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Anatolij L'vovic Kaplan Sold at Auction Prices

Illustrator, Painter

Anatoli (Tankhum) Lvovich Kaplan (December 26, 1902 – July 3, 1980) was a Russian painter, sculptor and printmaker, whose works often reflect his Jewish origins.

Kaplan was born in Rahachow, Belarus (in Russian, Rogachov) one of six children; his father was a butcher in Rahachow which was at that time within the Jewish Pale of Settlement in Russia. His background was therefore not dissimilar to that of Marc Chagall, born a generation earlier in 1887, and although their lives were very different, their art has much in common. The shtetl (Jewish village) figures in many of Kaplan's paintings; autobiographical references are very clear in The Butcher's Shop (1972) and Tailor's Shops (1975) and in the many illustrations which he was to create to the works of Sholem Aleichem.

Around 1922 Kaplan came to Leningrad (then named Petrograd), where he was to base his career for the rest of his life, although he often revisited the towns of his childhood. He graduated in 1927 from the Russian Academy of Arts there.

In the 1930s he became associated with a group of artists and lithographers in Leningrad which had been instructed to prepare a series of works dedicated to the remote Jewish Autonomous Oblast, being created by Joseph Stalin in the hope of resettling Russia's Jewish population in a remote area in the Far East of the country. Here Kaplan learnt and took to the skills of printmaking, developing many individual techniques. His first cycle of prints (1937–1940) was entitled Kasrilevka, (the name of the village invented by Sholem Aleichem).

During the war Kaplan was at first evacuated to the Urals, but returned to Leningrad in 1944. His lithograph cycle of Landscapes of Leningrad during the Days of the Blockade (1948) was widely acclaimed in Russia and was purchased by eighteen State galleries.

At one time Kaplan was supervisor of design in a glassware factory and this gave him an interest in the third dimension which was later to blossom in his ceramics and sculptures.

From the 1950s onwards Kaplan's artworks concentrated on Jewish themes, despite constant and often serious opposition and obstruction from the Soviet cultural authorities.[1] Amongst these works are his cover and illustrations to the Jewish Folksongs of Dmitri Shostakovich (1977), illustrations to Aleichem's Tevye the Milkman (3 series, 1957–1966), The Enchanted Tailor (1954–57) and Song of Songs (1962), and an extensive series of coloured lithographs (printed in London in 1961) on the old Jewish Passover song Chad Gadya (One Kid Goat). Throughout this time Kaplan was also producing paintings, though because of their subject matter they were rarely displayed in the Russia of his time. From 1967 onward he began also to produce ceramics and sculptures, including a set based on the characters of Gogol's Dead Souls.

Kaplan died in Leningrad, aged 77.

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            Auction Date


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            Price Range

            • Kaplan, Anatoli
              Jan. 12, 2025

              Kaplan, Anatoli

              Est: €100 - €150

              (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 St. Petersburg). Der Tanz. Lithografie. Sign. und dat. 65-67. 42 x 59,3 cm. - In Passepartout unter Glas (ungeöffnet). - Mayer/Strodt IX 12.- Mit Lichtrand.

              Zisska & Lacher
              Jan. 01, 2025


              Est: $350 - $450

              Artist: Anatoli L. Kaplan, Russian (1902 - 1980) Title: Stempenju Portfolio: Stempen Year: 1967 Medium: Lithograph, signed and numbered in pencil Edition: 3/10 Size: 24 x 17.5 in. (60.96 x 44.45 cm) Printer: Komvychata Workshop, Leningrad Description: This black and white lithograph is by Belarussian artist Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan. It comes from a portfolio of the same name, "Stempenju (Stempen)", which featured several other lithographs. All of the works, including this one, are signed and numbered in pencil.

            • Kaplan, Anatoli Lwowitsch
              Dec. 06, 2024

              Kaplan, Anatoli Lwowitsch

              Est: €800 - €1,200

              (1902 Rahatschou - St. Petersburg 1980). Illustrationen zu Scholem Alechem "Stempenju". 14 (13 num., von 30 ) Lithographien, 1965-67. Blgr. je 62 x 47 bzw. 47 x 62 cm. Sign., dat. u. russ. betitelt. Bl. 1,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,17 (?),19,21,22,28,30. - Mayer/Strodt IX. - Jwls. eines von 125 sign. u. russ. betitelten Ex. - Bl. 1 Randeinriss ob. re., Bl. 28 Randeinriss re. unt., Ecken tls. gestaucht.

              Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Dec. 05, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Portrait of a Jewish man, 1968, Lithograph, 54 x 40 cm, Signed in pencil, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Dec. 05, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Father and son, 1965, Lithograph, 48 x 35 cm, Signed in pencil, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Kaplan, Anatoli
              Nov. 29, 2024

              Kaplan, Anatoli

              Est: €100 - €150

              (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 St. Petersburg). Der Tanz. Lithografie. Sign. und dat. 65-67. 42 x 59,3 cm. - In Passepartout unter Glas (ungeöffnet). - Mayer/Strodt IX 12.- Mit Lichtrand.

              Zisska & Lacher
            • Anatoli Kaplan, zu "Tewje, der Milchmann"
              Nov. 23, 2024

              Anatoli Kaplan, zu "Tewje, der Milchmann"

              Est: -

              Anatoli Kaplan, zu "Tewje, der Milchmann" junges Paar vor der spärlich beleuchteten Kulisse eines Platzes, in einer Kleinstadt mit Pferdekarren, zu "Tewje, der Milchmann“ von Scholem Alejchem, Arbeit aus einem Zyklus von 30 Blatt, Lithographie, unter der Darstellung kyrillisch in Blei rechts signiert und datiert "Kaplan 819)66", sowie links unleserlich kyrillisch betitelt, leicht gebräunt, unter Passepartout und hinter Glas gerahmt, Darstellungsmaße ca. 55,5 x 40 cm. Künstlerinfo: russisch-jüdischer Maler, Bildhauer, Kunsttöpfer, Illustrator und Grafiker (1902 Rahatschou/Weißrussland bis 1980 Leningrad), zunächst als Zeichenlehrer tätig, studierte 1922–27 an der Akademie Petrograd (St. Petersburg), anschließend freiberuflich als Gebrauchsgrafiker, Bühnenbildner, Innenraumgestalter oder Illustrator in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) tätig, während des 2. Weltkriegs Evakuierung in den Ural, 1944 Rückkehr nach Leningrad und künstlerische Thematisierung des Leidens der Stadt im 2. Weltkrieg sowie deren Aufbau, 1953 erneut verstärkte Hinwendung zu jüdischen Themen und Buchillustration, tätig in Leningrad, Quelle: Internet. Anatoli Kaplan, for "Tewje, der Milchmann" Young couple in front of the sparsely lit backdrop of a square, in a small town with horse-drawn carts, for "Tewje, der Milchmann" by Scholem Alejchem, work from a cycle of 30 sheets, Lithograph, signed and dated "Kaplan 819)66" in Cyrillic in pencil below the image on the right and illegibly titled in Cyrillic on the left, slightly browned, matted and framed behind glass, dimensions approx. 55.5 x 40 cm. Artist information: Russian-Jewish painter, sculptor, art potter, illustrator and graphic artist (1902 Rahatschou/Belarus to 1980 Leningrad), initially worked as a drawing teacher, studied at the Petrograd Academy (St. Petersburg) from 1922-27, subsequently worked as a freelance commercial artist, stage designer, interior designer or illustrator in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Petersburg), during the Second World War evacuation to the Urals, 1944 return to Leningrad and artistic thematisation of the city's suffering during the Second World War and its reconstruction, 1953 renewed focus on Jewish themes and book illustration, active in Leningrad, source: Internet.

              Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Nov. 02, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Portrait of a Jewish man, 1968, Lithograph, 54 x 40 cm, Signed in pencil, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Nov. 02, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Father and son, 1965, Lithograph, 48 x 35 cm, Signed in pencil, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan "Stempenju". 1967/ 1968.
              Nov. 02, 2024

              Anatoli Kaplan "Stempenju". 1967/ 1968.

              Est: €3,500 - €4,000

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Farblithografien. Kassette mit einer Auswahl von dreißig Arbeiten der Folge zu Scholem Alejchems gleichnamigen Roman sowie Impressum in russischer Sprache. Jeweils in Blei u.re. kyrillisch signiert und datiert "AKaplan 68", u.li. fortlaufend nummeriert und kyrillisch betitelt. Mit einem maschinenschriftlichen Inhaltsblatt in deutscher Sprache von fremder Hand. Nr. 99 von 125 Exemplaren. Eikon Grafik-Presse, VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden. In der originalen Ziegenleder-Kassette, Frontispiz mit Impressum auf der Innenseite des Mappendeckels klebemontiert. Mit den Arbeiten: 1) Titelblatt. 1965. 2) "Das Städtchen". 1965–67. 3) Kapelle". 1965–67. 4) "Hochzeitsmahl". 1965–67. 5) "Brautwerber". 1965–67. 6) "Die Eltern". 1965. 7) "Stelldichein". 1967. 8) "Die Braut". 1967. 9) "Vor der Trauung". 1965–67. 10) "Riwkele". 1966. 11) "Frejdl".1965–67. 12) "Der Tanz". 1965–67. 13) "Hochzeitsnarren". 1965–67. 14) "Begegnung". 1965–67. 15) "Rochele". 1966. 16) "Stempenju". 1966. 17) "Erklärung". 1965. 18) "Verlobung". 1965–67. 19) "Rochele und ihr Mann". 1966. 20) "Masepowke". 1967. 21) "Hochzeitstanz". 1965–67. 22) "Trauung". 1965–67. 23) "Chaje-Etl". 1965–67. 24) "Freundinnen". 1966. 25) "Das Leid". 1965–67. 26) "Vor dem Spiegel". 1965. 27) "Serenade". 1965. 28) "Die Blumen". 1967. 29) "Beim Tee". 1965–67. 30) "Die Familie". 1966. 31) Schlussblatt mit Impressum (Frontispiz). WVZ Mayer / Strodt IX 1–31, mit abweichender Angabe zum Blattmaß 62 x 44 cm. Vgl. Mayer, R. (Hrsg.): Aurora und die eikon Grafik-Presse Dresden 1964 – 1992. Dresden 1999. Nr. 3. Mit Stempenju legte der russisch-jüdische Autor Scholem Alejchem im Jahr 1886 sein dem geschichtenerzählenden Großvater gewidmetes Erstlingswerk vor. In heiterem, gelösten Tenor wird die leidenschaftliche Romanze zwischen dem äußerst beliebten Musikanten Stempenju und der bereits vermählten Schönheit Rochel von der ersten Begegnung bis hin zum unvermeidlichen Ende beschrieben. Vielleicht mehr eine Novelle als einen Roman darstellend, verbindet Alejchem teils deftige und schonungslose Schilderungen jüdischen Wesens, Leidens und Feierbrauchtums mit der einfühlsamen Verbildlichung der ambivalenten Gefühlswelt von Liebenden. Die Musik dient dem Protagonisten als Sprache des Herzens. Stempenju spielt stets auf Hochzeiten auf und nicht selten wirbt er mit seiner Fiedel um die Braut. Nicht ohne ein Augenzwinkern lässt der Autor die anständige Rochel dem sehnsuchtsvollen Spiel des Musikanten erliegen und seine Charaktere an der Unerfüllbarkeit ihrer beider Wünsche wachsen. Die lithografierten Illustrationen Kaplans stellen keine textgetreue Übersetzung der Worte ins Bild dar, sondern zeigen vielmehr seine eigene Interpretation der Ereignisse. Immer wieder sieht man in nahezu sphärischen, flimmernden und traum-haften Darstellungen die Braut und die Hochzeitsgesellschaft, die Portraits wandeln sich wie das literarische Wesen der Akteure. Die Braut bei Kaplan heißt Rochel und ihr zur Seite stellt er den geliebten Stempenju. In der Abweichung von der Textvorlage verbildlicht Kaplan das Sehnen der handelnden Personen sowie das Hoffen des Lesers und schenkt somit der Erzählung einen wie Musik den Raum und Geist erfüllenden, zusätzlichen Klang. Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Der russisch-jüdische Maler, Bildhauer und Grafiker besuchte 1922–27 die Kunstakademie in Petrograd (später Leningrad). 1937 erhielt er den Auftrag des Ethnographischen Museums in Leningrad, eine Serie von Lithografien zu schaffen. Ab 1953 konzentrierte sich Kaplan ganz auf jüdische Themen, u.a. entstanden in dieser Zeit Illustrationen zu verschiedenen Texten jüdischer Künstler. Ab 1967 entstanden vor allem Keramiken und Skulpturen.

              Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
            • Anatoli Kaplan "Der behexte Schneider." 1954– 1957.
              Nov. 02, 2024

              Anatoli Kaplan "Der behexte Schneider." 1954– 1957.

              Est: €3,000 - €3,500

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Prof. Dr. Werner Schmidt 1930 Pirna – 2010 Dresden Farblithografien. Mappe mit 26 Arbeiten zu einem Text von Scholem Alejchem. In Blei jeweils u.re. kyrillisch signiert und datiert "Akaplan 54–57" sowie u.li. kyrillisch betitelt. Eines von 500 Exemplaren des Nachdrucks, Gesamtauflage 1100 Exemplare. Grafische Werkstatt der Leningrader Abteilung des Künstlerfonds der UdSSR. In der originalen Halbleinen-Flügelmappe. Mit den Arbeiten: a) "Titelblatt (Der Schneider mit der Ziege)". b) "Inhaltsverzeichnis (Säulen mit Ziegen)". c) "Vorwort". c) "Inhalt der Erzählung". e) "Die Personen der Handlung". f) "Der Schneider". g) "Die Frau des Schneiders". h) "Bild des Schenkwirts". i) "Der Schulmeister und seine Frau". j) "Die Ortschaft Slodejewka". k) "Die Ortschaft Kosodejewka". l) "Texte der Bilder". m) "Erstes Kapitel – Die Stube des Flickschneiders". n) "Zweites Kapitel – Der Schneider macht sich auf den Weg". o) "Drittes Kapitel – Die Schenke". p) "Viertes Kapitel – Der Kauf". q) "Fünftes Kapitel – Der Schneider trinkt in der Schenke". r) "Sechstes Kapitel – Die Frau wartet". s) "Siebentes Kapitel – Beim Rabbi". t) "Achtes Kapitel – Rasch nach Hause". u) "Neuntes Kapitel – Verspottung des Schneiders". v) "Zehntes Kapitel – Die Verfolgung". w) "Elftes Kapitel – Die Familie im Jammer". x) "Zwölftes Kapitel – Die Empörung". y) "Dreizehntes Kapitel – Der Tod des Schneiders". z) "Schlussblatt mit Bildnis des Verfassers". WVZ Mayer / Strodt IV 1–28. Provenienz: Nachlass Prof. Dr. Werner Schmidt, Dresden. Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Der russisch-jüdische Maler, Bildhauer und Grafiker besuchte 1922–27 die Kunstakademie in Petrograd (später Leningrad). 1937 erhielt er den Auftrag des Ethnographischen Museums in Leningrad, eine Serie von Lithografien zu schaffen. Ab 1953 konzentrierte sich Kaplan ganz auf jüdische Themen, u.a. entstanden in dieser Zeit Illustrationen zu verschiedenen Texten jüdischer Künstler. Ab 1967 entstanden vor allem Keramiken und Skulpturen.

              Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Judaica Figural Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Judaica Figural Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper featuring a Judaica religious figural work, created in a colorful abstract palette that reflects the artist's Jewish origins. The artwork depicts a female figure seen through a window, wearing a green dress and standing before a pair of lit, glowing candles. She is surrounded by vibrant abstract designs, with a series of red Hebrew letters floating above her head to the left. The piece is signed by the artist and dated "1969" at the lower right, with an additional yellow Hebrew artist's mark at the lower left. It is presented under glass, with a mat border, in a decorative wood frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.5" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Judaica Figural Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Judaica Figural Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper featuring a Judaica religious figural work, created in a colorful abstract palette that reflects the artist's Jewish heritage. The composition depicts a male figure with orange hair and beard, dressed in a violet coat, surrounded by vibrant abstract designs. Above his head, a series of orange Hebrew letters float, adding a symbolic touch. The artwork is signed by the artist and dated "1968" at the lower right. It is presented under glass, with a mat border, in a decorative wood frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.5" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Most of the securing nails are missing from the frame back. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Judaica Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Judaica Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper depicting a Judaica religious figural landscape, rendered in a colorful abstract palette that reflects the artist's Jewish origins. The scene features a male figure standing with his back to a large architectural element, suggesting a tomb or sepulchre, adorned with decorative birds and floral designs. The surroundings are filled with vibrant abstract patterns, and a series of red Hebrew letters float to the left of the figure. The artwork is signed and dated "1968" by the artist in the lower right, with an additional Hebrew artist's mark on the lower left. It is presented under glass, bordered by a mat, and set in a decorative wood frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.5" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Figural Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Figural Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper featuring a figural winter landscape, created in a colorful abstract palette that reflects the artist's Jewish origins. The scene depicts a male figure dressed in a heavy fur coat and hat, carrying two large pails as he walks through a forest landscape. The background includes trees, a house, various architectural and botanical elements, and a series of Hebrew letters along the bottom. The artist's signature and the date "1969" are located at the lower right. The artwork is presented under glass, with a mat border in a decorative frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.5" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Lovers Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan 20C. Russian Lovers Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper featuring a figural group landscape, depicting lovers embracing under a bright yellow moon that radiates a nimbus halo. The scene includes architectural elements set against a misty night time sky. The artist's signature is located at the lower left. It is presented under glass, bordered by a mat, and set in a decorative frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.25" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan 1902-1980 Dont Beat The Wind Pastel
              Oct. 30, 2024

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902-1980 Dont Beat The Wind Pastel

              Est: $100 - $1,000

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). An original pastel drawing on paper depicting a Judaica religious theme of a seated rabbi-like figure reading from the Torah scrolls, with the phrase "Don't Beat The Wind" written in Hebrew above and an anthropomorphic bird figure positioned behind him. The artwork is signed by the artist and dated 1968 in the lower right. It is presented under glass, bordered by a mat, and encased in a decorative wood frame. The sight size measures approximately 15.5" x 11.5". Created with SnapGenie Dimensions: 22.5 X 18 X 1 in. Condition: Good overall condition having mild age related surface wear. Frame has mild to moderate storage wear and losses to the edges and corners. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery offers in-house ground contiguous USA domestic shipping, excluding New Mexico, for $95 plus insurance. Gallery will refer third party shippers for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request. Local Delivery: Florida door-to-door hand delivery service available for this lot; contact Toti@Zemaqua.com for an estimate.

              Hill Auction Gallery
            • Anatoli Ivovich Kaplan (RU 1903-1980) In Boiberik
              Jul. 12, 2024

              Anatoli Ivovich Kaplan (RU 1903-1980) In Boiberik

              Est: $200 - $400

              Anatoli Ivovich Kaplan (Russian 1903-1980) lithograph on paper signed lower margin identified reverse editioned 65/125 - 13 x 17" 21 x 27"

              Merrill's Auctioneers & Appraisers
            • Kaplan, Anatoli (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 Leningrad),
              Jun. 19, 2024

              Kaplan, Anatoli (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 Leningrad),

              Est: €120 - €180

              Der Tanz. Lithografie. Sign. und dat. (19)65-67. 42 x 59,3 cm. - In Passepartout unter Glas (ungeöffnet). Mayer/Strodt IX 12.- Mit Lichtrand. -

              Zisska & Lacher
            • Anatoli Kaplan "The Beginning..." Lithograph
              Jun. 11, 2024

              Anatoli Kaplan "The Beginning..." Lithograph

              Est: $200 - $400

              Anatoli Lvovic Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980), "The Beginning: the saddest beginning is better than the happiest ending", Lithograph, 1962, signed in pencil and dated lower right, inscribed lower left, giltwood frame. Image: 20.25" H x 14.75" W; frame: 26.5" H x 21" W. Provenance: Property from a 251 E. 71st St. townhouse. Keywords: 20th Century Art, Prints, Multiples, Figural, Figurative, Judaica, Jewish art, Marriage

              Auctions at Showplace
            • Kaplan, Anatoli (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 Leningrad),
              Jun. 07, 2024

              Kaplan, Anatoli (Rahatschou, Belarus 1902-1980 Leningrad),

              Est: €120 - €180

              Der Tanz. Lithografie. Sign. und dat. (19)65-67. 42 x 59,3 cm. - In Passepartout unter Glas (ungeöffnet). Mayer/Strodt IX 12.- Mit Lichtrand. -

              Zisska & Lacher
            • ANATOLIJ LVOVIC KAPLAN (1902-1980)
              Jun. 01, 2024

              ANATOLIJ LVOVIC KAPLAN (1902-1980)

              Est: €1,200 - €2,400

              Sholom-Aleichem's The Bewitched Tailor A Portfolio of Twenty-seven color lithographs Mostly signed 'A. Kaplan 54-57' in pencil Case: 62 x 46 cm

              Galerie Moenius
              Apr. 02, 2024


              Est: $1,000 - $2,000

              Anatoly Lvovich Kaplan (1902-1980) - The Enchanted Tailor, Lithographs Portfolio, St. Petersburg, 1957. Portfolio with 27 lithographs by Anatoly Kaplan for the famous story by Sholem Aleichem. 27 lithographs (24 illustrations, introduction, index and colophon). The lithographs are signed in pencil and dated 54-57. 60x45cm. In the original binder - 62x46cm.

              Feb. 24, 2024


              Est: $100 - $150

              Monochrome lithograph on paper by Anatoli Kaplan, 1902 to 1980, a Soviet Jewish painter and printmaker whose works reflected on shtetl life and Jewish folklore. The artwork represents an abstract double portrait. Titled Fishke and Alter in the lower left. Signed by the artist and dated 1966-1967 in the lower right. Shike and Alter are characters of the novel titled Lame Fishke by Mendele Moicher Sforim, 1836 to 1917, a prominent Jewish writer. Kaplan worked on a series of illustrations for this story from 1966 to 1973. White mat, golden frame. Collectible Graphic Art Prints, Judaica, Yiddish And Hebre Literature.

              Antique Arena Inc
            • Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1903-1980) Lithograph on Paper, "Two Gentlemen", H 19" W 12.5"
              Feb. 16, 2024

              Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (Russian, 1903-1980) Lithograph on Paper, "Two Gentlemen", H 19" W 12.5"

              Est: $150 - $250

              Pencil signed lower right, #45/125. Two dapper fellows. Framed H 26.25", W 20.25". Provenance: Property from a Bloomfield Township, MI private collection.

              Feb. 07, 2024


              Est: $1,000 - $2,000

              Anatoly Lvovich Kaplan (1902-1980) - The Enchanted Tailor, Lithographs Portfolio, St. Petersburg, 1957. Portfolio with 27 lithographs by Anatoly Kaplan for the famous story by Sholem Aleichem. 27 lithographs (24 illustrations, introduction, index and colophon). The lithographs are signed in pencil and dated 54-57. 60x45cm. In the original binder - 62x46cm.

              Jan. 31, 2024


              Est: $500 - $700

              Artist: Anatoli L. Kaplan, Russian (1902 - 1980) Title: Stempenju Portfolio: Stempen Year: 1967 Medium: Lithograph, signed and numbered in pencil Edition: 3/10 Size: 24 x 17.5 in. (60.96 x 44.45 cm) Printer: Komvychata Workshop, Leningrad Description: This black and white lithograph is by Belarussian artist Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan. It comes from a portfolio of the same name, "Stempenju (Stempen)", which featured several other lithographs. All of the works, including this one, are signed and numbered in pencil.

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Listening to the Radio", 1938;
              Nov. 23, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Listening to the Radio", 1938;

              Est: £1,500 - £2,000

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980, "Listening to the Radio", 1938; lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated in pencil, 18 x 22.5 cm: together with seventeen other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include figure and village scenes, mainly titled, signed and dated, image (largest): 38 x 28 cm, (unframed) (18)

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Husband and Wife", 1941;
              Nov. 23, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Husband and Wife", 1941;

              Est: £1,500 - £2,000

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980, "Husband and Wife", 1941; lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated in pencil, image: 42 x 26.5 cm: together with twenty other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include figurative scenes and portraits, mainly titled, signed and dated, image (largest): 42 x 31 cm, (unframed) (21)

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Jewish Folk Tales of a Goat";
              Nov. 23, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Jewish Folk Tales of a Goat";

              Est: £1,500 - £2,000

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980, "Jewish Folk Tales of a Goat"; seventeen lithographs in colours on wove, each signed, inscribed, and dated in pencil, each sheet (approx.): 62 x 47.5 cm, together with 5 other colour lithographs, signed and dated by the artist, each sheet: 63 x 46.5 cm, (unframed) (22)

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Goat and Crib", 1957-61;
              Nov. 23, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Goat and Crib", 1957-61;

              Est: £800 - £1,200

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980, "Goat and Crib", 1957-61; lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated 57-61 in pencil, image: 41 x 35.5 cm (largest): together with twenty other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include village scenes, mainly titled, signed and dated in pencil, (unframed) (21)

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Family Portrait", 1938-41;
              Nov. 23, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Family Portrait", 1938-41;

              Est: £600 - £800

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980, "Family Portrait", 1938-41; lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated in pencil, image: 33 x 23 cm: together with thirteen other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include interior scenes, mainly titled, signed and dated in pencil, image (largest): 50.5 x 34.5 cm, (unframed) (14)

              Nov. 21, 2023


              Est: -

              ANATOLI LVOVIC KAPLAN (Russia 1902 - 1980) Senza titolo, ex. 31/125 Stampa, cm. 64,5 x 48 Tiratura in basso a sinistra Firma in basso a destra In cornice

              Casa d'Aste Babuino
            • Anatoli Kaplan, Zehn Illustrationen zu Dimitri Schostakowitsch "Lieder aus der jüdischen Volkspoesie". 1977.
              Nov. 04, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, Zehn Illustrationen zu Dimitri Schostakowitsch "Lieder aus der jüdischen Volkspoesie". 1977.

              Est: €600 - €700

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Kaltnadelradierungen (Zinkplatte) mit Plattenton in Schwarz und Braun der Folge mit insgesamt 14 Arbeiten. Alle Blätter in der Platte ligiert monogrammiert "AK" und datiert. Zudem jeweils unterhalb der Darstellung in Blei signiert "AKaplan". Jeweils eines von 10 oder 12 Exemplaren. Mit den Arbeiten: a) Titelblatt "Elf Lieder aus der jüdischen Volkspoesie" b) "Verzeichnis der elf Lieder in Russisch" c) "Mojschele ist gestorben (Totenklage)" d) "Fürsorgliche Mutter und Tante (Söhnchen, Schönstes)" e) "Der verlassene Vater (Ehle, der Trödler)" f) "Lied von Elend und Not (Weich und süß schläft das Kind)" g) "Winter, Mutter ist krank (Mutter liegt frierend im Bette)" h) "Glück (Das neue Leben)" i) "Gutes Leben (Bei meinem Mann hab'' ich mich eingehakt)" j) Schlußblatt ("Glück euch") WVZ Mayer / Strodt XVIII 1–4, 8–11, 13f. Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Der russisch-jüdische Maler, Bildhauer u. Grafiker besuchte 1922–27 die Kunstakademie in Petrograd (später Leningrad). 1937 erhielt er den Auftrag des Ethnographischen Museums in Leningrad, eine Serie von Lithografien zu schaffen. Ab 1953 konzentrierte sich Kaplan ganz auf jüdische Themen, u.a. entstanden in dieser Zeit Illustrationen zu verschiedenen Texten jüdischer Künstler. Ab 1967 entstanden vor allem Keramiken u. Skulpturen.

              Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
            • Anatoli Kaplan, 12 Illustrationen zu "Fischke der Lahme". 1976/ 1977.
              Nov. 04, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, 12 Illustrationen zu "Fischke der Lahme". 1976/ 1977.

              Est: €950 - €1,100

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Kaltnadelradierungen (Zinkplatte) mit Plattenton in Schwarz und Braun der Folge mit insgesamt 34 Arbeiten. Zehn Blätter in der Platte ligiert monogrammiert "AK" und datiert. Zudem jeweils unterhalb der Darstellung in Blei signiert "AKaplan" und kyrillisch betitelt. Jeweils eines von 10 oder 15 Exemplaren. Mit den Arbeiten: a) Titelblatt b) "Widmung (Grabstein)" c) "Zwei Pferde" d) "Bettler unterwegs" e) "Die Ziege wird gestohlen" f) "Badgehilfe" g) "Die Bucklige und Alter" h) "Chajm-Chone und Chaje-Trajne" i) "Simchele" j) "Fajwusch und die Blinde" k) "Betteln am Friedhof" l) "Die Mächtigen von Glupsk" WVZ Mayer / Strodt XVI 1–3, 6, 16, 22, 25–27, 29f, 30, 32. Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Der russisch-jüdische Maler, Bildhauer u. Grafiker besuchte 1922–27 die Kunstakademie in Petrograd (später Leningrad). 1937 erhielt er den Auftrag des Ethnographischen Museums in Leningrad, eine Serie von Lithografien zu schaffen. Ab 1953 konzentrierte sich Kaplan ganz auf jüdische Themen, u.a. entstanden in dieser Zeit Illustrationen zu verschiedenen Texten jüdischer Künstler. Ab 1967 entstanden vor allem Keramiken u. Skulpturen.

              Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
            • Anatoli Kaplan, 14 Illustrationen zu "Erinnerung an Rogatschow". 1970''s.
              Nov. 04, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, 14 Illustrationen zu "Erinnerung an Rogatschow". 1970''s.

              Est: €850 - €900

              Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Kaltnadelradierungen mit Plattenton der Folge mit insgesamt 154 Arbeiten. Teilweise in der Platte monogrammiert "AK" und datiert. Jeweils in Blei signiert "AKaplan", datiert, vereinzelt kyrillisch betitelt. Mit den Arbeiten: a) "Straße mit Liebespaar und Zicklein" b) "Paar vor der Kirche" c) "Vor dem Fenster (Unterhaltung)" d) "Mein Großvater" e) "Vom Markt". f) "Knaben" g) " Straße mit Gänsen" h) "Frau mit Vöglein" i) "Alte Menschen" j) "Paar" k) "Die störrische Ziege" l) "Der Regenguß" m) "Am Grab" n) "Fischverkäufer" WVZ Mayer / Strodt XV 2f, 8, 10, 15, 19, 22, 29, 34, 45, 59, 78, 86, 88. Anatoli Kaplan 1902 Rahatschau – 1980 Leningrad Der russisch-jüdische Maler, Bildhauer u. Grafiker besuchte 1922–27 die Kunstakademie in Petrograd (später Leningrad). 1937 erhielt er den Auftrag des Ethnographischen Museums in Leningrad, eine Serie von Lithografien zu schaffen. Ab 1953 konzentrierte sich Kaplan ganz auf jüdische Themen, u.a. entstanden in dieser Zeit Illustrationen zu verschiedenen Texten jüdischer Künstler. Ab 1967 entstanden vor allem Keramiken u. Skulpturen.

              Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
            • Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Sep. 18, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Table of contents from The Bewitched Tailor portfolio by the Yiddish author Sholem Aleichem), 1954-57, published 1957, Lithograph, 60 x 45 cm, Signed, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Sep. 18, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Loving couple in the Jewish village landscape, 1971, Pastel on paper, 48 x 33 cm, Signed and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Goat and Crib", 1957-61 
              Sep. 05, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Goat and Crib", 1957-61 

              Est: £1,500 - £2,000

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980,  "Goat and Crib", 1957-61;  lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated 57-61 in pencil, image: 41 x 35.5 cm (largest): together with twenty other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include village scenes, mainly titled, signed and dated in pencil,  (unframed) (21)

            • Anatoli Kaplan, "Family Portrait", 1938-41 
              Sep. 05, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan, "Family Portrait", 1938-41 

              Est: £1,000 - £1,500

              Anatoli Kaplan, Russian 1902-1980,  "Family Portrait", 1938-41;  lithograph printed in monochrome, signed, titled and dated in pencil, image: 33 x 23 cm: together with thirteen other monochrome lithographs by the same artist to include interior scenes, mainly titled, signed and dated in pencil, image (largest): 50.5 x 34.5 cm, (unframed) (14)

            • Anatoli Kaplan – Tevye the Dairyman, Part II – Lithographs Signed by the Artist
              Jul. 31, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan – Tevye the Dairyman, Part II – Lithographs Signed by the Artist

              Est: -

              Тевье–молочник ["Tevye the Dairyman"], part II. Portfolio of 25 lithograph illustrations produced by Anatoli Kaplan, after Sholem Aleichem's book. Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Издательство Художник РСФСР, 1961. Russian. Twenty–five lithographs depicting scenes from the tales of Sholem Aleichem's Tevye the Dairyman. The lithographs are signed by the artist, captioned in pencil (Russian), and numbered; lithograph title page, table of contents and colophon, signed by the artist. Copy no. 16 of a limited edition of 125 copies (hand–numbered in the colophon); placed in fine, original cloth portfolio. Emblem of the RSFSR Artists' Union on blank leaf at the beginning of the portfolio, with the copy number in handwriting. [28] lithographs (25 illustrations, title page, table of contents and colophon). 62X47 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor creases (marginal). Minor open tear to corner of colophon. Minor stains to portfolio. Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, ALE.21.

              Kedem Public Auction House Ltd
            • Lot of 5 Signed Lithographs by Anatoly Kaplan.
              Jul. 01, 2023

              Lot of 5 Signed Lithographs by Anatoly Kaplan.

              Est: $150 - $250

              This lot contains five signed lithographs by Anatoly Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980). They are signed, dated and numbered in pencil. They are dated 1962 and are all numbered 88/125. They illustrate a five part depiction of the Song of Songs. They have writing in both Russian and Hebrew. The frames have a few scuffs and several of the lithographs are framed loosely. The newer metal frame sizes vary, with the largest measuring 29" x 21 1/4". In-house shipping is available. Please see our website regarding our in-house shipping procedures.

              Direct Auction Galleries, Inc.
            • Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Jun. 27, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Woman and violinist in the Jewish village (Shtetl) landscape, Pastel on paper, 40 x 50 cm, Signed

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              May. 07, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Woman and violinist in the Jewish village (Shtetl) landscape, Pastel on paper, 40 x 50 cm, Signed

              Yair Art Gallery
            • Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)
              Apr. 20, 2023

              Anatoli Kaplan (Russian, 1902-1980)

              Est: -

              Table of contents from The Bewitched Tailor portfolio by the Yiddish author Sholem Aleichem), 1954-57, published 1957, Lithograph, 60 x 45 cm, Signed, titled and dated

              Yair Art Gallery
              Apr. 08, 2023


              Est: $200 - $300

              TWO ETCHINGS BY ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980) circa 1975 etching on paper 28 x 20 (11 x 7 7/8 in.); 31 x 27 cm (12 1/4 x 10 5/8 in.) [sheet] unframed both signed lower right, one is monogramed and dated on plate†

              Shapiro Auctions LLC
            • ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980)
              Apr. 08, 2023

              ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980)

              Est: $600 - $800

              ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980) the titles include: In Front of a Mirror, Proposal, Date, Wedding Orchestra, Whisper (in Hebrew, spelled in Cyrillic), Villagers, Untitled, Three Portraits, Bright Moon Night, Wedding Dinner CONDITION All prints are in good condition, wear and creasing to the edges and corners, some paper-aging. N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

              Shapiro Auctions LLC
            • ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980)
              Apr. 08, 2023

              ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980)

              Est: $600 - $800

              ANATOLY KAPLAN (BELARUSIAN 1902-1980) Seven Lithograph Illustrations for Chad Gadya (The Little Goat) , 1958-1961 lithograph on paper 47 x 35 cm (18 1/2 x 13 3/4 in.) [each] unframed all signed and titled, stamped with USSR customs stamp LOT NOTES The series of old Jewish Passover song Chad Gadya (Little Goat) published first in 1961 in London. The set includes illustrations for chapters three to eight and for the endpaper page.

              Shapiro Auctions LLC
            Lots Per Page: