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Alessio Issupoff Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Porträtmaler, Landscape painter

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      • Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957)
        Nov. 24, 2024

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957)

        Est: €800 - €1,500

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) "Pferd und Reiter" Gemälde - Öl auf Leinwand, 63 cm x 80 cm, links unten signiert Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) ‘Horse and rider’ Painting - oil on canvas, 63 cm x 80 cm, signed lower left

        Auktionshaus Kloss
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins
        Oct. 28, 2024

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower right) oil on panel 41.3 х 32.4 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
        Oct. 27, 2024


        Est: $100 - $150

        Aleksei Vladimirovich Isupov or Alessio Issupoff, Russian, 1889 to 1957, an oil on canvas laid on board painting Italian Horse. Signed lower right. Housed in a richly ornate gilt wood and gesso frame. Circa the early 20th century. Aleksei Isupov was a son of a woodcarver. He studied in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture under A. Vasnetsov, A. Arkhipov, K. Korovin, V. Serov. He lived in Moscow until 1915 and again in 1922 to 1925, and in Central Asia in 1915 to 1921, where he did his military service, 1915 to 1917; later he moved to Italy, 1926 onwards. He participated in exhibitions as of 1908. While in Central Asia, he painted numerous views of Tashkent and Samarkand and copied the ornamental designs of unique architectural monuments in Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent. His students, among others, included N.Karakhan, M.Kupriyanov, S.Chuykov. In 1926, he went for medical treatment to Italy. During the Second World War, he was an active participant of the resistance movement in Rome. One of a kind artwork. Antique Russian Fine Art, Classic Paintings And Wall Decor Collectibles.

        Antique Arena Inc
        Oct. 20, 2024


        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Alessio Issupoff (1889-1957), oil on canvas backed on board titled "In a stable", 1948. Signed lower right. Housed in a gilded wooden frame. Has two auction labels and is numbered 33 on the verso. Alessio Issupoff, or Aleksei Vladimirovich Isupov, was a Russian and later Italian artist mostly known for his depictions of horses, genre and landscape paintings.

        Helios Auctions
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957)
        Oct. 19, 2024

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957)

        Est: €2,500 - €3,500

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Femme tenant son chapeau Huile sur toile Signée en bas à droite 79 x 65 cm

        HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
      • Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses
        Oct. 18, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses

        Est: €1,300 - €9,999

        Oil on panel Signed lower left

        Oct. 01, 2024


        Est: €1,000 - €1,100

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Contadini russi a cavallo olio su tavoletta cm.32x24 f.to in b. a ds.

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Alessio Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Roma 1957) - Volga boatmen, 1929
        Sep. 25, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Roma 1957) - Volga boatmen, 1929

        Est: €200 - €400

        pencil on paper 60 x 45 cm signed and dated lower right: Alessio Issupoff / 1929

        Sep. 24, 2024


        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        Vjatka, 1889 - Roma, 1957 Contadini con carovana Firmato Alessio Issupoff in basso a sinistra Olio su faesite, cm 18,5X34,5 Studente all'Accademia di Mosca tra il 1909 e il 1913, Issupoff studia con il ritrattista Seroff, il Wasnetzoff e poi con il Korovine, dal quale apprende il gusto dell'impressionismo francese. La sua tavolozza esprime una gamma cromatica particolarmente ricca, dai pigmenti puri, non mescolati tra loro per esaltarne la brillantezza: una tecnica che riscuote uno straordinario successo. È del 1929 la sua prima mostra milanese alla Galleria Scopinich, dove espone ben 81 quadri, l'anno successivo partecipa alla XVII Biennale di Venezia, il culmine della sua carriera artistica.

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian - Italian
        Aug. 16, 2024

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian - Italian

        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) ; Floral still-life ; the 1st half of the 20th century ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 54 x 67,5 cm (21 1/4 x 26 2/3 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $250 / National post with tracking service - $120 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $150 / National post with tracking service - $65

        Jun. 30, 2024


        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Alessio Issupoff (1889-1957), an oil on canvas backed on board painting depicting a horse sanding in a stable. Signed lower right. Housed in a gilded wooden frame. Has two auction labels and is numbered 33 on the verso. Alessio Issupoff, or Aleksei Vladimirovich Isupov, was a Russian and later Italian artist mostly known for his depictions of horses, genre and landscape painings.

        Helios Auctions
      • ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olieverfschilderij …
        Jun. 22, 2024

        ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olieverfschilderij …

        Est: €100 - €1,000

        ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olieverfschilderij op board : "Geanimeerde straatscène" - 30,5 x 22,2 op verso getekend / toegeschreven aan 20th Cent. Italian-Russian oil on board - signed Alessio Issupoff on the back / attributed to

      • ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olie op board : "Me…
        Jun. 22, 2024

        ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olie op board : "Me…

        Est: €100 - €1,000

        ISSUPOFF ALESSIO (1889 - 1957) olie op board : "Meisje met hoed" - 30 x 20 getekend / toegschreven 20th Cent. Italian-Russian oil on board - signed / attributed to Alessio Issupoff

      • DISEGNO A MATITA SU TELA del pittore russo Alessio Issupoff
        Jun. 19, 2024

        DISEGNO A MATITA SU TELA del pittore russo Alessio Issupoff

        Est: €150 - €200

        DISEGNO A MATITA SU TELA del pittore russo Alessio Issupoff. Originario di Vjatka, ma formatosi alla Scuola di Pittura, Scultura e Architettura di Mosca Aleksej Vladimirovic Isupov (1889-1957) predilige una pittura paesaggistica, che solo negli anni della maturità si aprirà anche ai ritratti. Giunto in Italia nel 1926 per motivi di salute, si stabilisce a Roma, dove ha modo di affermarsi grazie ad una mostra di quadri presso la Galleria Fiamma di Guido Guida. Quando nel gennaio del 1929 la galleria Scopinich di via S. Andrea 8 ordina una personale di Issupoff, con ottantun quadri ispirati a tre luoghi cari all’artista – la Russia, il Turkestan e Capri, le lodi si levano unanimi: Raul Viviani lo definisce un pittore molto bravo […] che sa disegnare con molta intelligenza e colorire con assai simpatica valentia (r. v., Mostre milanesi, “Il Giornale dell’Arte”, 13 gennaio 1929) mentre Giovanni Orsini rende a Issupoff il merito di aver riconciliato i milanesi con le mostre solitamente mediocri degli stranieri (Giovanni Orsini, Issupoff – Fini – Nathan – Sbisà, “Il secolo La sera”, 9 gennaio 1929). Alla chiusura della mostra, Issupoff dona il quadro Nel nuovo Sarafan alla Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Milano. È l’inizio di un successo che verrà consolidato dalle successive mostre personali alla Scopinich (nel febbraio 1930, aprile 1931, luglio 1931, gennaio 1934) e che spalancherà a Issupoff le porte del collezionismo milanese e italiano. Cm 20 x 18.

        Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
        Jun. 18, 2024


        Est: €5,000 - €7,000

        Vjatka, 1889 - Roma, 1957 Gli sciatori Firmato Alessio Issupoff in basso a destra Olio su tavola, cm 30X39,5 Provenienza: Roma, Galleria Russo (secondo timbro sul verso) Italia, collezione privata Studente all'Accademia di Mosca tra il 1909 e il 1913, Issupoff studia con il ritrattista Seroff, il Wasnetzoff e poi con Korovin, da cui apprende il gusto dell'impressionismo francese. Ancora studente è invitato a partecipare all'esposizione dell'Unione degli Artisti russi a Mosca e a Leningrado, dove alcuni suoi dipinti saranno premiati. Dopo la Grande Guerra, nel 1925, il pittore, afflitto da problemi di salute, si stabilisce in Italia soggiornando in varie località. In questi anni i suoi soggetti sono soprattutto ritratti, scene di genere e nature morte, ricorre a un impasto denso, scintillante, dalle pennellate marcate; rispetto ai quadri della natura e campagna russa degli anni Dieci, le sue opere mostrano ora una corposità più materica accompagnata da toni con potente luminosità. Se in Russia, Issupoff è conosciuto soprattutto come paesaggista, in Italia si guadagna la fama principalmente come maestro della ritrattistica. Nel 1929 tiene la sua prima mostra milanese alla Galleria Scopinich, dove espone ben 81 quadri. L'anno successivo partecipa alla XVII Biennale di Venezia, che rappresenterà il culmine della sua carriera artistica. Le sue opere sono presenti nella Galleria Nazionale di Viatka, nei musei di Leningrado e Mosca e nella Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano. Bibliografia di riferimento: M. Biancale, Alessio Issupoff, Roma 1945, ad vocem G. Nicodemi, Alessio Issupoff, Milano 1949, ad vocem A. M. Comanducci, Dizionario dei pittori, disegnatori e incisori italiani, Milano 1962, v. II, p. 951

        Wannenes Art Auctions
        Jun. 17, 2024


        Est: €500 - €550

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Cavallo bianco olio su cartone cm.31x24 f.to in b. a ds. nel retro biglietto da vista dell'artista

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Issupoff, Alessio - Cheval de trait
        Apr. 30, 2024

        Issupoff, Alessio - Cheval de trait

        Est: $1,500 - $3,000

        Issupoff, Alessio (1889-1957) Cheval de trait Description (FR): Huile sur toile signée au devant en bas à droite Alessio Issupoff Description (EN): Oil on canvas signed on front lower right Alession Issupoff Dimension (PO): 23 1/2" x 31 1/2" Dimension (CM): 59,5 x 80 cm Rapport de condition: Sur demande, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à vos questions de manière détaillée. Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

        Champagne Auctions
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Galloping chariot - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 250x210 mm - in frame 38 x 33 cm Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Galloping chariot - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 250x210 mm - in frame 38 x 33 cm Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €1,800 - €3,000

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Galloping chariot - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 250x210 mm - in frame 38 x 33 cm Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Embarkation from Odessa - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 300x190 mm - in frame 40x33.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Embarkation from Odessa - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 300x190 mm - in frame 40x33.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €1,800 - €3,000

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Embarkation from Odessa - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 300x190 mm - in frame 40x33.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Prayer - Illustration for The Orlovs by Maksim Gorky watercolor and tempera on paper 185x130 mm - in frame 33x28 Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Prayer - Illustration for The Orlovs by Maksim Gorky watercolor and tempera on paper 185x130 mm - in frame 33x28 Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €400 - €800

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The Prayer - Illustration for The Orlovs by Maksim Gorky watercolor and tempera on paper 185x130 mm - in frame 33x28 Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The carriage - Plate for illustration ink and watercolor ink on 140x185 mm paper - in 36x41 frame Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The carriage - Plate for illustration ink and watercolor ink on 140x185 mm paper - in 36x41 frame Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €600 - €1,200

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) The carriage - Plate for illustration ink and watercolor ink on 140x185 mm paper - in 36x41 frame Signed lower right "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Fighting scene in the snow - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 230x165 mm - in frame 41 x 37.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Fighting scene in the snow - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 230x165 mm - in frame 41 x 37.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €600 - €1,200

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Fighting scene in the snow - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 230x165 mm - in frame 41 x 37.5 Signed lower left "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Popular scene at the market - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 220 x 170 mm - in frame 43 x 35 Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"
        Apr. 18, 2024

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Popular scene at the market - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 220 x 170 mm - in frame 43 x 35 Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"

        Est: €800 - €1,500

        Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889-Rome 1957) Popular scene at the market - Plate for watercolor and tempera illustration on paper 220 x 170 mm - in frame 43 x 35 Signed bottom right "A. Issupoff"

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Alessio Issupoff 1889-1957 Il limite del bosco
        Mar. 28, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff 1889-1957 Il limite del bosco

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        firmato in basso a sinistra

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Alessio Issupoff 1889-1957 La preparazione del carro
        Mar. 28, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff 1889-1957 La preparazione del carro

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        firmato in basso a destra

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Alessio ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Russian market. Scene with horses | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Marché russe. Scène avec des chevaux
        Mar. 25, 2024

        Alessio ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Russian market. Scene with horses | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Marché russe. Scène avec des chevaux

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left) oil on canvas 35.6 х 45.7 cm | signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) huile sur toile 35.6 х 45.7 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Working in the field | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Travail dans les champs
        Mar. 25, 2024

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Working in the field | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Travail dans les champs

        Est: €2,500 - €3,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left); inscribed 'Nella campagna' (on the reverse) oil on panel | signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) ; inscrit 'Nella campagna' (au verso) huile sur bois

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Alessio ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Paysage italien avec ruines
        Mar. 25, 2024

        Alessio ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Paysage italien avec ruines

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower right) oil on panel 41.3 х 32.4 cm | signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à droite) huile sur bois 41.3 х 32.4 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian peasants | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Paysans russes
        Mar. 25, 2024

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian peasants | ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Paysans russes

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left); old label of the Galleria d'Arte Trieste (on the reverse) oil on canvas 30 x 24 cm | signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche); ancienne étiquette de la Galleria d'Arte Trieste (au verso) huile sur toile 30 x 24 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Alessio Issupoff (Vjatka 1889 - Roma 1957)
        Feb. 20, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff (Vjatka 1889 - Roma 1957)

        Est: €500 - €800

        Alessio Issupoff (Vjatka 1889 - Roma 1957) Paesaggio con cavalieri Olio su tavola 17,5 x 28 cm Firmato in basso a sinistra. Alexei Issupoff (Vjatka 1889 - Rome 1957) Landscape With Knights Oil on panel 17,5 x 28 cm Signed lower left.

        Lucas Aste
      • Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses
        Jan. 20, 2024

        Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses

        Est: €1,300 - €99,999

        Oil on the table Signed lower left

      • Issupoff, Alessio - Cheval de trait
        Dec. 12, 2023

        Issupoff, Alessio - Cheval de trait

        Est: $1,500 - $3,000

        Issupoff, Alessio (1889-1957) Cheval de trait Description: Oil on canvas signed on front lower right Alession Issupoff Dimension (PO): 23 1/2" x 31 1/2" Dimension (CM): 59,5 x 80 cm Condition report: Upon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner.

        Champagne Auctions
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889 - 1957) Double-sided drawing
        Dec. 11, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889 - 1957) Double-sided drawing

        Est: €700 - €800

        Portrait of a man and Peasants and horses in Samarkand signed and inscribed ‘Opera da me eseguita a Samarcanda Alessio Issupoff (Artwork I executed in Samarkand Alessio Issupoff)’ charcoal on card 21.6 x 32 cmPortrait d'un homme et Paysans et chevaux à Samarcande signé et portant l'inscription ‘Opera da me eseguita a Samarcanda Alessio Issupoff (OEuvre que j'ai exécutée à Samarcande Alessio Issupoff)'. fusain sur carton 21,6 x 32 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian - Italian
        Dec. 08, 2023

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian - Italian

        Est: $8,000 - $10,000

        Alessio ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) ; Floral still-life ; the 1st half of the 20th century ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 54 x 67,5 cm (21 1/4 x 26 2/3 in.) ; signed lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $250 / National post with tracking service - $120 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $150 / National post with tracking service - $65

      • Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Character on horseback
        Nov. 24, 2023

        Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Character on horseback

        Est: -

        Oil painting on panel Alexei Issupoff was a Russian painter. Born in 1889 to a family of artists as his father was a carver and gilder of icons. In fact, the artist learned to paint from the artisan painters who worked with his father and moved to Moscow, where he attended the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Following the First World War he was appointed director of the Committee for the Restoration and Conservation of works of art and city monuments. He also stayed in Italy where he exhibited in Rome and at the Venice Biennale in the 1930s. He specialized in the creation of tempera works on wooden panels depicting high-ranking Soviet leaders and scenes inspired by the Russian Revolution and the exploits of the Red Army. He was interested in the innovations of the impressionist masters as demonstrated by his fluid brushstrokes and lack of drawing.

      • Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Horses with character.
        Nov. 24, 2023

        Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Horses with character.

        Est: -

        oil painting on canvas  Signed lower left

      • Alessio Issupoff, Vyatka 1889 - 1957 Rome, Circle of, Motif from Sicily
        Nov. 14, 2023

        Alessio Issupoff, Vyatka 1889 - 1957 Rome, Circle of, Motif from Sicily

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Alessio Issupoff Vyatka 1889 - 1957 Rome, Circle of Motif from Sicily Oil on cardboard 24.5 x 31 cm Signed, inscribed & dated 1927 b.r.

        Tiberius Auctions
      • Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses
        Oct. 27, 2023

        Alessio Issupoff (Kirov (Russia) 1889-Roma 1957) - Scene with horses

        Est: €1,300 - €9,999,999

        Oil on the table Signed lower left

      • Alessio Issupoff characters with horse
        Oct. 26, 2023

        Alessio Issupoff characters with horse

        Est: €2,300 - €4,600

        Alessio Issupoff Vjatka 1889 -Rome 1957 characters with horse oil on canvas cm 49x69 - with frame 70x89 cm

        Casa d'aste ARCADIA
      • Scena di vita quotidiana con figura femminile
        Oct. 18, 2023

        Scena di vita quotidiana con figura femminile

        Est: €200 - €400

        Presenta iscrizione in alto a sinistra: Issupoff. In cornice a guantiera.

        DAMS Casa d'Aste
      • Anziano con cane
        Oct. 18, 2023

        Anziano con cane

        Est: €200 - €300

        Lieve rottura della carta in basso a sinistra. In cornice.

        DAMS Casa d'Aste
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Winter village scene
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Winter village scene

        Est: €4,000 - €4,500

        signed ‘Alessio Issupoff’ (lower left) oil on board 34 x 53.7 cm signée 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) huile sur carton 34 x 53.7 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Russian market. Scene with horses
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Russian market. Scene with horses

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left) oil on canvas 35.6 х 45.7 cm signée 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) huile sur toile 35,6 х 45,7 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF(1889-1957) Italian landscape with ruins

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower right) oil on panel 41.3 х 32.4 cm signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à droite) huile sur bois 41,3 х 32,4 cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Working in the field
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Working in the field

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left); inscribed 'Nella campagna' (on the reverse) oil on panel cm signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) ; inscrit 'Nella campagna' (au verso) huile sur bois cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian peasants
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian peasants

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left); old label of the Galleria d'Arte Trieste (on the reverse) oil on canvas 30 x 24 cm signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche); ancienne étiquette de la Galleria d'Arte Trieste (au verso) huile sur toile cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian fishermen
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889-1957) Russian fishermen

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        signed 'Alessio Issupoff' (lower left) oil on panel 14 x 29 cm signé 'Alessio Issupoff' (en bas à gauche) huile sur bois cm

        Hermitage Fine Art
      • ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889 – 1957) Horses in the winter court
        Jun. 28, 2023

        ALESSIO ISSUPOFF (1889 – 1957) Horses in the winter court

        Est: €4,800 - €5,200

        signed in Cyrillic and dated 'A Isupov 1923' (lower left) oil on panel 30.5 x 40.5 painted in 1923 signé en cyrillique et daté 'A Isupov 1923' (en bas à gauche) huile sur panneau 30.5 x 40.5 peint en 1923

        Hermitage Fine Art
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