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Robert Fludd Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1547 - d. 1637

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    • Fludd, Robert: Integrum Morborum Mysterium
      Apr. 18, 2023

      Fludd, Robert: Integrum Morborum Mysterium

      Est: €1,200 - €1,800

      Fludd, Robert. Integrum Morborum Mysterium: sive medicinae catholicae tomi primi tractatus secundus, in sectiones distributus duas. 3 Teile in 1 Band. 13 Bl., 503 S. (ohne S. 101-110); 93 S.; 2 Bl., 413 (recte: 407) S. Mit zusammen 4 großen gestochenenen Titelvignetten, Portraitkupfer, doppelblattgroßem Textkupfer, Kupfertafel, 2 gestochenen Falttafeln, typographischer Falttafel mit Holzschnitt-Illustration, 91 teils blattgroßen Textkupfern, zahlreichen schematischen Textholzschnitten bzw. Holzschnitt-Diagrammen sowie großformatiger typographischer Falttafel auf blattgroßem Falz am Schluss. 32 x 20,5 cm. Pappband des 18. Jahrhunderts (fleckig und berieben, Ecken und Kanten stärker beschabt). Frankfurt, Wolfgang Hofmann für Wilhelm Fitzer, 1631. -- STC F 545. Krivatsy 4139. Waller 3095. Wellcome I, 1631. Parkinson 854. Hirsch-Hübotter II, 549. – Erste Ausgabe dieses umfangreichen Kompendiums der okkulten Medizin, das die übrigen Naturwissenschaften in der zeitüblichen Weise einbezieht. Enthält folgende fünf, teils in durchlaufender Paginierung und jeweils mit eigenem Titel oder Zwischentitel ausgestattete Teile bzw. Abteilungen: I. Sectio prima: In qua integrum morborum, seu meteororum insa lubrium mysterium. - II. Pulsus seu nova et arcana pulsum historia. Auf S. 93: "Completum est istud opus 1629. Octob. 19." - III. Katholikon medicorum katoptron. - ab Seite 233: IV. Ouromantia, hoc est, divinatio per urinam. De Ouromantia iatro-mathematica. - ab Seite 255: V. Ouromantia physiologica, sive per urinam sedulo introspectam divinatio. Hirsch-Hübotter: "Fludd ... faßte die Krankheiten dämonistisch auf als Strafen für die Sünden der Menschen und verfocht das 'Gesundbeten'. Er hat trotz seiner neuplatonisch-kabbalistischen Mystik die Blutwärme mit dem Thermometer gemessen, er stand im übrigen auf paracelsischer Basis." Biedermann 171: "Fludds Medizin, die auch auf eigener Anschauung basiert, beweist immer das Bestreben, Fehlfunktionen aus mangelhafter Einordnung des Organismus in das Weltganze zu erklären, und Astrologie, Zahlenmystik und ähnliche Gedankengänge sollen dazu beitragen, durch Kenntnis der großen Analogien für die körperlichen Vorgänge die richtigen Maßstäbe und Heilungsmöglichkeiten zu finden." Unter den vielen Abbildungen ein großes Portrait Fludds, zahlreiche medizinische und pharmazeutische Geräte, einen Apotheker oder Arzt mit einem Kunden, einen Kranken im Bett, von Pflegern umgeben, sowie astrologische und okkultistische Zeichen und Tabellen. – Es fehlen die fünf Blätter OI bis OV, Blatt Zzi mit kleinem Brandloch im Satzspiegel (geringer Buchstabenverlust), die Lagen Aaa, Bbb und Ccc mit Wurmspur im unteren weißen Rand. Erste Lage etwas gelockert, Haupttitel und erster Zwischentitel im Bug mit Quetschfalten und kleinen Läsuren. Titel verso im unteren Rand hinterlegt, mit ausradiertem Eintrag und minimalen Läsuren im oberen Rand, erster Zwischentitel mit Eckabschnitt im weißen Rand sowie hinterlegter Ecke, das doppelblattgroße Textkupfer mit kleiner Wurmspur im unteren weißen Rand. Die aus mehreren Blatt zusammengefügte Falttafel am Schluss teils gelöst. Insgesamt etwas gebräunt oder braunfleckig.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Robert Fludd Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica atque technica historia in duo
      Dec. 14, 2021

