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Francis (1582) Cleyn Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator, Engraver, Etcher, b. 1582 - d. 1658

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      • Cleyn, Franz: Dialecta; Geometria
        May. 29, 2024

        Cleyn, Franz: Dialecta; Geometria

        Est: €600 - €750

        Dialecta; Geometria. 2 Radierungen. Je ca. 12,6 x 10,5 cm. (1645). Nagler, Die Monogrammisten I, 5.1. Blatt 2 und 6 aus der bereits von Nagler als sehr selten bezeichneten Folge der Artes Liberales. Ausgezeichnete Drucke teils mit sehr feinem Rändchen, sonst an die Einfassungslinie bzw. die Darstellung geschnitten. Etwas fleckig und gebrauchsspurig, ein Blatt mit zarter vertikaler Quetschspur, sonst gut. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Francis Cleyn (1582-1658) Varii Zophori, figuris animalium ornati, per Fran Clein MDCXLV [Various friezes decorated with the figures of animals]
        Sep. 29, 2021

        Francis Cleyn (1582-1658) Varii Zophori, figuris animalium ornati, per Fran Clein MDCXLV [Various friezes decorated with the figures of animals]

        Est: £500 - £700

        Francis Cleyn (1582-1658) Varii Zophori, figuris animalium ornati, per Fran Clein MDCXLV [Various friezes decorated with the figures of animals] Complete suite with title and 9 unnumbered ornamental plates, etchings, 1645, good clear impressions on laid paper with watermarks of double-handled pots with initials 'L.V.' and surmounted with crowns, the publisher's imprint of Thomas Rowlett normally found on title crudely burnished away, each platemark approx. 77 x 357 mm (3 x 14 in), each leaf approx. 144 x 387 mm (5 5/8 x 15 1/4 in), small losses to lower right corner and extremities, minor nicks, well outside platemarks, some browning and surface dirt, bound with stitch binding with original brown paper wrappers, numbered in brown ink '38.' to centre of upper cover, oblong folio (unframed) Literature: Hollstein 16-26 ⁂ Rare in its complete form; the British Museum holds impressions of the title and 2 ornamental plates only. Complete suites are said to be held in Amsterdam, Berlin, New York and Paris.

        Forum Auctions - UK
        May. 22, 2021


        Est: $100 - $200

        This is an estate found original engraving print from German artist Franz Cleyn (1582 - 1658). Cleyn was a painter and tapestry designer who lived and worked in England. This engraving shows a Classical battle scene. - The paper is 13 7/8 x 10".

        Mark Lawson Antiques, Inc.
      • Cleyn, Franz
        May. 08, 2021

        Cleyn, Franz

        Est: €70 - €100

        (1582 Rostock - London 1658). Fries mit Löwe, Schlange, Affe, Widder, Putti u. Satyrn. Radierung auf Bütten aus "Varii zophori, figuris animalium ornati". Blgr. 7,2 x 33,2 cm. Ob. u. unt. auf Darst. mit winz. Rändchen, seitl. auf Darst. geschn. Ob. re. unterl. Eckeinrisse. - ╔Dabei: Ders.╗ Fries mit Seeungeheuern. Fragm. Ebenso. Blgr. 7,2 x 27,8 (re. fehlen ca. 5,5) cm. Auf Darst. geschn. R

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Václav Hollar (1607-1677) Francis Cleyn (1589-1658)
        Dec. 07, 2019

        Václav Hollar (1607-1677) Francis Cleyn (1589-1658)

        Est: Kč4,900 - Kč9,800

        ILLUSTRATION FOR THE AENEID (JUPITER AND AENEAS V CARTHAGE) 1654 Etching on paper, 295x190 mm, marked lower left in print "F. Cleyn inv" and "W. Hollar. fecit". Illustration for Virgil`s work the Aeneid (Aen. IV, p. 271). Inscriptions in Latin, decorative coat of arms lower centre, inscription in English on the reverse. Issued in London in 1654, translated by John Ogilby. Parthey 308. ILUSTRACE Z VERGILIOVA EPOSU (MERKUR A AENEAS V KARTÁGU) 1654 Lept na papíře, 295x190 mm, zn. v levém dolním rohu v tisku "F. Cleyn inv" a "W. Hollar. fecit". Ilustrace z Vergiliova díla s názvem Aeneis (Aen. IV, s. 271). Na náměstí v Kartágu se Merkur přibližuje Aeneovi a varuje ho, aby opustil město (Aen. IV, str. 221). Na přední straně nápisy psané v latině, uprostřed dole opatřeno ozdobným erbem, na zadní straně text psán v angličtině. Vydáno v Londýně roku 1654, přeložil John Ogilby. Parthey 308. Václav Hollar – český barokní rytec a kreslíř. Mezi jeho časté náměty patřily přírodní motivy, krajiny, veduty, mapy, portréty, městské prospekty na volných listech i v souborech. Od roku 1627 působil v dílnách ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem u Matthäuse Meriana, ve Štrasburku, v Kolíně nad Rýnem a v Antverpách. Od roku 1636 pracoval ve službách hraběte Thomase Howarda z Arundelu, s nímž se dostal do Anglie. ILLUSTRATION AUS VERGILS EPOS (MERKUR UND AENEAS IN KARTHAGO) 1654 Radierung auf Papier, 295x190 mm, gezeichnet in linker unterer Ecke im Druck "F. Cleyn inv" und "W. Hollar. fecit". Illustration aus Vergils Werk Aeneis (Aen. IV, S. 271). Auf dem Platz in Karthago Merkur naht sich zum Aeneas und warnt ihn, um die Stadt zu verlassen (Aen. IV, S. 221). Recto lateinische Inschriften, unten in der Mitte dekorativer Wappen, verso Text in Englisch. Herausgegeben in London in 1654, übersetzt von John Ogilby. Parthey 308.

        Auction House Zezula
      • Francis Cleyn (Germany, c. 1582-1658), London design and manufacture Smell allegory among grotesques and “a candelieri” decoration
        May. 30, 2017

        Francis Cleyn (Germany, c. 1582-1658), London design and manufacture Smell allegory among grotesques and “a candelieri” decoration

        Est: €5,000 -

        Francis Cleyn (Germany, c. 1582-1658), London design and manufacture Smell allegory among grotesques and "a candelieri" decoration Wool tapestry Modelo creado hacia 1630, para Carlos I de Inglaterra, formando parte de la serie "Los cinco sentidos". Realizado en Londres a partir de los ejemplares de Mortlake, hacia finales del siglo XVII-primeras décadas del siglo XVIII. Algunas transformaciones 327x335 cm Francis Cleyn (Alemania, c. 1582 - 1658), diseño y manufactura de Londres, realización Alegoría del olfato entre grutescos y decoración "a candelieri" Tapiz en lana Modelo creado hacia 1630, para Carlos I de Inglaterra, formando parte de la serie "Los cinco sentidos". Realizado en Londres a partir de los ejemplares de Mortlake, hacia finales del siglo XVII-primeras décadas del siglo XVIII. Algunas transformaciones 327x335 cm

      • Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) Czech after Francis Cleyn (1582-1658), a collection of etchings from
        Apr. 22, 2017

        Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) Czech after Francis Cleyn (1582-1658), a collection of etchings from

        Est: £100 - £200

        Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) Czech after Francis Cleyn (1582-1658), a collection of etchings from The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro by John Ogilby (1654), 29.5 x 20 cm. (41)

        Dawsons Auctioneers
        Mar. 29, 2009


        Est: $70 - $125

        Francis Cleyn (German, c. 1562-1658). Banquet Scene, engraving, inscribed "To the Most Hon'ble Ursula, Marchioness of Normandy," 11 1/4 x 7 3/4 in., framed.

        Alex Cooper
        Jun. 29, 2005


        Est: £8,000 - £10,000

        ANOTHER ENGLISH MYTHOLOGICAL TAPESTRY, POSSIBLY LAMBETH WORKSHOP, FROM THE STORY OF HERO AND LEANDER, FROM A SERIES OF SIX TAPESTRIES DESIGNED BY FRANCIS CLEYN (1623-1658) LATE 17TH CENTURY woven depicting the despairing Hero kneeling over the body of her lover Leander who is supported by the rocks on which his dead body has been washed up, Hero's attendant stands over the couple with clasped hands in prayer, the sun shining over all the figures, and overlooked from the right by a despondent figure of Cupid perched on the rocks, with bow and quiver at its feet and a down facing torch in one hand, a castle turret is visible to the left and the sea extends into the distance, and land is visible in the far right, with a building, with a later blue and yellow selvedge CATALOGUE NOTE see footnote to previous lot.

        Jun. 29, 2005


        Est: £8,000 - £10,000

        AN ENGLISH MYTHOLOGICAL TAPESTRY, POSSIBLY LAMBETH WORKSHOP, FROM THE STORY OF HERO AND LEANDER, FROM A SERIES OF TAPESTRIES ORIGINALLY DESIGNED BY FRANCIS CLEYN (1623-1658) LATE 17TH CENTURY woven depicting Leander swimming across the Hellespont from Abydos to Sestos, guided by a lit tower, to meet his lover Hero shown looking out from a columned doorway, with a female attendant standing on the rocks and beckoning to Hero as Leander approaches, the sea extends into the distance with woodland and hill covered promontory visible in the far left CATALOGUE NOTE Francis Cleyn (1623-1658) designed the Hero and Leander tapestry series of seven panels, in 1620 for the Mortlake workshop, which was set up by James I, and repeats of various quality were woven and remained popular until well after 1660 though were not woven beyond the 18th century. Hardwick Hall contains a later weaving of the set of five panels from the Mortlake workshop, brought from Chatsworth by the 6th Duke of Devonshire, which includes the two panels above and shows the direct inspiration of the original Cleyn designs. See H.C.Marillier, English Tapetries of the Eighteenth century, for discussion of the series and pl. 18C, for a tapestry showing the 'Drowning of Leander', from Hovingham Hall. Lyme Park, has three of the Mortlake weavings, including 'Leander swimming towards the tower', the design of which shows direct similarities with the offered lot 211. Drayton House has three surviving pieces from the classical series, different scenes to the offered pieces, all within leaf scroll borders, late 17th century, English or even perhaps Antwerp woven for the English market. Sotheby's, London, 20th May 1988, lot 10, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, was a Mortlake weaving from the original Cleyn designs. A further comparative set of six Mortlake tapestries of Hero and Leander, woven in 1665 from original Cleyn designs are in the Lady Lever Art Gallery at Port Sunlight, see T.I. Macquoid, The Leverhulme Art Collections, Vol. III, English Furniture, Tapestries and Needlework, 1928, pl.106-111, which shows the two designs offered herewith. See Marillier, ibid, pl.17a & b, illustrate 'Hero and Leander before the temple' a reverse weaving to a Drayton example, and 'Leander swimming towards the tower', which portrays Hero and a cupid standing on the shore holding a towel, both within narrow scrolling ribbon borders. See also Marillier, ibid, pl.18a & b, for post Mortlake weavings from this classical narrative, within narrow scrolling border, the first showing Hero is a similarly floral sprayed dress. Another set of three, including these two offered designs, from the collection of The Rt.Hon. The Lord Henley, were sold at Christie's, 13th July 1967, lot 140. Sotheby's, London, 20th May 1988, lot 10, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, was a Mortlake weaving from the original Cleyn design for 'Leander bidding farewell to his parents before swimming across the Hellespont. The offered tapestry panels were offered at Christie's London, 2nd April 1998, as lots 238 & 239 respectively.

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