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Giuseppe (1788) Gherardi Sold at Auction Prices


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    • G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Florence from Boboli Garden, around 1820, Etching
      Aug. 26, 2023

      G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Florence from Boboli Garden, around 1820, Etching

      Est: €4,500 - €6,000

      Giuseppe Gherardi (1788 Florence - 1884 ibid.): View of Florence from the Boboli Garden, c. 1820, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Date: c. 1820 Description: Domes and towers, churches and palaces, within them a splendour that for centuries has conjured up the sparkle in the eyes of every art lover and pleasure-seeking traveller to Italy. Anyone travelling to Florence can already see in their mind's eye the many art treasures created in this centre of Italian art and collected by generations of patrons. Illustrious names such as Leon Battista Alberti, Giotto di Bondone, Filippo Brunelleschi and Michelangelo Buonarotti are just a few of those who have become immortalised in this city of brick and stone. The architects of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance made Florence a jewel of Tuscany that still shines today. The proof of this view of Florence shows the view of the city on the Arno from the elevated Boboli Gardens. All the buildings are drawn with architectural precision and their features are already clearly recognisable. The foreground of the depiction, on the other hand, the artist's actual observation post, is still entirely unfinished in the printing plate. Here, the garden with the large amphitheatre is sketched in careful pen strokes, inviting one to rest and linger, especially in summer. Giuseppe Gherardi lets us participate in his composition in thought and shows us the different conception of the city and nature, which were even created here in separate steps in terms of craftsmanship. Provenance: Keywords: Italien, Florenz, Palazzo Pitti, Boboli-Garten, Medici-Kapelle, Baptisterium, Campanile des Giotto, Duomo, Orsanmichele, Palazzo Vecchio, Arno, Architektur, Vedute, 19th century, Romanticism, Cities, Italy,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
      Mar. 14, 2023


      Est: €200 - €500

      (Firenze, 1788 - 1884) Interno del salone di lady Lesbormann della villa di Quarto Firmato G Gherardi in basso a destra Acquerello e matita su carta applicata su carta, cm 23,2X36,7 Iscritto: Intérieur du Salon de Lady Lesbormann à sa villa de Quarto prés Castello; acquerelle de Gherardi achetée à Florence en 1830 L'opera in esame è particolarmente significativa per comprendere il gusto dell'arredare durante la prima metà del XIX secolo. Sono gli anni in cui gli acquerelli raffiguranti gli interni delle abitazioni trovano un'incredibile diffusione e apprezzamento. A questo proposito è quanto mai appropriato ricordare le parole di Mario Praz che attribuisce a questo peculiare genere la virtù di 'far rivivere un ambiente nell'animo di chi li guarda, grazie alla diligenza con cui han riprodotto ogni mobile e ogni suppelletile, ogni minuzia dei tappeti e delle cortine, e il senso delle luce e delle ombre nelle stanze. Si direbbe che con quella obiettiva diligenza abbiano captato l'anima delle cose'. Praz, riconosce in questi 'quadri' la 'sommessa poesia della presenza delle cose', cogliendo la qualità realistica delle immagini, apprezzandone l'intento degli esiti, a discapito dell'arte dedita alla nobiltà dei soggetti. Detto questo, la pittura di interni offre l'opportunità di capire al meglio la cultura materiale e sociale di un'epoca. Bibliografia: M. Praz, La filosofia dell'arredamento, Milano 1981, ad vocem M. Praz, La casa della vita, Milano 1993, pp. 317-326

      Wannenes Art Auctions
      Mar. 14, 2023


      Est: €100 - €500

      (Firenze, 1788 - 1884) Vista di Firenze dal giardino di Boboli Firmato G Gherardi fe. in basso a sinistra Matita su carta applicata su carta, cm 23,5X35,2 Inscritto: Vue de Florence prise du jardin Boboli, mine de plomb par Gherardi, achetée à Florence en 1830

      Wannenes Art Auctions
      Mar. 14, 2023


      Est: €50 - €70

      (Firenze, 1788 - 1884) Il Gigante di Pratolino a Villa Demidoff Firmato G Gherardi fe. in basso a destra Inscritto: Le Géant de Pratolino, mine de plomb par Gherardi achetée à Florence en 1830 Matita su carta applicata su carta, cm 23,5X35,2 PITTORE DEL XIX SECOLO Le Bauges a Chambéry Inscritto: Les bauges près Chambéry, cadeau de l'auteur en 1830 Acquerello su carta applicata su carta, cm 13,5X21 MADAME DI GRIMALDI (attiva nel XIX Secolo) Veduta del castello di Vufflens Iscritto: Château de Vuflens, Mine de plomb par Madame Ceole (?), Cadeau de Madame de Grimaldi en 1830 à Chambéry Mina di piombo su carta applicata su carta, cm 30,4X22,8 PITTORE DEL XIX SECOLO Paesaggio Acquerello su carta applicata su carta, cm 23,8X18 CARL FRIEDRICH WILHELM KLOSE (Berlino, 1804 - 1863) Veduta Firmato F W Klose in basso a destra Acquerello su carta, cm 11,3X7,6 (5) Formatosi all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, la prima opera di Gherardi è il quadro oggi perduto raffigurante La piazza del Granduca, con il quale nel 1819 partecipò all'esposizione di pittura organizzata dall'Accademia. L'inizio della sua attività autonoma si può collocare agli inizi del terzo decennio, in cui vengono alla luce le principali caratteristiche della sua arte, unicamente dedita al genere della veduta, resa con attenta minuzia descrittiva. Ricordiamo in questa sede il disegno con l'Arco di trionfo di Francesco III di Lorena e porta S. Gallo, il dipinto a olio con il Battistero di Firenze e dell'acquaforte con Firenze vista da Boboli. A questi primi anni sono riferibili anche alcuni disegni, quali la Veduta di Rifredi, il Ponte alla Badia e Le Cascine conservati nel Gabinetto dei disegni e stampe degli Uffizi, caratterizzati da un tratto sottilissimo e l'uso frequente dell'acquerello, che donano a queste opere effetti di trasparenza, che avvicinano l'autore alle esperienze dei pittori stranieri giunti in Toscana tra la fine del Sette e la prima metà dell'Ottocento, quali Thomas Patch, Thomas Cole, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. Tornando a foglio in esame, raffigura la colossale scultura realizzata dal Giambologna negli anni Ottanta del Cinquecento che personifica gli appennini. Bibliografia di riferimento: R. M. Mason, in Giuseppe Zocchi, Vedute di Firenze e della Toscana, Firenze 1981, p. 15 S. Bietoletti, in La pittura in Italia. L'Ottocento, II, Milano 1991, p. 847 C. Zappia, in Firenze e la sua immagine. Cinque secoli di vedutismo, Venezia 1994, p. 186 E. Bianchi, ibid., pp. 186, 188-191, 193; L. Chimirri, ibid., pp. 188, 193-195 Il disegno si deve verosimilmente riferire a Madame de Grimaldi e raffigura il castello di Vufflens sito nel comune di Vufflens-le-Château, Canton Vaud in Svizzera, la cui costruzione avvenne tra 1395 e 1420.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Florence from Boboli Garden, around 1820, Etching
      Mar. 11, 2023

      G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Florence from Boboli Garden, around 1820, Etching

      Est: €4,500 - €6,000

      Giuseppe Gherardi (1788 Florence - 1884 ibid.): View of Florence from the Boboli Garden, c. 1820, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Date: c. 1820 Description: Domes and towers, churches and palaces, within them a splendour that for centuries has conjured up the sparkle in the eyes of every art lover and pleasure-seeking traveller to Italy. Anyone travelling to Florence can already see in their mind's eye the many art treasures created in this centre of Italian art and collected by generations of patrons. Illustrious names such as Leon Battista Alberti, Giotto di Bondone, Filippo Brunelleschi and Michelangelo Buonarotti are just a few of those who have become immortalised in this city of brick and stone. The architects of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance made Florence a jewel of Tuscany that still shines today. The proof of this view of Florence shows the view of the city on the Arno from the elevated Boboli Gardens. All the buildings are drawn with architectural precision and their features are already clearly recognisable. The foreground of the depiction, on the other hand, the artist's actual observation post, is still entirely unfinished in the printing plate. Here, the garden with the large amphitheatre is sketched in careful pen strokes, inviting one to rest and linger, especially in summer. Giuseppe Gherardi lets us participate in his composition in his thoughts and shows us the different conception of the city and nature, which were even created here in separate steps in terms of craftsmanship. |bo Provenance: Sammlung Marchese Gerini Keywords: Italien, Florenz, Palazzo Pitti, Boboli-Garten, Medici-Kapelle, Baptisterium, Campanile des Giotto, Duomo, Orsanmichele, Palazzo Vecchio, Arno, Architektur, Vedute, 19th century, Romanticism, Cities, Italy,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Piazza Pitti, Florenz, 1835, Etching
      Mar. 11, 2023

      G. GHERARDI (1788-1884), Piazza Pitti, Florenz, 1835, Etching

      Est: €2,250 - €3,000

      Giuseppe Gherardi (1788 Florence - 1884 ibid.): Ansicht der Piazza Pitti in Florenz, 1835, Etching Technique: Etching on Paper Inscription: Middle right dated: "Segni per illuminazioni e Feste 1835.". Date: 1835 Description: Ever since Tuscany was proclaimed a Grand Duchy in 1569, the reigning Grand Dukes, descended from the influential Medici family and, from 1737, from the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, resided in Palazzo Pitti. 1835, the date recorded as a handwritten note in this proof, marks a special point in the late history of the Grand Duchy. June 1835 saw the birth of Ferdinand IV, the last Grand Duke of Tuscany, who was no longer able to hold office because of the successful national movement and the founding of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. The view of the Palazzo Pitti, which here shows the elongated façade on the relatively narrow square at an oblique angle, is enhanced by several details in pen. Along the balustrade as well as in the arches of some of the windows there are markings which, according to the inscription, concern "illuminazione e Feste" and can easily be interpreted as a ceremonial marking of Ferdinand's birth. Despite the volatile period of the Risorgimento, the birth of Ferdinand's first child with his second wife, whom his father Leopold II had married only in 1833, was a happy event, which was commemorated by a special design of the palace façade. |bo Keywords: Italy, Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Grand Duchy, Boboli Garden, Giardino di Boboli, Habsburg-Lorraine-Tuscany, 19th century, Biedermeier, Architecture, Italy,

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884
      Dec. 10, 2021

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884

      Est: £100 - £150

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884), Ponte Santa Trinita Florence with Duomo, signed l.l., pencil, 19 by 26cm, unframed and mounted

      Kinghams Auctioneers
    • Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884
      Dec. 10, 2021

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884

      Est: £100 - £150

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1788/90-1884), Ponte Santa Trinita Florence with Duomo, signed l.r., pencil, 19 by 26cm, unframed and mounted

      Kinghams Auctioneers
      Oct. 01, 2019


      Est: CHF300 - CHF400

      (1788 Florenz 1884), zugeschrieben Zwei Ansichten von Florenz. 1 weiss gehöhtes Aquarell in Bister und 1 Tuschfederzeichnung, 1823/24. Jeweils unten links bezeichnet und datiert. 16,3x23,5 cm und 15,8x23,5 cm. Beide Bll. gerahmt. RefFin5919

      Schuler Auktionen
      Sep. 16, 2019


      Est: CHF300 - CHF400

      (1788 Florenz 1884), zugeschrieben Zwei Ansichten von Florenz. 1 weiss gehöhtes Aquarell in Bister und 1 Tuschfederzeichnung, 1823/24. Jeweils unten links bezeichnet und datiert. 16,3x23,5 cm und 15,8x23,5 cm. Beide Bll. gerahmt. RefFin5919

      Schuler Auktionen
      Dec. 18, 2018


      Est: €600 - €800

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Florence 1790 - 1884) VIEW OF INSIDE OF SAN MINIATO AL MONTE WITH BELIEVERS Oil on panel, cm. 39 x 55 Signed and dated 1866, at the bottom toward left, on a marmoreal inlaid on wood Inscriptions on the backside FRAME Molded frame in giltwood, of the 19th century GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Firenze 1790 - 1884) VEDUTA DI INTERNO DI SAN MINIATO AL MONTE CON FEDELI Olio su tavola, cm. 39 x 55 Firmato e datato 1866, in basso verso sinistra, su una tarsia marmorea Iscrizioni al retro CORNICE Cornice modanata in legno dorato, del XIX secolo

      Casa d'Aste Babuino
    • GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 1788-1884)
      Mar. 10, 2018

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 1788-1884)

      Est: $300 - $500

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 1788-1884), ''View of Florence with the Cascine'', pencil, signed and titled at bottom, frame bears Thos. Agnew & Sons label. Minor creasing and waving. Sight 11-1/4''h, 17''w. (Fine Art)

      South Bay Auctions Inc
    • Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1790-1884) The Cascine Parco delle Cascine, Florence inscribed lower left "The Cascine at Florence" and...
      Nov. 26, 2015

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1790-1884) The Cascine Parco delle Cascine, Florence inscribed lower left "The Cascine at Florence" and...

      Est: £100 - £200

      Giuseppe Gherardi (Italian, 1790-1884) The Cascine Parco delle Cascine, Florence inscribed lower left "The Cascine at Florence" and lower right "Drawn from Nature by G Gherardi, 1836" pen and ink, with blind stamp lower left, unframed h:36 w:51 cm Provenance: Elsiabeth Luard, Brynmeheryn, Wales. Inscribed on the reverse - "Cimitero fori de Ponte a Pinti di Firenze - Giuseppe Gherardi fecit a vero"

      Mar. 20, 2013


      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI Firenze 1788 - 1884 VEDUTA DELLA LOGGIA DEI LANZI A FIRENZE Olio su tavoletta, cm. 39,3 x 54,5 Firmato in basso a destra Firmato e titolato al retro CORNICE Cornice a guantiera in legno dorato, con bordi a baccelli, palmette e perlatura, del XIX secolo

      Casa d'Aste Babuino
    • GHERARDI, GIUSEPPE (1788 Florenz 1856). Blick auf
      Mar. 30, 2012

      GHERARDI, GIUSEPPE (1788 Florenz 1856). Blick auf

      Est: CHF300 - CHF400

      GHERARDI, GIUSEPPE (1788 Florenz 1856). Blick auf Florenz, 1824. Umrissradierung, braun laviert, weiss gehöht. 17,4 x 23,8 cm. Unterhalb der Darstellung links mit brauner Feder signiert, datiert und bezeichnet: Giuseppe Gherardi, fev. 1824. Gerahmt;

      Koller Auctions
    • G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853)
      Oct. 29, 2010

      G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853) Ponte de Pelagho a Valonbrosa, Toscana signed, inscribed and dated 'Toscana/Ponte de Pelagho/a Valonbrosa/G. Gherardi 1853' (on the reverse) oil on canvas 24½ x 37¼ in. (62.3 x 92.4 cm.)

    • Gherardi (Giuseppe 1788-1884). The Pitti Palce
      Jul. 14, 2010

      Gherardi (Giuseppe 1788-1884). The Pitti Palce

      Est: £150 - £200

      Gherardi (Giuseppe 1788-1884). The Pitti Palce from the Boboli Gardens, pen and wash drawing, signed in lower left corner, surface a little spotted, some staining largely confined to margins, 23 x 33cm (9 x 13ins), mounted and framed (1)

      Dominic Winter Auctions
    • Giuseppe Gherardi (1788-1884) Travellers in a
      Jul. 14, 2010

      Giuseppe Gherardi (1788-1884) Travellers in a

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      Giuseppe Gherardi (1788-1884) Travellers in a panoramic landscape near the coast Oil on canvas Signed and dated 1850 lower left 53 x 77 cm (20 7/8 x 30 1/4 in)

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Giuseppe GHERARDI (1788/90 - 1884) Paysage. Lavis d'encre. Signé en bas à droite. 22,5 x 34,5 cm.
      Jun. 19, 2010

      Giuseppe GHERARDI (1788/90 - 1884) Paysage. Lavis d'encre. Signé en bas à droite. 22,5 x 34,5 cm.

      Est: €500 - €600

      Giuseppe GHERARDI (1788/90 - 1884) Paysage. Lavis d'encre. Signé en bas à droite. 22,5 x 34,5 cm.

      Leclere - Maison de ventes
    • G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853)
      May. 11, 2010

      G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      G. Gherardi (Italian, c.1853) Ponte de Pelagho a Valonbrosa, Toscana signed, inscribed and dated 'Toscana/Ponte de Pelagho/a Valonbrosa/G. Gherardi 1853' (on the reverse) oil on canvas 24½ x 37¼ in. (62.3 x 92.4 cm.)

    • GIUSEPPE GHERARDI, (Italian, 1788-1884), TOSCANA PONTE DI PELAGHO, oil on canvas;
      Dec. 07, 2009

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI, (Italian, 1788-1884), TOSCANA PONTE DI PELAGHO, oil on canvas;

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 1788-1884) TOSCANA PONTE DI PELAGHO oil on canvas; signed and dated G. Gherardi 1853, on verso; inscribed Toscana Ponte di Pelagho a Valonbrussa, on verso; 24 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches; framed: 29 1/2 x 45 inches

      Grogan & Company
    • Giuseppe GHERARDI (Actif à Florence vers 1850)Vue
      Oct. 31, 2009

      Giuseppe GHERARDI (Actif à Florence vers 1850)Vue

      Est: €500 - €700

      Giuseppe GHERARDI (Actif à Florence vers 1850)Vue des Loges dei Lanzi à Florence.Aquarelle.23,2 x 34 cm.

      Leclere - Maison de ventes
    • Giuseppe Gherardi , active Florence circa 1850 Florence, Piazza della Signoria oil on original canvas, damaged on the right
      Jan. 29, 2009

      Giuseppe Gherardi , active Florence circa 1850 Florence, Piazza della Signoria oil on original canvas, damaged on the right

      Est: $30,000 - $40,000

      signed and dated lower right: G Gherardi/ 1865 signed and located on reverse: Firenzze/ Piazza della Signoria/ Giuseppe Gherardi/ Via dei Bardi N 26/ Firenze bears two artist's labels on the stretcher oil on original canvas, damaged on the right

    • GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 19th century) FLORENTINE LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES signed and dated G. Gherardi 1851, l.l.; oil on canvas; 20 x 30 inches;
      Dec. 04, 2005

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 19th century) FLORENTINE LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES signed and dated G. Gherardi 1851, l.l.; oil on canvas; 20 x 30 inches;

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (Italian, 19th century) FLORENTINE LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES signed and dated G. Gherardi 1851, l.l.; oil on canvas; 20 x 30 inches; Bears artist label on verso stretcher

      Grogan & Company
    • GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (active Florence, mid-19th century)
      Jan. 25, 2002

      GIUSEPPE GHERARDI (active Florence, mid-19th century)

      Est: $15,000 - $20,000

      The Duomo, Florence signed 'Gi Gherardi' (lower left) oil on canvas 16 x 211/2 in. (40.7 x 54.5 cm.) NOTES Of the various views of Italy painted by the artist, a number of vedute of Florence are known. These include a A landscape with a view of Florence (Sotheby's, London, 16 November 1994, lot 173) and La Piazza della Signoria, Florence (sold, Sotheby's, London, 20 November 1996, lot 48, œ14,375 = $24,062).

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