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Ernst Czernotzky Sold at Auction Prices

Still life painter

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      • Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünne 1939 Vienna, still life
        Dec. 28, 2024

        Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünne 1939 Vienna, still life

        Est: €350 - €600

        Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünne 1939 Vienna, still life painter, still life with nautilus cup, brass plate, glass cup, lobster, shells and grapes, signed lower left, restored and small hole in the canvas, oil/canvas, 70x106 cm, magnificent frame damaged 95x130 cm . German Description: Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünne 1939 Wien, Stilllebenmaler, Stillleben mit Nautiluspokal,Messingplatte, Glaspokal, Hummer, Muscheln undTrauben, links unten signiert, restauriert undkleines Loch in der Lwd, Öl/Lwd, 70x106 cm, Prunkrahmen beschädigt 95x130 cm

        Henry's Auktionshaus
      • Czernotzky, Ernst
        Dec. 06, 2024

        Czernotzky, Ernst

        Est: €200 - €300

        (1869 Brünn - Wien 1939). Stillleben mit Büchern, Pokalen, einer kleinen Truhe, welkenden Blumen in einer Vase, Urkunden und Petschaft. Öl auf Holz. Sign. "E.Czernotzky". 21 x 27 cm. Verso Stempel: Von der Zentralstelle für Denkmalschutz zur Ausfuhr freigegeben. Gerahmt. - Mit horizontal verlaufendem Krakelee (Maserung?). "Cz. kultiviert das Stillleben, in welchem Genre er vorzügliches leistet.", Thieme-Becker, Bd.8. 243. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Czernotzky, Ernst
        Nov. 30, 2024

        Czernotzky, Ernst

        Est: -

        Czernotzky, Ernst 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien Stillleben mit Nautiluspokal und Renaissanceuhr. Signiert. Öl/Holz, 26,5 x 21 cm.

        Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with Roses, Fruit, Nautilus Cup and Ivory Tankard on a Table oil on canvas 67 x 98...
        Jun. 04, 2024

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with Roses, Fruit, Nautilus Cup and Ivory Tankard on a Table oil on canvas 67 x 98...

        Est: $2,000 - $4,000

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with Roses, Fruit, Nautilus Cup and Ivory Tankard on a Table oil on canvas signed lower left: E Czernotzky 67 x 98cm (85 x 116cm framed)

        Leonard Joel
      • Ernst Czernotzky. 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien. Sign. Stilleben mit Orientteppich, Elfenbeinhumpen, gläsernem Pokal, Zitrone und Schenkkanne. Öl/Holz. 26 x 21 cm. R
        Apr. 05, 2024

        Ernst Czernotzky. 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien. Sign. Stilleben mit Orientteppich, Elfenbeinhumpen, gläsernem Pokal, Zitrone und Schenkkanne. Öl/Holz. 26 x 21 cm. R

        Est: -

        Ernst Czernotzky. 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien. Sign. Stilleben mit Orientteppich, Elfenbeinhumpen, gläsernem Pokal, Zitrone und Schenkkanne. Öl/Holz. 26 x 21 cm. R

        Auktionshaus Zeller
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939),
        Nov. 14, 2023

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939),

        Est: -

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), Austrian still life painter of Czech descent. Interior of a library with young man in the style of the 17th century, oil on wood, signed lower right, 26 x 20 cm, framed 43 x 38 cm

        Historia Auctionata
      • Ernest Czernotzky (Austrian 1869-1939)
        Oct. 21, 2023

        Ernest Czernotzky (Austrian 1869-1939)

        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        Ernest Czernotzky (Austrian 1869-1939) Ernest Czernotzky (Austrian 1869-1939) Still Life of Fruit and Vessels Oil on Canvas signed lower left "E. Czerotzky" Christie's label on verso 27 1/2"x 40"

        Nadeau's Auction Gallery
      • Ernst Czernotzky Asian Still Life Painting
        Mar. 21, 2023

        Ernst Czernotzky Asian Still Life Painting

        Est: $300 - $600

        Ernst Czernotzky (Austrian, 1869-1939). Oil on panel still life painting depicting Japanese objects such as an embroidered phoenix textile, a vase, and a porcelain dog. Signed along the upper left. With a label from the C.G. Rein Galleries in Minneapolis, Minnesota affixed to the verso.

