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Otto (1834) Erdmann Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Genre Painter

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    • Heiratsantrag am Klavier nach Otto Erdmann
      Feb. 22, 2025

      Heiratsantrag am Klavier nach Otto Erdmann

      Est: -

      Heiratsantrag am Klavier nach Otto Erdmann Blick ins herrschaftliche Rokokointerieur mit Dame am Tafelklavier, sich verschämt einem jungen Mann zuwendend, lasierende Kopie nach einem Original von Otto Erdmann (1834 Leipzig bis 1905 Düsseldorf), hierzu bemerkt AKL "... Da Erdmanns Gemälde als Original und Reproduktion weite Verbreitung fanden, trug er früh zur Popularisierung des Rokoko bei. Seine "harmlos-liebenswürdige Kunst" (Thieme-Becker) zeichnet sich durch großes erzählerisches Talent, lebendige Charakterisierung der Figuren, akademisch sorgfältigen Detailrealismus, effektvolle Lichtführung und virtuose Wiedergabe der Stofflichkeit aus. Die anmutige Figurenauffassung und das zarte Kolorit der Bilder weisen auf ein genaues Studium des Rokoko. ...", Öl auf Leinwand, um 1890, unsigniert, Craquelure, Retuschen, in Goldleiste gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 68 x 55 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, dt. Genre- und Portraitmaler (1834 Leipzig bis 1905 Düsseldorf), 1850 zunächst Schüler der Akademie Leipzig, ab 1851 Studium an der Akademie Dresden, schließlich weitergebildet in München, in München zeitweise Schüler der Malschule des Malers Albert Graefle, Studienaufenthalte in Paris und Berlin, 1856 kurzzeitig Rückkehr nach Leipzig, ab 1858 in Düsseldorf tätig, beschickte ab 1861 Ausstellungen in Dresden, Berlin und München, 1858–1905 Mitglied und langjähriges Vorstandsmitglied der Düsseldorfer Künstlervereinigung "Der Malkasten", Mitglied der "Vereinigung Düsseldorfer Künstler 1904" und der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft, vertreten in den Sammlungen der Galerien Leipzig, Köln, Düsseldorf, Braunschweig und Lübeck, beschickte die Akademie-Ausstellungen in Dresden, Berlin, Düsseldorf, die Internationale Kunstausstellung in München und den Kristallpalast in London, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, AKL, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Boetticher, Schülerlisten der Dresdner Akademie, Bruckmann "Lexikon der Düsseldorfer Malerschule", Müller-Singer, Seubert, Müller-Klunzinger, Schweers und Wikipedia. Marriage Proposal at the Piano after Otto Erdmann View of a stately Rococo interior with a lady at the piano, bashfully turning to a young man, glazed copy after an original by Otto Erdmann (1834 Leipzig to 1905 Düsseldorf), AKL notes "... As Erdmann's paintings were widely distributed as originals and reproductions, he contributed to the popularisation of Rococo at an early stage. His "harmlessly lovable art" (Thieme-Becker) is characterised by great narrative talent, vivid characterisation of the figures, academically meticulous realism of detail, effective lighting and virtuoso rendering of the materiality. The graceful conception of the figures and the delicate colouring of the pictures point to a precise study of the Rococo. ...", oil on canvas, c. 1890, unsigned, craquelure, retouching, framed in gold moulding, folding dimensions approx. 68 x 55 cm. Artist information: actually Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, German genre and portrait painter. Genre and portrait painter (1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf), 1850 initially pupil of the Leipzig academy, from 1851 studied at the Dresden academy, finally further training in Munich, in Munich temporarily pupil of the painting school of the painter Albert Graefle, study visits to Paris and Berlin, 1856 brief return to Leipzig, from 1858 active in Düsseldorf, from 1861 exhibited in Dresden, Berlin and Munich, 1858-1905 member and long-standing board member of the Düsseldorf artists' association "Der Malkasten", member of the "Vereinigung Düsseldorfer Künstler 1904" and the Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft, represented in the collections of the Leipzig, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Braunschweig and Lübeck galleries, exhibited at the Academy exhibitions in Dresden, Berlin, Düsseldorf, the International Art Exhibition in Munich and the Crystal Palace in London, source: Thieme-Becker, AKL, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Boetticher, student lists of the Dresden A

      Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905Düsseldorf
      Dec. 28, 2024

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905Düsseldorf

      Est: €450 - €900

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905Düsseldorf, Page delivers a letter from a rococo lady in a park landscape, oil/canvas, signed lower right. and dated Df. 1850, approx. 75x60cm, frame approx. 87x72cm . German Description: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905Düsseldorf, Page überbringt einen Brief einer Rokokodame in Parklandschaft, Öl/Lwd, rechts unten sign. und dat. Df. 1850, ca. 75x60cm, R. ca. 87x72cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905), THE INTRODUCTION, 1902
      Dec. 12, 2024

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905), THE INTRODUCTION, 1902

      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905), German THE INTRODUCTION, 1902 signed and dated lower left Estimate: $1,500—2,500 CAD

    • Otto Erdmann (1834-1905) Oil of a Woman (1871)
      Nov. 09, 2024

      Otto Erdmann (1834-1905) Oil of a Woman (1871)

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Untitled, 1871 Oil on canvas 26" x 18 1/2"   An oil of a woman adjusting her necklace in front of a mirror, in a finely decorated Louis XV interior. Signed and dated to the bottom left corner. The frame measures 29 1/2" x 21".

      Circle Auction
    • Otto Erdmann, German, 1834-1905
      Nov. 02, 2024

      Otto Erdmann, German, 1834-1905

      Est: $100 - $25,000

      Otto Erdmann, German, 1834-1905, Old Rivals At Tea, Oil On Canvas, Signed And Dated 1902 Lower Left, 30 X 34.5 Inches, Giltwood Frame 36 X 40.5 X 2 Inches, Discoloration To Varnish Layer, Paint Surface Stable, Not Examined Under UV Light. See Photos For Additional Condition Information.

      J. Garrett Auctioneers
    • Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard / Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard
      Jul. 12, 2024

      Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard / Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard

      Est: -

      1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf, Öl auf Holz, „Verwickelt“, galante Rokoko-Szene im Salon, rechts unten signiert, Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann war ein deutscher Genremaler des Neorokoko, rückseitig mit Klebezetteln und Titel, kleines Hochformat, 24,5 cm x 18 cm, im goldenen Zierrahmen mit Rocailledetails / 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf, oil on wood, "Entangled", gallant rococo scene in a salon, signed lower right, Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was a German genre painter of the neo-rococo period, with adhesive labels and title on the reverse, small vertical format, 24.5 cm x 18 cm, in a gold ornamental frame with rocaille details

      Kunstauktionhaus Georg Rehm
    • Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard / Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard
      Jul. 12, 2024

      Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard / Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard

      Est: -

      1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf, Öl auf Holz, "Glückliche Werbung“, galante Rokoko-Szene im Salon, rechts unten signiert, Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann war ein deutscher Genremaler des Neorokoko, rückseitig mit Klebezetteln und Titel, kleines Hochformat, 24,5 cm x 18 cm, im goldenen Zierrahmen mit Rocailledetails / 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf, oil on wood, "Glückliche Werbung", gallant rococo scene in a salon, signed lower right, Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was a German genre painter of the neo-rococo period, with adhesive labels and title on the reverse, small vertical format, 24.5 cm x 18 cm, in a gold ornamental frame with rocaille details

      Kunstauktionhaus Georg Rehm
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Jul. 07, 2024

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,100 - $1,450

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Dec. 17, 2023

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,150 - $1,500

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann ''Interior Courting Scene'' Oil
      Dec. 14, 2023

      Otto Erdmann ''Interior Courting Scene'' Oil

      Est: $500 - $1,000

      Otto Erdmann (1834-1905 German) ''Interior Courting Scene'' Oil on Canvas 22.5''x19.5'' Image. Signed lower right. Ornate gilt framing 30''x27''. Professionally cleaned and relined. Collection of Michael Parsons (1957-2022), Oregon. Owner and operator of Michael Parsons Fine Art Gallery (2013-2022), Portland.

      MBA Seattle Auction LLC
    • Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard
      Dec. 13, 2023

      Erdmann, Otto Wilhelm Eduard

      Est: €200 - €300

      (1834 Leipzig - Düsseldorf 1905) zugeschrieben. Vorstellung der Braut. - Begrüßung des Besuchs. 2 mit Öl übermalte Drucke auf Papier, auf Lwd. aufgezogen. Je ca. 54 x 72 cm. Auf Keilrahmen gespannt u. dort jwls. mit typogr. Etikett der Kunsthandlung B.Koestler, München, davon eines betitelt. Stark gefirnisst, Ränder durch frühere Rahmug beschabt, stellenw. rissig. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Sep. 10, 2023

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,150 - $1,500

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Jun. 11, 2023

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,250 - $1,500

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann
      May. 07, 2023

      Otto Erdmann

      Est: €3,600 - €7,200

      (1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf) Der Besuch bei der Mutter In einem detailreich arrangiertem Rokokosalon inszenierte höfische, liebevoll geschilderte Genreszene, die durch das Erzählerische, die lebendige Charakterisierung der Figuren, den detailgetreuen Realismus mit virtuoser Stofflichkeit und einer gekonnten Licht- und Schattenführung besticht. Repräsentatives Werk Erdmanns, der sich auf Episoden aus dem unbeschwerten, eleganten Leben des Adels im Rokoko spezialisierte. Er studierte an den Akademien in Leipzig, Dresden und München und war ab 1858 in Düsseldorf ansässig. Er stellte oft in Dresden, Berlin und München aus. 1890 erhielt er die Goldmedaille im Londoner Kristallpalast. Öl/Lwd., doubliert. L. u. sign. mit Ortsangabe Düsseldorf sowie undeutl. dat. 1900. 79 cm x 57 cm. Rahmen. Oil on canvas, relined. Signed, inscribed with location Munich and indistinctly dated 1900.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    • Embellished Print, Otto Erdmann
      Mar. 18, 2023

      Embellished Print, Otto Erdmann

      Est: $100 - $200

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905), "Worstellung der Braut," oil embellishment over lithographic print, indistinct monogram verso, overall (with frame): 10.75"h x 13.25"w

      Clars Auctions
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Mar. 12, 2023

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,250 - $1,600

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Dec. 18, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,300 - $1,600

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Dec. 18, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,900 - $2,500

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: The Whisper MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Overall good. Very minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 22 x 19 1/2 inches / 55 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: lower right CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 121731 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was a German genre painter in the Rococo Revival style.His father was the chemist, Otto Linne Erdmann. He began his artistic education at the Leipziger Akademie and later attended the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, followed by the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, where he studied with the genre painter, Ludwig von Hagn. In 1858, he settled in Dusseldorf, where he began to specialize in Rococo Revival paintings, largely set in a light-hearted court environment.He was a member of the artists' association, "Malkasten", and sat on its board of directors for many years. He was also an amateur actor. In 1898, he was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle. In addition to his paintings, he created illustrations; notably for the inaugural edition of the Belgian journal, L'Illustration Europeenne in 1870.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905), "A Game of Chess"
      Dec. 04, 2022

      Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905), "A Game of Chess"

      Est: $1,800 - $2,500

      Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905) "A Game of Chess" oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 24" x 16", framed 30-1/2" x 22-1/2"

      New Orleans Auction Galleries
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Sep. 11, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,350 - $1,700

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: Courting Scene YEAR: 19 century MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Some foxing. Minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. Minor paint losses along edges. SIGHT SIZE: 23 x 20 inches / 58 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: unsigned SKU#: 118922 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was born in Leipzig in 1834. He was a genre painter. He studied at the Leipzig and Dresden academies.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique
      Sep. 11, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German,1834-1905) oil painting antique

      Est: $1,900 - $2,500

      ARTIST: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (Germany, 1834 - 1905) NAME: The Whisper MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Overall good. Very minor craquelure. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 22 x 19 1/2 inches / 55 x 50 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: lower right CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 121731 US Shipping $60 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann was a German genre painter in the Rococo Revival style.His father was the chemist, Otto Linne Erdmann. He began his artistic education at the Leipziger Akademie and later attended the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, followed by the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, where he studied with the genre painter, Ludwig von Hagn. In 1858, he settled in Dusseldorf, where he began to specialize in Rococo Revival paintings, largely set in a light-hearted court environment.He was a member of the artists' association, "Malkasten", and sat on its board of directors for many years. He was also an amateur actor. In 1898, he was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle. In addition to his paintings, he created illustrations; notably for the inaugural edition of the Belgian journal, L'Illustration Europeenne in 1870.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) The Secret Letter, 1874 Oil on canvas laid on b
      Aug. 11, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) The Secret Letter, 1874 Oil on canvas laid on b

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) The Secret Letter, 1874 Oil on canvas laid on board 36 x 29 inches (91.4 x 73.7 cm) Signed, dated, and inscribed lower right: O. Erdmann. Df. 1874 HID01801242017

      Heritage Auctions
    • Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Birthday preparations (Choosing a tiara), 1891
      Jun. 03, 2022

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Birthday preparations (Choosing a tiara), 1891

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Birthday preparations (Choosing a tiara), 1891 Oil on canvas 36 x 49 inches (91.4 x 124.5 cm) Signed and inscribed lower right: O. Erdmann. Df. 91. PROVENANCE: Private collection, Beverly Hills, California. HID01801242017

      Heritage Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905), "A Game of Chess"
      May. 21, 2022

      Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905), "A Game of Chess"

      Est: $2,500 - $4,000

      Otto Wilhelm Erdman (German, 1834-1905) "A Game of Chess" oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 24" x 16", framed 30-1/2" x 22-1/2"

      New Orleans Auction Galleries
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann Genre Painting
      May. 20, 2022

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann Genre Painting

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      (German, 1834-1905) The Plea, 1887, signed lower left "O. Erdmann. Df. 87", oil on canvas, 44 x 57 in.; gilt wood and composition frame, 53-1/4 x 66 in. Provenance: Private Collection, Charlotte, North Carolina

      Brunk Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann German, 1834-1905 The Whisper
      May. 04, 2022

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann German, 1834-1905 The Whisper

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann German, 1834-1905 The Whisper Signed O Erdmann (lr) oil on canvas 22 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches C The Christine Biddle Wainwright Collection

      DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
    • Otto Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905 Dusseldorf, Studies at
      Dec. 29, 2021

      Otto Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905 Dusseldorf, Studies at

      Est: €650 - €1,300

      Otto Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905 Dusseldorf, Studies at the Academies Leipzig and Dresden, here: Portrait with view over the shoulder of a young woman in white dress, oil/canvas, right below signed, approx. 30x23cm, frame approx. 37x 29cm . German Description: Otto Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig-1905 Düsseldorf, Studium an den Akademien Leipzig und Dresden, hier: Porträt mit Blick über die Schulter einer jungen Frau im weißen Kleid, Öl/Lwd, rechts unten signiert, ca. 30x23cm, R. ca. 37x29cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
      May. 31, 2021


      Est: $900 - $2,000

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann 1834-1905 German Interior Painting. Frame Measure 10,5" x 13", Sight 7 1/4" x 10 1/4". From A New Jersey Estate Private Collection.

      RB Fine Arts
    • Erdmann, Otto
      May. 08, 2021

      Erdmann, Otto

      Est: -

      Erdmann, Otto 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf Ein wohlüberlegter Zug. Signiert. Öl/Lwd./doubl., 80 x 58 cm.

      Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann? Interior Painting
      Dec. 30, 2020

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann? Interior Painting

      Est: $600 - $1,200

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann? Interior Painting "VISITIING AN OLD LADY". Frame measure 11 3/4" x 14", sight 8 1/4" x 11 1/4". Paint chips present see pics!!!!!!!!!!

      RB Fine Arts
      Sep. 12, 2020


      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      OTTO WILHELM EDUARD ERDMANN 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Duesseldorf The Arrangement Oil on canvas. 92 x 76 cm (F. 106 x 90 cm). Signed, datiert and indicated lower left 'O Erdmann. Df. 1871'. Verso: on stretcher gallery stamp 'Georg Paffrath, Düsseldorf'. Min. soiled, min. abraded, min. rest. Frame. Provenance: Westphalian private collection. OTTO WILHELM EDUARD ERDMANN 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf Das Arrangement Öl auf Leinwand. 92 x 76 cm (R. 106 x 90 cm). Signiert, datiert und bez. unten links 'O Erdmann. Df. 1871'. Verso: Auf Keilrahmen Galeriestempel 'Georg Paffrath, Düsseldorf'. Min. verschmutzt, min. ber., min. rest. Rahmen. Provenienz: Westfälische Privatsammlung.

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    • Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Saying Farewell Oil on canvas 15-1/2 x 12-1/2 i
      Feb. 13, 2020

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Saying Farewell Oil on canvas 15-1/2 x 12-1/2 i

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Otto Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Saying Farewell Oil on canvas 15-1/2 x 12-1/2 inches (39.4 x 31.8 cm) Signed lower left: O. Erdmann PROVENANCE: Brunk Auctions, Asheville, North Carolina, September 24, 2011, lot 1055; Private collection, Beverly Hills, California. HID01801242017

      Heritage Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905) Rokoko Gesellschaft
      Dec. 07, 2019

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905) Rokoko Gesellschaft

      Est: -

      Rechts unten signiert "Otto Erdmann Df. 98", Öl auf Leinwand, gerahmt. 70 x 86 cm

      Auktionshaus Angerland GmbH
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834 - 1905)
      Aug. 01, 2019

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834 - 1905)

      Est: $300 - $650

      Oil on Wood signed on the left ,measures 10 3/8 x 7 .5 inches

      Cutler Bay Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834 - 1905)
      Jul. 10, 2019

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834 - 1905)

      Est: $500 - $1,500

      Oil on Wood signed on the left, measures 10 3/8 x 7 .5 inches

      Cutler Bay Auctions
      Jan. 20, 2019


      Est: $3,000 - $5,000


      May. 20, 2018


      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      circa 1872 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left 36 1/2 x 31 inches

      Abell Auction
    • Otto Erdmann Oil
      Oct. 15, 2017

      Otto Erdmann Oil

      Est: $600 - $1,200

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (German 1834-1905) Oil "Presenting Future Bride to the Matriarch" signed lower left O. Erdman '87. 16 1/2" x 22" condition good

      Hewlett's Antique Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Conversation in the salon
      Jun. 05, 2017

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Conversation in the salon

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (German, 1834-1905) Conversation in the salon 32 x 23in (81.3 x 58.4cm)

    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann 1834 Leipzig - 19...
      Jun. 11, 2016

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann 1834 Leipzig - 19...

      Est: €1,000 - €1,400

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf Kopie nach - Pfeiferaucher - Öl/Lwd. 41 x 31.5 cm. Monogr. r. o.: HE. Bez. r. u.: O. Erdmann. Rahmen.

      Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
      Jun. 08, 2016


      Est: -

      oleo sobre lienzo, "Escena costumbrista", 37x25cm.

      Arce Subastas
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf
      Apr. 08, 2016

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf

      Est: €1,800 - €2,200

      DER ERSEHNTE BESUCH Öl auf Leinwand. 60,5 x 67 cm. Links unten signiert und datiert „95”. (1030567) (12) Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdman, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf THE EAGERLY ANTICIPATED VISIT Oil on canvas. 60.5 x 67 cm. Signed and dated “95” lower left.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann,1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf
      Apr. 07, 2016

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann,1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      DIE LESESTUNDE, 1902 Öl auf Leinwand. Ca. 80 x 68 cm. Links unten signiert, datiert und bezeichnet. (1040142) (125570) (12)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Otto Erdmann, Young Woman with Flowers and a Letter
      Mar. 16, 2016

      Otto Erdmann, Young Woman with Flowers and a Letter

      Est: €2,000 - €2,500

      Signed and dated lower left: O. Erdmann. Df. 93.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • OTTO WILHELM EDUARD ERDMANN, German (1834-1905), (A Pair) A Gentlemen's Discussion A Couple Courting, both oil on canvas, unsigned.,..
      Jan. 14, 2016

      OTTO WILHELM EDUARD ERDMANN, German (1834-1905), (A Pair) A Gentlemen's Discussion A Couple Courting, both oil on canvas, unsigned.,..

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      OTTO WILHELM EDUARD ERDMANN German (1834-1905) (A Pair) A Gentlemen's Discussion A Couple Courting both oil on canvas, unsigned. both: 18 x 14 1/2 Provenance: Private collection, New York. Other Notes: There are old labels on the stretcher. Please see the photos for more detail.

    • Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 "Der Antrag"
      Dec. 16, 2015

      Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 "Der Antrag"

      Est: €840 -

      Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 "Der Antrag" Oil on canvas Signed. En el reverso, titulado en una etiqueta y con el sello del fabricante o distribuidor del soporte. Period frame in carved and molded wood 38x27 cm Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 "Der Antrag" ("El pretendiente") Óleo sobre lienzo Firmado. En el reverso, titulado en una etiqueta y con el sello del fabricante o distribuidor del soporte. Con marco de la época en madera moldurada y dorada 38x27 cm

    • Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf
      Dec. 10, 2015

      Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf

      Est: €3,500 - €4,500

      DER ERSEHNTE BESUCH Öl auf Leinwand. 60,5 x 67 cm. Links unten signiert und datiert „95“. (1030567) (12) Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdman, 1834 Leipzig - 1905 Düsseldorf THE EAGERLY ANTICIPATED VISIT Oil on canvas. 60.5 x 67 cm. Signed and dated “95“ lower left.

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 Der Antrag" ("the Pretender")"
      Jul. 08, 2015

      Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 Der Antrag" ("the Pretender")"

      Est: €1,400 -

      Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 Der Antrag" ("the Pretender")" Oil on canvas Signed. On the reverse, title on a label and stamped by the manufacturer or supplier of the support 38x27 cm Otto Erdmann Leipzig 1834 - Düsseldorf 1905 "Der Antrag" ("El pretendiente") Óleo sobre lienzo Firmado. En el reverso, titulado en una etiqueta y con el sello del fabricante o distribuidor del soporte 38x27 cm

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