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Engelbert L'Hoest Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1919 - d. 2008

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        Feb. 04, 2025


        Est: €70 - €120

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: “Abstracted Landscape”, mixed media (oil with material admixtures) on canvas, unsigned. Abstract landscape of color fields, worked in expressive colors and strongly impasto, relief-like application of paint up to 2 cm thick. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); in the 1950s and 1960s in particular, he created his polder landscapes in strongly impastoed and animated applications of paint, in part with almost informal echoes, which he executed in expressive, luminous colors. Canvas 30 x 24 cm. From the estate of a Westphalian private collection.L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfoort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Abstrahierte Landschaft", Mischtechnik (Öl mit Materialbeimischungen) auf Leinwand, unsigniert. Abstrahierte Landschaft aus Farbfeldern, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und stark pastosem, reliefartigem Farbauftrag von bis zu 2 cm Stärke. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. Leinwand 30 x 24 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
        Nov. 26, 2024


        Est: €130 - €300

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: “Abstracted Landscape”, mixed media (oil with material admixtures) on canvas, unsigned. Abstract landscape of color fields, worked in expressive colors and strongly impasto, relief-like application of paint up to 2 cm thick. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); in the 1950s and 1960s in particular, he created his polder landscapes in strongly impastoed and animated applications of paint, in part with almost informal echoes, which he executed in expressive, luminous colors. Canvas 30 x 24 cm. From the estate of a Westphalian private collection.L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfoort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Abstrahierte Landschaft", Mischtechnik (Öl mit Materialbeimischungen) auf Leinwand, unsigniert. Abstrahierte Landschaft aus Farbfeldern, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und stark pastosem, reliefartigem Farbauftrag von bis zu 2 cm Stärke. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. Leinwand 30 x 24 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
      • L'Hoëst, Engelbert (Dutch 1919-2008)
        Nov. 25, 2024

        L'Hoëst, Engelbert (Dutch 1919-2008)

        Est: €800 - €1,500

        Polderlandschap 1956 gouache 55 x 35 cm ges. l.o. L'Hoëst was vooral colorist. Hij groeide op en woonde en werkte in en rond Amersfoort. Hij had grote bewondering voor de Cobra en de Vlaamse expressionisten. Museum Flehite in Amersfoort en Singer Laren organiseerden tentoonstellingen over zijn werk. Deze gouache doet denken aan de Friese expressionist Gerrit Benner. Onafhankelijk van elkaar ontwikkelden de twee kunstenaars een onafhankelijke stijl. L'Hoëst eerder dan Benner. In 1959 brandde zijn huis in Soesterberg af. De werken die opgeslagen stonden in het nabijgelegen schuurtje bleven bewaard w.o. deze gouache.

        Zuydwal Veilingen
        Oct. 10, 2024


        Est: €160 - €300

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: “Abstracted Landscape”, mixed media (oil with material admixtures) on canvas, unsigned. Abstract landscape of color fields, worked in expressive colors and strongly impasto, relief-like application of paint up to 2 cm thick. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); in the 1950s and 1960s in particular, he created his polder landscapes in strongly impastoed and animated applications of paint, in part with almost informal echoes, which he executed in expressive, luminous colors. Canvas 30 x 24 cm. From the estate of a Westphalian private collection.L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfoort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Abstrahierte Landschaft", Mischtechnik (Öl mit Materialbeimischungen) auf Leinwand, unsigniert. Abstrahierte Landschaft aus Farbfeldern, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und stark pastosem, reliefartigem Farbauftrag von bis zu 2 cm Stärke. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. Leinwand 30 x 24 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
      • Engelbert L’Hoëst, Landschaft, Acrylgemälde
        Jul. 12, 2024

        Engelbert L’Hoëst, Landschaft, Acrylgemälde

        Est: €500 - €600

        Engelbert L’Hoëst, Landschaft, Acrylgemälde Engelbert L’Hoëst, 1919 Amersfoort - 2008 Soesterberg, Landschaft, Acry/Papier, 60 x 40 cm, kaum sichtbar signiert links unten, Provenienz: Galerie van Almsick, unter P.p. Zum Künstler: Engelbert L’Hoëst war in den 1930-er Jahren Schüler des Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870 - 1945 ). In den 1940-er Jahren wurde er zunehmend von den Arbeiten der COBRA- Künstler Karel Appel und Corneille beeeinflusst, was 1948 zu ersten abstrakten Experimenten, kleinen Leinwänden mit oft kindlich bemalten Figuren und Tieren, führte. Ab 1954 wurde er völlig abstrakt und entwickelte in den Landschaften Frankreichs, Spaniens und Portugals in selbstgewählter Isolation einen kraftvollen und sehr persönlichen Expressionismus. Sein Hauptthema wie auch im vorliegenden Werk war dabei die Dramatik der Landschaft.

        K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch 1919 - 2008). Untitled, 1956.
        Jun. 11, 2024

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch 1919 - 2008). Untitled, 1956.

        Est: €700 - €900

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch 1919 - 2008) Untitled, 1956 mixed media on canvas laid down on board signed and dated 'L'Hoëst 56.' (lower right) image size 60 x 80.5 cm., frame size 78.5 x 98.5 cm.

        Adams Amsterdam Auctions
      • ENGELBERT L'HOËST (1919- 2008)
        Jun. 19, 2023

        ENGELBERT L'HOËST (1919- 2008)

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Sunset (1960) Signed and dated 60 lower right Oil on paper, 69.7 x 86.8 cm Provenance: Private collection, the Netherlands Note: Under the influence of modern painting, in particular the CoBrA movement, L’Hoëst produced colourful and expressive paintings after the war. Together with painters such as Gerard Grassère, Jan Stekelenburg and Douwe van der Zweep, he exhibited under the name ‘Progressives’ in 1954 in the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. He later exhibited at the Salon in Paris. Most of the years after World War II, L’Hoëst lived and worked in countries such as France, Spain and Portugal. In addition to his long sojourn abroad, his reclusive lifestyle and his introverted nature are the most important explanations for his relative unfamiliarity in the Netherlands. Many of his earlier works ended up with collectors all over the world, notably in Germany, America and China. After various exhibitions were held in the Netherlands, including a retrospective exhibition in 1989 at Singer Museum in Laren, the art of L’Hoëst also began to be collected in the Netherlands. * Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request. For more information please visit our website: www.aagauctioneers.com.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • ELISÉE MACLET (1881-1962)
        Dec. 12, 2022

        ELISÉE MACLET (1881-1962)

        Est: €600 - €1,000

        Randonneurs Dans la Neige Signed lower left Oil on panel, 39.8 x 49.9 cm Provenance: Estate of Engelbert L’Hoëst (1919-2008), 1960s * Condition report available upon request

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Rots in de branding, gesigneerd r.o., olieverf op board, 18,8 x 2
        Oct. 04, 2022

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Rots in de branding, gesigneerd r.o., olieverf op board, 18,8 x 2

        Est: €200 - €250

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Rots in de branding, gesigneerd r.o., olieverf op board, 18,8 x 25,7 cm

        Veilinghuis Van Spengen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Badgasten, gesigneerd l.o., olieverf op board, 19,5 x 24,5 cm
        Oct. 04, 2022

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Badgasten, gesigneerd l.o., olieverf op board, 19,5 x 24,5 cm

        Est: €250 - €350

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Badgasten, gesigneerd l.o., olieverf op board, 19,5 x 24,5 cm

        Veilinghuis Van Spengen
        Sep. 20, 2022


        Est: €300 - €500

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: "Abstracted Landscape", oil with sand admixture on hardboard, signed "L'Hoest" lower left, reverse with the artist's address stamp and inscribed "1990" and "No. 13". Abstract landscape of colour fields with a deep horizon and sun, worked in expressive colourfulness and strongly impasto application of paint. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); especially in the 1950s and 1960s he created his polder landscapes in a strongly impasto and moving application of paint, sometimes with almost informal touches, which he executed in expressive, bright colours. Hardboard ca. 25 x 31 cm. From the estate of a private collection in Westphalia.L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Abstrahierte Landschaft", Öl mit Sandbeimischung auf Hartfaserplatte, unten links signiert "L'Hoest", revers mit dem Adressstempel des Künstlers sowie "1990" und "No. 13" bezeichnet. Abstrahierte Landschaft aus Farbfeldern mit tiefem Horizont und Sonne, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und stark pastosem Farbauftrag. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. Hartfaserplatte ca. 25 x 31 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
        Jun. 28, 2022


        Est: €300 - €500

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: "Abstracted Landscape", oil with sand admixture on hardboard, signed "L'Hoest" lower right, inscribed on the reverse with the artist's address stamp and "1991". Abstract landscape of colour fields, worked in expressive colourfulness and strongly pastose application of paint. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); especially in the 1950s and 1960s he created his polder landscapes in a strongly pastose and moving application of paint with partly almost informal touches, which he executed in expressive, bright colours. Hardboard approx. 20 x 24 cm. From the estate of a private collection in Westphalia.L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Abstrahierte Landschaft", Öl mit Sandbeimischung auf Hartfaserplatte, unten rechts signiert "L'Hoest", revers mit dem Adressstempel des Künstlers sowie "1991" bezeichnet. Abstrahierte Landschaft aus Farbfeldern, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und stark pastosem Farbauftrag. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. Hartfaserplatte ca. 20 x 24 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
      • L'Hoëst, Engelbert (Dutch 1919-2008)
        Jun. 21, 2022

        L'Hoëst, Engelbert (Dutch 1919-2008)

        Est: €850 - €1,250

        L'Hoëst, Engelbert (Dutch 1919-2008) Compositie olie op doek 30 x 40 cm ges. r.o. Werkte in een persoonlijke expressieve kleurrijke stijl. Werk opgenomen in Museum Flehite.

        Zuydwal Veilingen
        Jun. 20, 2022


        Est: €1,000 - €3,000

        Landscape Signed lower left Signed and numbered N° 602 on a photo of the work on the backing Oil and sand on board, 60 x 76.5 cm Provenance: Private collection, the Netherlands Note: Under the influence of modern painting, in particular the CoBrA movement, L’Hoëst produced colourful and expressive paintings after the war. Together with painters such as Gerard Grassère, Jan Stekelenburg and Douwe van der Zweep, he exhibited under the name 'Progressives' in 1954 in the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. He later exhibited at the Salon in Paris. Most of the years after World War II, L’Hoëst lived and worked in countries such as France, Spain and Portugal. In addition to his long sojourn abroad, his reclusive lifestyle and his introverted nature are the most important explanations for his relative unfamiliarity in the Netherlands. Many of his earlier works ended up with collectors all over the world, notably in Germany, America and China. After various exhibitions were held in the Netherlands, including a retrospective exhibition in 1989 at Singer Museum in Laren, the art of L'Hoëst also began to be collected in the Netherlands. Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request: info@aagauctioneers.com / +31 (0) 20 30 12 950.

        AAG Auctioneers
        Jun. 20, 2022


        Est: €1,000 - €3,000

        VI Signed lower right Titled and numbered Nº.9. on the reverse Oil on canvas, 79.9 x 59.8 cm Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request: info@aagauctioneers.com / +31 (0) 20 30 12 950.

        AAG Auctioneers
        Apr. 26, 2022


        Est: €700 - €1,200

        L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Painting: "Polderlandschaft mit Kühen" (Polder Landscape with Cows), oil with sand admixture on plywood, c. 1965, signed "L'Hoest" lower right, inscribed on the reverse with the artist's address stamp, the date and a numbering. Wide landscape with a view of the coast in the evening light, worked in expressive colourfulness and pastose application of paint. The Dutch landscape painter L'Hoest studied under the Amsterdam painter Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); especially in the 1950s and 1960s he created his polder landscapes in a strongly impasto and moving application of paint, sometimes with almost informal touches, which he executed in expressive, luminous colours. 40,5 x 60 cm. From the estate of a private collection in Westphalia. L'HOEST, ENGELBERT (Amersfort 1919-2008 Soesterberg), Gemälde: "Polderlandschaft mit Kühen", Öl mit Sandbeimischung auf Sperrholz, um 1965, unten rechts signiert "L'Hoest", revers mit dem Adressstempel des Künstlers, der Datierung und einer Nummerierung bezeichnet. Weite Landschaft mit Blick auf die Küste im abendlichen Licht, gearbeitet in expressiver Farbigkeit und pastosem Farbauftrag. Der niederländische Landschaftsmaler L'Hoest studierte bei dem Amsterdamer Maler Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk (1870-1945); vor allem in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren entstanden seine Polderlandschaften in stark pastosem und bewegtem Farbauftrag mit teils nahezu informellen Anklängen, die er in expressiver, leuchtender Farbigkeit ausführte. 40,5 x 60 cm. Aus dem Nachlass einer westfälischen Privatsammlung.

        Auktionshaus Rheine
        Dec. 13, 2021


        Est: €1,000 - €3,000

        Landscape Signed lower right With studio stamp, dated 1993 and annotated No. 667 on the reverse Oil and sand on board, 70.2 x 60.1 cm Provenance: Private collection, the Netherlands Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request. For more information please visit our website: www.aagauctioneers.com.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L’Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Jul. 05, 2021

        Engelbert L’Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €600 - €1,000

        Portrait Signed lower left Oil on board, 60 x 70.3 cm Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request. For more information please visit our website: www.aagauctioneers.com.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L’Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Jul. 05, 2021

        Engelbert L’Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €600 - €1,000

        Village Square Signed lower right Oil on board, 59.9 x 77.8 cm Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request. For more information please visit our website: www.aagauctioneers.com.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert l’Hoëst and his wife Simone, self-portrait
        Jun. 08, 2021

        Engelbert l’Hoëst and his wife Simone, self-portrait

        Est: €600 - €800

        - L'HOËST, Engelbert (Dutch 1919 - 2008). Zelfportret met vrouw [Self-portrait with wife], c. 1970. Oil on paper laid down on panel, signed 'Lhoest' (incised lower right); framed behind glass, with a label of Roo & Sainthill, Haarlem on the reverse. Slightly cockled, very good condition.

        Adams Amsterdam Auctions
      • L'Hoëst, Engelbert (1919-2008), Landschap
        May. 10, 2021

        L'Hoëst, Engelbert (1919-2008), Landschap

        Est: €450 - €800

        L'Hoëst, Engelbert (1919-2008), Landschap gem. techn. 33 x 14 cm, ges. l.o.

        Zuydwal Veilingen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Nov. 30, 2020

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Landscape with Sun Signed with initials lower right Signed, dated 1996 and annotated Voor Jacqueline's verjaardag on the reverse Oil on board, 18.3 x 24.4 cm Provenance: Family of the artist Faults or imperfections are not recorded in the lot description. We encourage you to inspect the lots during our viewing days. Condition reports are available upon request.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Nov. 30, 2020

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €1,000 - €3,000

        Water Landscape Signed lower right Oil on canvas, 40.2 x 60.1 cm Faults or imperfections are not recorded in the lot description. We encourage you to inspect the lots during our viewing days. Condition reports are available upon request.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Nov. 30, 2020

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €1,000 - €3,000

        Polder met Sloot (Polder Landscape) Signed lower left Titled and with studio stamp on the reverse Oil and sand on panel, 78.7 x 59.6 cm Faults or imperfections are not recorded in the lot description. We encourage you to inspect the lots during our viewing days. Condition reports are available upon request.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Nov. 30, 2020

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Evening landscape Signed lower left Mixed media on paper, 88.1 x 67.8 cm Provenance: Family of the artist Faults or imperfections are not recorded in the lot description. We encourage you to inspect the lots during our viewing days. Condition reports are available upon request.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)
        Dec. 16, 2019

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008)

        Est: €3,500 - €5,500

        Landscape Signed lower right Oil on burlap, 90.2 x 69.8 cm Provenance: Family of the artist Note: Under the influence of modern painting, in particular the CoBrA movement, L’Hoëst produced colourful and expressive paintings after the war. Together with painters such as Gerard Grassère, Jan Stekelenburg and Douwe van der Zweep, he exhibited under the name 'Progressives' in 1954 in the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. He later exhibited at the Salon in Paris. Most of the years after the Second World War, L’Hoëst lived and worked in countries such as France, Spain and Portugal. In addition to his long sojourn abroad, his reclusive lifestyle and his introverted nature are the most important explanations for his relative unfamiliarity in the Netherlands. Many of his earlier works ended up with collectors all over the world, notably in Germany, America and China. After various exhibitions were held in the Netherlands, including a retrospective exhibition at the Singer Museum in Laren, the art of L'Hoëst also began to be collected in the Netherlands. Currently an exhibition on the occasion of the artist's 100th birthday is mounted in Museum Flehite (Amersfoort), including work that has never been shown before.

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Feb. 21, 2018

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €200 - €300

        Abstract stadsgezicht, rechtsonder get., olieverf op board, 38x56,5 cm

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Feb. 21, 2018

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €300 - €500

        Boven het dorp', rechtsonder get., tempera op board, 114x64 cm Herkomst: voorheen bij Kunsthandel Borzo, 's-Hertogenbosch.

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Dec. 20, 2017

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €300 - €400

        'Landschap bij avond' linksonder get., Te dateren rond 1958. olieverf op papier, geplakt op paneel, 62x32 cm

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Dec. 20, 2017

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €400 - €600

        Abstract stadsgezicht rechtsonder get. olieverf op board, 38x56,5 cm

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Dec. 20, 2017

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €600 - €800

        'Boven het dorp' rechtsonder get. tempera op board, 114x64 cm Herkomst: voorheen bij Kunsthandel Borzo, 's-Hertogenbosch.

        Venduehuis der Notarissen
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst
        Dec. 08, 2014

        Engelbert L'Hoëst

        Est: -

        (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008) Harbour, Antwerp Signed l.r. Oil on board, 12.3 x 45.9 cm

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Apr. 23, 2013

        Est: -

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch, 1919-2008) Abstracted figures signed 'L'Hoëst' (lower right) pastel on card 41 x 28 in. (104.2 x 71.1 cm.)

      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)
        Dec. 04, 2012

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008)

        Est: €2,000 - €3,000

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (1919-2008) Landscape signed 'L'hoëst' (lower right) oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm.; and Two other oil paintings by the same hand. (3)

      • Engelbert L'Hoëst
        Jun. 04, 2012

        Engelbert L'Hoëst

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008) - Water landscape - Signed l.r. Mixed media on paper, 65.7 x 49.6 cm

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst
        Jun. 04, 2012

        Engelbert L'Hoëst

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        (Amersfoort 1919 - Soesterberg 2008) - Landscape - Signed l.l. Mixed media on paper, 65.6 x 50.8 cm

        AAG Auctioneers
      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch, b. 1919)
        Sep. 19, 2006

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch, b. 1919)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        A landscape signed 'l'hoëst' (lower left) oil on cardboard 100 x 70 cm

      • Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch, b. 1919)
        Sep. 19, 2006

        Engelbert L'Hoëst (Dutch, b. 1919)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Untitled signed 'L'hoëst' (lower right) oil on cardboard 82 x 59.5 cm

        Sep. 06, 2006


        Est: €1,200 - €1,600

        HOUSES IN A LANDSCAPE 40 x 58 cm. signed l.r. oil on board

        Mar. 07, 2006


        Est: €1,200 - €1,500

        LANDSCAPE 63,5 x 41 cm. signed l.l. oil on paper

      Lots Per Page: