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Shaoji He Sold at Auction Prices


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        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri
          Feb. 26, 2025

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script. A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paperEach scroll measures 130 x 29.1 cm. (51 1/8 x 11 ½ in.)(2).

        • He Shaoji(1799-1873): Ink on Paper Seal Script Calligraphy Scroll
          Feb. 22, 2025

          He Shaoji(1799-1873): Ink on Paper Seal Script Calligraphy Scroll

          Est: $1,500 - $3,000

          Ink on paper. Handscroll. Seal Script Calligraphy. With frontispiece and four seal marks, the text signed He Shaoji with three seal marks, and an end colophon signed and with two seal marks.

          California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Clerical Script Calligraphy. Hanging scroll, ink on
          Nov. 27, 2024

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Clerical Script Calligraphy. Hanging scroll, ink on

          Est: $50,000 - $70,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Clerical Script Calligraphy. Hanging scroll, ink on paper 122 x 45 cm. (48 x 17 ¾ in.).

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Calligraphy in Running Script. A set of four hanging
          Nov. 27, 2024

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Calligraphy in Running Script. A set of four hanging

          Est: $300,000 - $500,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Calligraphy in Running Script. A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 135 x 29.8 cm. (53 1⁄8 x 11 3⁄4 in.) (4).

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri
          Nov. 27, 2024

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Scri

          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873). Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script. A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked paper Each scroll measures 171 x 31.4 cm. (67 3⁄8 x 12 3⁄8 in.) (2).

        • 何紹基  行楷竹笑蘭言匾 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Regular Script
          Nov. 19, 2024

          何紹基  行楷竹笑蘭言匾 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Regular Script

          Est: $30,000 - $60,000

          何紹基 1799 - 1873 行楷竹笑蘭言匾 水墨紙本 橫幅 釋文:竹笑蘭言。何紹基。鈐印:何紹基印、子貞、竹笑蘭言皆是友 27.5 x 99.5 cm. 10⅞ x 39⅛ in. ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji Calligraphy in Regular Script ink on paper, horizontal scroll signed He Shaoji and with three seals of the artist 27.5 x 99.5 cm. 10 7/8 x 39 1/8 in.

        • 何紹基  行書四屏 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script
          Nov. 19, 2024

          何紹基  行書四屏 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script

          Est: $400,000 - $800,000

          何紹基 1799-1873 行書四屏 水墨紙本 四屏 釋文:吳越之墟,有巨浸焉,三萬六千頃,浩浩蕩蕩,如滄溟 渤澥之茫洋。中有山焉,七十有二,渺渺忽忽,如蓬壺 方丈之仿佛,日月之所升沈,魚龍之所變化,百川攸 歸,三州為界,所謂吞雲夢八九於胸中,曾不蒂芥者 也。客曰:試為我賦之。夫太始沕穆,一氣推遷,融而為 湖,結而為山。爰有群峰散見,疊出於波濤之間;或現” 或隱,或浮或沈,或吐或吞,或如人立,或如鳥騫,或如 黿鼉之曝,或如虎豹之蹲。忽起二峰,東西雄據,又若巨君彈壓臣庶。何紹基。 鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 鑑藏印: (山田奐) 龜阜齋心賞、龜阜齋藏印 173 x 46 cm. 68⅛ x 18⅛ in. (4) ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji 1799 - 1873 Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper, a set of four hanging scrolls signed He Shaoji and with two seals of the artist with two collector's seals 173 x 46 cm. 68 1/8 x 18 1/8 in. (4)

        • 何紹基  楷書聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Regular Script
          Nov. 19, 2024

          何紹基  楷書聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Regular Script

          Est: $80,000 - $160,000

          何紹基 1799 - 1873 楷書聯 水墨紙本 對聯 釋文:山左有古水亭,坐攬一帶幽齊之盛。大清當今萬歲,時為九年己未所修。咸豐九年(1859)仲夏月,何紹基集禊帖字。鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 195 x 29.3 cm. 76 ¾ x 11 ½ in. (2) ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji Calligraphy Couplet in Regular Script ink on paper, a pair of hanging scrolls signed He Shaoji, dated the ninth year of xianfeng era and with two seals of the artist 195 x 29.3 cm. 76 ¾ x 11 ½ in. (2)

        • 何紹基  行書七言聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script
          Nov. 19, 2024

          何紹基  行書七言聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script

          Est: $80,000 - $160,000

          「小聽颿樓」藏畫 拍品編號9001-9052 何紹基 1799-1873 行書七言聯 水墨紙本 對聯 釋文:梅根讀易千山雪,松下橫琴一榻雲。何紹基。鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 署簽:何紹基行書七言聯。鈐印:林悅恆 125.3 x 30.5 cm. 49 ⅜ x 12 in.(2) ---------------------------------------------- From the Canton Collection Lot 9001-9052 He Shaoji 1799 - 1873 Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script ink on paper, a pair of hanging scrolls signed He Shaoji and with two seals of the artist 125.3 x 30.5 cm. 49 ⅜ x 12 in.(2)

        • 何紹基  行草書論 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script
          Nov. 19, 2024

          何紹基  行草書論 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script

          Est: $80,000 - $160,000

          「小聽颿樓」藏畫 拍品編號9001-9052 何紹基 1799 - 1873 行草書論 水墨灑金箋 立軸 釋文:張長史旭見荷擔爭道而得書法,看公孫大娘舞劔器而草書入神。甲子(1864)冬月書,道州何紹基。鈐印:子貞、何紹基印 146 x 34 cm. 57 ½ x 13 ⅜ in. ---------------------------------------------- From the Canton Collection Lot 9001-9052 He Shaoji Calligraphy in Running Script ink on gold-flecked paper, hanging scroll signed He Shaoji, dated jiazi (1864) and with two seals of the artist 146 x 34 cm. 57 ½ x 13 ⅜ in.

        • He Shaoji (1799 - 1873), Chinese scroll of calligraphy, ink on paper, signed and mounted as hanging scroll. brbr 30.8"h x 14.3...
          Nov. 05, 2024

          He Shaoji (1799 - 1873), Chinese scroll of calligraphy, ink on paper, signed and mounted as hanging scroll. brbr 30.8"h x 14.3...

          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          He Shaoji (1799 - 1873), Chinese scroll of calligraphy, ink on paper, signed and mounted as hanging scroll. 30.8"h x 14.3:"w (78 x 36 cm) Exhibition & Publication: Private Collection of Modern Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy, May 2017, LA Art Station, Click here for more detailed images: https://os5.mycloud.com/action/share/12bc70f6-8e99-45d4-9e48-d9d79f92fa4e For additional information, including condition reports, please email Clars Los Angeles at ask@ClarsLA.com. The absence of a condition statement does not mean that the lot is in perfect condition.

          Clars Auctions
        • 何紹基 楷書東坡七言兩首 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Regular Script
          Oct. 16, 2024

          何紹基 楷書東坡七言兩首 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Regular Script

          Est: $80,000 - $160,000

          He Shaoji 1799-1873 Calligraphy in Regular Script ink on silk, fan leaf signed He Shaoji, dated jiwei (1859), with a dedication and with one seal of the artist 17.1 x 52.7 cm. 6 ¾ x 20 ¾ in. ---------------------------------------------- 何紹基 1799-1873 楷書東坡七言兩首 水墨絹本 扇面 釋文: (一)何年白竹千鈞弩,射殺南山雪毛虎。至今顱骨帶霜牙,尚作四海毛蟲祖。東方久旱千里赤,三月行人口生土。碧潭近在古城東,神物所蟠誰敢侮。上攲蒼石擁巖竇,下應清河通水府。眼光作電走金蛇,鼻息為雲擢煙縷。當年負圖傳帝命,左右羲軒詔神禹。爾來懷寶但貪眠,滿腹雷霆暗不吐。赤龍白虎戰明日,倒卷黃河作飛雨。嗟我豈樂鬥兩雄,有事徑須煩一怒。 (二)天人幾何同一漚,謫仙非謫乃其游。麾斥八極隘九州,化為兩鳥鳴相酬。一鳴一止三千秋,開元有道為少留。縻之不可矧肯求,西望太白橫峨岷。眼空四海空無人,大兒汾陽中令君。小兒天台坐忘身,平生不識高將軍。 手汙吾足乃敢嗔,作詩一笑君應聞。己未(1859) 夏初,苦旱久不作小字。種蘅詞人索作精楷,余日俟得而即書。令兩既未得,乃催迫不已,姑以不精不楷者應之。或東坡妙詩讀之當吾致兩耳。弟何紹基并記於濼源講社。鈐印:蝯 17.1 x 52.7 cm. 6 ¾ x 20 ¾ in.

        • HE ShaoJi, CALLIGRAPHY
          Oct. 05, 2024

          HE ShaoJi, CALLIGRAPHY

          Est: $5,500 - $8,500

          signed and stamped at the left part of the left piece scrolled

          New Art Est-Ouest Auctions
        • HE SHAOJI (attributed to, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Hanging scroll, ink on gol
          Jun. 01, 2024

          HE SHAOJI (attributed to, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Hanging scroll, ink on gol

          Est: $15,000 - $20,000

          HE SHAOJI (attributed to, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Hanging scroll, ink on gold-flecked coloured paper 153 x 41 cm. (60 ¼ x 16 1?8 in. )

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper
          Jun. 01, 2024

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper

          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 64 x 126.8 cm. (25 ¼ x 49 7?8 in.)

        • He Shaoji (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running style
          Apr. 17, 2024

          He Shaoji (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running style

          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          He Shaoji (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running style Ink on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Shaoji, with three seals of the artist, and a dedication 130.0 x 30.0cm

        • 何紹基 枕湖草堂 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu
          Apr. 08, 2024

          何紹基 枕湖草堂 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

          Est: $120,000 - $240,000

          何紹基 枕湖草堂 水墨紙本 鏡框 一八六五年作 譚澤闓署簽 簽書:蝯叟篆枕湖草堂額。瓶齋秘笈。己巳。 款識:枕湖草堂。同治乙丑初春,吳門呵凍題。何紹基。 鈐印:「何紹基印」、「子貞」、「人人送酒不曾沽」。 藏印:「習是齋藏天隨閣遺篋珍品」、「澤春鑑賞」。 註:何紹基中年因謗去官,遂潛心著述,周遊各地講學。一八六四年除夕,抵蘇州,寄居知交吳平齋抱壘室,欲謀梅花書院講席未果,翌年三月中旬方離開,本幅即寓吳門時書。 畫上鈐「習是齋藏天隨閣遺篋珍品」,乃譚延闓之子譚伯羽藏印,「天隨閣」為譚澤闓室名,並具其署簽,可知家族遞藏淵源。譚氏善書,取法何紹基、翁同龢等名家,為研習故,竭力搜求,鑒賞水準既高,入其法眼者,殆無庸作,部分藏品由後人捐贈臺北故宮博物院。 43.3 x 159.3 cm 17⅛ x 62⅝ in. ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji 1799-1873 Calligraphy in Zhuanshu ink on paper, framed signed, dated 1865, with 3 seals of the artist and 2 collector's seals. Titleslip by Tan Zekai 43.3 x 159.3 cm 17⅛ x 62⅝ in. THE EDWARD T. CHOW FAMILY COLLECTION (LOTS 3121-3128) 仇焱之家族收藏(編號3121-3128) 仇焱之(1910-1980),江蘇太倉人,以收藏中國陶瓷聞名中外。眼光之精,品味之高,向為業界所推重,不少流傳有緒,為世所珍之稀有瓷器均源自其收藏。一九四九年移居香港,六七年在瑞士日内瓦退休。 仇氏以陶瓷藏珍聞名於世,惟亦涉獵書畫,偶有示人者,不論畫家名氣身份,作品質量皆與其收藏要旨一脈相承。本輯所集,自清中期至同代名家,如何紹基之室名匾額,出自湖南譚氏舊藏,墨韻淋灕;秦祖永山水,筆墨清秀,文人氣質盡現;駱綺蘭畫王文治題,師徒書畫合而為一,蔚為佳話;謝稚柳、陳衡恪寫竹,一水墨一設色,雅緻飄逸;吳昌碩清荷,色墨恣放;舊交張大千之大幅山水,寫於居停西寧期間,亟為稀見。諸家風格雖異,皆有可觀。部份包裝紙張仍保留仇氏親筆批註,寶愛之甚,由此可見!

        • 何紹基 行書五言聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu
          Apr. 08, 2024

          何紹基 行書五言聯 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

          Est: $120,000 - $200,000

          何紹基 行書五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸 譚澤闓、何維樸題識 款識:天然曲木几,無名科斗書。 題識:〈譚〉蝯叟書法陶鎔篆分,色孕南北,揖攘唐宋,目無元明,筆力能破餘地,結構自出神明,迴腕高懸,千鈞一寸,自來書家所未發者,盡於捥底出之,所以卓然為一大家也。生平作書至多,晚歲僑寓吳中,亦曾粥書。余嘗見其同治辛未、壬申間日記,每日弄筆自矜,書興一揮至七十餘聯,蓋李端叔所謂老以作字為悅者,而興極酒酣時出醉筆,余所藏聯亦偶有之。此聯自是爾時酒後揮灑,雖無款署,望而知為真跡也。詩翁題記甚詳,余更述叟書勢識於此。甲申五月,茶陵譚澤闓。 〈何〉先大父東洲公嘗自謂書至晚年僅存意思而已,此聯當是同治辛未壬申間寓吳門時所書。彼時先大父年七十四五,腕力漸衰,而意思恢奇,非他人所能贋作,印章為楊聾石先生刻贈,先大父生平至友也。辛亥嘉平,道州何維樸識。 鈐印:「何紹基子貞印」、「雲龍萬寶書樓」。 〈譚〉「譚澤闓印」、「瓶齋」。 〈何維樸〉「維樸之印」。 each 132 x 31 cm 52 x 12⅛ in.(2) ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji 1799-1873 Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu ink on paper, pair of hanging scrolls with 2 seals of the artist. Annotations by Tan Zekai and He Weipu each 132 x 31 cm 52 x 12⅛ in.(2)

        • 何紹基 行書八言聯 | He Shaoji, Couplet on Philanthropy
          Apr. 08, 2024

          何紹基 行書八言聯 | He Shaoji, Couplet on Philanthropy

          Est: $120,000 - $200,000

          何紹基 行書八言聯 水墨灑金紅箋 立軸 款識:志託慈良,萬福所會;心懷利濟,眾善之門。 香墅三兄雅屬,蝯叟何紹基。 鈐印:「何紹基印」、「子貞」。 each 164 x 34 cm 64½ x 13⅜ in.(2) ---------------------------------------------- He Shaoji 1799-1873 Couplet on Philanthropy ink on gold-flecked red paper, pair of hanging scrolls signed, with a dedication and 2 seals of the artist each 164 x 34 cm 64½ x 13⅜ in.(2)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Poem in Cursive Script
          Dec. 02, 2023

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Poem in Cursive Script

          Est: $80,000 - $120,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Poem in Cursive Script Ink on paper, framed Signed di He Shaoji, with a dedication and two artist's seals 44.5 x 171.5cm (17½ x 67½in)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Seven-Character Poem in Running Script
          Dec. 02, 2023

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Seven-Character Poem in Running Script

          Est: $150,000 - $250,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Seven-Character Poem in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on gold-flecked paper 138.5 x 35 cm. (54 ½ x 13 ¾ in.)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Running Script Calligraphy
          Dec. 02, 2023

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Running Script Calligraphy

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Running Script Calligraphy Horizonal scroll, ink on paper 24.4 x 77 cm. (9 5⁄8 x 30 3⁄8 in.)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Running script calligraphy A set of four hanging scro
          Jun. 01, 2023

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Running script calligraphy A set of four hanging scro

          Est: $800,000 - $1,000,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Running script calligraphy A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 143 x 35.2 cm. (56 1/4 x 13 7/8 in.)

          Apr. 14, 2023


          Est: $800 - $1,200

          A CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY,SIGNED HE SHAOJI Image only size 120 cm by 36 cm. Chinese calligraphy with inscriptions and seals by the author.

          Wilmington Gallery
        • A Chinese Decoration Stone, He Shaoji Mark
          Mar. 10, 2023

          A Chinese Decoration Stone, He Shaoji Mark

          Est: $2,000 - $3,000

          A Chinese Decoration Stone, He Shaoji Mark Height:46cm,

          China Arts Auction
          Dec. 16, 2022


          Est: €3,000 - €4,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) DEUX COUPLETS EN CALLIGRAPHIE EN STYLE CLÉRICAL Dimensions : 125,8 x 28,5 cm. (49 1/2 x 11 1/4 in.)

        • Attributed To He Shaoji, Chinese Calligraphy Couplet
          Dec. 09, 2022

          Attributed To He Shaoji, Chinese Calligraphy Couplet

          Est: $900 - $1,500

          Attributed To He Shaoji, Chinese Calligraphy Couplet. Lg.130cm; Wd.33cm;

          China Arts Auction
        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script A pair of hang
          Dec. 03, 2022

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script A pair of hang

          Est: $80,000 - $100,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked coloured paper Each scroll measures 126 x 29 cm. (49 5/8 x 11 3/8 in.) (2)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script
          Jun. 21, 2022

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script

          Est: $5,000 - $8,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script Hori ink on paper, framed and glazed, signed He Shaoji, with two artist's seals and one collector's seal. 10 7/8 x 39in (27.5 x 99cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

          Jun. 11, 2022


          Est: $800 - $1,200

          ARTIST(s): He ShaoJi ( 1799 -1873) ink on paper laid , Hanging scrolls Measurement: EACH Length: 168 cm, Width: 37 cm Signed/Seal(s): 2 Artist Seals, signed Comment: Inscription by He Weipu (1844-1925, grandson of He Shaoji) on the last scroll, dated the work to be around gengxu year (1850)

          Lauren Gallery
        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on
          May. 30, 2022

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on

          Est: $40,000 - $60,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on paper 128.3 x 30.5 cm. (50 1/2 x 12 in.)

        • He Shaoji 何紹基 - Huang Tingjian’s essay in running script 行書節錄黃庭堅《見張文定公》
          Apr. 27, 2022

          He Shaoji 何紹基 - Huang Tingjian’s essay in running script 行書節錄黃庭堅《見張文定公》

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          He Shaoji 1799 - 1873 Huang Tingjian’s essay in running script ink on paper, a set of four hanging scrolls signed Zizhen He Shaoji, with a dedication and two seals of the artist 176.4 x 44.3 cm. 69½ x 17½ in. (4) -------------------------------------------- 何紹基 1799-1873 行書節錄黃庭堅《見張文定公》 水墨紙本 四屏 釋文:雙井黃某再拜獻書,致政宣徽少師閣下。詩云:「瞻彼淇澳,菉竹漪漪,如切如磋,如琢如磨,瑟兮僩兮,赫兮喧兮,有斐君子,終不可諼兮。」惟古之德人,其高明有臨,其靚深有威,其潤澤在下,其光輝在上,使人望之而鄙吝之意消,亦不容聲矣。共推閣下道尊德貴,載之從來飯糗桑樞而山立乘軒,委佩而超,然出入諸公間,如砥柱之屹中流也。問學文章冰銷彼以為道以為體,白首日新,夙夜德人之事,如川之發源,不見比數,於時輩無以為左右,垂顧有事賢之心取與。自信甚篤。菊人五兄世大人屬,子貞何紹基。鈐印:子貞、何紹基印 176.4 x 44.3 cm. 69½ x 17½ in. (4)

        • He Shaoji 何紹基 - Calligraphy in Running Script 行書節錄黃庭堅語
          Apr. 27, 2022

          He Shaoji 何紹基 - Calligraphy in Running Script 行書節錄黃庭堅語

          Est: $120,000 - $240,000

          He Shaoji 1799 - 1873 Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper, a set of four hanging scrolls  signed He Shaoji and with two seals of the artist 134 x 32 cm. 52 3/4 x 12 5/8 in. (4) ---------------------------- 何紹基 1799-1873 行書節錄黃庭堅語 水墨紙本 立軸四屏 釋文:荊州沙市舟中,久雨初霽,開北軒以受涼。王子飛兄弟來過,適有田氏嘉醞,問二客,皆不能酒,而予自贊曰,能。因濯古銅瓢,滿酌飲之,曰:「飲此,則為子書匹書」,子予一舉覆瓢,因為落筆不倦。何紹基。鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 134 x 32 cm. 52 3/4 x 12 5/8 in. (4)

        • Attributed to He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Couplet Ink on paper 53 x 13 inches
          Dec. 14, 2021

          Attributed to He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Couplet Ink on paper 53 x 13 inches

          Est: $700 - $1,000

          Attributed to He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Couplet Ink on paper 53 x 13 inches (134.6 x 33.0 cm) (each, works) 72 x 15 inches (each, overall) Two red seals HID01801242017

          Heritage Auctions
          Nov. 19, 2021


          Est: $800 - $1,200

          ARTIST(s): He ShaoJi ( 1799 -1873) ink on paper laid , Hanging scrolls Measurement: EACH Length: 168 cm, Width: 37 cm Signed/Seal(s): 2 Artist Seals, signed Comment: Inscription by He Weipu (1844-1925, grandson of He Shaoji) on the last scroll, dated the work to be around gengxu year (1850)

          Lauren Gallery
          Aug. 20, 2021


          Est: $800 - $1,200

          ARTIST(s): He ShaoJi ( 1799 -1873) ink on paper laid , Hanging scrolls Measurement: EACH Length: 168 cm, Width: 37 cm Signed/Seal(s): 2 Artist Seals, signed Comment: Inscription by He Weipu (1844-1925, grandson of He Shaoji) on the last scroll, dated the work to be around gengxu year (1850)

          Lauren Gallery
        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Couplet Calligraphy
          May. 26, 2021

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Couplet Calligraphy

          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Couplet Calligraphy A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on silver-flecked paper Each scroll measures 122 x 29.5 cm. (48 x 11 5/8 in.) (2)

        • He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Couplet Hanging scrolls (two works),
          Dec. 11, 2020

          He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Couplet Hanging scrolls (two works),

          Est: $3,000 - $5,000

          He Shaoji (Chinese, 1799-1873) Calligraphy Couplet Hanging scrolls (two works), ink on paper 52-1/2 x 13 inches (133.4 x 33.0 cm) (work, each) 72 x 15-1/2 inches (182.9 x 39.4 cm) (overall, each) Bearing two red seals PROVENANCE: From a Connecticut Estate HID01801242017

          Heritage Auctions
        • Attributed to He Shaoji (1799-1873), Snow Scene
          Oct. 11, 2020

          Attributed to He Shaoji (1799-1873), Snow Scene

          Est: $500 - $700

          Attributed to He Shaoji (1799-1873), Snow Scene, ink on paper, hanging scroll, Dimensions: 48"h x 16"w (121.92cm x 40.64cm) Provenance: Property of Kobijutsu KenShuDo, Japanese Osaka Estate Antique Company.

          Clars Auctions
        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Huang Tingjian’s essay in running script
          Jul. 09, 2020

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Huang Tingjian’s essay in running script

          Est: $400,000 - $600,000

          signed Zizhen He Shaoji, with a dedication and two seals of the artist

        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script
          Jul. 09, 2020

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script

          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          signed He Shaoji, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist

        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script
          Jul. 09, 2020

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script

          Est: $50,000 - $80,000

          signed He Shaoji, with two seals of the artist and one collector’s seal

        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Poem in Running script
          May. 22, 2020

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Poem in Running script

          Est: $30,000 - $50,000

          signed He Shaoji and with two seals of the artist with one collector’s seal of Tan Zekai (1889-1948)

        • HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Calligraphy in Running Script
          Nov. 25, 2019

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) - Calligraphy in Running Script

          Est: $200,000 - $300,000

          HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) Calligraphy in Running Script A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 170.5 x 46.5cm. (67 1/8 x 18 ¼ in.) (4)

          Oct. 09, 2019


          Est: $100,000 - $150,000

          A RARE PAIR OF PORCELAIN-INLAID ‘CALLIGRAPHIC’ COUPLETS PANELS 19TH CENTURY, CALLIGRAPHY BY HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) One of the panels is signed He Shaoji, and bears two artist’s seal marks in red enamel on biscuit reading ‘He Shaoji yin’ (seal of He Shaoji) and ‘Zizhen’. 61 x 11 in. (155 x 28 cm.)

        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script
          Oct. 06, 2019

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script

          Est: $60,000 - $80,000

          signed  He Shaoji, with a dedication to Jizhou and with two seals of the artist

        • HE SHAOJI 1799 - 1873 | Su Shi’s Poem in Running Script
          Oct. 06, 2019

          HE SHAOJI 1799 - 1873 | Su Shi’s Poem in Running Script

          Est: $120,000 - $200,000

          signed He Shaoji and with three seals of the artist (one illegible)

        • HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy couplet in running script
          Oct. 06, 2019

          HE SHAOJI 1799-1873 | Calligraphy couplet in running script

          Est: $50,000 - $70,000

          signed He Shaoji, with a dedication to Yuangan  and with two seals of the artist with three collector's seals of Lei Ming (1961-)

        Lots Per Page: