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Thomas Fearnley Sold at Auction Prices

Etcher, Painter, b. 1802 - d. 1842

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      • Thomas Fearnley (zugeschr.), Das Wetterhorn mit Reichenbachtal bei Grindelwald (Schweiz). Um 1835.
        Mar. 08, 2025

        Thomas Fearnley (zugeschr.), Das Wetterhorn mit Reichenbachtal bei Grindelwald (Schweiz). Um 1835.

        Est: €1,500 - €1,800

        Thomas Fearnley 1802 Fredrikshald – 1842 München Öl auf Leinwand. Unsigniert. Verso auf dem Keilrahmen mit einem Papieretikett versehen, darauf irrtümlich Johan Christian Clausen Dahl zugeschrieben. In einem polimentvergoldeten Hohlkehlrahmen, ursprünglich zu einem Gemälde von Hans Unger gehörend, gerahmt. Auf der li. Rahmenleiste verso in Pinsel nummeriert "H. U. [Hans Unger] 238", die o. Rahmenleiste mit einem fragmentarisch erhaltenen Papieretikett, in blauem Farbstift nummeriert "3761", weitere Annotationen in Blei von fremder Hand. Provenienz: Kunstausstellung Kühl, Dresden, 1971. Vgl. motivisch: "Wetterhorn", 1835, Bleistiftzeichnung, 24,7 x 18,7 cm, Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, InvNr. NG.K&H.A.03790–017VERSO. "Wetterhorn", 1835, Öl auf Leinwand, 31 x 38 cm, Privatsammlung, abgebildet in: Anne Sumner, Greg Smith (Hrsg.): In Front of Nature: The European Landscapes of Thomas Fearnley. London 2012, Abb. 87. Der Grindelwald-Gletscher, 1838, Öl auf Leinwand, 195 x 157,5 cm, Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, InvNr. NG.M.00038. In den Jahren 1832 bis 1835 bereiste Thomas Fearnley Italien. Auf seiner Rückreise hielt er sich im Sommer 1835 in der Schweiz in der Gegend von Brunnen, Meiringen, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen und Brienz auf, wo er ein besonderes künstlerisches Augenmerk auf die Darstellung der Gletscher legte. Lit.: Herrmann Zschoche: Thomas Fearnley. Von Dresden nach Rom 1828–1835, Frankfurt am Main 2021. Thomas Fearnley 1802 Fredrikshald – 1842 München Ab 1819 an der Königlichen Zeichenschule Christiania bei H. A. Grosch, später bei J. Munch und wahrscheinlich auch bei dem Architekten H. D. F. Linstow. 1821–23 Studium an der Kunstakademie Kopenhagen, 1823–27 in Stockholm bei Carl Johan Fahlcrantz. Studienreisen durch Norwegen und Schweden. 1829 Schüler bei Johan Christian Clausen Dahl in Dresden. Lebte 1830–32 in München, danach bis 1835 in Italien. Weitere ausgedehnte Studienreisen und Auslandsaufenthalte in der Schweiz sowie in England. Kehrte 1838 nach Christiania zurück, heiratete 1840 die Tochter des Kunstmäzens Nicolai Andersen und lebte anschließend ein Jahr lang in Amsterdam. Reiste 1841 nach München, erkrankte an Typhus.

        Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
      • Thomas Fearnley, From Veøya 1836
        Nov. 27, 2024

        Thomas Fearnley, From Veøya 1836

        Est: kr80,000 - kr100,000

        Signed, located and dtaed lower left: Vedöe. 2 Aug. 36. TF.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Attributed Thomas Fearnley, Coastal View from Naples 1833
        Nov. 27, 2024

        Attributed Thomas Fearnley, Coastal View from Naples 1833

        Est: kr70,000 - kr90,000

        Signed and dated lower right: 28. Aug 33 TF

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Fearnley, Thomas (1802-1842), Ocean Study, Gulf of Naples 1834
        Jun. 05, 2024

        Fearnley, Thomas (1802-1842), Ocean Study, Gulf of Naples 1834

        Est: kr80,000 - kr100,000

        Signed, dated, and inscribed lower right: Vico 10 Sept 34 TF

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Fearnley, Thomas (1802-1842), Forest Interior
        Jun. 05, 2024

        Fearnley, Thomas (1802-1842), Forest Interior

        Est: kr100,000 - kr150,000

        Signed, dated, and inscribed with location lower right: Westmorland_Rydale 18 Aug 37 TF

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley Fredrikshald 1802 – 1842 Munich - Reverse view of a painter (?)
        May. 30, 2024

        Thomas Fearnley Fredrikshald 1802 – 1842 Munich - Reverse view of a painter (?)

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        Thomas Fearnley Fredrikshald 1802 – 1842 Munich Reverse view of a painter (?) Oil on paper, laid down on cardboard 7 5/8 × 5 7/8 in.

      • Thomas Fearnley, Woodlandscape with cows 1830
        Jun. 08, 2023

        Thomas Fearnley, Woodlandscape with cows 1830

        Est: kr200,000 - kr300,000

        Signed and dated lower right: Th. Fearnley. 1830.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley, Bavarian landscape
        Jun. 08, 2023

        Thomas Fearnley, Bavarian landscape

        Est: kr400,000 - kr600,000

        Signed lower center: Fearnley. 1839.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Fjord landscape
        Jun. 01, 2023

        Fjord landscape

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        On the reverse in pencil inscribed: T. Fearnley

      • THOMAS FEARNLEY (attr. a)
        Dec. 16, 2022

        THOMAS FEARNLEY (attr. a)

        Est: €50 - €70

        (Halden, 1802 - Monaco di Baviera, 1842) Mucca nella stalla Olio su tavola, cm 32X25 Si formò tra il 1821 e il 1823 all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Copenaghen, poi tra il 1823 e il 1827 in quella di Stoccolma. Fu in seguito a Dresda dal 1828 al 1830, allievo di Johan Christian Dahl e si avvicinò all'arte di Caspar David Friedrich, ad esempio nella Caccia alla selvaggina di stagno del 1828 del Louvre di Parigi. Durante i soggiorni a Monaco (1830-1832) e in Italia (1833-1835) perfezionò nello spirito di Dahl il suo talento di paesaggista romantico, ma affrontò soprattutto piccole tele e gli schizzi realizzati in Italia sono tra le sue opere più finemente colorate, come nella Terrazza delle querce a Sorrento del 1834, ora alla Galleria Nazionale di Oslo. Soggiornò in Inghilterra tra il 1836 e il 1838 e nel corso di viaggi in Svizzera (1836) e Norvegia (1839) concepì le sue opere principali, come il Torrente di Labro del 1837, il Ghiacciaio di Grindenwald del 1838, la Betulla di Slinde del 1839 nella Galleria nazionale di Oslo. Nel 1841 il pittore si trasferì ad Amsterdam.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Thomas Fearnley, From Veøya 1836
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Thomas Fearnley, From Veøya 1836

        Est: kr80,000 - kr100,000

        Signed, located and dtaed lower left: Vedöe. 2 Aug. 36. TF.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley, Veblung's headland 1836
        Nov. 29, 2022

        Thomas Fearnley, Veblung's headland 1836

        Est: kr175,000 - kr200,000

        Signed, dated and situated lower right: Veblungsnæset. 6. Aug 36 TF.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Paar Miniaturen mit orientalischen Motiven / A pair of miniatures with Oriental motifs, Mitte 19. Jh.
        Jul. 04, 2022

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Paar Miniaturen mit orientalischen Motiven / A pair of miniatures with Oriental motifs, Mitte 19. Jh.

        Est: €1,000 - €2,000

        Technik: Ölmalerei auf Metall, gerahmt, Signatur: eine davon unten links signiert, Maße: 10 x 14 cm (Bild), 22 x 26 cm (Rahmen), Zustand: gut + Technique: oil painting on metal, framed, Signature: one of them signed lower left, Dimensions: 10 x 14 cm (painting), 22 x 26 cm (frame), Condition: good

        Auktionshaus Schwab
      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Paar Miniaturen mit orientalischen Motiven / A pair of miniatures with Oriental motifs, Mitte 19. Jh.
        May. 07, 2022

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Paar Miniaturen mit orientalischen Motiven / A pair of miniatures with Oriental motifs, Mitte 19. Jh.

        Est: €1,000 - €2,000

        Technik: Ölmalerei auf Metall, gerahmt, Signatur: eine davon unten links signiert, Maße: 10 x 14 cm (Bild), 22 x 26 cm (Rahmen), Zustand: gut + Technique: oil painting on metal, framed, Signature: one of them signed lower left, Dimensions: 10 x 14 cm (painting), 22 x 26 cm (frame), Condition: good

        Auktionshaus Schwab
      • THOMAS FEARNLEY (Frederikshald [now Halden] 1802 -1842 Munich) - Taormina, Sicily
        Apr. 23, 2021

        THOMAS FEARNLEY (Frederikshald [now Halden] 1802 -1842 Munich) - Taormina, Sicily

        Est: $30,000 - $50,000

        THOMAS FEARNLEY (Frederikshald [now Halden] 1802 -1842 Munich) Taormina, Sicily oil on paper, laid on canvas 10 ¾ x 15 3/8 in. (27.3 x 39.1 cm.)

      • Thomas Fearnley - Thunderstorm over the Pozzuoli bay
        Dec. 02, 2020

        Thomas Fearnley - Thunderstorm over the Pozzuoli bay

        Est: €18,000 - €24,000

        Thunderstorm over the Pozzuoli bay Dated and monogrammed (joined) lower left: 33 TF Fearnley, Thomas

      • Thomas Fearnley - The evening sky near Dresden, in the background the mountains Lilienstein and Königstein
        Dec. 02, 2020

        Thomas Fearnley - The evening sky near Dresden, in the background the mountains Lilienstein and Königstein

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        The evening sky near Dresden, in the background the mountains Lilienstein and Königstein Fearnley, Thomas

      • Fearnley, Thomas: Sommerlandschaft mit drei alten Eichen
        Nov. 26, 2020

        Fearnley, Thomas: Sommerlandschaft mit drei alten Eichen

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Sommerlandschaft mit drei alten Eichen. Öl auf Leinwand, nach Friedrich Preller d. Ä. 28,5 x 33 cm. Rechts unten geritzt und undeutlich monogrammiert, datiert und bezeichnet "[...9 1841 n. P[...] F. (?)". Verso auf dem Keilrahmen von alter Hand in schwarzer Feder bezeichnet "Thomas Fearnley nach Friedrich Preller 1841". - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

        Bassenge Auctions
      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Study of Leaves from Palermo 1833
        Nov. 25, 2020

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Study of Leaves from Palermo 1833

        Est: kr60,000 - kr80,000

        Signed, situated and dated lower right: Palermo 17/6 33. TF.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), The Hunt by Königsee 1839
        Nov. 25, 2020

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), The Hunt by Königsee 1839

        Est: kr1,500,000 - kr2,000,000

        Signed and dated lower left: Th. Fearnley 1839.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Fearnley, Thomas: Winter Landscape
        Nov. 19, 2020

        Fearnley, Thomas: Winter Landscape

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        Fearnley, Thomas 1802 Halden, Norway - 1840 Munich Oil on canvas. Mounted. 10 x 13cm. Monogrammed and dated lower centre: 2. Weinachtfeiertag 1829 TF. Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Sachsen Auction Villa Grisebach, Berlin, 30.11.2016 Collection Prof. Dr. Thomas Olbricht, Essen. Explanations to the Catalogue Thomas Fearnley Scandinavia Romanticism Dresden School Danish School 19th C. Paintings Winter Sketch Landscape Estimated Shippingcost for this lot: Germany: 25,21 Euro plus 4,79 Euro VAT EU: 42,02 Euro plus 7,98 Euro VAT Worldwide: 63,03 Euro plus 11,97 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance

        Van Ham Kunstauktionen
      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), From Vedøe in Romsdals-Fjord 1836
        May. 26, 2020

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), From Vedøe in Romsdals-Fjord 1836

        Est: kr80,000 - kr100,000

        Oil on paper, mounted on canvas. 1836. 24x30. Signed, situated and dated lower right: Vedöe. 2. August 1836. TF.

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Fearnley, Thomas (1802 Fredrikshald - München 1842)
        Dec. 07, 2019

        Fearnley, Thomas (1802 Fredrikshald - München 1842)

        Est: €3,600 - €4,200

        "Grünhainchen bey Augustusburg in Sachsen von T. Fearnley gemalt 1829" bzw. "Partie aus dem Erzgebirge, Grünhainichen bei Augustusburg in Sachsen", so auf Klebeetiketten betitelt. Öl/Lwd. (rest.), re. u. sign. Th. Fearnley pxt. und dat. Sept. 1829. 37x 55 cm. In originalem Rahmen (best.), um 1830, 48x 65 cm. Fearnley war zwischen 1829-30 anderthalb Jahre in Dresden bei Johan Christian Clausen Dahl, in dieser Zeit entstanden die meisten seiner besten Landschaftsbilder.

      • Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Landscape Study
        Nov. 27, 2019

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), Landscape Study

        Est: kr30,000 - kr50,000

        Oil on paper, mounted on canvas 37x52 Unsigned

        Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner
      • Thomas Fearnley - "Coastal landscape"
        Oct. 24, 2019

        Thomas Fearnley - "Coastal landscape"

        Est: kr120,000 - kr150,000

        Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842) - Oil on canvas "Coastal landscape", signed Palermo 22. July 1833. (26x42cm)

        Christiania Auksjoner
      • Fearnley, Thomas
        Jun. 22, 2018

        Fearnley, Thomas

        Est: CHF700 - CHF900

        Fearnley, Thomas (Fredrikshald 1802–1842 München) zugeschrieben Same sich auf einem Baumstrunk ausruhend. Öl auf Karton. Verso bezeichnet Fearnley. 19,8x16 cm.

        Schuler Auktionen
      • THOMAS FEARNLEY | Rider in a Landscape
        Dec. 14, 2016

        THOMAS FEARNLEY | Rider in a Landscape

        Est: £30,000 - £50,000

        oil on canvas

      • Thomas Fearnley - Winterlandschaft
        Nov. 30, 2016

        Thomas Fearnley - Winterlandschaft

        Est: €6,000 - €8,000

        Thomas Fearnley Winterlandschaft Dated and monogrammed (joined) in the lower centre: 2. Weinachtfeiertag[!] 1829 / TF Oil on canvas 3 7/8 x 5 1/8 in.

      • Arco naturale, Capri
        May. 28, 2014

        Arco naturale, Capri

        Est: €10,000 - €15,000

        Thomas Fearnley Arco naturale, Capri Oil on paper on cardboard, laid down on panel 23 5/8 x 17 5/8 in.

      • Thomas Fearnley: Hilly landscape with a river in the valley.
        Feb. 28, 2012

        Thomas Fearnley: Hilly landscape with a river in the valley.

        Est: kr75,000 - kr90,000

        Hilly landscape with a river in the valley. Signed Th. Fearnley. Also signed on the reverse Thomas Fearnley, later inscribed date 1834. Oil on panel. 29 x 38 cm.

        Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
        Nov. 22, 2011


        Est: £15,000 - £25,000

        PROPERTY FROM A NORWEGIAN ESTATE NORWEGIAN 1802 - 1842 GRAVENSFJORD signed with initial and dated gravensfjord 12 July / 1839. F. lower right oil on paper laid on canvas 43 by 57.5cm., 17 by 22¾in.

      • Thomas Fearnley: Hilly Norwegian landscape with a river in a valley.
        May. 30, 2011

        Thomas Fearnley: Hilly Norwegian landscape with a river in a valley.

        Est: kr100,000 - kr120,000

        Hilly landscape. Signed Th. Fearnley. Also signed on the reverse Thomas Fearnley, later inscribed date 1834. Oil on panel. 29 x 38 cm.

        Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
      • Thomas Fearnley(zugeschr.), Steilküste im Mondschein. Um 1835.
        Mar. 05, 2011

        Thomas Fearnley(zugeschr.), Steilküste im Mondschein. Um 1835.

        Est: €2,300 - €2,500

        Oil on wood panel. Unsigniert. In gold- und schellacküberzogener Hohlkehlenleiste mit Akanthuslaub in den Ecken und hinterkehltem Bandprofil gerahmt. Malschicht minimal berieben. Kleine Retusche Mi.re.; kleine Abriebstelle u.re. und o.li. Unscheinbare Frühschwundrißbildung entlang der Maserung des Trägerholzes. Die Behandlung des Himmels und des Wassers dieses feinsinnigen kleinen Seestücks deuten auf die Urheberschaft Thomas Fearnleys hin, welcher als begabtester Schüler Clausen Dahls galt und zur ersten Reihe der norwegischen Künstler des 19. Jh. zählt. Wir danken Herrn Prof. Dr. H.-J. Neidhardt, Dresden, für freundliche Hinweise.

        Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
      • - THOMAS FEARNLEY Norge 1802-1842 Landskap från
        Nov. 26, 2009

        - THOMAS FEARNLEY Norge 1802-1842 Landskap från

        Est: -

        - THOMAS FEARNLEY Norge 1802-1842 Landskap från Derwent Water, Lake District Signerad och daterad TF 29 Aug. 37. Derwent Water. Olja på papper fäst på duk, 27 x 37 cm. Signed and dated. Oil on paper laid on canvas LITTERATUR: Sigurd Willoch: Maleren Thoma

        Stockholms Auktionsverket
        Nov. 24, 2009


        Est: £4,000 - £6,000

        HØYSTAKKER, RYDAL, CUMBRIA (HAYSTACKS, RYDAL, CUMBRIA) inscribed, dated and signed with initial Rydal. 28 Aug. 1837 F. lower left; signed by the artist on an exhibition label attached to the reverse

      • Thomas Fearnley , Norwegian 1802 - 1842 Studie av trær (Study of Trees) oil on paper laid on panel
        Jun. 03, 2009

        Thomas Fearnley , Norwegian 1802 - 1842 Studie av trær (Study of Trees) oil on paper laid on panel

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        signed with initials TF and dated 22 Aug 36 lower right oil on paper laid on panel

      • Thomas Fearnley , Norwegian 1802 - 1842 Foss og Hassel Verk (Waterfall & Fra Hasselbrek) i.) watercolour on paper; ii.) watercolour on paper heightened with white
        Jun. 03, 2009

        Thomas Fearnley , Norwegian 1802 - 1842 Foss og Hassel Verk (Waterfall & Fra Hasselbrek) i.) watercolour on paper; ii.) watercolour on paper heightened with white

        Est: £5,000 - £7,000

        i.) dated 7 de July 40 and inscribed lower left; inscribed upper centre; inscribed on the reverse i.) watercolour on paper; ii.) watercolour on paper heightened with white

      • Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Høystakker, Rydal, Cumbria (Haystacks, Rydal, Cumbria) oil on panel
        May. 30, 2008

        Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Høystakker, Rydal, Cumbria (Haystacks, Rydal, Cumbria) oil on panel

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        inscribed, dated and signed with initial Rydal. 28 Aug. 1837 F. lower left; signed by the artist on an exhibition label attached to the reverse oil on panel

      • f - Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , flokkens herre (lord of the herd)
        Jun. 27, 2007

        f - Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , flokkens herre (lord of the herd)

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        oil on canvas laid down on card

      • Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , fra brünnen, tyskland (from brünnen, tyskland)
        Jun. 27, 2007

        Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , fra brünnen, tyskland (from brünnen, tyskland)

        Est: £4,000 - £6,000

        inscribed, dated and signed with initial Brûnnen 24 Jeniy 35. F. l.r. oil on panel

      • Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Høystakker, Rydal, Cumbria (Haystacks, Rydal, Cumbria)
        Jun. 27, 2007

        Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Høystakker, Rydal, Cumbria (Haystacks, Rydal, Cumbria)

        Est: £15,000 - £25,000

        inscribed, dated and signed with initial Rydal. 28 Aug. 1837 F. l.l.; signed by the artist on an exhibition label attached to the reverse oil on panel

      • Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Ved foten av fjellet (at the foot of the mountains)
        Jun. 27, 2007

        Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , Ved foten av fjellet (at the foot of the mountains)

        Est: £4,000 - £6,000

        inscribed and dated Gollingen 8 August 30 l.r. oil on panel

      • Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , sagmølle, gollingen (sawmill, gollingen)
        Jun. 27, 2007

        Thomas Fearnley Norwegian 1802-1842 , sagmølle, gollingen (sawmill, gollingen)

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        inscribed, dated and signed with initial Gollingen / 10 Aug. 1830 / F. l.r. oil on panel

        Jan. 26, 2006


        Est: $40,000 - $60,000

        THE PROPERTY OF ARTEMIS FINE ARTS FISHERMEN AT SORRENTO measurements note 10 3/4 by 15 1/4 in.; 27 by 39 cm. signed and dated lower right VILLA DI TADDO PARVATE D 30 AUG 34 TF oil on paper, laid on canvas LITERATURE S. Willoch, "Thomas Fearnley," in Norsk Kunstnerleksikon, Oslo 1981, pp. 620-626. NOTE Fearnley traveled extensively outside his native Norway, at times in the company of other artists, such as J.C. Dahl, whom he met in 1826. After extensive sojourns throughout Scandinavia, Fearnley traveled in Italy for several years starting in 1832. In particular, he devoted the summers of 1833 and 1834 to painting the coast of the Sorrento peninsula. The present picture is one of these depictions of the cliffs overlooking the bay of Naples and is painted with the artist's characteristic vitality and bold use of color. This composition is close in style and date to the Coast Scene , The National Gallery, London (L824).

        Jun. 14, 2005


        Est: £10,000 - £15,000

        PROPERTY OF A GERMAN GENTLEMAN OF TITLE THOMAS FEARNLEY NORWEGIAN, 1802-1842 RYTTERE I LANDSKAP (RIDERS IN A LANDSCAPE) signed and indistinctly dated Th. Fearnley / 1837 l.r. oil on canvas PROVENANCE Acquired by the family of the present owner circa 1850; thence by descent CATALOGUE NOTE Painted in 1837, following study trips to Germany, Italy and England, it is likely that the present work was executed in Norway upon Fearnley's return from the Lake District. Fearnley's teacher and mentor, J.C. Dahl (see note to lot 152) proclaimed that the artist's studies from nature formed some of his finest and most compelling works. In recognition of his ability Dahl conferred on Fearnley the title of Professor in Effect-Landscape Paintings and recommended his works to the National Gallery, Oslo. According to Dahl, in his landscape studies Fearnley 'gave himself, as he really was and what he felt in front of nature' (Maria Lødrup Bang, Johan Christian Dahl: 1788-1857, Oslo, 1987, vol. 1, p. 245.) Riders in a landscape is a fine example of Fearnley's moodily romantic landscapes of the 1830s that contrast the transience of humankind with the might of mother earth, a juxtaposition that drew on the example of Dahl.

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