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El Greco Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, Flower painter, b. 1541 - d. 1614

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            • ORIGINAL EL GRECO (1541-1614) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 31IN x 37IN (79cm x 94cm)
              Jan. 14, 2025

              ORIGINAL EL GRECO (1541-1614) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 31IN x 37IN (79cm x 94cm)

              Est: $1,250 - $1,500

              Original El Greco (1541-1614) poster for an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC in 1982. The underlying piece used for the poster is titled Saint Martin and the Beggar, after the original which was painted in 1597, and is now on display in The National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. With frame, it measures 31 inches x 37 inches. It is matted and framed under acrylic in an ornate golden frame. It was produced in 1982, by the exhibition organized by The Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, and made possible by a generous grant from the American Express Foundation. Additional support was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Arts, Federal Agencies. Federal indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. This piece was acquired from a Metro Washington DC estate.

              The Rug Life Auctions
            • ORIGINAL EL GRECO (1541-1614) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 31IN x 37IN (79cm x 94cm)
              Dec. 23, 2024

              ORIGINAL EL GRECO (1541-1614) NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART EXHIBITION POSTER, 31IN x 37IN (79cm x 94cm)

              Est: $1,250 - $1,500

              Original El Greco (1541-1614) poster for an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC in 1982. The underlying piece used for the poster is titled Saint Martin and the Beggar, after the original which was painted in 1597, and is now on display in The National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. With frame, it measures 31 inches x 37 inches. It is matted and framed under acrylic in an ornate golden frame. It was produced in 1982, by the exhibition organized by The Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, and made possible by a generous grant from the American Express Foundation. Additional support was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Arts, Federal Agencies. Federal indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. This piece was acquired from a Metro Washington DC estate.

              The Rug Life Auctions
            • Circle of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "St. Francis in ecstasy". Oil on canvas. It has slight restorations.
              Nov. 25, 2024

              Circle of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "St. Francis in ecstasy". Oil on canvas. It has slight restorations.

              Est: €12,000 - €14,000

              Circle of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "St. Francis in ecstasy". Oil on canvas. It has slight restorations. Measurements: 52 x 37 cm; 67 x 51 cm (frame). This work follows the models of the painting attributed to El Greco that is in the artistic collection of the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid (No. 02148). In the painting we observe several of the identifying aspects of El Greco's style, those that endowed his work with a totally personal character. At first glance, the treatment of color stands out above all, which seeks to reflect the intense green of other compositions by the Cretan. El Greco acquired his personal palette during his stay in Venice, between 1567 and 1570. From then on, he would acquire a lively and protagonist color, as well as a loose and agile brushstroke. It is an artificial color, totally anti-classical and mannerist, purely conceptual. His tones are intensely lightened by the light, especially emphasizing his metallic grays and very worked, changing, as we see here in the background and on the face of the character. El Greco's style was fully mannerist, and hence also the lengthening of the canon, which reaches twelve heads, and the twisting of the anatomies, very expressive, which can even border on deformity, although based on the knowledge of classical statuary. In this canvas we see a monumental St. Francis, on a nuanced background, whose balanced proportions indicate that it is a later work by an artist who, possibly, did not know the painter first hand, but that the prestige and influence that the Cretan caused in the Spanish painting of the eighteenth century invites him to follow his guidelines. At the same time, a slightly contorted posture is observed (an element that characterizes the master's paintings, which rejected the classical order and the rigorous formal correctness of the Renaissance, in favor of a more conceptual and expressive art based on complex forms). As for the subject matter, St. Francis was the son of a wealthy Italian merchant. Baptized as John, he was soon known as "Francesco" (the little Frenchman), because his mother came from that country. His youth was joyful and carefree until the age of twenty-five, when he changed completely and began to dedicate himself to the service of God, practicing the Gospel ideal: purity, detachment and joy in peace. Francesco renounces to the great inheritance received from his parents and decides to live poorly, giving an example of authentic Christianity. It presents slight restorations.

              Setdart Auction House
            • El Greco - The Nobleman with His Hand on His Chest - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"
              Nov. 12, 2024

              El Greco - The Nobleman with His Hand on His Chest - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"

              Est: $60 - $90

              "The Nobleman with His Hand on His Chest" by El Greco, 1953 Unsigned Lithograph. Paper size is 27.75 x 18.25 inches, with an image size of 21 x 16.75 inches. The Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated B: Very Good Condition, with signs of handling or age. Additional details: This original lithograph poster was created for an El Greco exhibition held in Bordeaux in 1953 and masterfully reproduced by the artisans at Mourlot Atelier. The poster features The Nobleman with His Hand on His Chest, one of El Greco’s most celebrated portraits, capturing a noble figure dressed in black with a lace collar. This recreation meticulously replicates the intensity of the black tones as if taken directly from El Greco’s palette, adding depth to the mysterious subject, often speculated to be Juan de Silva y Ribera, Marquess of Montemayor. The Mourlot Atelier’s craftsmanship and attention to detail make this poster a striking tribute to El Greco’s expressive style and historical impact.

              DUMBO Auctions
              Sep. 26, 2024


              Est: €15,000 - €25,000

              DIE EXTASE DES HEILIGEN FRANZISKUS VON ASSISI Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 37 x 28 cm. Vor abgedunkeltem Fond die nach links gewandte Halbfigur des Heiligen Franziskus von Assisi in Ekstase mit neben ihm liegendem Totenschädel in flottem Pinselduktus und manieristisch gelängten Gliedern, verzerrtem Gesicht und leuchtenden Augen. Von el Greco sind einige Gemälde nachgewiesen, welche den Heiligen Franziskus darstellt. In seinem Werkverzeichnis zeigt José Camón Aznar ausgiebig die verschiedenen Darstellungen des Heiligen Franziskus von Assisi. Teilweise wird dieser mit Bruder Leon dargestellt, teilweise, wie bei unserem Gemälde, ohne ihn. Mehrere vergleichbare Werke, von denen Fotografien zum Vergleich vorliegen, werden von Aznar angeführt. So befand sich eines in der Sammlung Goudstikker, Amsterdam (Werkverzeichnis Abb. 448), eines befindet sich im Museo del Greco, Toledo (Werkverzeichnis Abb. 449). Weitere Werke dieser Komposition erwähnt Aznar Im Colegio de Doncellas Nobles, Toledo; im Museum in Ottawa; in der Sammlung Payá; im Colegio del Patriarca, Valencia; eine Version aus der Sammlung Máximo Pena im Kunsthandel Rosado; im Instituto de Ensenanza Media de Logrono; bei Alejandro Pidal in Madrid; in der Sammlung Heredia Espinola; ein Gemälde das sich in der Iglesia de Vargas in Toledo befand; eine Version in der Sammlung L. Albert Hahn in der Schweiz; eine Version der Sammlung Valdés in Bilbao; in der Fundacion Barnes in Merion; in der Sammlung Quer in Barcelona; in der Sammlung M. A. Goldstein in Saint Louis, USA; eine Version in einer Privatsammlung in Granada; in der Sammlung Angel Rosillo in Madrid und in der Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore (Inv. Nr. 37.424). Ein weiteres Gemälde mit dem gleichen Motiv ist im Musée des beaux-arts de Pau in Frankreich zu finden. Ob das hier vorliegende Gemälde mit einem der oben in Privatsammlungen befindlichen Werke identisch ist, lässt sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht eindeutig feststellen. Verso auf dem Rahmen mit Resten von Vermerken oder Nummerierungen unterschiedlicher Epochen. In historischem spanischem Rahmen. Provenienz: Süddeutscher Kunstbesitz. Norditalienische Privatsammlung. Literatur: Vgl. José Camón Aznar, Domenico Greco, Madrid 1970, S. 557ff. (1410076) (13) Domenikos Theotokopoulos, also known as “El Greco“, 1541 Candia, Crete – 1614 Toledo, workshop/ son of THE ECSTASY OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI Oil on canvas. Relined. 37 x 28 cm. Remains of notes or numbering from varying ages on the back of the frame. Provenance: Art collection, South Germany. Private collection, Northern Italy. Literature: cf. José Camón Aznar, Domenico Greco, Madrid 1970, p. 557ff.

              Hampel Fine Art Auctions
              Sep. 14, 2024


              Est: €3,000 - €6,000

              WORKSHOP OF EL GRECO AROUND 1600 ('Actually Domínikos Theotokópoulos') Around 1541 Candia on Crete - April 7, 1614 Todedo THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN Oil on canvas. 100.5 x 95 cm. Min. old rest., part. slight old retouching, slightly soiled surface. The theme of the Coronation of the Virgin was taken up several times by El Greco and realised in many large altarpiece compositions. Greco kept small studies of the theme in his own hand, or created by the workshop with his help, of almost all of his large compositions in the studio. They served the studio staff as samples for repeat commissions and were intended to make it easier for clients to make their choice. They were made as preparatory works before the large, personal compositions left the studio (cf. Halldor Söhner: Greco in Spanien, in: Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, Dritte Folge Vol. IX/X 1958/59, p. 147). Literature: M. Legendre and A. Hartmann: Domenico Theotocopuli genannt El Greco. Paris page 242 full-page illustration, page 499, Carrearas Collection. Aznar, José Camón: Domenico, Madrid, 1950, page 1371, number 259 (La Coronación de la Virgen / 'Coronation of the Virgin. Collection Carreas Barcelona. Circa 1600 ?, inventory II, 17 ...). Also listed in the El Greco estate inventory number II. Ipser, Karl: El Greco der Maler des christlichen Weltbildes, page 362, there: Collection Carreras: Krönung der Jungfrau, c. 1600. El Greco in Spain, Munich Yearbook 1958, page 236 number 356, Carreras Collection. Provenance: Rhenish private collection. EL GRECO (WERKSTATT UM 1600) ('Eigentlich Domínikos Theotokópoulos') Um 1541 Candia auf Kreta - 7. April 1614 Todedo DIE MARIENKRÖNUNG Öl auf Leinwand (altdoubl.). 100,5 x 95 cm. Min. altrest., part. leichte Altretuschen, leicht verschmutzte Oberfläche. Das Thema der Marienkrönung wurde von El Greco mehrfach aufgegriffen und in vielen großen Altarkompositionen umgesetzt. Eigenhändige oder von der Werkstatt mit seiner Hilfe erstellte kleine Studien des Themas, bewahrte Greco von fast allen seiner großen Kompositionen im Atelier auf. Sie dienten den Ateliermitarbeitern als Muster bei Wiederholungsaufträgen und sollten den Kunden die Auswahl erleichtern. Sie wurden als Vorarbeiten angefertigt, bevor die großen, eigenhändigen Kompositionen das Atelier verließen (vgl. Halldor Söhner: Greco in Spanien, in: Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, Dritte Folge Band IX/X 1958/59, S. 147). Literatur: M. Legendre und A. Hartmann: Domenico Theotocopuli genannt El Greco. Paris Seite 242 ganzseitige Abbildung, Seite 499, Sammlung Carrearas. Aznar, José Camón: Domenico, Madrid, 1950, Seite 1371, Nummer 259 (La Coronación de la Virgen / 'Krönung der Jungfrau. Sammlung Carreas Barcelona. Um 1600 ?, Inventar II, 17 ...). Ebenso aufgeführt im El Greco Nachlass-Inventar Nummer II. Ipser, Karl: El Greco der Maler des christlichen Weltbildes, Seite 362. Dort: Collection Carreras: Krönung der Jungfrau, um 1600. El Greco in Spanien, Münchener Jahrbuch 1958, Seite 236 Nummer 356, Sammlung Carreras. Provenienz: Rheinische Privatsammlung.

              Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
            • El Greco
              Aug. 01, 2024

              El Greco

              Est: $10 - $1,000

              By: Leo Bronstein - Published By: Harry N. Abrams, Inc - Copyright: 1950 - Hardcover With Dust Jacket - Shows Damage To Dust Jacket Dimensions: 13" X 10" See Photos

              Berner's Auction Gallery
            • The Prayer in the Garden, El Greco circle (Candía, 1541 - Toledo, 1614), Italo-Cretan school, 16th - 17th century
              Jul. 18, 2024

              The Prayer in the Garden, El Greco circle (Candía, 1541 - Toledo, 1614), Italo-Cretan school, 16th - 17th century

              Est: €30,000 - €40,000

              Possibly a preparatory study for a larger work, a comparative technical report of the work available where stylistic analogies with El Greco's Italian work are presented, made during his stay in that country before arriving in Spain. Canvas measurements: 38 x 30 cm. Provenance: private collection, Spain.

              Templum Fine Art Auctions
            • Modigliani & El Greco Lithograph Prints
              Jul. 06, 2024

              Modigliani & El Greco Lithograph Prints

              Est: -

              Modigliani 1953 & El Greco 1541-1614 Lithograph Prints 11x14

              California Auction Company LLC
            • School of ‘EL GRECO’; DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS (Candia, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). ‘Saint Andrew. Oil on canvas. It has perforation.
              May. 29, 2024

              School of ‘EL GRECO’; DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS (Candia, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). ‘Saint Andrew. Oil on canvas. It has perforation.

              Est: €1,500 - €2,000

              School of ‘EL GRECO’; DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS (Candia, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). ‘Saint Andrew. Oil on canvas. It has perforation. Measurements: 61,5 x 48 cm. This devotional image of Saint Andrew depicts the saint with the attribute of his martyrdom, the cross on which he was tied by order of the proconsul Aegeas. The tenebrousness of the work, the predominance of shimmering blue and ochre tones, as well as the excessive anatomical elongation of the figure, are features that remind us of the painting of El Greco. Andrew was the first apostle called by Jesus, which is why the Greeks called him Protokletos, ‘the first called’. Brother of Simon Peter and, like him, a fisherman from Galilee, his name is Greek and not Hebrew, and means virile. He is mentioned twice in the Gospels: in connection with the vocations of the first two apostles, and in the episode of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. His legend comes from the Apocryphal Acts, according to which he was appointed, after the death of Jesus, to evangelise Scythia, i.e. modern-day Russia. While preaching there, an angel appeared to him and said ‘Go to Matthew’; he was then miraculously guided to Ethiopia, where St Matthew had been blinded and imprisoned. The prison doors opened before Andrew, and he began to pray in front of Matthew, after which the prisoner regained his sight. Having accomplished his mission, he went to Greece and then to Asia Minor, where he is said to have performed a series of miracles. He finally met his death in Patras, in the Peloponnese, where the proconsul Aegeas had him flogged with rods for preaching disobedience to the emperor, and then ordered him to be tied with ropes to a cross in the shape of an ‘X’, where he died on the third day. The most popular attribute of Saint Andrew is precisely this cross, although until the 15th century he is most often depicted crucified on a normal cross. Sometimes a net full of fish is used as a second attribute, since he was adopted as the patron saint of freshwater fishermen, fishmongers and rope-makers who provided the fishermen with rope for their nets. In time he also became the patron saint of Greece and Russia.

              Setdart Auction House
            • EL GRECO (Seguace veneto del XVII secolo), Olio su tela
              May. 11, 2024

              EL GRECO (Seguace veneto del XVII secolo), Olio su tela

              Est: €6,000 - €8,000

              EL GRECO (Seguace veneto del XVII secolo) (Candia 1541 - Toledo 1614) Resurrezione di Cristo Olio su tela Provenienza: Nobile famiglia siciliana. cm 51 x 76.

              Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
            • El Greco By Salvador Dali Original Etching, Signed In The Plate By Artist
              Apr. 23, 2024

              El Greco By Salvador Dali Original Etching, Signed In The Plate By Artist

              Est: -

              Pickup on Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm All items are sold as-is. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. The pickup address will be released on your invoice. Invoices are sent after the entire auction has ended. Be sure to bring boxes and packing material to pickup. If you purchase a large item, be sure to bring moving help. Large items cannot be shipped. Items not picked up by the pickup deadline, NOT requiring shipping will be forfeited and you will still be charged. Items cannot be held after the pickup date. Items not paid for will be automatically charged to the card on file.

              Aether Auctions
            • El Greco
              Apr. 11, 2024

              El Greco

              Est: $10 - $1,000

              By: Paul Guinard - Published By: Skira Inc Publishers - Hardcover W/ Dust Jacket - Shows Wear To Dust Jacket - Shows Damage To Pages Dimensions: 7 1/4" X 6 5/8"

              Berner's Auction Gallery
              Apr. 04, 2024


              Est: €1,000 - €2,000

              Compianto Olio su tavola, cm 47,5X65,5 Già riferita alla primissima attività veneziana di Domínikos Theotokópoulos detto El Greco (Candia, 1541 ; Toledo, 1614), secondo un dibattito critico sugli studi dell'arte veneto-cretese avvenuti durante i decenni che precedono la Seconda guerra mondiale, in particolar modo da Rodolfo Pallucchini, la tavola è da ricondurre a un artista cinquecentesco e attivo lungo la direttrice adriatica. La vecchia attribuzione, come detto, avrà avuto origine negli anni Cinquanta quando l'etichetta di 'madonnero' per questo specifico genere fu promossa dallo stesso Pallucchini, il quale, argomentando la giovinezza del Tintoretto, affermò che: 'a Venezia, oggi non c'è più dubbio, per alcuni anni il Greco lavorò come Madonnero' (Cfr. R. Pallucchini, la giovinezza del Tintoretto, Milano 1950, p. 58). Da queste date si creò quindi un equivoco attributivo sulla produzione precoce dell'artista. Il Pallucchini però non fu l'unico, molti altri studiosi riferirono opere a 'El greco madonnero' e tra questi, per citare i più noti, ricordiamo Giuseppe Fiocco, Sergio Bettini, Roberto Longhi e Antonio Morassi (Cfr. Panayotis K. Ioannou, El Greco tra i 'madonneri': la critica, le ideologie, il mercato. Nuove luci sul recupero del Trittico di Modena 1937, in Studi di storia dell'arte, XXVII, 2017, pp. 151-174, note 68-76). Fu solo negli anni Sessanta, grazie agli interventi di Arslan (Cfr. E. Arslan, cronistoria del Greco 'madonnero', in Commentari, XV, 1964, 3-4, pp. 213-231) che il fenomeno trovò una naturale ridimensione, anche se sempre il Pallucchini cercava di centrare criticamente l'argomento indicando che: 'L'avventura straordinaria del Theotokópoulos a Venezia, a contatto della pittura veneziana, fu quella di un artigiano che, educato alla bottega degli iconografi cretesi, cioè ad un automatismo tecnico e tematico, riuscì, nel giro di pochi anni, mediante la incessante trascrizione delle stampe manieristiche, e la lettura del colore dei grandi maestri, ad apprendere una nuova lingua, a servirsene con maestria' (Cfr. Pallucchini, Il Greco e Venezia, in Venezia e l'oriente fra tardo Medioevo e rinascimento, 1966, p. 353). Tuttavia, gli sforzi interpretativi dello studioso furono mitigati dalla critica successiva che ricondusse queste opere al loro preciso contesto veneto-adriatico con influenze dell'arte rinascimentale centro italiana. Fu, infatti, la dominazione della Serenissima a generare il rinascimento cretese, a rendere proficuo l'incontro tra le due tradizioni artistiche. Fenomeno che generò anche una modifica degli assetti sociali dell'isola grazie ai commerci e la nascita di una borghesia mercantile sempre più aderente alla cultura lagunare e al contempo di una popolazione veneziana capace di assorbire e far coesistere queste illustri tradizioni. Questa nuova concezione pittorica trovò diffusione grazie ai maestri che viaggiavano lungo le rotte marittime, divulgando un gusto illustrativo affatto destinato a ripiegarsi su sè stesso. Le stampe, le icone e le preziose tele d'oriente e occidente furono alla base di straordinarie creazioni e al fenomeno di Domenikos Theotokopoulos, artista capace di rinnovare gli esempi di Tiziano, Jacopo Bassano, Andrea Schiavone e Polidoro da Lanciano immaginando delle vere e proprie rivoluzioni formali. Anche in questo caso, l'innovazione ha il suo fulcro nell'uso del colore, smaltato secondo il gusto bizantino ma tonale e cangiante secondo la lezione veneta, raggiungendo in certi casi livelli qualitativi assai alti. Questo giudizio si può` applicare alla tavola in esame, la cui valenza estetica è certamente distante da quella comunemente raggiunta dai madonnari e lo si percepisce osservando la raffinata stesura avvalorata dalla preziosità cromatica.

              Wannenes Art Auctions
            • Domenikos El Greco, 1541 Candia, Kreta – 1614 Toledo, Art des
              Mar. 21, 2024

              Domenikos El Greco, 1541 Candia, Kreta – 1614 Toledo, Art des

              Est: €3,000 - €5,000

              LESENDER PROPHET Öl auf Leinwand. 58,5 x 47 cm. Ungerahmt. Vor dunklem Hintergrund ein alter Mann mit langem weißen Bart, in seiner linken Hand mit überlangen zarten Fingern ein großes aufgeschlagenes Buch haltend, in dem er mit gesenktem Kopf aufmerksam liest. Malerei in der Art des bekannten Künstlers. (1381692) (3) (18)

              Hampel Fine Art Auctions
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Jan. 07, 2024

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS WORKSHOP "EL GRECO" "Saint Francis in ecstasy"
              Dec. 18, 2023

              DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS WORKSHOP "EL GRECO" "Saint Francis in ecstasy"

              Est: €82,500 - €110,000

              Oil on canvas Measurements: 106.5 x 81 cm

            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Dec. 17, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • Circle of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 – Toledo, 1614). ; XVII century. "Saint Andrew". Oil on canvas. Keep original canvas. It presents restorations on the pictorial surface.
              Dec. 13, 2023

              Circle of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 – Toledo, 1614). ; XVII century. "Saint Andrew". Oil on canvas. Keep original canvas. It presents restorations on the pictorial surface.

              Est: €2,500 - €3,000

              Circle of "THE GRECO"; DOMENIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS (Candia, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). ; 17th century. "Saint Andrew". Oil on canvas. The original canvas is preserved. It presents restorations on the pictorial surface. Measurements: 61,5 x 48,5 cm. This work follows the models of the painting of the apostle Saint Andrew created by "El Greco", which can currently be seen in the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias. El Greco worked on several works dedicated to the apostles, initially created for the predella of the main altarpiece of the Church of San Andrés, but he later produced several series of apostles that were not intended for altarpieces, in such a way that he popularised the aforementioned representations and contributed great originality by conceiving each apostle individually, monumentalised and with a great psychological captivation. In the present work we can appreciate several of the identifying aspects of El Greco's style, those that endowed his work with a totally personal character. At first sight, the treatment of colour stands out above all. El Greco acquired his personal palette during his stay in Venice between 1567 and 1570. From then on he would acquire a lively and prominent colour, as well as a loose and agile brushstroke. It is an artificial colour, totally anti-classical and mannerist, purely conceptual. His tones are intensely lightened by the light, especially his metallic greys, which are very elaborate and changeable, as we see here in the background and on the face of the figure. El Greco's style was fully Mannerist, hence the lengthening of the canon, which reaches twelve heads, and the twisting of the anatomies, which are very expressive and can even verge on deformity, albeit based on his knowledge of classical statuary.

              Setdart Auction House
            • Domenikos Theotokopoulos, auch genannt "El Greco", 1541 – 1614, zug.
              Dec. 07, 2023

              Domenikos Theotokopoulos, auch genannt "El Greco", 1541 – 1614, zug.

              Est: €50,000 - €70,000

              PORTRAIT EINES MANNES MIT HALSKRAUSE Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 69 x 57 cm. In mit Akanthusblattrelief verziertem und vergoldetem Rahmen. Beigegeben diverse Gutachten: Rodolfo Pallucchini, 1945. Prof. G. Fiocco, 1945. Prof. Fernando Ghedini, 1940. Prof. Ugo Nebbia, 1940. Luigi Coletta. Sowie technische Analyse zur Altersbestimmung aus dem Jahr 2022. Vor abgedunkeltem Fond das leicht nach rechts gerichtete Brustportrait eines Mannes fortgeschrittenen Alters mit einer weißen Halskrause, die ein kippendes Oval im Raum nachzeichnet. Der schwarze, in späterer Zeit überarbeitete Umhang wird dezent durch lichtspiegelnde Kanten akzentuiert. Rest. (1380491) (13) Domenikos Theotokopoulos, also known as "El Greco",  1541 Candia, Crete – 1614 Toledo, attributed PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH A RUFF Oil on canvas. Relined. 69 x 57 cm. Enclosed various expert’ reports: Rodolfo Pallucchini, 1945. Prof G. Fiocco, 1945. Prof Fernando Ghedini, 1940. Prof Ugo Nebbia, 1940. Luigi Coletta. As well as technical analysis from 2022. In front of a darkened background, the slightly right-facing bust portrait of a man in advanced age with a white ruff tracing a tilting oval in space. The black cloak, reworked at a later date, is discreetly accentuated by light-reflecting edges. Restored.

              Hampel Fine Art Auctions
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Nov. 26, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Nov. 12, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Oct. 29, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Oct. 15, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • El Greco - From Crete to Toledo Par Venise - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"
              Oct. 03, 2023

              El Greco - From Crete to Toledo Par Venise - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"

              Est: $60 - $90

              "From Crete to Toledo Par Venise" by El Greco, 1953 Unsigned Lithograph. Paper size is 27.75 x 18.25 inches, with an image size of 21 x 16.75 inches. The Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated B: Very Good Condition, with signs of handling or age. Additional details: Original lithograph exhibition poster created for El Greco in Bourdeaux in 1953.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • El Greco - "Head of Christ"
              Sep. 23, 2023

              El Greco - "Head of Christ"

              Est: $40 - $50

              El Greco - "Head of Christ", 23 x 29, good condition

              Bruce Teleky Inc.
            • After Domenikos THEOTOKOPOULOS: "El Greco" - Print
              Aug. 26, 2023

              After Domenikos THEOTOKOPOULOS: "El Greco" - Print

              Est: $20 - $30

              Domenikos Theotokopoulos (Greek/Spanish, 1541-1614). El Greco "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz." Digital print on paper after the original in the collection of the Church of Santo Tome, Toledo, Spain. [Frame: 18 x 13 3/4]. Creases and waving, marks to frame.

              Roland Auctions NY
            • Spanish school of the XIX century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. It presents lack of polychrome. Cracked in all the pictorial surface.
              Jul. 12, 2023

              Spanish school of the XIX century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. It presents lack of polychrome. Cracked in all the pictorial surface.

              Est: €1,200 - €1,500

              Spanish school of the 19th century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. Lacking polychromy. Craquelure on the whole pictorial surface. With glass. Measurements: 45 x 35 cm; 63 x 54 cm (frame). This painting is inscribed in the style of El Greco and is inspired by several of the canvases of apostles conserved today in the Prado Museum. We can see several of the identifying aspects of El Greco's style, those which gave his work a totally personal character. At first glance, the treatment of colour stands out above all, reflecting the intense tones of other compositions by the Cretan. El Greco acquired his personal palette during his stay in Venice between 1567 and 1570. From then on he acquired a lively, prominent colour and a loose, agile brushstroke. It is an artificial colour, totally anti-classical and mannerist, purely conceptual. His tones are intensely lightened by the light, especially his metallic greys, which are very elaborate and changeable, as we see here in the background and on the face of the figure. El Greco's style was fully Mannerist, hence the lengthening of the canon, which reaches twelve heads, and the twisting of the anatomies, which are very expressive and can even verge on deformity, albeit based on his knowledge of classical statuary.

              Setdart Auction House
            • EL GRECO Buste en terre cuite
              Jul. 07, 2023

              EL GRECO Buste en terre cuite

              Est: €200 - €300

              EL GRECO Buste en terre cuite Titré à la base 16,5 x 15 cm

              HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
              Jul. 07, 2023


              Est: £20,000 - £30,000

              CIRCLE OF DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 TOLEDO) The Annunciation oil on canvas, unframed 43 5/8 x 25 3/8 in. (110.9 x 64.5 cm.)

              Jul. 06, 2023


              Est: £6,000,000 - £8,000,000

              DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 TOLEDO) The Entombment of Christ oil on panel 11 x 7 5/8 in. (28 x 19.4 cm.)

            • El Greco (Candia auf Kreta, Toledo 1541-1614) , Kopie
              Jun. 22, 2023

              El Greco (Candia auf Kreta, Toledo 1541-1614) , Kopie

              Est: €350 - €420

              Bildnis eines Edelmannes mit der Hand auf der Brust 20. Jh. Nach dem Original von 1580 (heute im Museo Nacional del Prado). Lwd. 74×61 cm. R. (60268)

              Leo Spik
            • El Greco, The Burial Of The Count Of Orgaz Framed Print
              Jun. 15, 2023

              El Greco, The Burial Of The Count Of Orgaz Framed Print

              Est: -

              Pickup on Friday, Jun 16, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm All items are sold as-is. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. The pickup address will be released on your invoice. Invoices are sent after the entire auction has ended. Be sure to bring boxes and packing material to pickup. If you purchase a large item, be sure to bring moving help. Large items cannot be shipped. Items not picked up by the pickup deadline, NOT requiring shipping will be forfeited and you will still be charged. Items cannot be held after the pickup date. Items not paid for will be automatically charged to the card on file.

              Aether Auctions
            • Cristo Crucificado
              Jun. 15, 2023

              Cristo Crucificado

              Est: -


              Isbilya Subastas
            • Spanish school of the XIX century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. It presents lack of polychrome. Cracked in all the pictorial surface. With glass.
              May. 30, 2023

              Spanish school of the XIX century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. It presents lack of polychrome. Cracked in all the pictorial surface. With glass.

              Est: €1,200 - €1,500

              Spanish school of the 19th century. Following models of "EL GRECO"; DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS (Candía, Greece, 1541 - Toledo, 1614). "Apostle". Oil on canvas. Lacking polychromy. Craquelure on the whole pictorial surface. With glass. Measurements: 45 x 35 cm; 63 x 54 cm (frame). This painting is inscribed in the style of El Greco and is inspired by several of the canvases of apostles conserved today in the Prado Museum. We can see several of the identifying aspects of El Greco's style, those which gave his work a totally personal character. At first glance, the treatment of colour stands out above all, reflecting the intense tones of other compositions by the Cretan. El Greco acquired his personal palette during his stay in Venice between 1567 and 1570. From then on he acquired a lively, prominent colour and a loose, agile brushstroke. It is an artificial colour, totally anti-classical and mannerist, purely conceptual. His tones are intensely lightened by the light, especially his metallic greys, which are very elaborate and changeable, as we see here in the background and on the face of the figure. El Greco's style was fully Mannerist, hence the lengthening of the canon, which reaches twelve heads, and the twisting of the anatomies, which are very expressive and can even verge on deformity, albeit based on his knowledge of classical statuary.

              Setdart Auction House
            • Painting, Circle of El Greco
              Mar. 17, 2023

              Painting, Circle of El Greco

              Est: $20,000 - $40,000

              Circle of El Greco (Greek, 1541-1614), Untitled (Christ with the Cross on his Back and the Roman Soldiers), oil on canvas, possibly bears signature lower right, canvas (unframed): 41.25"h x 33.25"w. Note: Copy of handwritten letter from 1930 by El Greco expert, Manuel B. Cossio, stating (in Spanish), "The undersigned, I certify, that having seen the painting, or canvas, that represents this photograph, "Christ with the Cross on his Shoulders and Roman Soldiers," whose measurements are 106 x 84 cm, it is created as an original by Domenico Theotocopuli "El Greco". Madrid February 15, 1930, Manuel B. Cossio"

              Clars Auctions
            • El Greco Buste en terre cuite
              Mar. 16, 2023

              El Greco Buste en terre cuite

              Est: €80 - €100

              El Greco Buste en terre cuite Titré à la base 16,5 x 15 cm

              HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
            • "View of Toledo", Spain by El Greco
              Mar. 04, 2023

              "View of Toledo", Spain by El Greco

              Est: $100 - $300

              print on board framed NO glass Metropolitan Museum of Art El Greco 1541 - 1614 Only landscape by artist frame is 28 1/4" x 31 1/4"

              Heritage Antiques & Auction
            • Cristo Crucificado
              Feb. 22, 2023

              Cristo Crucificado

              Est: -


              Isbilya Subastas
            • STUDIO OF DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 The Tears of Saint Peter
              Jan. 25, 2023

              STUDIO OF DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 The Tears of Saint Peter

              Est: $300,000 - $500,000

              STUDIO OF DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 The Tears of Saint Peter oil on canvas 40 1/2 x 33 3/4 in. (102.8 x 86.2 cm.)

            • 17th C Veneto-Cretan School Religious Painting
              Dec. 17, 2022

              17th C Veneto-Cretan School Religious Painting

              Est: $100 - $15,000

              17th C Ecole Veneto-Cretoise Religious Oil on Wood Panel Painting, Circumcision of Christ. Signed Dominicos Theotocopuli (Spanish, 1541-1614), DT on arm at lower left. Panel measures 14 x 12 inches W, frame measures 19.75 x 18 inches W. Split to centre of panel.

              Kavanagh Auctions
            • El Greco - From Crete to Toledo Par Venise - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"
              Nov. 22, 2022

              El Greco - From Crete to Toledo Par Venise - 1953 Lithograph 27.75" x 18.25"

              Est: $625 - $775

              "From Crete to Toledo Par Venise" by El Greco, 1953 Unsigned Lithograph. Paper size is 27.75 x 18.25 inches, with an image size of 21 x 16.75 inches. The Lithograph is from an unknown edition size. and is not framed. The condition was rated B: Very Good Condition, with signs of handling or age. Additional details: Original lithograph exhibition poster created for El Greco in Bourdeaux in 1953.

              DUMBO Auctions
            • El Greco
              Oct. 14, 2022

              El Greco

              Est: €200 - €300

              El Greco Buste en terre cuite Titré à la base 16,5 x 15 cm

              HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
            • Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) Saint Francis of Assisi in meditation
              Jul. 06, 2022

              Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) Saint Francis of Assisi in meditation

              Est: £7,000 - £10,000

              Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) Saint Francis of Assisi in meditation oil on canvas 58.4 x 49.8cm (23 x 19 5/8in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

            • Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) The Madonna
              Jul. 06, 2022

              Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) The Madonna

              Est: £15,000 - £20,000

              Follower of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (Candia 1541-1614 Toledo) The Madonna oil on canvas, possibly a fragment 48.4 x 37.8cm (19 1/16 x 14 7/8in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

              Jun. 09, 2022


              Est: $3,000,000 - $5,000,000

              DOMÉNIKOS THEOTOKÓPOULOS, CALLED EL GRECO (CRETE 1541-1614 TOLEDO) Portrait of a young man, traditionally identified as Saint Aloysius (Luigi)... oil on canvas 29 1/8 x 22 1/2 in. (74 x 57 cm.)

            • El Greco manner, Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes
              May. 24, 2022

              El Greco manner, Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes

              Est: €1,500 - €2,500

              oil on cardboard, 68 × 46 cm

              A10 by Artmark
            • El Greco
              Apr. 29, 2022

              El Greco

              Est: €200 - €300

              El Greco Buste en terre cuite Titré à la base 16,5 x 15 cm

              HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
            Lots Per Page: