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Carlo Ceresa Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1609 - d. 1679

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    • CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old spinner." Oil on canvas. Relined from the 18th century. Preserves period frame.
      Feb. 25, 2025

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old spinner." Oil on canvas. Relined from the 18th century. Preserves period frame.

      Est: €9,000 - €10,000

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old woman spinner". Oil on canvas. Eighteenth century re-colouring. It conserves a period frame. Measurements: 130 x 86 cm; 146 x 103 cm (frame). In this canvas the author captures a portrait that goes beyond the representation of genre, of a popular character, through the psychological deepening and the attention to the character's features, whose expressive face becomes the absolute centre of the image. The composition is very simple and sober, with a naturalistic heritage, with the figure in the foreground, at a large size, in fact, the figure is even out of the painting, cut out against a neutral background and a more illuminated plane around the woman, with areas of semi-darkness. The overall intonation, very restrained and warm, also reveals great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of very nuanced white. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the face, its details, small wrinkles and expression, of joyful complicity, which integrates the spectator into the pictorial space. Furthermore, the face is doubly enhanced by the fact that it is framed by the black scarf, the dark tone of which further enhances its direct illumination. The woman is shown with her body slightly turned three-quarters of the way round, but she turns her face to face us. This carefully studied pose introduces movement into the scene, and does so with ease, without apparent effort, achieving a highly naturalistic result. Furthermore, this position of the body breaks with the symmetry and frontality of the conventional portrait, something that is reinforced by the position of the hands, which are raised on the left side of the painting to hold the wool and the spindle. The piece is aesthetically reminiscent of works by Carlo Ceresa, a pupil and later assistant to the Milanese painter Daniele Crespi, whose style and vocabulary survived in his work after the master's death in 1630. He was active in the Bergamo area and produced a large number of religious works characterised by great sobriety and a discreet approach combined with the vivid colour of the Veneto school. He was also a skilled portraitist whose services were sought after by the city's noble families. The naturalism that pervades the depiction of his subjects recalls the work of Moroni and awaits Fra Galgario and Ceruti (Pitochetto).

      Setdart Auction House
    • Carlo Ceresa "Portrait of a Man" oil on canvas (95x80.5 cm.) framed (defects and restorations) Provenance Collezione generale Siotto Pintor, Gorlago (Bergamo) Literature G. Testori, Carlo Ceresa, ritrattista, in "Paragone. Arte", n. 39, 1...
      Oct. 25, 2024

      Carlo Ceresa "Portrait of a Man" oil on canvas (95x80.5 cm.) framed (defects and restorations) Provenance Collezione generale Siotto Pintor, Gorlago (Bergamo) Literature G. Testori, Carlo Ceresa, ritrattista, in "Paragone. Arte", n. 39, 1...

      Est: €4,000 - €4,500

      (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) "Portrait of a Man" oil on canvas (95x80.5 cm.) framed (defects and restorations) Provenance Collezione generale Siotto Pintor, Gorlago (Bergamo) Literature G. Testori, Carlo Ceresa, ritrattista, in "Paragone. Arte", n. 39, 1953, p. 27 R. Bassi Rathgeb, Addenda bergomensia a "I Pittori del Seicento veneto" di Donzelli e Pilo, in "Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova" n. 54, 1965, p. 121, fig. 3 U. Ruggeri, Carlo Ceresa dipinti e disegni, Monumenta Bergomensia, Cinisello Balsamo, 1979, p. 177, fig. 242 B. Dragone, Da Bagetti a Reycend, in ''Studi piemontesi'', vol XI, fasc. 1, marzo 1982, pp. 52-56 L. Vertova, Carlo Ceresa, in "I pittori bergamaschi", Il Seicento, vol II, Bergamo, 1984, p. 681, fig. 4 IT "Ritratto virile" olio su tela (cm 95x80,5) in cornice (difetti e restauri) Provenienza Collezione generale Siotto Pintor, Gorlago (Bergamo) Bibliografia G. Testori, Carlo Ceresa, ritrattista, in "Paragone. Arte", n. 39, 1953, p. 27 R. Bassi Rathgeb, Addenda bergomensia a "I Pittori del Seicento veneto" di Donzelli e Pilo, in "Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova" n. 54, 1965, p. 121, fig. 3 U. Ruggeri, Carlo Ceresa dipinti e disegni, Monumenta Bergomensia, Cinisello Balsamo, 1979, p. 177, fig. 242 B. Dragone, Da Bagetti a Reycend, in ''Studi piemontesi'', vol XI, fasc. 1, marzo 1982, pp. 52-56 L. Vertova, Carlo Ceresa, in "I pittori bergamaschi", Il Seicento, vol II, Bergamo, 1984, p. 681, fig. 4

      Il Ponte Auction House
    • Holy Family with Child Jesus and Saint John, circle of Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo, January 20, 1609 - 1679)
      Jul. 18, 2024

      Holy Family with Child Jesus and Saint John, circle of Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo, January 20, 1609 - 1679)

      Est: €4,000 - €4,500

      Italian school of the 17th century. Oil on canvas. Canvas measurements: 60 x 50 cm. Framed measurements: 65 x 56 cm

