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Nurit Gazit Art for Sale and Sold Prices

I was brought up in Jerusalem. After high school I served in the Israel Defense Forces as a teacher-soldier and then studied Tanach (Bible) and Oral Law in the Bayit Vegan Michlala (college) for women. I studied guided imagery and movement therapy in Shalem College and became a certified therapist. For years, I have been giving free-flowing imagination based workshops and seclusion retreats.

For many years, I have lived in Otniel in the Hebron Hills area with my husband Ofer and our family. I, the mother of eight children, am also a grandmother of three.

I run the Zericha Center for Spiritual Development in the Hebron Hills Regional Council.

This form of artistic self-expression emerged later in life as a revelation. One day, when my oldest daughter Tehilla was a baby, I closely perused a book of photographs of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. I found myself with pencil and paper in hand, and proceeded to draw the Rebbe’s profile. I had never sketched anything before, and I have no rational explanation for the way it happened, but I was amazed by the results. From that moment on, I felt that the Rebbe had inspired me to pursue a talent previously latent inside me.

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About Nurit Gazit


I was brought up in Jerusalem. After high school I served in the Israel Defense Forces as a teacher-soldier and then studied Tanach (Bible) and Oral Law in the Bayit Vegan Michlala (college) for women. I studied guided imagery and movement therapy in Shalem College and became a certified therapist. For years, I have been giving free-flowing imagination based workshops and seclusion retreats.

For many years, I have lived in Otniel in the Hebron Hills area with my husband Ofer and our family. I, the mother of eight children, am also a grandmother of three.

I run the Zericha Center for Spiritual Development in the Hebron Hills Regional Council.

This form of artistic self-expression emerged later in life as a revelation. One day, when my oldest daughter Tehilla was a baby, I closely perused a book of photographs of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. I found myself with pencil and paper in hand, and proceeded to draw the Rebbe’s profile. I had never sketched anything before, and I have no rational explanation for the way it happened, but I was amazed by the results. From that moment on, I felt that the Rebbe had inspired me to pursue a talent previously latent inside me.