Tom Bianchi, American (Born 1945). Silver gelatin print of nude male doing a split while in a hand stand, signed L/R and numbered L/L, 6/35. Measures 24.75"H x 30"W matted; 12"H x 17.25"W visual. Condition: matting is loose and has some damage, please see all photos. Contact AAG for more detailed information if needed. AAG is not responsible for any errors or omissions to any lots. All sales are final and sold as is. This lot cannot be shipped in house. For an instant guaranteed third party shipping quote through Quality Packing and Shipping visit: or contact our other third party shippers.
Tom Bianchi Untitled 1985 vintage gelatin silver print image: 8.75 h x 12.75 w in (22 x 32 cm) sheet: 11 h x 14 w in (28 x 36 cm) Signed, dated and inscribed to verso 'T1301 Tom Bianchi 1985'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
Tom Bianchi Untitled 1983 vintage gelatin silver print image: 13 h x 8.75 w in (33 x 22 cm) sheet: 14 h x 11 w in (36 x 28 cm) Signed and dated to verso 'Tom Bianchi 1983'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
TOM BIANCHI (American, born 1945). Male Nudes Standing atop a Large Rock, [LGBTQ+ INTEREST]. Limited edition black and white silver gelatin photograph. It an artist proof (one of three). Ink numbered and signed at base. Unframed. - 20 x 15.75 inches The lifelong collection of Bernie Delia
Tom BIANCHI (1945-) Larry Surrounded, 1988 Tirage numérique signé et numéroté 13/35 sous l'image 29 x 43 cm sur une feuille 40 x 50,5 cm Bibliographie : Hommes pour Hommes, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, page 223 Collection Pierre Borhan La collection « masculine » de Pierre Borhan Pierre Borhan s’est passionné pour la photographie à la fin des années 1970. Dès lors, magazines, livres, expositions, entretiens avec des photographes et des spécialistes qualifiés nourrirent son engouement. Son premier livre, Voyons Voir, fut publié par Créatis en 1980. Le masculin devint naturellement l’un de ses thèmes de prédilection. Il lui permit de s’insinuer dans ses recherches et dans ses choix iconographiques quand il prépara certaines expositions, certains ouvrages, comme Jan Saudek (Paris Musées, 1987), Splendeurs et misères du corps (Benteli, 1988, prix Nadar 1989), Raymond Voinquel : les acteurs du rêve (AFDPP, 1998), Toni Catany, l’artiste en son paradis (Lunwerg, 2000), Les vérités du sexe (Marval, 2003), Mario Testino : Sir (Taschen, 2015). Dans cette veine, il est l’auteur d’un livre qui fait date : Hommes pour Hommes / homoérotisme et homosexualité masculine dans l’histoire de la photographie depuis 1840 (éditions des Deux Terres, 2007). The Vendome Press publia l’édition américaine : Man to Man : A History of Gay Photography. Rizzoli se chargea de l’édition italienne : Uomini per Uomini. Jonathan Cape Ltd fit sienne l’édition anglaise : Men for Men. Christian Brandstätter Verlag, l’édition en langue allemande. Depuis 2007, ces éditions (23 000 exemplaires) font référence pour les professionnels et les amateurs avertis. Achetées à des galeries ou directement à des photographes pour lesquels il écrivit un texte ou fit une sélection emblématique de leurs créations, les épreuves proposées dans cette vente sont les coups de coeur constitutifs d’une collection créée au fil de rencontres et de missions institutionnelles. Peu importe que les modèles soient des sportifs, des mannequins, des complices aguicheurs ou des amis assumés : ils s’offrent, grâce aux artistes qui les ont mis en lumière, à l’imagination de tout un chacun. Beauté, charme, sex-appeal, admiration, attraction, fantasme. Parmi les « vedettes » de la vente, figurent aussi bien des Européens hors du commun (Walter Pfeiffer, Jan Saudek, Paul Blanca) que des Américains : David Vance, Tom Bianchi, l’un et l’autre auteur de plus de dix livres ; David Morgan qui trouva son bonheur avec Beach (2001) et suscita bien des désirs ; Jim French, maître d’un male fine art débridé, de Man (1972) à Opus Deorum (1992) ; Arthur Tress dont une rétrospective fut présentée en Californie au Getty Center en 2023. Auxquels se joint un Egyptien : Youssef Nabil qui est représenté par la galerie Nathalie Obadia à Paris et dont la notoriété défie les frontières. Pierre Borhan se confie : « Mon être est imprégné par l’attrait (sensoriel, sexuel, affectif) des hommes. J’ai toujours senti que cet attrait était indélébile en moi. » Sa collection en témoigne. Tom BIANCHI (1945-) Larry Surrounded, 1988 Digital print signed and numbered 13/35 below the image 29 x 43 cm on a 40 x 50.5 cm sheet Bibliography: Hommes pour Hommes, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, page 223 Pierre Borhan Collection Pierre Borhan's "masculine" collection Pierre Borhan's passion for photography began in the late 1970s. From magazines, books, exhibitions, interviews with photographers and qualified with photographers and qualified specialists. His first book, Voyons Voir, was published by Créatis in 1980. The masculine naturally became one of his favorite themes. It into his research and iconographic choices when preparing certain when he prepared certain exhibitions and books, such as Jan Saudek (Paris Musées, 1987), Splendeurs et misères du corps (Benteli, 1988, Prix Nadar 1989), Raymond Voinquel: les acteurs du rêve (AFDPP, 1998), Toni Catany, l'artiste en son paradis (Lunwerg, 2000), Les vérités du sexe (Marval, 2003), Mario Testino: Sir (Taschen, 2015). In this vein, he is the author of a landmark book: Hommes pour Hommes / homoeroticism and male homosexuality in the history of photography since 1840 (éditions des Deux Terres, 2007). The Vendome Press published the American edition: Man to Man: A History of Gay Photography. Rizzoli Italian edition: Uomini per Uomini. Jonathan Cape Ltd. the English edition: Men for Men. Christian Brandstätter Verlag, the German-language German-language edition. Since 2007, these editions (23,000 copies) have set the standard for professionals and connoisseurs alike. Purchased from galleries or directly from the photographers for whom he for whom he wrote a text or made an emblematic selection of their creations, the prints the prints offered in this sale are the "coups de coeur" that make up a collection collection created through meetings and institutional missions. No matter whether the models are sportsmen, models, teasing accomplices friends: they offer themselves, thanks to the artists who have brought them to light to everyone's imagination. Beauty, charm, sex appeal, admiration, attraction, fantasy. Among the "stars" of the sale are a number of outstanding Europeans (Walter Pfeiffer, Jan Saudek, Paul Blanca) and Americans: David Vance, Tom Bianchi Vance, Tom Bianchi, both authors of more than ten books; David Morgan who found his happiness with Beach (2001) and aroused many desires; Jim French, master of unbridled male fine art, from Man (1972) to Opus Deorum (1992); Arthur Tress, whose retrospective was presented in California at the Getty Center in 2023. They are joined by an Egyptian: Youssef Nabil, who is represented by the Nathalie Obadia gallery in Paris, and whose reputation defies borders. Pierre Borhan confides: "My being is impregnated by the attraction (sensory, sexual, emotional) of men. I've always felt that this attraction was indelible in me. His collection bears witness to this. Tom BIANCHI (1945-) Larry rodeado, 1988 Impresión digital firmada y numerada 13/35 bajo la imagen 29 x 43 cm en una hoja de 40 x 50,5 cm Bibliografía: Hommes pour Hommes, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, página 223 Colección Pierre Borhan La colección "masculina" de Pierre Borhan Pierre Borhan se apasionó por la fotografía a finales de los años setenta. Desde revistas, libros, exposiciones y entrevistas con fotógrafos y cualificados con fotógrafos y especialistas cualificados. Su primer libro, Voyons Voir, fue publicado por Créatis en 1980. La forma masculina se convirtió naturalmente en uno de sus temas favoritos. Se en sus investigaciones y elecciones iconográficas cuando preparaba ciertas exposiciones cuando preparaba ciertas exposiciones y libros, como Jan Saudek (Musées de Paris, 1987), Splendeurs et misères du corps (Benteli, 1988, Prix Nadar 1989), Raymond Voinquel: les acteurs du rêve (AFDPP, 1998), Toni Catany, l'artiste en son paradis (Lunwerg, 2000), Les vérités du sexe (Marval, 2003), Mario Testino: Sir (Taschen, 2015). En esta línea, es autor de un libro de referencia: Hommes pour Hommes / homoerotismo y homosexualidad masculina en la historia de la fotografía depuis 1840 (éditions des Deux Terres, 2007). Vendome Press publicó la edición americana: Man to Man: A History of Gay Photography. Rizzoli la edición italiana: Uomini per Uomini. Jonathan Cape Ltd. la edición inglesa: Men for Men. Christian Brandstätter Verlag produjo la la edición en alemán. Desde 2007, estas ediciones (23.000 ejemplares) son las obras de referencia para profesionales y aficionados informados. Adquiridas en galerías o directamente a los fotógrafos para los que para los que escribió un texto o hizo una selección emblemática de sus creaciones, las estampas las estampas ofrecidas en esta venta son los "coups de coeur" que componen una colección colección creada a través de encuentros y misiones institucionales. No importa que los modelos sean deportistas, modelos, cómplices burlones amigos: se ofrecen, gracias a los artistas que los han sacado a la luz a la imaginación de todos. Belleza, encanto, sex appeal, admiración, atracción, fantasía. Entre las "estrellas" de la venta figuran varios europeos destacados, como Walter Pfeiffer (Walter Pfeiffer, Jan Saudek, Paul Blanca) y estadounidenses: David Vance, Tom Bianchi Vance, Tom Bianchi, ambos autores de más de diez libros; David Morgan que encontró la felicidad con Beach (2001) y despertó mucho deseo; Jim French, maestro del arte masculino desenfrenado, de Man (1972) a Opus Deorum (1992); Arthur Tress, cuya retrospectiva se presentó en California, en el Getty Center en 2023. A ellos se une un egipcio: Youssef Nabil, representado por representado por la galería Nathalie Obadia de París, y cuya reputación desafía fronteras. Pierre Borhan confiesa: "Mi ser está impregnado por la atracción (sensorial, sexual, emocional) de los hombres. Siempre he sentido que esta atracción era indeleble en mí". Su colección da fe de ello. Tom BIANCHI (1945-) Larry Surrounded, 1988 Digitaler Abzug, signiert und nummeriert 13/35 unter dem Bild. 29 x 43 cm auf einem Blatt 40 x 50,5 cm Bibliografie: Hommes pour Hommes, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, Seite 223. Sammlung Pierre Borhan Die "männliche" Sammlung von Pierre Borhan Pierre Borhan begeisterte sich Ende der 1970er Jahre für die Fotografie. Ab Zeitschriften, Bücher, Ausstellungen, Interviews mit Fotografen und Fachleuten qualifizierten Fachleuten nährten seine Begeisterung. Sein erstes Buch, Voir Voir Voir, wurde 1980 von Créatis veröffentlicht. Das Männliche wurde natürlich zu einem ihrer Lieblingsthemen. Es ermöglichte es ihm, sich in seine Recherchen und seine ikonografische Auswahl einzuschleichen. als er bestimmte Ausstellungen und Bücher vorbereitete, wie Jan Saudek (Paris Musées, 1987), Splendeurs et misères du corps (Benteli, 1988, Prix Nadar 1989), Raymond Voinquel: les acteurs du rêve (AFDPP, 1998), Toni Catany, l'artiste en son paradis (Lunwerg, 2000), Les vérités du sexe (Marval, 2003), Mario Testino: Sir (Taschen, 2015). In diesem Zusammenhang ist er der Autor eines bahnbrechenden Buches: Hommes pour Hommes /. Homoerotik und männliche Homosexualität in der Geschichte der Fotografie seit 1840 (éditions des Deux Terres, 2007). The Vendome Press veröffentlichte die amerikanische Ausgabe: Man to Man: A History of Gay Photography. Rizzoli übernahm übernahm die italienische Ausgabe: Uomini per Uomini. Jonathan Cape Ltd. machte seine eigene die englische Ausgabe: Men for Men. Christian Brandstätter Verlag die deutschsprachige Ausgabe. in deutscher Sprache. Seit 2007 gelten diese Ausgaben (23.000 Exemplare) als Referenz für für Fachleute und erfahrene Amateure. Gekauft von Galerien oder direkt von Fotografen, für die er einen Text verfasste oder eine symbolträchtige Auswahl ihrer Werke traf. Abzüge, die in dieser Auktion angeboten werden, sind die Favoriten einer Sammlung von Sammlung, die im Laufe von Begegnungen und institutionellen Missionen entstanden ist. Wenig Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob es sich bei den Modellen um Sportler, Models, Komplizen Sie werden von den Künstlern, die sie in Szene gesetzt haben, als Geschenk angeboten. ins Licht gerückt, der Fantasie eines jeden Menschen. Schönheit, Charme, Sexappeal, Bewunderung, Anziehung, Fantasie. Zu den "Stars" der Auktion gehören sowohl außergewöhnliche Europäer wie (Walter Pfeiffer, Jan Saudek, Paul Blanca) als auch Amerikaner: David Vance, Tom Bianchi, beide Autoren von mehr als zehn Büchern; David Morgan der mit Beach (2001) sein Glück fand und viele Wünsche weckte; Jim French, Meister einer ungezügelten male fine art, von Man (1972) bis Opus Deorum (1992); Arthur Tress, dessen Retrospektive in Kalifornien im Getty Center im Jahr 2023 zu sehen war. Dazu gesellt sich ein Ägypter: Youssef Nabil, der von der von der Galerie Nathalie Obadia in Paris vertreten wird und dessen Bekanntheitsgrad alle Grenzen sprengt. Grenzen überschreitet. Pierre Borhan vertraut sich an: "Mein Wesen ist durchdrungen von der Anziehungskraft (sinnlich, sexuell, affektive) der Männer geprägt. Ich habe immer gespürt, dass diese Anziehungskraft unauslöschlich in mir ist". Seine Sammlung zeugt davon. Tom BIANCHI (1945-) Larry circondato, 1988 Stampa digitale firmata e numerata 13/35 sotto l'immagine 29 x 43 cm su un foglio di 40 x 50,5 cm Bibliografia: Hommes pour Hommes, Editions des Deux Terres, 2007, pagina 223. Collezione Pierre Borhan La collezione "maschile" di Pierre Borhan Pierre Borhan ha sviluppato una passione per la fotografia alla fine degli anni Settanta. Da riviste, libri, mostre e interviste riviste, libri, mostre e interviste con fotografi e specialisti qualificati. con fotografi e specialisti qualificati. Il suo primo libro, Voyons Voir, è stato pubblicato da Créatis nel 1980. La forma maschile divenne naturalmente uno dei suoi temi preferiti. Essa nella sua ricerca e nelle sue scelte iconografiche quando preparava certe mostre quando preparava alcune mostre e libri, come Jan Saudek (Musées di Parigi, 1987), Splendeurs et misères du corps (Benteli, 1988, Prix Nadar 1989), Raymond Voinquel: les acteurs du rêve (AFDPP, 1998), Toni Catany, l'artiste en son paradis (Lunwerg, 2000), Les vérités du sexe (Marval, 2003), Mario Testino: Sir (Taschen, 2015). In questo ambito, è autore di un libro fondamentale: Hommes pour Hommes / omoerotismo e omosessualità maschile nella storia della fotografia depuis 1840 (éditions des Deux Terres, 2007). La Vendome Press ha pubblicato l'edizione americana: Man to Man: A History of Gay Photography. Rizzoli l'edizione italiana: Uomini per Uomini. Jonathan Cape Ltd. l'edizione inglese: Men for Men. Christian Brandstätter Verlag ha prodotto l'edizione edizione in lingua tedesca. Dal 2007, queste edizioni (23.000 copie) sono le opere di riferimento per professionisti e amatori informati. per professionisti e amatori informati. Acquistate presso le gallerie o direttamente dai fotografi per i quali ha scritto un testo o realizzato un'opera. per i quali ha scritto un testo o ha fatto una selezione emblematica delle loro creazioni, le stampe le stampe proposte in questa vendita sono i "coups de coeur" che compongono una collezione collezione creata attraverso incontri e missioni istituzionali. Non importa non importa se i modelli sono sportivi e donne, modelle, complici di scherzi amici: si offrono, grazie agli artisti che li hanno portati alla luce, all'immaginazione di tutti. all'immaginazione di tutti. Bellezza, fascino, sex appeal, ammirazione, attrazione, fantasia. Tra le "star" della vendita ci sono alcuni europei di spicco, tra cui Walter Pfeiffer (Walter Pfeiffer, Jan Saudek, Paul Blanca) e americani: David Vance, Tom Bianchi Vance, Tom Bianchi, entrambi autori di più di dieci libri; David Morgan che ha trovato la felicità con Beach (2001) e ha suscitato molto desiderio; Jim French, maestro dell'arte maschile sfrenata, da Man (1972) a Opus Deorum (1992); Arthur Tress, che ha trovato la felicità con Beach (2001) e ha suscitato molto desiderio. (1992); Arthur Tress, la cui retrospettiva è stata presentata in California al Getty Center nel 2023. Center nel 2023. A loro si aggiunge un egiziano: Youssef Nabil, rappresentato da Nathalie Obadia. rappresentato dalla galleria Nathalie Obadia di Parigi e la cui fama sfida i confini. confini. Pierre Borhan confida: "Il mio essere è impregnato dall'attrazione (sensoriale, sessuale, emotiva) degli uomini, emozionale) degli uomini. Ho sempre sentito che questa attrazione era indelebile in me". La sua collezione lo testimonia. 汤姆-比安奇(1945-) 拉里被包围》,1988 年 数字印刷品,图片下有签名和编号 13/35 29 x 43 厘米,纸张尺寸 40 x 50.5 厘米 参考书目:Hommes pour Hommes,Editions des Deux Terres,2007 年,第 223 页 皮埃尔-博尔汉收藏 皮埃尔-博尔汉的 "阳刚 "系列 皮埃尔-博尔汉在 20 世纪 70 年代末对摄影产生了浓厚的兴趣。从 杂志、书籍、展览以及与摄影师和资深专家的访谈。 与摄影师和资深专家的访谈。他的第一本书《Voyons Voir》于 1980 年由 Créatis 出版。 男性形象自然成为她最喜爱的主题之一。这 在他筹备某些展览时,男性形象成为他的研究和图标选择的一部分。 当他准备某些展览和书籍时,如《扬-索德克》(Jan Saudek (巴黎博物馆,1987 年)、《Splendeurs et misères du corps》(Benteli,1988 年,纳达尔奖 1989年)、《雷蒙德-沃因奎尔:梦想的行动者》(AFDPP,1998年)、《托尼-卡塔尼、 L'artiste en son paradis》(Lunwerg,2000 年)、《Les vérités du sexe》(Marval,2003 年)、 马里奥-特斯蒂诺:爵士》(Taschen,2015 年)。 此外,他还著有一本具有里程碑意义的书:Hommes pour Hommes /《同性恋与男性同性恋》。 摄影史上的同性恋和男同性恋 Depuis1840》(大地出版社,2007 年)。旺多姆出版社出版了 美国版:《男人对男人:同性恋摄影史》(Man to Man: A History of Gay Photography)。Rizzoli 意大利语版:Uomini per Uomini。乔纳森-开普有限公司(Jonathan Cape Ltd. 出版了英文版:Men for Men。Christian Brandstätter Verlag 出版社出版了德文版。 德语版。自 2007 年以来,这些版本(23,000 册)一直是专业人士和知情爱好者的参考书。 自 2007 年以来,这些版本(23,000 册)一直是专业人士和业余爱好者的参考书。 从画廊或直接从他为之撰写文字或制作作品的摄影师处购买 他为这些摄影师撰写了文字或制作了具有代表性的作品选集。 本场拍卖会上的版画作品是 "魂牵梦绕 "的收藏品。 通过邂逅和机构使命创建的收藏。无论 模特是男女运动员、模特、逗乐的伙伴 还是朋友:由于艺术家们的努力,他们将自己的形象展现在大家面前 每个人的想象力。美丽、魅力、性感、 欣赏、吸引、幻想。 此次拍卖的 "明星 "中不乏杰出的欧洲艺术家,其中包括 Walter Pfeiffer (Walter Pfeiffer、Jan Saudek、Paul Blanca)和美国人:David Vance、Tom Bianchi 万斯、汤姆-比安奇,他们都是十余部著作的作者;大卫-摩根 他在《海滩》(2001 年)中找到了幸福,并引起了人们的强烈渴望;吉姆 弗伦奇,肆无忌惮的男性艺术大师,从《男人》(1972 年)到《Opus Deorum》(1992 年 (1992);阿瑟-特雷斯(Arthur Tress),他的回顾展将于 2023 年在加利福尼亚的盖蒂 中心举办的回顾展。加入他们行列的还有一位埃及人:优素福-纳比勒(Youssef Nabil)。 他由巴黎 Nathalie Obadia 画廊代理,其声誉超越国界。 他的声誉不分国界。 皮埃尔-博尔汉坦言:"我的存在被男人的吸引力(感官、性、情感)所浸染、 感官、性、情感)。我一直觉得这种吸引力对我来说是不可磨灭的。 他的作品集就是最好的见证。
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 9 x 7.75 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 9 x 7.75 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 9 x 9 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 6 x 9 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 7.5 x 7.5 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 7.5 x 7.5 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 8.5 x 6.76 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 5.75 x 8.24 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 9.25 x 6.24 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer, lawyer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born on November 21, 1945, in the United States. Bianchi is best known for his work documenting the gay community during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly through his photographs of male nudes. Bianchi began his career as a lawyer and worked as an attorney for Columbia Pictures. However, he eventually decided to pursue his passion for photography, particularly focing on capturing the beauty and sensuality of gay men. His early work in the 1970s was primarily in black and white, and he often photographed his subjects in intimate settings, emphasizing their vulnerability and strength. During the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Bianchi's photography took on a new dimension as he documented the impact of the epidemic on the gay community. His images humanized those affected by AIDS, providing a counter-narrative to the stigmatization and discrimination faced by many. In addition to his photography, Bianchi played a crucial role in LGBTQ+ activism. He served on the Board of Directors for the New York Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and was actively involved in the fight against AIDS, contributing to organizations like amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Bianchi's work has been widely exhibited in galleries and meums around the world. He has published several books of his photography, including "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island Pines, Polaroids 1975-1983" and "Tom Bianchi: 63 E 9th Street: NYC Polaroids 1975-1983." His photographs continue to resonate with audiences, capturing a significant period in LGBTQ+ history and celebrating the beauty and strength of the community. Measures 8.02 x 7.74 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 7.02 x 9.98 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi is an American photographer and LGBTQ+ rights activist. He was born on November 27, 1945, in the Bronx, New York City. Bianchi is best known for his iconic photographs documenting the gay male experience, particularly during the 1970s and 1980s. Bianchi initially worked as a corporate attorney but left his law career in the late 1970s to pursue photography. He moved to San Francisco, where he became involved in the gay liberation movement and documented the vibrant gay community through his lens. Bianchi's photographs captured the joy, sensuality, and intimacy of gay life during a time when homosexuality was still highly stigmatized. In the 1980s, Bianchi's work took a poignant turn as the AIDS crisis unfolded. He documented the devastating impact of the epidemic, capturing the personal stories and struggles of those affected by the disease. Bianchi's photographs from this period, featured in his book "Out of the Studio," provide a powerful and emotional depiction of the AIDS crisis. Throughout his career, Bianchi's work has been exhibited internationally, and he has published several books, including "On the Couch," "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983," and "Tom Bianchi: Fire Island 79." Apart from his photography, Tom Bianchi has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. He has worked with organizations such as amfAR (The Foundation for AIDS Research) and has used his art to raise awareness and fight against discrimination. His photographs continue to be celebrated for their artistic and historical significance in documenting the LGBTQ+ experience. Measures 6.77 x 9.75 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi (1945-2020) was an American photographer, writer, and LGBTQ+ activist. He was born in 1945 in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and later resided in New York City and Palm Springs, California. Bianchi is best known for his groundbreaking photography that documented the gay male experience during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bianchi worked as a lawyer in New York City while also pursuing his passion for photography. He became an active participant in the emerging gay liberation movement and began photographing his friends and lovers, capturing intimate and candid moments within the gay community. Bianchi's photography is characterized by its sensual and poetic nature, often featuring male nudes in natural landscapes or domestic settings. His work aimed to celebrate the beauty and humanity of gay men and challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, Bianchi's photography took on added significance. He captured the personal and collective experiences of his friends and loved ones affected by the disease, providing a compassionate and honest portrayal of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the gay community. Bianchi's photographs served as a form of documentation and remembrance, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. In addition to his photography, Bianchi authored several books, including "On the Couch" (1987), "Deep Sex" (1992), and "Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983" (2013). These publications further showcased his distinctive style and contributions to queer visual culture. Tom Bianchi's work continues to be celebrated for its artistic and historical significance. Through his photography, he captured the resilience, beauty, and spirit of the gay community, leaving behind a visual legacy that resonates with subsequent generations. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 Printed Circa 1990's > Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
"Tom Bianchi is an American photographer and LGBTQ+ rights activist. He was born on November 27, 1945, in the Bronx, New York City. Bianchi is best known for his iconic photographs documenting the gay male experience, particularly during the 1970s and 1980s. Bianchi initially worked as a corporate attorney but left his law career in the late 1970s to pursue photography. He moved to San Francisco, where he became involved in the gay liberation movement and documented the vibrant gay community through his lens. Bianchi's photographs captured the joy, sensuality, and intimacy of gay life during a time when homosexuality was still highly stigmatized. In the 1980s, Bianchi's work took a poignant turn as the AIDS crisis unfolded. He documented the devastating impact of the epidemic, capturing the personal stories and struggles of those affected by the disease. Bianchi's photographs from this period, featured in his book ""Out of the Studio,"" provide a powerful and emotional depiction of the AIDS crisis. Throughout his career, Bianchi's work has been exhibited internationally, and he has published several books, including ""On the Couch,"" ""Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983,"" and ""Tom Bianchi: Fire Island 79."" Apart from his photography, Tom Bianchi has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. He has worked with organizations such as amfAR (The Foundation for AIDS Research) and has used his art to raise awareness and fight against discrimination. His photographs continue to be celebrated for their artistic and historical significance in documenting the LGBTQ+ experience. Measures 6.52 x 9.75 Printed circa 1990s Verso is blank. Mounted to archival quality paper.
Tom Bianchi Four Men on a Wall; Bill Elevated (two works) 1988 / printed 1991 vintage gelatin silver print image: 13.25 h x 19 w in (34 x 48 cm) image: 12.25 h x 17.5 w in (31 x 44 cm) sheet (each): 16 h x 19.875 w in (41 x 50 cm) Signed, dated and numbered to lower margin of each work 'AP 1/1 Tom Bianchi 1988'. These works are artist's proofs apart from the edition of unknown size. Provenance: Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
Tom Bianchi Untitled (two works) 1987 vintage gelatin silver print 11 h x 14 w in (28 x 36 cm) 14 h x 11 w in (36 x 28 cm) Signed and dated to verso of each work 'Tom Bianchi 1987'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
BIANCHI, Tom, (American, Born 1945): "Fire Island Pines 6", large format photograph on Kodak paper, signed lower left and numbered AP/1 lower right, both obscured by mat, 30.5" x 30". Condition: Fading, minor scratches.
TOM BIANCHI (1945- ) Shadow Dive. Silver print, the image measuring 467x318 mm; 18 3/8x12 1/2inches, the sheet 508x406 mm; 20x16 inches, with Bianchi's signature, date, and edition notation 3/35 in ink on recto. 1989.
TOM BIANCHI (1945- ) Two nude figures on steps. Silver print, the image measuring 432x292 mm; 17x11 1/2 inches, the sheet 508x406 mm; 20x16 inches, with Bianchi's signature, date, and edition notation 5/35 in ink on recto. 1992.
Tom Bianchi Untitled (Male Nude); Untitled (Nude Stretching Touching Floor With One Hand) (two works) 1985, 1987 vintage silver gelatin print image: 13 h x 9 w in (33 x 23 cm) sheet: 14 h x 11 w in (36 x 28 cm) Signed, dated and inscribed to verso of each work 'TB05 Tom Bianchi 1987' and 'TB06 Tom Bianchi 1985'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
Tom Bianchi Untitled (Male Nude, Hands Behind Head, Reclining); Untitled (Male Nude, Vertical, Knees Bent) (two works) 1985 vintage gelatin silver print image: 8.875 h x 12.5 w in (23 x 32 cm) sheet: 11 h x 14 w in (28 x 36 cm) Signed and dated to verso of each work 'Tom Bianchi 1985'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
Tom Bianchi Larry Surrounded; Victor's Solo Flight; Larry in Alabaster Light (three works) c. 1988 vintage gelatin silver print image: 12.5 h x 18 w in (32 x 46 cm) sheet: 16 h x 20 w in (41 x 51 cm) Signed and dated to lower right margin of Larry in Alabaster Light 'Tom Bianchi 1988'. Provenance: The Artist | Collection of Susan and G. Ray Hawkins, Beverly Hills This work will ship from Los Angeles, California.
A Tom Bianchi (American, b. 1945) signed limited edition artist proof silver gelatin photograph depicting a man doing a split while in a handstand position. Marked AP 2/3 and signed in lower right corner. Present in black acrylic frame. Sight: 14.5" x 19"
Tom Bianchi (American, b. 1945). Large mixed media and foam core sculpture titled "Tromba Marina" depicting a marine trumpet or nuns' fiddle from the "Instruments" series, 1982. Signed, titled, and dated along the verso. Bianchi is perhaps more well-known for his male nude photography in and around New York City. Provenance: Distinguished corporate collection, Minnesota.
Bianchi, Tom Zwei Männerakte auf der Luftmatratze. Original-Photographie. Vintage. Silbergelatine. Rechts unten signiert und datiert. Links unten nummeriert. Exemplar: 1/35. 1990. Format: 32 x 47 cm. Blattgröße: 41 x 50,5 cm. Schönes homoerotisches Photo des US-amerikanischen Photographen Tom Bianchi, der in den 1980er Jahren durch seine Männerphotos bekannt wurde. - Oberer linker Rand mit schmaler Knickspur, sonst sehr gut erhalten.
Bianchi, Tom Kauernder Männerakt am Strand. Original-Photographie. Vintage. Silbergelatine. Rechts unten signiert und datiert. Links unten nummeriert. Exemplar: 3/35. 1990. Format: 47 x 32 cm. Blattgröße: 50,5 x 41 cm. Schönes homoerotisches Photo des US-amerikanischen Photographen Tom Bianchi, der in den 1980er Jahren durch seine Männerphotos bekannt wurde. - Linker unterer Rand mit schmaler Knickspur, sonst sehr gut erhalten.