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Luis Chan Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1905 - d. 1995

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        • CHEN Luis (CHEN Fushan) (1905 - 1995) Tableaux Huile sur panneau d'un
          Feb. 19, 2025

          CHEN Luis (CHEN Fushan) (1905 - 1995) Tableaux Huile sur panneau d'un

          Est: €1,000 - €1,500

          CHEN Luis (CHEN Fushan) (1905 - 1995) Tableaux Huile sur panneau d'unalit "Vue d'une ruelle en Chine". Signé en bas à droite Luis Chan pour Chen Fushan daté 1965. Ecole chinoise. (Légers éclats). Dim.:+/-35,5x46,5cm.

        • Luis Chan 陳福善 | Family portrait 全家福
          May. 09, 2024

          Luis Chan 陳福善 | Family portrait 全家福

          Est: $50,000 - $100,000

          Luis Chan 1905 - 1995 Family portrait signed LUIS CHAN, dated 1964 and stamped with the artist's seal (lower right) 43.5 by 59.1 cm. 17 ⅛ by 23 ¼ in. mixed media on paper Executed in 1964. --------------------------------------- 陳福善 1905 - 1995年 全家福 款識 LUIS CHAN 1964 藝術家鈐印(右下) 43.5 x 59.1 cm. 17 ⅛ x 23 ¼ in. 綜合媒材紙本 一九六四年作

        • Luis Chan 陳福善 | Figures 人物
          May. 09, 2024

          Luis Chan 陳福善 | Figures 人物

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          Luis Chan 1905 - 1995 Figures signed Luis Chan, dated 1979 and inscribed in Chinese (upper right); stamped with the artist's seals (lower left and upper right) 133 by 70 cm. 52 ⅜ by 27 ½ in. ink and colour on paper Executed in 1979. --------------------------------------- 陳福善 1905 - 1995年 人物 款識 已未年陳 Luis Chan 1979(右上) 藝術家鈐印(左下及右上) 133 x 70 cm. 52 ⅜ x 27 ½ in. 彩墨紙本  一九七九年作

        • 陳福善 Luis Chan (Chen Fushan)
          Dec. 02, 2023

          陳福善 Luis Chan (Chen Fushan)

          Est: NT$220,000 - NT$320,000

          芭蕾舞 Ballet 簽名題識右下:Luis Chan 1985 Ballet Signed lower right Luis Chan, dated 1985 and titled Ballet

        • 陳福善 牧羊 | Luis Chan, Figures
          Aug. 08, 2023

          陳福善 牧羊 | Luis Chan, Figures

          Est: $4,000 - $8,000

          陳福善 牧羊 淡設色紙本 一九八○年作 上款:「志成」即譚志成(1933-2013),畢業於羅富國師範學院,任職教師。好藝術,師從陳福善、呂壽琨等,積極參與呂壽琨領導下之新水墨運動。六八年出任元道畫會首任會長,嘗任香港藝術館總館長。 註︰與拍品編號2550出自同一冊頁。 40.4 x 59 cm 15 7/8 x 23 ¼ in. --------------------------------------------- Luis Chan Figures ink and light colour on paper, 1980 40.4 x 59 cm 15 7/8 x 23 ¼ in.

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995),Landscape
          Jul. 21, 2023

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995),Landscape

          Est: -

          設色紙本 鏡框 1974 年作 鈐印:福善 款識:甲寅年陳 Framed; Ink and colour on paper Signed, inscribed, dated 1974, with one seal of the artist

          Holly's Auctions
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Mermaid Scroll, mounted and framed, ink
          Jun. 02, 2023

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Mermaid Scroll, mounted and framed, ink

          Est: $26,000 - $35,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Mermaid Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 74.5 x 43 cm. (29 3/8 x 16 7/8 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Night Landscape Scroll, mounted and fram
          May. 31, 2023

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Night Landscape Scroll, mounted and fram

          Est: $70,000 - $90,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Night Landscape Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 135 x 68.5 cm. (53 1/8 x 27 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Snow Time / Towering Tree A pair of scro
          May. 31, 2023

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Snow Time / Towering Tree A pair of scro

          Est: $70,000 - $90,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Snow Time / Towering Tree A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper Snow Time measures 43 x 76 cm. (16 7/8 x 29 7/8 in.) (2)

        • Luis CHAN (1905 – 1995) Human rock and the shark - 1969 Technique mixte sur papier
          Apr. 05, 2023

          Luis CHAN (1905 – 1995) Human rock and the shark - 1969 Technique mixte sur papier

          Est: €15,000 - €25,000

          Luis CHAN (1905 – 1995) Human rock and the shark - 1969 Technique mixte sur papier Signé et annoté avec trois sceaux de l'artiste en haut à droite et deux sceaux au centre inférieur gauche h: 133 w: 68,30 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, France Commentaire : Mixed media on paper; signed and inscribed with three artist's seals upper right and two artist's seals in the centre lower left Estimation 15 000 - 25 000 €

          Jan. 15, 2023


          Est: $2,000 - $3,000

          Old Chinese watercolor painting on paper of a colorful modernist landscape circa 1960's. Titled CURVISCOPE on label verso. Signed Luis Chan. 17 x 29.5 in. Unframed. (Louis Chan or Chen Fushan of Hong Kong 1905-1995 was considered the King of Watercolors and a pioneer of modern Chinese art). Provenance: From the Al and Aiko Hydeman estate. NOTE: Albert Hydeman (1899-1992) was a businessman and collector of art. He was owner of P. Wiest and Son dept store in York PA. He was a close friend and patron of Thomas Hart Benton, the regionalist painter from Missouri. It was through Benton that the Hydeman family came to live on Martha's Vineyard. Upon his retirement, Albert and his family spent their winters in Italy and finally in Hong Kong where he collected Chinese watercolors. At his death he possessed a substantial collection of Chinese artists. All lots in this sale from #416 to lot #470 are from his collection.

          Americana Auctions
          Jan. 15, 2023


          Est: $2,000 - $3,000

          Old Chinese modernist watercolor painting titled SEASCAPE & MOUNTAINS signed LUIS CHAN 1970? Image 17.5 x 30.5 in, framed under glass. (Louis Chan or Chen Fushan of Hong Kong 1905-1995 was considered the King of Watercolors and a pioneer of modern Chinese art). Scattered light foxing.Provenance: From the Al and Aiko Hydeman estate. NOTE: Albert Hydeman was a businessman and collector of art. He was owner of P. Wiest and Son dept store in York PA. He was a close friend and patron of Thomas Hart Benton, the regionalist painter from Missouri. It was through Benton that the Hydeman family came to live on Martha's Vineyard. Upon his retirement, Albert and his family spent their winters in Italy and finally in Hong Kong where he collected Chinese watercolors. At his death he possessed a substantial collection of Chinese artists. This lot and all others to #471 are all from his collection.

          Americana Auctions
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Under the Sea Scroll, mounted and framed
          Dec. 02, 2022

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Under the Sea Scroll, mounted and framed

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Under the Sea Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 82.5 x 153 cm. (32 1/2 x 60 1/4 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Twenty-Five Characters Hanging scroll, i
          Dec. 02, 2022

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Twenty-Five Characters Hanging scroll, i

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Twenty-Five Characters Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 152 x 82.5 cm. (59 7/8 x 32 1/2 in.)

        • 1974 Chen FuShan Landscape
          Nov. 27, 2022

          1974 Chen FuShan Landscape

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          題識:鈐印:福善款識:甲寅年陳。 著錄:出版:《藝林集粹-香港藝苑藏畫集(貳)》圖版202,香港藝苑出版社,1999年4月。 Lot101-128為清暉閣珍藏

          Holly's Auctions
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Men and Women Scroll, mounted and framed
          Sep. 01, 2022

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Men and Women Scroll, mounted and framed

          Est: $40,000 - $60,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Men and Women Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 71 x 94 cm. (28 x 37 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) People in Dreams Album of seven leaves,
          May. 29, 2022

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) People in Dreams Album of seven leaves,

          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) People in Dreams Album of seven leaves, ink and acrylic on paper Each leaf measures approximately 22 x 20 cm. (8 5/8 x 7 7/8 in.)

        • CHEN FUSHAN (LUIS CHAN, 1905 – 1995). FIGURES.
          May. 16, 2022

          CHEN FUSHAN (LUIS CHAN, 1905 – 1995). FIGURES.

          Est: £4,000 - £6,000

          CHEN FUSHAN (Luis Chan, 1905 – 1995). Figures, dated 1979, ink and colour on paper, framed Chinese painting, 133 x 70cm. 陳福善 人物 一九七九年作 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:已未年陳。 鈐印:「福善」「LUIS CHAN 1979」。

          Chiswick Auctions
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Eagle in the Sun Hanging scroll, ink and
          Nov. 30, 2021

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Eagle in the Sun Hanging scroll, ink and

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Eagle in the Sun Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 134 x 71.1 cm. (52 ¾ x 28 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Figures and Fish Hanging scroll, ink and
          Sep. 01, 2021

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Figures and Fish Hanging scroll, ink and

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Figures and Fish Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 135.3 x 68.5 cm. (53 ¼ x 27 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN : Untitled, 1987
          Jun. 27, 2021

          LUIS CHAN : Untitled, 1987

          Est: RM6,000 - RM12,000

          Luis Chan began painting Hong Kong in the late 1920s, using techniques of English landscape watercolour painting. His style evolved as the city went through a half-century of dramatic change. By the 1960s his paintings had become dreamscapes using a psychedelic vocabulary to portray the subconscious life of the city and the psyche of the post-war generation. Among those artists born in the twilight of the Qing Dynasty, such as Lin Fengmian and Xu Beihong, who also pursued Western style art, no one resonated more intimately with our time and place in history than Luis Chan. Throughout his long and prolific career, Luis Chan created a body of work that ranged from surreal Chinese ink landscapes and fantastical portraits, to graphic collage and bold experimentations reminiscent of “action” painting. From his first solo debut exhibition in 1935 until his final show in 1993 at the age of 89, Luis Chan presented 47 solo exhibitions.

          KLAS Art Auction
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled Scroll, mounted and framed, acr
          May. 26, 2021

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled Scroll, mounted and framed, acr

          Est: $25,000 - $35,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled Scroll, mounted and framed, acrylic on paper 38.7 x 29.7 cm. (15 ¼ x 11 ¾ in.)

        • LUIS CHAN CHINESE 1901-1979
          Mar. 13, 2021

          LUIS CHAN CHINESE 1901-1979

          Est: $1,500 - $3,000

          Untitled Abstraction, oil on canvas laid on cardboard, 8 1/2 x 6 1/2 in (21.6 x 16.5 cm), signed lower right, dated 1950?, PROVENANCE: Private collection New York

          Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled signed and dated 'LUIS CHAN 196
          Mar. 12, 2021

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled signed and dated 'LUIS CHAN 196

          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Untitled signed and dated 'LUIS CHAN 1967-1971' (lower right) pen, acrylic, watercolor and collage on paper 37.7 x 57.7 cm. (147/8 x 22¹/4 in.) Executed in 1967-1971....

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Fantasy Landscape LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN
          Feb. 05, 2021

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Fantasy Landscape LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN

          Est: -

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Fantasy Landscape LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Fantasy Landscape Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 33.5 x 66 cm. (13 ¹/4 x 26 in.) With five seals of the artist Dated 1977

        • Village street. Oil on wood. Signed and dated Luis Chan 1965 and sealed Fushan. Framed.
          Dec. 15, 2020

          Village street. Oil on wood. Signed and dated Luis Chan 1965 and sealed Fushan. Framed.

          Est: €2,200 - €4,000

          Village street. Oil on wood. Signed and dated Luis Chan 1965 and sealed Fushan. Framed.

          Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995), Fish,
          Nov. 30, 2020

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995), Fish,

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Fish Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 97.5 x 71.3 cm. (38 3/8 x 28 1/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated dingsi year (1977) ,

        • Luis Chan (1905-1995) Four figures
          Nov. 02, 2020

          Luis Chan (1905-1995) Four figures

          Est: £800 - £1,200

          Luis Chan (1905-1995) Four figures Gouache on paper, signed, framed and glazed. 30.5cm x 24cm (12in x 9.1/2in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Ballet
          Jul. 15, 2020

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Ballet

          Est: $15,000 - $25,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Ballet Scroll, mounted and framed, acrylic on paper 75 x 58 cm. (29 1⁄2 x 22 7⁄8 in.) Entitled, inscribed and signed by the artist Dated 1985 Please note this lot is the property of a private individual.

        • LUIS CHAN | Phoenix Rising
          Jul. 09, 2020

          LUIS CHAN | Phoenix Rising

          Est: $150,000 - $200,000

          ink and acrylic on paper

        • LUIS CHAN | Another World
          Jul. 09, 2020

          LUIS CHAN | Another World

          Est: $150,000 - $200,000

          ink and acrylic on paper

        • LUIS CHAN | Blue Landscape
          Jul. 09, 2020

          LUIS CHAN | Blue Landscape

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          ink and acrylic on paper

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Two Fishing Boats
          Nov. 26, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Two Fishing Boats

          Est: $30,000 - $40,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Two Fishing Boats Scroll, mounted and framed, watercolour on paper 36.5 x 25.5 cm. (14 3/8 x 10 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Sailing on the River
          Nov. 26, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Sailing on the River

          Est: $30,000 - $40,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Sailing on the River Scroll, mounted and framed, watercolour on paper 27.5 x 36.7 cm. (10 7/8 x 14 ½ in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Figures with Paddington Bear
          Nov. 25, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Figures with Paddington Bear

          Est: $50,000 - $80,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Figures with Paddington Bear Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 49.5 x 74.5 cm. (19 ½ x 29 3/8 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Figures and Fish
          Nov. 25, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) - Figures and Fish

          Est: $160,000 - $260,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Figures and Fish Hanging scroll Ink and colour on paper 135.3 x 68.5 cm. (53 ¼ x 27 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Red Hatted Figure ink and watercolour on paper 53.8 x 74.9 cm. (21 1/8 x 29 1/2 in.)
          Nov. 24, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Red Hatted Figure ink and watercolour on paper 53.8 x 74.9 cm. (21 1/8 x 29 1/2 in.)

          Est: $20,000 - $50,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Red Hatted Figure signed and dated 'Luis Chan; 1971' (lower right) ink and watercolour on paper 53.8 x 74.9 cm. (21 1/8 x 29 1/2 in.) Painted in 1971 one seal of the artist

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Untitled (Sea of Mystery) acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 78.5 cm. (51 3/8 x 30 7/8 in.)
          Nov. 24, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Untitled (Sea of Mystery) acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 78.5 cm. (51 3/8 x 30 7/8 in.)

          Est: $35,000 - $55,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Untitled (Sea of Mystery) signed ‘LUIS CHAN’ and dated ‘1986’ (lower right) acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 78.5 cm. (51 3/8 x 30 7/8 in.) Painted in 1986

        • LUIS CHAN | Fish
          Oct. 06, 2019

          LUIS CHAN | Fish

          Est: $50,000 - $100,000

          ink and colour on paper

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Figures Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 134 x 71 cm. (52 ¾ x 28 in.)
          May. 27, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Figures Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 134 x 71 cm. (52 ¾ x 28 in.)

          Est: $150,000 - $200,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Landscape with Figures Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 134 x 71 cm. (52 ¾ x 28 in.) Executed in 1978

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Dragon Boating Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 44.5 x 69.5 cm. (17 ½ x 27 3/8 in.)
          May. 27, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Dragon Boating Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 44.5 x 69.5 cm. (17 ½ x 27 3/8 in.)

          Est: $50,000 - $70,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) Dragon Boating Scroll, mounted and framed Ink and colour on paper 44.5 x 69.5 cm. (17 ½ x 27 3/8 in.) Executed in 1974

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Orange Striped Monster acrylic on paper 50 x 74 cm. (19 5/8 x 29 in.)
          May. 26, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Orange Striped Monster acrylic on paper 50 x 74 cm. (19 5/8 x 29 in.)

          Est: $50,000 - $100,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Orange Striped Monster signed in Chinese, signed and dated ‘Luis Chan 1969’ (upper right) acrylic on paper 50 x 74 cm. (19 5/8 x 29 in.) Painted in 1969

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Chinese Mountain Landscape watercolour and ink on paper 76.2 x 43.8 cm. (30 x 17 1/4 in.)
          May. 26, 2019

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Chinese Mountain Landscape watercolour and ink on paper 76.2 x 43.8 cm. (30 x 17 1/4 in.)

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Chinese Mountain Landscape signed and dated ‘LUIS CHAN 1971’, signed and dated in Chinese (lower right) watercolour and ink on paper 76.2 x 43.8 cm. (30 x 17 1/4 in.) Painted in 1971 two seals of the artist

        • CHAN, Luis. (Chinese, 1905-1995) Fish, 1977.
          Mar. 10, 2019

          CHAN, Luis. (Chinese, 1905-1995) Fish, 1977.

          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          Ink and color on paper. A fish floats over animals and faces in blue, purple and green, overgrown with budding plum trees. Signed and dated "Luis Chan 1977" lower left, two seals lower right. From a New York, NY estate.

          Clarke Auction Gallery
        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) The Wizard of Oz Hanging scroll Ink and
          May. 28, 2018

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) The Wizard of Oz Hanging scroll Ink and

          Est: $160,000 - $260,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, 1905-1995) The Wizard of Oz Hanging scroll Ink and colour on paper 134 x 69 cm. (52 ¾ x 27 1/8 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Variation of A Sunny Day - Morning, Noon, Sunset
          May. 27, 2018

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Variation of A Sunny Day - Morning, Noon, Sunset

          Est: $150,000 - $300,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Variation of A Sunny Day - Morning, Noon, Sunset acrylic on canvas, hanging scroll 236.5 x 137 cm. (93 1/8 x 53 7/8 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Admirers of the Pink Girl
          May. 27, 2018

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Admirers of the Pink Girl

          Est: $140,000 - $240,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Admirers of the Pink Girl ink, colour, and acrylic on paper laid on board 134 x 70 cm. (52 3/4 x 27 1/2 in.)

        • LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Untitled (Sea of Mystery)
          May. 27, 2018

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) - Untitled (Sea of Mystery)

          Est: $100,000 - $200,000

          LUIS CHAN (CHEN FUSHAN, CHINA, 1905-1995) Untitled (Sea of Mystery) acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 78.5 cm. (51 3/8 x 30 7/8 in.)

        Lots Per Page: