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Andrea (1695) Locatelli Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1695 - d. 1741

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        • Circle of Andrea Locatelli,  Tobias and the Angel in a wooded landscape 
          Mar. 12, 2025

          Circle of Andrea Locatelli,  Tobias and the Angel in a wooded landscape 

          Est: £500 - £700

          Circle of Andrea Locatelli,  Italian 1695-1741-  Tobias and the Angel in a wooded landscape;  oil on canvas, 37.2 x 30.3 cm.  Provenance:  The collection of Chaplin Rev'd Dudley Roberts.  Acquired by the present owner from the Estate of the above in 1981.  Note:  The present work very much resembles Locatelli painted oeuvre, especially in the depiction of figures in flowing, brightly-coloured Classical robes in a dramatic, Italianate landscape, such as, for example, Locatelli's 'Landscape with figures' which was offered at Sotheby's, New York, on 9 June 2011 (lot 74), and two landscapes in the collection of the National Trust at Stourhead [732254 and 723255]. This painting illustrates a scene from the Biblical story of Tobias and the Angel, a subject which was depicted by Locatelli on multiple occasions. 

        • Andrea Locatelli 1695 Roma-1741 Roma Interno di taverna romana
          Dec. 12, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli 1695 Roma-1741 Roma Interno di taverna romana

          Est: €2,500 - €3,500

          olio su tela

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • LOCATELLI ANDREA (1695 - 1741) - Landscape with figures and herds
          Dec. 10, 2024

          LOCATELLI ANDREA (1695 - 1741) - Landscape with figures and herds

          Est: €3,000 - €5,000

          LOCATELLI ANDREA (1695 - 1741). Landscape with figures and herds. Dimensions of the oval landscape: 49.5x62 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Lombardy. The work seems to be a replica, with minimal variations and of similar dimensions, of a canvas depicting the same subject preserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Carcassonne, France (inv. 845.1.23).. 65 x 53,50 cm.

          Capitolium Art
        • Italianate landscape with peasants drinking and merrymaking by an inn
          Dec. 05, 2024

          Italianate landscape with peasants drinking and merrymaking by an inn

          Est: £8,000 - £12,000

          Andrea Locatelli Rome 1695–1741 Italianate landscape with peasants drinking and merrymaking by an inn oil on canvas, laid down on panel unframed: 63.2 x 100.1 cm.; 24⅞ x 39⅜ in. framed: 80.6 x 117.6 cm.; 31¾ x 46¼ in.

        • LOCATELLI, ANDREA (NACHFOLGE). Landschaft mit Staffagefiguren. Öl auf Leinwand.
          Nov. 28, 2024

          LOCATELLI, ANDREA (NACHFOLGE). Landschaft mit Staffagefiguren. Öl auf Leinwand.

          Est: €1,200 - €1,600

          LOCATELLI, ANDREA (NACHFOLGE) 1695 Rom - 1741 ebd. Landschaft mit Staffagefiguren Öl auf Leinwand. Restauriert, doubliert, min. beschädigt. 98 x 135 cm. Rahmen. Im beiliegenden Gutachten vom 10.4.1985 schreibt Gilberto Zabert, Turin, das vorliegende Gemälde Pieter Mulier gen. Il Tempesta zu und verweist auf ein Pendant mit ähnlicher Landschaft. Vgl. ein Gemälde, das am 14.11.2015 (Los 1562) bei Lempertz, Köln, angeboten und Andrea Locatelli zugeschrieben wurde.

          Scheublein Art & Auktionen
        • Andrea Locatelli Rome 1695-Rome 1741 Lake landscape
          Nov. 13, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli Rome 1695-Rome 1741 Lake landscape

          Est: €3,500 - €4,500

          Andrea Locatelli Rome 1695-Rome 1741 Lake landscape Provenance: Sir John P. Boileau; Naples 1835 oil on canvas 57x100 cm - with frame 73x116 cm

          Casa d'aste ARCADIA
        • Andrea Locatelli (1695 – 1741) – Circle
          Jul. 16, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli (1695 – 1741) – Circle

          Est: €200 - €400

          Andrea Locatelli (1695 – 1741) – Circle, Italian landscape with sheperds. Oil on canvas. 55 x 85 cm. Framed.

          Deutsch Auktionen
        • Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, 18th century
          May. 25, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, 18th century

          Est: -

          Oil painting on canvas Landscape painter who contributed to representing the Roman countryside, as an expression of an ideal of pastoral life, inspiration of a new culture that differentiated itself and spread throughout the 18th century in response to the Baroque, considered the cause of disorder and bad taste. In harmony with the principles developed in the academic context of Arcadia, a balance between nature-reason, intellect and imaginative imagination is also restored pictorially (ut pictura poesis-Quinto Orazio Flacco). The painting, fruit and expression of the times in which the painter lives, shows a very rare perspective cut of the Tiber, depicts a locus amoenus, a nature that is indicative of a peaceful and serene existence, outside of time, aimed at a stable and tranquil stillness . A still image of an idyllic moment fixed in its existential temporality. Pictorially the canvas takes on a balanced register, where the measured spaces are in perfect harmony with the green landscape in dense but precise matter. All this scenic structure reminiscent of Dughetti certainly derives from a common ductus and suited to the artists of his time such as Paolo Anesi (Rome 1697.1773) or Paolo Monaldi (Rome 1710-1779). His work is the product of a culture with precise literary and philosophical references of the Arcadian circles contemporary to him" ASORstudio

        • Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, 18th century
          May. 25, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, 18th century

          Est: -

          Oil painting on canvas Landscape painter who contributed to representing the Roman countryside, as an expression of an ideal of pastoral life, inspiration of a new culture that differentiated itself and spread throughout the 18th century in response to the Baroque, considered the cause of disorder and bad taste. In harmony with the principles developed in the academic context of Arcadia, a balance between nature-reason, intellect and imaginative imagination is also restored pictorially (ut pictura poesis-Quinto Orazio Flacco). The painting, fruit and expression of the times in which the painter lives, shows a very rare perspective cut of the Tiber, depicts a locus amoenus, a nature that is indicative of a peaceful and serene existence, outside of time, aimed at a stable and tranquil stillness . A still image of an idyllic moment fixed in its existential temporality. Pictorially the canvas takes on a balanced register, where the measured spaces are in perfect harmony with the green landscape in dense but precise matter. All this scenic structure reminiscent of Dughetti certainly derives from a common ductus and suited to the artists of his time such as Paolo Anesi (Rome 1697.1773) or Paolo Monaldi (Rome 1710-1779). His work is the product of a culture with precise literary and philosophical references of the Arcadian circles contemporary to him" ASORstudio

        • ANDREA LOCATELLI (ITALIAN, 1665-1741)
          May. 01, 2024

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (ITALIAN, 1665-1741)

          Est: £15,000 - £25,000

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (ITALIAN, 1665-1741) ANDREA LOCATELLI (ITALIAN, 1665-1741) Campagna Romana oil on canvas 69.5 x 87 cm Property of a Private London Collection. Andrea Locatelli is considered one of the most important exponents of Roman landscape painting. He received training in the studio of his father, Giovanni Francesco, in Trastevere, Rome. In 1715, Locatelli was commissioned to decorate a room in the Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome, the first of several important commisions, however he was primarily as a painter of easel pictures. These were sought after not only by distinguished Roman patrons, but also by an international clientele, amongst whom he was renowned for his idyllic views of the Campagna as can be seen in the present work. Throughout the course of his career, Locatelli experimented with a wide variety of genres. Later, he turned more towards the works of Gaspar Dughet and Jan Frans van Bloemen painting idyllic views of the Roman Campagna and mythological scenes set in Arcadian landscapes. Andrea Locatelli was prolific landscape artist, born in Rome in 1695. He studied under his father, Giovanni Francesco Locatelli until 1708, where at the age of 13 he became a student of marine-scape specialist Monsù Alto. Following this, in 1712 he became a student of Bernardino Fergioni, an artist also known for his marine paintings. However, Locatelli broke the tradition of his former teachers, and the popular subject matter of his period, by placing focus on landscapes, such as the present example which captures figures and cows within a vast Italianate landscape. In their book titled ‘Andrea Locatelli and Roman Landscape Paintings of the Eighteenth Century’, Andrea Busiri Vici, wrote that "Locatelli’s landscapes are remarkable for the sense of solitude they convey despite the fact that they are populated by figures. There is a sense of seclusion, a quality that induced one to turn from the colourless life of the community to the joy of the isolation of an interiorized existence" (p. 264-267); the present example captures this atmospheric seclusion.

          Chiswick Auctions
        • Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des
          Mar. 21, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des

          Est: €500 - €700

          ARCHITEKTURCAPRICCIO MIT LANDSCHAFT Rötel auf Papier. 22 x 29 cm. Verso mit Sammlungsstempel und handschriftlichen Vermerken. Im Passepartout montiert. Darstellung einer barocken Architektur mit Rundbögen, Säulenhalle und Rundtetmpel sowie Pyramide, auf Rom verweisend. Knicksp., rest., leicht fleckig. (1380607) (13)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rom – 1741
          Mar. 21, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rom – 1741

          Est: €25,000 - €35,000

          FANTASIELANDSCHAFT MIT SZENE AUS ORLANDO FURIOSO Öl auf Leinwand. 56 x 108 cm. Beigegeben eine Abhandlung von Dottoressa Federica Gasparrini und Maurizio Marini, jeweils in Kopie. Das Gemälde in betontem Panorama-Format bietet einen weiten Blick über eine Bucht, die in felsige Landschaft einzieht, mit Tempel- und Herrschaftsbauten am Ufer, gewundenen Wegen und seitlichen Bäumen als Repoussoir. Im Vordergrund eine felsige Erhebung, auf der sich eine Kampfszene zweier Männer abspielt, umgeben von weiteren, zum Teil geharnischten Kriegern und einem Reiter. Das Bildformat mag einerseits bedingt sein durch Setzung als Supraportgemälde, bot dem Maler andererseits die Möglichkeit, historische oder literarische Szenen in fantastische Landschaften beigeordnet einzubinden. Gemeint ist hier wohl die Szene aus dem Werk „Orlando furioso“ (Der rasende Roland) von Ludovico Ariosto (1516). Es entsprach den Bildungsinteressen der Zeit, dieses alte Bühnenwerk neu zu beleben, in der Malerei wie in der Musik. Etwa zeitgleich mit dem Gemälde hatte Antonio Vivaldi seine titelgleiche Oper mit Erfolg aufgeführt, zum nämlichen Thema hat Johann Adolph Hasse 1732 seinen „Orlando“ komponiert. Inhalt des Stückes ist die rasende Verliebtheit des Orlando (Roland), eines Neffen Karls des Großen, in die schöne zauberkräftige Prinzessin Angelika, mit dramatischen Folgen, auch eines Kampfes um eine Brücke. Locatelli, dessen Landschaften nicht selten an Claude Lorrain erinnern, hat auch hier eine beachtenswerte Lichtstimmung vorgeführt. Der von vielen Herrscherhäusern beauftragte Maler arbeitete im Schloss Rivoli in Turin, und schuf Supraporten für König Philipp V in La Granja (Spanien), sowie 1738 im Palazzo Corsini. In der Villa Falconieri (Frascati) ist eines seiner Fresken erhalten. Seine Malerei hat letztlich auf Claude-Joseph Vernet eingewirkt. Der Künstler war ein italienischer Landschaftsmaler des Barock. Seine Landschaftsbilder erinnern teils an Claude Lorrain (1600-1682) aber auch an Jan Frans van Bloemen (1662-1749) und Salvator Rosa (1615-1673). 1715 war er an der Ausmalung des Palazzo Ruspoli in Rom beteiligt, wobei er nur die Figuren malte und bereits hoch bezahlt wurde. Literatur: A. Busiri Vici, Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del settecento, Rom 1976, Nr. 108. (1391845) (11) Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rome – 1741 FANTASY LANDSCAPE WITH A SCENE FROM ORLANDO FURIOSO Oil on canvas. 56 x 108 cm. Accompanied by an essay by Dottoressa Federica Gasparrini und Maurizio Marini, each in copy. Literature: A. Busiri Vici, Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del settecento, Rome 1976, No. 108.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          Feb. 21, 2024


          Est: £1,500 - £2,500

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (ITALIAN 1693 - 1741)GROUP OF WARRIORS CONVERSING BY A RIVEROil on canvas30 x 26cm (11¾ x 10 in.)Provenance:David Wade Fine Art Ltd, North Yorkshire

          Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
        • attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741) - Lazio landscape with natural arch and resting soldier
          Feb. 21, 2024

          attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741) - Lazio landscape with natural arch and resting soldier

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          tempera on canvas 66 x 127.5 cm

        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Lazio landscape with characters, 17th century
          Jan. 20, 2024

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Lazio landscape with characters, 17th century

          Est: €1,200 - €99,999

          oil painting on canvas The scene depicted by Locatelli in the painting in question is set in a typical Roman landscape, rural and lively, the composition of which develops in successive levels of light and shadow until the horizon fades. Andrea Locatelli, a pupil of Monsù Alto, worked in the service of many Roman noble families and experienced the cultural transformations of the city. The lively climate of Rome and the proximity to works signed by painters such as Salvator Rosa and Jan Frans van Bloemen significantly influenced Locatelli's artistic production. His style is in fact inspired by the realism of his contemporary models and an atmosphere of an Arcadian pastoral and allegorical character comes to life in his works. The present painting embodies these stylistic peculiarities and makes a comparison with other works of the same As an artist, we understand Locatelli's desire to tell a vision of nature in its most exquisitely bucolic aspects. This comparison can be made with River Landscape with Washerwomen and Shepherds, a work offered for auction by Christie's Auction House, or with Roman Landscape and Wayfarers, a painting preserved at the Francesco Borgogna Museum Foundation in Vercelli. The traits that characterize Locatelli's style are the meticulousness in degrading the plans, starting from flat and decisive shots in the foreground through the representation of rocks, foliage and vegetation, moving in the detailed depiction of the various characters that animate the scene, towards a diluted diaphanous horizon. ASORstudio

        • Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des
          Dec. 07, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des

          Est: €800 - €1,000

          ARCHITEKTURCAPRICCIO MIT LANDSCHAFT Rötel auf Papier. 22 x 29 cm. Verso mit Sammlungsstempel und handschriftlichen Vermerken. In Passepartout montiert. Darstellung einer barocken Architektur mit Rundbögen, Säulenhalle und Rundtempel sowie Pyramide, auf Rom verweisend. Knicksp., rest., leicht fleckig. (1380607) (13)

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Andrea Locatelli 1695 Roma-1741 Roma Capriccio con rovine classiche e figure
          Nov. 30, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli 1695 Roma-1741 Roma Capriccio con rovine classiche e figure

          Est: €4,000 - €5,000


          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695-1741) - Two Lazio landscapes with bystanders
          Nov. 29, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695-1741) - Two Lazio landscapes with bystanders

          Est: €4,000 - €8,000

          oil on canvas, within a painted oval shape 48.5 x 38 cm each

        • Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1695 - 1741) - Landscape with natural arch and resting soldier
          Nov. 29, 2023

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1695 - 1741) - Landscape with natural arch and resting soldier

          Est: €4,000 - €8,000

          tempera on canvas 66 x 127.5 cm

        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695-1741) - Rest during the flight into Egypt
          Nov. 29, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695-1741) - Rest during the flight into Egypt

          Est: €2,500 - €3,000

          oil on canvas 19 x 29 cm

        • ANDREA LOCATELLI, Olio su tavola
          Nov. 25, 2023

          ANDREA LOCATELLI, Olio su tavola

          Est: €1,200 - €1,800

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Roma 1695 - 1741) Paesaggio con personaggi Olio su tavola Cornice in legno intagliato e laccato nero. cm 12,5 x 18,5.

          Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
        • a) Landscape with castle and watercourse; b) Landscape with watercourse and fountain. Pair of temperas
          Nov. 23, 2023

          a) Landscape with castle and watercourse; b) Landscape with watercourse and fountain. Pair of temperas

          Est: €1,600 - €2,800

          Tempera on cardboard cm. 63x46 each. Framed

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • Andrea Locatelli (1695-1741)-attributed
          Nov. 21, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (1695-1741)-attributed

          Est: €240 - €480

          Andrea Locatelli (1695-1741)-attributed, Joseph sold by his brothers. Oil on metal in carved and gilded classical collectors frame. 28X39 cm.

          Deutsch Auktionen
        • Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) Figures in a capriccio 29 5/8 x 39in (75.2 x 99.1cm)
          Nov. 15, 2023

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) Figures in a capriccio 29 5/8 x 39in (75.2 x 99.1cm)

          Est: $15,000 - $25,000

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) Figures in a capriccio oil on canvas 29 5/8 x 39in (75.2 x 99.1cm)

        • Sosta di pastori
          Nov. 12, 2023

          Sosta di pastori

          Est: -

          (attribuito a) Sosta di pastori Olio su tela ovale, 46x37 cm La scena, nel gusto della bambocciata romana, è attribuibile al pittore Andrea Locatelli che fu uno dei più noti paesaggisti del Settecento. Locatelli si dedicò al paesaggio arcadico, a quello delle vedute con architetture e figure e alla pittura di genere nel solco della tradizione dei Bamboccianti romani.

          Meeting Art Casa D'Aste
        • ANDREA LOCATELLI Rome, Italy (1695) / (1741) "Couple of architectural whims"
          Nov. 07, 2023

          ANDREA LOCATELLI Rome, Italy (1695) / (1741) "Couple of architectural whims"

          Est: €54,000 - €72,000

          Oil on canvas Certificate from Ferdinando Arisi is attached Measurements: 135.5 x 98 cm each

        • Andrea Locatelli
          Oct. 25, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli

          Est: €40,000 - €50,000

          (Rome 1695–1741) Jacob’s journey to Canaan, oil on canvas, 97.5 x 134.5 cm, framed Provenance: Vicar & Churchwardens of the Parish Church All Saints, Bakewell, England (according to a label on the reverse); Mario Lanfranchi collection, Rome; Private collection, Parma; Private collection, Turin; art market, Rio de Janeiro; where acquired by the present owner Exhibitions: Sheffield, Sheffield City Art Galleries, Local Heritage, 17 April - 17 May 1970, no. 5 (according to a label on the reverse) Andrea Locatelli was one of the most important landscape painters in Rome during the first half of the 18th century and his corpus of works were significant for the development of the genre, influencing artists including Claude Joseph Vernet and Hubert Robert. Locatelli’s patrons included the papal court and Roman collectors such as the Cardinals Pietro Ottoboni and Alessandro Albani, and the Princes Ruspoli and Colonna. For the Colonna family the artist painted more than 80 works. The present painting represents the history of Jacob as told by the Book of Genesis, with Jacob fleeing from Haran with his two wives Rachel and Leah and the flock he took away from Laban. The painting was conceived together with a pendant representing a Landscape with Joseph being sold by his brothers, published by Andrea Busiri Vici (Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del settecento, Rome 1976, no. 69). The two canvases share the same dimensions and a similar composition, with a group of trees on one side and a wide view of the Roman countryside. Locatelli’s works played an important role in creating eighteenth-century myth of the ‘campagna romana’.

        • Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des
          Sep. 28, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, Kreis des

          Est: €12,000 - €15,000

          LANDSCHAFT MIT SOLDAT UND AKTDARSTELLUNG Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 65 x 49 cm. In blattverziertem Rahmen. Im Schatten eines schräg in das Bild ragenden, dunkel angelegten Baum es sitzen drei Figuren. Ein Soldat in Rüstung dreht sich einer Dame zu, die im Rückenakt dargestellt ist und durch das auf sie fallende, Sonnenlicht betont ist. Zum Vergleich dient das Gemälde „Landschaft mit einem verwundeten Banditen und anderen Figuren“ aus dem Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, das in der Komposition und dem Sujet dem vorliegenden Bild sehr nahe kommt. Locatellis Oeuvre ist reich an Landschaftsbildern mit mythologischen und antiken Motiven, in das sich auch dieses Bild einordnen lässt. (1370972) (19) Andrea Locatelli, 1695 – 1741, circle of LANDSCAPE WITH SOLDIER AND NUDE Oil on canvas. Relined. 65 x 49 cm. The composition and subject of the present painting compares well to a painting held at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford titled Landscape with a Wounded Bandit and Other Figures.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) An Arcadian landscape with figures resting amongst ruins
          Jul. 05, 2023

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) An Arcadian landscape with figures resting amongst ruins

          Est: £25,000 - £35,000

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1693-circa 1741) An Arcadian landscape with figures resting amongst ruins oil on canvas 103.7 x 95.2cm (40 13/16 x 37 1/2in).

        • Landscape in Latium with bathers on the banks of a river
          May. 25, 2023

          Landscape in Latium with bathers on the banks of a river

          Est: $15,000 - $20,000

          From the Collection of Seymour and Zoya Slive Andrea Locatelli Rome 1695 - 1741 Landscape in Latium with bathers on the banks of a river oil on canvas canvas: 21 by 53 ½ in.; 53.3 by 135.9 cm. framed: 30 by 60 ½ in.; 76.2 by 153.7 cm.

        • Andrea Locatelli, attributed to, Sermon of Saint Paul
          May. 20, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli, attributed to, Sermon of Saint Paul

          Est: €7,000 - €9,000

          Andrea Locatelli, considered one of the most important Roman landscape painters of the first half of the 18th century, explored the landscape genre in all its declinations: at first, mainly influenced by Salvator Rosa´s examples, Locatelli preferred river and coastal landscapes, experimenting with the insertion of genre scenes, ruins and topographical details. He later oriented himself towards the works of Gaspar Dughet and Jan Frans van Bloemen, drawing inspiration from the elegiac and optimistic attitudes of the classicists Dughet and Lorrain. The present composition already testifies to his dialogue with the works of van Bloemen in its subtle chiaroscuro, whereas the figures still recall Rosa´s types and could be therefore ascribed to the artist's early mature period. Another version of the same subject, similar in composition and size, has been described by Andrea Busiri Vici as “a gem of Locatelli´s production” ( Andrea Busiri Vici: Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del '700, Rome 1976, cat. 70, whereabouts unknown, formerly with Colnaghi).

          Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741), attr.a, Coppia di paesaggi con figure
          May. 04, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741), attr.a, Coppia di paesaggi con figure

          Est: €10,000 - €20,000

          Olio su tela, dimensioni 100x73,5 cm. Cad.

        • Andrea Locatelli
          May. 03, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli

          Est: €10,000 - €15,000

          (Rome 1695–1741) A wooded river landscape with figures resting, town wall beyond; and A wooded river landscape with peasants and their flock under a stormy sky, a castle beyond, oil on canvas, 55 x 70.5 cm and 53.5 x 69 cm, framed, a pair (2) Provenance: Private European collection Literature: A. Busiri Vici, Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del Settecento, Rome 1976, pp. 98–99, figs. 119–120, cat. nos. 33–34 (as Andrea Locatelli) The present paintings are prime examples of the eighteenth-century Arcadian landscape genre, which was favoured by the cultural elite of the era. Locatelli’s depictions showcase countryside views framed by trees, with archaic figures dressed in clothing reminiscent of Roman sculpture, adding a classicising element to the composition. One of Locatelli’s first commissions was the decoration of a room in the Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome 1715, followed by several more commissioned decorations. Initially, he concentrated on river and coastal landscapes, while later, taking inspiration from the work of Gaspar Dughet, he increasingly turned to painting idyllic views of the Roman Campagna and mythological scenes set in Arcadian landscapes. Locatelli worked for important patrons such as the Colonna and the Borghese as well as the courts of Turin and Madrid. The luminosity of his landscapes supplied an important model to Giovanni Paolo Panini and are an important point of reference to the younger generation of painters including Hubert Robert, Paolo Anesi and Paolo Monaldi.

        • ANDREA LOCATELLI (Rome, 1695 - 1741)
          Apr. 27, 2023

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Rome, 1695 - 1741)

          Est: €7,000 - €10,000

          Pair of paintings Oil on canvas, a) cm. 38,5x63,5; b) cm. 40x65. Framed, each Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri has confirmed the attribution to Andrea Locatelli after examining the present paintings in the original. COMPARISON LITERATURE: A. Busiri Vici, Andrea Locatelli, Rome 1976.

          Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
        • Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Italian 1695 - 1741) "Figures resting by a
          Apr. 18, 2023

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Italian 1695 - 1741) "Figures resting by a

          Est: €2,000 - €3,000

          Attributed to Andrea Locatelli (Italian 1695 - 1741) "Figures resting by a Capriccio in a Romantic Landscape," O.O.C., bears signature lower right, approx. 79cms x 119cms (31" x 47"), in later ornate gilt frame. (1)

          Fonsie Mealy Auctioneers
        • Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, XVIII century
          Feb. 24, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, XVIII century

          Est: -

          Oil painting on canvas Landscape painter who helped to represent the Roman countryside as an expression of an ideal of pastoral life, inspiration for a new culture that differentiated and spread throughout the eighteenth century in response to the Baroque, considered the cause of unrest and bad taste. In harmony with the principles elaborated in the academic ambit of Arcadia, a pictorial balance is also restored between nature-reason, intellect and imaginative fantasy (ut pictura poesis-Quinto Orazio Flacco). The painting, fruit and expression of the times in which the painter lives, shows a very rare perspective cut of the Tiber, depicts a locus amoenus, a nature that is indicative of a peaceful and serene existence, out of time, aimed at a stable and tranquil stillness . A still image of an idyllic moment fixed in its existential temporality. Pictorially, the canvas assumes a balanced register, where the measured spaces are in perfect harmony with the green landscape in a dense but precise matter. All this scenic layout of Dughettian memory certainly derives from a common ductus and appropriate to the artists of his time such as Paolo Anesi (Rome 1697-1773) or Paolo Monaldi (Rome 1710-1779). His work is the product of a culture with precise literary and philosophical references from the Arcadian circles of his time" ASORstudio

        • Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, XVIII century
          Feb. 24, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (attribuito a) (Roma 19.02.1695-Roma 19.02.1741) - Archaeological view of the Tiber with characters, XVIII century

          Est: -

          Oil painting on canvas The painting is a representation of the Roman countryside as an ideal of pastoral life, which served as inspiration for a new culture that emerged and spread throughout the 18th century as a response to the Baroque era, which was seen as a cause of unrest and bad taste. The artist, who was in harmony with the principles developed in the academic circles of Arcadia, restores a balance between nature, reason, and imagination (as stated by the Latin phrase "ut pictura poesis" by Quintus Horatius Flaccus). The painting, a product of its time, showcases a rare perspective of the Tiber river and depicts a peaceful and serene natural setting, free from the constraints of time. The composition is balanced, with measured spaces in perfect harmony with the lush green landscape, and is reminiscent of the style of artists of the time such as Paolo Anesi and Paolo Monaldi. The artist's work is influenced by the literary and philosophical references of the Arcadian circles of the era. ASORSTUDIO

        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741)
          Feb. 21, 2023

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741)

          Est: €1,500 - €2,500

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma 1695 - 1741) Coppia di paesaggi laziali Olio su tela 28,5 x 22,5 cm Provenienza: Appoloni Antichità; Roma La coppia di tele, ancora conservate nella loro cornice originale, sono due mirabili esempi dell'afflato arcadico che colse Locatelli nell'ultimo periodo della sua produzione. La formazione di Andrea Locatelli avvenne presso lo zio Giovanni Francesco, poi presso Monsù Alto e infine presso il paesaggista Fergioni. Il suo stile rientra nel filone proveniente dal paesaggio di Gaspard Dughet e Jan Frans Van Bloemen, anche se verso la fine della sua carriera l'intonazione poetica passò dall'essere classicheggiante alle venature arcadiche. Operò a Roma per famiglie nobili come i Ruspoli, i Pallavicini, i Colonna e i Savoia. Il suo stile influenzò Paolo Monaldi, che fu suo allievo, e parte del percorso artistico di Gian Paolo Pannini nel primo periodo di soggiorno romano. Andrea Locatelli (Rome 1695 - 1741) A pair of Lazio landscapes Oil on canvas 28,5 x 22,5 cm Provenance: Appoloni Antichità; Rome The pair of canvases, still preserved in their original frame, are two admirable examples of the arcadian inspiration that signed Locatelli in the last period of his production.

          Lucas Aste
        • Locatelli Andrea, Paesaggi romani con figure in riva al fiume, il ponte Nomentano e rovine architettoniche
          Dec. 14, 2022

          Locatelli Andrea, Paesaggi romani con figure in riva al fiume, il ponte Nomentano e rovine architettoniche

          Est: €60,000 - €80,000

          coppia di dipinti, olio su tela, W. 146 - H. 79 Cm

          Cambi Casa d'Aste
        • ANDREA LOCATELLI (Rome, 1695-1741) "Whims of ruins". Oil on canvas. Relined. Attached report of Don Ferdinando Arisi.
          Dec. 12, 2022

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Rome, 1695-1741) "Whims of ruins". Oil on canvas. Relined. Attached report of Don Ferdinando Arisi.

          Est: €38,000 - €40,000

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Rome ,1695-1741) "Caprices of ruins". Oil on canvas. Re-drawn. Enclosed report of Don Ferdinando Arisi. Measurements: 138 x 98 cm; 141 x 113 cm (frame). In these two canvases, imposing arcades or Greek stoas supported on slender fluted columns are covered with moss and blades of grass that tinge these vestiges with melancholic beauty. Captured under twilight that accentuates their lyricism, the figures of the peasants who wander around the site are minimised against the sublimity of the landscape. The taste for the artistic remains of the past, the widespread travels of writers and artists in search of monuments and works of art that would serve as a source of inspiration. It is a pictorial genre, moreover, which has its roots in the 17th century, in the veduta, not always topographical but sometimes extremely imaginative, of artists such as Canaletto and others. Little is known about Locatelli's training and style of painting. It is known that he studied with Monsù Alto, a specialist marine painter, and from 1712 with Fergioni. According to the scholar Roberto Contini, although Locatelli became famous mainly for his impeccable, if somewhat artificial, landscapes of the Roman countryside, he trained as a marine painter with second-rate artists of little renown and as a specialist in figures with the Lucca painter Biagio Puccini. His work clearly echoes Salvator Rosa's landscape, but it is treated with a more subjective and romantic aesthetic, in which nature is no longer under the artist's rational control, but becomes unattainable and, at times, threatening to man. Locatelli also demonstrates his knowledge of the Roman landscape tradition of the previous century, in relation to both Rosa's and Ghisolfi's views of ruins, thus slightly anticipating Pannini. This trend was nourished in particular by the classicists of Emilia and the Nordic style of Dughet and Lorraine, of whom the former heralded the interest in the prominence of trees that Locatelli was to exalt.

          Setdart Auction House
        • Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rom – 1741, zugeschrieben
          Dec. 08, 2022

          Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rom – 1741, zugeschrieben

          Est: €140,000 - €180,000

          STIMMUNGSVOLLE KÜSTENLANDSCHAFT MIT FIGUREN Öl auf Leinwand. 113 x 170 cm. In vergoldetem Rahmen. Malerischer Blick auf das breite, felsige Ufer eines kleinen Fischerhafens mit zahlreichen Figuren: im Vordergrund von links eine kleine Familie, ein anlegendes Boot, ein Soldat in antiker Kleidung mit Helm, zwei sitzende Männer verweisend und am rechten Bildrand eine Gruppe von Fischern, deren Bootssegel nach oben ragt. Mittig links das Ufer mit antiken Gebäuden einer Stadt, darunter die Reste eines steinernen Rundbaus und ein Torbogen, durch den ein Weg mit einem Hirten und seiner Herde zum Wasser führt, an dem mehrere Boote ankern. Einige Fischer sind gerade dabei ihre Netze einzuholen. Am linken Bildrand zudem als Repoussoir eine hohe, im Schatten liegende Baumgruppe. Rechtsseitig Sicht über das ruhige Meer auf ein Gebirge im diesigen Licht der warmen Nachmittagssonne unter hohem hellblauen Himmel mit wenigen weissen Wolkenformationen. Qualitätvolle, stimmungsvolle Malerei mit gekonnt gesetzter Licht- und Schattensetzung in der Manier des Künstlers, bei der sich sein Studium von Küstenlandschaften nachvollziehen lässt. Provenienz: Sir Arthur Ingram Aston, Aston Hall, Chester; his estate sale; Christie’s, London, 6 August 1862, lot 69, als „Borsini“. Anmerkung: Locatelli war der Sohn des Malers Giovanni Francesco Locatelli (1660-1741). Er studierte bei Monsù Alto (einem Maler von Küstenlandschaften), nach dessen Tod bei Bernardino Fergioni (1674-um 1738) und Biagio Puccini. Bei letzterem studierte er vor allem das Malen des menschlichen Körpers. Seine Landschaftsbilder mit mythologischen und antiken Motiven erinnern u.a. an Claude Lorrain. 1715 war er an der Ausmalung des Palazzo Ruspoli in Rom beteiligt (mit maritimen Szenen, wobei er nur die Figuren malte und schon hoch bezahlt wurde) und für Victor-Amadeus II. von Savoyen malte er 1723 bis 1725 zwei Bilder für dessen Schloss Rivoli in Turin (im Auftrag von Filippo Juvara). Literatur: Vgl. L. Laureati, in Da Tiziano a Caravaggio a Tiepolo. Capolavori di tre secoli di arte italiana, V. Sgarbi (ed.), Florenz 2002, S. 162, Nr. 60. Vgl. M. Moschetta, Pittori di vedute, di prospettive e di paesaggi nella Roma del ’600 e ’700, Aretto, 2004, S. 52-53. Vgl. A. Busiri, Andrea Locatelli, Rome, 1976, Nr. 215-216, Nr. 42,43, 44, 48. (13306077) (18) Andrea Locatelli, 1695 Rome – 1741, attributed ATMOSPHERIC COASTAL LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Oil on canvas. 113 x 170 cm. In gilded frame. Literature: cf. L. Laureati, in Da Tiziano a Caravaggio a Tiepolo. Capolavori di tre secoli di arte italiana, V. Sgarbi (ed.), Florence 2002, p. 162, no. 60. cf. M. Moschetta, Pittori di vedute, di prospettive e di paesaggi nella Roma del ’600 e ’700, Aretto, 2004, pp.52-53. cf. A. Busiri, Andrea Locatelli, Rome, 1976, no. 215-216, no. 42,43, 44, 48.

          Hampel Fine Art Auctions
        • Andrea Locatelli
          Nov. 09, 2022

          Andrea Locatelli

          Est: €40,000 - €60,000

          (Rome 1695–1741) A bucolic landscape with shepherds and their flock, signed with monogram lower left (strengthened): AL, oil on canvas, 97.5 x 137 cm, framed Provenance: Private European collection (acquired by the grandfather of the present owner) Literature: A. Busiri Vici, Andrea Locatelli e il paesaggio romano del Settecento, Rome 1976, s. p., no. 289 (as Andrea Locatelli) The present painting is a characteristic work by Andrea Locatelli, one of the most important exponents of Roman landscape painting. The composition is an example of the eighteenth-century fashion for Arcadian landscapes, a genre that by the early years of the century had gained considerable popularity among the nobility and cultural elites of the era. The artist depicts a landscape opening out into the distance, framed on both sides by trees, with country folk dressed as archaic figures, reminiscent of Roman sculpture, which give the composition a classicising character. Together with the skillfully orchestrated interplay of light and shadow and the fine, but rapid brushstrokes, the composition transmits an elegant atmosphere. Andrea Locatelli was commissioned to decorate a room in the Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome in 1715: this was the first of several important decorative schemes that he was to execute. Initially, he concentrated on river and coastal landscapes, while later, taking inspiration from the work of Gaspar Dughet, he increasingly turned to painting idyllic views of the Roman Campagna and mythological scenes set in Arcadian landscapes. Locatelli worked for important patrons such as the Colonna and the Borghese as well as the courts of Turin and Madrid. The luminosity of his landscapes supplied an important model to Giovanni Paolo Panini and are a signal point of reference to the younger generation of painters including Hubert Robert, Paolo Anesi and Paolo Monaldi.

        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 – Roma, 1741), Capriccio architettonico con figure
          Nov. 04, 2022

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 – Roma, 1741), Capriccio architettonico con figure

          Est: €24,000 - €33,000

          Andrea Locatelli è conosciuto, a ragion veduta, come uno dei pilastri del vedutismo romano dell’inizio del XVIII secolo; figlio di un pittore romano poco noto, Giovanni Francesco Locatelli, inizia la sua formazione sotto il pittore Monsù Alto, specializzato in vedute marine. La sua intera produzione risulterà essere molto ampia e influenzata da molteplici artisti; essendo stato un pittore di grandi famiglie quali gli Albani, i Colonna, i Ruspoli, i Savoia e gli Ottoboni, produsse una vastissima quantità di opere, molte delle quali oggi distribuite in vari paesi del mondo. Nonostante sia ben descritto dalle fonti, quindi, è difficile riuscire ad avere uno sguardo complessivo sulla sua produzione, anche a causa di errori interpretativi, che spesso lo hanno visto confuso con il contemporaneo G. P. Panini. Gli studi hanno evidenziato che nella sua prima fase, il Locatelli risente molto dell’influenza di Salvator Rosa e della costruzione compositiva dei suoi paesaggi con rovine: ed è proprio questo che possiamo osservare in quest’opera. In questo capriccio architettonico, dal taglio molto ravvicinato e poco immerso nel paesaggio, troviamo una serie di figure intente a riprodurre, a studiare o a discorrere sulle vestigia del passato, rappresentate – oltre che dalle rovine architettoniche – dalla statua di un filosofo posta su un alto basamento. Sul lato destro della composizione invece, altre figure ed animali sono maggiormente interessati ad interagire con l’ambiente naturale che li circonda. La scelta di questo tema si sposa bene con l’atmosfera arcadica che circonda i personaggi: essi sono immersi in un delicato equilibrio all’interno del contesto agreste e in piena comunione con esso.

        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 - Roma, 1741), Veduta di campagna romana con figure
          Nov. 04, 2022

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 - Roma, 1741), Veduta di campagna romana con figure

          Est: €22,000 - €28,500

          L’incontro del Locatelli con Filippo Juvarra, conosciuto presso la famiglia Ottoboni, segna un momento molto importante per la produzione dell’artista; l’architetto gli procurerà delle prestigiose commissioni di paesaggi per i Savoia al castello di Rivoli, che gli diedero la possibilità di affermarsi come pittore di paesaggio. In quest’opera avvertiamo come l’artista abbia già compiuto il passo che dalle equilibrate composizioni arcadiche e alla lezione di Salvator Rosa, lo portano a dedicarsi ad una raffigurazione del paesaggio ben calibrata, studiata dal vero, probabilmente sulla scia dell’esperienza di J. F. van Bloemen. Questo dipinto è ambientato della verde campagna romana, al centro dell’attenzione dei vedutisti risiedenti a Roma che ritraevano luoghi incontaminati e pastorali alle porte della città. Molte famiglie romane, per cui il Locatelli aveva prodotto delle opere, dedicavano interi spazi al collezionismo della pittura di paesaggio; a riprova del successo di questo genere i Colonna possedevano decine di vedute, tra cui molte di G. Dughet e C. Lorrain: non è irrealistico supporre quindi che queste tele abbiano avuto un’influenza sulla successiva produzione del Locatelli.

        • LOCATELLI, ANDREA: "Paesaggio laziale con pastori".
          Nov. 04, 2022

          LOCATELLI, ANDREA: "Paesaggio laziale con pastori".

          Est: CHF5,600 - CHF8,500

          LOCATELLI, ANDREA (1695 Rom 1741) : "Paesaggio laziale con pastori"; Öl auf Leinwand, doubliert; 47x65 cm

          Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
        • Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 - Roma, 1741), Mercurio e Argo
          Nov. 03, 2022

          Andrea Locatelli (Roma, 1695 - Roma, 1741), Mercurio e Argo

          Est: €20,000 - €27,500

          Dagli anni ’20 del Settecento Andrea Locatelli, il cui stile era già considerato internazionale, amplia e rende più nitide le sue tele; la lezione di Dughet e van Bloemen è ormai già assorbita, e si arricchisce della sua capacità di rendere l’ambiente naturale più terso, equilibrato, quasi come studiato dal vivo. La tavolozza si alleggerisce, i toni risultano più leggeri, gli elementi più limpidi. Il pittore trascorrerà quasi tutta la sua vita a Roma, fatta eccezione per il significativo periodo trascorso a Rivoli per i Savoia, e la sua lealtà al paesaggio romano si mostra qui in tutta la sua evidenza. L’inserimento di figure mitologiche all’interno dei vasti spazi naturali è tipica di gran parte della produzione dell’artista: qui viene illustrato il momento in cui Mercurio suona il flauto per far addormentare il vigile pastore Argo. Alle loro spalle è presente anche Io, la ninfa tramutata da Giove in una giovenca, che Argo aveva il compito di vegliare su ordine della gelosa dea Giunone. Il tema è affrontato dal pittore anche in un celebre quadro ora all’ Hermitage di San Pietroburgo e dimostrano la volontà, da parte del vedutista settecentesco, di utilizzare l’episodio mitologico per raccontare una favola intima, discreta.

          Oct. 18, 2022


          Est: €3,000 - €4,000

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Roma 1695 - 1751) PAESAGGIO CON CAPRICCIO DI ROVINE ROMANE, PREDICATORE ED ARMIGERI Olio su tela, cm. 62,5 x 75 PROVENIENZA Collezione privata siciliana CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo recente. Punti e linea di restauro nel cielo. Alcuni punti di restauro tra le figure in basso a destra e sul plinto della statua CORNICE Cornice in legno dorato a sezione piatta con decori a motivi vegetali e bordi a palmette, del XX secolo Il dipinto è accompagnato da perizia del Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri, in data 9 Febbraio 2022

          Casa d'Aste Babuino
          Oct. 18, 2022


          Est: €3,000 - €4,000

          ANDREA LOCATELLI (Roma 1695 - 1741) PAESAGGIO CON ROVINE ANTICHE E PASTORI Olio su tela, cm. 73 x 95 PROVENIENZA Famiglia umbra CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo recente. Quattro punti di restauro in alto vicino all'angolo destro. Il dipinto è in ottimo stato di conservazione CORNICE Cornice romana in legno dorato a bordi modanati, del XVIII secolo

          Casa d'Aste Babuino
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