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Adrien Barrère Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Lithographer, Caricaturist

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        • A. Barrere, Les professeurs de medicine
          Apr. 18, 2024

          A. Barrere, Les professeurs de medicine

          Est: €60 - €180

          Large lithograph by A. Barrere with caricatures. 1877 - 1931. Les professeurs de medicine. Lithograph on paper. Dimensions: H 46 x W 88 cm. In good condition.

          Twents Veilinghuis
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'Auguste Piccard (1884-1962), physicien, aéronaute et océanaute suisse. Encre sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'Auguste Piccard (1884-1962), physicien, aéronaute et océanaute suisse. Encre sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Est: €150 - €200

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'Auguste Piccard (1884-1962), physicien, aéronaute et océanaute suisse. Encre sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature d'homme politique portant le bonnet phrygien (Léon Blum?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 13,5 x 15,5 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature d'homme politique portant le bonnet phrygien (Léon Blum?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 13,5 x 15,5 cm

          Est: €100 - €150

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature d'homme politique portant le bonnet phrygien (Léon Blum?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 13,5 x 15,5 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature du général Joseph Gallieni, (1849-1916) figuré en bougie veillant sur Paris lors des bombardements de la nuit du 11 au 12 Mars 1918, alors qu'il était commandant en charge de la défense de la ville. Fusain sur
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature du général Joseph Gallieni, (1849-1916) figuré en bougie veillant sur Paris lors des bombardements de la nuit du 11 au 12 Mars 1918, alors qu'il était commandant en charge de la défense de la ville. Fusain sur

          Est: €120 - €150

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature du général Joseph Gallieni, (1849-1916) figuré en bougie veillant sur Paris lors des bombardements de la nuit du 11 au 12 Mars 1918, alors qu'il était commandant en charge de la défense de la ville. Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 15,5 x 11 cm4

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Maître Maurice Garçon (1889-1967), avocat. Encre de Chine et mine de plomb , la tête sur une feuille de papier rapportée. Signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 38 x 25,5 cm. Avocat talentueux, M
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Maître Maurice Garçon (1889-1967), avocat. Encre de Chine et mine de plomb , la tête sur une feuille de papier rapportée. Signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 38 x 25,5 cm. Avocat talentueux, M

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Maître Maurice Garçon (1889-1967), avocat. Encre de Chine et mine de plomb , la tête sur une feuille de papier rapportée. Signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 38 x 25,5 cm. Avocat talentueux, Maurice Garçon a également été essayiste, parolier, romancier, polygraphe et historien français Il est surtout connu pour avoir défendu un grand nombre de causes, tant littéraires que criminelles, notamment celles de René Hardy, Georges Arnaud, Jean Genet et de Jean-Jacques Pauvert.

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'architecte devant ses œuvres (Le Corbusier?). Fusain et encre de Chine signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 41 x 28 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'architecte devant ses œuvres (Le Corbusier?). Fusain et encre de Chine signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 41 x 28 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'architecte devant ses œuvres (Le Corbusier?). Fusain et encre de Chine signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 41 x 28 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait de Claude Autant -Lara (1901-2000), cinéaste. Fusain et encre de Chine sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26,5 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait de Claude Autant -Lara (1901-2000), cinéaste. Fusain et encre de Chine sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26,5 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait de Claude Autant -Lara (1901-2000), cinéaste. Fusain et encre de Chine sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26,5 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge du compositeur Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894). Fusain sur papier calque. 39 x 26 cm .
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge du compositeur Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894). Fusain sur papier calque. 39 x 26 cm .

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge du compositeur Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894). Fusain sur papier calque. 39 x 26 cm .

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Laurent Eynac (1886-1970), qui fut le premier titulaire du Ministère de l'Air nouvellement créé, représenté en visite lors d'un salon aéronautique (le Bourget ?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Laurent Eynac (1886-1970), qui fut le premier titulaire du Ministère de l'Air nouvellement créé, représenté en visite lors d'un salon aéronautique (le Bourget ?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de

          Est: €200 - €300

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Laurent Eynac (1886-1970), qui fut le premier titulaire du Ministère de l'Air nouvellement créé, représenté en visite lors d'un salon aéronautique (le Bourget ?). Fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à gauche. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Portrait-charge de Paul Painlevé (1863-1933) portant pour titre: "de la science à la politique par A Barrère - M. Painlevé, pierre duBloc, brave les lois de l'équilibre". Pastel gras et gouache blanche signés en bas à dro
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Portrait-charge de Paul Painlevé (1863-1933) portant pour titre: "de la science à la politique par A Barrère - M. Painlevé, pierre duBloc, brave les lois de l'équilibre". Pastel gras et gouache blanche signés en bas à dro

          Est: €200 - €300

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Portrait-charge de Paul Painlevé (1863-1933) portant pour titre: "de la science à la politique par A Barrère - M. Painlevé, pierre duBloc, brave les lois de l'équilibre". Pastel gras et gouache blanche signés en bas à droite et titrés. 34 x 29 cm. Paul Painlevé, diplômé de l'Ecole nationale supérieure, enseignant et chercheur en mathématiques et en physiques, a également mené une carrière politique nationale, en occupant de nombreux postes de ministre et de Président du Conseil de 1916 à sa mort en 1933. La légende de l'image fait allusion à son positionnement centriste recherchant un compromis permanent entre la droite et la gauche, la première étant fédérée sous la bannière du Bloc national. Paul Painlevé était un membre du Cartel des Gauches mais il occupa des postes de ministre sous Raymond Poincaré, chef de file du Bloc national

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge de l'amiral François Darlan (1881-1942), chef d'Etat-major de la marine dans les années 1930, puis ministre de la Marine et chef du gouvernement sous le régime de Vichy. Il est représenté en tenant sa long
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge de l'amiral François Darlan (1881-1942), chef d'Etat-major de la marine dans les années 1930, puis ministre de la Marine et chef du gouvernement sous le régime de Vichy. Il est représenté en tenant sa long

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait-charge de l'amiral François Darlan (1881-1942), chef d'Etat-major de la marine dans les années 1930, puis ministre de la Marine et chef du gouvernement sous le régime de Vichy. Il est représenté en tenant sa longue-vue à la manière d'un bâton de commandement. Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à gauche. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'André Lefèvre (1869-1929), Ministre de la Guerre du 20 janvier au 16 décembre 1920. Encre de Chine et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 37 x 31,5 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'André Lefèvre (1869-1929), Ministre de la Guerre du 20 janvier au 16 décembre 1920. Encre de Chine et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 37 x 31,5 cm

          Est: €150 - €200

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Portrait d'André Lefèvre (1869-1929), Ministre de la Guerre du 20 janvier au 16 décembre 1920. Encre de Chine et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 37 x 31,5 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Adolphe Hitler. Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Adolphe Hitler. Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931) . Caricature de Adolphe Hitler. Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signée du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). La révolution bolchévique: "au nouveau Cabinet - Attention, citoyens ministres! Les billets bleus ont peur du rouge…" . Encre de Chine, fusain et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 36 x 31 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). La révolution bolchévique: "au nouveau Cabinet - Attention, citoyens ministres! Les billets bleus ont peur du rouge…" . Encre de Chine, fusain et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 36 x 31 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). La révolution bolchévique: "au nouveau Cabinet - Attention, citoyens ministres! Les billets bleus ont peur du rouge…" . Encre de Chine, fusain et gouache blanche signée en bas à droite. 36 x 31 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
        • Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Lénine . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm
          May. 13, 2023

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Lénine . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Est: €300 - €500

          Adrien BARRERE (1874-1931). Caricature de Lénine . Encre de Chine et fusain sur papier calque signé du cachet de la signature en bas à droite. 39 x 26 cm

          Les Andelys Enchères
          Apr. 08, 2023


          Est: $100 - $150

          A color lithograph print by Adrien Barrere, French, 1877 to 1931, Passing the bar. The artwork depicts a man in a black robe being questioned by a group of Judges and Lawyers. With four Honore Daumier reprints in the bottom margin: A Dispute Outside the Courtroom from the series Les Gens de Justice; Let them speak a little ill of you; Divorce: I am so convincingly portrayed the guilt of the opposing party, that we are now lacking only evidence; A Petition for Separation. Note: Adrien Barrere, was a French poster artist and painter, active in Paris during the Belle Epoque. After studying the law and medicine, Barrere turned to illustrating and particularly to the art of caricature, also designing a large number of posters for Parisian cinemas and Grand Guignol. Honore-Victorin Daumier was a French painter, sculptor, and printmaker, whose many works offer commentary on the social and political life in France, from the Revolution of 1830 to the fall of the second Napoleonic Empire in 1870. Vintage And Antique European Prints And Multiples, Cartoons And Illustrations For Collectors.

          Antique Arena Inc
        • Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Lithograph, Medical
          Mar. 19, 2023

          Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Lithograph, Medical

          Est: $100 - $500

          A caricature of sixteen French doctors with attributes of their specialties, circa 1906

          Locati LLC
        • ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). SCALA / MARGUERITE DEVAL. Circa 1905. 31½x23½ inches, 80x59¾ cm. Ch. Wall, Paris.
          Mar. 09, 2023

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). SCALA / MARGUERITE DEVAL. Circa 1905. 31½x23½ inches, 80x59¾ cm. Ch. Wall, Paris.

          Est: $800 - $1,200

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SCALA / MARGUERITE DEVAL. Circa 1905. 31 1/2x23 1/2 inches, 80x59 3/4 cm. Ch. Wall, Paris. Condition B+: right margin slightly trimmed; replaced losses and repaired tears at edges, some into image; unobtrusive vertical and horizontal folds; repaired pin holes at upper edge; tax stamp in upper right image. Marguerite Deval was an extremely popular comic character and a tireless actress who performed at venues all over Paris. Here she stars in a sexy vaudeville show as a servant who becomes embroiled in a husband-wife-lover trio. If the image of the engaged couple in the background doesn't give this away, the title of the play does: "Quand il y en a pour deux" is the beginning of a French expression, "when there's enough for two . . ." the end of which is "il y en a pour trois," ". . . there's enough for three." The message is clear. Wine Spectator, pl. 116.

          Swann Auction Galleries
        • Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster
          Sep. 18, 2022

          Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster

          Est: $500 - $1,000

          "Germaine KYM" circa 1900, original poster. Printed by Robert and Cie.

          Locati LLC
        • Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster
          Sep. 18, 2022

          Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster

          Est: $500 - $1,000

          "Maud Loty" circa 1900, original poster. Printed by Robert and Cie.

          Locati LLC
        • Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster
          Sep. 18, 2022

          Adrien Barrere (1877 - 1931) Poster

          Est: $500 - $1,000

          "Angele Gril" circa 1900, original poster. Printed by Robert and Cie.

          Locati LLC
        • Cinéma Pathé. 1909.
          Jul. 12, 2022

          Cinéma Pathé. 1909.

          Est: $7,000 - $9,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 59 3/4 x 45 1/2 in./151.6 x 115.5 cm PRINTER: Affiches Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère, with his jaundiced eye and deft hand, seldom seemed to illustrate anything without an ironic edge to it, and this poster for Cinéma Pathé does not appear to be an exception. "Everyone brings their children there!" says the legend above, as wealthy industrialists and military officers and their children (all in exceptionally vibrant colors) watch a parade of wealthy industrialists and military officers on the silver screen, in what might be a promotion for Cinéma Pathé's new home motion-picture-camera technology. Founder Charles Pathé was the first international cinema mogul, and from the company's inception through World War I, he helped produce more film footage than all other European and American producers combined. (Art Nouveau; Film)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Adrien Barrere Fr. (1877-1931) Lithograph
          Jun. 02, 2022

          Adrien Barrere Fr. (1877-1931) Lithograph

          Est: $300 - $500

          Adrien Barrere, French (1877-1931) Color Lithograph Poster Laid on Canvas "Professors of the Faculty of Medicine" 1905 Signed in Print Lower Right A. Barrere. Minor Edge Tears an toning From Age or in Otherwise Good Condition. Unframed. Measures 17-3/8 Inches by 35 Inches. Condition: Needs a cleaning. Minor Edge Tears, creases, losses and toning From Age or in Otherwise Good Condition. Estimate: $300.00 - $500.00 Domestic Shipping: Third Party

          Kodner Galleries
        • Suzanne Delvé.
          Mar. 20, 2022

          Suzanne Delvé.

          Est: $1,400 - $1,700

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 31 3/8 x 47 1/2 in./79.7 x 120.6 cm PRINTER: Imp. R. Philippe de Girard, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère fully embraces Jazz Age glamour in this promotion for Suzanne Delvé (1892-1986), a Parisian film actress who worked largely in the silent era. (Art Deco; Film)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Clémence Isaure. 1910.
          Mar. 20, 2022

          Clémence Isaure. 1910.

          Est: $1,700 - $2,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 37 x 51 in./94 x 129.5 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: Caricaturist and chronicler of the Paris stage with a far kinder pen than Toulouse-Lautrec, Barrère gave us portraits of performers who we might never know otherwise. Isaure seems to have been something of a theatrical oddity, singing early French songs and transforming herself top to bottom for each period. Barrère captured her pursed expression wonderfully, but it’s the strong shapes and colors of her medieval dress and hat that hold our attention today. (Art Nouveau; Music)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Scala / Viens Fou-Foule.
          Mar. 20, 2022

          Scala / Viens Fou-Foule.

          Est: $1,700 - $2,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 23 7/8 x 31 3/4 in./61 x 80.8 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère is well known for his portrayal of France’s leading music hall and theatrical personalities of the first quarter of the 20th century. His caricature style, using flat colors and broad treatments, turned these images into delightful and witty designs. Here, for a revue called “Come Crazy-Crowd,” the gentleman appears to have some eyes on the young lady carrying a hat box. (Art Nouveau; Theatre)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Poster by Adrien Barrère - Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès
          Feb. 05, 2022

          Poster by Adrien Barrère - Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès

          Est: €800 - €1,500

          Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès - 158x119, ca. 1900, on linen by Adrien Barrère (1877-1931)

          Van Sabben Poster Auctions
        • Adrien Barrere 1877-1931 Figural Color Lithograph
          Jan. 12, 2022

          Adrien Barrere 1877-1931 Figural Color Lithograph

          Est: $1 - $1,000

          Adrien Barrere (French, 1877-1931). Colored lithograph titled "Passing the Bar". Depicts a man in a black robe being questioned by a group of Judges and Lawyers. Housed in wooden frame. Good condition with wear to frame. Frame measures 18 in. x 30 1/2 in x 1/2 in. Work window opening measures 11 1/4 in x 24 in. MMB Inc. in house USA continental shipping $65 plus insurance. Gallery will refer local shipper for international buyers upon request. Purchaser pick up available upon request.

        • Poster by Adrien Barrère - Flanelle Le Docteur
          Jul. 17, 2021

          Poster by Adrien Barrère - Flanelle Le Docteur

          Est: €360 - €700

          Flanelle Le Docteur - 123x196, ca. 1900, on linen by Adrien Barrère (1877-1931)

          Van Sabben Poster Auctions
        • ADRIEN BARRÈRE 1874-1931 Alcazar Polin 1894
          Mar. 18, 2021

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE 1874-1931 Alcazar Polin 1894

          Est: -

          Color lithograph,  Imp. C. Wall & Cie., Paris. Condition: C. Trimmed.  23.62 x 15.75 in. Manifesti - posters - affiche - Spettacoli - Shows

          Aste Bolaffi
        • Le Secret de Polichinelle / Théâtre du Gymnase. ca. 1905.
          Mar. 14, 2021

          Le Secret de Polichinelle / Théâtre du Gymnase. ca. 1905.

          Est: $1,200 - $1,500

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 39 x 54 3/4 in./99 x 139 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: Punchinello, the selfish, schizoid rascal of commedia dell’arte combined empty-headed folly with cruelty in order to concoct outrageous schemes to satisfy his animal-like lust and gluttony. Self-sufficient, witty, coarse, obscene, and debauched, the hunchback with the long crimson nose would eventually become the inspiration for Punch of Punch and Judy fame. Precisely what cockamamie plot he’s planting in this professorial character’s imagination isn’t made public, but with a title that translates as “Everybody’s Open Secret,” there must have been plenty of Parisians that made their way to the Théâtre du Gymnase to uncover just what this surreptitious comedy encompassed. (Art Nouveau; Theatre)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Alcazar d'Eté / Fragson. ca. 1900.
          Mar. 14, 2021

          Alcazar d'Eté / Fragson. ca. 1900.

          Est: $1,400 - $1,700

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 30 7/8 x 46 1/2 in./78.5 x 118.2 cm PRINTER: Lith. G. Bataille, Paris DESCRIPTION: Harry Fragson rose from the dismal slums of London, a childhood of grinding poverty, and a mentally disturbed father to become one of the best entertainers on the music hall circuit. His style was that of a jester with a masterly delivery of comic songs; he accompanied himself on a piano which one critic called "the most powerful disintegrating force" the stage had known up to then (that was before Jimmy Durante's time, of course). He was extremely popular in Paris and performed in a variety of theatres. In 1913, Fragson returned home from one of his trips to Paris and went to see his father. For no apparent reason, the deranged man shot him dead. This is surely one of the most expressive of all Barrère's posters—and rare! (Art Nouveau; Music)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Adrien Barrere. "Paulette del Baye," lithograph
          Dec. 19, 2020

          Adrien Barrere. "Paulette del Baye," lithograph

          Est: $500 - $700

          (French, 1877-1931). Color lithograph advertising poster, signed in stone ll, 53 x 36 1/2 in., framed.

          Alex Cooper
        • Pêcheurs Réunis. ca. 1925.
          Jul. 21, 2020

          Pêcheurs Réunis. ca. 1925.

          Est: $2,000 - $2,500

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 46 1/2 x 62 5/8 in./118 x 159 cm PRINTER: Imp. Philippe de Girard, Paris DESCRIPTION: "Mother Angot gives you word that the United Fishermen can get the catch from the port right to your table, including all fish, oysters, lobsters, scallops and the like." A savvy Frenchman would know Mother Angot is an archetype of the fishwife. Once a term of denigration, the "lewd, harsh truth" of fishwives' speech became a signifier of a democratic, revolutionary spirit: "the raw eloquence of the street," and "the real voice of the market." Mère Angot became a recurring character in Opéra Comique plays; fishwives helped bring down the Bastille. (Art Deco; Food/Drink)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Le Secret de Polichinelle / Théâtre du Gymnase.
          Jul. 21, 2020

          Le Secret de Polichinelle / Théâtre du Gymnase.

          Est: $1,400 - $1,700

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 39 x 54 3/4 in./99 x 139 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: Punchinello, the selfish, schizoid rascal of commedia dell’arte combined empty-headed folly with cruelty in order to concoct outrageous schemes to satisfy his animal-like lust and gluttony. Self-sufficient, witty, coarse, obscene, and debauched, the hunchback with the long crimson nose would eventually become the inspiration for Punch of Punch and Judy fame. Precisely what cockamamie plot he’s planting in this professorial character’s imagination isn’t made public, but with a title that translates as “Everybody’s Open Secret,” there must have been plenty of Parisians that made their way to the Théâtre du Gymnase to uncover just what this surreptitious comedy encompassed. (Art Nouveau; Theatre)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • [POSTERS ] ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1874-1931)
          Jul. 02, 2020

          [POSTERS ] ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1874-1931)

          Est: €100 - €200

          The Operation. 51 x 92 cm. A few small tears to margin, else good copy - and 2 more, both dam.: one lacking piece of lower right-hand corner, one with horizontal tear of ± 30 cm with small lacking piece of right-hand side + Fernand Desmoulin. Doyen performs a craniotomy with the aid of a doctor and nurse, while 9 doctors watch. Engraving. Porcabeuf, Paris, 1897. 48 x 60 cm. With wide margins. Added: 3 text posters (Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, The Hague, 1946): Rotkreupel. Besmet Terrein; Mond- en Klauwzeer. Besmet Terrein; Schurft. Besmet Terrein. Each 30 x 49 cm. (total 7)

          Zwiggelaar Auctions
        • Max Linder. ca. 1910.
          Feb. 23, 2020

          Max Linder. ca. 1910.

          Est: $2,500 - $3,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 47 3/4 x 62 7/8 in./121.2 x 159.6 cm PRINTER: Affiche d'Art Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Considered to be the first international movie star, Max Linder became synonymous with French comedy of the early 1900s. It's a natural match, then, for the lithographic humorist Barrère to take on the actor in this design for Cinema Pathé. Slapstick comedy is distilled in one frozen moment: shirttails akimbo, hat tilted, monocle afloat, and Linder grinning mischievously—as if Barrère caught a candid moment with his camera. (Art Nouveau; Film)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Dranem / Entrée des Artistes. 1908.
          Feb. 23, 2020

          Dranem / Entrée des Artistes. 1908.

          Est: $2,000 - $2,500

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 38 x 53 1/4 in./96.5 x 135.2 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: “Dranem, truly named Armand Ménard (1869-1935), was a unique sort of figure of the café-concert. Playing the perfect idiot, he created a liberated personality, an outlet from the repression of all that was moral and sophisticated” (Collectionneur, p. 104). Here, in stark opposition to his stage persona, the famous comedian arrives at the theatre with song sheets, gloves, coat, and umbrella in hand, attempting professionalism—but his goofiness shines through. (Art Nouveau; Theatre)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). A. BROSSARD / LE "3 VITESSES" / L'IDÉAL DU TOURISTE. 1903. 53x37 inches, 135x95 cm. Ch. Wall & Cie., Paris
          Feb. 13, 2020

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). A. BROSSARD / LE "3 VITESSES" / L'IDÉAL DU TOURISTE. 1903. 53x37 inches, 135x95 cm. Ch. Wall & Cie., Paris

          Est: $3,000 - $4,000

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) A. BROSSARD / LE "3 VITESSES" / L'IDÉAL DU TOURISTE. 1903. 53 1/4x37 1/2 inches, 135 1/4x95 1/4 cm. Ch. Wall & Cie., Paris. Condition B: replaced losses in upper left corner and along bottom margin; repaired tears, creases and overpainting in margins and image; staining in upper right corner. Framed. Barrère was first and foremost a caraicaturist, and his posters largely advertise performers and performances, with very few of his images involving actual product advertising. This is one of two posters he designed for the vibrant bicycle industry, here promoting a three-speed attachment that could be adapted to most bicycles. Rare. We could find only one other example at auction. Ailes p. 97.

          Swann Auction Galleries
        • ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). CINÉMA PATHÉ / TOUS Y MÈNENT LEURS ENFANTS! Circa 1909. 46x62 inches, 118x157 cm. Robert & Cie., Paris.
          Aug. 07, 2019

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931). CINÉMA PATHÉ / TOUS Y MÈNENT LEURS ENFANTS! Circa 1909. 46x62 inches, 118x157 cm. Robert & Cie., Paris.

          Est: $6,000 - $9,000

          ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) CINÉMA PATHÉ / TOUS Y MÈNENT LEURS ENFANTS! Circa 1909. 46 1/2x62 inches, 118x157 1/2 cm. Robert & Cie., Paris. Condition B+: repaired tears, minor creases and restoration in margins and along vertical and horizontal folds. This rare, early movie poster shows the royal families of Europe bringing their children to the cinema to enjoy watching themselves on film. This political parody / celebrity endorsement is intended to promote the movies as good family entertainment for all. Present at this screening are Alphonse XII of Spain and his son, Edward VII (the Prince of Wales) and Leopold II of Belgium, French President Fallieres, Victor Emmanuel of Italy with his son Umberto and his daughter Yolande, and Tsar Nicolas II of Russia with his wife Alexandra and their son Alexis. Affiches du Cinéma p. 20, Celebrities 151.

          Swann Auction Galleries
        • Adrien Barrère - Pêcheurs Reunis
          Jul. 30, 2019

          Adrien Barrère - Pêcheurs Reunis

          Est: $800 - $1,200

          Lot 141 Adrien Barrère French (1877-1931) Pêcheurs Reunis (ca. 1907) lithograph poster Image: 58 1/2 x 47 1/4 inches Provenance: from a Scarsdale, NY collection

          Capsule Gallery Auction
        • Pêcheurs Réunis. ca. 1925.
          Jun. 23, 2019

          Pêcheurs Réunis. ca. 1925.

          Est: $2,000 - $2,500

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 46 1/2 x 62 5/8 in./118 x 159 cm PRINTER: Imp. Philippe de Girard, Paris DESCRIPTION: "Mother Angot gives you word that the United Fishermen can get the catch from the port right to your table, including all fish, oysters, lobsters, scallops and the like." A savvy Frenchman would know Mother Angot is an archetype of the fishwife. Once a term of denigration, the "lewd, harsh truth" of fishwives' speech became a signifier of a democratic, revolutionary spirit: "the raw eloquence of the street," and "the real voice of the market." Mère Angot became a recurring character in Ópera Comique plays; fishwives helped bring down the Bastille. (Art Deco; Food/Drink)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Cinéma Pathé. 1909.
          Feb. 24, 2019

          Cinéma Pathé. 1909.

          Est: $7,000 - $9,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 59 3/4 x 45 1/2 in./151.6 x 115.5 cm PRINTER: Affiches Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrére, with his jaundiced eye and deft hand, seldom seemed to illustrate anything without an ironic edge to it, and this poster for Cinéma Pathé does not appear to be an exception. "Everyone brings their children there!" says the legend above, as wealthy industrialists and military officers and their children (all in exceptionally vibrant colors) watch a parade of wealthy industrialists and military officers on the silver screen, in what might be a promotion for Cinéma-Pathé's new home motion-picture-camera technology. Founder Charles Pathé was the first international cinema mogul, and from the company's inception through World War I, he helped produce more film footage than all other European and American producers combined. (Film; Art Nouveau)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Manège Petit. 1895.
          Feb. 24, 2019

          Manège Petit. 1895.

          Est: $3,000 - $4,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 39 1/2 x 54 3/4 in./100.3 x 139 cm PRINTER: Imp. Ch. Wall, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère went to law school and then medical school, thought both professions absurd, and then turned to caricature, thereby becoming famous. There's always something a little mischievous and cunning about his human figures, and this attitude is deployed perfectly for this bicycle dealership on the Champs-Élysées. It not only has the largest bike selection in all of Paris—it also offers a "Manège Petit," or enclosed arena, for bicycle-riding lessons. This Bicycle-Miss is ingeniously illustrated: a skirt and blouse in flat color, straight out of a Toulouse-Lautrec or Villon piece, but with a more naturalistic face and head, and an unmistakable expression: "You too can be as clever as I am—mobile, free, and balanced upon this bike," she seems to intone. One of the great seldom-seen works by Barrère. (Bicycles; Art Nouveau; By Air, Land, or Sea)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Cinema Pathé.
          Oct. 28, 2018

          Cinema Pathé.

          Est: $12,000 - $15,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 61 3/4 x 46 1/2 in./156 x 118 cm PRINTER: Affiches Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrére, with his jaundiced eye and deft hand, seldom seemed to illustrate anything without an ironic edge to it, and this poster for Cinéma Pathé does not appear to be an exception. "Everyone brings their children there!" says the legend above, as wealthy industrialists and military officers and their children (all in exceptionally vibrant colors) watch a parade of wealthy industrialists and military officers on the silver screen, in what might be a promotion for Cinéma-Pathé's new home motion-picture-camera technology. (Film; Art Nouveau; Children)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès. ca. 1899.
          Jun. 26, 2018

          Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès. ca. 1899.

          Est: $1,700 - $2,000

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 62 7/8 x 47 in./159.7 x 119.2 cm PRINTER: Affiches d’Art Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère once again applies his artistic scalpel to the ruling classes with this ingenious advertisement for Ricqlés, a product rather halfway between a digestif and a mouthwash (yes, a revelation!). Barrère stacks up a phalanx of French royals, imagining what they'd each say upon a taste of Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès. From left: Charlemagne ( "I would have used it to refresh the youth of the schools"); François I ("What economy! A few drops in a glass of water are enough"); Henry IV ("What a scented breath to talk about love!"); Saint Louis ("If I had known about it, I would have given it to my people with the chicken in the pot"); Louis XIV ("What a wonderful digestive to conclude 6 meals a day!"); and Napoleon ("That the Grand Armée did not have it! They would have conquered thirst and fatigue"). Standing at center between them is a very modern Marianne, telling us all "It's the hygenic product perfect for the 20th century!" Note how the amorous Henry IV is looking at Mariane, with his vulpine eyes. This is the one-sheet version of the image. (Alcohol; Art Nouveau)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
        • Select.
          Jun. 26, 2018


          Est: $1,400 - $1,700

          ARTIST: ADRIEN BARRÈRE (1877-1931) SIZE: 45 1/4 x 62 1/2 in./115 x 158.7 cm PRINTER: Affiches D'Art Robert, Paris DESCRIPTION: Barrère went to law school and then medical school, thought both professions absurd, and then turned to caricature, thereby becoming famous. His posters revel portraying the (knowing or unknowing) absurdity of elite figures, and this hilarious poster is of a piece. It's advertising a kind of "turning heel" constructed without screws or a plate – perhaps for dancing? It "rallies all the votes," Barrère says while portraying a politician, hat doffed (so that you may put money in it?), while identifying how he will "turn on his heel" in an ascerbic comment on the dance of politics. (Fashion; Technology)

          Poster Auctions International Inc
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