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Hermann Eichberg Sold at Auction Prices


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        • Hermann Eichberg, zwei römische Krieger / Two Roman warriors, deutsch, um 1900
          Jan. 11, 2025

          Hermann Eichberg, zwei römische Krieger / Two Roman warriors, deutsch, um 1900

          Est: €450 - €900

          Material: Zinn, patiniert, Signatur: am Sockel sig, H. EICHBERG, Maße: 42 bzw. 35 cm, Zustand: ein Sockel mit Haarriss

          Auktionshaus Schwab
        • Hermann Eichberg Style Bronze Hunting Cat Lamp.
          Dec. 07, 2024

          Hermann Eichberg Style Bronze Hunting Cat Lamp.

          Est: $200 - $400

          This lamp features a bronze cat base with a leaded stained glass shade. The cat's eyes as well as the lamp above lights up. The piece measures 17" tall, 5 3/4" wide, and 10 3/4" deep. The shade has a diameter of 7". The piece is in overall good condition. In-house shipping is available. Please see our website regarding in-house shipping procedures.

          Direct Auction Galleries, Inc.
        • Hermann EICHBERG (act.c.1900), antiker Bogenschütze auf Felssockel, Metall.
          Dec. 06, 2024

          Hermann EICHBERG (act.c.1900), antiker Bogenschütze auf Felssockel, Metall.

          Est: -

          Hermann EICHBERG (act.c.1900), antiker Bogenschütze auf Felssockel, Metall, Sockel mit Bruchstelle, hinten signiert ''H. Eichberg'', Höhe ca. 39 cm.

          Auktionshaus Königstein GmbH
        • Eichberg, Hermann: Statuette der Siegesgöttin Nike
          Nov. 22, 2024

          Eichberg, Hermann: Statuette der Siegesgöttin Nike

          Est: €180 - €360

          Eichberg, Hermann - Statuette of the goddess of victory Nike (active around 1900) Standing on a natural plinth above a stepped base, with a laurel wreath and rose. Dark green marble, brown patinated bronze. Signed on the back. and dat. ''Eichberg (18)90''. H. total 28cm. - One wing tip bumped, slightly rubbed. // Eichberg, Hermann Statuette der Siegesgöttin Nike (tätig um 1900) Über getrepptem Sockel auf Naturplinthe stehend, mit Lorbeerkranz und Rose. Dunkelgrüner Marmor, braun patinierte Bronze. Rückseitig sign. und dat. ''Eichberg (18)90''. H. ges. 28 cm. - Eine Flügelspitze bestoßen, leicht berieben.

          Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
        • Hermann Eichberg, Justitia
          Aug. 31, 2024

          Hermann Eichberg, Justitia

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg, Justitia datiert (18)90, signiert H. Eichberg, Bronze braun patiniert, Darstellung der Justitia als Halbakt, lediglich von einem im Wind wehenden Tuch umflossen, die Augen verbunden, in der Hand ein Schwert, ein Arm erhoben, die darin eigentlich gehaltene Waage fehlt, auf kleiner runder Plinthe, auf hohem Sockel aus Granatserpentin, Arm und Schwert etwas verbogen, Altersspuren, H Bronze 19 cm, H gesamt 27 cm. Künstlerinfo: deutscher Bildhauer, tätig um 1900 in Berlin, Quelle: Internet. Hermann Eichberg, Justitia dated (18)90, signed H. Eichberg, brown patinated bronze, depiction of Justitia as a half nude, surrounded only by a cloth blowing in the wind, blindfolded, holding a sword, one arm raised, the scales actually held in it missing, on a small round plinth, on a high base of garnet serpentine, arm and sword somewhat bent, traces of age, h bronze 19 cm, h total 27 cm. dated (18)90, signed H. Eiberg, brown patinated bronze, depiction of Justitia as a half nude, surrounded only by a cloth blowing in the wind, blindfolded, holding a sword, one arm raised, the scales actually held in it missing, on a small round plinth, on a high base of garnet serpentine, arm and sword somewhat bent, traces of age, h bronze 19 cm, h total 27 cm. Artist information: German sculptor, active around 1900 in Berlin, source: Internet.

          Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
        • Hermann Eichberg, Diana
          Aug. 31, 2024

          Hermann Eichberg, Diana

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg, Diana datiert (18)98, Bronze dunkelbraun patiniert, die Göttin der Jagd als Halbakt, das im Wind flatternde Kleid eine Brust entblößend, das Haupt von einer Mondsichel bekrönt, an einem umgebundenen Fell ein Jagdhorn an ihrer Hüfte tragend, den Speer zum Wurf erhoben, auf kleiner naturalistisch gestalteter Plinthe, auf gedrechseltem und ebonisiertem, wohl ergänztem Holzsockel, Speer etwas verbogen, Oberfläche teils mit stärkeren Altersspuren, H Bronze 18 cm, H gesamt 20 cm. Künstlerinfo: deutscher Bildhauer, tätig um 1900 in Berlin, Quelle: Internet. Hermann Eichberg, Diana dated (18)98, dark brown patinated bronze, the goddess of the hunt as a semi-nude, her dress fluttering in the wind, exposing one breast, her head crowned by a crescent moon, carrying a hunting horn on her hip on a tied coat, the spear raised for throwing, on a small naturalistic plinth, on a turned and ebonised, probably replaced wooden base, spear slightly bent, surface partly with stronger traces of age, h bronze 18 cm, h overall 20 cm. dated (18)98, dark brown patinated bronze, the goddess of the hunt as a semi-nude, her dress fluttering in the wind, exposing one breast, her head crowned by a crescent moon, carrying a hunting horn on her hip on a tied coat, the spear raised for throwing, on a small naturalistic plinth, on a turned and ebonised, probably replaced wooden base, spear slightly bent, surface partly with stronger traces of age, h bronze 18 cm, h overall 20 cm. Artist information: German sculptor, active around 1900 in Berlin, source: Internet.

          Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
        • A Jugendstil cast brass and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, cast by Braeunlich & Langlotz, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900
          Aug. 21, 2024

          A Jugendstil cast brass and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, cast by Braeunlich & Langlotz, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900

          Est: $1,500 - $2,500

          A Jugendstil cast brass and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, cast by Braeunlich & Langlotz, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900 With domed shade inset with orange chunk glass “jewels", on foliate base, signed, “Eichberg,” and marked with “B.L” foundry mark for Braeunlich & Langlotz. H: 25 in. Dia: 14 in.

          Freeman’s | Hindman
        • An Jugendstil cast bronze and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900
          Aug. 21, 2024

          An Jugendstil cast bronze and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900

          Est: $1,000 - $2,000

          An Jugendstil cast bronze and chunk glass "jewel" table lamp, Hermann Eichberg, Berlin, Germany, circa 1900 With dark brown patina, signed to base, “Eichberg." H: 20 ½ in. W: 12 in. D: 10 in.

          Freeman’s | Hindman
          Mar. 06, 2024


          Est: €250 - €350

          Bronze sculpture. Figure of peace. 36 cm. high; 8 cm. wide SCULPTURES Approximate Time 14:20:32

        • Hermann Eichberg "Nike" Bronze Figurine
          Nov. 18, 2023

          Hermann Eichberg "Nike" Bronze Figurine

          Est: $150 - $300

          Hermann Eichberg (Germany: 19/20th Century) Turn of the century figural bronze sculpture of Nike The Goddess of Victory. Bears engraved signature to base. Dimensions: 10” H x 4-1/2” W x 4-1/2” D. Shipping: Purchaser local pick-up by request/appointment available for all items. Napoleons Fine Art does not offer in-house shipping for this item. However, we are happy to refer experienced local third-party shippers for all domestic and international buyers. Please feel free to contact the following shippers for estimates/quotes: Junior's Auction Services Email Address: juniorsauctionservices@gmail.com Telephone Number: (561) 510-0345 First Class Shipping Email Address: 1shippingcenter@gmail.com Telephone Number: (754) 800-7674 The UPS Store #6989 Email Address: store6989@theupsstore.com Telephone Number: (561) 631-8997 Pak Mail Shipping Center US830 Email Address: us830@pakmail.com Telephone Number: (305) 274-2700 Have a similar item for sale? Learn how to feature your item(s) at auction at www.napoleonsfineart.com

          Napoleon's Fine Art
          Oct. 28, 2023


          Est: -

          Hermann EICHBERG (act.c.1900), Bronze, Mädchen mit Stiefeln, H-13 cm

          Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
          Sep. 13, 2023


          Est: £600 - £800

          HERMANN EICHBERG (GERMAN, FL. LATE 19TH C): A PAIR OF BRONZE CLASSICAL FIGURES HERMANN EICHBERG (GERMAN, FL. LATE 19TH C): A PAIR OF BRONZE CLASSICAL FIGURES depicting Justice and Nike, both on veined marble plinths, signed 'Eichberg', 29.5cm high (2)

          Curated Auctions
        • Hermann Eichberg
          Jun. 18, 2023

          Hermann Eichberg

          Est: -

          (1839 - 1907, deutscher Bildhauer, zahlreiche antikisierende Figuren) Antiker Speerwerfer Weißbronze, brünniert, auf d. Plinthe signiert H.Eichberg, H. 35 cm

          Auktionshaus Schwerin
        • Eichberg, Hermann (um 1900)
          Sep. 24, 2022

          Eichberg, Hermann (um 1900)

          Est: €100 - €120

          Diskuswerfer (Halbakt). Bronzierter Zinkguss. Auf naturalistischer Plinthe sign. H. 32,5 cm.

        • HERMANN EICHBERG (Germany, active in 1900). "Hunting Cat", ca.1900. Modernist lamp in bronze and leaded glass.
          May. 18, 2022

          HERMANN EICHBERG (Germany, active in 1900). "Hunting Cat", ca.1900. Modernist lamp in bronze and leaded glass.

          Est: €1,800 - €2,000

          HERMANN EICHBERG (Germany, active 1900). "Hunting Cat", ca.1900. Modernist lamp in bronze and leaded glass. Measurements: 45 x 18 x 23 cm. The German sculptor Hermann Eichberg, active around 1900, was the author of decorative pieces in Art Nouveau style and bronzes representing athletes inspired by Ancient Greek statuary. The modernist lamp in question features a singular and attractive sculptural design: a cat in a predatory attitude raises its hind legs over a hunting trap, preventing it from closing over its body. The feline, with glass eyes, has been resolved with great skill. Its raised tail holds up the floral-format lampshade, in leaded glass, which welcomes tonal shifts.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze
          Dec. 11, 2021

          Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze on round stand made of red marble on thick brass plate. On it standing on rock naked boy with fishing rod in the right hand, holding the line with the left. Signed "Eichberg" at the bottom right of the rock. Very fancy lamp around 1900. Electrics to be renewed. H. 49cm, Ø 13,5cm. Hermann Eichberg - Lampe Jugendstil, Bronze auf rundem Stand aus rotem Marmor auf dicker Messingplatte. Darauf auf Felsen stehender nackter Knabe mit Angelrute in der rechten Hand, mit der linken die Schnur haltend. Unten rechts am Felsen signiert "Eichberg". Sehr ausgefallene Lampe um 1900. Elektrik zu erneuern. H. 49cm, Ø 13,5cm.

          Auktionshaus Wersching
        • Hermann Eichberg, German scu
          Aug. 19, 2021

          Hermann Eichberg, German scu

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg, German sculptor c. 1900, Venus and Cupid begging his mother to give him back the arrows. Brown patinated bronze over sepentine postament, signed & dated in the casting ''Eichberg 95'', total h. 45,5 cm

          Historia Auctionata
        • Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze
          Jun. 19, 2021

          Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg - lamp art nouveau, bronze on round stand made of red marble on thick brass plate. On it standing on rock naked boy with fishing rod in the right hand, holding the line with the left. Signed "Eichberg" at the bottom right of the rock. Very fancy lamp around 1900. Electrics to be renewed. H. 49cm, Ø 13,5cm. Hermann Eichberg - Lampe Jugendstil, Bronze auf rundem Stand aus rotem Marmor auf dicker Messingplatte. Darauf auf Felsen stehender nackter Knabe mit Angelrute in der rechten Hand, mit der linken die Schnur haltend. Unten rechts am Felsen signiert "Eichberg". Sehr ausgefallene Lampe um 1900. Elektrik zu erneuern. H. 49cm, Ø 13,5cm.

          Auktionshaus Wersching
          Sep. 12, 2020


          Est: €280 - €560

          HERMANN EICHBERG Deutscher Bildplastiker, tätig um 1900 Diana mit Speer Bronze, braun patiniert, dunkler Marmor. Ges.- H. 25,5 cm, H. 17,5 cm (Figur). Seitlich bezeichnet und datiert 'Eichberg (18)92'. Part. besch.

          Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
        • Hermann Eichberg, employed around 1900 in Berlin, lion
          May. 30, 2020

          Hermann Eichberg, employed around 1900 in Berlin, lion

          Est: €150 - €300

          Hermann Eichberg, employed around 1900 in Berlin, lion on rock, Bronze sculpture, red marble pedestal, minor traces of usage, signed, approx. 11 x 13 x 6 cm, complete: H. 13.5 cm . German Description: Hermann Eichberg, tätig um 1900 in Berlin, Löwe auf Felsen, Bronzefigur, roter Marmorsockel, l. Gebr.-spuren, signiert, ca. 11 x 13 x 6 cm, Komplett: H. 13.5 cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Hermann Eichberg Jugendstil Lamp
          Jan. 16, 2020

          Hermann Eichberg Jugendstil Lamp

          Est: $250 - $500

          Late 19th/ early 20th century, Berlin, Jugendstil metal lamp having double domed shade with ruby red chunky glass accents. Top of base marked, "Eichberg" and "BL" for foundry, Braeunlich & Langlotz. Marked on underside of base, "Ges Gesch". Dimensions: 20"h x 13" diameter. Processing and shipping within the continental U.S. $110.00 plus 1.5% replacement cost insurance. 

        • Hermann Eichberg, Bronze, Nike Goddess of Victory Figure
          Jun. 22, 2019

          Hermann Eichberg, Bronze, Nike Goddess of Victory Figure

          Est: $400 - $600

          Approx. 10.5 in H x 6 in Dia at widest.

          Hughes Auctions
          Jul. 22, 2018


          Est: $600 - $800

          HERMANN EICHBERG, BRONZE MINIATURE SCULPTURE, H 8", "JUSTICE":Signed. mounted on marble plinth. Eichberg was best known for designing automobile hood ornaments. Height including base is 11 1/2".

          Jul. 22, 2018


          Est: $600 - $800

          HERMANN EICHBERG, BRONZE MINIATURE WINGED FIGURE CIRCA 1890, H 8 1/2":Signed. Possibly titled "Slawa". Height including base is 12".

        • Bronze sculpture, Hermann Eichberg, 1900, Angel
          Nov. 30, 2013

          Bronze sculpture, Hermann Eichberg, 1900, Angel

          Est: €350 - €420

          Bronze sculpture, Hermann Eichberg, 1900, Angel with laurel wreath and rose, signed, base serpentine, total H. 30cm

          Henry's Auktionshaus
        • Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Nike mit
          Feb. 22, 2013

          Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Nike mit

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Nike mit Lorbeerkranz u. Rosenblüte auf zylindrischem Marmorsockel, kupferfarben patinierter Bronzeguss, verso sign. u. dat. (18)90, min. best., Ges.-H. 30,5 cm Mindestpreis 150,00 €

          Historia Auctionata
        • Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Wanderer mit
          Feb. 22, 2013

          Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Wanderer mit

          Est: -

          Hermann Eichberg (tätig um 1900), Wanderer mit Stock auf Marmorsockel, patinierter Bronzeguss, verso sign., Ges.-H. 18,5 cm Mindestpreis 140,00 €

          Historia Auctionata
          Oct. 08, 2010


          Est: $500 - $700

          (German, active c. 1900)A bronze figure of a putto playing flute Brown patina. Signed 'Eichberg 95' The base has been replaced 18.5 cm high

          Tiroche Auction House
        • Sign. H. Eichberg, Hermann (active around 1900),
          Sep. 24, 2010

          Sign. H. Eichberg, Hermann (active around 1900),

          Est: -

          Sign. H. Eichberg, Hermann (active around 1900), Schuster boy standing with front and side pair of boots hanging, both hands resting in his pockets and a cigarette smoking, patinated bronze, on a high marble pedestal Ges.-H. 17.5 cm

          Historia Auctionata
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