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Juan de (1911) Avalos Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1911 - d. 2006

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        • Juan de Ávalos y Taborda (1911-2006) "Descanso"
          Dec. 28, 2024

          Juan de Ávalos y Taborda (1911-2006) "Descanso"

          Est: €300 - €450

          Patinated bronze sculpture on marble base. Signed and numbered ‘Ávalos - 55/100’ on the base. Size: 42 x 21.8 x 45 cm (approx.) 

          Subastas Darley
        • Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady". A white marble sculpture
          Dec. 19, 2024

          Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady". A white marble sculpture

          Est: €2,000 - €2,500

          Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady". A white marble sculpture 98 x 47 cm 2.000 - 2.500 €

          Greco Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos. La Paz 1990
          Dec. 13, 2024

          Juan de Avalos. La Paz 1990

          Est: -

          Sculpture made of bronze. Signed at the bottom. On a black marble base.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos Female nude with dolphins
          Dec. 13, 2024

          Juan de Avalos Female nude with dolphins

          Est: -

          Sculpture made of bronze. Signed and with foundry seal on the back. On a black marble base.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos. Seated nude
          Dec. 13, 2024

          Juan de Avalos. Seated nude

          Est: -

          Sculpture made of bronze. Signed at the bottom. On a black marble base.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos The Night 1969
          Dec. 13, 2024

          Juan de Avalos The Night 1969

          Est: -

          Sculpture made of bronze. Signed and with foundry seal at the bottom. On a black marble base.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS y TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Sevilla, 2006), Relieve con dos desnudos masculinos
          Nov. 27, 2024

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS y TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Sevilla, 2006), Relieve con dos desnudos masculinos

          Est: €1,000 - €1,400


          Isbilya Subastas
        • Golfista
          Jun. 19, 2024


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Female nude". Carved marble. Signed.
          Mar. 19, 2024

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Female nude". Carved marble. Signed.

          Est: €1,500 - €2,000

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Female nude". Carved marble. Signed. Measurements: 53 x 15 x 20 cm. Juan de Ávalos was formed in the School of Fine Arts of Badajoz, and in 1931 he obtained the prize Aníbal Álvarez. In Mérida he began as a teacher at the Municipal School of Arts and Crafts, being appointed in 1936 deputy director of the Archaeological Museum of Mérida. Academic of number of San Fernando from 1974, he was also honorary member of the Royal Academy of Moscow and, in 1980, academic in the Royal Academy of Extremadura of the Letters and the Arts. He participated in the National Exhibitions of Fine Arts in Madrid, being awarded the third medal in 1941, second in 1950 and first in 1957. He was decorated with the Legion of Honor, as well as the highest artistic-academic distinction of the former USSR. He is also the author of avant-garde sculptures under the pseudonym of Arturo Sanchez. He also worked as a portraitist for prominent figures such as Manolete and Rocío Jurado. He is currently represented in the Foundation that bears his name in Mérida.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady"
          Dec. 14, 2023

          Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady"

          Est: €2,250 - €2,500

          Attributed to Juan de Avalos (Merida, Spain, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) "Lady". A white marble sculpture 98 x 47 cm 2.250 - 2.500 €

          Greco Subastas
        • Vendimiadora
          Nov. 30, 2023


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS Mérida, Badajoz (1911) / (2006) "Female Nude"
          Oct. 04, 2023

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS Mérida, Badajoz (1911) / (2006) "Female Nude"

          Est: €600 - €800

          Bronze sculpture On a white veined marble base. Signed on the base. Measurements: 30cm

        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS Mérida, Badajoz (1911) / (2006) "Female bust"
          Oct. 04, 2023

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS Mérida, Badajoz (1911) / (2006) "Female bust"

          Est: €1,350 - €1,800

          White marble sculpture Signed on the back. On a green marble base. Measurements: 59 x 49 x 25 cm, with base

        • Dama con cántaro
          Sep. 21, 2023

          Dama con cántaro

          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • Golfista
          Sep. 21, 2023


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos. Sit woman.
          Jul. 20, 2023

          Juan de Avalos. Sit woman.

          Est: -

          Sculpture made of patinated bronze on a black marble base. Signed and numbered (29/200) on the side.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS (1911-2006). "CAMINO DE SANTIDAD".
          Jul. 19, 2023

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS (1911-2006). "CAMINO DE SANTIDAD".

          Est: €250 - €750

          Patinated bronze sculpture with marble pedestal. Titled, attributed and with serial number (B-28/100), according to a front plaque. 50 x 17 x 17 cm sculpture; 2 x 21 x 20 cm pedestal.

          Subarna Subastas
        • Piedad
          Jun. 15, 2023


          Est: -

          Firmada y numerada 17/100

          Isbilya Subastas
        • Dama con cántaro
          Jun. 13, 2023

          Dama con cántaro

          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • Golfista
          Jun. 13, 2023


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • Vendimiadora
          Jun. 13, 2023


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006)
          Mar. 15, 2023

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006)

          Est: €2,900 - €3,500

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) A bronze and glass figural centre table 28,5 x 109,5 cm 2.900 - 3.500 €

          Bayeu Subastas
        • La Fuente
          Feb. 22, 2023

          La Fuente

          Est: -

          Firmada: "Ávalos" 31/200 Sello fundición: "Arte 6"

          Isbilya Subastas
        • Piedad
          Dec. 19, 2022


          Est: -

          Firmada y numerada 17/100

          Isbilya Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos. Bronce figure
          Oct. 26, 2022

          Juan de Avalos. Bronce figure

          Est: -

          Sculpture made in bronze, deco taste. Shows a winged victory. No visible signature. On granite base.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • "Mujer desnuda reclinada"
          Mar. 31, 2022

          "Mujer desnuda reclinada"

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce Escultura: 16 x 4,5 x 24,5 cms. Con Base: 19 x 8 x 25 cms.

          Anteo Subastas
        • "Mujer portando cántaro de agua"
          Mar. 31, 2022

          "Mujer portando cántaro de agua"

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce Escultura: 26,5 x 5,5 x 9 cms. Con Base: 29,5 x 6 x 10 cms.

          Anteo Subastas
        • "Mujer sentada"
          Mar. 31, 2022

          "Mujer sentada"

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce. Escultura: 27 x 8 x 12 cms. Con Base: 30 x 10 x 14 cms.

          Anteo Subastas
        • "Mujer saliendo del baño"
          Mar. 31, 2022

          "Mujer saliendo del baño"

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce. Escultura: 66,5 x 17 x 17,5 cms. Con Base: 69,5 x 20 x 23 cms.

          Anteo Subastas
        • "Mujer sentada"
          Mar. 31, 2022

          "Mujer sentada"

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce. Escultura: 46,5 x 15 x 20 cms. Con Base: 49 x 26 x 19 cms.

          Anteo Subastas
        • GOLFISTA
          Mar. 10, 2022


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
          Mar. 09, 2022


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • LA FUENTE
          Mar. 09, 2022

          LA FUENTE

          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
          Mar. 09, 2022


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
          Mar. 09, 2022


          Est: -


          Isbilya Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS (1911-2006). "CAMINO DE SANTIDAD".
          Mar. 03, 2022

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS (1911-2006). "CAMINO DE SANTIDAD".

          Est: €300 - €750

          Patinated bronze sculpture with marble pedestal. Titled, attributed and with serial number (B-28/100), according to a front plaque. 50 x 17 x 17 cm sculpture; 2 x 21 x 20 cm pedestal.

          Subarna Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA-TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Woman's torso". Bronze and marble base, Signed on the left side.
          Jan. 11, 2022

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA-TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Woman's torso". Bronze and marble base, Signed on the left side.

          Est: €700 - €800

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS GARCÍA-TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006). "Torso of a woman". Bronze and marble base, Signed on the left side. Measurements: 57 x 25 x 25 cm. Round sculpture made in bronze representing the torso of a woman, the fine and rounded forms capture the sensuality of the female body, conceived from a classical perspective; both in the workmanship of the work, which presents a realistic language with a classical canon, and in the subject matter which is inspired by the representations of Venus. Juan de Ávalos began his training at a very early age. At the age of six he was a pupil of Don Juan Carmona, parish priest of the church of Santa Eulalia, who taught him and three other children to draw. Ávalos's family moved to Madrid shortly after that, as his father's eyesight deteriorated. In Madrid, Ávalos's father showed his son's drawings to the painter Manuel Benedito. The famous artist was surprised to see the quality of a child's work. He did not believe that a child could draw so well. Convinced of the child's talent, he advised Ávalos' father to take his son to the Casón del Buen Retiro. He is known for being the author of Los amantes de Teruel in Teruel, Monumento a Luis Carrero Blanco in Santoña, Cantabria, his most important works are those of the Valle de los Caídos. Caído"), a majestic monument in Madrid where the body of Francisco Franco lay.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Juan de Ávalos. Escultura de mármol
          Nov. 25, 2021

          Juan de Ávalos. Escultura de mármol

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en mármol tallado y pulido. Sobre peana de mármol de color negro. Firmada en el lateral derecho.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos. Bronze lady figure
          Nov. 25, 2021

          Juan de Avalos. Bronze lady figure

          Est: -

          Escultura realizada en bronce. Sobre peana de mármol de color negro. Firmada en el lateral derecho.

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • JUAN DE AVALOS (1911 / 2006) "Sitting woman".
          May. 11, 2021

          JUAN DE AVALOS (1911 / 2006) "Sitting woman".

          Est: €360 - €480

          Signed on the reverse.. Porcelain sculpture

        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS 1911 / 2006 "Seated woman"
          Jan. 26, 2021

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS 1911 / 2006 "Seated woman"

          Est: €600 - €800

          Signed on the back.. CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE

        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS 1911 / 2006 "Seated woman"
          Jan. 26, 2021

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS 1911 / 2006 "Seated woman"

          Est: €600 - €800

          Signed Avalos and numbered 28/200 on one side. Black marble base. CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE

        • Juan de Ávalos y Taborda (Madrid 1911 - 2006) "The repose"
          Dec. 15, 2020

          Juan de Ávalos y Taborda (Madrid 1911 - 2006) "The repose"

          Est: €200 - €300

          Juan de Ávalos y Taborda (Madrid 1911 - 2006) "The repose" A porcelain figure, signed 33 x 35 cm 200 - 300 €

          Goya Subastas
        • Juan de Avalos (1911-2006) Vendimiadora, bronze à patine brune, H
          Dec. 10, 2020

          Juan de Avalos (1911-2006) Vendimiadora, bronze à patine brune, H

          Est: CHF200 - CHF300

          Juan de Avalos (1911-2006) Vendimiadora, bronze à patine brune, H 28 cm

          Geneve Encheres
        • Juan de Ávalos (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) “Allegory of the harvest”
          Jun. 02, 2020

          Juan de Ávalos (Mérida, 1911 - Madrid, 2006) “Allegory of the harvest”

          Est: €300 - €400

          “Allegory of the harvest” Patinated bronze sculpture on top of a marble base 32 cm

          Goya Subastas
        • ÁVALOS, JUAN DE (1911 - 2006). Escultura en bronce. Firmada en la base. Numerada: 50/100. Peana de m
          Sep. 26, 2019

          ÁVALOS, JUAN DE (1911 - 2006). Escultura en bronce. Firmada en la base. Numerada: 50/100. Peana de m

          Est: -

          ÁVALOS, JUAN DE (1911 - 2006). Escultura en bronce. Firmada en la base. Numerada: 50/100. Peana de mármol verde jaspeada. Sello de fundición. 59 x 55 x 27 cm

          Duran Arte y Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS Y TABORDA Mérida 1911 Dama con pañuelo
          Jun. 04, 2019

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS Y TABORDA Mérida 1911 Dama con pañuelo

          Est: -

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS Y TABORDA Mérida 1911 Dama con pañuelo 42 x 42 x 26 cm.

          Isbilya Subastas
        • JUAN DE ÁVALOS Y TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 – Madrid, 2006) "Dama con cántaro". A bronze figure
          Mar. 21, 2019

          JUAN DE ÁVALOS Y TABORDA (Mérida, 1911 – Madrid, 2006) "Dama con cántaro". A bronze figure

          Est: -

          Dama con cántaro

          Isbilya Subastas
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