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Henri-Edmond Cross Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Water colorist, Lithographer, b. 1856 - d. 1910

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            • Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910)
              Mar. 01, 2025

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910)

              Est: €1,000 - €1,500

              Carnet de croquis comprenant 26 feuillets remplis sur 30, la plupart recto-verso Croquis de marine, étude de profils, d'animaux d'arbres, de paysages animés avec certaines indications de composition Crayon graphite pour la plupart des croquis, quelques dessins à l'aquarelle Dimensions des feuilles : 6 x 15,5 cm (format paysage) Reliure entoilée, emboitage en carton

            • Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) « Étude de personnages »
              Dec. 14, 2024

              Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) « Étude de personnages »

              Est: €200 - €300

              Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) « Étude de personnages » Ensemble de 4 dessins à la mine de plomb sur papier - 14 x 10 cm chaque – Cachet « HEC » Provenance : Anciennement collection du peintre André Dunoyer de Segonzac. L’authenticité a été confirmée verbalement par Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt - Non encadré.

              Louiza Auktion & Associés
            • Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées…
              Dec. 10, 2024

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées…

              Est: €150 - €200

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées', litho, beeldmaat 20,3 x 26,2 cm, bladmaat 27 x 36,8 cm-zonder lijst, in passe-partout-

              Veilinghuis Van Spengen
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Paysage provençal, 1907
              Nov. 28, 2024

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Paysage provençal, 1907

              Est: €3,000 - €5,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Paysage provençal, 1907 Aquarelle et fusain sur papier Signée et datée '[19]07' en bas à gauche Watercolor and black chalk on paper, signed and dated '[19]07' lower left 17 x 24,5 cm - 6 3/4 x 9 5/8 in. Une attestation d'inclusion dans le catalogue raisonné Henri-Edmond Cross, établi par Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt en date du 10 juillet 2024, sera remise à l'acquéreur. Provenance Collection particulière, France

            • Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Etude d'arbre et de vigne
              Nov. 24, 2024

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Etude d'arbre et de vigne

              Est: €200 - €300

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Etude d'arbre et de vigne Encre et crayon sur papier Cachet de la vente d'atelier en bas à droite (L.1305a) 25 x 19 cm Avec cadre : 41 x 34 cm Ink and pencil on paper, studio sale stamp lower right, 9.8 x 7.4 in, with frame : 16.1 x 13.3 in

            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) (Painted circa 1902-1905)
              Nov. 21, 2024

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) (Painted circa 1902-1905)

              Est: $70,000 - $100,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc signed 'HE Cross' (lower right) oil on canvas laid down on board 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) Painted circa 1902-1905

            • Eucalyptus et oliviers
              Nov. 18, 2024

              Eucalyptus et oliviers

              Est: $800,000 - $1,200,000

              Property of the Estate of Robin L. Farkas Henri-Edmond Cross (1856 - 1910) Eucalyptus et oliviers signed henri Edmond Cross (lower left) oil on canvas 29 ⅛ by 36 ⅛ in. 74 by 91.8 cm. Executed in Saint-Clair in July-October 1907.

            • CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.): "Paysage de la Côte Provençale".
              Nov. 08, 2024

              CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.): "Paysage de la Côte Provençale".

              Est: CHF2,700 - CHF4,000

              CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.) (Douai 1856 - 1910 Le Lavandou) : "Paysage de la Côte Provençale"; Aquarell; 16x23,5 cm (LM); Mgr.-Stpl. u.r.

              Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
            • **Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Gondolier in Venice watercolor on paper
              Nov. 04, 2024

              **Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Gondolier in Venice watercolor on paper

              Est: $4,500 - $5,500

              Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Gondolier in Venice watercolor on paper h:10.50 w: 13 cm. signed with the initials lower right, bears an annotation on the back of the montage "former Jacques Doucet collection (inv. no. 455) Other Notes: Items marked **with a lot number indicate they have been imported into Israel. These items are subject to Israeli tax laws, including a 17% value-added tax (VAT) on the purchase price and the buyer's commission ONLY WHEN RELEASED IN ISRAEL. Location: Europe. For estimated delivery time please contact us. Condition report available upon request.

              Matsart Auctioneers & Appraisers
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS : Champs-Elysées (La Nourrice).
              Oct. 19, 2024

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS : Champs-Elysées (La Nourrice).

              Est: €300 - €400

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS, eigentl. HENRI-EDMOND DELACROIX Douai 1856 - 1910 Saint-Claire, Salernes Champs-Elysées (La Nourrice). Farblithographie um 1895. Söhn HDO 52901-5. - Typographisch bezeichnet. Auf faserigem Simili-Japan. 19,9 x 25,9 cm. Minimal fleckig. Erschienen in „PAN“, IV. Jg., Heft 1, 1898. Beiliegt: M. Pietschmann, Centaurenpaar. Radierung in Schwarzbraun mit Plattenton 1896 (Söhn HDO 52702-4). Typographisch bezeichnet. Auf chamoisfarbenem Bütten. 24,5 x 16 cm. Leicht gebräunt und mit Heftspuren am rechten Rand. Erschienen in „PAN“, II. Jg., Heft 2, 1896. [bg]

            • Henri-Edmond Cross - Douai 1856–1910 Saint-Clair (Var) «Etude de vagues» – um 1908
              Oct. 19, 2024

              Henri-Edmond Cross - Douai 1856–1910 Saint-Clair (Var) «Etude de vagues» – um 1908

              Est: CHF5,000 - CHF7,000

              Henri-Edmond Cross Douai 1856–1910 Saint-Clair (Var) «Etude de vagues» – um 1908 Unten rechts Monogrammstempel {HEC}, links in Bleistift datiert {26 Sept, 10 h matin}. Aquarell über Kohle a/Papier 17 × 24,5 cm Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. K., Riehen; Privatbesitz Schweiz. Gutachten: Patrick Offenstadt, Neuilly, 17.04.2024.

              Galerie Gloggner
            • Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées', litho, beeldmaat 20,3
              Oct. 01, 2024

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées', litho, beeldmaat 20,3

              Est: €300 - €400

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) 'Aux Champs-Elysées', litho, beeldmaat 20,3 x 26,2 cm, bladmaat 27 x 36,8 cm-zonder lijst, in passe-partout-

              Veilinghuis Van Spengen
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910)
              Sep. 24, 2024

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910)

              Est: €10,000 - €15,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) LES PINS EN BORD DE MER, LE LAVANDOU Aquarelle sur papier Signé en bas à gauche Watercolor on paper; signed lower left 17 X 24 CM • 6 3/4 X 9 1/2 IN.

            • Henri Cross (FRANCE 1856-910) Charcoal Study
              Jul. 13, 2024

              Henri Cross (FRANCE 1856-910) Charcoal Study

              Est: $1,000 - $2,000

              Henri Edmond Cross (FRENCH / NETHERLANDS, 1856 - 1910) charcoal study of seated boy drawing. Initialed to lower right. Mounted in a gold painted wooden frame with mat behind glass screen. Paper measures approx.9 1/2" height x 7 1/4" width to sight. Measures approx. 17 1/2" height x 15 1/4" width overall including frame. Provenance: Vincent Price Collection. Appears in overall good condition. JD/B13/SH:15B

              Joshua Kodner
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910)
              Jun. 18, 2024

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910)

              Est: €15,000 - €20,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) LES PINS EN BORD DE MER, LE LAVANDOU Aquarelle sur papier Signé en bas à gauche Watercolor on paper; signed lower left 17 X 24 CM • 6 3/4 X 9 1/2 IN.

            • Bord de mer (i) & Paysage du Midi (ii): Two Works
              May. 16, 2024

              Bord de mer (i) & Paysage du Midi (ii): Two Works

              Est: $20,000 - $30,000

              Property from a Private Collection Henri Edmond Cross 1856 - 1910 Bord de mer (i) & Paysage du Midi (ii): Two Works i) stamped with the initials HEC (lower right) watercolor on paper laid down on board 6 ⅝ by 9 ¾ in. 16.8 by 24.8 cm. ii) faintly stamped with the initials HEC (lower right) watercolor on paper image: 10 by 12 ⅞ in. 25.4 by 32.7 cm. sheet: 10 ½ by 17 ⅛ in. 26.7 by 43.5 cm. These works will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of Henri Edmond Cross being prepared by Patrick Offenstadt.

            • CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) La Cime aux nuages fusain et aquarelle sur papier. Par Henri-E
              May. 14, 2024

              CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) La Cime aux nuages fusain et aquarelle sur papier. Par Henri-E

              Est: €3,000 - €4,000

              CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) La Cime aux nuages fusain et aquarelle sur papier. Par Henri-Edmond Cross. Ecole française. Epoque: circa 1900. Portant en bas à gauche la trace d'un cachet d'atelier (Lugt 1305a) fortement estompé. Provenance: Martine Valla à Paris. On y joint une facture de chez Wolseley Fin Arts à Londres en 2000 et des photographies de l'œuvre. Nous remercions Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt, expert de Henri-Edmond Cross pour son avis positif face à cette œuvre. L'acheteur pourra le contacter afin d'insérer l'œuvre au catalogue raisonné et d'obtenir un certificat. Dim.:+/-175x245mm.

            • CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.): "Les Champs Élysées".
              May. 02, 2024

              CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.): "Les Champs Élysées".

              Est: CHF250 - CHF500

              CROSS, HENRI EDMOND (EIGTL. DELACROIX, H.E.) (Douai 1856 - 1910 Le Lavandou) : "Les Champs Élysées"; Farblithografie; 20,5x26,5 cm (LM), gerahmt

              Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
            • Henri Edmond Cross
              Apr. 28, 2024

              Henri Edmond Cross

              Est: €1,800 - €3,600

              (1856 Douai - 1910 Saint-Clair) Liegender weiblicher Akt Mit schneller, kräftiger Kontur und nur sparsamen Schraffuren skizzierte Aktstudie des französischen Malers, der 1878 Schüler bei Alphonse Colas in Lille war und anschließend in Paris bei François Bonvin und Emile Dupont-Zipcy ausgebildet wurde. 1883 lernte Cross, der eigentlich Delacroix hieß, Paul Signac kennen und wandte sich zunehmend der Freilichtmalerei und dem Impressionismus zu. Unter dem Einfluss seines Freundes Signac und Georges Seurats wird Cross zu einem der bedeutendsten Vertreter des französischen Pointillismus. Bleistift/Papier. L. u. roter Künstlerstempel (Lugt 1305a). Passepartoutausschnitt 17 cm x 24,5 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: Sammlung Carl Laszlo (1923 - 2013); Hampel Fine Art Auctions Munich, Auktion "Carl Laszlo - Versteigerung der Kunstobjekte und des Design-Inventars seiner Villa" am 7./8. April 2016, Los 1117. Pencil on paper. Artist's stamp in red (Lugt 1305a).

              Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
            • HENRI EDMOND CROSS FRENCH 1856-1910
              Apr. 27, 2024

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS FRENCH 1856-1910

              Est: $2,500 - $4,500

              Paysage, watercolor, 7 1/2 x 9 in (19.1 x 22.9 cm), framed 14 3/4 x 17 in (37.5 x 43.2 cm), signed lower left, PROVENANCE: Private collector Mamaroneck, NY l/

              Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
            • Henri Edmond Cross, France (1856-1910), self? portrait in profile, graphite on paper, 5"H x 5"W (sight), 15 3/4"H x 18 3/4"W (frame)
              Apr. 27, 2024

              Henri Edmond Cross, France (1856-1910), self? portrait in profile, graphite on paper, 5"H x 5"W (sight), 15 3/4"H x 18 3/4"W (frame)

              Est: $200 - $400

              Henri Edmond Cross France, (1856-1910) self? portrait in profile graphite on paper Estate stamp "HEC" lower right. Biography from the Archives of askART: Henri Cross was born in Douai, France and grew up in Lille. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts*. His early works, portraits and still lifes, were in the dark colors of Realism*, but after meeting with Claude Monet in 1883, he painted in the brighter colors of Impressionism*. In 1884, Cross co-founded the Société des Artistes Indépendants* with Georges Seurat. He went on to become one of the principal exponents of Neo-Impressionism. He began his Pointillist* period after spending time with Paul Signac in 1904. His later works are Fauvist*, perhaps influenced by his acquaintance with Henri Matisse. His final years, plagued by rheumatism, were spent in Saint-Clair, where he died in 1910. His pieces include The Church of Santa Maria degli Angely Near Assisi (1909) and Landscape with Stars. Among public collections holding his work are the Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College, Ohio), the Block Museum of Art (Northwestern University, Illinois), The Art Institute of Chicago, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Harvard University Art Museums, the Hermitage Museum, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Kröller-Müller Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Grenoble (Grenoble, France), Musée d'Orsay (Paris), Musée Malraux (Le Havre, France), Musée Richard Anacréon (Granville, France), the Museum of Modern Art (New York City), the National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.), New Art Gallery (Walsall, England), the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid).

              Ripley Auctions
            • HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Nu féminin debout
              Apr. 17, 2024

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Nu féminin debout

              Est: €600 - €800

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Nu féminin debout Fusain sur papier Cachet du monogramme en bas à droite 44 x 32,5 cm (Piqures) Charcoal on paper Stamped with monogram lower right 17 3/8 x 12 3/4 in.

              HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
            • HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) lithographie
              Apr. 12, 2024

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) lithographie

              Est: €700 - €1,000

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) HENRI EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) lithographie en couleurs, 1897, sur papier Chine, épreuve imprimée à mille cent exemplaires, avec au verso le tampon rouge de la Collection Atelier Auguste Clot image: 202 x 260 mm. feuille: 281 x 365 mm. (2)

            • Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Étude pour Mère jouant avec son enfant huile
              Apr. 10, 2024

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Étude pour Mère jouant avec son enfant huile

              Est: €7,000 - €10,000

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Étude pour Mère jouant avec son enfant huile sur panneau monté sur panneau 13.2 x 14.7 cm.

            • Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Jeune garçon au panier huile sur toile 59.1
              Apr. 10, 2024

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Jeune garçon au panier huile sur toile 59.1

              Est: €15,000 - €20,000

              Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) Jeune garçon au panier huile sur toile 59.1 x 38.4 cm.

            • Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Les pins, 1900 Aquarelle
              Mar. 24, 2024

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Les pins, 1900 Aquarelle

              Est: €3,000 - €3,500

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Les pins, 1900 Aquarelle Signé du cachet de l'atelier en bas à gauche 11,5 x 16 cm ; avec cadre : 30 x 35 cm Provenance : - Galerie Bernheim Jeune - Collection Gilbert Gruet Expositions : - Galerie Bernheim Jeune : Décembre 1959, Mars-Mai 1961 n°21, Juin-Juillet 1966 n°34

            • CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) "La Cime aux nuages"
              Mar. 20, 2024

              CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) "La Cime aux nuages"

              Est: €3,500 - €4,500

              CROSS Henri Edmond (1856 - 1910) "La Cime aux nuages" fusain et aquarelle sur papier. Par Henri-Edmond Cross. Ecole française. Epoque: circa 1900. Portant en bas à gauche la trace d'un cachet d'atelier (Lugt 1305a) fortement estompé. Provenance: Martine Valla à Paris. On y joint une facture de chez Wolseley Fin Arts à Londres en 2000 et des photographies de l'œuvre. Nous remercions Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt, expert de Henri-Edmond Cross pour son avis positif face à cette œuvre. L'acheteur pourra le contacter afin d'insérer l'œuvre au catalogue raisonné et d'obtenir un certificat. Dim.:+/-175x245mm.

            • Murano, matin
              Mar. 07, 2024

              Murano, matin

              Est: £300,000 - £500,000

              Property of a Gentleman Henri Edmond Cross 1856 - 1910 Murano, matin signed Henri Edmond Cross (lower left) oil on canvas 38.7 by 46 cm. 15 ¼ by 18 ⅛ in. Framed: 60.9 by 67.9 cm. 24 by 26 ¾ in. Executed circa 1903-04. This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of Henri Edmond Cross being prepared by Patrick Offenstadt.

            • Pins
              Mar. 06, 2024


              Est: £500,000 - £700,000

              Henri Edmond Cross 1856 - 1910 Pins signed Henri Edmond Cross (lower right) oil on canvas 60 by 81 cm. 23 ⅝ by 31 ⅞ in. Executed circa 1897-99.

            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) (Painted circa 1902-1905)
              Dec. 14, 2023

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) (Painted circa 1902-1905)

              Est: $100,000 - $150,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) L'Enfant au tablier blanc signed 'HE Cross' (lower right) oil on canvas laid down on board 16 1/8 x 13 in (41 x 33 cm) Painted circa 1902-1905 亨利-爱德蒙·克罗斯 (1856-1910) 《穿着白色圍裙的孩童》 簽名: 'HE Cross' (右下) 油彩 畫布 裱于画板 16 1/8 x 13 英吋 ( 41 x 33 公分) 作於1902-1905年左右

            • HENRI EDMOND CROSS (FRENCH 1856-1910)
              Dec. 13, 2023

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (FRENCH 1856-1910)

              Est: £2,500 - £3,500

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (FRENCH 1856-1910) A TREE IN BLOSSOM WITH COTTAGES BEHIND - RECTO; STUDY OF A TREE - VERSO Inscribed on the reverse: Recherche dans l'étude sur nature / l'emotion vraie et rapide, puis ne plus / en tenir compte dans le travail / d'atelier. Comparer et harmoniser / d'après ses impressions. Peindre / aussi la nature et la lumière / idéale d'après ses études rester / en mémoire watercolour on paper (recto); pencil on paper (verso) 10.5 x 17.5cm; 4 1/8 x 6 7/8in 24 x 32.5cm; 9 1/2 x 12 3/4in (framed) Property from a Distinguished Private Collection Provenance Galerie du Carlton, Cannes Purchased from the above by the present owner

              Olympia Auctions
            • Henri-Edmond CROSS 1856- 1910 Etude pour le Cap Nègre Aquarelle sur papier
              Dec. 06, 2023

              Henri-Edmond CROSS 1856- 1910 Etude pour le Cap Nègre Aquarelle sur papier

              Est: €10,000 - €15,000

              Henri-Edmond CROSS 1856- 1910 Etude pour le Cap Nègre Aquarelle sur papier Cachet des initiales en bas à droite "H.E.C" (Lugt L.1305a) h: 19,50 w: 28 cm Bibliographie : Cette oeuvre sera incluse dans le catalogue raisonné des aquarelles de Henri-Edmond Cross actuellement en préparation par Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt. Commentaire : Un avis d'inclusion de Monsieur Patrick Offenstadt sera remis à l'acquéreur. Watercolor on paper; stamped with the initials lower right Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

            • Henri Edmond Cross lithograph
              Dec. 02, 2023

              Henri Edmond Cross lithograph

              Est: $600 - $900

              Henri Edmond Cross (French 1856-1910) Dans Les Champs Elysees lithograph in colors, 1897.   8 x 10"

              Rachel Davis Fine Arts
              Nov. 29, 2023


              Est: $3,000 - $5,000

              HENRI EDMOND CROSS (French 1850-1910) A Cathedral Interior _ c. 1890 Oil on canvas Signed lower left Henri Edmond Cross 24.25 inches x 18 inches (61.5 x 45.7cm) unframed Provenance: Private collection, Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA. SHIPPING NOTICE: Jackson's is your sole and only source for one stop packing and shipping. With over 50 years of experience, our professional, affordable and efficient in-house shipping department will be happy to provide you a fair and reasonable shipping quote on this lot. Simply email us before the auction for a quick quote: shipping@jacksonsauction.com or call 1-800-665-6743. Jackson's can expertly pack and ship to meet any of your needs. To ensure quality control Jackson's DOES NOT release to third party shippers.

              Jackson's International
            • CROSS Henri-Edmond 1856-1910 : Bord de mer animé Aquarelle SBD des init
              Nov. 26, 2023

              CROSS Henri-Edmond 1856-1910 : Bord de mer animé Aquarelle SBD des init

              Est: €8,000 - €12,000

              CROSS Henri-Edmond 1856-1910 : Bord de mer animé Aquarelle SBD des initiales 12x17 cm (TVA à l'import 5,5% en sus des enchères)

              Chaville Enchères
            • Cross Henri-Edmond
              Nov. 25, 2023

              Cross Henri-Edmond

              Est: CHF320 - CHF400

              Montagne Gerahmt unter Passepartout Ausrufdatum: 25.11.2023 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 13:08

              Auktionshaus Zofingen
            • Henri-Edmond Cross (French, 1856-1910)
              Nov. 14, 2023

              Henri-Edmond Cross (French, 1856-1910)

              Est: €15,000 - €25,000

              A landscape by the water, signed with the artist's stamp 'H.E.C.' (lower left), oil on canvas, mounted on board, 20,5x32,5 cm, Provenance:-With Kunsthandel Robert Noortman, Maastricht, in the 1990s, where acquired by the present owner,

              Venduehuis der Notarissen
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Canale Ponte Lungo oil on canvas 19 1⁄8 x 25
              Nov. 11, 2023

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Canale Ponte Lungo oil on canvas 19 1⁄8 x 25

              Est: $600,000 - $800,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Canale Ponte Lungo oil on canvas 19 1⁄8 x 25 ¾ in. (48.7 x 65.4 cm.)

            • Henri-Edmond Cross (French 1856-1910) Un Pin en bord de mer, c.1905
              Oct. 26, 2023

              Henri-Edmond Cross (French 1856-1910) Un Pin en bord de mer, c.1905

              Est: £3,000 - £5,000

              Henri-Edmond Cross (French 1856-1910) Un Pin en bord de mer, c.1905 signed HE.C in pencil (lower left) watercolour and pencil on paper (22cm x 15.5cm (8 5/8in x 6 1/8in)) Provenance Alexander Schick, Berlin Christie's, Paris, Art Impressioniste et Moderne, 21 May 2008, lot 27 (as L'arbre) Stephen Ongpin Fine Art, London, where acquired by the present owner, 2010 This work will be included in the forthcoming supplement to the catalogue raisonné of watercolours by Henri-Edmond Cross, being prepared by Patrick Offenstadt, number 23.05.31/857.

              Lyon & Turnbull
            • Maisons de village
              Oct. 04, 2023

              Maisons de village

              Est: $12,000 - $18,000

              Henri Edmond Cross 1856 - 1910 Maisons de village signed Henri Cross. (lower right) oil on canvas 13 ¾ by 10 5/8 in. 35 by 27 cm. Executed in 1886. 

            • Henri Edmond Cross, 1856 Dourai – 1910 Saint-Clair
              Sep. 28, 2023

              Henri Edmond Cross, 1856 Dourai – 1910 Saint-Clair

              Est: €35,000 - €50,000

              Der französische Maler war einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des Pointilismus.VENISE Aquarell auf Papier. 16,5 x 24,5 cm. Rechts unten monogrammiert „HE. C“. Verso zwei Galerieaufkleber mit Künstlername, Betitelung und Datierung auf 1903. Freigestellt in Passepartout, hinter Glas gerahmt. Feine stimmungsvolle Ansicht des schimmernden Wassers mit zwei Gondeln. (1371471) (18) Henri Edmond Cross, 1856 Dourai – 1910 Saint-Clair The French painter was one of the most prominent artists of Pointillism. VENISE Watercolour on paper. 16.5 x 24.5 cm. Monogrammed “HE. C” lower right. Gallery label with artist name, title, and date “1903” on the reverse.

              Hampel Fine Art Auctions
            • Henri Edmond Cross, France, Netherlands (1856 - 1910), portrait of a girl, study for Jardin de Roses a Monaco, graphite drawing, 5 1/2"H x 4"W (sight), 13"H x 11 3/4"W (frame)
              Aug. 31, 2023

              Henri Edmond Cross, France, Netherlands (1856 - 1910), portrait of a girl, study for Jardin de Roses a Monaco, graphite drawing, 5 1/2"H x 4"W (sight), 13"H x 11 3/4"W (frame)

              Est: $400 - $600

              Henri Edmond Cross France, Netherlands, (1856 - 1910) portrait of a girl, study for Jardin de Roses a Monaco graphite drawing Estate stamp, Lugt 1305a lower right. Provenance: EX Thomas French Fine Art, Bernheim Jeune & Cie, Paris (Folio 81 is 15 studies), Sold by Bernheim Jeune & Cie, experts, Paris, Oct. 28, 1921, lot 81. This drawing is a preliminary study for the Cross painting, Jardin de Roses a Monaco, in the Musee de la Chartreuse. Biography from the Archives of askArt: Henri Cross was born in Douai, France and grew up in Lille. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts*. His early works, portraits and still lifes, were in the dark colors of Realism*, but after meeting with Claude Monet in 1883, he painted in the brighter colors of Impressionism*. In 1884, Cross co-founded the Société des Artistes Indépendants* with Georges Seurat. He went on to become one of the principal exponents of Neo-Impressionism. He began his Pointillist* period after spending time with Paul Signac in 1904. His later works are Fauvist*, perhaps influenced by his acquaintance with Henri Matisse. His final years, plagued by rheumatism, were spent in Saint-Clair, where he died in 1910. His pieces include The Church of Santa Maria degli Angely Near Assisi (1909) and Landscape with Stars. Among public collecctions holding his work are the Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College, Ohio), the Block Museum of Art (Northwestern University, Illinois), The Art Institute of Chicago, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Harvard University Art Museums, the Hermitage Museum, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Kröller-Müller Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Grenoble (Grenoble, France), Musée d'Orsay (Paris), Musée Malraux (Le Havre, France), Musée Richard Anacréon (Granville, France), the Museum of Modern Art (New York City), the National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.), New Art Gallery (Walsall, England), the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid). Source: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri-Edmond_Cross

              Ripley Auctions
            • Henri-Edmond Cross(1856-1910) French, Dessin
              Aug. 06, 2023

              Henri-Edmond Cross(1856-1910) French, Dessin

              Est: $200 - $300

              Henri-Edmond Cross(1856-1910), French, Dessin Pencil On Paper. Titled "Study of a Man" Framed in fair vintage condition, there are signs of discoloration on the lower right of the paper & slight wear on the frame. Signed on the back, stamped with the studio mark H.E.C on the lower right. Henri-Edmond Cross, born Henri-Edmond-Joseph Delacroix, was a French painter and printmaker. He is most acclaimed as a master of Neo-Impressionism and he played an important role in shaping the second phase of that movement. He was a significant influence on Henri Matisse and many other artists. Overall Size: 16 1/4 x 19 3/4 in. Sight Size: 4 3/4 x 6 1/4 in. #2514

              Sarasota Estate Auction
            • TABLEAU "FEMME ACOUDÉE AU BALCON" par d'Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Aqua
              Jul. 23, 2023

              TABLEAU "FEMME ACOUDÉE AU BALCON" par d'Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Aqua

              Est: €4,000 - €5,000

              TABLEAU "FEMME ACOUDÉE AU BALCON" par d'Henri-Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) Aquarelle sur papier encadré sous verre Tampon de l'artiste "HEC" en bas à gauche 41 x 26 cm

              Paris Oise Enchères
            • Five Piece Grouping of Henri Edmond Cross (French, 1856 - 1910) Drawings to include, "Steer"8" x 5 1/2""Girl on Scarf"10 1/4" x ...
              Jun. 10, 2023

              Five Piece Grouping of Henri Edmond Cross (French, 1856 - 1910) Drawings to include, "Steer"8" x 5 1/2""Girl on Scarf"10 1/4" x ...

              Est: $1,000 - $2,000

              Five Piece Grouping of Henri Edmond Cross (French, 1856 - 1910) Drawings to include, "Steer"8" x 5 1/2""Girl on Scarf"10 1/4" x 7 1/2""Reclining Woman, Zaza"11" x 7 1/2""Heads and Hands"11 1/2" x 7 1/2"along with "Woman Asleep"7 1/2" x 11 1/2"all pencil on paperall having estate stamp "HEC".

              Nadeau's Auction Gallery
            • Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910)
              Jun. 01, 2023

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910)

              Est: €200 - €300

              Henri Edmond CROSS (1856-1910) La terasse Fusain sur papier Signée du tampon HEC en bas à droite 15.5 x 25.5 cm à vue

              Maison Verneuil
            • **Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Horse by the sea watercolor
              May. 15, 2023

              **Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Horse by the sea watercolor

              Est: $14,000 - $16,000

              Henri-Edmond Cross 1856-1910 (French) Horse by the sea watercolor h:12 w: 17 cm. signed lower right Other Notes: ** by a lot number indicates an item that arrived from outside Israel and is subjected to the Israeli tax laws meaning an 17% value added tax on the purchase price and the buyer's commission when released in Israel. Location: Israel. For estimated delivery time please contact us. Condition report available upon request.

              Matsart Auctioneers & Appraisers
            • HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Pérouse, la terrasse watercolor over black C
              May. 13, 2023

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Pérouse, la terrasse watercolor over black C

              Est: $12,000 - $18,000

              HENRI-EDMOND CROSS (1856-1910) Pérouse, la terrasse watercolor over black Conté crayon on paper laid down on card 10 3/4 x 17 3/8 in. (27.5 x 44 cm.)

            Lots Per Page: