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Edward Cucuel Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Illustrator, b. 1875 - d. 1954

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        • Painting, Follower of Edward Cucuel
          Feb. 22, 2025

          Painting, Follower of Edward Cucuel

          Est: $250 - $450

          Follower of Edward Cucuel (American, 1875-1954), Nudes by the Sea, oil on canvas, bears signature lower right, canvas (unframed): 20.25"h x 14.25"w

          Clars Auctions
          Dec. 08, 2024


          Est: $100 - $150

          Oil on canvas painting by Edward Alfred Cucuel, 1875 to 1954, an American Impressionist artist and illustrator. The artwork depicts a young woman at the dressing table. Undated. Signed by the artist in the lower left. Wooden frame. Collectible Figurative Fine Art.

          Antique Arena Inc
        • Cucuel, Edward
          Nov. 30, 2024

          Cucuel, Edward

          Est: -

          Cucuel, Edward 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena Garten am Starnberger See. Signiert. Rückseite betitelt. Öl/Malk., 26,5 x 36 cm.

          Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
          Oct. 13, 2024


          Est: $100 - $150

          Oil on canvas painting by Edward Alfred Cucuel, 1875 to 1954, an American Impressionist artist and illustrator. The artwork depicts a young woman at the dressing table. Undated. Signed by the artist in the lower left. Wooden frame. Collectible Figurative Fine Art.

          Antique Arena Inc
        • Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),
          Oct. 12, 2024

          Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),

          Est: -

          Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California), "Studie einer Uferlandschaft", pencil on laid paper, signed Cucuel lower right, 32 x 23 cm (BM), framed under glass Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien), "Studie einer Uferlandschaft", Bleistift auf Büttenpapier, signiert unten rechts Cucuel, 32 x 23 cm (BM), unter Glas gerahmt

          Auktionshaus Plückbaum
        • EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954). The Bathing Hour. oil on canvas
          Oct. 09, 2024

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954). The Bathing Hour. oil on canvas

          Est: $50,000 - $70,000

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954). The Bathing Hour. oil on canvas 34 ½ x 36 7⁄8 in. (87.6 x 93.7 cm.).

        • After CUCUEL (*1875), Archery ladies, around 1900, Wood engraving
          Sep. 28, 2024

          After CUCUEL (*1875), Archery ladies, around 1900, Wood engraving

          Est: €90 - €150

          After Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena): In the garden with archery ladies, c. 1900, Wood engraving Technique: Wood engraving on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "E. Cucuel. Bogenschiessen nach hoch hängenden Zielen". Signed in and below the image. Date: c. 1900 Verso: Another archery scene by Cucuel and text excerpt from the novel 'Der Gebieter' by Hermann Stegemann. Source: Moderne Kunst. Illustrierte Monatsschrift, um 1900 | Magazine, Genre, Science, Landscape, Animals, Architecture, Fashion Keywords: Hunting, archery, social sport, leisure, archer, upper class, 20th century, Biedermeier, Sports, Germany, Size: Paper: 40,7 cm x 28,3 cm (16 x 11,1 in), Depiction: 31,0 cm x 23,0 cm (12,2 x 9,1 in)

          Fichter Kunsthandel
        • After CUCUEL (*1875), Gentleman and lady ice skating, around 1900, Offset printing
          Sep. 28, 2024

          After CUCUEL (*1875), Gentleman and lady ice skating, around 1900, Offset printing

          Est: €90 - €150

          After Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena): Scene on the ice with a man courting a lady May I perhaps also offer you my back?, c. 1900, Offset printing Technique: Offset printing on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "E. Cucuel: 'Darf ich Ihnen vielleicht auch meinen Rücken anbieten? - Tadelloses Schreibpult!'". Signed in and below the image. Date: c. 1900 Verso: Printed with deer in the forest Source: Moderne Kunst. Illustrierte Monatsschrift, um 1900 | Magazine, Genre, Science, Landscape, Animals, Architecture, Fashion Keywords: court, old school, ice skating, couple, illustrated monthly, 20th century, Biedermeier, Fashion, Germany, Size: Paper: 40,7 cm x 27,0 cm (16 x 10,6 in)

          Fichter Kunsthandel
        • EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (American 1875-1954) A PAINTING, "Mother and Child," 19TH/20TH CENTURY
          Sep. 21, 2024

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (American 1875-1954) A PAINTING, "Mother and Child," 19TH/20TH CENTURY

          Est: $10,000 - $15,000

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (American 1875-1954) A PAINTING, "Mother and Child," 19TH/20TH CENTURY, oil on canvas, signed L/R, "Cucuel," marked on reverse in an unknown hand, "Shown in Paris / June 99;" 20 1/2" x 16 1/2", framed 28 1/2" x 24 1/2".

          Simpson Galleries, LLC
        • Edward Cucuel
          Sep. 21, 2024

          Edward Cucuel

          Est: €3,000 - €5,000

          Edward Cucuel 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena - "Zwei Damen am Kaffeetisch, im Hintergrund Segelschiffe" - Aquarell/Papier. 34 x 39,5 cm. 33,5 x 39 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Sign. l. u.: Cucuel. Unter Glas gerahmt (Impressionistenrahmen). - Bestätigung von Herrn Helmut Krause, Mörfelden-Walldorf über die Aufnahme des Aquarells in das in Vorbereitung befindliche Werkverzeichnis aus dem Jahr 2004 liegt in Kopie vor. Der US-amerikanische Maler mit europäischen Wurzeln studierte in San Francisco und in Paris. Er war als Zeitungsillustrator in San Francisco tätig, später auch in Berlin und München, wo er wie sein Kollege Leo Putz Mitglied der Künstlergruppe "Die Scholle" war. Bekannt ist der Maler für seine Frauenporträts und Aktdarstellungen im Stil der französischen Impressionisten.

          Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
          Sep. 13, 2024


          Est: €1,200 - €2,400

          EDWARD CUCUEL (AFTER) 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien IN THE SUMMER GARDEN Oil on canvas. 80 x 80 cm (F. 104 x 104 cm). Indistinctly inscribed lower left. Very slightly soiled. Frame. EDWARD CUCUEL (NACH) 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien IM SOMMERGARTEN Öl auf Leinwand. 80 x 80 cm (R. 104 x 104 cm). Undeutlich bezeichnet unten links. Sehr leicht verschm. Rahmen.

          Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
        • Edward Cucuel
          Sep. 07, 2024

          Edward Cucuel

          Est: €2,400 - €4,800

          (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena) Badender weiblicher Akt am Seeufer Am Ufer eines oberbayerischen Sees vor einem Ruderboot stehende, sich gerade mit einem Tuch abtrocknende junge Dame, neben ihr an einem Baum abgelegtes Sommerkleid und ein Hut. Impressionistische, mit lockerem Duktus ausgeführte Darstellung, welche die lichterfüllte Gesamtstimmung einfängt. Motiv, Stil und heiterer Eindruck dieses Blattes sind typisch für eine Werkreihe, die Cucuel ab 1918 am Ammersee und Starnberger See schuf. Dort malte er oft sommerlich gekleidete Damen, Badende und Akte in Kähnen bzw. an den Seeufern. Das lichte, von einem leuchtenden Gesamtton bestimmte Kolorit macht den Einfluss des deutschen und französischen Impressionismus deutlich. 1909-1913 war Cucuel der wichtigste Schüler von Leo Putz, dem Hauptvertreter der Münchner Künstlervereinigung "Die Scholle", der ihn nachhaltig beeinflusste. Aquarell/Papier. L. u. sign.; 33 cm x 23,5 cm. Rahmen. Watercolour on paper. Signed.

          Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
          Aug. 17, 2024


          Est: $100 - $150

          Oil on canvas painting by Edward Alfred Cucuel, 1875 to 1954, an American Impressionist artist and illustrator. The artwork depicts a young woman at the dressing table. Undated. Signed by the artist in the lower left. Wooden frame. Collectible Figurative Fine Art.

          Antique Arena Inc
        • Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl Painting
          Jul. 30, 2024

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl Painting

          Est: $1,000 - $1,500

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl Painting DESCRIPTION pastel on paper size: 11 3/4 by 8 1/2 in. matting: 15 1/2 by 12 in. Signed and dated, ÔCucuel / March 14th. 1927' (lower right corer).

          Hidden Treasures Antiques & Fine Arts
          Jul. 21, 2024


          Est: $10,000 - $15,000

          CUCUEL, Edward Alfred, (American/German, 1875-1954): Monte Carlo (View from the Rock of Monaco), Oil/Wood Panel, 16" x 20", signed lower left, framed, 20.5" x 24.25".

          Burchard Galleries Inc
        • Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),
          Jun. 15, 2024

          Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),

          Est: -

          Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California),(San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/California), "Studie einer Uferlandschaft", pencil on laid paper, signed Cucuel lower right, 32 x 23 cm (BM), framed under glass Cucuel, Edward (San Francisco 1875 - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien), "Studie einer Uferlandschaft", Bleistift auf Büttenpapier, signiert unten rechts Cucuel, 32 x 23 cm (BM), unter Glas gerahmt

          Auktionshaus Plückbaum
          Jun. 15, 2024


          Est: -

          CUCUEL, Edward, zeitgenössische Kopie nach(1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena) Nachmittagstee am Starnberger See Öl auf Leinwand. Unsigniert. 80 x 80 cm. Impressionistisch angelegte, lichtdurchflutete Genreszene in einem sommerlichen Garten. Ohne Rahmen . Das Gemälde mit dem Titel "Nachmittagstee" oder "Am Starnberger See", jeweils links unten von Cucuel signiert wurde sechsmal (bei artprice zu finden) von 1985 bis 2018 von internationalen Auktionshäusern versteigert (davon fünfmal 80 x 80 cm und einmal 102 x 100 cm) * Partnerauktion Bergmann. Aufrufzeit 15. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 15:25 Uhr (CET) CUCUEL, Edward, contemporary copy after(1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena) Afternoon Tea on Lake Starnberg Oil on canvas. Unsigned. 80 x 80 cm. Impressionistic, light-flooded genre scene in a summer garden. Without frame . The painting entitled "Nachmittagstee" or "Am Starnberger See", each signed lower left by Cucuel, was auctioned six times (to be found on artprice) from 1985 to 2018 by international auction houses (five of which were 80 x 80 cm and one 102 x 100 cm) * Partnerauktion Bergmann. Call time 15 | June 2024 | presumably 15:25 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

          Auktionshaus Wendl
        • Edward Cucuel
          May. 22, 2024

          Edward Cucuel

          Est: €60,000 - €80,000

          (San Francisco 1875–1951 Pasadena) Schöne Herbsttage (Beautiful autumn days), 1930s, signed Cucuel, titled, signed on the stretcher, old label with artist name and title, oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm, framed The authenticity was confirmed by Bernd Dürr, Munich, 21 March 2024 (email). We are grateful to Bernd Dürr for the support in cataloguing the painting. Provenance: Private Collection, South Germany The protagonist sits on the shore of a lake engrossed in a book, in her white dress, with white stockings and shoes and a light blue striped waistcoat, her Florentine hat decorated with delicate pink flowers beside her on the table. It is a sunny autumn day, and the green and golden-brown leaves of the trees form waves in the wind above her head. “The depiction of a pretty and lightly dressed woman, a lady [...], was just an opportunity for him to let the play of light and colour take full effect.” (F.v. Ostini, Der Maler Edward Cucuel, Zurich/Vienna/Leipzig 1924, p. 39ff.) The appeal of Edward Cucuel’s paintings lies in their palpable lightness and nonchalant sophistication. The staging of the models blurs the boundary between pose and unobserved spontaneity. Cucuel began his light-filled plein-air painting as early as 1911, spending the summer months in the Chiemgau region and devoting himself to the motifs of bathers and women in nature. He later moved to Lake Starnberg, where he bought a villa with extensive lakeside grounds. The present work was likely created on Lake Starnberg in the 1930s. Cucuel’s paintings allow us to breathe in the golden warmth of summer, the refreshing coolness of the water and the fragrant greenery of the surrounding landscape, giving us a sense of the melancholy elegance of a bygone Belle Epoque. This almost physical immediacy is what makes his works so special.

        • Edward Cucuel: View over the Stanberg Lake to the Mountains
          May. 17, 2024

          Edward Cucuel: View over the Stanberg Lake to the Mountains

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          CUCUEL, EDWARD 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/USA Title: View over the Stanberg Lake to the Mountains. Oil study. Date: 1920s. Technique: Oil on card. Measurement: 25 x 35cm. Notation: Signed lower right: "Cucuel". Frame: Framed. Verso: On the card once more signed and inscribed: "Baierische Alpen / Starnberger See / Cucuel". Provenance: Family ownership, Germany, acquired from the artist in 1938. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Germany: 32,77 Euro plus 6,23 Euro VAT EU: 50,42 Euro plus 9,58 Euro VAT Worldwide: 92,44 Euro plus 17,56 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance Explanations to the Catalogue Edward Cucuel USA Paintings Framed Sketch Alps

          Van Ham Kunstauktionen
        • EDWARD CUCUEL (1875-1954), AMERI
          Apr. 16, 2024

          EDWARD CUCUEL (1875-1954), AMERI

          Est: -

          Edward Cucuel (1875-1954), American Impressionist painter, who also worked in Berlin during his extensive travels and joined the artists' group "Die Scholle" in Munich in 1907. He was particularly influenced by Leo Putz, with whom he spent four years at Lake Chiemsee. This painting, which shows a lady on a jetty on the shore of the lake, oil on canvas, signed "Cucuel" bottom left, 76 x 65 cm, framed 93 x 80 cm, probably dates from this period

          Historia Auctionata
        • Edward Cucuel (San Francisco 1875 - Pasadena 1954). The Rendezvous.
          Feb. 24, 2024

          Edward Cucuel (San Francisco 1875 - Pasadena 1954). The Rendezvous.

          Est: -

          Oil/canvas. 80 x 64,5 cm. Lo. le. and verso sign. Cucuel, on the stretcher titled. It is possible that the sitter is Clara Lotte von Marcard, Cucuel's second wife, whom he met in Chiemgau in the early 1910s. - Provenance: Since 30 years in a private collection Schleswig-Holstein. - American painter and graphic artist of French descent who was strongly influenced by French Impressionism. Edward Cucuel was born in San Francisco, the son of a newspaper publisher. He attended the art academy in San Francisco at the age of 14 and was employed as an illustrator by the newspaper 'The Examiner' as a teenager. At the age of 17, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian and the Académie Colarossi in Paris, before moving to the Académie des Beaux Arts under Jean Léon Gérôme. In 1896 he returned to America and settled in New York. After working briefly as a newspaper illustrator, he moved back to Paris to devote himself to fine art. He lived there for two years, after which he traveled to France and Italy to study the Old Masters. He then went to Berlin, where he worked mainly as an illustrator. In 1907, he moved to Munich, the city that was to become his second home for a long time. There, C. joined the artists' group 'Scholle', in which Leo Putz was the outstanding artistic personality. American painter and graphic artist of French descent who was strongly influenced by French Impressionism. Edward Cucuel was born in San Francisco, the son of a newspaper publisher. He attended the art academy in San Francisco at the age of 14 and was employed as an illustrator by the newspaper 'The Examiner' as a teenager. At the age of 17, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian and the Académie Colarossi in Paris, before moving to the Académie des Beaux Arts under Jean Léon Gérôme. In 1896 he returned to America and settled in New York. After working briefly as a newspaper illustrator, he moved back to Paris to devote himself to fine art. He lived there for two years, after which he traveled to France and Italy to study the Old Masters. He then went to Berlin, where he worked mainly as an illustrator. In 1907, he moved to Munich, the city that was to become his second home for a long time. There, C. joined the artists' group 'Scholle', in which Leo Putz was the outstanding artistic personality. Mus.: Chicago (Art Institute), New York, Detroit, Pittsburgh a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit. a. others.

          Auktionshaus Stahl
        • Edward Cucuel (San Francisco 1875 - Pasadena 1954). By the Hawthorne.
          Feb. 24, 2024

          Edward Cucuel (San Francisco 1875 - Pasadena 1954). By the Hawthorne.

          Est: -

          Oil/canvas. 80 x 80 cm. Lo. ri. sign. Cucuel, on the stretcher titled. - Provenance: Since over 30 years in a private collection Schleswig-Holstein. - American painter and graphic artist of French descent who was strongly influenced by French Impressionism. Edward Cucuel was born in San Francisco, the son of a newspaper publisher. He attended the art academy in San Francisco at the age of 14 and was employed as an illustrator by the newspaper 'The Examiner' as a teenager. At the age of 17, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian and the Académie Colarossi in Paris, before moving to the Académie des Beaux Arts under Jean Léon Gérôme. In 1896 he returned to America and settled in New York. After working briefly as a newspaper illustrator, he moved back to Paris to devote himself to fine art. He lived there for two years, after which he traveled to France and Italy to study the Old Masters. He then went to Berlin, where he worked mainly as an illustrator. In 1907, he moved to Munich, the city that was to become his second home for a long time. There, C. joined the artists' group 'Scholle', in which Leo Putz was the outstanding artistic personality. American painter and graphic artist of French descent who was strongly influenced by French Impressionism. Edward Cucuel was born in San Francisco, the son of a newspaper publisher. He attended the art academy in San Francisco at the age of 14 and was employed as an illustrator by the newspaper 'The Examiner' as a teenager. At the age of 17, he continued his studies at the Académie Julian and the Académie Colarossi in Paris, before moving to the Académie des Beaux Arts under Jean Léon Gérôme. In 1896 he returned to America and settled in New York. After working briefly as a newspaper illustrator, he moved back to Paris to devote himself to fine art. He lived there for two years, after which he traveled to France and Italy to study the Old Masters. He then went to Berlin, where he worked mainly as an illustrator. In 1907, he moved to Munich, the city that was to become his second home for a long time. There, C. joined the artists' group 'Scholle', in which Leo Putz was the outstanding artistic personality. Mus.: Chicago (Art Institute), New York, Detroit, Pittsburgh a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit. a. others.

          Auktionshaus Stahl
        • Edward Cucuel, Nach der Siesta, Circa 1910
          Dec. 02, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, Nach der Siesta, Circa 1910

          Est: €30,000 - €40,000

          Signed 'Cucuel.' in black lower left. Signed 'Cucuel' on the reverse of the canvas, signed and titled 'Nach der Siesta Cucuel' on the stretcher. With a confirmation from Bernd Dürr, Munich, from 24 Aug. 2023 The American painter Edward Cucuel was initially active in Paris and then later in Munich, and he worked both at Ammersee and Lake Starnberg, where a great number of his paintings were created. The canvas offered here, “Nach der Siesta”, was probably also painted on the shore of one of these two Bavarian lakes. A young woman has sat down on a blanket in the shadow of a tree. In terms of colour, her black-and-white-striped dress stands in captivating contrast to the green and blue surroundings depicted only in a very summary manner. The straw hat which she has laid aside suggests she would like to spend some time at the shore. Cucuel’s preferred motif – portraits of women in light-filled landscapes – has been realised in a highly effective manner in this early painting. He demonstrates his secure sense of composition and the picturesque, which he unites with an exquisite technique ultimately traceable back to Leo Putz. Applying his colours partly with the brush and partly with the palette knife, he causes the paints to emerge with a three-dimensional quality.

          Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        • Cucuel, Edward: Junges Mädchen beim Ankleiden
          Nov. 30, 2023

          Cucuel, Edward: Junges Mädchen beim Ankleiden

          Est: €3,600 - €4,500

          Junges Mädchen beim Ankleiden. -- Öl auf Karton. 19,7 x 11,5 cm. Unten mittig in Rot signiert "Cucuel". Um 1909/1912. -- -- Die vorliegende, intime Ölstudie entstand laut Hans Zech vermutlich zwischen den Jahren 1909 und 1912, als Edward Cucuel die Sommer gemeinsam mit seinem Freund und Lehrer Leo Putz auf Schloss Hartmannsdorf am Chiemsee verbrachte. Eine produktive Zeit, in der der Künstler oft zwei bis drei Bilder am Tage malte. Cucuel signierte häufig mit einer im Bild vorkommenden Farbe: hier sind es die Schuhe der jungen Frau sowie ein Kissen im unbestimmten Hintergund. Das Gutachten von Hans Zech vom 27. Mai 2008 liegt bei. -- -- - Provenienz: Sammlung Prof. Hans Kollhoff, Berlin. -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

          Bassenge Auctions
        • Edward Cucuel (1875-1954)
          Nov. 21, 2023

          Edward Cucuel (1875-1954)

          Est: €100 - €200

          Edward Cucuel (1875-1954). Portrait of a gentleman. Oil on canvas. Signed bottom right. Framed. 85X85 cm.

          Deutsch Auktionen
        • Edward Cucuel, Szene am Abend
          Nov. 18, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, Szene am Abend

          Est: -

          Edward Cucuel, Szene am Abend zahlreiche Passanten vor einem mit Laternen flankierten Tor, Tuschefeder, teils gespritzt auf leichtem Karton, unten mittig signiert und datiert "Cucuel 1901", Karton gebräunt und Einrisse, unter Passepartout montiert, Passepartoutausschnitt ca. 22,5 x 28 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Edward Alfred Cucuel, bedeutender französisch–us-amerikanischer Maler, Illustrator und Graphiker (1879 San Francisco bis 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien), bereits mit 14 Jahren als Illustrator für „The Examiner“ tätig, studierte ab 1889 an der Akademie San Francisco, studierte 1892–96 an der Académie Julian, der Académie Colarossi und der Académie des Beaux-Arts bei Jean-Léon Gérôme, Jean-Paul Laurens und Jean-Josep Benjamin-Constant in Paris, 1896 kurzzeitig als Zeitungsillustrator in New York tätig, unternahm Studienreisen durch Frankreich, Italien, 1904 Weltreisen über Spanien, Algerien, Ceylon, Japan, Tunesien und China, später als Illustrator für die "Illustrierte Zeitung" in Berlin und ab 1907 in München tätig, in München Anschluss an die Künstlergruppe “Scholle” und beeinflusst von Leo Putz, mit dem er vier Jahre auf Schloss Hartmannsberg am Chiemsee zusammenarbeitete, 1914–18 in Holzhausen am Ammersee tätig, ab 1918 in München und Starnberg ansässig, 1928–34 regelmäßige Winteraufenthalte in New York, 1939 Übersiedlung nach Pasadena (Kalifornien), Mitglied der Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts Paris, beschickte die Ausstellungen der Münchner Sezession, den Glaspalast München, 1902 die Nationale Kunstausstellung Düsseldorf, den Pariser Salon des Beaux Arts, 1915 Silbermedaille auf der Weltausstellung San Francisco, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh.", Dressler, Müller-Singer, Bénézit, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Ostini "Edward Cucuel" und Wikipedia. Edward Cucuel, Scene in the Evening number of passers-by in front of a gate flanked by lanterns, ink pen, partly sprayed on light cardboard, signed and dated "Cucuel 1901" at lower centre, cardboard browned and tears, mounted under mount, mount cut-out approx. 22.5 x 28 cm. Artist info: actually Edward Alfred Cucuel, important French-U.S. painter, illustrator and graphic artist (1879 San Francisco to 1954 Pasadena/California), already active as an illustrator for "The Examiner" at the age of 14, studied at the San Francisco Academy from 1889, studied 1892-96 at the Académie Julian, the Académie Colarossi and the Académie des Beaux-Arts under Jean-Léon Gérôme, Jean-Paul Laurens and Jean-Josep Benjamin-Constant in Paris, worked briefly as a newspaper illustrator in New York in 1896, undertook study trips through France, Italy, 1904 world tours via Spain, Algeria, Ceylon, Japan, Tunisia and China, later worked as an illustrator for the "Illustrierte Zeitung" in Berlin and from 1907 in Munich, in Munich he joined the artist group "Scholle" and was influenced by Leo Putz, with whom he worked for four years at Hartmannsberg Castle on Lake Chiemsee, 1914-18 worked in Holzhausen on Lake Ammersee, from 1918 he lived in Munich and Starnberg, 1928-34 regular winter stays in New York, 1939 moved to Pasadena (California), member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts Paris, attended the exhibitions of the Munich Secession, the Glaspalast Munich, 1902 the National Art Exhibition Düsseldorf, the Paris Salon des Beaux Arts, 1915 silver medal at the San Francisco World's Fair, Source: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20th century", Dressler, Müller-Singer, Bénézit, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Ostini "Edward Cucuel" and Wikipedia.

          Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
        • Edward Alfred Cucuel
          Nov. 15, 2023

          Edward Alfred Cucuel

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          German/American, 1875-1954 Two Bathers, circa 1935-1940 Signed Cucuel (ll) Oil on canvas 39 3/4 x 39 1/2 inches (101 x 100.3 cm) We are grateful to Mr. Bernd Dürr for confirming the authenticity of this work. Craquelure; scattered inpainting used to minimize the appearance of craquelure; wax-relined.

          DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
        • Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl
          Oct. 17, 2023

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl

          Est: $1,000 - $1,500

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl DESCRIPTION pastel on paper size: 11 3/4 by 8 1/2 in. matting: 15 1/2 by 12 in. Signed and dated, ÔCucuel / March 14th. 1927' (lower right corer).

          Hidden Treasures Antiques & Fine Arts
        • Cucuel, Edward (1875 - 1954)
          Oct. 07, 2023

          Cucuel, Edward (1875 - 1954)

          Est: -

          Cucuel, Edward (1875 - 1954) Oel/Karton. Frau am See mit Boot, sign. unten links, E.Cucuel. 43 x 34 cm. Rahmen 67 x 57 cm.

          Kunst-und Auktionshaus Schloss Hagenburg
        • Edward Alfred Cucuel (1875-1954) American
          Oct. 06, 2023

          Edward Alfred Cucuel (1875-1954) American

          Est: $20,000 - $30,000

          Edward Alfred Cucuel (1875-1954) ; Nude in a blue scarf ; 1930 ; oil on canvas ; dimensions 51 x 40,5 cm (20 x 16 in.) ; signed and dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $430 , National post with tracking service $285 / Shipping to EU, Middle Assia - DHL $330 , National post with tracking service $215

        • After CUCUEL (*1875), Archery ladies, around 1900, Wood engraving
          Sep. 23, 2023

          After CUCUEL (*1875), Archery ladies, around 1900, Wood engraving

          Est: €90 - €150

          After Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena): In the garden with archery ladies, c. 1900, Wood engraving Technique: Wood engraving on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "E. Cucuel. Bogenschiessen nach hoch hängenden Zielen". Signed in and below the image. Date: c. 1900 Verso: Another archery scene by Cucuel and text excerpt from the novel 'Der Gebieter' by Hermann Stegemann. Source: Moderne Kunst. Illustrierte Monatsschrift, um 1900 | Magazine, Genre, Science, Landscape, Animals, Architecture, Fashion Keywords: Hunting, archery, social sport, leisure, archer, upper class, 20th century, Biedermeier, Sports, Germany,

          Fichter Kunsthandel
        • After CUCUEL (*1875), Gentleman and lady skating, around 1900, Offset printing
          Sep. 23, 2023

          After CUCUEL (*1875), Gentleman and lady skating, around 1900, Offset printing

          Est: €90 - €150

          After Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena): Scene on the ice with a man courting a lady May I perhaps also offer you my back?, c. 1900, Offset printing Technique: Offset printing on Paper Inscription: At the lower part inscribed in the printing plate: "E. Cucuel: 'Darf ich Ihnen vielleicht auch meinen Rücken anbieten? - Tadelloses Schreibpult!'". Signed in and below the image. Date: c. 1900 Verso: Printed with deer in the forest Source: Moderne Kunst. Illustrierte Monatsschrift, um 1900 | Magazine, Genre, Science, Landscape, Animals, Architecture, Fashion Keywords: court, old school, ice skating, couple, illustrated monthly, 20th century, Biedermeier, Fashion, Germany,

          Fichter Kunsthandel
        • Edward Cucuel
          Sep. 09, 2023

          Edward Cucuel

          Est: €1,400 - €2,800

          (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena) Elegante Dame beim Blick auf Boote am Meeresufer Impressionistisches, mit schwungvollem Duktus gemaltes Blatt des amerikanisch-deutschen Malers, der mit 17 Jahren erstmals nach Paris kam und dort an der Académie Julian, Académie Colarossi und Académie des Beaux-Arts studierte. Nach weiteren Aufenthalten in den USA, Frankreich, Italien und Berlin war Cucuel seit 1907 in München ansässig, wo er sich der Künstlergruppe "Die Scholle" und Leo Putz anschloss. Schon 1907 stellte Cucuel im Glaspalast aus, 1912 in der Secession und 1915 auf der Weltausstellung in San Francisco (wo er die Silbermedaille erhielt). 1939 kehrte Cucuel in die USA zurück. Aquarell/Papier. L. u. sign. mit Ortsangabe Paris. Ca. 43,5 cm x 28,5 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Rahmen. Watercolour on paper. Signed with location Paris.

          Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
        • Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954 California/USA
          Aug. 18, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954 California/USA

          Est: €900 - €1,800

          Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954 California/USA, #'Karlhorst...Endspurt#', ink drawing on paper, signed and dated 1901, sheet 36x40 cm, framed under glass 53x55 cm . German Description: Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954 Kalifornien/USA, 'Karlhorst...Endspurt', Tuschezeichnung auf Papier, signiert und datiert 1901, Blatt 36x40cm, unter Glas gerahmt 53x55 cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (California/Germany/France, 1875-1954), "Fair Winds"., Oil on panel, 10" x 14". Framed 17" x 21".
          Jul. 28, 2023

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (California/Germany/France, 1875-1954), "Fair Winds"., Oil on panel, 10" x 14". Framed 17" x 21".

          Est: $2,500 - $3,500

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL California/Germany/France, 1875-1954 "Fair Winds". Signed lower left "Cucuel". Titled verso.

        • Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'The Head of the Art
          Jun. 24, 2023

          Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'The Head of the Art

          Est: €1,500 - €3,000

          Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'The Head of the Art Exhibition#', ink drawing, heightened withwhite, left. below signed and dated 1901 Dresden, approx. 40 x 40 cm, under glass, frame approx. 68 x 54 cm, with certificate of authenticity Kunsthandlung Drahein . German Description: Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'Die Leiter der Kunstausstellung', Tuschezeichnung, weiß gehöht, li. unten signiert und dat. 1901 Dresden, ca. 40 x 40 cm, unter Glas, Rahmen ca. 68 x 54 cm, mit Echtheitszertifikat Kunsthandlung Draheim

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'Hanging
          Jun. 24, 2023

          Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'Hanging

          Est: €1,500 - €2,500

          Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, #'Hanging Commission#', position#', ink drawing, white heightened, left below signed, and dated 1901 Dresden, approx. 53.5 x 37 cm, under glass, frame approx. 68 x 54 cm, with certificate of authenticity Kunsthandlung Drahein . German Description: Eduard Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'Hängekommission', Stellung', Tuschezeichnung, weiß gehöht, li. unten signiert, und dat. 1901 Dresden, ca. 53.5 x 37cm, unter Glas, Rahmen ca. 68 x 54 cm, mit Echtheitszertifikat Kunsthandlung Draheim

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954, ink drawing, heightened with white, handsigned, dated 1901,title:
          Jun. 23, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954, ink drawing, heightened with white, handsigned, dated 1901,title:

          Est: €1,200 - €3,000

          Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954, ink drawing, heightened with white, handsigned, dated 1901,title: #'Hängetag...Dresden #', with certificate of authenticity Kunsthandel Draheim, age-related, sheet approx. 41x42 cm, frame approx. 57x59.5cm . German Description: Edward Cucuel, 1875-1954, Tuschezeichnung, weiß gehöht, handsign., dat.1901, Titel: 'Hängetag...Dresden', mit Echtheitszertifikat Kunsthandel Draheim, alterssp., Blatt ca.41x42 cm, R. ca. 57x59,5 cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien)
          May. 27, 2023

          Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien)

          Est: -

          Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien) 'Am Meeresstrand', Öl auf Leinwand, 50,5 cm x 70,5 cm, signiert, verso signiert, betitelt, partiell minimal craqueliert, minimal fleckig, partiell retuschiert Edward Cucuel wurde als Sohn eines französischen Zeitungsverlegers geboren. Daher lag nicht nur der erste Berufsweg als Illustrator nahe, sondern auch die weitere künstlerische Ausbildung in Frankreich. Nachdem der angehende, in Amerika geborene, Künstler die Kunstakademie in San Francisco besuchte, studierte er auch in Paris an der angesehenen Académie Julian, der Académie Colarossi und der staatlichen Académie des Beaux-Arts. Für seine künstlerische Arbeit war nicht nur das Studium der "Alten Meister" in Italien und Frankreich wesentlich, sondern auch Reisen nach Spanien, Algerien, sowie dem weit entfernten Ceylon, Japan und China. Bis er sich schließlich in München der Künstlervereinigung "Die Scholle" anschloss. Um gegen den damaligen "Münchner Malerfürst" Franz von Lenbach anzugehen, formulierte die Künstlergruppe im Heft "Jugend - Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben" folgende Erklärung: "[.] Die 'Scholle' hat kein anderes gemeinsames Ziel, keine andere Marschroute, als dass jeder seine eigene 'Scholle' bebaue, die freilich auf keiner Landkarte zu finden ist." Der weitere damalige Künstlerkreis am Chiemsee - innerhalb dessen er seine zweite Frau Clara Lotte von Marcard (1897-1968) kennenlernte - beeinflusste den Künstler sicherlich ebenso. Beispielsweise ist die Freilichtmalerei des Tiroler Künstlers Leo Pütz, sowie die Nähe zur impressionistischen Malerei, zu nennen. Wiederzuerkennen im besinnlichen und zugleich atmosphärischen Gemälde "Am Meeresstrand". Hier malte Cucuel ein Mädchen am Meer. Gekleidet im sommerlichen Kleid und Hut, steht es barfuß am Strand. Gerade durch die Darstellung der Repoussoirfigur - mit dem Rücken zu uns als Betrachter gewandt - und dem Blick in die Ferne berührt es in sehnsüchtigem Sinne. Wir können uns geradezu in die junge Frau hineinversetzen, den Wind auf der Haut spüren, die salzige See schmecken und den kühl nassen Untergrund erfühlen. Die fein gesetzten Spiegelungen im Wasser und die leichten Wellen setzen das Motiv mit dem hoch gesetzten Horizont zusammen und gliedern das Bild ebenso wie der Strandabschnitt. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs malte Cucuel in Holzhausen am Ammersee, danach in München und Starnberg. 1939 ließ er sich in Pasadena (Kalifornien) nieder, wo er bis zu seinem Tode 1954 lebte. English Transaltion: Edward Cucuel (1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/California) 'Am Meeresstrand', oil on canvas, 50,5 cm x 70,5 cm, signed, signed on verso, titled, partially minimally craquelure, minimally spotted, partly retouched Edward Cucuel was born the son of a French newspaper publisher. Therefore, not only was his first career path as an illustrator obvious, but also his further artistic training in France. After the American-born artist attended the art academy in San Francisco, he also studied in Paris at the prestigious Académie Julian, the Académie Colarossi and the state Académie des Beaux-Arts. Essential to his artistic work was not only the study of the "Old Masters" in Italy and France, but also journeys to Spain, Algeria, as well as faraway Ceylon, Japan and China. Until he finally joined the artists' association "Die Scholle" in Munich. To counter the then "Munich painter prince" Franz von Lenbach, the artists' group formulated the following statement in the magazine "Jugend - Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben": "[.] The 'Scholle' has no other common goal, no other route, than that everyone cultivates his own 'Scholle', which admittedly cannot be found on any map." The other artists' circle at Chiemsee at the time - within which he met his second wife Clara Lotte von Marcard (1897-1968) - certainly influenced the artist as well. For example, the open-air painting of the Tyrolean artist Leo Pütz, as well as the proximity to Impressionist painting, can be recognised in the contemplative and at the same time atmospheric painting "Am Meeresstrand". Here Cucuel painted a girl by the sea. Dressed in a summery dress and hat, she stands barefoot on the beach. It is precisely through the depiction of the repoussoir figure - with her back turned to us as the viewer - and her gaze into the distance that it touches us in a longing sense. We can almost put ourselves in the young woman's place, feel the wind on our skin, taste the salty sea and feel the cool wet ground. The finely placed reflections in the water and the light waves compose the motif with the high-set horizon and structure the picture just as the beach section does. During the First World War Cucuel painted in Holzhausen am Ammersee, then in Munich and Starnberg. In 1939 he settled in Pasadena (California), where he lived until his death in 1954.

        • Edward Cucuel (1879-1954) Woman with a Parasol 33 3/4 x 27 3/4 in. (85.7 x 70.5 cm.)
          May. 25, 2023

          Edward Cucuel (1879-1954) Woman with a Parasol 33 3/4 x 27 3/4 in. (85.7 x 70.5 cm.)

          Est: $40,000 - $60,000

          Edward Cucuel (1879-1954) Woman with a Parasol signed 'Cucuel' (lower left) and signed again (lower right) oil on canvas 33 3/4 x 27 3/4 in. (85.7 x 70.5 cm.)

          Mar. 25, 2023


          Est: $15,000 - $25,000

          Western Landscape (1943), oil on canvas board, , 14 1/4 x 19 1/4 in (36.2 x 48.9 cm), framed: 19 x 24 in (48.3 x 61 cm), signed lower right dated 1943, Conservation report accompanies painting

          Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
          Mar. 10, 2023


          Est: €900 - €1,800

          EDWARD CUCUEL 1875 - 1954 Portrait of a man with a dog in an interior Oil on canvas. 92 x 74 cm (F. 117 x 107 cm). Verso: on the frame three times inscribed 'Cucuel' and place-named 'München'. Frame. EDWARD CUCUEL 1875 San Francisco - 1954 Pasadena/Kalifornien, Umkreis Porträt eines Mannes mit Hund im Interieur Öl auf Leinwand. 92 x 74 cm (R. 117 x 107 cm). Verso: auf dem Rahmen dreimal bez. 'Cucuel' und ortsbezeichnet 'München'. Rahmen.

          Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
        • Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl
          Mar. 07, 2023

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl

          Est: $1,000 - $1,500

          Edward Cucuel (American 1875-1954) - Portrait of a girl DESCRIPTION pastel on paper size: 11 3/4 by 8 1/2 in. matting: 15 1/2 by 12 in. Signed and dated, ÔCucuel / March 14th. 1927' (lower right corer).

          Hidden Treasures Antiques & Fine Arts
        • Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'rabbit show', pen and ink
          Feb. 25, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'rabbit show', pen and ink

          Est: €2,400 - €4,000

          Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'rabbit show', pen and ink drawing heightened with opaque white,right. and hand signed and dated 1901, sheet size. 37 x 35 cm, under glass, frame 57 x 55 cm, with certificate of authenticity Kunsthandel Drahein . German Description: Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'Kaninchenschau', Tuschefederzeichnung mit Deckweiß gehöht, re. unten handsigniert und datiert 1901, Blattgr. 37 x 35 cm, unter Glas, Rahmen 57 x 55 cm, mit Echtheitszertifikat Kunsthandel Draheim

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'In the evening salon', pen
          Feb. 25, 2023

          Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'In the evening salon', pen

          Est: €2,400 - €4,800

          Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'In the evening salon', pen and ink drawing heightened with opaque white, right below hand signed and dated 1901, sheet size. 32 x 42 cm, under glass, frame 52 x 62 cm, with certificate of authenticity Kunsthandel Drahein . German Description: Edward Cucuel, 1875 - 1954, 'Im Salon Abends', Tuschfederzeichnung mit Deckweiß gehöht, re. unten handsigniert und datiert 1901, Blattgr. 32 x 42 cm, unter Glas, Rahmen 52 x 62 cm, mit Echtheitszertifikat Kunsthandel Draheim

          Henry's Auktionshaus
          Feb. 19, 2023


          Est: $5,000 - $7,000

          Edward Alfred Cucuel (American, French, 1875 - 1954), an Impressionist painting depicting a woman in a white dress with an umbrella floating in a boat among the foliage. Signed by the artist on the lower left. Unframed. Footnote: Born in San Francisco, Edward Cucuel was an Impressionist painter of genre and figures in landscapes, often using his family members as models rather than professionals. A specialty was using a vibrant palette and rich impasto to depict women in sun-dappled landscape settings.

          Helios Auctions
        • EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954) Les yachts oil on canvas 39 1/2
          Dec. 13, 2022

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954) Les yachts oil on canvas 39 1/2

          Est: £100,000 - £150,000

          EDWARD ALFRED CUCUEL (AMERICAN, 1875-1954) Les yachts oil on canvas 39 1/2 x 39 1/2 in. (100 x 100 cm.)

        • Edward Cucuel – Zwei badende Frauen am See (Two women bathing in a lake)
          Dec. 08, 2022

          Edward Cucuel – Zwei badende Frauen am See (Two women bathing in a lake)

          Est: €35,000 - €45,000

          Oil on canvas, relined. (Presumably 1930s). Ca. 89.5 x 78.5 cm. Signed lower right. • The subject of women played a key role in the artist's works • Summer bathing scene in a lake in the Alpine foothills, the artist's chosen home • With a strong sense for painterly effect

          Karl & Faber
        Lots Per Page: