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Agathon Léonard Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, Commercial artist

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        • AGATHON LEONARD (Lille, 1841-Paris, 1923). "Ballerina". Bronze. Marble pedestal. Signed.
          Feb. 26, 2025

          AGATHON LEONARD (Lille, 1841-Paris, 1923). "Ballerina". Bronze. Marble pedestal. Signed.

          Est: €500 - €600

          AGATHON LEONARD (Lille, 1841-Paris, 1923). "Ballerina". Bronze. Marble pedestal. Signed. Measurements: 45 + 8 cm (pedestal). The most celebrated theme of this sculptor was that of the dancers, like the one shown here. Agathon Léonard was a French Art Nouveau sculptor. Léonard moved to Paris at a young age and studied sculpture at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris with Eugène Delaplanche. In 1887 he joined the Société des Artistes Français and in 1897 the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. He exhibited regularly throughout France and was named Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1900. One of his best known works is La Cothurne (Tragic Pose from Le Jeu de l'escharpe), modeled in 1895 and cast in 1900. The handkerchief play, executed in the characteristic fin-de-siècle and gilt style, depicts a dancer in a flowing dress with a billowing handkerchief on her head. This piece, made in 1897, was inspired by the famous dancer Lois Fuller and was displayed as a centerpiece at the 1900 Universal Exposition in the Pavillon de Sèvres in Paris. Léonard's works were cast in bronze by the Susse Frères Editeurs foundry. In addition to bronze, he also produced works in marble, quartz and ivory. His bas-relief of Saint Cecilia is in the Museum of Abbeville and the Museum of Nantes houses a bust entitled The Looter of Shipwrecks. Léonard also made medallions, statuettes and Art Nouveau ceramics.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Agathon LEONARD
          Jan. 30, 2025

          Agathon LEONARD

          Est: €4,500 - €6,000

          Agathon LEONARD (1841-1923) - Danseuse à la Cothurne - Gilded bronze - Fonte Susse et Frères Height: 28 cm Note : Representing a dancer in motion, this work illustrates the artist's excellence in capturing the feminine grace and fluidity of gesture typical of Art Nouveau. Leonardo, famous for his dancing figurines, here combines sensuality with technical mastery, making this piece a celebration of aesthetics and elegance. Agathon Léonard's Danseuse à la Cothurne is part of a group of sculptures entitled "Le Jeu de l'Écharpe", created at the end of the XIXᵉ century. This set, comprising fifteen dancing female figures, was presented by the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres at the 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris, where it met with notable success. The Petit Palais in Paris holds two terracotta sketches from this set, acquired in 2016. These sketches testify to Leonardo's creative process and his attention to detail in depicting feminine movement and grace. The "Danseuse à la Cothurne" was produced in various sizes and materials, notably in gilded bronze by the Susse Frères foundry, like our model presented here. This sculpture illustrates the elegance and dynamism characteristic of the Art Nouveau style, of which Agathon Léonard is an eminent representative.

          Expertisez Enchères
          Jan. 25, 2025


          Est: $100 - $150

          Agathon Leonard, Belgian, 1841 to 1923, bas relief gilt bronze plaque depicting a portrait of Saint Cecilia. Signed with a casting, A. Leonard, and dated 1888, lower to the center. Framed. Marked with an impressed stamp, Thiebaut Freres Paris Fumiere and Cie Succs, lower left. Presented at the Universal Exhibition of 1889, the work is a portrait of Saint Cecilia, the theme of saints being then very fashionable. The bronze bas relief represents the young woman in half length profile. Born in Belgium in 1841, Agathon Leonard studied at the Academic Schools of Lille and then at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris. After settling in the capital where he exhibited at the Salon of 1868, he joined the Society of French Artists and then the National Society of Fine Arts in 1897. Committed to the current of Art Nouveau, he exhibited many pieces, in particular at the Universal Exhibition of 1900. He produced many medallions, statuettes in bronze, porcelain or Sevres biscuit. He sculpts marble, quartz and ivory. The female figure is one of his favorite subjects. Antique European Bronze Plates and Plaques, Bas Relief Portraits, and Collectibles.

          Antique Arena Inc
        • Agathon LEONARD
          Dec. 12, 2024

          Agathon LEONARD

          Est: €5,000 - €7,000

          Agathon LEONARD (1841-1923) - Danseuse à la Cothurne - Gilded bronze - Fonte Susse et Frères Height: 28 cm Note : Representing a dancer in motion, this work illustrates the artist's excellence in capturing the feminine grace and fluidity of gesture typical of Art Nouveau. Leonardo, famous for his dancing figurines, here combines sensuality with technical mastery, making this piece a celebration of aesthetics and elegance. Agathon Léonard's Danseuse à la Cothurne is part of a group of sculptures entitled "Le Jeu de l'Écharpe", created at the end of the XIXᵉ century. This set, comprising fifteen dancing female figures, was presented by the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres at the 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris, where it met with notable success. The Petit Palais in Paris holds two terracotta sketches from this set, acquired in 2016. These sketches testify to Leonardo's creative process and his attention to detail in depicting feminine movement and grace. The "Danseuse à la Cothurne" was produced in various sizes and materials, notably in gilded bronze by the Susse Frères foundry, like our model presented here. This sculpture illustrates the elegance and dynamism characteristic of the Art Nouveau style, of which Agathon Léonard is an eminent representative.

          Expertisez Enchères
        • AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), French antique cast bronze statue of a Bedouin camel rider, early 20th century, stamped "A. Leonard", 25cm high
          Nov. 17, 2024

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), French antique cast bronze statue of a Bedouin camel rider, early 20th century, stamped "A. Leonard", 25cm high

          Est: $400 - $600

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), French antique cast bronze statue of a Bedouin camel rider, early 20th century, stamped "A. Leonard", 25cm high

          Leski Auctions Pty Ltd
        • Agathon LEONARD
          Sep. 23, 2024

          Agathon LEONARD

          Est: €7,000 - €10,000

          Agathon LEONARD (Lille, 1841 - Paris, 1923) Jeune fille en buste, des fleurs dans les cheveux Marbre blanc Signé 'A. LEONARD' sur le côté droit Repose sur une base en bronze doré ornée d'un rang de perles Hauteur totale : 61 cm (Petit manque à une fleurette) 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Nord de la France Bibliographie : Bibliographie en rapport : -Ingelore Böstge, 'Agathon Léonard : le geste Art nouveau', cat. exp. Roubaix, La Piscine musée d'art et d'industrie André-Diligent, 11 mars-9 juin 2003, Beauvais, musée départemental de l'Oise, 25 juin-26 octobre 2003, Paris, Somogy éd. D'art, 2003. Principalement célèbre pour son surtout de table appelé " La danse " ou " Jeune de l'écharpe " réalisé en 1900 pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris, l'œuvre d'Agathon Léonard comprend également des bustes féminins en marbre dans le style Art Nouveau. Agathon LEONARD (Lille, 1841 - Paris, 1923) 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 cm Principalement célèbre pour son surtout de table appelé " La danse " ou " Jeune de l'écharpe " réalisé en 1900 pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris, l'œuvre d'Agathon Léonard comprend également des bustes féminins en marbre dans le style Art Nouveau.

        • Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris
          Jun. 27, 2024

          Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris

          Est: €25,000 - €35,000

          DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE Höhe: 42 cm. Gesamthöhe: 60 cm. Rückseitig signiert „A. Léonard Sclp.“ mit dem runden Gießerstempel „SUSSE FRÈRES PARIS“. Bronzeguss, in Kaltarbeit nachziseliert, mit Goldpatina. Vergoldete Bronzefigur aus dem Zyklus „Le jeu de l’echarpe“, Entwurf 1898. Die Tänzerin in langem, am Boden aufstehendem Faltenkleid mit weiten, ausschwingenden Ärmeln. Der besondere Aspekt der Gestaltung ist die Erfassung eines kurzen Augenblicks in der Bewegung, was der Figur trotz aller Ruhe die Spannung verleiht. Das über die Figur weit ausschwingende Tuch hat den Einsatz einer Glühbirne erlaubt, die den zurückgeneigten Kopf wirkungsvoll beleuchtet. Elektrifiziert. Die Figur entstand als Teil einer Tänzerinnen-Gruppe „Jeu de l’Echarpe“, zunächst konzipiert als Wandreliefs für ein Theaterfoyer. Alexandre Sandier, Leiter der Porzellanmanufaktur Sèvres, sah die Modelle 1897 auf der Ausstellung der Société nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris und beauftragte den Künstler, einen mehrteiligen Tafelaufsatz in Porzellan mit zwölf Tänzerinnen und Musikerinnen zu realisieren, bis 1901 um drei Figuren erweitert. So wurden die Figuren der Gruppe auch in Sèvres-Porzellan in verschiedenen Größen hergestellt. Die Figurengruppe weithin anerkannt zu den schönsten Werken der Jugendstil-Plastik. Die Gießerei Susse Frères sicherte sich schon 1901 die Rechte an der Bronzeproduktion.  Der Künstler Agathon Léonard van Weydefeldt entstammte einer belgischen Familie, erhielt die französische Staatsbürgerschaft, nachdem er 1870 auf der französischen Seite gekämpft hatte. Er begann das Studium an der Akademie in Lille, danach an der École nationale supérieur des beaux-arts de Paris, unter anderem bei Eugène Delaplanche. 1868 nahm er am Salon teil, wurde 1887 Mitglied der Société des Artistes Français. Bei dem berühmten Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux war er als Praktikant beteiligt am Bau der „Fontaine de l’Observatoire“ in Paris (1867-1874). Anlässlich der Pariser Weltausstellung 1889 erhielt er die Silbermedaille, 1900 den Orden der Ehrenlegion, 1901 die Goldmedaille. A.R. Literatur: Vgl. Ingeborg Böstge, Emmanuelle Héran, Agathon Léonard. Le Geste Art Nouveau, Paris 2003. Vgl. Alberto Shayo, Statuettes of the Art Deco period, Woodbridge/ Suffolk 2016. (1401587) (11) Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE Height: 42 cm. Total height: 60 cm. Signed “A. Léonard Sclp.” on the reverse with round foundry mark “SUSSE FRÈRES PARIS”. Bronze; cast, cold work with gold patina. Gilt-bronze figure from the cycle “Le jeu de l’écharpe”, designed in 1898. The figure was created as part of a group of dancers titled “Le jeu de l’écharpe”, initially conceived as a wall relief for a theatre foyer. Alexandre Sandier, director of the Sèvres porcelain manufactory, saw the models in 1897 at the exhibition of the Société nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris and commissioned the artist to create a multi-part porcelain centrepiece with twelve dancers and musicians, which was expanded by three figures by 1901. The figures of the group were also manufactured in Sèvres porcelain in various sizes. This group of figures is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful works of Art Nouveau sculpture. The Susse Frères foundry secured the rights to the bronze production as early as 1901. Electrified. Literature: cf. Ingeborg Böstge, Emmanuelle Héran, Agathon Léonard. Le Geste Art Nouveau, Paris 2003. Alberto Shayo, Statuettes of the Art Deco period, Woodbridge/ Suffolk 2016.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), attribué Suite de trois musiciennes
          Feb. 28, 2024

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), attribué Suite de trois musiciennes

          Est: €400 - €800

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923), attribué Suite de trois musiciennes En biscuit blanc de porcelaine monochrome, travail vers 1920 avec numérotation sous la base. Usures et petites restaurations invisibles. Dimensions : h. 30 cm env. Vendu sans prix de réserve, mise à prix 10 €. Les retraits se feront uniquement sur rdv préalable

          Accademia Fine Art
        • Agathon LÉONARD 1841-1923 La joueuse de tambourin - 1901
          Nov. 28, 2023

          Agathon LÉONARD 1841-1923 La joueuse de tambourin - 1901

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          Agathon LÉONARD 1841-1923 La joueuse de tambourin - 1901 Statuette en biscuit de Sèvres Monogrammé H.R ( Henri Robert mouleur ), cachet de la Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres et daté en creux Numéroté 6 en creux au revers de la pièce H. : 51,5 cm Bibliographie : Art et Décoration, Revue Mensuelle d'Art Moderne, Librairie Centrale des Beaux Arts, Janvier - Juin 1900, p.140-141 Jean-Luc Gerhardt, Bernard Jacqué, Arnaud Lang, Céramique Art Nouveau. Collection du Musée de l'Impression sur Étoffes Mulhouse, Production Maison de la Céramique-Centre d'Art International, Mulhouse, 1990, p.35, pour notre exemplaire Ingelore Böstge, Agathon Léonard: Le geste Art Nouveau, Somogy Editions d'art, Paris, 2003, p.52, cat. 14 Jessica Goldring et Ben Macklowe et al, Dynamic Beauty : Sculpture of Art Nouveau Paris, The Studley Press, Dalton, MA, 2011, p.186 pour un modèle similaire A porcelain biscuit tambourin player by Agathon Léonard - 1901 H.: 20.27 in. Provenance : Collection privée de la Société Industrielle de Mulhouse depuis plus d'un siècle. Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

        • Agathon LÉONARD & MANUFACTURE NATIONALE DE SÈVRES 1841-1923 Danseuse au cothurne - 1900
          Nov. 28, 2023

          Agathon LÉONARD & MANUFACTURE NATIONALE DE SÈVRES 1841-1923 Danseuse au cothurne - 1900

          Est: €1,000 - €1,500

          Agathon LÉONARD & MANUFACTURE NATIONALE DE SÈVRES 1841-1923 Danseuse au cothurne - 1900 Statuette en biscuit de Sèvres Cachet de la Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres et daté en creux Numéroté en creux au revers de la pièce Manques ( deux doigts ) H. : 47,5 cm Bibliographie : Art et Décoration, Revue Mensuelle d'Art Moderne, Librairie Centrale des Beaux Arts, Janvier - Juin 1900, p.140-141 Jean-Luc Gerhardt, Bernard Jacqué, Arnaud Lang, Céramique Art Nouveau. Collection du Musée de l'Impression sur Étoffes Mulhouse, Production Maison de la Céramique-Centre d'Art International, Mulhouse, 1990, p.35, pour notre exemplaire Ingelore Böstge, Agathon Léonard: Le geste Art Nouveau, Somogy Editions d'art, Paris, 2003, p.51, cat. 13 A porcelain biscuit "Dancer with a cothurne" by Agathon Léonard - 1900 H.: 18.70 in. Provenance : Collection privée de la Société Industrielle de Mulhouse depuis plus d'un siècle. Estimation 1 000 - 1 500 €

        • Léonard Agathon
          Nov. 25, 2023

          Léonard Agathon

          Est: CHF320 - CHF400

          La Danseuse Art-Déco Auf Plinthe signiert. Auf Steinsockel montiert. Ausrufdatum: 25.11.2023 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 09:41

          Auktionshaus Zofingen
        • Agathon LÉONARD Lille, 1841 - Paris, 1923 Jeune fille en buste, des fleurs dans les cheveux Marbre blanc
          Nov. 22, 2023

          Agathon LÉONARD Lille, 1841 - Paris, 1923 Jeune fille en buste, des fleurs dans les cheveux Marbre blanc

          Est: €10,000 - €15,000

          Agathon LÉONARD Lille, 1841 - Paris, 1923 Jeune fille en buste, des fleurs dans les cheveux Marbre blanc Signé 'A. LEONARD' sur le côté droit Repose sur une base en bronze doré ornée d'un rang de perles Hauteur totale : 61 cm (Petit manque à une fleurette) Bust of a young girl with flowers in her hair, white marble, signed, by A. Léonard H. : 24 in. Bibliographie : Bibliographie en rapport : -Ingelore Böstge, 'Agathon Léonard : le geste Art nouveau', cat. exp. Roubaix, La Piscine musée d'art et d'industrie André-Diligent, 11 mars-9 juin 2003, Beauvais, musée départemental de l'Oise, 25 juin-26 octobre 2003, Paris, Somogy éd. D'art, 2003. Commentaire : Principalement célèbre pour son surtout de table appelé " La danse " ou " Jeune de l'écharpe " réalisé en 1900 pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris, l'œuvre d'Agathon Léonard comprend également des bustes féminins en marbre dans le style Art Nouveau. Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

        • Sevres Agathon Leonard 19C Porcelain Bust of Cupid
          Oct. 25, 2023

          Sevres Agathon Leonard 19C Porcelain Bust of Cupid

          Est: $100 - $1,000

          An antique Art Nouveau porcelain bust sculpture by French artist Agathon Leonard (also referred to as Leonard Agathon van Weydevelt) (1841-1923). Titled "Cupid". A figural work in white bisque porcelain, depicting a young putti figure with detailed flowing hair, bow and arrow, botanical sash, and gadroon column stand, with bronzed metal rimmed base. Incised artist name at right side, with Sevres and foundry stamps on verso. Dimensions: 19 X 12 X 11 in. Condition: Good overall condition, having average surface wear, and other mild staining. Estate fresh to the market. Shipping: Hill Auction Gallery does not offer in-house shipping for this item. Gallery will refer third party shippers for all domestic and international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request.

          Hill Auction Gallery
          Oct. 11, 2023


          Est: £8,000 - £12,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) FOR SUSSE FRÈRES, PARIS 'DANSEUSE À L’ÉCHARPE, GENOU LEVÉ' (DANCER WITH A SHAWL, RAISED KNEE), CIRCA 1901 bronze, with later gilt patina, signed in the bronze A LÉONARD / SCLP, with SUSSE FRÈRES EDITEURS PARIS pastille, and stamped: M/ GENOU LEV*(É)/ ELECTRICEE (60cm high, 39.5cm wide, 19cm deep) Literature: Alastair Duncan A. Art Nouveau and Art Deco Lighting, London, 1978, p.58, pl.20 Arwas V. Art Nouveau, The French Aesthetic, London, 2002, p.136 Duncan A. Louis C. Tiffany: The Garden Museum Collection, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2004, p.643 Note: This elegant figure in an elaborately draped dress belongs to a series of dancers conceived by Agathon Léonard, the Jeu de l'Écharpe, which was first exhibited at the Société Nationale des Beaux Art in 1897 as a project for a theatre foyer. The dancers in elegant poses are characterised by their delicate gestures, loose dresses and wide sleeves. They rapidly became Léonard's most popular works and were produced in gilt bronze by the Susse foundry. The present bronze is a large-size Susse Frères cast of the 'Danseuse à L’Écharpe, Genou Levé', model no.12, created between 1897 and 1899, the Susse edition produced from 1901. The carefully chased surface of the bronze produces a shimmer effect of light on the gilded surface.

          Lyon & Turnbull
        • Agathon Leonard (French, 1841-1923) Bisque Cupid Bust
          Jul. 11, 2023

          Agathon Leonard (French, 1841-1923) Bisque Cupid Bust

          Est: $100 - $1,000

          DESCRIPTION: Bisque (biscuit) porcelain bust by Agathon Leonard for Sevres depicting a Cupid with a quiver filled with arrows on his back. "A LEONARD" on side and ["0 or o]", "SEVRES", "A. C[.]" and seal with "No. 6161" impressed on back. CIRCA: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: French DIMENSIONS: H: 19.25" W: 8.75" L: 12" - CONDITION: Great condition. See lot description for details on item condition. More detailed condition requests can be obtained upon sms or email.

          Akiba Galleries
          Jun. 27, 2023


          Est: €160 - €300

          LÉONARD, A., probably AGATHON LÉONARD (Lille 1841-1923 Paris, actually Léonhard van Weydeveldt), sculpture: "Antelope", bronze, gold-coloured patinated, signed "A. Léonard" on the terrain plinth. On an oval plinth with profiled rim a detailed and naturalistic standing antelope. H. 13 x l. 17,5 x w. ca. 8 cm. LÉONARD, A., wohl AGATHON LÉONARD (Lille 1841-1923 Paris, eigentlich Léonhard van Weydeveldt), Skulptur: "Antilope", Bronze, goldfarben patiniert, auf der Terrainplinthe vertieft signiert "A. Léonard". Auf ovaler Plinthe mit profiliertem Rand detailreich und naturnah gearbeitete stehende Antilope. H. 13 x L. 17,5 x B. ca. 8 cm.

          Auktionshaus Rheine
          Apr. 04, 2023


          Est: €160 - €300

          LÉONARD, A., probably AGATHON LÉONARD (Lille 1841-1923 Paris, actually Léonhard van Weydeveldt), sculpture: "Antelope", bronze, gold-coloured patinated, signed "A. Léonard" on the terrain plinth. On an oval plinth with profiled rim a detailed and naturalistic standing antelope. H. 13 x l. 17,5 x w. ca. 8 cm. LÉONARD, A., wohl AGATHON LÉONARD (Lille 1841-1923 Paris, eigentlich Léonhard van Weydeveldt), Skulptur: "Antilope", Bronze, goldfarben patiniert, auf der Terrainplinthe vertieft signiert "A. Léonard". Auf ovaler Plinthe mit profiliertem Rand detailreich und naturnah gearbeitete stehende Antilope. H. 13 x L. 17,5 x B. ca. 8 cm.

          Auktionshaus Rheine
        • Agathon Leonard, France (1841-1923) Bronze.
          Jan. 29, 2023

          Agathon Leonard, France (1841-1923) Bronze.

          Est: $600 - $800

          Agathon Leonard, France (1841-1923) Bronze Figure "Danseuse au Cothurne" . This Model was Created in the Late 19th Century. Signed on the Back. Condition: Generally Very Good w/ a Couple of Minor Scratches. Dimensions: H-17.25" x W-9". Provenance: From a Long Island, NY Home. Please note the absence of a Condition Report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed Condition Report. It is the Buyer's responsibility to inspect each lot and deem their own opinions on Condition, Description, Provenance, and Validity before purchasing. Please make an appointment to preview or ask for Condition Reports. Condition Reports are rendered as an opinion by the staff of the Auction House and not as statements of fact. REMEMBER ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS.

          World Auction Gallery
        • AGATHON LEONARD (1841 - 1923): FIGURE
          Sep. 22, 2022

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841 - 1923): FIGURE

          Est: $1,000 - $2,000

          bronze; signed in casting; Provenance: The Estate of David Karpeles, the Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Montecito, CA; 9 inches wide; 4 3/4 inches deep; 16 inches high

          Abell Auction
        • AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923) Important buste de jeune femme dite "A la Florentine", ca. 1886
          Jul. 11, 2022

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923) Important buste de jeune femme dite "A la Florentine", ca. 1886

          Est: €6,000 - €8,000

          AGATHON LEONARD (1841-1923) Important buste de jeune femme dite "A la Florentine", ca. 1886 En marbre blanc de Carrare, richement et finement sculpté dans le goût de la Renaissance. Signée au dos. Qualité exceptionnelle, parfaite condition. Bibliographie : Ingelore Böstge, « Agathon Léonard, le geste Art Nouveau », éditions Somogy, 2003. Comparatif : œuvre similaire au Musée Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek de Copenhagen au Danemark Dimensions : 52 x 48 x 38 cm --------- Important bust of a young woman called "A la Florentine", ca. 1886 in white Carrara marble, richly and finely carved in the style of the Renaissance. Signed on the back. Exceptional quality, perfect condition. Bibliography: Ingelore Böstge, “Agathon Léonard, the Art Nouveau gesture”, Somogy editions, 2003. Comparative: similar work at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark -------- Sculpteur belge naturalisé français, Léonard Agathon Van Weydeveldt dit Agathon Léonard suit une formation à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Lille puis à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris où il s'installe durablement en 1868. Très impliqué dans le mouvement du style Art Nouveau, il adhère à la Société des Artistes Français en 1887 et à la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts en 1897. S'il travaille des médaillons, des statuettes en bronze et des céramiques, ses oeuvres sont essentiellement centrées sur la figure humaine, surtout féminine. Belgian sculptor, naturalized French, Léonard Agathon Van Weydeveldt known as Agathon Léonard trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lille then at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris where he settled permanently in 1868. Very involved in the movement of the Art Nouveau style, he joined the Society of French Artists in 1887 and the National Society of Fine Arts in 1897. If he works medallions, bronze statuettes and ceramics, his works are essentially centered on the figure human, especially female.

          Accademia Fine Art
        • Léonard, Agathon. 1841 Lille -
          Apr. 02, 2022

          Léonard, Agathon. 1841 Lille -

          Est: -

          Léonard, Agathon. 1841 Lille - 1923 Paris. Danseuse au tambourin. 1905. bronze, gilded, signed u. with foundry stamp Susse Frère Editeurs Paris on the reverse, rubbed, h. 57 cm.

          Historia Auctionata
        • Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris
          Apr. 01, 2022

          Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris

          Est: €35,000 - €45,000

          COTHURNUS-TÄNZERINHöhe: 53 cm. Rückseitig signiert „A. Léonard Sclp“ mit dem runden Gießerstempel „SUSSE FRÈRES PARIS“. Bronze, Goldpatina. Die junge Tänzerin in langem, am Boden aufstehendem Faltenkleid mit weiten, ausschwingenden Ärmeln. Im rückwärts zusammengeknoteten Haar ein Band. Der rechte Arm hochgenommen, der linke zur Sandale heruntergeführt. Auffälliger Kontrast zwischen der feinen Fältelung der Kleidung und der glatten Behandlung von Brustpartie und vor allem dem bestechend fein ausgeführten, geneigten Kopf, dessen Wirkung durch die Fältelung der Gewandrüsche zudem eine wirkungsvolle Rahmung erhält. Die Figur zählt weithin anerkannt zweifellos zu den schönsten Werken der Jugendstil-Plastik. Der besondere Aspekt der Gestaltung ist wohl die Erfassung eines kurzen Augenblicks in der Bewegung, was der Figur trotz aller Ruhe die Spannung verleiht. Léonard entstammte einer belgischen Familie, nahm die französische Staatsbürgerschaft an und begann sein Studium zunächst an der Akademie in Lille, danach an der École nationale supérieur des beaux-arts de Paris, unter anderem bei Eugène Delaplanche. 1868 nahm er am Salon teil, wurde 1887 Mitglied der Société des Artistes Français. 1889 Silbermedaille anlässlich der Pariser Weltausstellung; 1900 erhielt er den Orden der Ehrenlegion. Er arbeitete in verschiedenen Materialien, wie Biskuitporzellan, Bronze oder Steingut. So existieren auch von der vorliegenden Figur unterschiedliche Ausführungen, von denen diese die größte ist. A.R. Literatur: Vgl. Ingeborg Böstge, Emmanuelle Héran, Agathon Léonard. Le Geste Art Nouveau, Paris 2003. Alberto Shayo, Statuettes of the Art Deco period, Woodbridge/ Suffolk 2016. (1301302) (11) Agathon Léonard, 1841 Lille – 1923 Paris Cothurnus DancerHeight: 53 cm. Signed “A. Léonard Sclp” on the back with round foundry mark “SUSSE FRÈRES PARIS”. Bronze; gold patina. Literature: cf. Ingeborg Böstge, Emmanuelle Héran, Agathon Léonard. Le Geste Art Nouveau, Paris 2003. Alberto Shayo, Statuettes of the Art Deco period, Woodbridge/ Suffolk 2016.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923)
          Oct. 19, 2021

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923)

          Est: $2,000 - $3,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923) Danseuse au Cothurne bronze, light brown patina 10 3/8 in. (26.4 cm.) high

        • LEONARD AGATHON (FRENCH, 1841-1923), a chryselephantine group of an Arab riding a camel
          Oct. 15, 2021

          LEONARD AGATHON (FRENCH, 1841-1923), a chryselephantine group of an Arab riding a camel

          Est: £400 - £600

          LEONARD AGATHON (FRENCH, 1841-1923), a chryselephantine group of an Arab riding a camel holding a spear in his right hand, raised on an oval naturalistic base, signed A. LEONARD, on an oval marble plinth, 23.5cm wide, 26cm high (9in wide, 10in high) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

        • Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) "Tänzerin" Bronze mit Marmorsockel
          Aug. 28, 2021

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) "Tänzerin" Bronze mit Marmorsockel

          Est: -

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) "Tänzerin" Bronze mit Marmorsockel, H-28 cm, B-33 cm, 5,7 kg

          Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
        • AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) ESCULTURA DE GALLINAS en bronce sobredorado sobre base de mármol ovalado.Firmada. Altura total: 18 cm.
          Mar. 02, 2021

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) ESCULTURA DE GALLINAS en bronce sobredorado sobre base de mármol ovalado.Firmada. Altura total: 18 cm.

          Est: -

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) SCULPTURE OF HENS gilded bronze on marble base ovalado.Firmada. Total height: 18 cm.

          Arce Subastas
        • Agathon Leonard (1841-1923) Bronze Goose & Basket
          Jan. 24, 2021

          Agathon Leonard (1841-1923) Bronze Goose & Basket

          Est: $400 - $600

          Circa 1880s, nicely patinated bronze figurine of a goose next to a 2 handled basket (match holder?), signed "A. Leonard", very good condition, 3.25" height

          Treasureseeker Auctions LLC
        • AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe
          Oct. 08, 2020

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe

          Est: $15,000 - $25,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe (lampe) signed 'A Léonard/ Sclp' (on reverse), with Susse Frères foundry inscription and cachet , further stamped 'M' , on an associated green marble base bronze, gilt patina 24 in. (61 cm.) high, the figure This cast circa 1900-1905. ,

        • Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) La poule Bronze à patine argent signé en creux sur la terrasse
          Jul. 16, 2020

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) La poule Bronze à patine argent signé en creux sur la terrasse

          Est: €60 - €80

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) La poule Bronze à patine argent signé en creux sur la terrasse Haut: 6 - Long: 8

          Euvrard & Fabre
        • "Danseuse à l'écharpe, genou levé"
          Jun. 24, 2020

          "Danseuse à l'écharpe, genou levé"

          Est: €700 - €1,200

          Patinated bronze sculpture Signed, possibly Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) France, 20th century

          Veritas Art Auctioneers
        • Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) - La poule - Bronze à patine argent signé
          Jun. 19, 2020

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) - La poule - Bronze à patine argent signé

          Est: €60 - €80

          Agathon LÉONARD (1841-1923) La poule Bronze à patine argent signé en creux sur la terrasse Haut: 6 - Long: 8

          Euvrard & Fabre
        • Bronze sculpture - Cupid bust - signed LEONARD Agathon
          May. 17, 2020

          Bronze sculpture - Cupid bust - signed LEONARD Agathon

          Est: €400 - €600

          Sculpture Bronze -Buste de Cupidon- signé *LEONARD A.* (Agathon) (1841-1923) H:24cm Bronze sculpture - Cupid bust - signed LEONARD Agathon

        • After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 36cm including base
          Feb. 16, 2020

          After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 36cm including base

          Est: R2,500 - R3,500

          After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 36cm including base

          5th Avenue Auctioneers
          Nov. 19, 2019


          Est: €60,000 - €90,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) POUR SUSSE FRERES (FONDÉE EN 1758) 'LE JEU DE L'ÉCHARPE', TROISIÈME GRANDEUR, ENSEMBLE COMPRENANT SIX Pour la Danseuse au tambourin à droite : 28 x 11,5 x 10 cm / 11 x 4,5 x 4 in

          Nov. 19, 2019


          Est: €15,000 - €25,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) POUR SUSSE FRÈRES (FONDÉE EN 1758) 'DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE', PREMIÈRE GRANDEUR, LE MODÈLE N. 5 CRÉÉ ENTRE 1897 ET 53 x 28 x 17,5 cm / 20 7/8 x 11 x 7 in

          Nov. 19, 2019


          Est: €35,000 - €50,000

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) POUR SUSSE FRÈRES (FONDÉE EN 1758) 'DANSEUSE TAMBOURIN À DROITE', ET 'DANSEUSE RELEVANT SA JUPE', PREMIÈRE Danseuse tambourin à droite, n. 4 : 45,5 x 26,5 x 21 cm / 17 7/8 x 10 ½ x 8 ½ in Danseuse relevant sa jupe, n. 9 : 46,5 x 26,5 x 21 cm / 18 ¼ x 10 ½ x 8 ½ in

        • After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 38cm including base
          Oct. 27, 2019

          After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 38cm including base

          Est: R3,000 - R5,000

          After Agathon Léonard (French 1841 - 1923) Bronze, Bedouin Warrior on a Camel, Signed, 38cm including base

          5th Avenue Auctioneers
          Sep. 26, 2019


          Est: £300 - £500

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923): A BRONZE KNEELING FIGURE 'LES BRAS TENDUS' in the Impressionist style, dark brown patination, signed 'Leonard', 18cm high Provenance: Purchased from Christie's, London, 3 December 1976, lot 158. A copy of the original invoice to be sold with the lot.

          Chiswick Auctions
        • AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) "CUPID", SÈVRES.
          Jun. 20, 2019

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) "CUPID", SÈVRES.

          Est: €350 - €460

          AGATHON LÉONARD (1841-1923) Biscuit figure. Sign and initials D.J on the back. Signed LEONARD one one side. 24 cm. height.

          Subarna Subastas
        • Agathon LEONARD - 1841-1923 DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE N° 5 - JEU DE L’ÉCHARPE
          May. 26, 2019

          Agathon LEONARD - 1841-1923 DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE N° 5 - JEU DE L’ÉCHARPE

          Est: €30,000 - €40,000

          Agathon LEONARD - 1841-1923 DANSEUSE AU COTHURNE N° 5 - JEU DE L’ÉCHARPE, 1900 Bronze à patine mordorée signé « A. Leonard Sculpsit ». Cachet du fondeur SUSSE frères éditeurs Paris. Haut. : 53 cm

          Eric Pillon Enchères
        • Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe circa 1900 gilt bronze, inscribed 'A Leonard Sclp', stamped with Susse Freres Paris foundry seal height 24in (60.9cm); width 18 1/2in (46.9cm); depth 7 1/4in (18.4cm)
          Apr. 24, 2019

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe circa 1900 gilt bronze, inscribed 'A Leonard Sclp', stamped with Susse Freres Paris foundry seal height 24in (60.9cm); width 18 1/2in (46.9cm); depth 7 1/4in (18.4cm)

          Est: $10,000 - $15,000

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse à l'écharpe circa 1900gilt bronze, inscribed 'A Leonard Sclp', stamped with Susse Freres Paris foundry sealheight 24in (60.9cm); width 18 1/2in (46.9cm); depth 7 1/4in (18.4cm)

          Mar. 27, 2019


          Est: £400 - £600

          AGATHON LÉONARD (FRENCH, 1841-1923): A BRONZE KNEELING FIGURE 'LES BRAS TENDUS' in the Impressionist style, dark brown patination, signed 'Leonard',  18cm high Provenance: Purchased from Christie's, London, 3 December 1976, lot 158. A copy of the original invoice to be sold with the lot.

          Chiswick Auctions
        • Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse à l''écharpe
          Jun. 20, 2018

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse à l''écharpe

          Est: €18,000 - €25,000

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse à l''écharpe Lampe Bronze doré Signée "A. Leonard Sclp" Cachet fondeur "Susse Frères Editeurs Paris" Date de création : années 1900 H 62 cm Bibliographie : - Pierre Kjellberg, Les bronzes du XIXème siècle, Dictionnaire des sculpteurs, Les Editions de l''Amateur, modèle reproduit p. 430 - Catalogue Bronzes d''art, Susse Frères, Paris, 1905, modèle référencé sous le n°323 et reproduit p. 5 - Victor Arwas, Art Nouveau, French Aesthetic, Andreas Papadakis Publisher, Londres, 2002, modèle reproduit p. 136 - Ingelore Böstge, Emmanuelle Héron, Agathon Léonard, le geste Art Nouveau, Somogy Editions d''art, Paris, 2003, modèle reproduit p. 74

        • Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse au tambourin
          Jun. 20, 2018

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse au tambourin

          Est: €18,000 - €25,000

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse au tambourin Sculpture Bronze doré Signée "A. Leonard Sclp" Cachet fondeur "Susse Frères Editeurs Paris" Date de création : années 1900 H 57 cm Bibliographie : Pierre Kjellberg, "Les bronzes du XIXe siècle - Dictionnaire des sculpteurs", les Editions de l''Amateur, 2001, variante p. 432

        • Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse au cothurne
          Jun. 20, 2018

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923)Danseuse au cothurne

          Est: €18,000 - €25,000

          Agathon Léonard (1841-1923) Danseuse au cothurne Sculpture Bronze doré Signée "A. Leonard Sclp" Cachet fondeur "Susse Frères Editeurs Paris" Date de création : années 1900 H 51 cm Bibliographie : - Catalogue Bronzes d''art, Susse Frères, Paris, 1905, modèle référencé sous le n°293 et reproduit p. 5 - Pierre Cadet, Susse Frères, 150 ans de sculptures 1837 - 1987, Susse Frères Editeurs, Paris, 1992, reproduit p. 64 - Pierre Kjellberg, Bronzes of the 19 th Century, Atglen, Pennsylvania, 1994, p. 433

          May. 23, 2018


          Est: $300 - $500

          AGATHON LÉONARD (french 1841-1923) LA DANSEUSE À LA COTHURNE ET LA DANSEUSE TAMBOURIN À GAUCHE - SKETCH Watercolor and gouache on paper laid down to cardboard 5 1/4 x 6 7/8 in. (13.3 x 17.5cm) Unframed. provenance: The Lucas family Collections, Baltimore, Maryland. Thence by descent to Bertha Lucas (died 1943). Bequeathed by Bertha Lucas to the manager of Lucas Brothers, Jesse G. Kaufman, 1943. Thence by descent to the present owner.

          Freeman's | Hindman
        • After Agathon Leonard "Scarf Dancer" Bronze
          Apr. 21, 2018

          After Agathon Leonard "Scarf Dancer" Bronze

          Est: $150 - $250

          After Agathon Leonard "Scarf Dancer" Bronze, Agathon Leonard (1841-1923), Art Nouveau sculpture depicting a female dancer with a scarf floating above her head, on square base signed "A. Leonard", 18" high

          Wickliff & Associates Auctioneers, Inc.
        • Agathon Léonard (French 1841-1923), La Danseuse Art-Déco, Bronze sculpture
          Apr. 03, 2018

          Agathon Léonard (French 1841-1923), La Danseuse Art-Déco, Bronze sculpture

          Est: $600 - $800

          Agathon Léonard (French 1841-1923) La Danseuse Art-Déco Signed A. LEONARD Bronze sculpture having a dark-brown patina raised on a stepped mottled black marble base Height of sculpture: 21-1/8 in (53.7 cm); Height overall: 24-1/2 in (62.2 cm)Property of Various Owners

        Lots Per Page: