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Robert Estienne Sold at Auction Prices

Printer, b. 1503 - d. 1559

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    • Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum, mulierum, populorum
      Oct. 10, 2023

      Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum, mulierum, populorum

      Est: €320 - €400

      (Estienne, Robert). Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, vrbium, fluuiorum, montium, cæterorumq(ue) locorum, quæ paßim apud melioris notæ auctores leguntur. Liber longè auctior, quàm is qui Elucidarius poëticus vulgò inscribitur (…). 440 Bl. Mit Holzschnitt- Druckermarke sowie Holzschnitt-Initiale. 15,5 x 9,5 cm. Kalbslederband d. Z. (beschabt, ein Schließhaken fehlend) über abgefasten Holzdeckeln mit goldgeprägtem Christusmedaillon auf dem Deckel. Köln, Johann Gymnich, 1576. -- VD16 E 4033. Adams S 1809. Vgl. STC (Ausgabe 1568). Vgl. Cioranesco 9717 (Ausgabe 1541). Vgl. Schreiber 65 (Ausgabe 1541). – Mit seinem Dictionarium, seu linguae latinae thesaurus hatte der humanistisch gebildete Druckerverleger Robert Estienne (1503-1559) im Jahr 1531 ein Wörterbuch vorgelegt, das zu einem Grundlagen- und Standardwerk der modernen Lexikographie wurde. Diese Ausgabe wurde 35 Jahre nach Estiennes Pariser Erstausgabe in Köln gedruckt, war jene im Quartformat erschienen, so diese als handlicher Oktavband. – Erste Blatt nässespurig, Titel seitlich mit Fehlstelle und oben mit Randabschnitt, zweites Blatt oben mit Randabschnitt und etwas Textverlust, drittes mit kleiner Eckfehlstelle, Papier sonst gut, zahlreiche, teils umfangreichere Marginalien von alter Hand. Provenienz: Zahlreiche lateinische Marginalen wohl des Erstbesitzers.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • [Estienne, Robert].
      Sep. 29, 2021

      [Estienne, Robert].

      Est: CHF200 - CHF300

      [Estienne, Robert]. Hebraea, Chaldaea, Graeca et Latina nomina virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluviorum, montium, caeterorúmque locorum quae in Bibliis leguntur, restituta, cum Latina interpretatione. Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarke auf Titel. [Paris, Estienne, 1537]. 8°. 542 S., [1] Bl. Moderner Pergamentband mit goldgepr. Rückentitel (etwas feuchtfleckig und gewellt). Adams S 1824 - BM STC French 156. - Einer von zwei Drucken der ersten Separatausgabe. - Mit den in in den Rand gedruckten hebräischen und griechischen Marginalien. - Titelblatt mit hinterlegtem Abriss im Unterrand (Verlust des Druckvermerks), letztes Registerblatt ebenfalls mit hinterlegter Fehlstelle im unteren Drittel und Textverlust. - Etwas feuchtspurig und gewellt, die letzten 50 S. sporfleckig im Rand.

      Koller Auctions
    • Estienne, Robert: Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, Marcum, et Lucam Commentarii
      Apr. 13, 2021

      Estienne, Robert: Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, Marcum, et Lucam Commentarii

      Est: €1,600 - €2,400

      Im Meistereinband des Theodor Allgeyer -- Estienne, Robert. In Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, Marcum, et Lucam Commentarii. Ex ecclesiasticis scriptoribus collecti. Novae glossae ordinariae specimen, donec meliora dominus. 18 nn., 312, 38 num. Bl. Mit großer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke auf dem Titel. 31,5 x 20 cm. Reich blindgeprägtes Schweinsleder um 1586 (geringe Kratzer, etwas angestaubt, bestoßen, kaum berieben) über abgefasten Holzdeckeln mit 2 intakten ziselierten Messingschließen. (Genf), Robertus Stephanus, (1553). -- Adams S 1817. Chaix-Dufour-Moeckli 22. – Erste Ausgabe des Evangelienkommentars aus der Feder und aus dem Verlag des Robert Estienne (latinisiert in Robertus Stephanus; 1499-1559), der zu den bedeutendsten humanistischen Druckern, Verlegern und Lexikographen seiner Zeit gehörte. Hochgelehrt und weitgebildet versah er zahlreiche seiner Publikationen mit Vorworten, Einleitungen und Kommentaren, er erschloss die alten Texte mittels Glossaren und Registern. Sein Evangelienkommentar ist eine ausführliche Exegese der ersten vier Bücher des Neuen Testaments, deren Text er ebenfalls (in lateinischer Sprache) - wiedergibt, umflossen von einer Klammerglosse - ein typographisches Meisterwerk. – Titel mit ausgewaschenen Vermerk oben, sonst durchgehend sauber und sehr frisch. Der bemerkenswert hübsche zeitgenössische Einband stammt aus der Werkstatt des bayerischen Buchbinders Theodor Allgeyer, er ist mit Fileten in zahlreiche Kompartimente geteilt, so dass Blindprägerollen eine ovale Mittelarabeske mit Bandelwerk-Muster umgeben. Neben ornamentalen Rollen erscheint eine breite Tugendrolle mit "Spes", "Fides" und "Caritas", datiert um den Kopf der letzteren "1586", erfasst in der Einbanddatenbank unter Nr. r002767 und bei Haebler I, 25 (Werkstatt w003907). Eine schmalere Rolle mit den bayerischen Wappen (Löwe und Rauten im Schild) als Markenzeichen des bayerischen Buchbinders Allgeyer und dessen Initialen "TA" sowie mit drei Köpfen im Medaillon (Nr. r002198). Vorsatz mit altem Exlibris "Liber Collegii Societatis Iesu Monachii Catalogo inscriptus Anno 1595", demnach das Exemplar einst dem Münchner Jesuitenkollegium gehörte und letztlich der Remigius-Bibliothek des Walter Remy in Betzdorf/Sieg mit dessen modernem Bücherzeichen.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Binding.- Dictionary.- Estienne (Robert) Dictionarium nominum propriorum, virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluuiorum, montium..., Cologne, [Gottfried Cervicornus for] the heirs of …
      Oct. 22, 2020

      Binding.- Dictionary.- Estienne (Robert) Dictionarium nominum propriorum, virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluuiorum, montium..., Cologne, [Gottfried Cervicornus for] the heirs of …

      Est: £250 - £350

      Binding.- Dictionary.- Estienne (Robert) Dictionarium nominum propriorum, virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluuiorum, montium..., title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut decorative initials, some marginal water-staining, occasional spotting, lightly browned throughout, contemporary ornately blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards, covers with centre-pieces depicting the seven virtues, upper cover with initials 'L.P.C' and date 1567, lacking clasps, small remains of paper label to foot of spine, rubbed, 8vo (binding 174 x 120mm.), Cologne, [Gottfried Cervicornus for] the heirs of Arnold Birckmann, 1563.

      Forum Auctions - UK
    • Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum
      Oct. 13, 2016

      Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum

      Est: €250 - €350

      (Estienne, Robert). Dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluviorum, montium, caeterorumque locorum, quae passim apud melioris notae authores leguntur. 468 nn. Bl. Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarke. 16 x 10 cm. Blindgeprägter Schweinslederband d. Z. (fleckig und berieben, Kanten etwas beschabt, Rücken nachgedunkelt; ohne Schließen und Beschläge). Köln, Walter Fabricius, 1554. VD 16 E 4029. – Dritter Kölner Druck und der erste bei Walter Fabricius, die ersten beiden Drucke erschienen ebenda bei Martin Gymnich. An literarischen Verweisen reiches lateinisches Lexikon des französischen Druckers und Gelehrten Robert Estienne (1499 oder 1503-1559 in Genf). Der Lexikograph Estienne gilt als Begründer der heute noch gültigen Form des lateinischen Schulwörterbuchs. Das Verlagssignet von Fabricius zeigt ein Seepferd mit einer Säule, auf welcher ein Kranich steht, der eine Schlange im Schnabel hält. – Titel fingerfleckig, erstes Textblatt mit kleinerem Randeinriss, anfangs mit schmalem, am Schluss mit etwas größerem Wasserrand, das Schlussblatt gelöst und mit Randläsuren. Vereinzelte Anstreichungen. Exemplar in einem zeitgenössischen Schweinslederband mit einer Heiligenrolle sowie den schwarzgeprägten Besitzerinitialen "WT" und der Jahreszahl "1555".

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium Latinogallicum.
      Apr. 10, 2014

      Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium Latinogallicum.

      Est: €3,000 - €3,600

      (Estienne, Robert). Dictionarium Latinogallicum. 2 Bl., 575 S. Mit großer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke auf dem Titelblatt und 19 großen Holzschnitt-Initialen. 31,5 x 21 cm. Brauner Lederband des 16. Jahrhunderts (Beschabungen restauriert) mit Streicheisenornamentik. Paris, Estienne, 1538. STC 156. Adams S 1803. Renouard 46,4. Carter-Muir 62. - Erste Ausgabe. "The Dictionarium was inspired by the success of the Thesaurus and was based on the latter's second edition. It received, understandably, an even greater acclaim, was reprinted in 1543 and 1546 and served as the acknowledged model of Latin-German" (Carter-Muir). - Vereinzelt leicht wasserrandig bzw. fleckig. Titel mit Namensstempel, fliegender Vorsatz erneuert.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • ESTIENNE, Robert
      Apr. 20, 2013

      ESTIENNE, Robert

      Est: €150 - €180

      ESTIENNE, Robert. - Concordantiae Bibliorum utriusque Testamenti, Veteris & Novi, novae et integrae. Quas re vera majores appellare possis.- [Geneve], Oliva Rob. Stephani, 1555.- In-folio de 1 f. de titre, 548 ff. ; vélin ivoire sur ais de bois, dos à nerfs, décors estampés sur les plats, fermoires. (Reliure de l'époque). Edition originale de la concordance biblique de Robert Estienne, elle porte sa belle marque d'imprimeur. Elégante reliure de l'époque en vélin estampé, impression sur 4 colonnes, plusieurs ratures manuscrites anciennes au titre.

    • Apr. 09, 2013

      Est: -

      ESTIENNE, Robert (1503-1559), editor. Dictionnaire Francoislatin, contenant lez motz & manieres de parler Francois, tournez en Latin. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1539-40. 2υo (308 x 206 mm). Two columns, Roman and italic types, printer's device on title, and an entire alphabet (omitting Y and Z) of criblé initials. (Light marginal staining, marginal worming at end). Contemporary blind-stamped pigskin over thick pasteboards the outer roll-tool signed with the intials "I.P." the inner roll-tool signed "H.S." (Some light rubbing and staining.) Provenance: T.M. Cleland (1880-1964) book designer, painter, illustrator, and type designer (bookplate); acquired from Chiswick Book Shop, 1966. FIRST EDITION of this French, Latin dictionary. Of the initials A-X the letter G is signed with the Lorraine cross of Geoffroy Tory. Adams S-1813.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Feb. 17, 2013

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Dictionaire francoislatin, autrement dict les mots Francois, avec les manieres duser diceulx, tournez en Latin. Paris: Robert Estienne, July 27, 1549. Folio (297 x 204 mm). a-2sυ8 2tυ10. Double column, italic and roman type. Woodcut printer's device on title, criblé initials (except "A" "Y" and "Z" with woodcut intials). Early 19th century panelled calf. Title reinforced at outer edge, some dampstain to outer edge of first 20 leaves and a smaller dampstain to final 8 leaves, handprint (?) on 2n3, else clean, binding rubbed and spine dry. Provenance: Alexander Arbuthnot (period ownership signature below printers mark); C. Hume (ownership inscription to title); Sir William Purves Hume Campbell [1767-1833] (armorial bookplate). RARE SECOND EDITION, WITH EARLY SCOTTISH PROVENANCE. The early ownership inscription of Alexander Arbuthnot is just possibly that of the Scottish printer of that name [d.1585] who printed Scotland's first Bible, an English-language Geneva Bible. Adams S1813.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Feb. 17, 2013

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $600 - $800

      Dictionarium proprium nominum. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1541. 4to (236 x 175 mm). a-zυ8 A-Nυ8 Oυ6. Woodcut printer's device on title. 18th century mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments. Light staining to title, first 10 leaves with a small dampstain, rebacked with old spine laid down, upper joint started, very good. FIRST EDITION of Robert Estienne's dictionary of proper nouns, including geographic names. Armstrong p 90; Renouard 51; Schreiber 65.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Feb. 17, 2013

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Dictionaire Francoislatin, contenant les motz & manieres de parler Francois, tournez en Latin. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1539 [but 1540]. Folio (295 x 190 mm). a-zυ8 A-Hυ8 Iυ6 Kυ8. Modern sheep antique. Light waterstain at bottom edge and fore-edge of first third, a1-b2 with loss at foot of gutter touching some text, a little loss to a few blank areas, 2 or 3 wormtrails at bottom edge, some initials inked in with oxidation. FIRST EDITION.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Feb. 17, 2013

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Dictionarium Latinogallicum. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1538. Folio (303 x 200 mm). [a]υ2 a-zυ8 A-Zυ8 2Aυ8 2B4 (-B4 blank). Double column, roman and italic type. Printer's woodcut device on title. Criblé initials. 18th century French sheep, spine gilt in compartments, morocco lettering-piece. Dampstained, h8 blank corner torn away, first 2 and last 2 leaves remargined, ownership inscriptions partially lined through and trimmed on title, binding worn at extremities, spine ends chipped and corners showing. FIRST EDITION OF ROBERT ESTIENNE'S FIRST BILINGUAL DICTIONARY, based on the Thesaurus (1531, augmented in 1536). "The Dictionarium latino-gallicum, which appeared in 1538 and was twice reissued, was more than an abridgment of the 1536 Thesaurus, the existing French translations being in many cases revised and others added. The idea of a bilingual dictionary was not his own ... It seems, however, that Estienne's work was recognized as an improvement on anything else available" (Armstrong p 88). "The Dictionarium latino-gallicum of 1538 ... received, understandably, an even greater acclaim [than the Thesaurus, it] was reprinted in 1543 and 1546, and served as the acknowledged model of the Latin-German (Zürich 1568) and Latin-Flemish (Antwerp, Plantin, 1573) dictionaries" (PMM). Adams S1803; PMM 62b; Renouard 46.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Dec. 04, 2012

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Dictionarium, seu Latinae linguae thesaurus.... Paris: Robert Estienne, December 14, 1536. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 240 mm). [12], 866; [2], 871-1780, [2 errata] pp. Large woodcut printer's device on both title pages. Double column, roman and italic type. Criblé initials. 18th century calf, spines gilt, preserving old spine supports. Some dampstain and spotting to first several leaves of vol 1, title of vol 2 with repair to head and loss of 3 letters of title, intermittent pale dampstain, binding worn at corners and spine. Provenance: Bibliotheque du Haut-Buisson (bookplates); Dr. H.R. Frank (his sale, Zisska & Schauer Munich, May 10, 1990, lot 46). SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED OF "THE FOUNDATION OF MODERN LEXICOGRAPHY" (Schreiber describing the third edition) and the work which established Robert Estienne as the first scientific lexicographer. "Unlike any of his predecessors Estienne based his vocabulary only on the best classical sources ... and further illustrated the meaning of words and idioms by references to reputable modern authorities, e.g., Valla, Erasmus, Linacre, Alciati and [his friend] ... Guillaume Budé" (Schreiber). Over 450 years later, it has yet to be surpassed as the most complete work of Latin lexicography. The third edition appeared in 1543 and was denominated the "second edition" by Estienne, an indication that he did not consider the first edition of 1531 to be a complete work. Adams S1819; PMM I, 192 (1st ed), Renouard 43, Schreiber 68 (3d ed).

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Dec. 04, 2012

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      Dictionaire francoislatin, autrement dict les mots Francois, avec les manieres duser diceulx, tournez en Latin. Paris: Robert Estienne, 27 July, 1549. Folio (318 x 210 mm). a-2sυ8 2tυ10. This copy with duplicate conjoined leaves o1/o8. Double column, italic and roman type. Woodcut printer's device on title. Criblé initials (except "A," "Y" and "Z" with woodcut initials). Period paneled calf, some gilt stamps. Final leaf with repaired tear, a little fingering to title but overall quite fresh; spine and corners dry and worn. RARE SECOND EDITION. In this second edition Robert Estienne expands his project of making Latin texts available to Francophones by "adding French words from his own reading (including words taken from Rabelais) and inviting his readers to contribute words 'ès Rommans et bons autheurs François,' an acknowledgement that he was interested not only in translating the treasures of Latin but also in collecting the treasures of French" (Considine pp 44-45). Adams S1813.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Dec. 04, 2012

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Dictionarium Latinogallicum. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1538. Folio (303 x 200 mm). [a]υ2 a-zυ8 A-Zυ8 2Aυ8 2B4 (-B4 blank). Double column, roman and italic type. Printer's woodcut device on title. Criblé initials. 18th century French sheep, spine gilt in compartments, morocco lettering-piece. Dampstained, h8 blank corner torn away, first 2 and last 2 leaves remargined, ownership inscriptions partially lined through and trimmed on title, binding worn at extremities, spine ends chipped and corners showing. FIRST EDITION OF ROBERT ESTIENNE'S FIRST BILINGUAL DICTIONARY, based on the Thesaurus (1531, augmented in 1536). "The Dictionarium latino-gallicum, which appeared in 1538 and was twice reissued, was more than an abridgment of the 1536 Thesaurus, the existing French translations being in many cases revised and others added. The idea of a bilingual dictionary was not his own ... It seems, however, that Estienne's work was recognized as an improvement on anything else available" (Armstrong p 88). "The Dictionarium latino-gallicum of 1538 ... received, understandably, an even greater acclaim [than the Thesaurus, it] was reprinted in 1543 and 1546, and served as the acknowledged model of the Latin-German (Zürich 1568) and Latin-Flemish (Antwerp, Plantin, 1573) dictionaries" (PMM). Adams S1803; PMM 62b; Renouard 46.

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Dec. 04, 2012

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Lexicographorum principis thesaurus linguae latinae.... Basel: E. & J.R. Thurnisiorum, 1740-1743. Folio (392 x 247 mm). 4 volumes bound in 2. [26], 42, 754; [2], 706; [2], 706; [2], 621 pp. Half-title. Text in 2 columns. First title printed in red and black and with engraved vignette. Period mottled calf, spines elaborately gilt in compartments, blue and tan morocco lettering- and numbering-pieces, edges stained red. Intermittent foxing, light wear and drying to bindings, but overall very handsome set. Provenance: Francis Vaucher (period ownership inscription to each flyleaf). Last and best edition of Robert Estienne's greatest achievement. "This edition is preferred to the London one because of the additions it contains, and because it is more accurate. The editor used the notes which H. Estienne, son of Robert, had written in a copy of the 1573 edition, preserved in the Geneva library" (Brunet II, 1071, translated).

    • ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.
      Dec. 04, 2012

      ESTIENNE, ROBERT. 1503-1559.

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Dictionaire francoislatin, autrement dict les mots Francois, avec les manieres duser diceulx, tournez en Latin. Paris: Robert Estienne, July 27, 1549. Folio (297 x 204 mm). a-2sυ8 2tυ10. Double column, italic and roman type. Woodcut printer's device on title, criblé initials (except "A" "Y" and "Z" with woodcut intials). Early 19th century panelled calf. Title reinforced at outer edge, some dampstain to outer edge of first 20 leaves and a smaller dampstain to final 8 leaves, handprint (?) on 2n3, else clean, binding rubbed and spine dry. Provenance: Alexander Arbuthnot (period ownership signature below printers mark); C. Hume (ownership inscription to title); Sir William Purves Hume Campbell [1767-1833] (armorial bookplate). RARE SECOND EDITION, WITH EARLY SCOTTISH PROVENANCE. The early ownership inscription of Alexander Arbuthnot is just possibly that of the Scottish printer of that name [d.1585] who printed Scotland's first Bible, an English-language Geneva Bible. Adams S-1813.

      Dec. 11, 2009


      Est: $3,000 - $4,000

      Dictionarium, seu Latinae Linguae Thesaurus. Editio secunda. Paris: Robert Estienne, 20 June 1543 3 volumes, folio (15 x 10 in.; 380 x 254 mm). Woodcut printer's device on title, printed in two columns, large white-on-black criblé initials; some light scattered spotting, a few tears in colophon leaf mended affecting a few letters. Old vellum with yapp edges, gold-stamped leather title label on spine; soiled, a few stains and mends.

    • ESTIENNE, Robert (1503-1559). Dictionarium latinogallicum. Paris: Robert Estienne, September 1538.
      Jun. 17, 2008

      ESTIENNE, Robert (1503-1559). Dictionarium latinogallicum. Paris: Robert Estienne, September 1538.

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      ESTIENNE, Robert (1503-1559). Dictionarium latinogallicum. Paris: Robert Estienne, September 1538. 2o (301 x 206 mm). Woodcut printer's device on title, large criblé floral initials, double column, Latin text in roman type, French text in italic. (Staining to title, occasional marginal dampstaining, small marginal wormhole through quires E-H, lacking final blank.) 18-century calf, spine gilt in compartments, red-stained edges (lacking lettering-piece, some light wear to joints and edges.) Provenance: "Degeres fils" (18-century signature on title). RARE FIRST EDITION OF ROBERT ESTIENNE'S FIRST BILINGUAL DICTIONARY, published as a successor to his pioneering and hugely successful Latin Thesaurus (1531), and employing the same innovative lexicological principles: "contrary to the practice of his predecessors, he based his vocabulary exclusively on classical authors... he clarified the meaning of the words by citing reputable authorities... and he illustrated the correct usage of words and phrases by ample quotations from classical sources" (PMM). The present dictionary, enlarged editions of which appeared in 1543, 1546, and 1549 (in a French-Latin version), served as the model for later sixteenth-century Latin-German, -Flemish, and -English dictionaries. Adams S-1803; PMM 62b; Renouard Estienne p. 46.4.

    • Estienne, Robert
      May. 09, 2007

      Estienne, Robert

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      Estienne, Robert Dictionarium, sev latina lingua thesaurus, Editio Secunda. Paris: Robert Estienne,1543 , 3 volumes, folio, text in double columns, large decorative white on black woodcut initials, Estienne''s large "Noli Altum Sapere" device on title, original vellum with gilt calf labels, spine of vol. 1 neatly repaired, with 19th century library stamps on title and first page of each volume, small marginal paper repairs to gatherings p-q and Ss, flaw repaired with loss to AA4, small hole in III3, and small tear repaired in last folio with very slight loss, light spotting, some light marginal dampstaining in volume three

      Lyon & Turnbull
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