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Nicolas (1780) Jacques Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Porträtmaler, Miniature painter

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      • Nicolas JACQUES
        Nov. 27, 2024

        Nicolas JACQUES

        Est: €1,500 - €2,500

        Nicolas JACQUES (Jarville, 1780 – Paris, 1844) Portrait d'une jeune femme au grand chapeau en robe de gaze blanche et châle jaune à rayures bleues Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé 'JACQUES' à droite CIC n° 2024/BE01334/CE  Monture en métal doré Portrait of a young lady with a big hat, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed, by N. Jacques 7.20 x 5.23 in. 18.3 x 13.3 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Kahn-Dumousset, 19 mars 2014, n° 81 ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique (Gondolée (concave) et minime fêle sur la bordure gauche et sur la bordure droite) Cette miniature a pour pendant un portrait d’homme en redingote noire (voir vente anonyme ; Paris, Kahn-Dumousset, 19 mars 2014, n° 81) Nicolas JACQUES (Jarville, 1780 – Paris, 1844) 18.3 x 13.3 cm Cette miniature a pour pendant un portrait d’homme en redingote noire (voir vente anonyme ; Paris, Kahn-Dumousset, 19 mars 2014, n° 81)

      • Nicolas JACQUES
        Nov. 27, 2024

        Nicolas JACQUES

        Est: €500 - €700

        Nicolas JACQUES (1780 - 1844 ) Portrait d’homme en habit bleu foncé à col de velours noir et jabot blanc Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé et daté 'Jacques. 1817' à gauche CIC n° 2024/BE01794/CE Portrait of a man in a dark blue suit with black velvet collar and white jabot, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed and dated, by N. Jacques 3.58 x 2.95 in. 9.1 x 7.5 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Pierre Bergé, 15 décembre 2010, n°131 ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique   (Fêles traversant de haut en bas et en haut à droite, verre malade) Nicolas JACQUES (1780 - 1844 ) 9.1 x 7.5 cm

      • Jacques Nicolas
        May. 31, 2024

        Jacques Nicolas

        Est: CHF560 - CHF700

        Portrait eines Edelmannes in dunkelgrünem Mantel Signiert und datiert 1808. In vergoldetem Metallrahmen mit Emaille. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, Geneva, 15 May 1990, lot 307 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 31.05.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:46

        Auktionshaus Zofingen
      • JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Carta dell'Isole Filippine celebr
        Dec. 12, 2023

        JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Carta dell'Isole Filippine celebr

        Est: -

        JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Carta dell'Isole Filippine celebri e Molucche. 1751 Hand-miniatured copper engraving Signed and titled Measurements 223 x 66 mm plate

        Subastas Segre
      • JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Philippines. Complete map of the
        Dec. 12, 2023

        JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Philippines. Complete map of the

        Est: -

        JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris 1703 - Versailles 1772 Philippines. Complete map of the Islands, on two sheets. Paris, 1752. Colored copper engraving (two) Signed and titled Measurements 220 x 162 mm plate; 216 x 316 mm plate

        Subastas Segre
      • Nicolas Jacques (1780 - 1844) Presumed portrait of Adolphe Dureau de la Malle
        Nov. 22, 2023

        Nicolas Jacques (1780 - 1844) Presumed portrait of Adolphe Dureau de la Malle

        Est: €300 - €500

        Nicolas Jacques (1780 - 1844) Presumed portrait of Adolphe Dureau de la Malle Oval miniature signed and dated 1816, blackened wood frame and gilt metal surround H 6 cm (cracks) Nicolas Jacques (1780 - 1844) Portrait presumé de Adolphe Dureau de la Malle Miniature ovale signée et datée 1816, cadre en bois noirci et cerclage en métal doré H 6 cm (fentes)

      • Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703 - 1772) Carte Réduite des Isles Philippines Pour Servir Aux Vaisseaux du Roy Dressée au Dépost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine
        Dec. 03, 2022

        Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703 - 1772) Carte Réduite des Isles Philippines Pour Servir Aux Vaisseaux du Roy Dressée au Dépost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine

        Est: ₱2,000,000 - ₱2,600,000

        Carte Réduite des Isles Philippines Pour Servir Aux Vaisseaux du Roy Dressée au Dépost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine 1752 Copper engraving with hand-coloring 36" x 23" (91 cm x 58 cm) PROVENANCE: Dean Leovino Ma. Garcia Collection This large and finely-engraved map by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, the official Hydrographer to the Royal French Navy, is one of the earliest obtainable large format maps coveted by collectors of Philippine maps. “The elegant composition features the entire Philippine Archipelago, with the seas traversed by numerous rhumb lines, and a large title cartouche of a transitional rococo-neoclassical style. Based on the very finest sources, it is highly-detailed, labeling all major settlements, as well as details in the interior such as rivers and lakes. “Bellin relied on the work of Padre Pedro Murillo Velarde (1696-1753), a Jesuit scholar, who worked for many years... to create the first broadly accurate map,...the Carta hydrographica y chronographica de las Islas Filipinas, printed in Manila in 1734.” Bellin notes on the map that his work is not a “servile copy” of Murillo Velarde’s 1744 map of the Philippines. Bellin’s Carte Reduite is considered to be one of the fundamental elements of any collection of Philippine maps. The map is presented in a Conservation frame, with UV filtering Museum Glass and acid-free mat board.

        Leon Gallery
      • Jacques de HEMRICOURT - Miroir des nobles de Hesbaye. N
        Sep. 24, 2022

        Jacques de HEMRICOURT - Miroir des nobles de Hesbaye. N

        Est: €200 - €250

        Jacques de HEMRICOURT - Miroir des nobles de Hesbaye. Nouvelle édition augmentée (...) par Mr. Charles-François JALHEAU. Liège, de l'imprimerie de J. F. Bassompierre, 1791. In-folio, 340 x 220 mm, veau brun de l'époque, dos fleuronné à cinq nerfs, pièce de titre (reliure frottée, petits manques sur le plat sup.). [2], iv, 344 pp. Frontispice et 8 planches dépliantes hors texte reproduisant 651 blasons. De Theux, 752. Quelques rousseurs ou brunissures, l'un ou l'autre pâle cerne de mouillure. Bon exemplaire.

        Alain & Evelyne Morel de Westgaver
        Jul. 09, 2022


        Est: $100 - $150

        An antique oval hand painted miniature portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte on a porcelain plate after the original oil painting by Nicolas Jacques, French, 1780 to 1844. Circa: late 19th century to early 20th century. An oval gilded frame with a loop on the top. Marked with a relief stamp, F. N. and Co., on the back. Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769 to 1821, and later known by his regnal name Napoleon I, was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. He was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814 and again in 1815. Antique and Vintage Political and Military Personalities Miniature Portraits For Collectors.

        Antique Arena Inc
      • Ozanam, M. Montluca u. Ch. Hutton, Jacques Recreations in Mathematics and N…
        Jun. 07, 2022

        Ozanam, M. Montluca u. Ch. Hutton, Jacques Recreations in Mathematics and N…

        Est: €600 -

        Ozanam, M. Montluca u. Ch. Hutton, Jacques Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 4 Bde. Mit 97 teils faltbaren Tafeln auf 96 Bll. London, G. Kearsley, 1803. I: 2 Bll., XV, XVI, XXI, 447 S. II: 4 Bll., XIII, 464 S. III: 4 Bll., XI, 501 S. IV: 4 Bll., XII, 516 S. 4°. HLdr. mit goldgepr. RTitel, Marmordeckeln und -schnitt und Lederecken (berieben, 1 Rücken angeplatzt). Erste Ausgabe der wichtigen englischen Übersetzung und Überarbeitung durch Charles Hutton. - Mit Ex-Libris von John S. Mackay sowie altem Bibliotheksetikett auf Vorsatz. - Wie in anderen Exemplaren auch sind die Tafeln 14 bis 18 zur Mechanik in Bd. II in der Zählung übersprungen. - Wertvolles Nachschlagewerk und zeitgeschichtliches Zeugnis über den Stand der Wissenschaft am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. - Vereinzelt braunfleckig, Tafeln teils etwas stärker. Insgesamt gut erhalten. Mathematics - 4 vols. With 97 plates, some of which are folding, on 96 fol. Half leather with gilt title, marbled boards and edges and leather corners (rubbed, 1 spine chipped). - First edition of the important English translation and revision by Charles Hutton. - With ex-libris of John S. Mackay and old library label on endpapers. - As in other copies, plates 14 to 18 on mechanics in vol. II are skipped in the counting. - Valuable reference work and contemporary historical testimony to the state of science at the end of the 18th century. - Occasional brown spotting, plates partly somewhat stronger. Overall in good condition. Mathematik Natural Sciences *

        Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
      • JACQUES Nicolas (1780 - 1844) - Grande miniature ovale "Portrait d'un gentilhomme". Signé sur le
        Dec. 08, 2021

        JACQUES Nicolas (1780 - 1844) - Grande miniature ovale "Portrait d'un gentilhomme". Signé sur le

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        JACQUES Nicolas (1780 - 1844) Grande miniature ovale "Portrait d'un gentilhomme". Signé sur le côté gauche Jacques pour Nicolas Jacques. Ecole française. Dim.:+/-10,8x8,5cm.

      • Nicolas Jacques Miniature Portrait of Woman
        May. 30, 2021

        Nicolas Jacques Miniature Portrait of Woman

        Est: $600 - $800

        JACQUES, Nicolas, (French, 1780-1844): Half portrait of woman with flowing dress and scarf, flowers in in hair, signed Jacques, sight size 4.25" dia.. Round gilt brass and blue porcelain frame 5.75".

        Amero Auctions
      • 'Isle de Sicilie, 1764, Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772), from 'Potit atlas maritime'
        Mar. 23, 2020

        'Isle de Sicilie, 1764, Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772), from 'Potit atlas maritime'

        Est: -

        'Isle de Sicilie, 1764, Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772), from 'Potit atlas maritime' 23,5X36,5, etching with etching on copper wash, frame in burr wood 51X60. Excellent conditions.'

      • A LARGE OVAL MINIATURE ON IVORY OF JEAN GEORGES SCHICKLER, NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844), DATED 1822 | A large oval miniature on ivory of Jean Georges Schickler, Nicolas Jacques (1780-1844), dated 1822
        May. 16, 2019

        A LARGE OVAL MINIATURE ON IVORY OF JEAN GEORGES SCHICKLER, NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844), DATED 1822 | A large oval miniature on ivory of Jean Georges Schickler, Nicolas Jacques (1780-1844), dated 1822

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        in an oval gilt-bronze frame decorated with palms and scrolls on matted ground, the man wears a redingote and a red cape, holding a horsewip in his left hand, a hat and gloves on his left

      • OFFENBACH, JACQUES Autograph note in French signed "Jacques Offenbach".
        Apr. 26, 2017

        OFFENBACH, JACQUES Autograph note in French signed "Jacques Offenbach".

        Est: $600 - $900

        OFFENBACH, JACQUES Autograph note in French signed "Jacques Offenbach". Three pages on Offenbach's monogrammed folded notepaper, dated 15 June [18]73, addressed to "mon cher ami." The bifolium 5 x 7 3/4 inches (13 x 19.5 cm), overall about 22 lines in dark brown ink. Usual folds, slight toning. A response to a letter from an (unnamed) correspondent, which mentions (in passing) ambrosia, a major plot device in his operetta Orphée aux enfers. C The Jessye Norman 'White Gates' Collection

        DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
      • Réunion de deux ouvrages autour de JACQUES VILLON :
        Apr. 25, 2017

        Réunion de deux ouvrages autour de JACQUES VILLON :

        Est: €150 - €200

        Réunion de deux ouvrages autour de JACQUES VILLON : Dessins. Paris, Louis Carré, 1956.In-6, couverture souple orange. Catalogue d'exposition, contenant des reproductions en noir. Exemplaire signé par l'artiste sur la page de titre. Souvenir. Paris, [Louis Carré], 1963. In-6. Bel ouvrage orné d'un portrait de Jacques Villon par le Georges Brassaï. On y joint : Richard Hulsenbeck. Cantates New-Orkaises, exemplaire réunissant des reproductions de Jean Arp. A set of two exhibition catalogue, one of them with the signature of Jacques Villon.

      • SCHOOL OF NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Rectangular, 93 x 74 mm., gi
        Jun. 02, 2015

        SCHOOL OF NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Rectangular, 93 x 74 mm., gi

        Est: £3,000 - £5,000

        SCHOOL OF NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Rectangular, 93 x 74 mm., giltwood frame

      • NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Oval, 137 mm. high, gilt-metal mount w
        Nov. 25, 2014

        NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Oval, 137 mm. high, gilt-metal mount w

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844) Oval, 137 mm. high, gilt-metal mount with foliate pattern, in rectangular gold velvet-covered frame

      • Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772)
        Jun. 28, 2014

        Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772)

        Est: $600 - $900

        Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772), "Carte de la Louisiane et des Pays Voisins...", 1755, engraved map, with outline color, sheet 21 1/4 in. x 26 1/2 in., framed; together with "A New Map of Louisiana", 1857, by J.L Hazzard, published by Charles Desilver, hand-colored; and "County Map of Florida", 1872, by S. Augustus Mitchell, hand-colored, sights 13 1/2 in. x 16 1/2 in. and 11 in. x 14 in. respectively, both framed, (3 pcs.)

        Neal Auction Company
      • Miniature portrait, Nicolas Jacques, Napoleon
        Jul. 14, 2013

        Miniature portrait, Nicolas Jacques, Napoleon

        Est: $1,800 - $2,500

        Nicolas Jacques (French, 1780-1844), Portrait of Napoleon, miniature portrait on ivory, signed lower left center, portrait dimensions (oval): 5.375"h x 4"w, overall (with frame): 9.5"h x 8.25"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Nicolas JACQUES (1780-1844). Attribué à. "Portrait
        Feb. 25, 2013

        Nicolas JACQUES (1780-1844). Attribué à. "Portrait

        Est: €400 - €500

        Nicolas JACQUES (1780-1844). Attribué à. "Portrait de femme en robe de soie bleue bordée de dentelle, sa chevelure attachée par un ruban de satin noir et ornée d'un peigne de perles". Miniature ovale sur ivoire, vers 1810. Haut. : 5,8 cm. Larg. : 4,3 cm.

        DUPONT & Associés
      • Attributed to Nicholas Jacques (French, 1780-1844) An Officer, wearing dark blue jacket with red piping and gold embroidered standing collar, gold epaulettes and aiguillette, the badge of the French Order of the Légion d'Honneur and two further
        Nov. 23, 2011

        Attributed to Nicholas Jacques (French, 1780-1844) An Officer, wearing dark blue jacket with red piping and gold embroidered standing collar, gold epaulettes and aiguillette, the badge of the French Order of the Légion d'Honneur and two further

        Est: £1,200 - £1,800

        An Officer, wearing dark blue jacket with red piping and gold embroidered standing collar, gold epaulettes and aiguillette, the badge of the French Order of the Légion d'Honneur and two further medals secured beneath his collar on his left, white chemise and black stock. Rectangular ormolu frame with foliate borders. Oval, 116mm (4 9/16in) high

      • NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844), ATTRIBUE A Portrait d'homme à la redingote bleue et au gilet jaune. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. H_4,5...
        Jun. 09, 2011

        NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844), ATTRIBUE A Portrait d'homme à la redingote bleue et au gilet jaune. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. H_4,5...

        Est: €400 - €500

        NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844), ATTRIBUE A Portrait d'homme à la redingote bleue et au gilet jaune. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. H_4,5 cm L_5 cm

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844) Portrait d'homme en redingote bleue et foulard blanc. Fond de ciel nuageux. Miniature ovale sur ivoire...
        Dec. 15, 2010

        NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844) Portrait d'homme en redingote bleue et foulard blanc. Fond de ciel nuageux. Miniature ovale sur ivoire...

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844) Portrait d'homme en redingote bleue et foulard blanc. Fond de ciel nuageux. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. Signée à gauche et datée 1817. H_9 cm L_7,3 cm

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
        Oct. 14, 2008


        Est: €8,000 - €12,000

        MINIATURE OVALE SUR IVOIRE MONTEE SUR LE COUVERCLE D'UN DRAGEOIR CIRCULAIRE la miniature par Nicolas Jacques (1780-1844), signée "Jacques" (à droite), vers 1822, la boîte par Jean-Louis Leferre et Catherine-Adélaïde Duponnois, Paris, 1819-1838 Portrait de Louis-Philippe, roi des Français (1773-1850), en uniforme de colonel des hussards, portant le cordon et la plaque de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit; monté sur le couvercle d'un drageoir circulaire en écaille brune doublée d'or Hauteur de la miniature: 73 mm. (2 7/8 in.), diamètre de la boîte: 87 mm. (3 3/8 in.)

      • Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins pour servir a l'Histoire des Establissemens Europeens Canada Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 A
        Feb. 20, 2008

        Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins pour servir a l'Histoire des Establissemens Europeens Canada Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 A

        Est: - $150

        This attractive, copper engraved map shows St. Lawrence Bay with Anticosti Island, Prince Edward Island ( I. St Jean ), Cape Breton Island (Isle Royale), and Newfoundland with the adjacent mainland. A decorative rococo-style cartouche and full, vibrant color make this a very desirable map. This is a variant of the second edition of the Bellin-Harrevelt map, published by Abbe Raynal, with the nu...

        Old World Auctions
      • Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe Terrestre World Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+
        Feb. 20, 2008

        Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe Terrestre World Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+

        Est: - $1,000

        This is a very large world chart presented on Mercator's projection, that originated in 1748 and went through several revisions until the turn of the century. North America is shown with a Fl. de l' Ouest connecting through a series of rivers and lakes from Lake Superior to the Pacific - representing the elusive Northwest Passage. The Russian discoveries in the North Pacific show ...

        Old World Auctions
      • Isle de Paques Easter Island Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+
        Dec. 05, 2007

        Isle de Paques Easter Island Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+

        Est: - $80

        This simple chart of Easter Island shows soundings, anchorages and hazards. A compass rose orients and adorns the map at right.

        Old World Auctions
      • Carta delle Isole di Comora Johanna o Anjuan Mohilla o Moaly e Mayota Africa - Comoros Islands Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+
        Dec. 05, 2007

        Carta delle Isole di Comora Johanna o Anjuan Mohilla o Moaly e Mayota Africa - Comoros Islands Jacques Nicolas Bellin 1780 B+

        Est: - $80

        An uncommon map of the Comoros islands, located in the Madagascar Channel, between Africa and Madagascar. The chart details the islands of Grand Comore, Moheli, Anjouan and Mayotte, with notes on anchorages and the small amount of knowledge of the islands at the time.

        Old World Auctions
      • NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844)
        May. 25, 2004

        NICOLAS JACQUES (FRENCH, 1780-1844)

        Est: £500 - £700

        A young lady, in red embroidered black dress with fichu-bordered white collar, pink ribbon bow tied around neck, her centre-parted dark hair dressed in curls and upswept signed 'Jacques' (mid-left) oval, 2 9/16 in. (66 mm.) high, gilt-metal foliate mount

      • NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844)
        Nov. 06, 2001

        NICOLAS JACQUES (1780-1844)

        Est: $3,500 - $4,900

        A young girl holding a porcelain doll, full face in white dress with short puff-sleeves, centre-parted curling fair hair; sky background signed and dated 'Jacques. 1823.' (lower right) oval, 2 13/16 in. (71 mm.) high, reeded gilt-metal frame.

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