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Hans (1550) Bock Sold at Auction Prices


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      • Hans Bock D.Ä. (1550 Zabern – Basel 1624) – Orpheus (Orpheus)
        May. 25, 2023

        Hans Bock D.Ä. (1550 Zabern – Basel 1624) – Orpheus (Orpheus)

        Est: €1,500 - €1,800

        Pen in black, grey wash, on brownish laid paper, old mounting.

        Karl & Faber
      • ATTRIBUTED TO HANS BOCK THE ELDER (SAVERNE 1550-1625 BASEL) Studies of a ca
        Jan. 26, 2023

        ATTRIBUTED TO HANS BOCK THE ELDER (SAVERNE 1550-1625 BASEL) Studies of a ca

        Est: $3,000 - $4,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO HANS BOCK THE ELDER (SAVERNE 1550-1625 BASEL) Studies of a caryatids, a river god and other figures pen and brown ink, watermark crowned double-headed eagle in an oval 10 3/4 x 8 1/8 in. (27.4 x 20.5 cm)

      • Hans Bock (Saverne 1550 - Basel 1624)
        Sep. 14, 2021

        Hans Bock (Saverne 1550 - Basel 1624)

        Est: €15,000 - €20,000

        Hans Bock (Saverne 1550 - Basel 1624) Adorazione dei pastori Olio su tavola Opera firmata H. Bock, datata 1603 in centro a destra e in basso al centro Provenienza: Tajan (S.V.V.), Parigi 28/03/2007 Adoration by the shepherds Oil on panel Signed H. Bock, dated 1603 in the center part on the right side and in the lower center side Provenance: Tajan (S.V.V.), Paris 28/03/2007 87 x 54 cm Bock è ritenuto uno dei più importanti pittori e disegnatori attivi tra il XVI e il XVII secolo. Giunge a Basilea intorno il 1570, ove esegue cicli di affreschi che gli garantiscono un’ampia notorietà. Ad un’analisi stilistica del nostro dipinto, si nota come egli sia stato sedotto dal manierismo italiano, probabilmente tramite qualche pittore rudofino, dal momento che le cronache non ci trasmettono nessuna notizia in merito ad un suo soggiorno italiano. In particolare vi sono note venete e del Bassano nello specifico, riscontrabili nel gruppo dei pastori a destra e, in modo particolare, in quello in primo piano, inginocchiato. Ad equilibrare la scena, dal lato opposto un mirabile angelo musico dal corpo sinuoso e dalla sopraffina plastica eleganza. Questa figura, dal candido manto, ci rimanda allo statuaria e possente pittura di Bartholomäus Spranger, al quale, evidentemente, il nostro pittore guardava. Grazie alle sue doti di eccelente disegnatore e alla sua ampia cultura pittorica, Bock si iscrive di diritto tra i grandi artisti del Manierismo europeo. Insieme a Karel van Mander, Hans von Aachen, Joachim Wtewael, Cornelis van Haarlem, è uno dei più significativi rappresentanti del Manierismo nordico

        Lucas Aste
      • BOCK Hans, 1550-1623 [CH]. "Ecce Homo", 1582,
        Oct. 25, 2015

        BOCK Hans, 1550-1623 [CH]. "Ecce Homo", 1582,

        Est: CHF8,000 - CHF10,000

        BOCK Hans, 1550-1623 [CH]. "Ecce Homo", 1582, huile sur panneau de chêne (71.5 x 64 cm). Signé et daté b. g.

        Galartis SA
      • Hans BOCK (Saverne vers 1550-Bâle 1623) Ecce Homo Panneau de chêne, trois planches, renforcé 71,5 x 64 cm Signé et daté en bas à gau...
        Jun. 18, 2014

        Hans BOCK (Saverne vers 1550-Bâle 1623) Ecce Homo Panneau de chêne, trois planches, renforcé 71,5 x 64 cm Signé et daté en bas à gau...

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        Hans BOCK (Saverne vers 1550-Bâle 1623) Ecce Homo Panneau de chêne, trois planches, renforcé 71,5 x 64 cm Signé et daté en bas à gauche H. Bock f. / 1582 (Manques) Sans cadre Notre tableau est très proche des fresques que Hans Bock réalisa pour l'Hôtel de Ville de Bâle vers 1610, notamment dans les figures des soldats. Les tableaux de Bock sont très rares et on en connait deux conservés au Kunstmuseum de Bâle. D'une famille de catholiques dans un pays à majorité protestante, Hans Bock travailla dans de nombreux domaines dont les sciences, l'archéologie et la géomètrie. Il a copié de nombreux tableaux de Hans Holbein. Nous remercions le Docteur Christian Heydrich d'avoir confirmé, sur photo, l'attribution de notre tableau.

      • Hans Bock (?) (1550 - 1624)
        Oct. 03, 2009

        Hans Bock (?) (1550 - 1624)

        Est: Kč300 - Kč600

        St. Peter and St. Paul. Pair of book illustrations. Wood-cuts on paper, cca 120 x 175 mm, print marked „HB". Both pieces framed and glassed. Hans Bock (?) (1550-1624) : Sv. Petr a Sv. Pavel. Dvojice knižních ilustrací. Dřevořez na papíře, cca 120x175 mm, zn. v tisku „HB". Oba listy rámovány a zaskleny. Hans Bock (?) (1550-1624) : Hl. Peter und Hl. Paul. Zwei Buchillustrationen, Holzschnitt auf Papier, ca. 120x175 mm, im Druck bez. „HB". Beide Blätter gerahmt und verglast.

        Auction House Zezula
      • BOCK, HANS d. Ä (Zabern um 1550 - um 1623 Basel),
        Mar. 27, 2009

        BOCK, HANS d. Ä (Zabern um 1550 - um 1623 Basel),

        Est: CHF20,000 - CHF30,000

        BOCK, HANS d. Ä (Zabern um 1550 - um 1623 Basel), Werkstatt Frauenbad. Öl auf Holz. 27,5 x 41 cm. Dieses Gemälde ist in den Umkreis des Basler Malers Hans Bock d. Ä. zuzuordnen, dessen Einfluss deutlich wird. Stilistisch lässt sich dieses Gemälde mit dem gesicherten Werk Hans Bocks d. Ä. 'das Bad zu Leuk', im Kunstmuseum Basel vergleichen. Dabei scheint es sich bei unserer Version, um eine Arbeit aus der Werkstatt zu handeln, in welcher seine Söhne tätig waren. Dargestellt sind Frauen bei der Toilette, alternativ auch betitelt 'die Flohreinigung'. Neben dem hygienischen Aspekt sind diese weiblichen Darstellungen aber ebenso in einem erotischen Kontext zu interpretieren (vgl. hierzu Fuchs, Eduard: Geschichte der erotischen Kunst, Berlin 1977, Abb. 172).

        Koller Auctions
      • Hans Bock the Elder , Zabern 1540 - 1623 Basel Joseph and Potiphar's wife, flanked by justice and prudence Pen and black ink and gray wash, within black ink framing lines; vertical and horizontal creases; signed and dated, upper center: HBock 1573 ;
        Jan. 28, 2009

        Hans Bock the Elder , Zabern 1540 - 1623 Basel Joseph and Potiphar's wife, flanked by justice and prudence Pen and black ink and gray wash, within black ink framing lines; vertical and horizontal creases; signed and dated, upper center: HBock 1573 ;

        Est: $18,000 - $22,000

        Pen and black ink and gray wash, within black ink framing lines; vertical and horizontal creases; signed and dated, upper center: HBock 1573 ; bears illegible numberings in brown ink, verso

      • Hans Bock the Elder , Zabern 1540 - 1623 Basel the judgement of Brutus Pen and black ink and gray wash, with touches of blue wash; signed and dated, center: HBock / 1581 ; inscribed in cartouche with description of the subject; a detail of some
        Jan. 28, 2009

        Hans Bock the Elder , Zabern 1540 - 1623 Basel the judgement of Brutus Pen and black ink and gray wash, with touches of blue wash; signed and dated, center: HBock / 1581 ; inscribed in cartouche with description of the subject; a detail of some

        Est: $20,000 - $25,000

        Pen and black ink and gray wash, with touches of blue wash; signed and dated, center: HBock / 1581 ; inscribed in cartouche with description of the subject; a detail of some panelling, with a slight sketch of a seated roman and a fasces ( verso )

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