        Revere Auctions
      • Ernst Czernotzky, Still Life with Fruits and Nautilus Cup
        Nov. 22, 2022

        Ernst Czernotzky, Still Life with Fruits and Nautilus Cup

        Est: €300 - €500

        26,5 × 21,5 cm, oil on wood, signed upper left, with black, "E. Czernotzky"

        A10 by Artmark
      • Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937)
        Nov. 21, 2022

        Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937)

        Est: $300 - $600

        Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937) Still Life with Asian Antiques, oil on board. Framed. Size: 10'' x 7.5'', 25 x 19 cm (sight); 19.25'' x 16.75'', 49 x 43 cm (frame).

        Material Culture
      • Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937)
        Nov. 21, 2022

        Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937)

        Est: $300 - $600

        Ernst Czernotsky (Austrian, 1869-1937) Still Life with Continental Antiques, oil on board. Framed. Size: 10'' x 7.5'', 25 x 19 cm (sight); 19.25'' x 16.75'', 49 x 43 cm (frame).

        Material Culture
      • Ernst Czernotzky, Still Life O/P
        Oct. 18, 2022

        Ernst Czernotzky, Still Life O/P

        Est: $400 - $600

        (Aus./Czech 1869-1939). Frame size: 16" high, 14" wide. Property of a New Jersey collector.

        Schwenke Auctioneers
      • Attributed to Ernst Czernotzky (Czech/Austrian, 1869-1939)
        Mar. 23, 2022

        Attributed to Ernst Czernotzky (Czech/Austrian, 1869-1939)

        Est: £250 - £350

        Attributed to Ernst Czernotzky (Czech/Austrian, 1869-1939) A still life of an ornate casket, vases, candelabra and other decorative objects on a marble-top table in a panelled room oil on panel 31 x 20cm

        Mar. 05, 2022


        Est: -

        CZERNOTZKY, Ernst(1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien) Biedermeier Interieur Öl/Holz. Links unten signiert. 27 x 20 cm. Gerahmt43 x 38 cm. Bürgerliche Stube mit Kleid auf einem Stuhl neben einer Kommode mit Portaluhr und Gemälden Österreichischer Maler, studierte in Wien bei Kohn. Literatur : Thieme/Becker.

        Auktionshaus Wendl
      • Ernst Czernotzky Austrian Oil On Canvas Still Life
        Oct. 30, 2021

        Ernst Czernotzky Austrian Oil On Canvas Still Life

        Est: $100 - $15,000

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939, Austrian) Oil On Canvas Still Life. Canvas Measures 29" H X 39.5" W. Signed In Upper Right Corner.

        Kavanagh Auctions
      • CZERNOTZKY, ERNST (1869-1939) "Variastillleben"
        Oct. 23, 2021

        CZERNOTZKY, ERNST (1869-1939) "Variastillleben"

        Est: -

        CZERNOTZKY, ERNST (1869-1939) "Varia still life" Oil on wood, signed upper right, expertise enclosed, HxW: 27/21 cm. Slight signs of age, frame, HxW: 50/43 cm.

        Auktionshaus Eppli
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869 BRÜNN - 1939 WIEN)
        Sep. 19, 2021

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869 BRÜNN - 1939 WIEN)

        Est: -

        Öl auf Karton, ¨Vanitas Vanitatum Et Omnia Vanitas¨ (Stillleben mit Musikinstrumenten, Nautilus-Pokal, Globus und aufgeschlagenem Buch), unten links monogrammiert ¨Cz¨, verso Auktionskatalogtext (1982) auf Papier und 2x gestempelt, ca. 32x42,5cm, in Prunkrahmen (54,5x64,5cm), fleckig

        Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
      • Ernst Czernotzky (Austrian, 1869 - 1939) Still Life
        May. 24, 2021

        Ernst Czernotzky (Austrian, 1869 - 1939) Still Life

        Est: $500 - $700

        Ernst Czernotzky (Austrian, 1869 - 1939) Still Life oil on panel signed upper right 10 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.

      • CZERNOTZKY, ERNST: Stillleben mit Rosen, Früchten, Porzellan und Tischuhr.
        May. 07, 2021

        CZERNOTZKY, ERNST: Stillleben mit Rosen, Früchten, Porzellan und Tischuhr.

        Est: CHF600 - CHF1,000

        CZERNOTZKY, ERNST (Brünn 1869 - 1939 Wien) : Stillleben mit Rosen, Früchten, Porzellan und Tischuhr; Öl auf Holz; 21x27 cm; sig. o.l.

        Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm)
        Jul. 13, 2020

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm)

        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) the first signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper left); the second signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper right) both oil on panel each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life oil on panel
        Jun. 02, 2020

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life oil on panel

        Est: $1,200 - $1,800

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life oil on panel signed upper right: E. Czernotsky 26.5 x 20cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Melbourne Thence by descent

        Leonard Joel
      • Czernotzky, Ernst
        Mar. 07, 2020

        Czernotzky, Ernst

        Est: €400 - €600

        Czernotzky, Ernst 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien. Nature mort mit Büchern, Nautiluspokal und Schatzkistchen auf einem mit Teppich belegtem Tisch. Öl auf Platte. Oben rechts signiert. Größe ca. 27 x 21 cm, der opulente Gründerzeitrahmen ca. 49,5 x 44 cm.

        Auktionshaus Sieglin GmbH
      • Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünn-1939 Vienna, still life
        Dec. 28, 2019

        Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünn-1939 Vienna, still life

        Est: €600 - €1,200

        Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünn-1939 Vienna, still life with books, beer mug, glass and silver cup, oil / wood, barely legible signed upper left, about 27x21cm / 54x48cm, R., this damaged . German Description: Ernst Czernotzky, 1869 Brünn-1939 Wien, Stillleben mit Büchern, Bierkrug, Glas und Silberpokal, Öl/Holz, links oben kaum lesbar signiert, ca. 27x21cm/54x48cm, R., dieser beschädigt

        Henry's Auktionshaus
      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm)
        Nov. 19, 2019

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm)

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) An elaborate still life with roses, a clock, and a fan on a draped table; and a companion painting (a pair) the first signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper left); the second signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper right) both oil on panel each 10 3/4 x 8 1/4in (27.4 x 21cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • Huile sur panneau "Nature morte au nautile". Signé en haut à gauche E. Czernotzky. Ecole autrichienne. Dim.:27x20,5cm.
        Apr. 24, 2018

        Huile sur panneau "Nature morte au nautile". Signé en haut à gauche E. Czernotzky. Ecole autrichienne. Dim.:27x20,5cm.

        Est: €300 - €400

        Huile sur panneau "Nature morte au nautile". Signé en haut à gauche E. Czernotzky. Ecole autrichienne. Dim.:27x20,5cm.

      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (VIENNA, 1869-1939) (Still Life)
        Nov. 13, 2017

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (VIENNA, 1869-1939) (Still Life)

        Est: $600 - $800

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (VIENNA, 1869-1939) (Still Life) oil on board signed lower left: Czernotsky 25 x 20.5 cm

        Mossgreen Auctions
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939). TABLE TOP STILL LIFE WITH SILVER AND FRUIT ON ORIENTAL RUG, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.
        Jun. 25, 2017

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939). TABLE TOP STILL LIFE WITH SILVER AND FRUIT ON ORIENTAL RUG, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.

        Est: $1,500 - $2,000

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939). TABLE TOP STILL LIFE WITH SILVER AND FRUIT ON ORIENTAL RUG, signed lower left. Oil on canvas - Framed, 27 in. x 39 in.

        Sloans & Kenyon
      • Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), Japanese still life,
        May. 31, 2016

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), Japanese still life,

        Est: €600 - €900

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), Japanese still life, tempera on panel, signed upper left, framed.

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939 Austrian)
        Nov. 18, 2014

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939 Austrian)

        Est: $2,000 - $3,000

        Still life, signed lower left: E. Czernotzky, oil on canvas, 27.75'' H x 39.5'' W, est: $2000/3000.

        John Moran Auctioneers
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with
        Jun. 21, 2014

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939) Still Life with Shell Goblet, Fruit and Antiques Oil on panel 10-3/4 x 8-1/4 inches (27.3 x 21.0 cm) Signed upper left: E. Czernotzky

        Heritage Auctions
      • Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), STILL LIFE WITH ORIENTAL PORCELAINS AND CABINET, 10" x 7.5" - 25.4 x 19.1 cm.
        Apr. 17, 2014

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939), STILL LIFE WITH ORIENTAL PORCELAINS AND CABINET, 10" x 7.5" - 25.4 x 19.1 cm.

        Est: -

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939)STILL LIFE WITH ORIENTAL PORCELAINS AND CABINETOil on panel; signed upper left, 10" x 7.5" - 25.4 x 19.1 cm.Estimate: $2,000-2,500

      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869 - 1939)
        Oct. 30, 2013

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869 - 1939)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869 - 1939) Still Life oil on boardSigned upper left

        Shapiro Auctioneers
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939)
        May. 28, 2013

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (Austrian, 1869-1939)

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        UNTITLED: STILL LIFE WITH NAUTILUS, CLOCK, COINS AND BOOKS ON A DRAPED TABLE Oil on panel. Signed upper left 12 1/2 in. x 10 1/4 in. (31.7 cm. x 26 cm.)

        A. H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals
      • Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939). Stilleben mit
        Mar. 16, 2013

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939). Stilleben mit

        Est: -

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939). Stilleben mit Ziergegenständen. Öl/Holz, li./u./sign., gerahmt, 26,5 x 31,5 cm. (Schätzwert Euro 2.000,-)

        Antiquitäten Metz GmbH - Kunstauktionen
      • Artwork by - Czernotzky Ernst (Brno 1869 - 1939
        Mar. 09, 2013

        Artwork by - Czernotzky Ernst (Brno 1869 - 1939

        Est: - Kč12,000

        Artwork by - Czernotzky Ernst (Brno 1869 - 1939 Vienna)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939) STILL-LIVE WITH
        Mar. 31, 2012

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939) STILL-LIVE WITH

        Est: Kč12,000 - Kč24,000

        Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939) STILL-LIVE WITH FRUITS AND ANTIQUES. Oil on a board, 28,5 x 22,5 cm, top left corner signed „E Czernotzky". Condition A. Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939) ZÁTIŠÍ S OVOCEM A STAROŽITNOSTMI. Olej na lepence, 28,5x22,5 cm, sign. vlevo nahoře „E Czernotzky". Stav A. Ernst Czernotzky (1869-1939) STILLLEBEN MIT OBST UND ANTIQUITÄTEN. Öl auf Pappe, 28,5x22,5 cm, links oben sign. „E Czernotzky". Zustand A.

        Auction House Zezula
        Dec. 04, 2010


        Est: Kč39,000 - Kč78,000

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939), STILL-LIFE WITH COLLECTOR ITEMS. Still-life with pronounced Viennese table clock and a porcelain figure. Oil on wooden desk, 27x21 cm, bottom left signed „ E. Czernotzky". Framed. Condition A. ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939), ZÁTIŠÍ SE SBĚRATELSKÝMI PŘEDMĚTY. Minuciózní zátiší, kterému dominují vídeňské stolní hodiny a porcelánová soška květinářky. Olej na dřevěné desce, 27x21 cm, sign. vlevo nahoře „ E. Czernotzky". Rámováno. Stav A. Ernst (Arnošt) Czernotzky - brněnský rodák, jako malíř působil hlavně ve Vídni. Studoval u prof. Pirchana v Brně a kreslíře D. Kohna ve Vídni. Podnikl studijní cesty téměř po celé Evropě. Ve své tvorbě se věnoval především zátiším drobných formátů. ERNST CZERNOTZKY (1869-1939), STILLLEBEN MIT SAMMELGEGENSTÄNDEN. Stillleben mit Wiener Tischuhr und Porzellanfigur eines Blumenmädchens. Öl auf Holz, 27x21 cm, sign. links oben „ E. Czernotzky". Gerahmt. Zustand A.

        Auction House Zezula
      • ERNST CZERNOTZKY 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien
        Oct. 01, 2009

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        ERNST CZERNOTZKY 1869 Brünn - 1939 Wien PRUNKSTILLLEBEN VOR EINER PARKLANDSCHAFT Signiert oben rechts: E. Czernotzky Öl auf Holz. 21 x 27 cm.

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) The Chinese shelf
        Jun. 02, 2009

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czechoslovakian, 1869-1939) The Chinese shelf

        Est: £500 - £700

        The Chinese shelf signed 'E.Czernotzky' (upper right), oil on panel 26.5 x 20.5cm (10 7/16 x 8 1/16in).

      • Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Wien)
        Feb. 10, 2009

        Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Wien)

        Est: €1,800 - €2,500

        Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Wien) Antiquitätenstilleben, signiert E. Czernotzky, Öl auf Holz, 27 x 21 cm, gerahmt, (W)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939)
        Jan. 06, 2009

        Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939)

        Est: £600 - £800

        Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939) Still life with fan signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper right) oil on panel 10¼ x 8 in. (26 x 20.2 cm.)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939)
        Oct. 01, 2008

        Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Ernst Czernotzky (CZECH, 1869-1939) Still life with fan signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper right) oil on panel 10¼ x 8 in. (26 x 20.2 cm.)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Vienna) Large
        Jun. 10, 2008

        Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Vienna) Large

        Est: €1,600 - €1,800

        Ernst Czernotzky (Brünn 1869-1939 Vienna) Large Flower and Fruit Still Life, signed E. Czernotzky, Oil on canvas laid on board, 66 x 83 cm, framed, (Rei)

      • Still life with a Nautilus vase, a sculptured tankard as well as a revolver.
        Nov. 16, 2007

        Still life with a Nautilus vase, a sculptured tankard as well as a revolver.

        Est: - €1,200

        Signed above left: E. Czernotzky. Oil on wood. 27 x 20cm. Framed.

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869-1939)
        Nov. 30, 2006

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869-1939)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Oriental still life signed 'E. Czernotzky' (upper left) oil on board 10 3/4 x 8 1/4 in. (27.3 x 20.9 cm.)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869-1939)
        Sep. 13, 2006

        Ernst Czernotzky (Czech, 1869-1939)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        A salver of fruit and various vessels on a draped table signed 'E Czernotzky' (lower left) oil on canvas 27 5/8 x 39 1/2 in. (70 x 100.3 cm.)

      • Ernst Czernotzky (CZECHOSLOVAKIAN, 1869-1939)
        May. 10, 2006

        Ernst Czernotzky (CZECHOSLOVAKIAN, 1869-1939)

        Est: £1,000 - £1,500

        Ornaments on a dresser, in an interior; and In the libary the latter signed 'E. Czernotzky' (lower left) oil on panel 12 1/2 x 10 3/4 in. (31.8 x 27.3 cm.); 11 1/4 x 9 in. (28.6 x 22.8 cm.) two in the lot (2)

      • Ernst Czernotzky
        Oct. 22, 2004

        Ernst Czernotzky

        Est: €1,300 - €1,500

        (Brünn 1869-1939 Vienna) Still Life with Nautilus Cup and Glass Goblet, signed E. Czernotzky, Oil on wood, 27 x 20.5 cm, framed, (Rei)

      Lots Per Page: