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Louis André Fabre Sold at Auction Prices

Miniature painter

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    • Fabre Louis André
      Nov. 29, 2024

      Fabre Louis André

      Est: CHF800 - CHF1,000

      Portrait einer Dame, an Säule lehnend In vergoldetem Metallrahmen. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Kunsthandel Edwin Bucher, Trogen, 12 April 1984 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:01

      Auktionshaus Zofingen
    • Fabre Louis André
      Nov. 29, 2024

      Fabre Louis André

      Est: CHF800 - CHF1,000

      Portrait der Prinzessin Marie Saltikoff, geb. Narischkin Ausführung um 1780. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Kunsthandel Edwin Bucher, Trogen, 16 April 1980 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:01

      Auktionshaus Zofingen
    • Attribué à Louis-André FABRE 1750 - 1814 Portrait de femme au bonnet de dentelle Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde
      Mar. 21, 2024

      Attribué à Louis-André FABRE 1750 - 1814 Portrait de femme au bonnet de dentelle Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde

      Est: €300 - €500

      Attribué à Louis-André FABRE 1750 - 1814 Portrait de femme au bonnet de dentelle Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ronde Diamètre: 5,7 cm (Bords irréguliers) Orne le couvercle d'une boite ronde en corne et écaille blonde Portrait of a lady with a lace bonnet, circular miniature on ivory, attr. to L.-A. Fabre D. : 2.2 in. Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Binoche et Giquello, 2 avril 2014, n°58 (comme Pierre-Adolphe Hall) ; Collection particulière, Paris Commentaire : Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 300 - 500 €

    • Louise Andre Fabre (Fench, 1750-1814) Portrait miniature of a young Gentleman dressed in a navy coat with white stock and high colla...
      Sep. 17, 2015

      Louise Andre Fabre (Fench, 1750-1814) Portrait miniature of a young Gentleman dressed in a navy coat with white stock and high colla...

      Est: £200 - £300

      Louise Andre Fabre (Fench, 1750-1814) Portrait miniature of a young Gentleman dressed in a navy coat with white stock and high collar watercolour on ivory, cased h:6.50 cm Provenance: The Maxim Hebert Collection, Paris, No. 971 (according to an old label).

    • A portrait of a young officer by Louis André Fabre.
      Nov. 14, 2014

      A portrait of a young officer by Louis André Fabre.

      Est: €600 - €800

      A portrait of a young officer by Louis André Fabre.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • LOUIS-ANDRE FABRE (SWISS, 1750-1814)
      Nov. 27, 2012

      LOUIS-ANDRE FABRE (SWISS, 1750-1814)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      LOUIS-ANDRE FABRE (SWISS, 1750-1814) A boy, in double-breasted blue coat with silver buttons, white lace cravat, powdered hair on ivory oval, 2 3/16 in. (56 mm.) high, modern gilt-metal frame

    • LOUIS-ANDRÉ FABRE (SWISS, 1750-1814)
      Jul. 06, 2005

      LOUIS-ANDRÉ FABRE (SWISS, 1750-1814)

      Est: £700 - £900

      Marie de Stadler, in white dress with blue bodice and gauze sleeves, striped fichu knotted at corsage, long drop earrings, long powdered curling hair (artist's join) oval, 2 1/16 in. (53 mm.) high, gilt-metal mount

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