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Ferdinando Bibiena Sold at Auction Prices

Decoration painter

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        Dec. 12, 2024


        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        ATTRIBUÉ À FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1657-1743) Recto : PROJET DE DECORATION D'UN THÉÂTRE ; Verso : ÉTUDE POUR L'ESCALIER ET LA SALLE DE LA REGGIA Plume et aquarelle brune Légendé en bas au recto, annoté "Reggia/a gran Salone" au verso Pliures et petits manques Att. to F. G. Bibiena, Theatre decoration project ; study for the staircase and the reggia auditorium, double face, pen and brown watercolour, folds and small lacks 16,80 x 13,20 CM - 6,6 x 5,2 IN.

      • Ferdinando Galli Bibiena
        Oct. 16, 2024

        Ferdinando Galli Bibiena

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        Italian, 1657-1743 Monumental Hall and Stairway Brown ink and wash over black chalk on paper 10 3/4 x 7 3/8 inches (27.4 x 18.7 cm) Frame 18 1/4 x 15 inches (46.4 x 38.2 cm) Provenance: Collection of Comte Jacques de Faramond, Paris Seiferheld and Co., New York Mounted from the back on a passepartout. mount. Generally in good condition. Pentimenti in black chalk from an earlier version of the composition.

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
      • Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli da (Bologna 1656-1743 ebda.; Zuschreibung),
        Jun. 19, 2024

        Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli da (Bologna 1656-1743 ebda.; Zuschreibung),

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Architektur-Capriccio mit Skulpturennischen. Feder, laviert und aquarelliert, auf Bütten. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1720). 28 x 22,8 cm. - Unter Passepartout. - Bibiena arbeitete als Architekt und Dekorationsmaler und war insbesondere als Theaterbaumeister bekannt. Seine Zeichnungen fantasievoller barocker Bauten sind ganz dem Geist des Theaters verpflichtet, sodass herrlich üppig in reichem Dekor schwelgende und perspektivisch wirkungsvolle Blätter seiner Feder entstammen.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli da (Bologna 1656-1743 ebda.; Zuschreibung),
        Jun. 07, 2024

        Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli da (Bologna 1656-1743 ebda.; Zuschreibung),

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Architektur-Capriccio mit Skulpturennischen. Feder, laviert und aquarelliert, auf Bütten. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1720). 28 x 22,8 cm. - Unter Passepartout. - Bibiena arbeitete als Architekt und Dekorationsmaler und war insbesondere als Theaterbaumeister bekannt. Seine Zeichnungen fantasievoller barocker Bauten sind ganz dem Geist des Theaters verpflichtet, sodass herrlich üppig in reichem Dekor schwelgende und perspektivisch wirkungsvolle Blätter seiner Feder entstammen.

        Zisska & Lacher
      • Ferdinando Galli Bibbiena (attribuited to) (Bologna 1657-Bologna 1743). Walls of a city
        Apr. 19, 2024

        Ferdinando Galli Bibbiena (attribuited to) (Bologna 1657-Bologna 1743). Walls of a city

        Est: €200 - €300

        Brown ink on laid paper with watermark. 170 x 310 mm.  Glued in two places on a modern support.

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        Apr. 04, 2024


        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        (Bologna, 1657 - 1743) Progetto per una finta architettura con marzocco Penna e matita su carta, cm 23X17 Bibliografia: I sensi e le virtù. Ricerche sulla pittura del '700 a Pesaro e provincia, catalogo della mostra a cura di C. Giardini, E. Negro, N. Roio, Modena 2000, p. 21, fig. 7 Capostipite ed artefice delle fortune della celebre famiglia di scenografi, si formò nella natia Bologna con Giuseppe Maria Viani e Felice Torelli. La sua produzione, sconfinata, si estende per più di mezzo secolo e comprende affreschi, quadrature e numerosissime scenografie teatrali. Tra i suoi committenti, oltre ai Farnese che servì per quasi un ventennio, ci fu l'imperatore Carlo VI che lo chiamò prima a Barcellona e poi a Vienna. Affine allo studio in esame si segnala un altro foglio pubblicato da RD Kollewijn, sempre destinato alla progettazione di apparati effimeri. Bibliografia di riferimento: C.Bersani, C. Bonavia, Disegni del '700 bolognese, Bologna 1979, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (BOLOGNE 1657-1743) Projet d'intérieur pour une ég
        Nov. 16, 2023

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (BOLOGNE 1657-1743) Projet d'intérieur pour une ég

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (BOLOGNE 1657-1743) Projet d'intérieur pour une église baroque (recto) ; Éléments de cacul... plume et encre brune, lavis brun, rehaussé de blanc, filigrane cercle 45,8 x 24,7 cm. (17 3⁄4 x 9 3⁄4 in.)

      • Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Pietro Giovanni Abbati Carlo Antonio Buffagnotti, Sette tavole da Disegni delle Scene... 1699. Giacomo Camillo Mercati in Bologna, 1717.
        May. 23, 2023

        Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Pietro Giovanni Abbati Carlo Antonio Buffagnotti, Sette tavole da Disegni delle Scene... 1699. Giacomo Camillo Mercati in Bologna, 1717.

        Est: €480 - €960

        Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Pietro Giovanni Abbati Carlo Antonio Buffagnotti, Sette tavole da Disegni delle Scene, che Seruano alle due opere, che si | rappresentano l’anno corente nel Reggio Teatro di | Torino inuenzioni di Ferdinando Bibiena, Architetto e Pitore | del Ser:mo Sig.rr Duca di Parma ... 1699. Giacomo Camillo Mercati in Bologna, 1717. Acquaforte. mm 250/275x252/268. Foglio: mm 420x290. Al margine inferiore di ciascun esemplare le indicazioni di responsabilità, a sinistra il nome del Bibiena inventore e disegnatore e a destra il nome dell'Abbati che eseguì. Sette tavole, da una serie di 11 più frontespizio, che documentano le scenografie ideate dal Bibiena ed eseguite da Abbati per i due spettacoli carnevaleschi, Endimione ed Esione, rappresentati a Torino nel 1699. La serie venne inclusa nel 1717 nella seconda edizione di Varie opere di Prospettiua inventate da Ferdinando Galli d:o il Bibiena Bolognese...Giacomo Camillo Mercati in Bologna [1701]. 1) Facciata della reggia di Diana con fonti e platani (Endimione Atto I/scena prima). 2) Giardino su le rive del mare (Esione Atto II/scena terza). 3) Piazza con triplicate strade (Esione Atto I / scena prima). 4) Archi che corrispondono alle prigioni (Esione Atto III, scena terza). 5) Capanna di Silvano con Amore in una gabbia (Endimione Atto III/scena prima). 6) Città di Troia assediata, e assalita (Esione Atto II / scena quindicesima). 7) Piccol boschetto con fonti (Endimione Atto II/ scena seconda e Atto III/scena seconda). Bellissime impressioni stampate su carta vergellata sottile con filigrana "stella a otto punte" (Bologna, prima metà XVIII secolo), visibile su parte dei fogli. SI AGGIUNGE: Carlo Antonio Buffagnotti (Bologna 1660-Torino 1710). Capriccio architettonico con gruppo di sirene su basamento. Acquaforte su lastra ovale. mm 340x260. Foglio: mm 420x290. (8)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Galli da Bibiena (Ferdinando) L'Architettura Civile..., 5 parts bound in 2 vol., first edition, Parma, Paolo Monti, 1711.
        Oct. 20, 2022

        Galli da Bibiena (Ferdinando) L'Architettura Civile..., 5 parts bound in 2 vol., first edition, Parma, Paolo Monti, 1711.

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        Galli da Bibiena (Ferdinando) L'Architettura Civile preparata sú la Geometria, e ridotta alle Prospettive..., 5 parts bound in 2 vol., first edition, full-page engraved portrait and 72 plates, woodcut ornaments and initials, errata leaf bound after portrait, contemporary ink inscription "Ippolito Matteini pittore e Teodoro suo figlio pittore" to head of title, some soiling and staining, plates trimmed close at left-hand edge (a few frayed with slight loss) and mounted on stubs and/or reinforced, later half sheep, rubbed, [Berlin Kat. 2628; Fowler 134, variant title mentioning Bologna; Millard Italian 45], folio, Parma, Paolo Monti, 1711. ⁂ "The five parts of this work treat of geometry, civil architecture in general, perspective, painting, theatrical scenes and the mechanics of lifting and moving objects. As an author Ferdinand is perhaps the most important of the five members of the great Italian architectural family of Galli da Bibiena, known for their theater designs and decorations in the full baroque style". (Fowler).

        Forum Auctions - UK
        Jun. 09, 2022


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        (Bologna, 1657 - 1743) Capriccio architettonico Matita su carta, cm 21X30 Il disegno reca un'attribuzione a Ferdinando Galli Bibiena e si potrebbe riferire al suo momento farnesiano, ma nel suo momento più maturo per la complessità compositiva e il respiro internazionale della scena. Il foglio, infatti, esprime una temperie barocca complessa e colta e che fa propri diversi linguaggi morfologici e un'osservazione degli esempi romani e delle più innovative scenografie europee.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena (1656-1743)-attributed
        Dec. 14, 2021

        Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena (1656-1743)-attributed

        Est: €1,200 - €2,400

        Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena (1656-1743)-attributed. Prospect view of the facade of the Palais Starhemberg (Vienna), oil on canvas, framed. 80X105cm

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Architettura civile - Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando - …
        Nov. 26, 2021

        Architettura civile - Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando - …

        Est: €180 - €280

        Architettura civile - Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando - Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe,  1745  (I vol.) - 1753 (II vol. ). In 8°. Con 57 tavole incise in rame al vol.I e 75 al II, arrossature sparse, legatura coeva in pergamena

      • Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743): A Fantastic Architectural Design
        Oct. 20, 2021

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743): A Fantastic Architectural Design

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Ink and wash on paper, c. 1700-1710, unsigned. 10 1/2 x 14 in. (sheet), 17 1/2 x 21 3/4 in. (frame). Property from the Collection of Gayfryd Steinberg

        Jun. 22, 2021


        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        FERDINANDO GALLI DIT BIBIENA (1657-1743) Projet de Scénographie, intérieur de palais avec colonnes et statues Plume et encre brune et lavis d’encre grise sur papier Pliures, lacunes et déchirures. Montage ancien Annoté et titré «Ferdinando Bibiena Arch. e Pittore Cesareo» au verso Scenography project, interior of a palace with columns and statues, pen with brown ink and grey ink wash on paper, folds, lacks and tears, old mount, annotated and titled «Ferdinando Bibiena Arch. e Pittore Cesareo» on the back 22,60 x 36,30 cm - 8,9 x 14,3 in.

        Dec. 17, 2020


        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (ITALIAN,1657û1743) A stage design with a monumental hall with columns and statues signed and titled 'Ferdinando Bibiena Arch. e Pittore Cesaneo' (on the verso) pen and brown ink and grey wash on paper 8 7/8 x 14 1/4 in. (22.6 x 36.3 cm.) ,

      • Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1657-1743) A fantasy inter
        Dec. 08, 2020

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1657-1743) A fantasy inter

        Est: £1,500 - £2,500

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1657-1743) A fantasy interior of a baroque palace (recto and verso) pen and brown ink (recto and verso), partially blackened (verso), watermark papal armorial with fleur-de-lys 8 3/8 x 9 in. (21.1 x 23 cm); and three further drawings: (ii) Attributed to Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (Parma 1696-1757 Berlin), An architectural capriccio, pen and brown ink, grey wash, 8 ¾ x 6 1/8 in. (22.3 x 15.6 cm); (iii) Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1657-1743), An architectural capriccio, black chalk, pen and brown ink, grey wash, 4 1/8 x 5 7/8 in. (10.4 x 15 cm); (iv) Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1657-1743), An architectural capriccio, traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, armorial watermark, 4 7/8 x 3 ½ in. (12.2 x 8.8 cm) (4)

      • Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli) Direzioni a' Giovani Studenti nel Disegno dell'Architettura Civile, 2 vol., mixed edition, engraved plates, Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1764-53.
        Sep. 25, 2020

        Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli) Direzioni a' Giovani Studenti nel Disegno dell'Architettura Civile, 2 vol., mixed edition, engraved plates, Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1764-53.

        Est: £500 - £700

        Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli) Direzioni a' Giovani Studenti nel Disegno dell'Architettura Civile, 2 vol., mixed edition (vol.1 third edition, vol.2 second edition), 133 engraved plates (75 in vol.1 and 58 in vol.2), 18 folding, contemporary mottled sheep, spines gilt, citron and green labels, a little worn and scuffed, gouges to lower cover of vol.1, [Berlin Kat. 2630; Fowler 135, first editions], 12mo, Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1764-53. ⁂ Revised pocket edition of Bibiena's folio L'Architettura Civile of 1711, with the addition of an important chapter on stage design in the second volume, intended for students of the Accademia Clementina in Bologna and first issued in 1731-32.

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • Architecture.- Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli), after. [Varie opere di Prospettiua...], 22 plates only, [c. 1719]; and two others (24)
        Jul. 30, 2020

        Architecture.- Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli), after. [Varie opere di Prospettiua...], 22 plates only, [c. 1719]; and two others (24)

        Est: £400 - £600

        Architecture.- Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli), after. [Varie opere di Prospettiua...], 22 plates only (from the suite of 72) after designs by Bibiena, etchings by Pietro Giovanni Abbati, Carlo Antonio Buffagnotti, and others, on laid paper, various 18th century watermarks, sheets are loose and slightly trimmed, each approx. 390 x 280 mm (15 1/4 x 11 in), minor handling creases and surface dirt, some small repairs, numerous marginal pencil inscriptions recto and verso, unframed, [circa 1719]; together with two unrelated theatre set designs, etchings, each approx. 165 x 230 mm (6 1/2 x 9 in), trimmed within platemarks to image, unframed, [18th century] (24) ⁂ Part of larger suite illustrating Ferdinando Galli Bibiena's revolutionary work as a designer of theatrical scenery and ephemeral architecture.

        Forum Auctions - UK
      • Projet architectural Plume et encre brune, sanguine, craie bleue 34,7 x 38,9 cm Archite
        Mar. 27, 2020

        Projet architectural Plume et encre brune, sanguine, craie bleue 34,7 x 38,9 cm Archite

        Est: €800 - €1,000

        Projet architectural Plume et encre brune, sanguine, craie bleue 34,7 x 38,9 cm Architectural project Pen and brown ink, blood, blue chalk 34,7 x 38,9 cm

        Jun. 25, 2019


        Est: £800 - £1,200

        ATTRIBUTED TO FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1657–1743) Palace with moat and bridge Pen and ink with wash and traces of pencil on laid paper with circular watermark 36 x 46cm (14 1/4 x 18in) Provenance: Sven Gahlin collection Sotheby's, London, 5 July 2006, lot 172

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Attribué à Ferdinando Galli da BIBIENA (Bologne 1657 – 1743) Intérieur de palais
        Oct. 12, 2018

        Attribué à Ferdinando Galli da BIBIENA (Bologne 1657 – 1743) Intérieur de palais

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Attribué à Ferdinando Galli da BIBIENA (Bologne 1657 – 1743) Intérieur de palais Plume et encre brune, lavis brun 27 x 20,5 cm Cartouche dans le bas du montage ancien Dessin doublé, petites taches Estimation : 1.000/1.500€

        Leclere - Maison de ventes
      • * Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1656-1743). Facade and Portico of a Palazzo with figures and receding columns, pen and dark brown ink on laid paper with Strasburg Lily watermark (similar to Churchill 404 or 407) dateable to circa 1725-1758,
        Jul. 18, 2018

        * Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1656-1743). Facade and Portico of a Palazzo with figures and receding columns, pen and dark brown ink on laid paper with Strasburg Lily watermark (similar to Churchill 404 or 407) dateable to circa 1725-1758,

        Est: £700 - £1,000

        some ink marks and early doodles in ink to verso, sheet size 13.5 x 19.7 cm (5.5 x 7.75 ins), together with two other pen, brown ink and wash studies of architecture with receding columns, attributed to Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (1696-1757), the first in pen, brown ink and grey-brown wash on laid paper (watermarked indistinctly) with additional design to verso in pen, brown ink and grey wash, with some blue, red, purple and pink watercolour, partial manuscript title to right 'di Teatro, a uso di Arena, per una villegiatura, 230' [a design for the auditorium in a country villa), sheet size 28.7 x 23.8 cm (11.25 x 9.4 ins), the other drawing in pen, brown ink, grey and brown wash on laid paper (watermarked), with additional design of a multi-storey faþade in brown ink, grey, brown and light pink wash to verso, sheet size 28.7 x 23.5 cm (11.3 x 9.3 ins) - Quantity (3)

        Dominic Winter Auctions
      • FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1656-1743) (toe te schrijven aan) Studie voor tentenkamp. Pentekening in bruine inkt, rood krijt. Met op verso: Studie voor vaandels. Pen in Oost-Indische inkt. Herkomst: Bisi- Gibelli; R.P. Wunder (Christie's London, July 7 1976, lot 170); Lodewijk Houthakker (twee stempels, L. 3893 en L. 4533). 204 x 295 mm
        Jun. 20, 2018

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1656-1743) (toe te schrijven aan) Studie voor tentenkamp. Pentekening in bruine inkt, rood krijt. Met op verso: Studie voor vaandels. Pen in Oost-Indische inkt. Herkomst: Bisi- Gibelli; R.P. Wunder (Christie's London, July 7 1976, lot 170); Lodewijk Houthakker (twee stempels, L. 3893 en L. 4533). 204 x 295 mm

        Est: €350 - €500

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1656-1743) (to be attributed to) Military tents and trophies. On reverse: sketches of Roman military standards. Pen and brown ink over a red chalk sketch. Pen and brown ink over a black pencil sketch. Formerly attributed to Mauro Tesi (1730-66) but much closer tot the work of members of the Bibiena family. To be compared with folio 6 recto of the sketchbook by Ferdinando or the set design by Ferdinando from the Kunstbibliothek in Berlin. Provenance: Bisi- Gibelli; R.P. Wunder (Christie's London, July 7 1976, lot 170); Lodewijk Houthakker (two marks, L. 3893 and L. 4533). 204 x 295 mm

        Bernaerts Auctioneers
        Apr. 22, 2017


        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        ATTRIBUTED TO FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (1656-1743): ENTRÉE MONUMENTAL DE CHÂTEAU Ink and wash on paper, unsigned. 4 3/4 x 4 in. (sheet), 10 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. (frame). Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph Verner Reed

        Jun. 19, 2016


        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        (Italian, 1657-1743), Monumental arch and staircase, pen and ink wash on paper (laid on heavy paper), 5-5/8 x 4 in., with collector’s monogram stamp ‘TF’ at lower right

        Butterscotch Auction Gallery LLC
      • Attributed to Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior of a church
        Feb. 24, 2016

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior of a church

        Est: €5,000 -

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior of a church Tempera on canvas glued to panel Realizado probablemente con la participación de su hijo, Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (Parma 1696 - Berlín 1757). Agradecemos la colaboración de Marco Horak, quien ha estudiado esta obra a partir de fotografía. Procedencia: colección de la Fundació Privada Bosch i Aymerich, Barcelona 178x190 cm Atribuido a Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior de una iglesia Temple sobre lienzo pegado a tabla Realizado probablemente con la participación de su hijo, Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (Parma 1696 - Berlín 1757). Agradecemos la colaboración de Marco Horak, quien ha estudiado esta obra a partir de fotografía. Procedencia: colección de la Fundació Privada Bosch i Aymerich, Barcelona 178x190 cm

      • Ferdinando Galli Bibiena, Lotto di 3 incisioni per le scene del Didio Giuliano. 1687
        Dec. 11, 2015

        Ferdinando Galli Bibiena, Lotto di 3 incisioni per le scene del Didio Giuliano. 1687

        Est: €1,800 - €3,600

        1. Campidoglio, che da sei Paggi sollecitati da Ernoldo viene illuminato con Torcie (Atto I, scena XIX). Acquaforte. mm 123x176. Beaumont/Lenzi, 24. In basso a destra si legge "Ferdi. Bibiena inv.". 2. Atrio, che corrisponde alla Galeria Commune, & alle Stanze di Cornelia (Atto II, scena I). Acquaforte. mm 123x178. Beaumont/Lenzi, 25. In basso a sinistra si legge "Ferdina: Bibiena inve. pinxit".  3. Archivio Reggio (Atto II, scena XV). Acquaforte. mm 125x179. Beaumont/Lenzi, 27. In basso al centro l'iscrizione "Ferd. Bibiena inve". Nell'aprile 1687 riapriva a Piacenza, dopo un restauro a cura degli architetti di corte Domenico Valmagini e Stefano Lolli, il teatro Ducale nel palazzo di Cittadella. Si rappresentò il Didio Giuliano, dramma in tre atti di Lotto Lotti con musica di Bernardo Sabatini e scene di Ferdinando Bibiena, che da sette anni ormai era attivo al servizio di Ranuccio II Farnese come pittore e scenografo. Per l'occasione fu edito un libretto (Parma, Stamperia ducale 1687) corredato da 11 incisioni: una bella antiporta figurata e dieci tavole relative alle singole scene. Esse riportano con varia dizione il nome di Ferdinando come inventore, senza mai segnalare quello di un traduttore, non è da escludere dunque che lo stesso Bibiena ne abbia curato anche l'incisione, per la verità in maniera un poco affrettata, consapevole delle innovazioni proposte a livello scenografico.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Bibiena (Giuseppe Galli, 1657-1743), Attrb. to. - Study of an Opera
        Oct. 29, 2015

        Bibiena (Giuseppe Galli, 1657-1743), Attrb. to. - Study of an Opera

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        pen and brown ink, grey wash, touches of graphite, on laid paper, inscised for transfer, 190 x 215 mm., tipped onto mount, faint central vertical fold, small tear lower right corner, minor rubbing to sheet, mainly to lower right corner. Provenance: Unidentified gallery label on reverse, where described as by Guiseppe Galli Bibiena (1695-1757)

        Dreweatts 1759
      • Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando
        Dec. 16, 2014

        Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando

        Est: -

        Galli Bibiena, Ferdinando. Direzioni a' giovani studenti nel disegno dell'architettura civile, nell'Accademia Clementina dell'Instituto delle Scienze. Bologna, Lelio Dalla Volpe, 1731-32. In 12° (177 x 97 mm); [12], 168, [2]; 159, [1] pagine. 133 tavole, in parte ripiegate (tre tavole con piccolo strappo al margine bianco, qualche sporadica macchia.) Legatura coeva in piena pergamena con titolo manoscritto al dorso (set misto.) Esemplare con le tavole in stato fresco di questo famoso manuale di architettura e prospettiva per studenti d'architettura basata su l'Architettura Civile del 1711 del medesimo Galli Bibiena. (2 volumi) 600,00€

        Aste Bolaffi
      • FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA, cerchia di
        Jul. 10, 2013

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA, cerchia di

        Est: -

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA, cerchia di (Bologna 1657 - 1743) Fantasia architettonica di interno Seppia, acquerellature brune e traccia di matita su carta, cm. 19 x 24 Foglio libero

        Casa d'Aste Babuino
      • BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli (1657-1743) after, Pietro Giovanni ABBATI (1683-1733) and
        Jun. 20, 2013

        BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli (1657-1743) after, Pietro Giovanni ABBATI (1683-1733) and

        Est: -

        BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli (1657-1743) after, Pietro Giovanni ABBATI (1683-1733) and by Carlo Antonio BUFFAGNOTTI (circa 1660-after 1715). Varie opera di prospettiva (Hyatt Mayor p. 29 ff.) the complete set of 72 plates including title, circa 1703-1708, a fine copy of this very rare book, published by Giacomo Mercati, Bologna, on different sheet sizes, the larger sheets with watermark Initials WC in Circle, the smaller sheets with Star and Initials WC and Crossed Keys with Initials CR, all with margins, some foxing and staining, the title page with a few short tears at the sheet edges, a few other minor defects, contemporary calf-backed boards (very worn). Overall: 21 x 60¾ in. (530 x 398 mm.) Provenance: Acquired from Marlborough Rare Books, 1965.

      • FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (cerchia di) Bologna 1657
        Mar. 19, 2013

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (cerchia di) Bologna 1657

        Est: €200 - €300

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (cerchia di) Bologna 1657 - 1743 FANTASIA ARCHITETTONICA DI INTERNO Seppia, acquerellature brune e traccia di matita su carta, cm. 19 x 24 Foglio libero

        Casa d'Aste Babuino
      • Atribuido a Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior de una iglesia Temple sobre lienzo pegado a tabla
        Dec. 19, 2012

        Atribuido a Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior de una iglesia Temple sobre lienzo pegado a tabla

        Est: €7,000 -

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Bologna 1657 - 1743 Church InteriorTempera on canvas stuck to woodn panelDone probably with the participation of his son, Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (Parma 1696 - Berlin 1757). For his collaboration we thank Marco Horak, who has studied this work from the photograph178x190 cm Atribuido a Ferdinando Galli, Bibiena Bolonia 1657 - 1743 Interior de una iglesia Temple sobre lienzo pegado a tabla Realizado probablemente con la participación de su hijo, Giuseppe Galli Bibiena (Parma 1696 - Berlín 1757). Agradecemos la colaboración de Marco Horak, quien ha estudiado esta obra a partir de fotografía 178x190 cm

      • Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1656-1743)
        Jul. 07, 2010

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1656-1743)

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        Attributed to Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (Bologna 1656-1743) Design for a half-arch with composite columns and a statue of Cupid holding arrowheads with inscription 'Bibiena' black chalk, pen and brown ink, grey wash 17 5/8 x 6 1/8 in. (44.7 x 15.5 cm.)

      • FERNANDINO GALLI BIBIENA Italien 1657-1743,
        Nov. 27, 2008

        FERNANDINO GALLI BIBIENA Italien 1657-1743,

        Est: kr840 - kr1,050

        FERNANDINO GALLI BIBIENA Italien 1657-1743, tillskriven Kyrkointeriör Tuschlavering på papper, 17 x 23 cm. Attributed to. Ink wash. EXPERTIS: Cabinet De Bayser, Paris PROVENIENS: Gösta Stenman, Stockholm

        Stockholms Auktionsverket
      • FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (CIRCLE OF) (Italian, 1657-1743) A Stage Design with a Fountain Seen through a Portico.
        Jun. 12, 2008

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (CIRCLE OF) (Italian, 1657-1743) A Stage Design with a Fountain Seen through a Portico.

        Est: $600 - $900

        FERDINANDO GALLI BIBIENA (CIRCLE OF) (Italian, 1657-1743) A Stage Design with a Fountain Seen through a Portico. Pen and black ink and pencil on cream laid paper. 213x255 mm; 8 1/2x10 1/8 inches.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli da (1657-1743). L'Architettura civile preparata sú la geometria, e
        Apr. 13, 2006

        BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli da (1657-1743). L'Architettura civile preparata sú la geometria, e

        Est: £4,500 - £6,000

        BIBIENA, Ferdinando Galli da (1657-1743). L'Architettura civile preparata sú la geometria, e ridotta alle prospettive. Parma: Paolo Monti, 1711. 2° (418 x 285mm). Engraved portrait of Bibiena, 72 engraved plates, errata leaf at end (some soiling, occasional staining, a few small tears). Contemporary vellum (minor restoration, soiled and slightly worn). Provenance: architectural notes in a contemporary Italian hand in the text and on a rear endpaper. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE of the most influential book on stage design of the 18th-century written by the most important member of the great Italian architectural family of Galli da Bibiena, whose theatre designs and decorations in full baroque style dominated European court stage design for over half a century. The five parts of this work deal with geometry, civil architecture in general, perspective, painting, theatrical scenes and the mechanics of lifting and moving objects. Brunet I, 848; Fowler 115.

        Jan. 25, 2006


        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        ARCHITECTURAL FANTASY OF A PALACE COURTYARD ARCHITECTURAL FANTASY OF A PALACE COURTYARD measurements note 199 by 243mm; 7 13/16 by 9 9/16 in pen and brown ink and grey wash, a strip added across the top PROVENANCE Edward and Mary Brandegee (according to Steiner catalogue); acquired by John and Alice Steiner in 1974 EXHIBITED Santa Barbara, California, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Old Master Drawings from the Collection of John and Alice Steiner, 1986, pp. 30-31, cat. no. 7, reproduced. NOTE The Galli-Bibiena family were prolific and successful artists, active throughout Europe for several generations. They are known for their stage designs and architectural fantasies, and as they developed a family style it is often extremely difficult to distinguish between their hands. The author of the entry in the Steiner exhibition catalogue felt the perspective angle and the more plausible architecture of this fantasy indicate it is by Ferdinando rather than by his son Antonio, to whom it had previously been attributed.

        Apr. 20, 2004


        Est: £2,500 - £3,000

        both pen and brown ink and grey wash over black chalk PAIR OF FANTASTICAL VIEWS OF ARCHED CLOISTERS

        Jan. 29, 2004


        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        (Bologna 1657-1743 Bologna) Study for a Grand Hall. Pen and ink over pencil on cream laid paper. 167x210 mm; 6 5/8x8 1/4 inches.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743)
        Jan. 23, 2001

        *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743)

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) the interior of an elaborate library or archive. Pen and brown ink and wash. Within brown framing lines. 126 by 185mm. Provenance: J. F. Gigoux (L.1164).

      • *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) architectural fantasy, with numerous arches and barley-sugar
        Jan. 23, 2001

        *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) architectural fantasy, with numerous arches and barley-sugar

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) architectural fantasy, with numerous arches and barley-sugar columns. Pen and brown ink and wash. 240 by 345mm. Provenance: Louis de Glatigny (L.1768a); Victorien Sardou (L.2262); bears another indistinct collector's mark. *Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) architectural fantasy, with numerous arches and barley-sugar columns. Pen and brown ink and wash. 240 by 345mm. Provenance: Louis de Glatigny (L.1768a); Victorien Sardou (L.2262); bears another indistinct collector's mark.

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