      Robert Fludd Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica atque technica historia in duo

      Est: €6,000 -

      Physik Fludd, Robert Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica atque technica historia in duo volumina secundum cosmi differentiam divisa. Tomus primus: De Macrocosmi Historia in duos tractatus divisa. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. Mit 2 gestoch. Titeln, 8 doppel- bzw. überblattgr. Kupfertafeln (davon 3 mitpaginiert), ca. 265 tls. ganzseit. Kupfern (davon 2 mitpag.) überwiegend von Matthäus Merian, zahlr. Culs-de-lampe in Holzschn. sowie Holzschn.-Initialen. Oppenheim, H. Galler für T. de Bry, 1617 (Tl. 1) u. Frankfurt, C. Rötel für T. De Bry, 1624 (Tl. 2). 186 S., S. 191-206, 5 Bll. - 788 S., 5 Bll. 4°. Pgt. d. Zt. mit blindgepr. Deckelfil. mit Eckfleurons u. Mittelstück und neuen Bindebände (berieben, beschabt, staubig u. fleckig. Rücken restauriert). Thorndike VII, 439. Wellcome I, 2324a. Ferguson I, 283. Graesse, 607. Houzeau/L. I, 2925 u. 2926. Wüthrich, Merian II, 66 I/II. - Mischauflage. Tl. 2 in zweiter, Tl. 1 in erster Ausgabe. Band I der großen Sammelausgabe der Werke Fludds, wie häufig ohne Bd. II (vgl. Graesse). - Robert Fludd (1574-1637) war einer der bedeutendsten Gelehrten seiner Zeit. Ausgehend von Paracelsus und stark beeinflusst von der Kabbala und den Spätplatonikern, schuf er ein naturphilosophisches, anti-Aristotelisches System, das in okkulten Kreisen hoch angesehen war. Das Werk behandelt verschiedene Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften wie Arithmetik, Astrologie, Festungsbau, Geometrie, Kosmographie, sowie Malerei, Musik, Zeitrechnung etc. Die feinausgeführten Kupfer M. Merians d. Ä. mit Abbildungen einer kleinen Europakarte, Sonnenuhr, Winkelmessung, Maschinen, Musiknoten, Optik, Festungen u.a. - S. 187-190 (Tl. 1) fehlen. Erste 4 Bll. u weitere 4 Bll. mit ausgelöschtem Vermerk am Rand (dadurch fleckig u. z.T. mit Feuchtigkeitsspuren). S. 552 sporfleckig am unteren Rand. Kupfer auf S. 200 v. Tl. 1 auf dem Kopf stehend gedruckt. Vereinzelte Bl. mit Randläsuren, S. 79-82 mit Randeinriss, ein Kupfer mit hinterlegtem Riss. Beide Spiegel restauriert. Unterschiedlich gebräunt. Vereinzelte Seiten etwas knapp beschnitten. - Insg. schönes Exemplar dieses höchst kuriosen Werks mit enzyklopädischem Charakter, geschmückt mit wunderbaren Stichen. Physics. - Vol. 2 in second, Vol. 1 in first edition. Volume I of Fludd's collected works. - With 2 engr. titles, 8 double-page or oversize copper plates, ca. 265 partly full-page copper engravings mainly by Matthäus Merian and numerous woodcuts. - Robert Fludd (1574-1637) was one of the most important scholars of his time. Based on Paracelsus and strongly influenced by the Kabbalah and the late Platonists, he created a natural philosophical, anti-Aristotelian system that was highly regarded in occult circles. The work deals with various areas of the natural sciences such as arithmetic, astrology, fortification, geometry, cosmography, as well as painting, music, time calculation, etc. The finely executed engravings by M. Merian the Elder with illustrations of a small map of Europe, sundial, angle measurement, machines, musical notes, optics, fortresses, etc. - Contemporary vellum with blind-tooling (rubbed and shaved, dusty and stained. Spine restored). - Pp. 187-190 of part I missing. First 4 leaves and further 4 leaves with erased note at margin (thus stained and partly with traces of moisture). P. 552 with some mildew at lower margin. Copperplate on p. 200 of part I printed upside down. Pp. 79-82 with marginal tear, one copper with backed tear. Both mirrors restored. Differently browned. - "A most curious work of an encyclopedical character by the famous Rosicrucian, adorned by remarkable engravings" (Duveen 222).

      Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
    • Robert Fludd's mystic masterpiece Oppenheim, 1624
      Jun. 18, 2020

      Robert Fludd's mystic masterpiece Oppenheim, 1624

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Robert Fludd's mystic masterpiece Oppenheim, 1624 FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia. –. Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia. Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus for Johann Theodorus de Bry, 1624. Second edition of Fludd’s mystic masterpiece, richly illustrated with designs attributed to de Bry, Merian and Fludd. This work is "an encyclopedia of all things regarded from an occult Rosicrucian point of view. The first part presents an illustrated history of creation, from the void (represented by an engraving from an entirely blackened plate) through the process of distillation by which Fludd believes the world to have been created. The second tractate takes up, in turn, occult mathematics, occult harmonics and music theory, occult theories of vision and optics, and even, at great length and with numerous plates, the occult theory of fortification and military strategy" (Hall). The second edition includes a reissue of the first edition title page dated 1617 to part one; the title page of part two is dated 1624 and without the architectural border. Wellcome I, 2325. See Alchemy: A Comprehensive Bibliography of The Manly P. Hall Collection, p. 80.Two parts in one, folio (300 x 185mm). Part 1: engraved title, double-page folding plate, 2 full-page folding plates, 9pp. of index at end; part 2: engraved title, 11 fly-titles with engraved or xylographic vignettes, large folding plate, 6 full-page folding plates, 4 double-page plates; numerous engraved and woodcut illustrations in the text (first 3 leaves of part 1 with faint staining and associated nicks at fore-edge, small marginal chip to one full-page illustration in part 1, short tear without loss to large folding engraved illustration and one double-page illustration in part 2, 2 leaves just cropped into text or image, 8pp. heavily browned, lacking final blank). 18th-century speckled calf, spine gilt (joints splitting, extremities rubbed). Provenance: stamp erased on verso of engraved title in part 1 – shelfmark on front pastedown – Collection of Peter and Margarethe Braune (bookplate).

    • FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris...
      Jul. 09, 2019

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris...

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia. – Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia. Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus for Johann Theodorus de Bry, 1617-1618. First edition of Fludd’s mystic masterpiece, richly illustrated with designs attributed to de Bry, Merian and Fludd. The Cosmi maioris is ‘an encyclopedia of all things regarded from an occult Rosicrucian point of view. The first part presents an illustrated history of creation, from the void (represented by an engraving from an entirely blackened plate) through the process of distillation by which Fludd believes the world to have been created. The second tractate takes up, in turn, occult mathematics, occult harmonics and music theory, occult theories of vision and optics, and even, at great length and with numerous plates, the occult theory of fortification and military strategy’ (Alchemy: A Comprehensive Bibliography of The Manly P. Hall Collection, p. 80). Wellcome I, 2324. 2 parts in one volume, folio (300 x 185mm). Part 1: engraved title, double-page engraved folding illustration, 2 full-page engraved folding illustrations, 9pp. of index at end; part 2: engraved title, 11 fly-titles with engraved or xylographic vignettes, large folding engraved plate, 6 full-page folding illustrations, 4 double-page engraved illustrations; numerous engraved and woodcut illustrations in the text (first 3 leaves of part 1 with faint staining and associated nicks at fore-edge, small marginal chip to one full-page illustration in part 1, short tear without loss to large folding engraved illustration and one double-page illustration in part 2, 2 leaves just cropped into text or image, 8pp. heavily browned, lacking final blank). 18th-century speckled calf, spine gilt (joints splitting, extremities rubbed). Provenance: stamp erased on verso of engraved title in part 1 – shelfmark on front pastedown.

    • Fludd, Robert: Integrum morborum mysterium
      Oct. 13, 2016

      Fludd, Robert: Integrum morborum mysterium

      Est: €1,200 - €1,800

      Fludd, Robert. Integrum morborum mysterium: Sive medicinae catholicae tomo primi Tractatus secundus, in Sectiones distributus duas. 4 Teile in 1 Bd. 13 Bl., 503 S.; 2 Bl., 413 [recte: 407] S.; 93 S. Mit 3 Titelkupfern, 1 gefalt. Kupfertafel, 95 (1 doppelblattgr., 1 gefalt.) Textkupfern, 2 (1 doppelblattgr., 1 mehrf. gefalt.) Tabellen und zahlr. Textholzschnitten. 32 x 20 cm. Pergt d. Z. (etwas fleckig). Frankfurt, Hofmann für Fitzer, (1630-) 1631. Medicina catholica; seu mysticum artis medicandi sacrarium, Bd II. STC F 545. Krivatsy 4139. Waller 3095. Wellcome I 1631. Parkinson 854. Hirsch-H. II 549. Erste Ausgabe dieses umfangreichen Kompendiums der okkulten Medizin, das die übrigen Naturwissenschaften in der zeitüblichen Weise einbezieht. Die einzelnen Abteilungen sind betitelt: Sectio prima: in qua integrum morborum, seu meteororum insa lubrium mysterium. - II. Katholikon medicorum katoptron. - III. (ab S. 255). Ovromantia physiologica. - IV. Pulsus seu nova et arcana pulsuum historia, e sacro fonte radicaliter extracta. - Auf S. 93: "Completum est istud opus 1629. Octob. 19." - Hirsch-H.: "Fludd ... faßte die Krankheiten dämonistisch auf als Strafen für die Sünden der Menschen und verfocht das 'Gesundbeten'. Er hat trotz seiner neuplatonisch-kabbalistischen Mystik die Blutwärme mit dem Thermometer gemessen, er stand im übrigen auf paracelsischer Basis." Biedermann 171: "Fludds Medizin, die auch auf eigener Anschauung basiert, beweist immer das Bestreben, Fehlfunktionen aus mangelhafter Einordnung des Organismus in das Weltganze zu erklären, und Astrologie, Zahlenmystik und ähnliche Gedankengänge sollen dazu beitragen, durch Kenntnis der großen Analogien für die körperlichen Vorgänge die richtigen Maßstäbe und Heilungsmöglichkeiten zu finden." Unter den vielen Abb. ein großes Porträt Fludds, zahlr. medizinische und pharmazeut. Geräte, einen Apotheker oder Arzt mit einem Kunden, einen Kranken im Bett, von Pflegern umgeben, sowie astrologische und okkultistische Zeichen und Tabellen. – Satzspiegel meist mehr oder weniger gebräunt; die große Falttabelle am Schluß mit Einrissen. Sonst im Ganzen gutes und vollständiges Exemplar.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Works, comprising: Volume I: Utriusque cosm
      Jul. 13, 2016

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Works, comprising: Volume I: Utriusque cosm

      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637). Works, comprising: Volume I: Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia. [i.e. Vol. 1 (Macrocosmi), part 1.] Engraved title of the Macrocosmus incorporating a Vitruvian Man, double-page engraved folding plate ‘Integrae naturae speculum artisque imago’, engraved illustrations in the text, that of the primordial world on p.41 folding. – De Naturae Simia. [i.e. Vol. 1, part 2.] Engraved title of an ape in the centre of a wheel of arts and sciences, folding engraved plate of a musical temple, 4 double-page plates of military formations, engraved and woodcut text-illustrations. Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus for Johan Theodorus de Bry, 1617-1618 [but, the second edition, Frankfurt: Caspar Rötelius for de Bry, 1624]. Volume II: De Supernaturali, naturali, praternaturali et contranaturali microcosmi historia. [i.e. Vol. 2 (Microcosmi), part 1, section 1.] Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus for de Bry, 1619. Engraved title incorporating a Vitruvian Man, 2 double-page engraved folding plates ‘Catoptrum Meteorographicum’ and of the Diapason, neither of which present in the Macclesfeld (Maggs cat. 1429/80) or Royal Institution (Christie’s 1 December 2015, lot 230) copies. – De technica microcosmi historia. [i.e. Vol. 2, part 1, section 2, portions 1-7]. Title to section 2 with large engraved vignette of a naked man standing on a circle with representations of the seven portions ‘De technica microcosmi’ (misbound between b4 and c1), with 7 further portion titles, 6 of which with large engraved vignettes. – De Praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia. [i.e. Vol. 2, part 2. Frankfurt: Erasmus Kempffer for de Bry, 1621.] One double-page engraved plate ‘Causarum Universalium Speculum’ (misbound at the beginning of vol. 2, pt 1), engraved and woodcut text-illustrations, one full-page. – Anatomiae amphiteatrum. De Anatomia triplici. [i.e. Vol. 2, part 3]. Frankfurt: Erasmus Kempffer for de Bry, 1623. Half-title (not present in the Macclesfeld or Royal Institution copies), additional engraved title with portrait of de Bry on verso, engraved and woodcut text-illustrations; [the work continued, with continuous pagination, as:] Monochordum mundi symphoniacum. [i.e. Vol. 2, part 4]. Frankfurt: Erasmus Kempffer for de Bry, 1623 [the frst folio edition thus]. Woodcut title device and a few text diagrams – Philosophia sacra et vere Christiana seu Meteorologica Cosmica. [i.e. Vol. 2 part 5]. Frankfurt: in Offcina Bryana, 1626. Title within engraved frame of 8 sections, engraved text-illustrations, one of which folding. [Bound with:] – Veritatis proscenium... seu Demonstratio quaedam analytica. Frankfurt: Erasmus Kempffer for de Bry, 1621. Volume III: Medicina Catholica, seu mysticum artis medicandis sacrarium. [i.e. Vol. 3, part 1]. Frankfurt: by Caspar Rötelius for Wilhelm Fitzer, 1629. Engraved text-illustrations. This bound after: – Integrum morborum mysterium, sive Medicinae Catholicae [i.e. Vol. 3, part 2, section 1]. [Frankfurt: Wolfgang Hofmann in offcina Wilhelm Fitzer, 1631]. Double-page engraved plate ‘Hostilis monumenti salutis invadendi typus’, engraved and woodcut text-illustrations. – kaqολikον medicorum kaτοπτρον. [i.e Vol. 3, part 2, section 2]. Anno: 1631. Engraved plates ‘Horae diurnae’ and ‘Causarum universalium speculum’, this latter folding, engraved text-illustrations, one of an astrological circle of crises folding, engraved vignette of an astrologer casting a horoscope for a boy on fy-title to ‘Ouromantia, hoc est divinatio per urinam’ (p. 233), and of a man holding a urine specimen on fy-title to Ouromantia physiologica’ (p. 255), double-page folding typographical table ‘Caput X’ with woodcut diagram. [Bound with:] – De Sophiae cum moria certamen. [i.e. part 1]. [Frankfurt: Wolfgang Hofmann for William Fitzer] Anno: 1629. Engraved folding plate of the Diapason, a repeat of that found in vol. 1, part 1, section 1. [And:] – Summum Bonum. [i.e. part 2] [Frankfurt: Wolfgang Hofmann for William Fitzer] Anno: 1629. Title with engraved emblem of the rose that gives honey to the bees. [Bound with:] – Pulsus seu nova et arcana pulsuum historiae. [i.e. Vol. 3, part 3]. [Frankfurt: Wolfgang Hofmann in offcina Wilhelm Fitzer, 1631.] Title with engraved vignette of a hand from the clouds taking a pulse from a fore-arm, woodcut and engraved text-illustrations. [With:] – Clavis philosophiae et alchymiae fluddanae. Frankfurt: [Wolfgang Hofmann for] W. Fitzer, 1633. Title with engraved emblem of the rose that gives honey to the bees. 16 works in 3 volumes, 2° (305 x 183mm). Illustrated throughout [see details under each title]. (Bound without the fnal fourth part of the Medicina Catholica entitled Medicamentosum Apollinis oraculum, 1630, and without the Phylosophia Moysaica and Responsum ad Hoplocrisma- Spongum, both published later in Gouda by Peter Rammazenius, 1638; lacking A2 from vol. II, pt1, four preliminary leaves from vol. II, pt 2, and the half-title ‘Aer Arca Dei…’ from vol. II, pt 4, with early ink manuscript note to this effect on verso of the engraved title; Integrum morborum mysterium lacking the engraved title with portrait of author and with gatherings B-D4 repaired and remargined, folding plate ‘Causarum universalium speculum’ torn at creasefold but without loss; Pulsus without the folding engraved plate of a single-stringed instrument demonstrating the Diapason; some titles and plates trimmed close just into images, some folding plates remargined, without some blanks, browning and spotting, sometimes heavy, some short tears, occasional marginal dampstaining, some minor worming at beginning of vol. I and to fnal part at end of vol. III.) Contemporary calf, gilt spines, red morocco gilt spine labels. (extremities rubbed, small split and associated hole to fourth spine compartment of vol. I, some rubbing, sometime refurbished). Provenance: early ink ownership inscription deleted on verso of frst title in vol. I — early ownership inscriptions on titles overwritten by: — J.H. Cohauss, MD (ink ownership inscriptions on titles) — Johann Anton, Freihern von Graes of Loburg and Diepenbrock (ownership inscriptions dated 1744 and 1748 on titles). a rare, UniforMLY-BoUnd set of HerMetiC WorKs BY fLUdd, richly illustrated with designs attributed to de Bry, Merian and Fludd. The Macrocosm and Microcosm volumes, Fludd’s masterpieces, include the rare De Praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia (i.e. the second part of volume 2) which is seldom found bound with the others. Fludd sought a new understanding of nature based on Christian principles and interpreted the Genesis as a divine alchemical process. He believed the eternal truths of the Scriptures and the mysteries of the ancient occultist carried far more weight than the evidence of the senses and that humans are linked to divinity through nature. The Macrocosm is ‘a presentation of Renaissance Magia and Cabala, with the addition of Alchymia as developed by Paracelsus and the developments introduced by John Dee into these traditions... [it is] a Rosicrucian philosophy, a Renaissance philosophy brought up to date’(Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p. 80). The Veritatis proscenium is Fludd’s reply to Kepler’s criticism of Microcosm. Caillet 4033, 4036, 4042; Duveen p.222-3; Fischer and Haberlandt pp.47- 48; Houzeau & Lancaster 2965-2969; Wellcome 2324-2332. The number of plates varies between copies, and different copies are seldom identical in make-up. This set is sold not subject to return. (3)

    • FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637) Works, comprising: Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica...
      Dec. 01, 2015

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637) Works, comprising: Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica...

      Est: -

      FLUDD, Robert (1547-1637) Works, comprising: Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica...

    • ROBERT FLUDD (1547-1637)
      Oct. 08, 2015

      ROBERT FLUDD (1547-1637)

      Est: £1,200 - £1,800

      ROBERT FLUDD (1547-1637) [Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia.] Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia. Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus for Johann Theodorus de Bry, 1618. Volume 2 only, 2° (300 x 193mm). Engraved title by Matthias Merian, woodcut initials, head-and tailpieces, numerous engraved and woodcut illustrations of which many full-page, 5 engraved folding plates, extra leaf inserted between Mm2 and Mm3. (Title lightly stained and re-laid with slight loss at inner margin, browned, sometimes heavily, a plate repaired on verso without loss and another plate with clean tear, N2-N3 and Dddd2-3 transposed, few illustrations shaved, small repair with loss at head of Cc4.) Old reused vellum with later morocco lettering-piece, red edges (some small stains). FIRST EDITION of this section of Fludd's comprehensive Utriusque cosmi historia, which contains sections on arithmetic, music, geometry, optics, painting, fortifications, mechanics, cosmography, astrology, and geomancy. Fludd, who trained in medicine at Oxford, spent the years 1598-1604 on the Continent, and it is likely that most of these texts were written at that time, before he returned to London and set up as a practising and successful physician. Caillet 4042; Duveen 222; Gregory & Bartlett i 91; Hirsch 175; Mellon 74; RISM p.319.

    Lots Per Page: