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Benozzo Gozzoli Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1420 - d. 1497

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    • Florentiner Freskant des 15. Jh., möglicherweise Benozzo Gozzoli, um 1420 -1497
      Mar. 21, 2024

      Florentiner Freskant des 15. Jh., möglicherweise Benozzo Gozzoli, um 1420 -1497

      Est: €15,000 - €25,000

      BILDNIS EINES JUNGEN MANNES: ANDREA VECCHIETTI POLTRI Enkaustik auf Putzgrund, auf Tonplatte. 53 x 38,5 cm. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Mina Gregori, Florenz, in Kopie. Im Halbbildnis nach links, vor anthrazit-schwarzem Hintergrund. Der Mode der Zeit entsprechend mit Kappe über gewelltem Haar und ärmellosem Wams in Rot, mit Senkrechtfalten, die Hemdärmel ockerfarbig. Die Gesichtszüge fein konturiert. Wohl aus einer Wanddekoration eines florentinischen Palazzo, in selten noch erhaltener Enkaustik-Malerei (heißer Auftrag auf Putz in Wachsfarben). Von der Wand abgenommen, auf Ziegelton-Platte übertragen und gerahmt. Der Zeitpunkt der Übertragung nicht bekannt. Laut Gutachten hat der bekannte frühe Experte der Renaissancemalerei Italiens, Bernhard Berenson, hierzu auf den Namen Benozzo Gozzoli hingewiesen. Technische Untersuchung durch das Studio Adamantino, Turin. Provenienz: Sammlung Graf Andrea Vecchietti-Poltri, Bibbiena (Inv. Nr. 54, als „Schule des Masaccio“). Italienische Privatsammlung. Anmerkung: Verso (unter der Rahmenabdeckung, laut Gutachten) Bezeichnung des Dargestellten: „Andrea Vecchietti Poltri“. Eine Familie dieses Namens ist in Florenz für diesen Zeitraum nachgewiesen. Literatur: Vgl. Anna Padoa Rizzi, Benozzo Gozzoli. Un pittore insigne, „pratico di grandissima invenzione“. Mailand 2003.Vgl. Alexander Rauch, Renaissance, Kunst und Architektur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts in Europa, 2011.     Florentine fresco painter, 15th century, possibly Benozzo Gozzoli, 1420 Florence - 1497 Pistoia PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN - ANDREA VECCHIETTI POLTRI Encaustic on gesso, laid on ceramic plate. 53 x 38.5 cm. Accompanied by an expert‘s report by Mina Gregori, Florence, in copy.  

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • BENOZZO GOZZOLI um 1420 Florenz - 1497 Pistoia (Nachfolger) Prozession der
      Mar. 19, 2016

      BENOZZO GOZZOLI um 1420 Florenz - 1497 Pistoia (Nachfolger) Prozession der

      Est: -

      BENOZZO GOZZOLI um 1420 Florenz - 1497 Pistoia (Nachfolger) Prozession der Heiligen drei Könige Öl auf Kreidegrund auf Holzplatte. 91 cm x 139 cm. Part. leicht besch., Spannungsrisse. Aufwendiger Rahmen im Renaissance-Stil. Das Gemälde zeigt einen leicht veränderten Ausschnitt des berühmten Freskos in der 'Cappella dei Magi' im Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florenz.

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    • ARTIST UNKNOWN, IN THE STYLE OF BENOZZO GOZZOLI (CIRCA 1421-1497), 20TH CENTURY Crusades Scene acrylic on canvas 200 x 300cm
      Mar. 22, 2015

      ARTIST UNKNOWN, IN THE STYLE OF BENOZZO GOZZOLI (CIRCA 1421-1497), 20TH CENTURY Crusades Scene acrylic on canvas 200 x 300cm

      Est: $5,000 - $8,000

      ARTIST UNKNOWN, IN THE STYLE OF BENOZZO GOZZOLI (CIRCA 1421-1497), 20TH CENTURY Crusades Scene acrylic on canvas 200 x 300cm

      Leonard Joel
    • The Virgin and Child enthroned,The Death of Simon Magnus
      Oct. 21, 2014

      The Virgin and Child enthroned,The Death of Simon Magnus

      Est: £60 - £100

      Set of two lithographic prints comprising:</br>lithographic print of drawing by Fra Bartolommeo entitled The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints and Angels , originally drawn c.1508 </br>Pen and brown ink on paper rubbed with red chalk. The composition is clearly influenced by Giovanni Bellini probably drawn (c.1508) while Fra Bartolommeo was in Venice.</br>Print size inches: 6.5 x 8.1 together with lithographic print of painting by Benozzo Gozzoli entitled The Fall of Simon Magus, originally painted c.1462</br>Purchased by Prince Albert - Queen Victoria's husband from Mr. Warner Otterly in July 1946 for £25.The legend goes that Simon, a sorcerer, intending to prove his divine powers and ascend to Heaven, threw himself from a tower in front of Emperor Nero. St Peter then ordered the demons supporting him to let him fall and we witness his dead body lying prone in the centre of the foreground. Once attached as part of the predella painted for the Compagnia di San Marco, affiliated to San Marco in Florence, Gozzoli was contracted to paint this oil on poplar panel on October 23rd 1461 when his reputation was at its height. The altarpiece itself was dismembered in 1802 and its various parts dispersed.</br>Print size inches: 8.7 x 6.2

      William George & Co
    • The Death of Ananias,The Death of Simon Magus
      Oct. 21, 2014

      The Death of Ananias,The Death of Simon Magus

      Est: £60 - £100

      Set of two lithographic prints comprising:</br>lithographic print of painting by Raphael entitled The Death of Ananias (Detail), originally painted c.1516</br>A section of his large Cartoons which were thought lost and later rediscovered at Genoa in 1623, Charles I instructed Sir Francis Crane, manager of the tapestry factory at Mortlake, London to purchase the Cartoons for £300.The original Cartoons are painted on paper in sized colours; the under-drawing is in charcoal and much of it is still visible. Seven of the Cartoons survive from the series of ten commissioned by Pope Leo X to serve as designs for tapestries which were to be woven in Flanders and hung in the Sistine Chapel. The tapestries illustrate the lives of St. Peter and St. Paul.</br>Print size inches: 8.9 x 6 together with lithographic print of painting by Benozzo Gozzoli entitled The Fall of Simon Magus, originally painted c.1462</br>Purchased by Prince Albert - Queen Victoria's husband from Mr. Warner Otterly in July 1946 for £25.The legend goes that Simon, a sorcerer, intending to prove his divine powers and ascend to Heaven, threw himself from a tower in front of Emperor Nero. St Peter then ordered the demons supporting him to let him fall and we witness his dead body lying prone in the centre of the foreground. Once attached as part of the predella painted for the Compagnia di San Marco, affiliated to San Marco in Florence, Gozzoli was contracted to paint this oil on poplar panel on October 23rd 1461 when his reputation was at its height. The altarpiece itself was dismembered in 1802 and its various parts dispersed.</br>Print size inches: 8.7 x 6.2

      William George & Co
    • Benozzo Gozzoli Lithographic Print
      Oct. 21, 2014

      Benozzo Gozzoli Lithographic Print

      Est: £30 - £50

      Lithographic print of painting by Benozzo Gozzoli entitled The Fall of Simon Magus, originally painted c.1462</br>Purchased by Prince Albert - Queen Victoria's husband from Mr. Warner Otterly in July 1946 for £25.The legend goes that Simon, a sorcerer, intending to prove his divine powers and ascend to Heaven, threw himself from a tower in front of Emperor Nero. St Peter then ordered the demons supporting him to let him fall and we witness his dead body lying prone in the centre of the foreground. Once attached as part of the predella painted for the Compagnia di San Marco, affiliated to San Marco in Florence, Gozzoli was contracted to paint this oil on poplar panel on October 23rd 1461 when his reputation was at its height. The altarpiece itself was dismembered in 1802 and its various parts dispersed.</br>Print size inches: 8.7 x 6.2

      William George & Co
    • Attributed to Benozzo Gozzoli , Florence circa 1420/22 - 1497 Pistoia Salvatore Mundi tempera on panel, in an engaged frame
      Jul. 08, 2009

      Attributed to Benozzo Gozzoli , Florence circa 1420/22 - 1497 Pistoia Salvatore Mundi tempera on panel, in an engaged frame

      Est: £20,000 - £30,000

      tempera on panel, in an engaged frame

    • Atelier de Benozzo GOZZOLI (Florence c.1420 -
      Jun. 11, 2008

      Atelier de Benozzo GOZZOLI (Florence c.1420 -

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Atelier de Benozzo GOZZOLI (Florence c.1420 - 1497) Feuille d'étude : un tireur d'épine, un torse d'homme d'après l'antique de dos et de trois-quarts, deux hommes nus marchant (coupés), deux bras (coupés) Plume et encre brune, accent aux pinceaux, rehauts de gouache blanche, traces de sanguine et lavis rosé sur papier préparé ocre-rouge 17 x 14 cm Inscriptions postérieures au crayon noir « 9 » et « P4-6 » Pliures, épidermures, un petit trou au centre à gauche, doublé et feuille coupé sur les bords On peut rapprocher cette feuille d'un recueil de dessins sur papier préparé violet de l'ancienne collection Fritz Koenigs (voir Popham, « A book of drawings of the school of Benozzo Gezzoli » in Old Master Drawings IV, 1929-30, pp.53-58), maintenant démantelé. Plusieurs feuilles sont maintenant conservées au musée de Rotterdam, à Berlin, Londres, Stockholm, Paris et Venise (voir G Luijten et A.W.F.M. Meij, « from Pisanello to Cezanne : Master Drawings from the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen », ed musée Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1990, pp. 149-152). A la Renaissance, il était usuel que les élèves copient les dessins du maître dans l'atelier. Ces portefeuilles d'atelier regroupaient un grand nombre d'études d'après nature ou d'après les maîtres, ainsi que d'après l'antiquité. Notre dessin réunit des études d'après l'antique pour les trois motifs entiers, les deux hommes nus coupés pouvant être dessinés d'après nature ou d'après un maître. La technique rappelle également l'atelier de Jacopo Ripando (voir H.T. Schulze Altcappenberg, « Die italienischen Zeichnungen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts in Berliner Kupferstichkabinett », ed G.H. Verley, 1995, n°140, pp. 256-259) Proche de Fra Angelico, Gozzoli collabora auparavant avec les Ghiberti sur la seconde des fameuses Portes du Paradis en bronze du Baptistère de Florence (1444-1447). Il est ensuite engagé par Fra Angelico pour travailler sur un cycle de fresques à Saint-Pierre de Rome (détruit) et à Orvietto. Il travaille surtout en Ombrie et à Florence, où il est soutenu par Lorenzo de Medici. Gozzoli se fixe à Pise de 1468 à 1495 ; il est expulsé de la ville lors de la révolte contre Florence, comme tous les citoyens d'origine florentine. Notre artiste itinérant finit ses jours à Pistoia en 1497.

      Millon & Associes
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