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Giuseppe Cades Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, b. 1750 - d. 1799

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      • IMITATOR OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799). Mars disrobing and Venus surro
        Feb. 04, 2025

        IMITATOR OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799). Mars disrobing and Venus surro

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        IMITATOR OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799). Mars disrobing and Venus surrounded by nymphs and putti. pen and black ink, brown and gray wash15 ¾ x 10 ¼ in. (40 x 26 cm).

      • CIRCLE OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) An exterior of a palace with elegant figures playi
        May. 23, 2024

        CIRCLE OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) An exterior of a palace with elegant figures playi

        Est: $50,000 - $70,000

        CIRCLE OF GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) An exterior of a palace with elegant figures playing chess on a balcony oil on canvas 40 3⁄8 x 40 ¾ in. (102.5 x 103.5 cm)

      • Giuseppe Cades (Zugeschrieben) (1750 – Rom – 1799) – Abundantia mit Füllhorn
        May. 08, 2024

        Giuseppe Cades (Zugeschrieben) (1750 – Rom – 1799) – Abundantia mit Füllhorn

        Est: €800 - €900

        Feder in Schwarz, grau laviert, auf Bütten mit Wz. „Turm (?)“. 21,6 x 28 cm. Die Eckenspitzen leicht berieben. Unten links eine diagonale Knickspur. Mittig im oberen Rand ein hinterlegtes Löchlein. Verso umlaufend in das Passepartout montiert, ansonsten in gutem Zustand. Taxation: differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

        Karl & Faber
      • ENTOURAGE DE GIUSEPPE CADES (1750-1799) Etude de personnages à l'antique
        Apr. 05, 2024

        ENTOURAGE DE GIUSEPPE CADES (1750-1799) Etude de personnages à l'antique

        Est: €300 - €600

        ENTOURAGE DE GIUSEPPE CADES (1750-1799) Etude de personnages à l'antique Plume et encre brune, lavis brun sur papier Dimensions : 29 x 17,8 cm Provenance : - The V.W.S. collection - Christie's, From Beijing to Versailles

        Accademia Fine Art
      • GIUSEPPE CADÈS (ROME 1750-1799) Étude pour Saint Joseph de Copertino s’élev
        Mar. 20, 2024

        GIUSEPPE CADÈS (ROME 1750-1799) Étude pour Saint Joseph de Copertino s’élev

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        GIUSEPPE CADÈS (ROME 1750-1799) Étude pour Saint Joseph de Copertino s’élevant en célébrant la messe... pierre noire, plume et encre noire, lavis gris (recto); graphite (verso), filigrane ‘JH&Z’, le verso inséré dans un arc en plein cintre 14,5 x 23 cm (5 ¾ x 9 in.)

      • Mythological Scene in a Forest Clearing
        Feb. 01, 2024

        Mythological Scene in a Forest Clearing

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        Giuseppe Cades Rome 1750 - 1799 Mythological Scene in a Forest Clearing oil on canvas canvas: 30 ¾ by 41 in.; 78.1 by 104.1 cm.

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Hagar and the Angel in the desert of Beersh
        Jan. 31, 2024

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Hagar and the Angel in the desert of Beersh

        Est: $50,000 - $80,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Hagar and the Angel in the desert of Beersheba oil on panel 14 ½ 17 ¾ in. (37 x 45 cm.)

      • Cades, Giuseppe
        Feb. 18, 2023

        Cades, Giuseppe

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1750 Rom 1799). Der sitzende Jesus predigt (Martha u. Maria?). Radierung auf festem Bütten ca. 1766. Blgr. 11,9 x 16 cm. Mit dem Monogr. "GCA" unt. re. i.d. Platte. Mit schmalem Rd. um die Plattenkante. - Etw. fleckig, Gebrauchssp. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799)
        Sep. 20, 2022

        Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799)

        Est: €1,200 - €1,600

        Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799) Cristo portacroce Olio su tavola 32,5 x 27,5 cm Giuseppe Cades fu un artista precoce: nato a Roma da famiglia di origine francese, ebbe un talento tale da portarlo al successo appena sedicenne. La sua formazione si deve a Domenico Corvi e all'Accademia di San Luca. Amante e imitatore dell’arte cinquecentesca, Cades media con la tarda cultura barocca e classicista, esprimendo rara grazia e felicità cromatica. Questi elementi si colgono osservando la tela in esame, esaltata dalla pennellata fluida e cromaticamente preziosa, supportata da doti disegnative di assoluto rilievo. Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750 - 1799) Christ carrying the cross Oil on board 32,5 x 27,5 cm

        Lucas Aste
      • Giuseppe Cades: Juno Asks Aeolus to Release the Winds to Sink Aeneas' Ships
        Nov. 18, 2021

        Giuseppe Cades: Juno Asks Aeolus to Release the Winds to Sink Aeneas' Ships

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        CADES, GIUSEPPE Rome 1750 - 1799 attributed Title: Juno Asks Aeolus to Release the Winds to Sink Aeneas' Ships. Date: 2 half 18th c.. Technique: Pen and brown ink, watercolour, heightened with white on paper. Measurement: 22 x 32,5cm. Provenance: Private ownership, Italy.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799) attribuito - attributed
        Sep. 14, 2021

        Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799) attribuito - attributed

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799) attribuito - attributed Gesù Bambino dormiente Olio su tela Sleeping Child Jesus Oil on canvas 73,5 x 103,5 cm Giuseppe Cades è un artista precoce: nato a Roma da famiglia di origine francese, ha un talento tale da portarlo al successo appena sedicenne. La sua formazione si deve a Domenico Corvi e all'Accademia di San Luca. Amante e imitatore dell’arte cinquecentesca egli media con la tarda cultura barocca e classicista, esprimendosi rara grazia e felicità cromatica. Elementi che ben si colgono osservando la nostra tela in esame, esaltata dalla pennellata fluida e cromaticamente preziosa, supportata da doti disegnative di assoluto rilievo. Il modello del Divin Bambino dormiente risale alla pittura padana tardo manierista e post tridentina: in questo caso è ingentilito con esiti toccanti grazie al suo gusto per il colori tenui, morbidi, chiari e dal limitato chiaroscuro, desunti dai modelli nordici e soprattutto francesi, molto in voga a Roma nel XVIII secolo

        Lucas Aste
      • FOLLOWER OF GIUSEPPE CADES (1750 – 1799) An allegorical scene
        Jun. 17, 2021

        FOLLOWER OF GIUSEPPE CADES (1750 – 1799) An allegorical scene

        Est: €6,000 - €7,000

        oil on canvas 50 x 60 cm painted circa 1820 Provenance: Private collection, Italy Giuseppe Cades was an Italian painter, sculptor and engraver from the second half of the 18th century. He enjoyed great success as a designer and decorator, despite a fairly short career, and remained one of the great figures of Roman painting at the end of the 18th century. Giuseppe Cades illustrates the transition from late Baroque to Neoclassicism and can even be seen as a precursor of Romanticism.

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Italian Art.- Pepper (D. Stephen) Guido Reni: A Complete Catalogue of his Works..., Oxford, 1984 & others on Italian art (c.70)
        Feb. 04, 2021

        Italian Art.- Pepper (D. Stephen) Guido Reni: A Complete Catalogue of his Works..., Oxford, 1984 & others on Italian art (c.70)

        Est: £200 - £300

        NO RESERVE Italian Art.- Pepper (D. Stephen) Guido Reni: A Complete Catalogue of his Works..., Oxford, 1984 § Caracciolo (M.T.) Giuseppe Cades 1750-1799 et la Rome de son temps, Paris, 1992 § Buck (S.) Michelangelo's Dream, 2010 § Treves (L.) Beyond Caravaggio, 2017 § Hale (John) Artists and Warfare in the Renaissance, New Haven & London, 1990 § Humfrey (Peter) Glasgow Museums: The Italian Paintings, 2012 § Mann (J.W.) & Babette Bohn. Federico Barocci: Renaissance Master of Color and Line, original wrappers, New Haven & London, 2012, illustrations, many colour, all but the last original cloth or boards with dust-jackets; and c.65 others on Italian and some Spanish art, many exhibition or collection catalogues, 4to & 8vo (c.70)

        Forum Auctions - UK
        Dec. 04, 2020


        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750 - 1799) The Farewell pastel on paper, joined upper section 470 x 350 mm (18 2/4 x 13 3/4 in) The subject and style of the present work relate to the frescoes executed by Cades in the late 1780s in the Ariosto Room of the Chigi Palace, Ariccia. Cades uses flamboyant colours to depict the costume of his characters. He had visited Bologna and Venice around the time of the Ariccia decorations where he admired the works by Paolo Veronese and Luca Giordano. Anthony M Clark describes Cades as a notable exponent of the fashion in the 1880s and '90s for costume pieces, which is a notable feature of the present pastel, not dissimilar to the style of Fragonard. He admired Rubens, and the use of sumptuous costumes to enrich and give vigour to a careful and dramatic composition. The beauty of tone and the wealth of texture are to Cades' purpose. (see A. M. Clark, 'An Introduction to the Drawings of Giuseppe Cades', Master Drawings, vol. 2, no. 1, spring 1964, pp.18-26 & 68-75). Giuseppe Cades benefited from the British patronage early in his career and by the later 1770's his studio was a must for visiting 'grandees' and shared the patrons of such artists as Gavin Hamilton and Canova.

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Cades, Giuseppe
        Oct. 10, 2020

        Cades, Giuseppe

        Est: €100 - €150

        (1750 Rom 1799). Der sitzende Jesus predigt (Martha u. Maria?). Radierung auf festem Bütten ca. 1766. Blgr. 11,9 x 16 cm. Mit dem Monogr. "GCA" unt. re. i.d. Platte. Mit schmalem Rd. um die Plattenkante. - Etw. fleckig, Gebrauchssp. - R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
        Sep. 24, 2020


        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        (Roma, 1750-1799) Madonna con Bambino Olio su tela, cm 72X57 Provenienza: Londra, Bonhams, 5 luglio 2006, lotto 62 (come Pietro Fancelli) Di probabili origini francesi, Giuseppe Cades fu un artista precoce e di talento. Formatosi con Domenico Corvi e all'Accademia di San Luca, mostrì da subito una sensibilità innovativa, mediando tra la cultura barocca e classicista ed esprimendo una rara felicità cromatica e disegnativa. Questi aspetti ben si colgono osservando la piccola tela in esame, quanto mai preziosa nei suoi esiti e che esibisce una felicità pittorica di altissima qualità. I modelli a cui sembra far riferimento il pittore sono la pittura veneta rinascimentale, da cui apprese il gusto del colore, i modelli nordici e specialmente francesi, sorprendendoci altresì per la sua consapevole autonomia rispetto ai colleghi più in voga, come Pompeo Batoni o Anton Raphael Mengs. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. T. Caracciolo, Giuseppe Cades 1750-1799 et la Rome de son temps, Parigi 1990, ad vocem

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Cades, Giuseppe - (1750 Rom 1799) zugeschrieben. Exorzismus. Ein Mönch v
        May. 13, 2020

        Cades, Giuseppe - (1750 Rom 1799) zugeschrieben. Exorzismus. Ein Mönch v

        Est: €250 - €400

        Cades, Giuseppe (1750 Rom 1799) zugeschrieben. Exorzismus. Ein Mönch vertreibt Dämonen oder Teufel bei einem Tempelbau. Lavierte Sepiazeichnung auf Bütten, 2. H. 18. Jh. 32,5 x 21,5 cm. Punktuell auf festes Papier geklebt. Unter Passep. u. Glas gerahmt (nicht ausgerahmt). - Etw. fleckig, Papier leicht wellig.

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Jupiter, Neptune and a Titan Black chalk, pe
        Dec. 06, 2019

        Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Jupiter, Neptune and a Titan Black chalk, pe

        Est: $6,000 - $8,000

        Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Jupiter, Neptune and a Titan Black chalk, pen and brown ink, grey wash on paper, with brown ink border 6 x 7-1/4 inches (15.2 x 18.4 cm) 7.25 x 8.75 inches (sheet) PROPERTY OF A NEW YORK ESTATE PROVENANCE: Unidentified collector's stamp (lower right corner); Christie's, New York, January 25, 2007, lot 39. LITERATURE: F. Dubini (L.987a). Numbered "34" the same composition traced, with pentimenti, on the reverse, watermarked fleur-de-lys. Maria Teresa Caracciolo Arizzoli confirmed the attribution to Cades when the work was sold at Christie's, New York, in 2007 (as noted in the auction catalogue, lot 39, p. 55). HID01801242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) Twelve studies of the Apostles traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink 10 5/8 x 4 3/8 in. (27.2 x 11.3 cm.) (12)
        Dec. 05, 2019

        Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) Twelve studies of the Apostles traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink 10 5/8 x 4 3/8 in. (27.2 x 11.3 cm.) (12)

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) Twelve studies of the Apostles variously signed and inscribed, the drawing showing Saint Paul dated '1763' traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink 10 5/8 x 4 3/8 in. (27.2 x 11.3 cm.) (12)

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750 - 1799)
        Nov. 27, 2019

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750 - 1799)

        Est: £2,000 - £3,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750 - 1799) The Farewell Pastel on paper, joined upper section  470 x 350 mm (18 2/4 x 13 3/4 in) The subject and style of the present work relate to the frescoes executed by Cades in the late 1780s in the Ariosto Room of the Chigi Palace, Ariccia (fig. 1). Cades uses flamboyant colours to depict the costume of his characters. He had visited Bologna and Venice around the time of the Ariccia decorations where he admired the works by Paolo Veronese and Luca Giordano. Anthony M Clark describes Cades as a notable exponent of the fashion in the 1880s and '90s for costume pieces, which is a notable feature of the present pastel, not dissimilar to the style of Fragonard. He admired Rubens, and the use of sumptuous costumes to enrich and give vigour to a careful and dramatic composition. The beauty of tone and the wealth of texture are to Cades' purpose. (see A. M. Clark, 'An Introduction to the Drawings of Giuseppe Cades', Master Drawings, vol. 2, no. 1, spring 1964, pp.18-26 & 68-75).  Giuseppe Cades benefited from the British patronage early in his career and by the later 1770's his studio was a must for visiting 'grandees' and shared the patrons of such artists as Gavin Hamilton and Canova.

        Chiswick Auctions
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)
        Nov. 19, 2019

        GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)

        Est: €50 - €100

        (Roma, 1750 - 1799) Progetto per le anfore Tecnica mista su carta, cm 28,5X22 Giuseppe Cades si formò a Roma all'Accademia di San Luca e ricevette le sue prime e importanti commissioni all'inizio degli anni Settanta del XVIII secolo, dipingendo con sensibilità classicista ispirata a Carlo Maratti. Intorno al 1774, iniziò a rileggere la tradizione illustrativa manieristica e rinascimentale affrontando soggetti storici e religiosi, progettando altresÏ apparati decorativi per palazzi e ville romane come ben si evince osservando il foglio qui presentato, la cui qualità denota il virtuosismo tecnico e lo straordinario talento grafico dell'autore. » infatti documentato che durante i primi anni Cades si procurò da vivere componendo disegni nella maniera dei maestri rinascimentali ma anche creazioni originali. Per quanto riguarda la datazione, il disegno si colloca all'ottavo- nono decennio, in cui si evince chiaramente l'ispirazione neo-cinquecentesca. Possiamo infatti cogliere analizzando la composizione una componente intellettualistica che fa trasparire la versatilità educativa di Cades, avvenuta quando la Città Eterna era frequentata da personalità di primo piano, basti pensare a Johann Joachim Winckelmann, che tra il 1750 e il 1755 determinò una ripresa degli studi storici e archeologici. LOTTI DI QUESTA COLLEZIONE (1-133 E 474-569) SARANNO PROPOSTI A LIBERA OFFERTA, POTRANNO ESSERE ACCETTATE, OLTRE ALLE OFFERTE IN SALA, OFFERTE SCRITTE E BID ON LINE. FANNO ECCEZIONE I LOTTI CONTRASSEGNATI CON IL SIMBOLO ☎️ , PER I QUALI SARANNO ACCETTATE ANCHE OFFERTE TELEFONICHE THE LOTS IN THIS COLLECTION (1-133 AND 474-569) ARE AUCTIONED BY FREE BIDDING. WE ONLY ACCEPT BIDS IN THE SALEROOM, ABSENTEE AND ON LINE BIDS. EXCEPTIONS TO THIS ARE MADE FOR LOTS MARKED BY THE ☎️ SIGN WHEREBY TELEPHONE BIDS ARE ACCEPTED.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • After Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design fo
        Nov. 14, 2019

        After Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design fo

        Est: $500 - $700

        After Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design for a decorative device (two works) Ink on paper, each 8-3/8 x 12-1/8 inches (21.3 x 30.8 cm) (largest) Each inscribed lower right PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF NEAL GLASS AND KERRY BETENSKY PROVENANCE: Giovanni Piancastelli (1845-1926), painter, collector and Director of the Galleria Borghese, Rome (likely the compiler of the albums in which this sheet was contained); Estate of Reverend Father Francis Agius (1891-1958) of Our Lady of Counsel, Inwood, Long Island, New York; Sale, New York, by heirs of the above; Harry Glass, Long Island, New York, circa 1950s, acquired from the above; Estate of the above; Neal Glass and Kerry Betensky Long Island, New York by descent; Estate of the above. EXHIBITED: "Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors," Shepherd Gallery, New York, April 1976. LITERATURE: R. Olson, Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors: An Album. Camuccini & Minardi to Mancini & Balla, Shepherd Gallery, New York, April 1976 Modernists and traditionalists will find works to covet within this sale. And, without a doubt, this auction presents a singular opportunity for enthusiasts of 19th-century European academic drawings. Collectors will note that our July sale contains an attractive selection of 19th-century academic drawings from the estate of Neal Glass and Kerry Betensky. These sheets originate from an immense corpus of over 12,000 drawings assembled into a series of albums in the later 19th century by Giovanni Piancastelli (1845-1926), a painter as well as then-Director of the Galleria Borghese in Rome. During Piancastelli's period of activity, collecting drawings on this scale was not uncommon, particularly for a figure with close ties to an artistic community such as he had. It is notable that the current selection of drawings were contemporary works of art when Piancastelli acquired them. Many of the artists represented were figures Piancastelli knew personally, and who held teaching positions at the Academy of San Luca in Rome. While the fate of Piancastelli's entire drawing collection is unknown, the first batch purchased from it en bloc was sold in 1901 to the American Hewitt sisters, Sarah and Eleanor, who were forming a museum in New York City. Their 3,500 Piancastelli drawings remain in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. The Glass/Betensky drawings in the current catalogue share the above provenance, literature and exhibition history, unless otherwise noted in our online catalogue. Please note that the cataloguing for these sheets follows the extensive research and connoisseurship undertaken by the Shepherd Gallery, New York, as published in the catalogue to its 1976 exhibition Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors: An Album. Camuccini & Minardi to Mancini & Balla. HID01801242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • Giuseppe Cades (Zugeschrieben) - Ceres mit dem Füllhorn (Ceres with the horn of plenty)
        Nov. 08, 2019

