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Ernst Böhm Sold at Auction Prices


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          • Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decor.
            Nov. 30, 2024

            Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decor.

            Est: -

            KPM Berlin. Decor design around 1925, made soon after. Porcelain, cobaltblue and ironred painted. H. 44,5 cm. Sceptre mark (1 incised line), Greek date letter. Trumpet shape, flaring out towards the foot and mouth, bulging body below the centre of the vase. Decor of horizontal and vertical bands in cobalt blue, painted in between in iron red with all kinds of floral motifs, fish and birds - Literature: Ill. in: Cat. Bröhan-Museum. Berliner Porzellan vom Jugendstil zum Funktionalismus 1889-1939, p. 183, fig. 268. - German painter, graphic designer and designer for Arts and Crafts. Lit.: Saur AKL, vol. 12, p. 135 and following.

            Auktionshaus Stahl
            Jun. 20, 2024


            Est: -

            Art Nouveau lidded vase, KPM Berlin, mark 1871-1945, 1st choice, red imperial orb mark, elongated egg shape with short, retracted neck and bell-shaped lid. Decor Ernst Böhm, (1890 Berlin 1963), all-round stylized painting of leaves and tendrils in purple, gold and black, h. 41 cm, ref.: catalog 'Porzellan. Kunst und Design 1889 bis 1939', Bröhan Museum, Berlin 1993, no. 227.

            Historia Auctionata
          • Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Plate with Geometric Decor.
            May. 25, 2024

            Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Plate with Geometric Decor.

            Est: -

            KPM Berlin. Decor design around 1925, made soon after. Porcelain, cobaltblue and ironred painted. Diam. 41 cm. Sceptre mark, Greek date letter. Large round plate with a flat, smooth mirror. Decor of horizontal and vertical bands in cobalt blue, in between painted in iron red with all kinds of floral motifs, fish and birds - Literature: Decor illustrated in: Kat. Bröhan-Museum. Berliner Porzellan vom Jugendstil zum Funktionalismus 1889-1939, p. 183, fig. 268 - German painter, graphic designer and designer for Arts and Crafts. Lit.: Saur AKL, vol. 12, p. 135 and following.

            Auktionshaus Stahl
          • Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decor.
            May. 25, 2024

            Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decor.

            Est: -

            KPM Berlin. Decor design around 1925, made soon after. Porcelain, cobaltblue and ironred painted. H. 44,5 cm. Sceptre mark (1 incised line), Greek date letter. Trumpet shape, flaring out towards the foot and mouth, bulging body below the centre of the vase. Decor of horizontal and vertical bands in cobalt blue, painted in between in iron red with all kinds of floral motifs, fish and birds - Literature: Ill. in: Cat. Bröhan-Museum. Berliner Porzellan vom Jugendstil zum Funktionalismus 1889-1939, p. 183, fig. 268. - German painter, graphic designer and designer for Arts and Crafts. Lit.: Saur AKL, vol. 12, p. 135 and following.

            Auktionshaus Stahl
            Jan. 25, 2024


            Est: -

            Art Nouveau lidded vase, KPM Berlin, mark 1871-1945, 1st choice, red imperial orb mark, elongated egg shape with short neck and bell-shaped lid. Decor Ernst Böhm, (1890 Berlin 1963), all-round stylized painting of leaves and tendrils in purple, gold and black, h. 41 cm, ref.: catalog 'Porzellan. Kunst und Design 1889 bis 1939', Bröhan Museum, Berlin 1993, no. 227.

            Historia Auctionata
            Nov. 09, 2023


            Est: -

            Art Nouveau lidded vase, KPM Berlin, mark 1871-1945, 1st choice, red imperial orb mark, elongated egg shape with indented short neck and bell-shaped hooded lid. Decor Ernst Böhm, (1890 Berlin 1963), all around stylized leaves and tendrils painting in purple, gold and black, h. 41 cm, Lit.: Catalog 'Porzellan. Art and Design 1889 to 1939', Bröhan Museum, Berlin 1993, no. 227.

            Historia Auctionata
          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)
            Sep. 21, 2023

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)

            Est: €400 - €480

            Art Deco-Deckelvase. Porzellan. Gestreckte Eiform mit eingezogenem, kurzen Hals und glockenförmigem Haubendeckel. Umlaufend stilisierte Blätter- und Rankenbemalung in "Römisch Braun" und Gold (teils l. berieben) mit Schwarz. Szeptermarke mit rotem Reichsapfel über KPM, Berlin, 1871-1945. 1. Wahl. H. 41,5 cm. Lit.: Katalog "Porzellan. Kunst und Design 1889 bis 1939", Bröhan Museum, Berlin 1993, Nr. 227.

          • Böhm, Ernst (Modell- und Dekorentwurf)
            Mar. 24, 2023

            Böhm, Ernst (Modell- und Dekorentwurf)

            Est: €400 - €480

            Adenauer-Dose KPM Berlin, um 1956 Gerundete Rechteckform. Auf Purpur- und weißem Fond in Gold das Geburtshaus Adenauers mit Jahreszahlen 1876 / 1956 in stilisiertem Blattkranz. Im Deckelinneren Goldunterschrift "Adenauer". 8×17,6×13,4 cm (kl. Brandriss im Stand). 1. Wahl. Blaue Szeptermarke. Malereimarke. Herausgegeben anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages Konrad Adenauers. (59617)

            Leo Spik
          • Böhm, Ernst (Dekorentwurf)
            Mar. 24, 2023

            Böhm, Ernst (Dekorentwurf)

            Est: €1,100 - €1,320

            Flötenvase mit Bandmuster KPM Berlin, um 1927/30 Unterglasurblaues Gittermuster nach chinesischem Vorbild. H. 44,6 cm (winz. Chips am Standring). Modelljahr 1925 (Modellnr. 12682). Blaue Szeptermarke. Blaue Malereimarke. Malersignet drei blaue Punkte: Erich Schulz. Jahresstempel ß (?). Gleiche Vasen, teils mit zusätzlicher Aufglasurmalerei, im Bestandskatalog Bröhan-Museum, Porzellan, Vom Jugendstil zum Funktionalismus, Berlin 1993, Nr. 225 und Abb. S. 226, sowie: Tim Gronert, Porzellan der KPM Berlin 1918-1988, Berlin 2020, Bd. 1, S. 198. (60207)

            Leo Spik
          • Teedose, "Fo-Hund", Art Deco, KPM Berlin, chinoiser Dekor in Eisenrot, Blau und Gold, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963), 13.5 cm hoch
            Feb. 10, 2023

            Teedose, "Fo-Hund", Art Deco, KPM Berlin, chinoiser Dekor in Eisenrot, Blau und Gold, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963), 13.5 cm hoch

            Est: -

            Teedose, "Fo-Hund", Art Deco, KPM Berlin, chinoiser Dekor in Eisenrot, Blau und Gold, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963), 13.5 cm hoch

            Auktionshaus Plückbaum
          • Vase, KPM Berlin, mark from 2000, 1
            Aug. 24, 2022

            Vase, KPM Berlin, mark from 2000, 1

            Est: -

            Vase, KPM Berlin, mark from 2000, 1st choice green imperial orb mark, form Halle, designed by Marguerite Friedlaender (1896-1985) in 1930, white with linear decoration in grey, black, iron red and 24-carat gold, after a design by Ernst Böhm (1890-1963) created in the 1920s, special edition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus in 2019, h. 31 cm

            Historia Auctionata
          • ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47¼x33 inches, 120x83¾ cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt,
            May. 19, 2022

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47¼x33 inches, 120x83¾ cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt,

            Est: $1,200 - $1,800

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47 1/4x33 inches, 120x83 3/4 cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt, Würzburg. Condition A-: expert overpainting in margins; minor creases in image. While Böhm is known to have designed at least six posters, all of which were made during the 1930s, he looms even larger in the world of Arts and Crafts design. A professor in the field during the Weimar period, Böhm traveled as a lecturer and produced designs for wallpaper, fabrics, pottery, typography and most notably, stamps. Although this poster for a Carnival evening promotes an appearance by Edith Heinemann, the master violinist, Böhm instead chose to illustrate a stylized masked harlequin. Heinemann, more widely known by her maiden name Lorand, was a Berlin-based violin virtuoso from a Hungarian-Jewish family, whose 20-year career on the Viennese stage endeared her with the titles of "Queen of the Waltz" and the "Female John Strauss" prior to her flight from Nazi Germany in 1937.

            Swann Auction Galleries
          • Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decoration.
            May. 07, 2022

            Ernst Böhm (Berlin 1890 - Ebd. 1963). A Large Trumpet Vase with Geometric Decoration.

            Est: -

            KPM Berlin, designed by Ernst Böhm around 1925, made soon after. Porcelain. Trumpet shape, swinging out to the foot and the mouth. Decoration of horizontal and vertical bands in iron red. Sceptre mark, red imperial orb over KPM, '25/14a (iron red), painter's mark 'Sch' (iron red), stamped Greek year mark. 1 incised line, glaze flaw on the upper rim. H. 43,5 cm. - Literature: Fig. in cat. Bröhan Museum. Berlin Porcelain from Art Nouveau to Functionalism 1889-1939, p. 183, fig. 268. - German painter, graphic designer and designer for Arts and Crafts. Lit.: Saur AKL, vol. 12, p. 135 and following.

            Auktionshaus Stahl
          • Original Vintage 1930s German Art Deco Dance Poster
            Nov. 06, 2021

            Original Vintage 1930s German Art Deco Dance Poster

            Est: $800 - $1,200

            Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963 Ball u. Nationales Turnier Offset 1934 Printer: Herm. Sonntag, München Condition Details: (A-/B+) tiny tears and minimal creasing at the edges, browning along the right edge from tape on reverse

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)
            Sep. 23, 2021

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)

            Est: €100 - €120

            Art Deco-Teebüchse. Porzellan. Achteckiger Korpus mit glatter Wandung und Stopfen. Chinesische Fantasieornamente in Eisenrot. Stopfen und Hals innen best. Entwurf um 1926. Szeptermarke mit rotem Reichsapfel über KPM, Berlin, 1871-1945. 1. Wahl. H. 13,5 cm. Lit.: Gronert, Tim: Porzellan der KPM Berlin 1918-1988, Band I, Berlin 2020, S. 197.

          • Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )
            Sep. 05, 2021

            Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )

            Est: €2,000 - €4,000

            2567Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )BÖHM ERNSTConcours de Danse à Munich dans les 2 Hôtels les plus prestigieuxAffiche entoilée/ Vintage Poster on Linnen T.B.E. A -2000/4000 €70 x 50 cmDANSE / DANCE

          • Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )
            Jul. 09, 2021

            Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )

            Est: €2,000 - €4,000

            2567Regina Past Hotel & Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Städtekampf München-Berlin Und Bayerische Meisterschaft 1930 München ( Germany )BÖHM ERNSTConcours de Danse à Munich dans les 2 Hôtels les plus prestigieuxAffiche entoilée/ Vintage Poster on Linnen T.B.E. A -2000/4000 €70 x 50 cmDANSE / DANCE

          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)
            Mar. 25, 2021

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963)

            Est: €120 - €140

            Art Deco-Mokkatasse mit Untertasse. Porzellan. "Campaner"-Form. Eisenrote Bemalung einer Figur mit zwei Tieren in Obst- und Pflanzenranken. Entwurf von 1925. Szeptermarke mit rotem Reichsapfel über KPM, Berlin, um 1925. 1. Wahl.

          • Original Vintage German 1930s Dance Poster
            Mar. 06, 2021

            Original Vintage German 1930s Dance Poster

            Est: $300 - $450

            Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963. Städtekampf München-Berlin. Offset 1930. Size: 27.5 x 19.6 in. (70 x 50 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (A-/B+) was folded, PS and minor browning at the top edge from tape on the back of the poster

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • Vase, KPM Berlin, Art Deco-Dekor in Rot mit chinesischem Gittermuster, Ranken, Vögeln und Fischen, 44.8 cm hoch, kleine Chips am Stand, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963)
            Feb. 19, 2021

            Vase, KPM Berlin, Art Deco-Dekor in Rot mit chinesischem Gittermuster, Ranken, Vögeln und Fischen, 44.8 cm hoch, kleine Chips am Stand, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963)

            Est: -

            Vase, KPM Berlin, Art Deco-Dekor in Rot mit chinesischem Gittermuster, Ranken, Vögeln und Fischen, 44.8 cm hoch, kleine Chips am Stand, Dekorentwurf von Ernst Böhm (1890-1963)

            Auktionshaus Plückbaum
          • Böhm, Ernst (Dekorentwurf)
            Sep. 25, 2020

            Böhm, Ernst (Dekorentwurf)

            Est: €400 - €480

            Flötenvase mit Bandmuster KPM Berlin, um 1927/30 Unterglasurblaues Gittermuster nach chinesischem Vorbild. H. 44,6 cm (winz. Chips am Standring). Modelljahr 1925 (Modellnr. 12682). Blaue Szeptermarke. Blaue Malereimarke. Malersignet drei blaue Punkte: Erich Schulz. Jahresstempel ß (?). Gleiche Vasen, teils mit zusätzlicher Aufglasurmalerei, im Bestandskatalog Bröhan-Museum, Porzellan, Vom Jugendstil zum Funktionalismus, Berlin 1993, Nr. 225 und Abb. S. 226, sowie: Tim Gronert, Porzellan der KPM Berlin 1918-1988, Berlin 2020, Bd. 1, S. 198. (59015)

            Leo Spik
          • Ernst Böhm (1890–1963), a large vase, designed c. 1925, executed by Königliche Porzellanmanufaktur (KPM), Berlin (+)
            Jul. 09, 2020

            Ernst Böhm (1890–1963), a large vase, designed c. 1925, executed by Königliche Porzellanmanufaktur (KPM), Berlin (+)

            Est: €1,200 - €1,500

            + The lot is subject to full taxation (20%) Please note the exact Buyer’s Premium charges which can be found in the Conditions of Sale in the Terms below. glazed porcelain with red painted decoration; restored; marked on the underside; height 44.2 cm. (B)

          • Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat
            Apr. 16, 2019

            Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat

            Est: $100 - $500

            Artist: Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963. Städtekampf München-Berlin. Technique: Offset 1930. Size: 27.5 x 19.6 in. (70 x 50 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (A-/B+) was folded, PS and minor browning at the top edge from tape on the back of the poster. Estimate: 500. Reserve / Starting Price: $100.

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1934. 47x32 inches, 120x82 cm. Chromo Lithographische Kunstanstalt, Munich.
            May. 03, 2018

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1934. 47x32 inches, 120x82 cm. Chromo Lithographische Kunstanstalt, Munich.

            Est: $1,000 - $1,500

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1934. 47 1/4x32 1/4 inches, 120x82 cm. Chromo Lithographische Kunstanstalt, Munich. Condition A: slight darkening at upper right edge; minor creases in image. Many of Böhm's posters depict couples dancing. Here, he has managed to infuse this image of a waitress with the same lithe and supple grace of his other images - she even has her eyes closed, as if lost in her art.

            Swann Auction Galleries
          • ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47x33 inches, 120x83 cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt, Wur
            May. 03, 2018

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963). EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47x33 inches, 120x83 cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt, Wur

            Est: $1,500 - $2,000

            ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) EDITH HEINEMANN IM HOTEL STADT WIEN. 1935. 47 1/4x33 inches, 120x83 3/4 cm. Franz Scheiner Graphische Kunstanstalt, Wurzburg. Condition A-: expert overpainting in margins; minor creases in image. While Böhm is known to have designed at least six posters, all of which were made during the 1930s, he looms even larger in the world of Arts and Crafts design. A professor in the field during the Weimar period, Böhm traveled as a lecturer and produced designs for wallpaper, fabrics, pottery, typography and most notably, stamps. Although this poster for a Carnival evening promotes an appearance by Edith Heinemann, the master violinist, Böhm instead chose to illustrate a stylized masked harlequin. Heinemann, more widely known by her maiden name Lorand, was a Berlin-based violin virtuoso from a Hungarian-Jewish family whose 20-year career on the Viennese stage endeared her with the titles of "Queen of the Waltz" and the "Female John Strauss" prior to her flight from Nazi Germany in 1937.

            Swann Auction Galleries
          • Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934.
            Oct. 22, 2017

            Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934.

            Est: $1,200 - $1,500

            Artist: ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) Size: 33 5/8 x 47 in./85.3 x 119.5 cm Chromo Litho Is it a waltz? No, it's just the effortlessly elegant motion of a waitress in fluid, flowing motion, pirouetting coffee and dessert to patrons of the Hotel Stadt Wien. The composition has elements of Schnackenberg's precise theatricality, melded with a classic German Art Nouveau line. (Art Nouveau; Travel; Food/Drink)

            Poster Auctions International Inc
          • Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat
            Sep. 12, 2017

            Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat

            Est: $100 - $450

            Artist: Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963. Städtekampf München-Berlin. Technique: Offset 1930. Size: 27.5 x 19.6 in. (70 x 50 cm). Printer: no information. Condition details: (A-/B+) was folded, PS and minor browning at the top edge from tape on the back of the poster.

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • Large Original 1930s German Fur Poster Plakat Vik Buhne
            Apr. 29, 2017

            Large Original 1930s German Fur Poster Plakat Vik Buhne

            Est: $600 - $1,000

            Artist: Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963. Viktoria Buhne - Pelzwaren. Technique: Offset ca. 1930. Size: 75.5 x 48 in. (192 x 122 cm). Printer: Herm. Sonntag, München. Condition Details: (A-) in two sheets, on Japan, small tears at the edges, minimal surface dirt. Estimate: $1000. Reserve / Starting Price: $600.

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934
            Jan. 25, 2015

            Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934

            Est: $1,200 - $1,500

            Artist: ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) Size: 33 5/8 x 47 in./85.3 x 119.5 cm Chromo Litho A striking design for the Vienna Hotel which promotes its restaurant, game room, and cabaret. The composition has elements of Schnackenberg's style melded with classic German Art Nouveau line.

            Poster Auctions International Inc
          • Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934
            Sep. 29, 2014

            Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934

            Est: $1,700 - $2,000

            Artist: ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) Size: 33 5/8 x 47 in./85.3 x 119.5 cm Chromo Litho A striking design for the Vienna Hotel which promotes its restaurant, game room, and cabaret. The composition has elements of Schnackenberg's style melded with classic German Art Nouveau line.

            Poster Auctions International Inc
          • Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934
            Sep. 21, 2014

            Hotel Stadt Wien. 1934

            Est: $1,700 - $2,000

            Artist: ERNST BÖHM (1890-1963) Size: 33 5/8 x 47 in./85.3 x 119.5 cm Chromo Litho A striking design for the Vienna Hotel which promotes its restaurant, game room, and cabaret. The composition has elements of Schnackenberg's style melded with classic German Art Nouveau line.

            Poster Auctions International Inc
          • Böhm, Ernst
            Sep. 14, 2012

            Böhm, Ernst

            Est: €30 - €45

            Vase Fidibus". Streifendekor in Rot, Schwarz und Gold (min. berieben). Dekorentwurf 1925-28. Szeptermarke Berlin, 1875-1944. 1. Wahl. H. 9,5 cm. "

          • Lamp stand.
            May. 14, 2011

            Lamp stand.

            Est: €1,600 - €1,800

            Lamp stand. Berlin, KPM. Conception Ernst Böhm (1890-1963). Porcelain, painted orange and enriched in gilt. Height 52cm. Condition A/B. Wired. The mounting denoted with sceptremark, St.P.M. Berlin, 25/60.

            Van Ham Kunstauktionen
          • Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat
            May. 07, 2011

            Original German 1930s Dance Poster Plakat

            Est: $260 - $460

            Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963 Städtekampf München-Berlin Offset 1930 27.5 x 19.6 in. (70 x 50 cm) Printer: no information Description / Details: (A-/B+) was folded, PS and minor browning at the top edge from tape on the back of the poster

            PosterConnection Inc.
          • Hotel Stadt Wien Poster / Plakat 1934
            Mar. 28, 2009

            Hotel Stadt Wien Poster / Plakat 1934

            Est: €600 - €1,000

            Böhm, Ernst 1890 - 1963 Hotel Stadt Wien Offset 1934 47.2 x 33 in. (120 x 84 cm) Drucker / Printer: Chromolith. Kunstanstalt, München Beschreibung / Details: (B+) PS+ rechts Marktwert: € 1000 Startpreis: € 600

            Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Florenz, so
            Sep. 25, 2007

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Florenz, so

            Est: -

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Florenz, so betitelt, sign. und dat 1912. Aquarellierte Federzeichnung, 27x19 cm. PP.

          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Am Strand liegende
            Sep. 25, 2007

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Am Strand liegende

            Est: -

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Am Strand liegende Fischerboote. Mischtechnik, 37x49 cm. Rahmen.

          • Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Mondnacht am Haff.
            Sep. 25, 2007

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Mondnacht am Haff.

            Est: -

            Böhm, Ernst (1890 Berlin 1963) Mondnacht am Haff. Kurische Nehrung, so rückseitig betitelt und sign.. Mischtechnik, re. u. sign. und dat. (19)35. 60x80 cm. Rahmen.

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