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Laura Kriesch Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Commercial artist, Water colorist

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    • LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp.
      Jan. 31, 2024

      LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp.

      Est: €400 - €500

      LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp. Measurements: 16 x 15 x 15 cm. This vase, designed by Laura Kriesch for Rosenthal, has a large globular body, which contrasts with the small neck of the same. The mouth presents a beautiful naturalistic design simulating the corolla of a flower. Its body is decorated with large floral motifs reduced to their essence, with a certain tendency towards geometry. Although we know little about Laura Kriesch's life, we do know that she was born in Hungary and devoted her life to decoration, both enamelled and embroidered. She is currently represented at the MoMA in New York. The prestigious German ceramics, porcelain and glassware manufacturer Rosenthal was founded in 1879 in Selb, Bavaria, by Philip Rosenthal (1855-1937), and is still in business today. Its first market success came at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to its delicate figural statuettes and tableware, with its simplified and refined forms, very different from the earlier Art Nouveau pieces. After the Second World War, the factory completely renewed its repertoire and hired important designers such as Löwy and Wirkkala.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Seltene Vase. F. Meder für Rosenthal. 1907– 1910.
      Mar. 25, 2023

      Seltene Vase. F. Meder für Rosenthal. 1907– 1910.

      Est: €350 - €400

      F. Meder Tätig um 1907 Laura Kriesch 1879 Budapest – 1966 Gödöllo Porzellanmanufaktur Rosenthal 1880 Erkersreuth (Selb) Porzellan, glasiert, in polychromer Malerei staffiert. Balusterförmiger Körper auf rundem Stand, mit eingerücktem, 6–fach gekniffenem Mündungsrand. Unterseits die Manufakturmarke in Schwarz, unglasiert. Zur Vasenform vgl. Kriesch, Laura (Dekorentwurf), Rosenthal-Vase, um 1900, angeboten bei Quittenbaum München, Auktion 86: Jugendstil – Art Déco. München 2009, S. 274–275. F. Meder Tätig um 1907 Porzellanmaler. Kunstabteilung Selb. Laura Kriesch 1879 Budapest – 1966 Gödöllo Entwerferin und Malerin für Rosenthal Porzellanfabrik. Porzellanmanufaktur Rosenthal 1880 Erkersreuth (Selb) 1880 von Phillip Rosenthal als Porzellanmalereiwerkstatt in Erkersreuth gegründet. 1886 wurde die Firma erweitert und eine Produktionsstätte für weißes Porzellan in der Nachbarstadt Asch eingerichtet. 1891 Verlegung der Porzellanherstellung und -malerei nach Selb. 1910 wurde eine eigene Kunstabteilung gegründet, im folgenden Jahr erwarb man mehrere Porzellanmanufakturen. Ab den 1960er Jahren wurde Rosenthal zu einem großen Namen im modernen Design und die Manufaktur arbeitete mit zeitgenössischen Künstlern, Designern und Architekten zusammen, darunter so prominente Persönlichkeiten wie Raymond Loewy, Walter Gropius, Tapio Wirkkala oder Sebastian Herkner. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten kam es zu größeren Kooperationen auch in den Bereichen Mode und Möbeldesign.

      Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
    • LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp.
      Dec. 21, 2022

      LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp.

      Est: €400 - €500

      LAURA KRIESCH (Hungary, 1879-1966) for ROSENTHAL. Germany, 1900-1910. Art Nouveau vase. Signed on the base by the author. With Rosenthal stamp. Measurements: 16 x 15 x 15 cm. This vase, designed by Laura Kriesch for Rosenthal, has a large globular body, which contrasts with the small neck of the same. The mouth presents a beautiful naturalistic design simulating the corolla of a flower. Its body is decorated with large floral motifs reduced to their essence, with a certain tendency towards geometry. Although we know little about Laura Kriesch's life, we do know that she was born in Hungary and devoted her life to decoration, both enamelled and embroidered. She is currently represented at the MoMA in New York. The prestigious German ceramics, porcelain and glassware manufacturer Rosenthal was founded in 1879 in Selb, Bavaria, by Philip Rosenthal (1855-1937), and is still in business today. Its first market success came at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to its delicate figural statuettes and tableware, with its simplified and refined forms, very different from the earlier Art Nouveau pieces. After the Second World War, the factory completely renewed its repertoire and hired important designers such as Löwy and Wirkkala.

      Setdart Auction House
    • Nagy, Sandor (1869-1950) - Kriesch, Laura (1879-?)
      Dec. 14, 2007

      Nagy, Sandor (1869-1950) - Kriesch, Laura (1879-?)

      Est: -

      Nagy, Sandor (1869-1950) - Kriesch, Laura (1879-?) Fairy Garden Starting price: 5.500.000 Ft

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