        Giuseppe Cades (Zugeschrieben) - Ceres mit dem Füllhorn (Ceres with the horn of plenty)

        Est: €1,800 - €2,160

        Pen and black ink, grey wash on laid paper. 21.7 x 28 cm.

        Karl & Faber
      • Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design for a de
        Jul. 11, 2019

        Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design for a de

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Giuseppe Cades (Italian, 1750-1799) Mercury crowning Victory and Design for a decorative device (two works) Ink on paper, each 8-3/8 x 12-1/8 inches (21.3 x 30.8 cm) (largest) Each inscribed lower right PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF NEAL GLASS AND KERRY BETENSKY PROVENANCE: Giovanni Piancastelli (1845-1926), painter, collector and Director of the Galleria Borghese, Rome; Estate of Reverend Father Francis Agius (1891-1958) of Our Lady of Counsel, Inwood, Long Island, New York; Sale, New York, by heirs of the above; Harry Glass, Long Island, New York, circa 1950s, acquired from the above; Estate of the above; Neal Glass and Kerry Betensky Long Island, New York by descent; Estate of the above. EXHIBITED: "Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors," Shepherd Gallery, New York, April 1976. LITERATURE: R. Olson, Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors: An Album. Camuccini & Minardi to Mancini & Balla, Shepherd Gallery, New York, April 1976. Modernists and traditionalists will find works to covet within this catalogue. And, without a doubt, this auction presents a singular opportunity for enthusiasts of 19th-century European academic paintings and drawings. The sale boasts a rich array of masterful oils on canvas and panel in beautiful condition by celebrated Italian, French, Belgian, German, Polish, Danish and Spanish painters. Some of them, such as Cesare Detti's monumental Venetian spectacle, Henri III reçu par le doge Muccinigo au palais Foscari, with its cast of 60 figures, earned inaugural exposure to the public at the Paris Salons. One work in the sale, a jewel-like panel of a scullery maid peeling apples by Belgian genre specialist, Charles van Meer, was formerly in the personal collection of Queen Victoria of England and her husband Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Collectors will note that our Spring sale contains an attractive selection of 19th-century academic drawings from the estate of Neal Glass and Kerry Betensky. These sheets originate from an immense corpus of over 12,000 drawings assembled into a series of albums in the later 19th century by Giovanni Piancastelli (1845-1926), a painter as well as then-Director of the Galleria Borghese in Rome. During Piancastelli's period of activity, collecting drawings on this scale was not uncommon, particularly for a figure with close ties to an artistic community such as he had. It is notable that the current selection of drawings were contemporary works of art when Piancastelli acquired them. Many of the artists represented were figures Piancastelli knew personally, and who held teaching positions at the Academy of San Luca in Rome. While the fate of Piancastelli's entire drawing collection is unknown, the first batch purchased from it en bloc was sold in 1901 to the American Hewitt sisters, Sarah and Eleanor, who were forming a museum in New York City. Their 3,500 Piancastelli drawings remain in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. The Glass/Betensky drawings in the current catalogue share the above provenance, literature and exhibition history, unless otherwise noted in our online catalogue. Please note that the cataloguing for these sheets follows the extensive research and connoisseurship undertaken by the Shepherd Gallery, New York, as published in the catalogue to its 1976 exhibition Italian 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors: An Album. Camuccini & Minardi to Mancini & Balla. HID01801242017

        Heritage Auctions
      • CADES GIUSEPPE (1750 - 1799) Attributed to. Saint Francis.
        Jun. 20, 2019

        CADES GIUSEPPE (1750 - 1799) Attributed to. Saint Francis.

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        CADES GIUSEPPE (1750 - 1799). Attributed to. Saint Francis. Cm 39,00 x 48,00.

        Capitolium Art
        May. 29, 2019


        Est: €5,000 - €8,000

        (Roma, 1750 - 1799) Studio di decorazione ad affresco China su carta, cm 11X38 Giuseppe Cades si formò a Roma all'Accademia di San Luca e ricevette le sue prime e importanti commissioni all'inizio degli anni Settanta del XVIII secolo, dipingendo con sensibilità classicista ispirata a Carlo Maratti. Intorno al 1774, iniziò a rileggere la tradizione illustrativa manieristica e rinascimentale affrontando soggetti storici e religiosi, progettando altresì apparati decorativi per palazzi e ville romane come ben si evince osservando il foglio qui presentato, la cui qualità denota il virtuosismo tecnico e lo straordinario talento grafico dell'autore. È infatti documentato che durante i primi anni Cades si procurò da vivere componendo disegni nella maniera dei maestri rinascimentali ma anche creazioni originali. Per quanto riguarda la datazione, il disegno si colloca all'ottavo - nono decennio, in cui si evince chiaramente l'ispirazione neo-cinquecentesca affrontata con una grafia dinamica e briosa in cui i modelli sono altresì affrontanti con una disinvoltura non scevra di ironia. Possiamo infatti cogliere analizzando la composizione una componente intellettualistica che fa trasparire la versatilità educativa di Cades e di come sapeva ben interpretare la vivace cultura romana della sua epoca, quando la Città Eterna era frequentata da personalità di primo piano, basti pensare a Johann Heinrich Füssli e a Johann Joachim Winckelmann, che giunti a Roma tra il 1750 e il 1755 determinarono una ripresa dei temi storici e mitologici in chiave moderna. Una simile sensibilità inventiva si coglie ad esempio nelle decorazioni realizzate nel 1779 dal pittore nel Palazzo Senatorio o nei molti appunti grafici di quegli anni. Si ricorda ad esempio il foglio raffigurante 'due figure alate che sorreggono una lira' custodito al Museo dell'Ermitage (Caracciolo, p. 249 - 250, n. 55), o il 'Progetto di fregio con personaggi allegorici' (Caracciolo, p. 253, n. 60 A).

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        May. 29, 2019


        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        La morte di Marcantonio Olio su tela, cm 30X22,5 Di probabili origini francesi, Giuseppe Cades (Roma, 1750-1799) fu un artista precoce e di talento. Formatosi con Domenico Corvi e all'Accademia di San Luca, mostrò da subito una sensibilità innovativa, mediando con la cultura barocca e classicista esprimendo una rara felicità cromatica e disegnativa. Questi aspetti ben si colgono osservando la piccola tela in esame, quanto mai preziosa nei suoi esiti e che esibisce una felicità pittorica di altissima qualità. I modelli a cui sembra far riferimento il pittore sono la pittura veneta rinascimentale, da cui apprese il gusto del colore, i modelli nordici e specialmente francesi, sorprendendoci altresì per la sua consapevole autonomia rispetto ai colleghi più in voga, come Pompeo Batoni o Anton Raphael Mengs, prediligendo una sensibilità narrativa in sintonia con Füssli e Barry. Bibliografia di riferimento: A.M. Clark, 'An introduction to the drawings of Giuseppe Cades', in 'Master Drawings', 1964, vol. II, pp. 23-24 e 26 M. T. Caracciolo, 'Giuseppe Cades 1750-1799 et la Rome de son temps', Parigi 1990, n. 77 A, pp. 271-272, illustrato p. 271

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)
        Mar. 07, 2019

        GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        (Roma, 1750 - 1799) San Giuseppe da Leonessa? Olio su carta, cm 70X50,5 Il dipinto è per tradizione collezionistica attribuito a Giuseppe Cades, il quale si formò a Roma all'Accademia di San Luca. Ricevette le sue prime importanti commissioni all'inizio degli anni Settanta del XVIII secolo, dipingendo con sensibilità classicista ispirata a Carlo Maratti. Intorno al 1774, iniziò a rileggere la tradizione illustrativa manieristica e rinascimentale affrontando soggetti storici e religiosi. Sebbene sia rimasto a Roma per tutta la sua carriera, ha ulteriormente ampliato la sua formazione visitando il nord Italia. Ha lavorato a molti progetti decorativi per palazzi e ville romane e realizzato dipinti da camera e pale di altare.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ in a mandorla fanked b
        Dec. 04, 2018

        ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ in a mandorla fanked b

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ in a mandorla fanked by two angels pen and brown ink on light brown prepared paper 11 3/8 x 9 1/4 in. (28.7 x 23.5 cm.)

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ on the Cross, with Saint John, Saint
        Dec. 04, 2018

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ on the Cross, with Saint John, Saint

        Est: £5,000 - £8,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Christ on the Cross, with Saint John, Saint Mary Magdalene and the Virgin pen and grey ink, brown wash 11 3/4 x 7 5/8 in. (29.7 x 19.4 cm.)

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Penelope recognizing Ulysses Odysseus with
        Dec. 04, 2018

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Penelope recognizing Ulysses Odysseus with

        Est: £7,000 - £10,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Penelope recognizing Ulysses Odysseus with illegible inscription (verso of the mount) traces of black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash 9 7/8 x 18 5/8 in. (25.1 x 47.5 cm.)

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) The Virgin and Child seated on a plinth sup
        Dec. 04, 2018

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) The Virgin and Child seated on a plinth sup

        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) The Virgin and Child seated on a plinth supported by angels, Saint Michael and other saints below signed 'Giuseppe Cades. 1780' pen and brown ink, brown wash 12 1/4 x 8 1/2 in. (30.9 x 21.6 cm.)

      • ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Studies of reclining male nud
        Dec. 04, 2018

        ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Studies of reclining male nud

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Studies of reclining male nudes pen and brown ink 9 3/8 x 6 3/4 in. (23.8 x 17.2 cm.)

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Three bishop Saints signed and dated 'G. Ca
        Dec. 04, 2018

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Three bishop Saints signed and dated 'G. Ca

        Est: £15,000 - £25,000

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ROME 1750-1799) Three bishop Saints signed and dated 'G. Cades. 1778' black and touches of red chalk, stumping 14 3/4 x 10 3/8 in. (37.3 x 26.3 cm.)

        Jul. 04, 2018


        Est: £5,000 - £7,000

        Black chalk and stumping, heightened with white and grey wash, on paper washed light brown

      • Giuseppe Cades: Neoclassical scene with Apollo, Diana and Minerva. Verso Prometheus shaping man of clay. Drawing ink and brown wash on paper.
        May. 30, 2018

        Giuseppe Cades: Neoclassical scene with Apollo, Diana and Minerva. Verso Prometheus shaping man of clay. Drawing ink and brown wash on paper.

        Est: kr10,000 - kr10,001

        Neoclassical scene with Apollo, Diana and Minerva. Verso Prometheus shaping man of clay. Unsigned. Drawing ink and brown wash on paper. Sheet size 212 x 320 mm.

        Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)
        Mar. 21, 2018

        GIUSEPPE CADES (attr. a)

        Est: €500 - €800

        (Roma, 1750 - 1799) Nativitˆ Olio su tela, cm 33X41 Il dipinto  per tradizione collezionistica attribuito a Giuseppe Cades, il quale si form˜ a Roma all'Accademia di San Luca. Ricevette le sue prime importanti commissioni all'inizio degli anni Settanta del XVIII secolo, dipingendo con sensibilitˆ classicista ispirata a Carlo Maratti.ÊIntorno al 1774, inizi˜ a rileggere la tradizione illustrativa manieristica e rinascimentale affrontando soggetti storici e religiosi.ÊSebbene sia rimasto a Roma per tutta la sua carriera, ha ulteriormente ampliato la sua formazione visitando il nord Italia.ÊHa lavorato a molti progetti decorativi per palazzi e ville romane e realizzato dipinti da camera e pale di altare.Ê

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) - Portrait of the princes Camillo and Francesco Borghese as young boys
        Jul. 05, 2017

        Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) - Portrait of the princes Camillo and Francesco Borghese as young boys

        Est: £20,000 - £30,000

        Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750-1799) Portrait of the princes Camillo and Francesco Borghese as young boys black and red chalk, brown and grey wash, heightened with white (partly oxidized), the heads of the boys cut out and laid down, watermark bend with a fleur-de-lys 11 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (30.2 x 25 cm.)

      • Attribuito a Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799)
        Nov. 29, 2016

        Attribuito a Giuseppe Cades (Roma 1750 - 1799)

        Est: €600 - €1,200

        Studio di antiporta per un'incisione con un monumento celebrativo ad un notabile giureconsulto matita nera su carta filigranata G F A, mm 285 x 206numerazione al verso in alto 98

        Finarte Roma
        Jul. 07, 2016


        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        signed 'Cades', black chalk, pen and grey ink, watercolour.The highly sculptural features of this design are characteristic for some of the drawings by the artist Giuseppe Cades. Active as a painter and sculptor in Italy during the second half of the 18th century, his designs channel both the influence of the Antique and the Renaissance periods. Quality, style, technique and signature are coherent with several examples by the artist

        WAC sas – Galleria Armondi
      • Giuseppe Cades (1750 - 1799), Estasi di San Giuseppe da Copertino. 1753 ca.
        Jun. 14, 2016

        Giuseppe Cades (1750 - 1799), Estasi di San Giuseppe da Copertino. 1753 ca.

        Est: €400 - €800

        Penna e acquerello bruno su carta vergellata bianca lievemente ingiallita. mm 200x130. Schizzo velocissimo da considerare come prima idea per la pala con Estasi di San Giuseppe da Copertino all'altare della cappella dedicata al santo nella chiesa dei SS. Apostoli a Roma. La cappella venne dedicata a san Giuseppe da Copertino (Copertino 1603 – Osimo 1663) nel 1753, quando questi venne beatificato da Benedetto XIV Lambertini. Nell'opera ancora oggi in loco è raffigurato il santo che si leva in estasi durante una messa celebrata ad Assisi nel 1651. Da segnalare altra versione del dipinto nell'Ospedale di Fabriano.

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • École néoclassique italienne dans l'entourage de Giuseppe CADES (Rome 1750-1799)
        May. 04, 2016

        École néoclassique italienne dans l'entourage de Giuseppe CADES (Rome 1750-1799)

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        École néoclassique italienne dans l'entourage de Giuseppe CADES (Rome 1750-1799) La Fuite de Clélie Plume et encre noire, lavis gris et lavis brun sur traits de crayon noir et rehauts de gouache blanche sur papier beige Déchirures sur les bords Pen and black ink with grey and brown wash on black chalk lines with white gouache highlights on beige paper 49 x 75,2?cm - 19 5/16 X 29 5/8 IN.

      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING DRAPED FIGURE Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 11 x 7...
        Feb. 06, 2016

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING DRAPED FIGURE Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 11 x 7...

        Est: $600 - $900

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING DRAPED FIGURE Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 11 x 7 1/4 in. Framed; lower left numbered: 10; lower right signed: Gius. Cedes deli./ Raphael Provenance: Private Maryland collection

        Potomack Company
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) GOD THE FATHER PARTING CLOUDS Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...
        Feb. 06, 2016

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) GOD THE FATHER PARTING CLOUDS Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...

        Est: $400 - $600

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) GOD THE FATHER PARTING CLOUDS Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 7 1/2 x 9 in. Framed Provenance: Private Maryland collection

        Potomack Company
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) SEATED FIGURE IN CONTRAPPOSTO Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...
        Feb. 06, 2016

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) SEATED FIGURE IN CONTRAPPOSTO Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...

        Est: $600 - $900

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) SEATED FIGURE IN CONTRAPPOSTO Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 10 x 7 3/4 in. (full sheet) Framed; verso inscribed: G. Cades/ After Raphael Provenance: Private Maryland collection

        Potomack Company
      • GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING FIGURE AFTER RAPHAEL Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...
        Feb. 06, 2016

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING FIGURE AFTER RAPHAEL Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper:...

        Est: $600 - $900

        GIUSEPPE CADES (ITALIAN, 1750-1799) STANDING FIGURE AFTER RAPHAEL Pen and brown ink, wash and brown ink framing lines on laid paper: 10 3/4 x 6 3/4 in. (full sheet) Framed; verso inscribed: Giuseppe Cades delt 1765/ after Raphael/ loggia Vaticana Provenance: Private Maryland collection

        Potomack Company
      • Attribué à Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750 - 1799) Minerve insuffle la vaillance dans la tête et le cœur d'un guerrier Plume et encre...
        Nov. 17, 2014

        Attribué à Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750 - 1799) Minerve insuffle la vaillance dans la tête et le cœur d'un guerrier Plume et encre...

        Est: €600 - €800

        Attribué à Giuseppe Cades (Rome 1750 - 1799) Minerve insuffle la vaillance dans la tête et le cœur d'un guerrier Plume et encre noire et lavis brun 37 x 51 cm Dessin doublé, rousseurs

      • Cades, Giuseppe
        Oct. 18, 2014

        Cades, Giuseppe

        Est: - €1,200

        Cades, Giuseppe (1750 Rom 1799). Wunderszene. Lavierte Sepiazeichnung auf Papier, 2. H. 18. Jh. 32,5 x 21,5 cm. Punktuell auf festem Papier aufgeklebt. Unter Passep. u. Glas gerahmt. - Etw. fleckig, Papier leicht wellig.

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
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