      Templum Fine Art Auctions
      Jun. 18, 2024


      Est: €1,000 - €2,000

      (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) Apparizione di Gesù Bambino a Sant'Antonio da Padova Olio su tela, cm 70,3X54,3 Riconosciuto alla mano di Carlo Ceresa da Massimo Pulini, la tela, sia pur sporca e con una vernice ingiallita, mostra una stesura pittorica ben conservata e di alta qualità, percepibile osservando gli incarnati e il tessuto del saio. Il tema della visione di Sant'Antonio fu più volte affrontato dall'artista e ricordiamo in questa sede la pala conservata nella chiesa di San Pancrazio a Gorlago che, datata al 1652-1655, offre altresì un utile spunto cronologico (D. Bonfatti, in Carlo Ceresa.. 2012, pp. 210-211. N. 75). Infatti, la conduzione e la tipologia dei volti trovano maggiori analogie rispetto alla tela di Brancilione del 1663, dal carattere fortemente mistico e drammatico (D. Bonfatti, in Carlo Ceresa.. 2012, pp. 212-213. N. 76). Nel nostro caso si scorgono altre similitudini con il Sant'Antonio di Alzano Lombardo che risulta donato da Pietro Pelliccioli nel 1656 e con la tela di Mezzoldo del 1658 (Vertova, p. 703. 587/169). Detto questo, la fortuna illustrativa inerente al santo padovano si spiega grazie alla sua elezione nel 1652 a compatrono della città di Bergamo e proprio nel corso del Sesto decennio vediamo l'autore concepire queste immagini la cui consuetudine compositiva è caratterizzata da una umana dolcezza emanata dall'abbraccio del Bimbo da parte di un giovane a occhi chiusi. Giovane le cui fattezze emanano ancora un'eco degli insegnamenti di Daniele Crespi, ma anche una intonazione che tradisce influenze del classicismo emiliano di Reni e Guercino. Si ringrazia Massimo Pulini per l'attribuzione. Bibliografia di riferimento: U. Ruggeri, Carlo Ceresa. Dipinti e disegni, Bergamo 1979, ad vocem L. Vertova, Carlo Ceresa, in I Pittori Bergamaschi. Il Seicento, Bergamo 1984, II, pp. 403; 733 Carlo Ceresa. Un pittore del Seicento lombardo tra realtà e devozione, catalogo della mostra, a cura di S. Facchinetti, F. Frangi, G. Valagussa, Cinisello Balsamo 2012, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Lombard School, 17th century - Nativity
      May. 28, 2024

      Lombard School, 17th century - Nativity

      Est: €5,000 - €8,000

      oil on canvas 95 x 121.5 cm within an ancient carved and gilded frame An attribution to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 – Bergamo, 1679) has been suggested for the painting.

    • CARLO CERESA Bergamo, Italy (1609) / (1679) "Portrait of grandmother and grandson" and "Portrait of grandmother and granddaughter"
      Nov. 07, 2023

      CARLO CERESA Bergamo, Italy (1609) / (1679) "Portrait of grandmother and grandson" and "Portrait of grandmother and granddaughter"

      Est: €37,500 - €50,000

      Oil on canvas Measurements: 72.5 x 59.5 cm each

    • Carlo Ceresa "Portrait of a member of the Lechi family" oil on canvas (113x95 cm.) inscribed on the letter "... Ceresa' ' Castello Lecho" framed (defects and restorations)...
      Oct. 18, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa "Portrait of a member of the Lechi family" oil on canvas (113x95 cm.) inscribed on the letter "... Ceresa' ' Castello Lecho" framed (defects and restorations)...

      Est: €6,500 - €7,000

      (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) "Portrait of a member of the Lechi family" oil on canvas (113x95 cm.) inscribed on the letter "... Ceresa' ' Castello Lecho" framed (defects and restorations) IT "Ritratto di un membro della famiglia Lechi" olio su tela (cm 113x95) iscritto sulla lettera "... Ceresa' ' Castello Lecho" in cornice (difetti e restauri)

      Il Ponte Auction House
    • Carlo Ceresa "Pietà" oil on canvas (98x126 cm.) (defects and restorations)...
      Oct. 18, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa "Pietà" oil on canvas (98x126 cm.) (defects and restorations)...

      Est: €5,500 - €6,000

      (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) "Pietà" oil on canvas (98x126 cm.) (defects and restorations) IT "Pietà" olio su tela (cm 98x126) (difetti e restauri)

      Il Ponte Auction House
    • CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Pictures". Oil on canvas (x2). Relined.
      Sep. 19, 2023

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Pictures". Oil on canvas (x2). Relined.

      Est: €27,000 - €29,000

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Portraits". Oil on canvas (x2). Re-framed. Measurements: 72,5 x 59,5 cm; 92 x 80 cm (frames) Pair of portraits showing a mother with a little boy in both cases. One of them shows a lady with her son, both holding a small box, while the other portrait shows a girl sharing an orange. Both pieces, although different, have the same general intonation, which is very restrained and warm, but also reveals a great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of a very nuanced white. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the faces, their details and their lighting. The level of detail and delicacy is evident in both works, especially in the treatment of the fabrics, with satin, lace and velvet standing out, all excellently differentiated from each other. However, one of the most characteristic features is to be found in the family portrait of the child holding a gold medal with gem-set rubies in which the devotional image of Saint Anthony of Padua can be seen, thus giving the image a religious dimension. It is important to point out the contrast created in both pieces by contrasting the features of childhood with those of maturity, the two stages being recreated in a way that is truthful and faithful to reality. The piece is aesthetically reminiscent of works by Carlo Ceresa, a pupil and later assistant to the Milanese painter Daniele Crespi, whose style and vocabulary survived in his work after the master's death in 1630. He was active in the Bergamo area and produced a large number of religious works characterised by great sobriety and a discreet approach combined with the vivid colour of the Veneto school. He was also a skilled portraitist whose services were sought after by the city's noble families. The naturalism that pervades the depiction of his subjects recalls the work of Moroni and awaits Fra Galgario and Ceruti (Pitochetto).

      Setdart Auction House
    • Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Portrait of a young lady, full-length, in a blue dress
      Sep. 13, 2023

      Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Portrait of a young lady, full-length, in a blue dress

      Est: £4,500 - £5,500

      Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Portrait of a young lady, full-length, in a blue dress oil on canvas 195.7 x 105.7cm (77 1/16 x 41 5/8in).

    • Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Valle Prembana – 1679 Bergamo, zugeschrieben
      Jun. 29, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Valle Prembana – 1679 Bergamo, zugeschrieben

      Est: €50,000 - €70,000

      DER ENGEL ERSCHEINT HAGAR UND ISMAEL Öl auf Leinwand. Altdoubliert. 93,2 x 113,2 cm. In vergoldetem, vegetabil geschnitztem Barockrahmen. Nach der Geburt Isaaks entließ Abraham die Magd Hagar, die ihm den Sohn Ismael geboren hatte, der hier am unteren Bildrand in gewagter optischer Verkürzung zu sehen ist. In der Wüste verirrten sich Hagar mit Ismael, und sie drohten zu verdursten. Da sandte Gott den hier am linken Bildrand zu sehenden Engel, der ihnen einen Brunnen zeigte (Genesis 21,9-21). Provenienz: Sotheby’s, London, 8. Dezember 2016, Lot 156 als Carlo Ceresa mit Dank an Keith Christiansen für die Künstlerbestätigung anhand von Fotografien, dort ungerahmt. (1361822) (13) Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Brembana Valley – 1679 Bergamo, attributed THE ANGEL APPEARS TO HAGAR AND ISHMAEL Oil on canvas. Old relining. 93.2 x 113.2 cm. Provenance: Sotheby’s, London, 8 December 2016, lot 156 as Carlo Ceresa with thanks to Keith Christiansen for identifying the artist based on photographs, there unframed.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Carlo Ceresa Ritratto di magistrato
      Jun. 27, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa Ritratto di magistrato

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      al retro reca etichetta con una probabile identificazione dell'effigiato con un esponente della famiglia Bianchi Falgari di Bergamo

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Pictures". Oil on canvas (x2). Relined.
      May. 29, 2023

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Pictures". Oil on canvas (x2). Relined.

      Est: €27,000 - €29,000

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Portraits". Oil on canvas (x2). Re-framed. Measurements: 72,5 x 59,5 cm; 92 x 80 cm (frames) Pair of portraits showing a mother with a little boy in both cases. One of them shows a lady with her son, both holding a small box, while the other portrait shows a girl sharing an orange. Both pieces, although different, have the same general intonation, which is very restrained and warm, but also reveals a great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of a very nuanced white. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the faces, their details and their lighting. The level of detail and delicacy is evident in both works, especially in the treatment of the fabrics, with satin, lace and velvet standing out, all excellently differentiated from each other. However, one of the most characteristic features is to be found in the family portrait of the child holding a gold medal with gem-set rubies in which the devotional image of Saint Anthony of Padua can be seen, thus giving the image a religious dimension. It is important to point out the contrast created in both pieces by contrasting the features of childhood with those of maturity, the two stages being recreated in a way that is truthful and faithful to reality. The piece is aesthetically reminiscent of works by Carlo Ceresa, a pupil and later assistant to the Milanese painter Daniele Crespi, whose style and vocabulary survived in his work after the master's death in 1630. He was active in the Bergamo area and produced a large number of religious works characterised by great sobriety and a discreet approach combined with the vivid colour of the Veneto school. He was also a skilled portraitist whose services were sought after by the city's noble families. The naturalism that pervades the depiction of his subjects recalls the work of Moroni and awaits Fra Galgario and Ceruti (Pitochetto).

      Setdart Auction House
    • CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old spinner." Oil on canvas. Relined from the 18th century. Preserves period frame.
      Mar. 07, 2023

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old spinner." Oil on canvas. Relined from the 18th century. Preserves period frame.

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      CARLO CERESA (Bergamo, 1609 - 1679). "Old woman spinner". Oil on canvas. Eighteenth century re-colouring. It conserves a period frame. Measurements: 130 x 86 cm; 146 x 103 cm (frame). In this canvas the author captures a portrait that goes beyond the representation of genre, of a popular character, through the psychological deepening and the attention to the character's features, whose expressive face becomes the absolute centre of the image. The composition is very simple and sober, with a naturalistic heritage, with the figure in the foreground, at a large size, in fact, the figure is even out of the painting, cut out against a neutral background and a more illuminated plane around the woman, with areas of semi-darkness. The overall intonation, very restrained and warm, also reveals great sobriety; it revolves around the earthy, ochre and reddish tones of naturalism, punctuated by touches of very nuanced white. Nevertheless, it is a key element in the modelling of the face, its details, small wrinkles and expression, of joyful complicity, which integrates the spectator into the pictorial space. Furthermore, the face is doubly enhanced by the fact that it is framed by the black scarf, the dark tone of which further enhances its direct illumination. The woman is shown with her body slightly turned three-quarters of the way round, but she turns her face to face us. This carefully studied pose introduces movement into the scene, and does so with ease, without apparent effort, achieving a highly naturalistic result. Furthermore, this position of the body breaks with the symmetry and frontality of the conventional portrait, something that is reinforced by the position of the hands, which are raised on the left side of the painting to hold the wool and the spindle. The piece is aesthetically reminiscent of works by Carlo Ceresa, a pupil and later assistant to the Milanese painter Daniele Crespi, whose style and vocabulary survived in his work after the master's death in 1630. He was active in the Bergamo area and produced a large number of religious works characterised by great sobriety and a discreet approach combined with the vivid colour of the Veneto school. He was also a skilled portraitist whose services were sought after by the city's noble families. The naturalism that pervades the depiction of his subjects recalls the work of Moroni and awaits Fra Galgario and Ceruti (Pitochetto).

      Setdart Auction House
    • Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) cerchia di
      Feb. 21, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) cerchia di

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) cerchia di Ritratto di due nobildonne Olio su tela 132 x 96 cm Data la sua abilità artistica, verso la fine degli anni '20 del Seicento Carlo Ceresa entrò nella bottega di Daniele Crespi: l'apprendistato durò ben poco, visto che nel 1630 il suo maestro morì a causa della peste e così Ceresa tornò in terra natia, dove fu impegnato ad eseguire ritratti per la nobiltà locale, per quella cittadina e commissioni ecclesiastiche. La sua pittura si prodigò tra il naturalismo lombardo e istanze coloristiche venete, raggiungendo facilmente la sensibilità del suo pubblico con un buon livello di accomodante colorismo. Nei ritratti espose ambientazioni con scarni arredi e/o tendaggi, con figure che emergono da piatti fondali con espressioni severe e pose composte, talvolta animate dalla posizione delle mani. In diversi casi gli effigiati portano al petto un oggetto, o mostrano un particolare del loro abbigliamento. Per approfondire, si vedano Gentildonna di casa Suardi dell'Accademia di Carrara, ritratto di Giovane gentildonna che mostra una perla delle Civiche Raccolte del Castello Sforzesco, e infine il Ritratto di Chiara Ceni Benvenuti dell'Accademia di Carrara. Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) circle of Portrait of two noblewomen Oil on canvas 132 x 96 cm

      Lucas Aste
    • Carlo Ceresa - Umkreis: Porträt einer vornehmen Dame mit Blumen im Haar
      Jan. 25, 2023

      Carlo Ceresa - Umkreis: Porträt einer vornehmen Dame mit Blumen im Haar

      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      CERESA, CARLO 1609 San Giovanni Bianco - 1679 Bergamo Umkreis Titel: Porträt einer vornehmen Dame mit Blumen im Haar. Technik: Öl auf Leinwand. Montierung: Doubliert. Maße: 55 x 45cm. Rahmen: Rahmen. Provenienz: Privatbesitz, Italien. Erläuterungen zum Katalog Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Deutschland: 63,00 Euro inkl. 10,06 Euro MwSt EU: 95,00 Euro inkl. 15,17 Euro MwSt Weltweit: 165,00 Euro inkl. 26,34 Euro MwSt zzgl. Versandversicherung

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) — Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet
      Nov. 25, 2022

      Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) — Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet

      Est: -

      Ceresa, Carlo - attributed to — Saint Charles Borromeo in prayer (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Half-length figure in cardinal's robe in devotion before a crucifix on a house altar, on it further attributes like book, bell and cardinal's hat. Oil on canvas. 112 x 89,5 cm. - Craquelures, minor paint losses at the top. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 6, Saur AKL 17. // Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) — Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet — (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Halbfigur im Kardinalsgewand in Andacht vor einem Kruzifix auf einem Hausaltar, darauf weitere Attribute wie Buch, Glocke und Kardinalshut. Öl/Lwd. 112 x 89,5 cm. - Krakeluren, kleinere Farbverluste oben. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 6, Saur AKL 17.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    • Ceresa Carlo, Adorazione dei Magi
      Nov. 23, 2022

      Ceresa Carlo, Adorazione dei Magi

      Est: €5,000 - €6,000

      olio su tavola, W. 53 - H. 38 Cm

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Ceresa Carlo, Ritratto di bambina con fiori e more
      Nov. 23, 2022

      Ceresa Carlo, Ritratto di bambina con fiori e more

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      olio su tela, W. 50 - H. 70 Cm, Expertise Prof. Ferdinando Arisi

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • AMBIT OF CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679)
      Nov. 17, 2022

      AMBIT OF CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679)

      Est: €1,300 - €1,800

      Portrait of a prelate with book Oil on canvas, cm. 64x53,5

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    • Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) — Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet
      Jul. 29, 2022

      Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) — Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet

      Est: -

      Ceresa, Carlo - attributed to —Saint Charles Borromeo in prayer (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Half-length figure in cardinal's robe in devotion before a crucifix on a house altar, on it further attributes like book, bell and cardinal's hat. Oil on canvas. 112 x 89,5 cm. - Craquelures, minor paint losses at the top. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 6, Saur AKL 17. // Ceresa, Carlo (Attrib.) Der heilige Karl Borromäus im Gebet (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Halbfigur im Kardinalsgewand in Andacht vor einem Kruzifix auf einem Hausaltar, darauf weitere Attribute wie Buch, Glocke und Kardinalshut. Öl/Lwd. 112 x 89,5 cm. - Krakeluren, kleinere Farbverluste oben. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 6, Saur AKL 17.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    • Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609 - 1679) - "Portrait of a young girl"
      May. 25, 2022

      Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609 - 1679) - "Portrait of a young girl"

      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609 - 1679) "Portrait of a young girl" Oil on canvas 38,5 x 31,5 cm 3.000 - 4.000 €

      Greco Subastas
    • Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)
      May. 24, 2022

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)

      Est: €1,500 - €2,500

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Ritratto di nobildonna Olio su tela 88 x 66 cm Vista la sua abilità artistica, verso la fine degli anni ‘20 del Seicento Carlo Ceresa entrò nella bottega di Daniele Crespi, apprendistato che durò ben poco visto che nel 1630, causa la morte per peste del maestro, Carlo torno in terra natia e tornò a dipingere per le pievi locali, dipingendo ritratti prima per la nobiltà locale poi per quella cittadina. La sua pittura si prodiga tra il naturalismo lombardo e istanze coloristiche venete, raggiungendo facilmente la sensibilità non sempre raffinata del suo pubblico, con un buon livello di aggraziato e accomodante colorismo. Nei ritratti espone ambientazioni con scarni arredi e/o tendaggi, le figure emergono da piatti fondali con espressioni severe e pose composte, talvolta animate dalla posizione delle mani. I diversi casi, come nel nostro, gli effigiati portano al petto un oggetto o mostrano un particolare del loro abbigliamento. Per approfondire, si vedano Gentildonna di casa Suardi dell’Accademia di Carrara, ritratto di Giovane gentildonna che mostra una perla delle Civiche Raccolte del Castello Sforzesco, infine il Ritratto di Chiara Ceni Benvenuti, dell’Accademia di Carrara. Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Portrait of a noblewoman Oil on canvas 88 x 66 cm

      Lucas Aste
    • Portrait of a Distinguished Lady with Flowers in her Hair
      May. 19, 2022

      Portrait of a Distinguished Lady with Flowers in her Hair

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      CERESA, CARLO 1609 San Giovanni Bianco - 1679 Bergamo Circle Title: Portrait of a Distinguished Lady with Flowers in her Hair. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 55 x 45cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Italy. Explanations to the Catalogue

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Esther before Ahasuerus
      May. 19, 2022

      Esther before Ahasuerus

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      CERESA, CARLO 1609 San Giovanni Bianco - 1679 Bergamo Title: Esther before Ahasuerus. Date: ca. 1640-1645. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 96 x 115cm. Provenance: Presumably Hubert de la Fontaine and d'Harnoncourt-Unverzagt collection; Private ownership, Italy. A painter from Bergamo, Carlo Ceresa was one of the most important 17th-century painters in Lombardy. Gaining fame for his lifelike portraits, his oeuvre also includes numerous paintings with religious themes, many of which are still preserved in his homeland and were highly regarded by his 18th-century biographers. The present painting belongs to this series: depicted is the episode from the Old Testament in which Queen Esther meets her husband Ahasuerus - identifiable with the famous Persian King Xerxes I - to convince him to change the edict against the Jews and save his people. No other variants with this theme are known in the artist's production: perhaps the work was commissioned by a particularly demanding client. The composition is atmospheric, with the main figures in the foreground standing out against the almost monochrome background in shades of gray and blue. The influence of master Daniele Crespi and early 17th century Bolognese painting, which shaped Ceresa's style, can still be felt in the work, with the interesting quotation of physiognomic models from Milanese Carlo Francesco Nuvolone. This fact testifies to the mutual study and emulation of the Lombard artists of the seventeenth century. The painting can be dated to one of the happiest and most fruitful periods of the artist, when the elegant and refined colour values are combined with the accentuated expressiveness of the figures, namely at the beginning of the fifth decade of the seventeenth century. Literature: Piacenza, terra di frontiera: pittori lombardi e liguri del Seicento. Dipinti e disegni inediti, Piacenza 2010, p. 65. We thank Simone Facchinetti, Bergamo, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph. Explanations to the Catalogue

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      Dec. 14, 2021


      Est: €3,000 - €3,400

      CARLO CERESA (1609-1679) 'Ritratto di gentiluomo con sciarpa di pizzo bianco' olio di forma ovale cm. 72x92

      Aste Boetto SRL
      Mar. 26, 2021


      Est: CHF20,000 - CHF25,000

      CARLO CERESA (1609 Bergamo 1679) Esther before Ahasuerus. Oil on canvas. 96.5 × 115 cm. Provenance: - Hubert Comte d'Harnoncourt. - European private collection. Literature: Franco Moro: Scheda in Piacenza, terra di frontiera: pittori lombardi e liguri del Seicento. Dipinti e disegni inediti, Piacenza 2010, p. 65. --------------- CARLO CERESA (1609 Bergamo 1679) Esther vor Ahasuerus. Öl auf Leinwand. 96,5 × 115 cm. Provenienz: - Hubert Comte d'Harnoncourt. - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Literatur: Franco Moro: Scheda in Piacenza, terra di frontiera: pittori lombardi e liguri del Seicento. Dipinti e disegni inediti, Piacenza 2010, S. 65.

      Koller Auctions
    • Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Vallo Prembana - 1679 Bergamo, zug.
      Mar. 25, 2021

      Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Vallo Prembana - 1679 Bergamo, zug.

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      PORTRAIT EINES JURISTEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 195 x 113 cm. Ganzkörperportrait nach links eines stehenden Mannes in schwerer, bodenlanger schwarzer Robe, die mittig geknöpft ist und die zudem einen weißen Kragen und an den Ärmelenden weiße Manschetten hat. In seiner linken nach unten gerichteten Hand, mit beringtem Zeigefinger, hält er ein weißes Tuch. Auf seiner linken Seite steht ein hohes Holzbord, darin mehrere alte, am Rand in Latein beschriftete Bücher, die auf seinen Beruf als Jurist hinweisen. Davor ein Tisch mit grün-beiger Samtdecke, auf der ein aufgeschlagenes Buch liegt, auf das er mit dem Zeigefinger seiner darauf liegenden rechten Hand hinweist. Repräsentatives Portrait in zurückhaltender Farbgebung. Vereinzelt minimal berieben, kleine Rahmenschäden, verso Unterlegungen. (1260624) (18) Carlo Ceresa, 1609 Vallo Prembana - 1679 Bergamo, attributed PORTRAIT OF A SOLICITOR Oil on canvas. Relined. 195 x 113 cm. Rubbed in isolated places, minor damages to frame, areas of relining on the reverse.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609-1679), Martirio di Santo Stefano
      Dec. 10, 2020

      Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609-1679), Martirio di Santo Stefano

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      olio su tela, cm 198x97, Dopo l’ossessivo ricorso alle stampe cinquecentesche degli esordi, Ceresa si rivolse intorno agli anni Trenta alla lezione di Daniele Crespi, scomparso in seguito alla peste, portando a maturazione un linguaggio originale e autonomo e tuttavia estraneo alla penetrazione delle novità barocche in territorio bergamasco. Come già sottolineava Roberto Longhi, proprio questo ruolo di “pittore di argine” lo rese unico e, se talvolta rifiutato dalla committenza ecclesiastica più esigente, ricercato dall’aristocrazia e dalla nobiltà locali che deliziava con riuscitissimi ritratti alla moda. Accanto ad una galleria penetrantissima di ritratti, spicca la produzione a sfondo religioso che lo impegnò fino alla morte, avvenuta nel 1679, e che incontrò la sua convinta e personale adesione di fede. Pervasa da un forte fervore religioso è anche questa grande tela che viene ad arricchire oggi il suo catalogo. Qui, la composizione si sviluppa in verticale stipando la figura monumentale del protomartire in primo piano, ripreso di profilo. Uno sgherro in piedi sulla sinistra, tagliato per metà, entra nella scena con una gamba aggettante pronto a scagliare il macigno fatale. Santo Stefano rivolge un’estrema preghiera alla divinità, mentre Padre e Figlio vegliano, in attesa del ricongiungimento, ritratti in piccola scala in alto a sinistra.

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Attribué à Carlo CERESA San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergame, 1679 Portrait de gentilhomme aux gants Huile sur toile
      Sep. 29, 2020

      Attribué à Carlo CERESA San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergame, 1679 Portrait de gentilhomme aux gants Huile sur toile

      Est: €2,500 - €3,500

      Attribué à Carlo CERESA San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergame, 1679 Portrait de gentilhomme aux gants Huile sur toile h: 65 w: 55 cm Estimation 2 500 - 3 500 €

      Sep. 24, 2020


      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) Ritratto di famiglia Olio su tela, cm 97,5X72 Il dipinto è stato ricondotto al catalogo di Carlo Ceresa da Mina Gregori che ne pone l'esecuzione al quarto decennio. I volti degli effigiati esprimono una sensibilità naturalistica spiccata ma modulata su esempi che evocano le coeve creazioni del Sassoferrato. Lo si percepisce osservando il pallore lucido degli incarnati e i toni cromatici, aspetti che appaiono solo superficialmente arcaizzanti, ma agevolano con delicatezza la capacità dell'artista di descrivere la realtà. La tela trova altresì confronto con il 'Ritratto di famiglia' pubblicato dal Ruggeri nel 1979 (cfr. U. Ruggeri, Carlo Ceresa. Dipinti e disegni, Bergamo 1979, p. 133). L'opera è corredata da una perizia scritta di Mina Gregori. Bibliografia di riferimento: Un pittore del Seicento lombardo tra realtà e devozione, catalogo della mostra, a cura di S. Facchinetti, F. Frangi, G. Valagussa, Cinisello Balsamo 2012, ad vocem

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • ENTOURAGE DE CARLO CERESA (BERGAME 1609-1679) - Portrait d'une petite fille avec son chien
      Sep. 15, 2020

      ENTOURAGE DE CARLO CERESA (BERGAME 1609-1679) - Portrait d'une petite fille avec son chien

      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      ENTOURAGE DE CARLO CERESA (BERGAME 1609-1679) Portrait d'une petite fille avec son chien huile sur toile 87,8 x 72 cm. (34 5/8 x 28 3/8 in.)

    • Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609-1679), Ritratti di coniugi
      Dec. 13, 2019

      Carlo Ceresa (Bergamo 1609-1679), Ritratti di coniugi

      Est: €10,000 - €15,000

      olio su tela, cm 86x81, "(...) L'impostazione scelta per questi ritratti segue lo schema abituale che Ceresa utilizza fin dagli anni trenta (G. Testori, Carlo Ceresa, ritrattistica, in 'Paragone', 1953, n. 39, pp. 19-28). Nella loro impostazione è chiara la matrice naturalistica della tradizione lombarda ed in particolare è evidente l'eco della ritrattistica di Giambattista Moroni. I due committenti indossano abiti neri e sobri, schiariti da semplici colletti bianchi, lo sfondo è spoglio, privo di quegli ornamenti che sono tipici della ritrattistica aulica. La luce che illumina i due effigiati rischiara uno sfondo grigio neutro, sul quale si proiettano le ombre dei corpi e su cui risaltano chiari gli incarnati. Tutti elementi che portano ad indicare il pittore bergamasco come l'autore dei due dipinti inediti. (...)" Expertise Franco Moro Provenienza: Collezione Conti Sottocasa, Bergamo

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) - Portrait of abbot with book
      Nov. 21, 2019

      CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) - Portrait of abbot with book

      Est: €5,000 - €6,000

      CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) Portrait of abbot with book Oil on canvas, cm. 100x70. Framed

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    • Carlo Ceresa Christ Meets the Virgin Mary on the Way to Calvary Oil on canvas 101.5x115 cm. Framed (defects)...
      Oct. 22, 2019

      Carlo Ceresa Christ Meets the Virgin Mary on the Way to Calvary Oil on canvas 101.5x115 cm. Framed (defects)...

      Est: €5,500 - €6,000

      (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Christ Meets the Virgin Mary on the Way to Calvary Oil on canvas 101.5x115 cm. Framed (defects) IT Cristo incontra la madre sulla via del Calvario Olio su tela cm 101,5x115 In cornice (difetti)

      Il Ponte Auction House
    • CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) - Portrait of abbot with book
      May. 09, 2019

      CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) - Portrait of abbot with book

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 - Bergamo, 1679) Portrait of abbot with book Oil on canvas, cm. 100x70. Framed

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    • CARLO CERESA att.to; CARLO CERESA att. to,
      Oct. 24, 2017

      CARLO CERESA att.to; CARLO CERESA att. to,

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      CARLO CERESA att.to; CARLO CERESA att. to, San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679, Portrait of noblewoman, Oil on canvas cm 88 x 73

      Arte Roma Auctions
    • Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 34.5". Notes; This is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).
      Dec. 21, 2016

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 34.5". Notes; This is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).

      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 34.5". Notes; This is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).

      John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    • CARLO CERESA - Portrait of a young noblewoman
      Dec. 15, 2016

      CARLO CERESA - Portrait of a young noblewoman

      Est: €35,000 - €45,000

      CARLO CERESA (San Giovanni Bianco, 1609 – Bergamo, 1679) Portrait of a young noblewoman Oil on canvas, 99 x 73 cm The work in question is attributed to Carlo Ceresa, a painter from Bergamo. Famous portrait painter, his figures are recognizable for their remarkable expressiveness. The canvas shows a coat of arms not yet identified which can not give precise directives on the portrayed subject. It is depicted a young girl whose garments lead back to her social status, probably the daughter of a wealthy banker.

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    • Attribué à Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Portrait de FRA EmiLio Bastoni, chevalier de Malte Toile 193 x 133cm Restaurations anciennes
      Oct. 15, 2015

      Attribué à Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Portrait de FRA EmiLio Bastoni, chevalier de Malte Toile 193 x 133cm Restaurations anciennes

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Attribué à Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Portrait de FRA EmiLio Bastoni, chevalier de Malte Toile 193 x 133cm Restaurations anciennes

    • Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Po
      Sep. 16, 2015

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Po

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44” x 34.5”. Notes; This is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).

      John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    • Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)
      Apr. 23, 2015

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)

      Est: -

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Ritratto di un gentiluomo Olio su tela, cm 87x67,5 Ritratto di un cavaliere, a due terzi di figura, leggermente di tre quarti con il volto rivolto verso il riguardante, dai lunghi capelli che coprono le spalle, baffetti appena accennati, dallo sguardo penetrante e inquieto, la mano destra abbandonata lungo il fianco, la sinistra raccolta nell'abito, indossa un'ampia camicia bianca con le maniche a sbuffo che si intravedono dai tagli dei coprimaniche, farsetto semiaperto, polsi con nastrini neri infiocchettati, nastri rossi sui fianchi. Di grande intensità psicologica, questo dipinto rimanda al ritratto di Giovane uomo con baffi (cfr.: L. Vertova, Carlo Ceresa in: I Pittori Bergamaschi, vol II, Il Seicento, p. 565 n. 85 e p. 682, fig 2 e G. Valagussa, Carlo Ceresa un pittore del Seicento Lombardo tra realtà e devozione, catalogo della mostra, Bergamo 2012, pp. 254-255). La posa con il braccio sinistro lungo il corpo con la mano che afferra un cappello (qui non visibile), e l'altro raccolto sul fianco è tipica della ritrattistica di Carlo Ceresa. I colori sono raffinatissimi: il bianco luminoso delle maniche, l'ocra del farsetto, l'arancio dei nastri, il verde olivastro dei coprimaniche si combinano e contrastano con lo sfondo scuro. Come osserva la studiosa Luisa Vertova, la moda dei capelli sulle spalle e l'uso dei nastrini infiocchettati sui polsi ascriverebbero il dipinto al ventennio tra il 1650 e il 1670. Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil on canvas

      Aste Bolaffi
    • Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian.
      Nov. 05, 2014

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian.

      Est: £7,000 - £10,000

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 34.5". Notes; This is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).

      John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    • Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679). Portrait of a gentleman. Oil on canvas.
      Oct. 09, 2014

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679). Portrait of a gentleman. Oil on canvas.

      Est: -

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679) Ritratto di un gentiluomo Olio su tela, cm 87x67,5 Ritratto di un cavaliere, a due terzi di figura, leggermente di tre quarti con il volto rivolto verso il riguardante dai lunghi capelli che coprono le spalle, baffetti appena accennati, di tre quarti dall

      Aste Bolaffi
    • Collezione Enrico Manfrini Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)
      Sep. 25, 2014

      Collezione Enrico Manfrini Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679)

      Est: -

      Attribuito a Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679). Ritratto di un gentiluomo. Olio su tela, cm 87x67,5. Ritratto di un cavaliere, a due terzi di figura, leggermente di tre quarti con il volto rivolto verso il riguardante dai lunghi capelli che coprono le spalle, baffetti appena accennati, di tre quarti dallo sguardo penetrante e inquieto, la mano destra abbandonata lungo il fianco, la sinistra raccolta nell'abito, indossa un'ampia camicia bianca con le maniche a sbuffo che si intravedono dai tagli dei coprimaniche, farsetto semiaperto, polsi con nastrini neri infiocchettati, nastri rossi sui fianchi. Di grande intensità psicologica, questo dipinto rimanda al ritratto di Giovane uomo con baffi (cfr. : L. Vertova, Carlo Ceresa in: I Pittori Bergamaschi, vol II, Il Seicento, p. 565 n. 85 e p. 682, fig 2 e G. Valagussa, Carlo Ceresa un pittore del Seicento Lombardo tra realtà e devozione, catalogo della mostra, Bergamo 2012, pp. 254-255). La posa con il braccio sinistro lungo il corpo con la mano che afferra un cappello (qui non visibile), e l'altro raccolto sul fianco è tipica della ritrattistica di Carlo Ceresa. I colori sono raffinatissimi: il bianco luminoso delle maniche, l'ocra del farsetto, l'arancio dei nastri, il verde olivastro dei coprimaniche si combinano e contrastano con lo sfondo scuro. Come osserva la studiosa Luisa Vertova, la moda dei capelli sulle spalle e l'uso dei nastrini infiocchettati sui polsi ascriverebbero il dipinto al ventennio tra il 1650 e il 1670. . Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609 - Bergamo 1679). Portrait of a gentleman. Oil on canvas.

      Aste Bolaffi
    • Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian
      Jul. 09, 2014

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      Attributed to Carlo Ceresa (1609-1679) Italian. Portrait of a Milanese Nobleman in Armour, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 34.5". Notes; According to George Duckett and arms and armour specialist, this is an outstanding and exceptionally costly armour, so the sitter will have been a man of rank and wealth. It is certain that the armour is Italian, most likely Milanese. Judging from the fashion of its breastplates and gauntlets the armour can be dated to about 1570-80. The overall impression that the armour gives is similar to the products attributed to Lucio Marliano called (Piccinino).

      John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    • Ceresa, Carlo - zugeschrieben - Portrait eines
      Jun. 30, 2012

      Ceresa, Carlo - zugeschrieben - Portrait eines

      Est: - €9,000

      Ceresa, Carlo - zugeschrieben - Portrait eines Edelmannes - (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Halbbildnis eines Herren in En-face-Darstellung mit in demütiger Geste vor die Brust gehaltener rechter Hand. Öl/Lwd., doubl. 60 x 47 cm, in reich geschnitztem, vergoldetem Rahmen. - Gutachten Prof. Egidio Martini, Venedig, vorhanden. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 6, Saur AKL 17.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    • Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo)
      Jun. 19, 2012

      Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Circle of Carlo Ceresa (San Giovanni Bianco 1609-1679 Bergamo) Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a black coat with red ribboning and a sash oil on canvas, oval 50 x 37 in. (127 x 93.9 cm.)

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