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Pierre (1515) Grégoire Sold at Auction Prices


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    • Demonologia - Gregoire, Pierre - Syntaxeon artis m…
      Nov. 25, 2021

      Demonologia - Gregoire, Pierre - Syntaxeon artis m…

      Est: €250 - €350

      Demonologia - Gregoire, Pierre - Syntaxeon artis mirabilis, alter tomus. In quo, omnium scientiarium & artium tradita est epitome, vnde facilus istius artis studiosus, de omnibus propositis, possit rationes & ornamenta rarissima proferre Lyons, Antonius Gryphius, 1581. In 16th. Woodcut griff on the title page, light browning, some small stains, missing the g1-8 booklet, coeval parchment binding, almost completely detached from the body of the book, handwritten title on the spine, paper piece on the spine, defects. Signature of belonging to the title page § & nbsp; Syntaxes artis mirabilis, in libros septem digestae & nbsp; Lyons, Antonius Gryphius, 1583. In 12 °. Brand on the title page, woodcut initials, text in Hebrew, Greek, Roman. Linked with Commentaria in Prolegomena Syntaxes Mirabilis Artis , same typographical data, light browning, rare small spots, coeval parchment binding, handwritten title on the spine, paper piece, partially detached from the body of the book.

    • Grégoire, Pierre
      Dec. 16, 2014

      Grégoire, Pierre

      Est: -

      Grégoire, Pierre. Syntaxes artis mirabilis, in libros XL. digesta. Colonia, Lazarus Zetzner, 1600. In 8° (176 x 102 mm); 2 tomi in 1 volume; [16], 97, [1]; 154, [10]; [2], 540, [60] pagine. 8 tabelle ripiegate, diagrammi nel testo, marca tipografica sui frontespizi dei vari tomi (bruniture, piccoli restauri, tabelle con qualche strappo.) Legatura coeva in piena pergamena floscia con unghiatura e titolo manoscritto al dorso (leggere tracce d'uso). Opera rara che nasce come una enciclopedia di scienze, nella quale si tratta ugualmente di matematica, di astronomia e di astrologia con riferimenti a Ramón Lull e Giordano Bruno. 250,00€

      Aste Bolaffi
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