-1903) (A
      Aug. 29, 2023

      OSCAR VON ALVENSLEBEN (1831-1903) (A

      Est: -

      Oscar von Alvensleben (1831-1903) (attrib.), Gothic church ruin, ink on paper, unsigned, on verso attribution and collector's stamp of Erhard Kaps (1915-2007) Lugt 3549 and another stamp, 13,7 x 10 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 31 x 23 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Sketch of a drawer, 1868, Pencil
      Aug. 19, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Sketch of a drawer, 1868, Pencil

      Est: €300 - €400

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): "Large Garden in Dresden" Sketch of a draughtsman on the meadow, possibly a self-portrait, next to it a head study of a peasant-looking girl in profile, 1868, Pencil Technique: Pencil on Paper, mounted on Paper Inscription: Inscribed and dated on the left under the sketch. Collector's stamp on the reverse: "St. K" (Stefan Kaps, grandson and heir of Erhard Kaps, Leipzig, L.4642). The artist's name is written on the reverse and on the backing in someone else's hand. Date: 1868 Description: Oskar von Alvensleben was a German landscape painter. He never sold any of his numerous paintings, but left entire portfolios of them. Today they can be found in the Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg and Stralsund, the Stadtmuseum Dresden and the Vogtlandmuseum Plauen, among others. Keywords: Head Study, Peasant Girl, Profile Portrait, Draughtsman, Artist Portrait, Self Portrait, Noble Family Alvensleben, 19th century, Realism, Portraits, Germany,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Alvensleben, Oscar von
      Jun. 16, 2023

      Alvensleben, Oscar von

      Est: €200 - €300

      Alvensleben, Oscar von (1831-1903), zugeschrieben. Ansicht einer norditalienischen Stadt. Graphitstift auf Velin. 27:40,5 cm. Vgl. U. Gauss, Die Zeichnungen des 19.Jhs. in der Graph. Sammlung der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1976, Abb. Kat.-Nr. 7.

    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree at Göllheim, 1875, Pencil
      Mar. 11, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), The old elm tree at Göllheim, 1875, Pencil

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): The old elm tree in Göllheim at the monument to Adolf von Nassau, 1875, Pencil Technique: Washed Pencil on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed by the artist's hand: "Alte Ulme zu Göllheim am Denkmal Ad. von Nassau's. 28.7.75. eine kl. engl. Anlage umgiebt das Denkmal in O.". Verso further inscription: "Oskar von Alvensleben". Date: 1875 Description: On 2 July 1298, a battle took place near Göllheim between the troops of the Habsburg Duke Albrecht of Austria and the Roman-German King Adolf of Nassau, in which the latter fell. His widow later had a stone cross erected on this site, around which a neo-Gothic chapel was built in the middle of the 19th century. Behind the mighty trunk of an elm tree, a part of the chapel can be seen on the left side of the composition of our watercolour. Otherwise, the artist gives his full attention to the imposing tree, which is perhaps even older than the cross itself: "The tree seems to have been set at the same time as the monument, and an unattributed legend wants to assure it of even greater age."1 The mighty trunk almost completely fills the picture space. It is surrounded by a low parapet to protect it from intrusive visitors. The openly conceived composition allows the crown to be out of the viewer's sight beyond the edge of the picture. On the left, a male figure is depicted at a table, which could be a self-portrait of the artist making the sketch. It is more likely, however, that the insertion of a human figure near the tree was intended to illustrate its immense dimensions. Alvensleben's watercolour was probably done in preparation for a painting. This is suggested by the remarks Lebensbaumhecke and durchsichtig belaubt noted on the sheet. Moreover, they provide an interesting insight into the artistic process of creation. It is not known whether the painting was ever completed. Thus, the drawing gains importance as a tradition of a historical place - the elm tree of Göllheim no longer exists today.   1 Johann Geissel, Die Schlacht am Hasenbühl und das Königskreuz zu Göllheim. Eine historische Monographie, Speyer 1835, p. 113. Keywords: Tree, Monument, Hiker, Rhine Romanticism, Archbishop of Mainz, 19th century, Romanticism, Landscape, Germany, Göllheim (Rhineland-Palatinate),

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil
      Feb. 18, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, 1874, Pencil

      Est: €300 - €400

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): In the Sarca Valley in Ticino, Sawmill, 1874, Pencil Technique: PencilPencil on Paper Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "Am Ausgang des Sagerthals bey (unleserlich)/Camiglio - Stenico Sarcathal". Lower right dated: "d. 15/10 74.". Date: 1874 Description: View from the Sarca valley between Madonna di Campilio and Stenico in Ticino with a hut on the bank of the river between the rocks. Keywords: Mountains, Rock, Landscape, Italy, Ticino, Dolomites, River, Valley, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Italy,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor
      Feb. 18, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Tree near Bad Bocklet, 1879, Watercolor

      Est: €450 - €600

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): Tree near Bad Bocklet (Bad Kissingen), 1879, Watercolor Technique: Watercolor over Pencil on Paper (blue) Inscription: Lower right inscribed by the artist's hand: "bei Bocklet./b. Kissingen". Lower right dated: "d. 4/9 79.". Date: 1879 Description: Impressive portrait of a tree with a person resting at a bench below in a mountainous landscape. The artist's estate stamp on the backing. Keywords: Bavaria, Mountains, Tree, Landscape, Germany, Watercolour, Hiker, Rest, 19th century, Realism, Landscape, Germany,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Oscar von Alvensleben (1831-1903)
      Jan. 23, 2023

      Oscar von Alvensleben (1831-1903)

      Est: -

      Oscar von Alvensleben (1831-1903) (attrib.), Gothic church ruin, ink on paper, unsigned, on verso attribution and collector's stamp of Erhard Kaps (1915-2007) Lugt 3549 and another stamp, 13,7 x 10 cm, framed behind glass and passepartout 31 x 23 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Sketch Drawer, Head Study Peasant Girl, 1868, Pencil
      Jan. 06, 2023

      O. ALVENSLEBEN (*1831), Sketch Drawer, Head Study Peasant Girl, 1868, Pencil

      Est: €300 - €400

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Hall) - 1903 Dresden): "Large Garden in Dresden" Sketch of a draughtsman on the meadow, possibly a self-portrait, next to it a head study of a peasant-looking girl in profile, 1868, Pencil Technique: Pencil on Paper, mounted on Paper Inscription: Inscribed and dated on the left under the sketch. Collector's stamp on the reverse: "St. K" (Stefan Kaps, grandson and heir of Erhard Kaps, Leipzig, L.4642). The artist's name is written on the reverse and on the backing in someone else's hand. Date: 1868 Description: Oskar von Alvensleben was a German landscape painter. He never sold any of his numerous paintings, but left entire portfolios of them. Today they can be found in the Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg and Stralsund, the Stadtmuseum Dresden and the Vogtlandmuseum Plauen, among others. Keywords: Head study, Peasant girl, Profile portrait, Draughtsman, Artist portrait, Self-portrait, Noble family Alvensleben, 19th century, Realism, Portraits, Germany,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben
      Dec. 08, 2022

      Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben

      Est: €160 - €192

      Ruine der Burg Calbe/Milde, um 1886 Bleistift, weiß gehöht und laviert auf braunem Papier. Bez. u. dat. "Ruine der v. Alvenslebenscher Burg zu Calbe/Milde. d. 1/9. (18)86". 22,2×37 cm. (Papier am rechten Blattrand vertikal angesetzt. Leicht knittrig, minimal fleckig. Rücks. umlaufend mit Passepartout verklebt). R. (59022)

      Leo Spik
    • Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben
      Dec. 09, 2021

      Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben

      Est: €160 - €192

      Ruine der Burg Calbe/Milde, um 1886 Bleistift, weiß gehöht und laviert auf braunem Papier. Bez. u. dat. "Ruine der v. Alvenslebenscher Burg zu Calbe/Milde. d. 1/9. (18)86". 22,2×37 cm. (Papier am rechten Blattrand vertikal angesetzt. Leicht knittrig, minimal fleckig. Rücks. umlaufend mit Passepartout verklebt). R. (59022)

      Leo Spik
    • Oskar von Alvensleben (1831-1903), Rock castle Sloup in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic), 1867, Watercolor
      Sep. 26, 2020

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831-1903), Rock castle Sloup in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic), 1867, Watercolor

      Est: €360 - €540

      Oskar von Alvensleben (1831 Benkendorf (Halle) - 1903 Dresden), Rock castle Sloup in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic), 1867, Watercolor Technique: Watercolor over Pencil drawing on paper Size: 15,3 x 23,4 cm | 6 x 9 1/4 in Inscription: lower left inscribed and dated: "Einsiedlerstein/Bürgstein/Böhmen s. 10/6 67", verso by an unknown hand inscribed: "Oskar von Alversleben Bürgstein" Condition: Small tear at lower left margin, small crease in the lower left corner, overall somewhat stained and slightly browned. Description: The depiction shows the Felsenburg, famous for its architectural peculiarities, which was home to an ensemble since the 17th century. The castle, which is enthroned on a rocky plateau, inspired many artists to work there, including the Dresden landscape painter von Alversleben. Keywords: Romanticism, Landscape, Bohemia, Czech Republic, Dresden, Landscape, Artist, Drawing, Watercolor, Rock, Hermit, Castle, Mountain

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben
      Sep. 24, 2020

      Alvensleben, Oskar von (Benkendorf b. Halle, Dresden 1831-1903) , zugeschrieben

      Est: €160 - €192

      Ruine der Burg Calbe/Milde um 1886 Bleistift, weiß gehöht und laviert auf braunem Papier. Bez. u. dat. "Ruine der v. Alvenslebenscher Burg zu Calbe/Milde. d. 1/9. (18)86". 22,2×37 cm. (Papier am rechten Blattrand vertikal angesetzt. Leicht knittrig, minimal fleckig. Rücks. umlaufend mit Passepartout verklebt). R. (59022)

      Leo Spik
    • ALVENSLEBEN, OSKAR VON 1831 Benkendorf - 1903 Dresden Im Gerstrubental bei Oberstdorf. Aquarellierte Bleistiftzeichnung auf Papier. 35 x 46cm. Signiert und datiert unten rechts: Gerstrubenthal / Oberstdorf Oct. 72 / v. Alvensleben. Beiliegend: Zwei
      Nov. 15, 2013

      ALVENSLEBEN, OSKAR VON 1831 Benkendorf - 1903 Dresden Im Gerstrubental bei Oberstdorf. Aquarellierte Bleistiftzeichnung auf Papier. 35 x 46cm. Signiert und datiert unten rechts: Gerstrubenthal / Oberstdorf Oct. 72 / v. Alvensleben. Beiliegend: Zwei

      Est: €1,200 - €1,500

      ALVENSLEBEN, OSKAR VON 1831 Benkendorf - 1903 Dresden In Gerstrubental near Oberstdorf. Pencil drawing, coloured in watercolour on paper. 35 x 46cm. Signed, and dated lower right: Gerstrubenthal / Oberstdorf Oct. 72 / v. Alvensleben. Enclosed: Two framed watercolours by Oscar von Alvensleben: Mountains Farmhouse, signed and dated with "a.d. Almbach Aug. 68", 24 x 37cm; Windmill on the Bärenbach near Stubay, signed and dated with "Sept. 69", 37,5 x 38,5cm

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Oskar v.Alvensleben 1831-1903, Die Havel bei
      Nov. 17, 2008

      Oskar v.Alvensleben 1831-1903, Die Havel bei

      Est: - €400

      Oskar v.Alvensleben 1831-1903, Die Havel bei Templin, figural staffiert, am Passep. bezeichnet Oskar v. Alvensleben, 26 x 42 cm, Rahmen beschädigt

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