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René-Antoine Houasse Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1645 - d. 1710

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    • Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645–1710) "Equestrian portrait of Luis XIV". Oil on canvas. Re-lined Presents repaints and French frame from the early 18th century.
      Oct. 17, 2023

      Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645–1710) "Equestrian portrait of Luis XIV". Oil on canvas. Re-lined Presents repaints and French frame from the early 18th century.

      Est: €12,000 - €15,000

      Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645-1710) "Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV. Oil on canvas. Re-lined It has repainting and a French frame from the beginning of the 18th century. Measurements: 105 x 85 cm; 121 x 102 cm (frame). This work follows faithfully in its aesthetics the portrait painted around 1679 by Rene Antoine Houasse, which is currently in the Palace of Versailles, while another copy belongs to the collection of the Museum of Ancient Art of Lisbon, in Portugal. In both pieces, the monarch can be seen on a white horse, standing in cabriole, looking regally at the viewer and raising his weapon, which can be seen behind the animal's head. Behind the central figure, a group of figures on horseback are set in a rocky, rugged landscape, where several bonfires stand out, indicating that a war is taking place. This type of representation, in which the monarch is portrayed in an imposing and regal manner on a horse in full activity, became so popular that it became widespread in the pictorial tradition as a representation of absolute power, especially in French painting, where the same aesthetic patterns can be seen, for example in the famous portrait of Napoleon, painted by Jean Louis David. René Antoine Houasse was noted for his work as a painter and decorator at the French court, particularly for his work at the palace of Versailles. He began his training under Charles Le Brun, which led him to work in the equivalent of the Spanish Tapestry Factory, the Gobelins factory in Paris. Owing to his recognition as an artist, he was chosen as director of the French Academy in Rome, a post he held from 1699 to 1704. His painting is notable for its refinement and great interest in drawing, characteristics that are the paradigm of a classicist or academicist aesthetic.

      Setdart Auction House
    • René-Antoine HOUASSE Paris, 1645- id., 1710 Prométhée
      Dec. 06, 2022

      René-Antoine HOUASSE Paris, 1645- id., 1710 Prométhée

      Est: €15,000 - €20,000

      René-Antoine HOUASSE Paris, 1645- id., 1710 Prométhée Huile sur toile 66 x 85 cm Prometheus Oil on canvas 26 x 33 7/16 in. PROVENANCE Très certainement le tableau de René-Antoine Houasse inventorié dans son atelier au moment de sa mort : « item, un autre tableau cintré représentant Prométhée peint par le dit sieur Houasse prisé quatre-vingt livres ci…80 lt » (l'expertise des tableaux du fonds d'atelier de Houasse fut confiée au peintre-marchand Charles-Antoine Hérault (1644-1718) ; Paris, Archives nationales, minutier central, LXXII, 195, 26 août 1710) (Matthieu Lett, René-Antoine Houasse, Peindre pour Louis XIV, Paris, 2020, p. 285).

    • Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645 1710) "Equestrian portrait of Luis XIV". Oil on canvas. Reengineered. Presents repaints and French frame from the early 18th century.
      Jan. 26, 2022

      Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645 1710) "Equestrian portrait of Luis XIV". Oil on canvas. Reengineered. Presents repaints and French frame from the early 18th century.

      Est: €20,000 - €22,000

      Attributed to RENÉ ANTOINE HOUASSE (c. 1645-1710) "Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV. Oil on canvas. Re-coloured. It has repainting and a French frame from the beginning of the 18th century. Measurements: 105 x 85 cm; 121 x 102 cm (frame). This work follows faithfully in its aesthetics the portrait painted around 1679 by Rene Antoine Houasse, which is currently in the Palace of Versailles, while another copy belongs to the collection of the Museum of Ancient Art of Lisbon, in Portugal. In both pieces, the monarch can be seen on a white horse, standing in cabriole, looking regally at the viewer and raising his weapon, which can be seen behind the animal's head. Behind the central figure, a group of figures on horseback are set in a rocky, rugged landscape, where several bonfires stand out, indicating that a war is taking place. This type of representation, in which the monarch is portrayed in an imposing and regal manner on a horse in full activity, became so popular that it became widespread in the pictorial tradition as a representation of absolute power, especially in French painting, where the same aesthetic patterns can be seen, for example in the famous portrait of Napoleon, painted by Jean Louis David. René Antoine Houasse was noted for his work as a painter and decorator at the French court, particularly for his work at the palace of Versailles. He began his training under Charles Le Brun, which led him to work in the equivalent of the Spanish Tapestry Factory, the Gobelins factory in Paris. Owing to his recognition as an artist, he was chosen as director of the French Academy in Rome, a post he held from 1699 to 1704. His painting is notable for its refinement and great interest in drawing, characteristics that are the paradigm of a classicist or academicist aesthetic.

      Setdart Auction House
    • ESCUELA FRANCESA (S. XVII / S. XVIII) Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV, King of France.
      Nov. 04, 2021

      ESCUELA FRANCESA (S. XVII / S. XVIII) Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV, King of France.

      Est: €12,000 - €16,000

      An anonymous, smaller version of the original painting by René-Antoine Houasse (ca. 1645-1710) around 1679, now in the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon. . Oil on canvas. 105 x 85 cm

    • HST repos de Mercure
      Apr. 24, 2016

      HST repos de Mercure

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      HOUASSE René Antoine (1645-1710), suiveur de, "Mercure endormant Argos", Huile sur toile. Fin XVIIè . (Restauration) H: 150 cm L: 135 cm

    • René Antoine HOUASSE (c.1645 – 1710)
      Nov. 20, 2015

      René Antoine HOUASSE (c.1645 – 1710)

      Est: €8,000 - €10,000

      René Antoine HOUASSE (c.1645 – 1710) Etude pour la figure de l’Asie, plafond de l’Abondance à Versailles Crayon noir et rehauts de craie blanche sur papier bleu-gris H_26,5 cm. L_40 cm Rousseurs Notre étude est préparatoire à la figure de l’Asie, pour le plafond du « Salon de l’Abondance » à Versailles. Elève de Charles Le Brun, René Antoine Houasse collabora avec son maitre au château de Versailles. Il peignit notamment le plafond du « Salon de Vénus » et le plafond du « Salon de l’Abondance ». Achevé en 1683, ce dernier représente au centre La Magnanimité, la Magnificence et le Génie de l’art, qui symbolisent la puissance et la vertu du monarque. Les allégories périphériques personnifient la richesse du Roi et de son règne, notamment l’allégorie de l’Asie, pour laquelle notre dessin est préparatoire, symbole d’abondance. Elle tient, dans la main levée vers le groupe centrale, un encensoir fumant qui évoque tous les produits rares - encens, parfums, épices – importés par la Compagnie des Indes fondée en 1664. Nous remercions M. Matthieu Lett de nous avoir aimablement confirmé l’authenticité de ce dessin après un examen de visu

    • René-Antoine HOUASSE. The Hector and Ajax figth. C
      Jun. 07, 2015

      René-Antoine HOUASSE. The Hector and Ajax figth. C

      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      René-Antoine HOUASSE. The Hector and Ajax figth. Canvas. Richly decorated wooden frame. Provenance: the collection of the marques de Hauteroche succession. René Antoine HOUASSE (Paris, 1645-1710). Le combat d'Hector contre Ajax. Toile. 63 x 153 cm. Inscription sur le cadre HECTOR ADEST SECUMQUE DEOS IN PRAELIA DUCIT. Provenance : - collection du marquis de Hauteroche ; - collection tourangelle depuis les années 1950. UN RARE ÉPISODE DE LA GUERRE DE TROIE PAR UN DÉCORATEUR DE VERSAILLES Notre tableau décrit un épisode de la Guerre de Troie conté par Ovide au livre XIII et rarement représenté. Aidé par les Dieux, Hector, le prince Troyen, défend les murs de Troie. Au premier plan à gauche Priam, roi de Troie récupère la dépouille d'un de ses fils tué par Ajax. Hector s'élance dans le combat terrorisant les plus braves comme Ulysse qui fuit dans l'ombre en direction de la flotte des Danéens. À ses pieds, Ajax, coiffé d'un panache rouge, l'affronte la lance à la main. En reprochant à Ulysse d'avoir fui le combat sans secourir Nestor qui demandait son aide, Ajax plaide sa cause et sa bravoure face à son lâche rival. Par sa composition et son sujet, notre tableau se rapproche du Combat de Josué (Toile, 194 x 262 cm) conservé au musée des Beaux-Arts de Brest (voir P. Rosenberg, " Acquisitions de tableaux français du XVIIème siècle ", dans La revue du Louvre, 1972, n° 4-5, p. 306, reproduit fig. 9). Peintre d'histoire et de portrait, garde des tableaux du Roi à l'hôtel de Gramont, René Antoine Houasse est un des plus proches collaborateurs de Charles Le Brun, auteur notamment de grands décors à Versailles tel que le plafond du salon de l'Abondance et de tableaux mythologiques pour le Grand Trianon. Né à Paris, René Antoine Houasse est reçu académicien en 1673 puis il part à Madrid travailler pour le roi Charles II. Son fils Michel Ange Houasse le succède comme peintre du roi à Madrid et René Antoine part à Rome diriger l'Académie de France de 1699 à 1704.

    • HOUASSE René Antoine (1645-1710), suiveur de, "Mercure endormant Argos", hu
      May. 17, 2015

      HOUASSE René Antoine (1645-1710), suiveur de, "Mercure endormant Argos", hu

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      HOUASSE René Antoine (1645-1710), suiveur de, "Mercure endormant Argos", huile sur toile. Fin XVIIè (Restauration) H: 150 cm L: 135 cm

    • Tapisserie de Beauvais, Béhagle Vers 1690 D'après
      Dec. 07, 2011

      Tapisserie de Beauvais, Béhagle Vers 1690 D'après

      Est: €40,000 - €45,000

      Tapisserie de Beauvais, Béhagle Vers 1690 D'après un carton attribué à René-Antoine Houasse (1645-1710) Description: Au centre au premier plan de la composition,...

    • René Antoine Houasse (Paris circa 1645-1710)
      Apr. 25, 2007

      René Antoine Houasse (Paris circa 1645-1710)

      Est: £2,000 - £4,400

      The Assumption of the Virgin oil on copper, tondo 27.3 cm. (10¾ in.) diam.

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