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Simon Frisius Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1580 - d. 1629

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    • Simon Frisius - Christ entry in Jerusalem - 1605
      Dec. 12, 2024

      Simon Frisius - Christ entry in Jerusalem - 1605

      Est: €180 - €220

      Etching by Simon Frisius. The design is by Hendrik Hondius I (1573 - 1650) Reference: New Hollstein 10 ( I / II )

      Old Master Print
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats.
      Nov. 22, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats.

      Est: €300 - €500

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats. Etching and engraving after David VINCKBOONS, 17,1x25,3 cm. (borderline), "S: Frs. fec." and "R: B: excudit" (prob. the printer Robert de Baudous) and "2" in the plate. - Cut just outside the borderline. = (Very) rare. New Hollstein 154. From a series of 2 landscapes after Vinckboons. On laid paper with part of a watermark of a vase or jug.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Flight into Egypt. The Tribute Money.
      Nov. 22, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Flight into Egypt. The Tribute Money.

      Est: €150 - €250

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Flight into Egypt. The Tribute Money. Two etchings after Hendrick HONDIUS, ±18x22,5 cm. (platemark). - First print w. wide margins; second print trimmed on the platemark and w. tiny closed tear in upper margin. = New Hollstein 3 and 5, both first state of 2. Both part of the series of Landscapes with scenes from the Life of Christ. Idem. Five skaters on a frozen river by a large bridge in a city. Village with frozen river and bare trees. Two etchings after Mathias BRIL, 9,5x15,6 and 9,2x15,7 cm. (image). - First print cut on the platemark; second print trimmed to the borderline (caption present). = New Hollstein 139 and 140, both 1st state of 2.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Beginning of the consultation of the states about the truce in the Hague, February 6, 1608.
      Nov. 22, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Beginning of the consultation of the states about the truce in the Hague, February 6, 1608.

      Est: €150 - €250

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Beginning of the consultation of the states about the truce in the Hague, February 6, 1608. Etching, 15,2x24,6 cm. - Tipped onto mount; sl. foxed. = Rare. The first of the series of three etchings depicting scenes in The Hague at the start of the Twelve year Truce in 1608 and 1609. Showing probably the old Statenzaal (states room). New Hollstein 60; F.M. 1252.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Views of Amsterdam.
      May. 17, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Views of Amsterdam.

      Est: €200 - €300

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Views of Amsterdam. Three (of 5) etchings, each ±16,5x21 cm., "S: Frisius fec." (1x), numb. "1" and "2" in the plate. - First print sl. browned, ample margins; 2nd and 3rd print both fine, trimmed ±8-15 mm outside the platemark. = The Old St. Anthonis Gate, New Hollstein 90, 1st state of 3; The Houtewael, NH 91, 2nd state of 2; The old Reguliers Gate, NG 92, 1st state (?), without the number 3 (not mentioned by New Hollstein!). First print with the collector's mark of Albert den Briel (Lugt 407a); 2nd print w. the (manuscript) collector's marks of J.F. Bianchi (Lugt 3761), Heinrich Buttstaedt (died in 1876, Lugt 320) and an unread collector's mark ("P. D...."); 3rd print w. the collector's mark of J.F. Bianchi.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats.
      May. 17, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats.

      Est: €500 - €700

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). Landscape with canal and boats. Etching and engraving after David VINCKBOONS, 17,1x25,3 cm. (borderline), "S: Frs. fec." and "R: B: excudit" (prob. the printer Robert de Baudous) and "2" in the plate. - Cut just outside the borderline. = (Very) rare. New Hollstein 154. From a series of 2 landscapes after Vinckboons. On laid paper with a partial watermark of a vase or jug. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXII.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). The arrival of the five Spanish ambassadors in The Hague, February 1608.
      May. 17, 2024

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). The arrival of the five Spanish ambassadors in The Hague, February 1608.

      Est: €80 - €100

      Frisius, Simon (±1580-1629). The arrival of the five Spanish ambassadors in The Hague, February 1608. Etching, 14,6x24,2 cm. - With 2 vertical folds; sl. soiled; sl. rubbed near right margin; sm. closed tear near lower right corner. = Rare. Part of a series of 3 prints to commemorate the start of the Twelve Year Truce in 1609. The meeting of stadtholder prince Maurits and the Spanish general Spinola outside The Hague (skyline in the background). New Hollstein 61; F.M. 1249.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Simon Frisius (1580-1628), Matthijs Bril (1550-1583) - Flemish Village Scene
      Dec. 14, 2023

      Simon Frisius (1580-1628), Matthijs Bril (1550-1583) - Flemish Village Scene

      Est: €140 - €180

      From the series: Topographia Variarum Regionum (1614) : On the left a large farm, in front of which is a covered wagon pulled by two horses. Farms on the right along a country road. Behind a church tower. After a drawing by Matthijs Bril. This is a first state before the number. One of the more realistic views from this series of twenty-five.

      Old Master Print
    • [Portraits]. Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Joos de Momper.
      May. 20, 2022

      [Portraits]. Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Joos de Momper.

      Est: €400 - €600

      [Portraits]. Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Joos de Momper. Etching and engraving, 20,6x12,2 cm., 1610. - Trimmed on the platemark. = New Hollstein 170, 1st state (of 2). Idem. Johannes Stradanus. Engraving, 19,7x15,6 cm. (incl. the caption). - Trimmed to/ on the borderline, caption cut trifle short; laid down on contemp. paper. = New Hollstein 175, 1st state (of 2). Rare. From the series Pictorum aliquot celebrium praecipuae germaniae inferioris effigies (1610). The title-print to the third part of the series. Idem. Set of 16 (of 24) engr. and etched portraits, printed by H. HONDIUS, each ±20,3x12,2 cm., 1610. = The complete series, published in 3 parts, contains 72 portraits, 24 of which are engraved by Simon Frisius (see: N. Orenstein, Hendrick Hondius and the Business of Prints in Seventeenth-Century Holland, p.73ff). Comprises: Abraham Bloemaert (New Hollstein 159), Joachim Bueckelaer (NH 160), Hendrick van Cleef (NH 161), Michiel Coxie (NH 162, sm. wormhole), Adam Elsheimer (NH 164), Maarten van Heemskerck (NH 166), Joris Hoefnagel (NH 167), Hans Holbein (NH 168), Michiel van Mierevelt (NH 169, 2x), Gillis Mostaert (NH 172), Gerrit Pietersz.(NH 173, 2x), Christian van den Queborne (NH 174), Johannes Stradanus (NH 175) and Joos van Winghe (NH 179). AND 5 others, incl. 3 others from the same series: Cornelis Ketel (NH 111, by H. HONDIUS), Floris Claesz. van Dijck (NH 112 by HONDIUS) and Otto van Veen (attrib. to R. DE BAUDOUS, Hollstein 178 (Frisius)) and 2 portraits by S. FRISIUS from the series of Celebrated propagators of religion: Jacob Kimedoncius (NH 195, 1st state (of 2)) and Georg Mayr (NH 197, 1st state of 2).

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Frisius, Simon Wynouts
      Dec. 18, 2021

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts

      Est: €240 - €360

      (um 1580 Harlingen - Den Haag 1629). Der barmherzige Samariter hilft einem Verletzten. Radierung auf feinem Bütten mit WZ-Fragm. "Wappen" um 1610. Blgr 17,6 x 23 cm. An 3 Seiten mit Rändchen, am Unterrd. knapp innerhalb der Platte unter Verlust eines Teils des Tablets beschn. Unter Passep. mont. New Ho. 14. Brillanter zeitgenöss. Abdruck des einzigen Zustands. - Fleckig, faltig, kl. Papierschaden am re. Rand, sonst gut erhalten. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • FRISIUS, Simon Wynouts (Ca. 1580 - 1629). 3 Ansichten von Amsterdam in einem Rahmen.
      Oct. 28, 2021

      FRISIUS, Simon Wynouts (Ca. 1580 - 1629). 3 Ansichten von Amsterdam in einem Rahmen.

      Est: -

      FRISIUS, Simon Wynouts(Ca. 1580 - 1629) 3 Ansichten von Amsterdam in einem Rahmen 3 Kupferstiche. Je in der Platte signiert. Stockfleckig. Passepartoutausschnitt je: 17 x 22 cm. Gerahmt & hinter Glas32 x 85 cm. 3 von 5 Darstellungen einer Serie zu Amsterdam und Umgebung: "D'oude Regulliers Poorte t'Amsterdam" | "Hovtewael by Amsterdam" | "D'oude St. Anthonis Poorte t'Amsterdam"

      Auktionshaus Wendl
    • SIMON WYNHOUTSZON VRIES, auch FRISIUS oder VRIESIUS Harlingen um 1580 - 1629
      Oct. 23, 2021

      SIMON WYNHOUTSZON VRIES, auch FRISIUS oder VRIESIUS Harlingen um 1580 - 1629

      Est: €280 - €380

      SIMON WYNHOUTSZON VRIES, auch FRISIUS oder VRIESIUS Harlingen um 1580 - 1629 Den Haag Harlingen um 1580 - 1629 Den Haag Bergige Landschaft mit an einem Verletzten vorbeigehenden Bischof. Szene aus der Parabel des guten Samariters. Blatt 16 der Folge „Topographia Variarum Regionum“. Radierung mit zartem Plattenton nach Matthias Bril 1611. New Hollstein 113, I (von II). - Mit der Nummer in der Platte. Auf leichtem Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: Vase mit „RG“. 10,4 x 15,5 cm. Außerhalb der Darstellung schwach braunfleckig und wasserrandig. Mit winzigem Randeinriss. Breitrandiger Abdruck mit Paginierung „46“ in brauner Feder in der rechten oberen Ecke. Sammlung Franz Jozef von Enzenberg, Innsbruck (Lugt 845). [ms]

    • Simon Frisius, Hendrick Hondius, The good samaritan
      Sep. 30, 2021

      Simon Frisius, Hendrick Hondius, The good samaritan

      Est: €375 - €475

      The good samaritan. Engraving made by Simon Frisius (1580-1629), after a drawing of Hendrick Hondius (1573-1650), Published by Hendrick Hondius in The Hague ca 1579-1649. New Hollstein Dutch 14 Part 1. Very good dark early impression on very thin laid paper, trimmed just on the margins, image complete. Mounted skillfully on annother thicker laid paper. In perfect condition.

      Old Master Print
    • Simon Frisius - Village Scene with Christ - 1605
      Oct. 15, 2020

      Simon Frisius - Village Scene with Christ - 1605

      Est: €150 - €180

      Etching by Simon Frisius. The design is by Hendrik Hondius I (1573 - 1650) Second state with the publishers address of Claes Jansz.Visscher

      Old Master Print
    • Mathijs Cock, River landscape with house on an island, Simon Frisius.
      Oct. 15, 2020

      Mathijs Cock, River landscape with house on an island, Simon Frisius.

      Est: €275 - €375

      River landscape with house on an island, after a painting of Mathijs Cock, engraved by Simon Frisius. Published by Henricus Hondius ca 1614. One of the most beautifull engravings of the series "Topographia Variarum Regionum". In perfect condition, good dark impression on thin laid paper. Trimmed on the margins, image complete.

      Old Master Print
    • Simon Frisius (Dutch, c.1570-1628/29) 'The Arrival of the Magi' Etching
      Jul. 19, 2020

      Simon Frisius (Dutch, c.1570-1628/29) 'The Arrival of the Magi' Etching

      Est: $100 - $200

      Simon Frisius (Dutch, c.1570-1628/29) 'The Arrival of the Magi' Etching Undated, signed within the plate, depicting a nativity scene; R. S. Johnson International Gallery label en verso Condition: Very Good, trimmed; some warping to paper at bottom edge; some wrinkles to mat at upper right corner; not examined out of the frame Height: 7 inches, Width: 8 3/4 inches Frame Size: 15 1/4 inches by 19 1/4 inches Category: Fine Art > Prints Shipping Status: Leonard Auction, Inc. will provide direct shipping for this lot. Please visit our website for a shipping estimate. Approximate Sale Time: 2:13 pm CST Links to High Resolution Images: Image #1 Image #2 Image #3 Image #4

      Leonard Auction
    • Simon Frisius - Winterlandscape with skaters
      May. 19, 2020

      Simon Frisius - Winterlandscape with skaters

      Est: €125 - €175

      Topographia Variarum Regionum Dutch winterlandscape with skaters. Etching by Simon Frisius. After a drawing by Matthijs Bril Published by Hendrik Hondius Date: . 1613-14

      Old Master Print
    • Simon Frisius - Christs entry in Jerusalem
      May. 19, 2020

      Simon Frisius - Christs entry in Jerusalem

      Est: €200 - €300

      Etching by Simon Frisius. The design is by Hendrik Hondius I (1573 - 1650) Entry in Jerusalem. Etching on laid paper with watermark (crowned lily) Around 1605. Einzug in Jerusalem. Radierung auf feinem Bütten mit WZ "Bekröntes Lilienwappen", um 1605. A first state before the number and before the later publishers address of Visscher.

      Old Master Print
    • SIMON FRISIUS Orpheus Enchanting the Animals.
      Oct. 29, 2019

      SIMON FRISIUS Orpheus Enchanting the Animals.

      Est: $5,000 - $8,000

      SIMON FRISIUS Orpheus Enchanting the Animals. Etching, 1618. 447x676 mm; 17 3/4x26 3/4 inches, thread margins. New Hollstein first state (of 5). Crowned banded shield with bears watermark (similar to Briquet 1072, which dates to southern Germany around 1600). A superb, dark and very well-inked impression of this large, extremely scarce etching, with strong contrasts and little to no sign of wear. Hollstein 104.

      Swann Auction Galleries
    • Simon Frisius - Twelve Months - 1611
      May. 02, 2019

      Simon Frisius - Twelve Months - 1611

      Est: €800 - €1,400

      Suite of 12 engr., publ. Amsterdam, H. Hondius .I Complete suite of 12 pls after after A. Tempesta, representing the 12 months. Name of the month in Latin below. In the sky appropriate Zodiac sign. On "Ianuarius" : in r. lower corner "Henr. Hondius excudit", in left lower corner "A. Tempesti invent.". Ref. New Hollst. Dutch 45. Part I.

      Old Master Print
    • Simon Frisius - The Entry of Jeruzalem 1651-1658
      Apr. 16, 2019

      Simon Frisius - The Entry of Jeruzalem 1651-1658

      Est: €350 - €500

      Simon Frisius - The Entry of Jeruzalem - Engraving, in perfect condition , cut on the margins , missing texte lines , very dark impression. New Hollstein Dutch 10-2(2)

      Old Master Print
    • Simon Frisius - Twelve Months - 1611
      Apr. 16, 2019

      Simon Frisius - Twelve Months - 1611

      Est: €800 - €1,400

      Suite of 12 engr., publ. Amsterdam, H. Hondius .I Complete suite of 12 pls after after A. Tempesta, representing the 12 months. Name of the month in Latin below. In the sky appropriate Zodiac sign. On "Ianuarius" : in r. lower corner "Henr. Hondius excudit", in left lower corner "A. Tempesti invent.". Ref. New Hollst. Dutch 45. Part I.

      Old Master Print
    • Simon de Vries Weynout so Frisius, Iacobus Binckius. 1610
      Feb. 04, 2019

      Simon de Vries Weynout so Frisius, Iacobus Binckius. 1610

      Est: €400 - €800

      Acquaforte. mm 205x125. New Hollstein (Hondius), 80-115. New Hollstein (Frisius),157. Tratto in controparte dall'Autoritratto con il teschio (Bartsch, 95. Hollstein, 241) eseguito da Binck ed inserito nella raccolta di ritratti Pictorum aliquot celebrium praecipue Germaniae Inferioris, edita da Hendrick Hondius a L'Aja nel 1610 circa. L'opera consta di 72 ritratti incisi dei principali esponenti della pittura fiamminga, olandese e tedesca, eseguiti per la maggior parte da Simon Frisius. Bellissima impressione su carta vergellata con parte di filigrana non identificabile.

      Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
    • Simon Frisius (1580-1628) - Twelve Months - 1611
      Dec. 01, 2018

      Simon Frisius (1580-1628) - Twelve Months - 1611

      Est: €1,800 - €2,400

      Suite of 12 engr., publ. Amsterdam, H. Hondius I. Complete suite of 12 pls after after A. Tempesta, representing the 12 months. Name of the month in Latin below. In the sky appropriate Zodiac sign. On "Ianuarius" : in r. lower corner "Henr. Hondius excudit", in left lower corner "A. Tempesti invent.". Ref. New Hollst. Dutch 45. Part I.

      Old Master Print
    • Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). (View on the Buitenhof in the Hague). Etching, 1609, 15,1x24,5 cm. - Wit
      Nov. 30, 2018

      Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). (View on the Buitenhof in the Hague). Etching, 1609, 15,1x24,5 cm. - Wit

      Est: €100 - €150

      Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). (View on the Buitenhof in the Hague). Etching, 1609, 15,1x24,5 cm. - With a few creases in upper left corner; vertical central fold; glue stains in upper corners from former tipping-in. = Rare view of the Hague, with cannonfire on the Buitenhof to celebrate the armistice of 1609. New Hollsteiin 62; F.M. 1263.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • * Frisius (Simon Wynouts, circa 1580-1629). Landscapes with the Story of the Good Samaritan, [1618],
      Jun. 15, 2017

      * Frisius (Simon Wynouts, circa 1580-1629). Landscapes with the Story of the Good Samaritan, [1618],

      Est: £200 - £300

      a set of four copper engravings on laid paper, each with watermark, after Hendrik Hondius, numbered 1-4 to lower right corner of each, very good dark impressions, old stitch marks to extreme left blank margin, plate size 180 x 230 mm (7 x 9 ins), sheet size 257 x 340 mm (10.1 x 13.4 ins) - Quantity (4)

      Dominic Winter Auctions
    • Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Landscape with fields
      Nov. 25, 2016

      Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Landscape with fields

      Est: €200 - €300

      Frisius, S.W. (±1580-1629). Landscape with fields on the left and a windmill on the right. Etching from the series of 28 Topographia Variarum Regionum after M. BRIL, 10,1x15,6 cm., 1614, w. the addresses of P. Bril and H. Hondius engr. below the image. - Ample margins; manuscript "(1580)" in pen below the image. = New Hollstein 149, 1st state (of 2). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCV.

      Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    • Simon Frisius, Portrait of Adrian de Vries, Etching, c. 1610
      Apr. 27, 2016

      Simon Frisius, Portrait of Adrian de Vries, Etching, c. 1610

      Est: €150 - €195

      Etching on laid paper Holland, circa 1610 Simon Frisius (1570-75-1928/29) – Niederländischer Kupferstecher Inscribed in the plate Sheet dimensions: 20.3 x 12 cm Good condition Object is regular taxed. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. Condition: The etching is in good condition, consistent with age. The sheet is trimmed to the image. It measures 20.3 x 12 cm. Simon Frisius (1570-75-1528/29) Simon Frisius began his career in Paris and worked in Rouen and Amsterdam, before settling in The Hague in 1611. There he became a member of the Confrerie Pictura. Frisius is today regarded as one of the first masters of engraving (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Simon Frisius, Painter Michael Coxcie, Engraving, c 1610
      Apr. 27, 2016

      Simon Frisius, Painter Michael Coxcie, Engraving, c 1610

      Est: €150 - €195

      Engraving on wove paper The Netherlands, c. 1610 Simon Frisius or Simon de Vries (1570-1575) - Dutch engraver Catalogue raisonné: Hollstein 165 Plate 46 from the suite ‘Portraits of Artists’ Plate dimensions: 20.5 x 12.5 cm; sheet dimensions: 21.5 x 13.5 cm Very good condition Object is regular taxed. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. Condition: The sheet is mounted under a mat to the upper edge. The plate’s dimensions are 20.5 x 12.5 cm, while the sheet measures 21.5 x 13.5 cm. Simon Frisius (1570-1575) Simon Frisius began his career in Paris and worked in Rouen and Amsterdam, before settling in The Hague in 1611. There he became a member of the Confrerie Pictura. Frisius is today regarded as one of the first masters of engraving. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Frisius, Simon: Die Messe des hl. Georg
      May. 28, 2015

      Frisius, Simon: Die Messe des hl. Georg

      Est: €2,000 - €2,400

      Die Messe des hl. Georg. Kupferstich nach Jan Goessaert, gen. Mabuse. 38,7 x 53,1 cm. Hollstein 107, Orenstein (New Hollstein) 18 II (von VI). Die opulente Darstellung war ehemals Isaac Duchemin und Johannes van Doetecum zugeschrieben. Mit dem Namen Mabuses in der Darstellung, vor allen Adressen. Ganz ausgezeichneter, kräftiger Druck mit einzelnen Wischspuren. Leichte vertikale Mittelfalte, verso kaum wahrnehmbare vertikale Falz- bzw. Knickspuren, einzelne hinterlegte Randeinrisse, vornehmlich verso etwas fleckig, weitere geringe Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, sonst in guter Erhaltung.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Frisius, Simon: Gebirgslandschaft mit einem Haus im Vordergrund
      Nov. 27, 2014

      Frisius, Simon: Gebirgslandschaft mit einem Haus im Vordergrund

      Est: €400 - €600

      Gebirgslandschaft mit einem Haus im Vordergrund. Radierung nach Hendrik Goltzius. 13,8 x 21,2 cm. 1608. Orenstein (New Hollstein) 152 II. Wz. Kleines Bandenwappen. Ganz ausgezeichneter Druck mit breitem Rand und leichtem Plattenton. Links unten entlang der Plattenkante leicht gebrochen, etwas fleckig, Knickspuren in den unteren Ecken, je ein winziges Löchlein links und unten im weißen Rand, leichte Altersspuren an den äußeren Rändern, sonst sehr gut erhalten.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Frisius, Simon Wynouts
      Oct. 18, 2014

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts

      Est: - €300

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den Haag 1629). Einzug in Jerusalem. Radierung auf feinem Bütten mit WZ "Bekröntes Lilienwappen", um 1605. Plgr. 17,7 x 21,7 cm. Mit Rändchen unter Passep. mont. New Ho. 10 I (von II). Prachtvoller, zeitgenöss. Abdruck des I. Zustands vor der neuen Adresse. - Bis auf eine kl. Ausbesserung im li. ob. Eck gut erhalten.

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Frisius, Simon: Zwei Gebirgslandschaften
      Nov. 26, 2009

      Frisius, Simon: Zwei Gebirgslandschaften

      Est: €400 - €600

      Frisius, Simon: Zwei Gebirgslandschaften Zwei Gebirgslandschaften nach Hendrik Goltzius. 2 Radierungen. Je ca. 13,8 x 20 cm. 1608. Orenstein (New Hollstein) 151, 152 II. Ausgezeichnete Drucke mit Rändchen um die Einfassungslinie und den Schriftrand. H. 152 minimal fleckig, die linke untere Ecke angerändert, H. 151 fleckig, angestaubt, leicht vergilbt und alt auf einen Untersatz montiert, sowie ganz minimale Randschäden, beide jeweils verso mit alten Sammlerannotationen, sonst gut erhalten. Sehr selten.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Frisius, Simon Wynouts: (um 1580 Harlingen - Den
      Jun. 20, 2009

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts: (um 1580 Harlingen - Den

      Est: - €180

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts: (um 1580 Harlingen - Den Haag 1629). Stadt an einem Fluß. Radierung auf feinem Bütten mit WZ "Vier mit Buchstaben" 1611. Blgr. 10,5 x 15,7 cm. Auf bzw. knapp innerhalb der Plattenkante beschn. u. unter Passep. mont. Ho. aus 64-91 II (von II). - Prachtvoller zeitgenöss. Abdruck mit der Nr. unt. li. Gut erhalten.

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den
      May. 16, 2008

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den

      Est: - €270

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den Haag 1629). Stadt an einem Fluß. Radierung auf feinem Bütten mit WZ Vier mit Buchstaben 1611. Blgr. 10,5 x 15,7 cm. Auf bzw. knapp innerhalb der Plattenkante beschn. u. unter Passep. mont. Ho. aus 64-91 II (von II). - Prachtvoller zeitgenössischer Abdruck mit der Nr. unt. li. Gut erhalten.

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den
      May. 16, 2008

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den

      Est: - €300

      Frisius, Simon Wynouts (um 1580 Harlingen - Den Haag 1629). Der große Baum. Radierung auf feinem Bütten aus der Folge der Landschaften 1611. Plgr. 10,9 x 15,5 cm. Breitrandig. Unter Passep. mont. Aus der Slg. Waldburg-Wolfegg (Lugt 2542). Hollstein aus 64-91 I (von II). - Prachtvoller zeitgenössischer Abdruck des I. Zustands. - Bis auf eine Dünnstelle sehr gut erhalten.

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
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