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Frantisek (1866) Kavan Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1866 - d. 1941

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      Dec. 04, 2024


      Est: -

      In the winter landscape "From Ploučnice", František Kaván once again demonstrates his exceptional feeling for the choice of landscape motif, which he paints with absolute sovereignty and fidelity. Harmoniously layered strips of vegetation alternating with strips of snow-covered fields build a deep and rugged landscape with rising hills on the horizon. Influenced by his studies in Julius Mařák's landscape studio, which he entered in 1889, Kaván lives a very modest and solitary life and has become a true master at realistically depicting quiet landscapes. Technique: oil on cardboard, Signed: sign. lower right: Kaván Ploučnice

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN (Czech / Bohemian 1866 - 1941) - Winter landscape with lonely trees
      Nov. 25, 2024

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (Czech / Bohemian 1866 - 1941) - Winter landscape with lonely trees

      Est: -

      around 1910 | technique: oil on cardboard | 27 x 40 cm | signature: bottom left | framed under glass Lot description Frantisek Kavan became famous above all for his winter landscapes, in which he captured the typical atmosphere of Czech nature with an emphasis on melancholy and calm. This painting, with soft shades of white and gray, represents Kavan's signature work with a winter motif, where nature appears calm and majestic. The detailed representation of the trees in the foreground contrasts with the soft foggy landscape in the background, giving the image depth and harmony. Kavan was valued for his ability to express the poetic mood of nature, which makes his works still highly sought after by collectors.

      Einszwei Gallery
    • Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Cerna zima (Black Winter)",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),
      Oct. 12, 2024

      Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Cerna zima (Black Winter)",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),

      Est: -

      Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Cerna zima (Black Winter)",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague), "Cerna zima (Black Winter)", Oil on canvas, inscribed Kavan lower right, labelled Cerna Zima on the reverse, 40.5 x 52.5 cm Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Prag), "Cerna zima (Schwarzer Winter)", Öl auf Leinwand, bezeichnet unten rechts Kavan, rückseitig bezeichnet Cerna Zima, 40.5 x 52.5 cm

      Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    • Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Weir in the Cidline River",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),
      Jun. 15, 2024

      Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Weir in the Cidline River",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),

      Est: -

      Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Weir in the Cidline River",(1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague), "Weir in the Cidline River", Oil on paper on cardboard, inscribed and dated lower right Splávek na Cidlina 1903 Kaván, 20.5 x 28.5 cm (BM), framed under glass Kaván/Kavan, František (1866 Víchovská Lhota - 1941 Libuň, Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Prag), "Wehr im Cidline-Fluss", Öl auf Papier auf Karton, bezeichnet und datiert unten rechts Splávek na Cidlina 1903 Kaván, 20.5 x 28.5 cm (BM), unter Glas gerahmt

      Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    • KAVAN FRANTISEK (Czech / Bohemian 1866-1941) - Priprasek
      May. 27, 2024

      KAVAN FRANTISEK (Czech / Bohemian 1866-1941) - Priprasek

      Est: -

      Media: oil on chipboard | Dimensions: 40 x 52 cm | Signature: down on the left | Frame: framed |

      Einszwei Gallery
    • KAVAN FRANTISEK (Czech / Bohemian 1866-1941) - Tam tichou nad Luznici
      May. 27, 2024

      KAVAN FRANTISEK (Czech / Bohemian 1866-1941) - Tam tichou nad Luznici

      Est: -

      Date: 1894 | Media: oil on chipboard | Dimensions: 20 x 28 cm | Signature: down on the left | Frame: framed | Expertize: Assessed: PhDr. Michael Zachař, List of works: PhDr. Michael Zachar 191, Mánes 2018

      Einszwei Gallery
      Dec. 07, 2023


      Est: -

      Quiet winter landscapes are among František Kaván's iconic subjects. Few motifs resonate so well with his modest nature and precise, lithe handwriting, which is made for snowdrifts and subtle nuances of atmospheric phenomena. At the end of his life, with his declining strength, the formats of his works, which are rather more intimate, became smaller. Technique: oil on cardboard, Signed: sign. lower left: Kaván

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
      Dec. 07, 2023


      Est: -

      František Kaván was one of the modest and balanced solitaires who surrendered to the charm of the landscape and completely merged with it. Perhaps it was the stormy development of Czech modernism that forced him to retire and remain faithful to his own artistic approaches. The landscape called "Before the reapers" is one of the portraits of the Czech countryside, which is the main subject of Kaván's works. The unusually vitalistic color of glowing green with lush flowers and azure blue creates a harmonious counterpoint to his winter landscapes, which are more painterly reserved. Technique: oil on canvas on cardboard, Signed: sign. lower left: Kaván

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
      Dec. 07, 2023


      Est: -

      František Kaván excelled in portraying different moods in the landscape. Influenced by the group around the Modern Revue, he temporarily deviated from realism in 1895 and moved towards symbolism and decadence. The presented painting probably comes from Kaván's calmer period, when he returned to realism after 1900 and resided in Vítanov and Železnica. Kaván's work is influenced by studying in the landscape studio of Julius Mařák, which he joined in 1889. Technique: oil on cardboard, Signed: sign. lower right: Kaván

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
    • Kavan Frantisek (CZECH, 1866-1941) - Landscape with a Stream
      Nov. 27, 2023

      Kavan Frantisek (CZECH, 1866-1941) - Landscape with a Stream

      Est: -

      Landscape with a Stream Expert's assessment: PhDr. Michael Zachař.

      Einszwei Gallery
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN, Czech 1866-1941, Village in Winter, oil on canvas, 29 3/4 x 39 1/2 in. (75.6 x 100.3 cm.), Frame: 38 1/4 x 3 x 48 in. (97.2 x 7.6 x 121.9 cm.)
      Jun. 22, 2023

      FRANTISEK KAVAN, Czech 1866-1941, Village in Winter, oil on canvas, 29 3/4 x 39 1/2 in. (75.6 x 100.3 cm.), Frame: 38 1/4 x 3 x 48 in. (97.2 x 7.6 x 121.9 cm.)

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      FRANTISEK KAVAN Czech, 1866-1941 Village in Winter oil on canvas signed lower left "Kavan"

    • KAVAN FRANTISEK (CZECH 1866-1941) - U Libunske silnice | By the Libuna road
      Nov. 28, 2022

      KAVAN FRANTISEK (CZECH 1866-1941) - U Libunske silnice | By the Libuna road

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      KAVAN FRANTISEK (CZECH 1866-1941) U Libunske silnice | By the Libuna road olej na kartonu 40,5 x 53 cm

      Einszwei Gallery
    • Kaván František 1866–1941 - Landscape with a footbridge, 1906
      Apr. 11, 2021

      Kaván František 1866–1941 - Landscape with a footbridge, 1906

      Est: -

      Kaván František 1866–1941 Landscape with a footbridge, 1906 oil, canvas, frame, 80 × 101 cm The expertise of PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař, 2003 attached. Provenance: The work comes from an important collection.

      Auction House Sypka
      Dec. 10, 2020


      Est: -

      The peaceful winter landscape interwoven with ponds and wetlands is a harmonious work with the typical handwriting of František Kaván, the author of numerous depictions of the changes in the Czech landscape during the changing seasons. The winter landscape depicting the natural reservation Trhovokamenické rybníky belongs to the author's quieter period, when after 1900 he returned to realism and lived in Vítanov and Železnice. Kaván works influenced by his studies in the landscape studio of Julius Mařák, where he joined in 1889, he lives very modestly and solitarily, and he soon excels in realistic depictions of the landscape above his classmates. Under the influence of the group around the Modern Revue, in 1895 he temporarily deviated from realism and switched to symbolism and decadence. The authenticity of the work confirmed by PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař. Technique: Oil on cardboard, Signed: Lower left "Kaván"

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
    • František Kaván (1866-1941)
      Dec. 05, 2020

      František Kaván (1866-1941)

      Est: -

      František Kaván (1866-1941) ZIMNÍ RÁNO U OSADY Olej na kartonu, 70x90 cm, sign. a zn. vlevo dole "Kaván věnuje v úctě vděčně zimní ráno u osady". Rámováno. Posouzeno PhDr. Michaelem Zachařem. Z posudku PhDr. Michaela Zachaře.: „[...].Jedná se o nesporný originál českého krajináře, Mařákova žáka, Františka KAVÁNA (1866 – 1941), vyznačující se typickými znaky jeho vyzrálé malby – uvolněným štětcovým přednesem, vytříbeným koloritem a schopností věrohodně vyjádřit povahu a tvářnost krajiny v jejích atmosferických a světelných proměnách. Obraz pochází z umělcova vyzrálého tvůrčího období po roce 1920, kdy ještě pravidelně aktivně podnikal cesty do plenéru a řešil co nejvěrohodnější zachycení momentální nálady jemu lahodícího místa… Jde o kvalitní Kavánův obraz sběratelské a galerijní úrovně. Potvrzuji jednoznačně pravost Kavánova velkoformátového originálu [...]“. Stav A. František Kaván - žák Julia Mařáka na pražské akademii, spolupracoval i se svým učitelem a účastnil se spolu s ním malířských výletů do přírody. Působil ve Svobodných Hamrech, odkud i bral krajinné náměty, stejně jako z krajiny Karlštejnska či Kokořínska. Po realistických začátcích se přiklonil k symbolismu a udržoval kontakt s osobnostmi kolem Moderní revue. Po r. 1900 se vrátil k čisté krajinomalbě, kterou zachycoval pomocí impresivně laděného realismu. English Translation František Kaván (1866-1941) WINTER MORNING NEAR A VILLAGE Oil on cardboard, 70x90 cm, signed and marked lower left "Kaván věnuje v úctě vděčně zimní ráno u osady". Framed. Condition A. German Translation František Kaván (1866-1941) WINTERMORGEN Öl auf Karton, 70x90 cm, Signatur und Widmung links unten: "Kaván věnuje v úctě vděčně zimní ráno u osady". Gerahmt. Zustand A. Euros 2218

      Auction House Zezula
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH, 1866-1941).
      Oct. 11, 2020

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH, 1866-1941).

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Oil on Board. Winter Landscape. Signed lower left. From a Long Island, NY collection.

      Clarke Auction Gallery
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)
      Aug. 25, 2020

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)

      Est: £1,000 - £2,000

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941) Summer meadow Signed (lower right) Oil on paper 39 x 48cm

      Chiswick Auctions
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)
      Jul. 29, 2020

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941) Summer meadow Signed (lower right) Oil on paper 39 x 48cm

      Chiswick Auctions
      Jul. 07, 2020


      Est: -

      A calm winter landscape with nearby birch draw is a harmonious work featuring the typical style of František Kaván, the author of numerous paintings showing the transforming Czech countryside during the changing seasons. The winter landscape is dated to quieter period in Kaván’s career, when he returned to Realism. Kaván’s work was influenced by his studies in Julius Mařák’s landscape painting studio, where he started in 1889. He lived alone and led a humble life, and his realistic depictions of the landscape soon surpassed the work of his classmates. Influenced by the group around Moderní revue, he temporarily diverged from Realism in 1895 and switched to Symbolism and decadence. An expert assessment of the work has been prepared by PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař. Technique: Oil on cardboard, Signed: Lower left "Kaván"

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
      Dec. 10, 2019


      Est: -

      A calm winter landscape crisscrossed by a stream is a harmonious work featuring the typical style of František Kaván, the author of numerous paintings showing the transforming Czech countryside during the changing seasons. The winter landscape Below the Hillside dates from a quieter period in Kaván’s career, when he returned to Realism after 1900 and resided in Vítanov and Železnice. Kaván’s work was influenced by his studies in Julius Mařák’s landscape painting studio, where he started in 1889. He lived alone and led a humble life, and his realistic depiction of the landscape soon surpassed the work of his classmates. Influenced by the group around Moderní revue, he temporarily diverged from Realism in 1895 and switched to Symbolism and decadence. An expert assessment of the work has been prepared by PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař.

      Arthouse Hejtmánek
    • FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)
      Oct. 09, 2019

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      FRANTISEK KAVAN (CZECH 1866-1941) Summer meadow Signed (lower right) Oil on paper  39 x 48cm

      Chiswick Auctions
    • KAVAN FRANTISEK ( 1866 - 1941 ) Winter
      Sep. 27, 2017

      KAVAN FRANTISEK ( 1866 - 1941 ) Winter

      Est: -

      Oil, cardboard, 34 x 48 cm. Signed to the bottom left. Originality verified PhDr. Michael Zachar.

      Art Gallery R&K s.r.o
    • Kaván František (1866 - 1941)
      May. 14, 2016

      Kaván František (1866 - 1941)

      Est: Kč700,000 - Kč1,000,000

      Title of work: Winter Mood Period: cicra 1907 Technique: oil on canvas Size: 80 x 100 cm Condition: painting in good condition, original frame Restoration research: Prof. Karel Stretti, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague Analysis of pigments: Ing. Lenka Zamrazilová, Laboratory of Fine Arts in Prague Expert´s report: PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař Expert´s review: PhDr. Jaroslav Pelikan Tentative estimated price (EUR): 25 926 - 37 038 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 15 556

      Galerie Ustar
    • Kaván František (1866 - 1941)
      May. 14, 2016

      Kaván František (1866 - 1941)

      Est: Kč70,000 - Kč100,000

      Title: Hromniční věje (View from the Kavan´s garden in Libuň) Period: year 1935 Size: 38 x 70 cm Technique: oil tempera on plywood Signed lower left Fr. Kaván Hromniční věje, frame, glass Postcard with handwritten verification of authenticity from František Kavan is attached. Written verification of originality: PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař Tentative estimated price (EUR): 2 593 - 3 704 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 1 260

      Galerie Ustar
    • Kaván František (1866 - 1941)
      May. 14, 2016

      Kaván František (1866 - 1941)

      Est: Kč35,000 - Kč45,000

      Title: Olešnice Period: circa 1905-1907 Technique: oil tempera on cardboard Size: 25 x 36 cm Signed:vbottom right Kaván H. u Olešnice Condition: painting slightly damaged, original frame The authenticity of the image is consulted with and confirmed by PhDr. Mgr. Michael Zachař Tentative estimated price (EUR): 1 297 - 1 667 Tentative Starting price (EUR): 741

      Galerie Ustar
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