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Johann Christoph Frisch Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1738 - d. 1815

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    • F. CARSTENS (*1762) after FRISCH (*1738), Jean-Baptiste de Boyer(*1703), Etching
      Jan. 25, 2025

      F. CARSTENS (*1762) after FRISCH (*1738), Jean-Baptiste de Boyer(*1703), Etching

      Est: €60 - €100

      Friedrich Christian Carstens (1762 - 1798 ) after Johann Christoph Frisch (1738 Berlin - 1815 ibid.): Portrait of the French writer and philosopher Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens (1703-1771), chamberlain of Frederick the Great, Director of the Historical-Philological Class of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, 18th century, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper, mounted on Paper Inscription: Inscribed with the sitter's name on a panel below. Signed by the artist along the lower edge of the sheet in the printing plate. On the reverse is a glued-on fragment of a wood engraving. Date: Description: After an original by Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815). Half-length portrait in oval. Keywords: 18th century, Classicism, Portraits, France, Size: Paper: 9,6 cm x 5,8 cm (3,8 x 2,3 in)

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor Scene
      Dec. 07, 2024

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor Scene

      Est: $500 - $750

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Harbor Scene oil on canvas signed "J.C. Frisch" (lower left) 17 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches (sight) 30 x 42 inches (frame)

      Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (German,1738-1815) oil painting antique
      Aug. 25, 2024

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German,1738-1815) oil painting antique

      Est: $900 - $1,150

      ARTIST: Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815) TITLE: Harbor Scene MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: Relined. Few minor paint losses. Some craquelure. Some scattered inpaintings. Wear to frame. ART SIZE: 10 x 14 inches / 25 x 35 cm FRAME SIZE: 13 x 18 inches / 33 x 45 cm SIGNATURE: lower left PROVENANCE: Fontaine's Auction Gallery, Date 2022-05-21, Lot 271 ATTENTION: This lot is located at our Mamaroneck, NY office. CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART WANTED: Consign, Trade In, Cash Offer SKU#: 132420 US Shipping $49 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Johann Christoph Frisch (born 9 February 1738 in Berlin; died 28 February 1815 in Berlin) was a historical painter. He was the son of the designer and engraver, Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch. He was a pupil of B. Rode and afterwards studied further at Rome. He died in 1815, while holding the posts of court painter and director of the Academy. He painted numerous ceilings in the palaces at Berlin, Potsdam, and Sans Souci, with portraits, mythological representations, and scenes from the life of Frederick the Great.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
      Apr. 15, 2024


      Est: -

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815), ''Juno with Peacocks and the Goddess Aurora'', the painting is the work by Frisch shown at the Berlin Academy exhibition opened on 22 May 1791 under no. 29a, which the catalog describes as follows: ''A Juno. The peacocks, as the symbol of pride, are not, as usual, harnessed in front of her chariot, but approach the goddess flatteringly. Aurora scatters the same flowers''. Although the museum painting was already exhibited in 1791, it was not signed and dated by Frisch himself until 1792. He probably changed or added details after the end of the exhibition. As a highly respected painter, Frisch became a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts in 1770, rector in 1786, vice-director in 1801 and director in 1805. Enclosed is a copy of an expertise by Prof. Dr. Helmut Börsch-Supan, Berlin, 28.11.2020, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1792, 89 x 70 cm, framed 103 x 84 cm

      Historia Auctionata
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815), Harbor scene, Oil on canvas, 18" H x 30" W
      Apr. 10, 2024

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815), Harbor scene, Oil on canvas, 18" H x 30" W

      Est: $400 - $600

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) Harbor scene Oil on canvas Signed lower right: J.C. Frisch

      John Moran Auctioneers
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor Scene
      Jan. 27, 2024

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor Scene

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Harbor Scene oil on canvas signed "J.C. Frisch" (lower left) 17 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches (sight) 30 x 42 inches (frame)

      Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    • Johann Christoph Frisch, German Harbor Scene
      Jan. 25, 2024

      Johann Christoph Frisch, German Harbor Scene

      Est: $600 - $800

      (German, 1738-1815) oil on canvasboard, signed l.l. "J.C. Frisch". Sight size: 9-1/2"h x 13-3/4"w Overall: 13-1/2"h x 17-3/4"w

      Nye & Company
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815), Harbor scene, Oil on canvas, 18" H x 30" W
      Apr. 26, 2023

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815), Harbor scene, Oil on canvas, 18" H x 30" W

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) Harbor scene Oil on canvas Signed lower right: J.C. Frisch

      John Moran Auctioneers
    • Johann Christoph Frisch, European Harbor, Oil on Canvas
      Dec. 04, 2022

      Johann Christoph Frisch, European Harbor, Oil on Canvas

      Est: $800 - $2,000

      Oil On Canvas German School Harbor Scene, Signed J.C. Frisch. Tag Reads Johann Christoph Frisch 1737-1815 Berlin. Approximately 23.25L x 17.25W in. Sight Approximately 17.5L x 11.5W in.

      Clark's Auction Company
    • Johann Christoph Frisch, European Harbor, Oil on Canvas
      Nov. 06, 2022

      Johann Christoph Frisch, European Harbor, Oil on Canvas

      Est: $800 - $2,000

      Oil On Canvas German School Harbor Scene, Signed J.C. Frisch. Tag Reads Johann Christoph Frisch 1737-1815 Berlin. Approximately 23.25L x 17.25W in. Sight Approximately 17.5L x 11.5W in.

      Clark's Auction Company
    • Johann Christoph Frisch, 1738 – 1815
      Sep. 22, 2022

      Johann Christoph Frisch, 1738 – 1815

      Est: €7,000 - €9,000

      Landschaft mit schlafender Antiope, Amor und Jupiter Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 74 x 92 cm. Rechts unten signiert auf Priapos-Jerme „J. C. Frisch pinx“. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. In Landschaft mit blauem Himmel und weiß-grauen Wolkenformationen, unterhalb eines großen alten Baumes, in dem ein großes rotes Velum hängt, das am Rand mit Fransen versehen ist, die schöne schlafende, fast nackte Venus, nur mit einem dünnen Tuch versehen, das ihren Schambereich bedeckt. Neben ihr eine Gefährtin und weiter auf einem weißen, seidig glänzenden Laken liegend Amor mit kleinen Flügeln in Rückenansicht, hinter sich seinen Köcher mit Pfeilen liegen habend. Von rechts nähert sich der Gott Zeus in Gestalt eines Satyrns, der in der römischen Mythologie Jupiter genannt wurde, mit Efeukranz in den Haaren, einem Bart, einem Fell über seinen Schultern tragend und mit Bocksbeinen. Neben ihm reckt ein Adler seinen Hals in die Höhe, eines der Attribute des Gottes Zeus. Um ihn herum drei kleine nackte Amoretten, von denen zwei versuchen ihm mit einem gehaltenen Seil das Bein zu stellen. In der Mitte des Bildes, hinter Venus stehend, ein großer geflochtener Korb, gefüllt mit Früchten und mehreren Weintraubenrispen. Qualitätvolle Malerei mit vielen Details, bei der besonders das durch das Licht herausgestellte feine Inkarnat der Antiope, gegenüber dem dunklen Hintergrund und als Gegensatz zu der gebräunten Haut des Jupiter, besonders herausgestellt wird. (1330831) (3) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor & City View
      May. 21, 2022

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Harbor & City View

      Est: $1,200 - $1,500

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Harbor & City View oil on canvas signed "J.C. Frisch" (lower left) 9 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches (sight) 13 1/2 x 17 3/4 inches (frame)

      Fontaine's Auction Gallery
    • JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Germany, 1738-1815), German city scene with figures on a bridge., Oil on canvas, 14” x 10”. Framed 23” x 19”.
      Nov. 05, 2021

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Germany, 1738-1815), German city scene with figures on a bridge., Oil on canvas, 14” x 10”. Framed 23” x 19”.

      Est: $300 - $500

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH Germany, 1738-1815 German city scene with figures on a bridge. Signed lower right "J.C. Frisch".

    • Johann Christoph Frisch
      May. 09, 2021

      Johann Christoph Frisch

      Est: -

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738 Berlin - 1815 ebenda) Juno mit Pfauen und der Göttin Aurora Bei dem Gemälde mit seiner mythologischen Szene handelt es sich zweifelsfrei um das auf der am 22. Mai 1791 eröffneten Berliner Akademie-Ausstellung unter der Nr. 29a gezeigte Werk Frischs, das der Katalog wie folgt beschreibt: "Eine Juno. Die Pfauen, als das Sinnbild des Stolzes, sind nicht, wie gewöhnlich, vor ihren Wagen gespannt, nähern sich aber schmeichel(n)d der Göttin. Aurora streuet derselben Blumen". Das in fein lasierender Malweise ausgeführte, neoklassizistische Gemälde schildert Juno in der Tat ikonographisch außergewöhnlich. Geschickt verhüllt Frisch die Räder des Triumphwagens in verdunkelten Wolken, nur durch eine Ringöse deutet er an, dass die weiß gewandete, mit einem Diadem gekrönte und ein zierliches Zepter haltende Göttin darin sitzt. Diese blickt skeptisch auf die Erde herab, während links oben Aurora als Göttin der Morgenröte zusammen mit einem Regenbogen als Zeichen der Hoffnung auf Frieden geschildert wird. Eine leuchtendrote Partie links könnte als Feuerschein gedeutet werden. Obgleich das Gemälde bereits 1791 ausgestellt war, ist es von Frisch selbst erst 1792 signiert und datiert worden. Wahrscheinlich änderte er nach Ausstellungsende noch Details oder fügte solche hinzu - der Regenbogen und der Feuerschein könnten hierbei auf die Französische Revolution und den Beginn des Ersten Koalitionskrieges (1792-1797) zwischen Frankreich, Preußen und Österreich hindeuten. Frisch wurde als hoch angesehener Maler 1770 Mitglied, 1786 Rektor, 1801 Vizedirektor und 1805 Direktor der Berliner Akademie der Künste. Außer über 30 Bildnissen von König Friedrich Wilhelm II. v. Preußen, Moses Mendelsohn und anderen Persönlichkeiten malte er historische, mythologische und allegorische Szenen, literarische Motive von Lessing und Wieland. Überdies beauftragten ihn Friedrich II. und Friedrich Wilhelm II. mit Wand- und Deckengemälden im Berliner Stadtschloss (1789), Niederländischen Palais (vor 1779), Neuen Palais (1768 und um 1795), in den Neuen Kammern in Sanssouci (1774), im Marmorpalais (1790) und im Schloss Pfaueninsel (um 1796). Öl/Lwd.; L. u. sign. u. dat. 1792. 89 cm x 69 cm. Rahmen. Beigefügt: Gutachten von Prof. Dr. Helmut Börsch-Supan, Berlin, 28.11.2020. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated 1792. Accompanied by an expertise from Prof. Dr. Helmut Börsch-Supan, 28th of November 2020.

      Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    • Johann C. Frisch. Citadel Mosque at Turkey, oil
      Nov. 14, 2020

      Johann C. Frisch. Citadel Mosque at Turkey, oil

      Est: $500 - $700

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815). Oil on canvas, signed "J.C. Frisch" ll, 18 x 30 in., framed.

      Alex Cooper
    • Johann C. Frisch. Citadel Mosque at Turkey, oil
      Oct. 03, 2020

      Johann C. Frisch. Citadel Mosque at Turkey, oil

      Est: $700 - $900

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815). Oil on canvas, signed "J.C. Frisch" ll, 18 x 30 in., framed.

      Alex Cooper
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) German, O/C
      Jan. 26, 2020

      Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) German, O/C

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      This is an oil on canvas by Johann Christoph Frisch, a German artist who specialized in historical paintings. He was a court painter and director of the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin. He did ceiling paintings at palaces in Germany and Europe, which were noted for scenes from the life of Frederick the Great. The painting here is signed in the lower right. The overall size is 14 1/2 x 20 1/2 in. wide and the sight size is 11 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. wide.

      Sarasota Estate Auction
    • Johann Christoph Frisch, (German, 1738-1815), Portrait of Hera seated at a heavenly throne with attendant peacocks, oil on canvas, 47 x
      Oct. 20, 2019

      Johann Christoph Frisch, (German, 1738-1815), Portrait of Hera seated at a heavenly throne with attendant peacocks, oil on canvas, 47 x

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Portrait of Hera seated at a heavenly throne with attendant peacocks oil on canvas signed JC Frisch lower left and inscribed Pinxt and dated 1792 47 x 27in (190.5 x 68.5cm)

      Andrew Jones Auctions
    • JOHANN G. FRISCH (German 1730- 1815) A PAINTING, "Landscape with Canal,"
      Feb. 09, 2019

      JOHANN G. FRISCH (German 1730- 1815) A PAINTING, "Landscape with Canal,"

      Est: $1,000 - $2,000

      JOHANN G. FRISCH (German 1730- 1815) A PAINTING, "Landscape with Canal," oil on canvas, signed L/R. 12" x 18"

      Simpson Galleries, LLC
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)
      Oct. 28, 2018

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)

      Est: $500 - $700

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815) Canal scene with steeple in the background. Oil on canvas. Sight size: 11.5 x 17.5 in. Overall Size: 14.5 x 20.75 in. Many of his paintings are in the Schloss Charlottenburg and Markisches Museum, Berlin, and the Neues Palais, Potsdam, and drawings for them are in the Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin. Condition: 3/4 in. tear to canvas along stretcher edge in top left corner.

      Helmuth Stone
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)
      Jul. 01, 2018

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)

      Est: $1,100 - $2,200

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815) Canal scene with steeple in the background. Oil on canvas. Sight size: 11.5 x 17.5 in. Overall Size: 14.5 x 20.75 in. Many of his paintings are in the Schloss Charlottenburg and Markisches Museum, Berlin, and the Neues Palais, Potsdam, and drawings for them are in the Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin. Condition: 3/4 in. tear to canvas along stretcher edge in top left corner.

      Helmuth Stone
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)
      Apr. 29, 2018

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815)

      Est: $1,100 - $2,200

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Germany, 1738 - 1815) Canal scene with steeple in the background. Oil on canvas. Sight size: 11.5 x 17.5 inches. Many of his paintings are in the Schloss Charlottenburg and Markisches Museum, Berlin, and the Neues Palais, Potsdam, and drawings for them are in the Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin.

      Sarasota Estate Auction
    • J.C. FRISCH | Cattle in a Wooded Landscape; Cattle in a Mountainous Landscape, a pair
      May. 23, 2017

      J.C. FRISCH | Cattle in a Wooded Landscape; Cattle in a Mountainous Landscape, a pair

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      both oil on canvas

    • Frisch, Johann Christoph: Familienbildnis: Ein Herr am Stehpult mit seiner Gemahlin und den drei Kindern
      Nov. 25, 2016

      Frisch, Johann Christoph: Familienbildnis: Ein Herr am Stehpult mit seiner Gemahlin und den drei Kindern

      Est: €5,500 - €6,000

      Familienbildnis: Ein Herr am Stehpult mit seiner Gemahlin und den drei Kindern.Öl auf Leinwand. 23,7 x 31,5 cm. Unten rechts signiert "Frisch". Um 1780.Johann Christoph Frisch erhielt zunächst Unterricht bei seinem Vater; dem Kupferstecher Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch; bevor er seine Studien bei dem Historienmaler Christian Bernhard Rode fortsetzte. In den Jahren 1765-1768 reiste er mit finanzieller Unterstützung seines Förderers Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens und einem Stipendium von Friedrich II. nach Rom und in die Provence. Ab 1770 war Frisch zunächst Mitglied, später Vizedirektor und ab 1805 Direktor der Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Frisch wirkte als Historien- und Bildnismaler, aber auch einige Deckendekorationen in den königlichen Schlössern Berlins und Potsdams stammen von seiner Hand. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist wohl das Porträt des Berliner Gelehrten Moses Mendelsohn aus dem Jahr 1786. Vorliegendes Familienbildnis ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für die Malerei des friderizianischen Rokoko, das insbesondere durch Künstler wie Daniel Chodowiecki vertreten wird und dessen Einfluss auch hier spürbar ist. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Johann Cristoph Frisch (Germany, 1738-1815).
      Sep. 17, 2016

      Johann Cristoph Frisch (Germany, 1738-1815).

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Harbor scene oil on canvas mounted to board. Signed lower right. Puckering to canvas at top left & lower right corner of frame. 22" x 36" ; frame, 36" x 50." Wear from age & use. Old varnish present.

      Quinn's Auction Galleries Central Virginia
    • Johann C. Frisch. Harbor Scene, oil on canvas
      Jul. 23, 2016

      Johann C. Frisch. Harbor Scene, oil on canvas

      Est: $1,000 - $2,000

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815). Signed "J.C. Frisch" ll, 18 x 30 in., framed

      Alex Cooper
    • Attributed to Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Portrait of a Family, possibly the Schillers, Signed "Frisch." l.r., Conditi
      Jul. 18, 2015

      Attributed to Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), Portrait of a Family, possibly the Schillers, Signed "Frisch." l.r., Conditi

      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      Attributed to Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Portrait of a Family, possibly the Schillers Signed "Frisch." l.r. Oil on canvas, 9 1/4 x 12 1/2 in. (23.4 x 31.7 cm), framed. Condition: Stiffener applied to verso canvas, minor area of retouch, surface grime. Provenance: A private Berkshire County collection. N.B. The family is possibly Friedrich Schiller, the German poet and playwright, with his wife Charlotte and three of their four children. The couple's children were born between 1793 and 1804, during which time Frisch was actively painting portraits in Germany.

    • Johann Christoph Frisch, German (1738 - 1815), Untitled - Harbour Scene, oil on canvas, 15 1/4 x 23 1/2 in. (38.7 x 59.7 cm)
      Jun. 24, 2015

      Johann Christoph Frisch, German (1738 - 1815), Untitled - Harbour Scene, oil on canvas, 15 1/4 x 23 1/2 in. (38.7 x 59.7 cm)

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      signed lower right

      Maynards Fine Art & Antiques
    • Tableaux - Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815)
      Oct. 08, 2014

      Tableaux - Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815)

      Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

      Tableaux - Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) Johann Christoph Frisch (1738-1815) Scène de rue en Afrique du Nord huile sur toile signée 51x76 cm

      Piguet Hôtel des Ventes | Genève
      Jun. 12, 2014


      Est: $300 - $500

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Bavarian river town scene, oil on canvas laid down on board, signed lower right J.C. Frisch. Ht: 18.5" Width: 29.5" (image size)

      Kamelot Auctions
      Mar. 23, 2014


      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Oil on canvas mounted to board, 22 1/4 x 36 1/4 inches. Signed "J.C. Frisch," l.l.

      Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians
      Sep. 20, 2013


      Est: $600 - $900

      Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815) Bavarian river town scene, oil on canvas laid down on board, signed lower right J.C.Frisch. Image size: 18.5" x 29.5"

      Kamelot Auctions
    • JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (German 1738-1815) A PAINTING, "Orientalist Market Scene,"
      Sep. 30, 2012

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (German 1738-1815) A PAINTING, "Orientalist Market Scene,"

      Est: $2,500 - $3,500

      oil on canvas, signed L/R. 12" x 18". Framed.

      Simpson Galleries, LLC
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Dutch, 1738-1815), Dutch City View with Bustling Harbor, Signed "J.C. Frisch" l.r., identified on a presentati
      May. 18, 2012

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Dutch, 1738-1815), Dutch City View with Bustling Harbor, Signed "J.C. Frisch" l.r., identified on a presentati

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Dutch, 1738-1815) Dutch City View with Bustling Harbor Signed "J.C. Frisch" l.r., identified on a presentation plaque. Oil on canvas, 16 x 24 in. (40.5 x 61.0 cm), framed. Condition: Punctures, craquelure, surface grime.

    • Frisch, Johann Cristoph (Ger. 1738-1815). Middle eastern scene with people near water and figure on camel.
      Jun. 11, 2011

      Frisch, Johann Cristoph (Ger. 1738-1815). Middle eastern scene with people near water and figure on camel.

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Frisch, Johann Cristoph (Ger. 1738-1815). Middle eastern scene with people near water and figure on camel. Oil on board. Signed at l.l., "J.C. Frisch". Framed. 17 3/4" x 15", frame: 22 1/2" x 20". Provenance: Property of a Northern Virginia resident.

      Quinn's Auction Galleries
    • JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.
      Nov. 13, 2010

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.

      Est: $1,200 - $1,500

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas - Framed, 12 in. x 18 in.

      Sloans & Kenyon
    • OOC Bavarian River Town Johann C Frisch German
      Aug. 23, 2010

      OOC Bavarian River Town Johann C Frisch German

      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      OOC - Bavarian Country River Town with Bridge by Johann Christoph Frisch (German, 1738-1815), signed lower left, depicting two boys in skiff near arched stone bridge, stucco buildings flanking short street with family around wagon, Romanesque church to right, in ornate matched: 17 1/4" x 30 1/4", OS: 31" x 43", relined, minor losses to frame.

      Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
    • JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (DUTCH, 1738-1815) WOOD WAGON AND DRIVER Oil on canvas: 13 x 9 in.
      Jun. 26, 2010

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (DUTCH, 1738-1815) WOOD WAGON AND DRIVER Oil on canvas: 13 x 9 in.

      Est: $800 - $1,000

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (DUTCH, 1738-1815) WOOD WAGON AND DRIVER Oil on canvas: 13 x 9 in. Framed; lower right signed: J.C. Frisch

      Potomack Company
    • JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.
      Jun. 20, 2010

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas.

      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRISCH (Dutch, 1738-1815). REST ALONG THE WAY, signed lower left. Oil on canvas - Framed, 12 in. x 18 in.

      Sloans & Kenyon
    • Johann Christoph Frisch Dutch (1738-1815) Oil on
      Mar. 18, 2009

      Johann Christoph Frisch Dutch (1738-1815) Oil on

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      Johann Christoph Frisch Dutch (1738-1815) Oil on Canvas "Cairo, Egypt" Signed J. C. Frisch Lower Right. Good Relined Condition. Measures 18-1/4 Inches by 30 Inches, Frame Measures 33 Inches by 45-1/4 Inches. We Will Not Ship This Item In-House Due to Its Size, But Would be Happy to Recommend a List of Gallery Approved Vendors on Request (estimate $5,000-$7,000)

      Kodner Galleries
    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Berlin 1738-1815)
      Jul. 05, 2006

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Berlin 1738-1815)

      Est: £5,000 - £8,000

      Portrait of King Frederick William II of Prussia (1744-1797), three-quarter-length, in uniform with the sash and star of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle, his left hand resting on a map of Frankfurt, a landscape with the Prussian army encamped outside Frankfurt beyond signed and dated 'Frisch.pi 1794' (lower right) oil on canvas 47 1/4 x 37 1/4 in. (120 x 94.6 cm.)

    • Johann Christoph Frisch (Berlin 1738-1815)
      Dec. 09, 2005

      Johann Christoph Frisch (Berlin 1738-1815)

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      Portrait of King Frederick William II of Prussia (1744-1797), three-quarter-length, in uniform with the sash and star of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle, his left hand resting on a map of Frankfurt, a landscape with the Prussian army encamped outside Frankfurt beyond signed and dated 'Frisch.pi 1794' (lower right) oil on canvas 47 1/4 x 37 1/4 in. (120 x 94.6 cm.)

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