A CHINESE PAINTING OF PALACE SCENE SIGNED LU XIAOMAN Painting depicting Palace Scenery, hanging scroll , ink and color on paper, inscribed, signed Lu Xiaoman, with seals of artist. Dimension: Image only size 39 cm by 33 cm.
Artist: Lu Xiaoman 陆小曼 (September 1903 - April 1965) Bird Scroll painting Ink and color on paper, Yisebiao matted, Vertical axis hanging scroll Painting (Sight): 130cm x 32cm Dated: In the Autumn month of Ren Wu year (1942) Signed/Seal(s): Signed, with Five seals, Bo Qin Inscribed/Addressee
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965). Imperial Eagle After Song Huizong. Color and ink on paper. Mounted on paper. Inscribed and signed Xiao Man Lu Mei and with one seal mark of the artist.
A CHINESE PAINTING OF GOLDEN FISHES SIGNED LU XIAOMAN The painting depicting golden fishes, hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed and signed Lu Xiaoman, with two seals of artist. Dimension: Image only size 84 cm by 28 cm.
Attributed to Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Ladies in the garden, ink and colour on paper, signed and with two seals of the artist, scroll, picture size 68cm x 42cm陸小曼(款)《仕女圖》設色紙本 捲軸
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965) Lady Ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Xiaoman, with one seal of the artist Dated gengyin year 1950 24.5cm diam.
Attributed to Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Lady with a fan, ink and colour on paper, signed and with two seals of the artist, scroll, picture size 81cm x 29cm(傳)陸小曼《漢宮美人圖》設色絹本 捲軸
Lu Xiaoman(1903-1965), ink and color on paper. Butterflies. Handscroll. Inscribed and signed, with two seal marks of the artist. With frontispiece and colophons by Chen Banding, Shen Congwen, and Pu Jin. Length: 94 1/2 in (240.0 cm) Width: 6 3/8 in (16.0 cm)
FOUR PANELS CHINESE PAINTING OF FLOWERS,SIGNED LU XIAOMAN Image only size 174 cm by 22 cm. A group of four paintings. The paintings depict colorful flowers in full bloom and boulders, and butterflies dancing in the air. Scroll painting, mounted. Ink on paper. There are inscriptions and seals by the author.
Attributed to Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Ladies, ink and colour on silk, signed and with one seal of the artist, scroll, picture size 96.8cm x 51cm陆小曼(款)《仕女图》设色绢本 卷轴
A CHINESE PAINTING SIGNED LU XIAOMAN painting depicting ladies, album leaves, ink and color on paper, inscribed and signed, titleslip at the mounting, with seal marks of artist. Dimension: Single page size 42 cm by 30 cm.
A FRAMED CHINESE PAINTING OF BEAUTIFUL LADY,SIGNED LU XIAOMAN Image only size 48 cm by 36 cm. The painting depicts a classical beauty standing at a table. There are paper, tea cups and inkstone on the table. On the left are inscriptions and seals. Framed with wood frame.
‘BUTTERFLIES, FLOWERS, SCEPTER, AND VASE’, BY LU XIAOMAN (1903-1965), CHEN XIAOCUI (1907-1968), XIE YUEMEI (1906-1998), AND PAN JINGSHU (1892-1940) China, 1930s. Ink and watercolors on paper, with a silk brocade frame and mounted as a hanging scroll. Exquisitely painted with an Imperial lime-green-ground famille rose vase with dragon handles, probably Jiaqing, holding a bouquet with peony, hibiscus, and red bamboo, as well as leaves, scrolling vines, and fruit, surrounded by fluttering butterflies, all above a tasseled cloisonné ruyi scepter with floral and dragon decoration as well as a gilt-bronze head. Inscriptions: Upper right, signed and inscribed ‘Lu Xiaoman painted the butterfies’ and with a poem by the Song-dynasty poet Lu You on butterflies; two seals of the artist, ‘Xiaoman’ and ‘Lu Mei’. Center left, signed and inscribed ‘Xiaocui painted the branches in Shanghai’; one seal of the artist, ‘Xiaocui’. Lower left, signed and inscribed ‘Xie Yuemei painted the ruyi [scepter]’; two seals of the artist, ‘Xie Yuemei yin’ and ‘Juanruo’. Lower right, signed and inscribed ‘Jingshu painted this vase in the style of the Yuan dynasty’; two seals of the artist, ‘Pan’ and ‘Jingshu zhi yin’. Provenance: Dutch trade. By repute from an old private estate. Condition: Good condition with minor wear, creasing, and foxing. Dimensions: Image size 137 x 44 cm, Size incl. mounting 240 x 59 cm The present painting is a collaboration between four female painters, all of whom were active in Shanghai during the 1930s. At least three of them – Pan Jingshu being the possible exception – were associated with the Chinese Women’s Calligraphy and Painting Society (Zhongguo nuzi shuhua hui) which was founded and held its first exhibition in 1934. By 1937, the group had enrolled more than 150 artists. These four, like those of the Women’s Society as a whole, are tied together by their art, their gender, and their city of residence, but not by other more obvious social factors. They came from different native places and did not necessarily move in the same social circles. They did not work in the same painting styles, share the same teachers, or specialize in the same subjects. As a group, they came together for two mutual goals: To promote women artists and the practice of traditional painting. Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), born in Shanghai, was a celebrated painter, writer, singer, and actor, and studied under painters such as Liu Haisu, Chen Banding, and He Tianjian. As an artist, she specialized in flowers, birds, and light ink landscapes on long Chinese scrolls. She was also known to write poetry, prose, and fiction, but her writings were never published. Nevertheless, her appreciation for poetry inspired her to create a series of ink paintings in honor of the Tang poet Du Fu. Lu Xiaoman was also a singer and debuted on stage after receiving training in the renowned Peking Opera. In the 1950s and 1960s, she worked as a paid artist at the Shanghai Academy of Chinese Painting. Chen Xiaocui (1907-1968) was a Chinese painter and co-founder of the Women’s Calligraphy and Painting Society. Daughter of a famous and popular writer, Chen Diexian, she was educated at a traditional academy in Hangzhou, but moved with her father and two brothers to Shanghai around 1920. Like her brothers, she became known at an early age for her published literary works, including poetry and at least fifty translations of foreign fiction. She studied painting with the conservative master Feng Chaoran (1894-1968), an artistic lineage that is reflected clearly in her work. Xie Yuemei (1906-1998), sobriquet Juanruo, was a Chinese painter who lived and worked in Shanghai. She was the sister of the leading traditional painter Xie Zhiliu (1910-1997), a noted member of the Shanghai School. Although she was largely self-taught, only receiving some guidance in her early years from Zhang Hongwei (1878-1970), she became very popular and influential in her time. Pan Jingshu (1892-1940) was a Chinese painter and the wife of the noted Suzhou painter Wu Hufan (1894-1968). Pan descended from a wealthy family of scholars and officials, and was educated at home in the classics and the arts of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. She married Wu in 1915, and together they named their residence Meijing Shuwu (Plum View Studio). The poem inscribed upper right on the painting was originally written by Lu You (1125-1210), a Chinese historian and poet of the Southern Song dynasty. It can be translated as follows: The blossoms in the garden are fragrant, The butterflies are dancing, One dwells by the window only because of you, Regardless of what color you have, if dark or bright yellow. Auction result comparison: Type: Related Auction: Sotheby’s New York, 18 March 2008, lot 67 Estimate: USD 120,000 or approx. EUR 151,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: Chinese School, Lotus Blossoms in a Blue and White Dragon Vase Expert remark: Note that this painting shows several seals of the Empress Dowager Cixi, and that according to an inscription on the painting it was presented to her. The Empress was an avid art collector and painter, who herself also painted several related works depicting flowers in an antique vase, which quite possibly served as inspiration for the present lot. Auction result comparison: Type: Related Auction: Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1216 Price: HKD 288,000 or approx. EUR 52,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), Flowers Expert remark: The Empress Dowager Cixi was an avid art collector and painter, who painted several works depicting flowers in an antique vase which quite possibly served as inspiration for the present lot, as the Empress and her paintings would have clearly appealed to the feminist and traditional sensibilities of the Chinese Women’s Calligraphy and Painting Society’s members. Auction result comparison: Type: Related Auction: Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 25 April 2004, lot 86 Price: HKD 1,518,400 or approx. EUR 276,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: A still-life hanging scroll by Giuseppe Castiglione, Yongzheng period (dated 1725) Expert remark: This painting of flowers in an antique Jun-type vase clearly inspired later works by the Empress Dowager Cixi and others (see previous auction result comparisons), as well as the present lot. 陸小曼、陳小翠、謝月眉與潘靜淑合作《花蝶如意瓶》 中國,上世紀三十年代,紙本水墨設色,挂軸。四位女藝術家合作繪製一幅水墨靜物圖,詩書畫集一體。畫中一個綠地粉彩纏枝西番蓮福壽三多雙耳瓶,瓶中插著牡丹、牽牛花、紅竹與小紅果。 蝴蝶飛舞。瓶子一側放著一支鎏金景泰藍如意。 款識 :由上至下: 庭下幽花取次香,飛飛小蝶占年光。幽人為爾凴窗久,可愛深黃愛淺黃。小曼陸眉畫蝶於海上;鈴印:小曼,陸眉 小翠畫折枝於海上;鈴印:小翠 卷若謝月眉繪如意;鈴印:謝月眉印,卷若 靜淑擬元人法特臨此器;鈴印:潘,靜淑之印 來源:荷蘭古玩交易,據説購於私人老收藏。 品相:狀況良好,有輕微磨損、摺痕和起皺。 尺寸:畫面137 x 44 厘米,總 240 x 59 厘米 這幅畫是四位女畫家合作完成。她們均於 1930 年代活躍於上海。其中至少三人,潘靜淑可能是個例外,與中國女子書畫會有關,該會於 1934 年成立並舉辦了第一次展覽。到 1937 年,該協會招收 150 多名女性成員與藝術家。這四個人,就像整個書畫會的那些人一樣,被她們的藝術、她們的性別和她們居住的城市聯繫在一起。他們來自不同的家鄉,不一定在同一個社交圈子里活動。她們的畫風不盡相同,從師不同,專業也不同。作為一個協會,她們為了兩個共同的目標走到一起: 促進女性藝術家和傳統繪畫的發展。 陸小曼 (1903-1965) 生於上海,著名畫家、作家、歌手、演員,師從劉海粟、陳半丁、賀天健等畫家。作為一名藝術家,她擅長傳統花鳥和淡墨山水。她還以寫詩歌、散文和小說而聞名,但她的作品從未發表過。1950年代和60年代,她在上海中國畫院擔任畫師。 陳小翠 (1907-1968) 是中國畫家和女子書畫會的聯合創始人,著名作家陳蝶仙的女兒,她在杭州的一所傳統書院接受教育,但在 1920 年左右隨父親和兩個兄弟移居上海。和她的兄弟們一樣,她從小就因發表文學作品而聞名 ,包括詩歌和至少五十部外國小說的譯本。她師從保守派大師馮超然(1894-1968)學畫,擅長工筆仕女和花卉畫,風格雋雅清麗。她的藝術血統在她的作品中體現得淋漓盡致。 謝月眉 (1906-1998) 名卷若,中國女子書畫會發起人之一,她是海派著名畫家謝稚柳(1910-1997)的姐姐善花鳥,早年由惲南田、陳老蓮花鳥入手,後學宋元工筆畫法,所作工筆沒骨意寫花鳥典麗靜美、清新高致充滿生機。 潘靜淑 (1892-1940) 中國畫家,從小深受傳統的淑女教育,讀書習字,吟詩作畫,是吳門大畫家吳湖帆夫人。1915年與湖帆結婚,二人共同命名其居所為“梅景書屋”。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:相近 拍賣:紐約蘇富比,2008年3月18日,lot 67 估價:USD 120,000(相當於今日 EUR 151,000) 描述:慈禧皇太后御筆青花瓷與花卉 專家評論:請注意這幅畫展示了慈禧太后的幾枚印章,根據畫上的銘文,這是送給她的。慈禧是一位狂熱的藝術收藏家和畫家,她自己也畫了幾幅描繪古董花瓶中花卉的作品,這很可能是本拍品的靈感來源。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:相近 拍賣:香港佳士得,2005年5月30日,lot 1216 價格:HKD 288,000(相當於今日 EUR 52,500) 描述:慈禧《富貴壽考》 專家評論:慈禧太后是一位狂熱的藝術收藏家和畫家,她畫了幾幅古董花瓶中花卉的作品,這很可能是這件作品的靈感來源,因為慈禧太后和她的畫顯然會吸引了女權主義者和中國婦女書畫學會會員。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:相近 拍賣:香港蘇富比,2004年4月25日,lot 86 價格:HKD 1,518,400(相當於今日 EUR 276,000) 描述:雍正時期(1725年)郎世寧靜物掛軸 專家評論:此件鈞式古董瓶花卉圖,顯然對慈禧太后及其他人的後期作品(見歷次拍賣結果比較),以及本拍品有啟發。
A Chinese scroll painting, probably by Xiaoman Lu (1903-1965), 20th Century, China, Queen Feiyan Zhao in Dance. Ink and color on paper. Inscribed, signed ‘Lu Xiaoman’ and with a seal reading ‘Lu Xiaoman’. 29.5 x 63.5 cm (the painted part),
Signed Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Lady, signed and with two seals of the artist, ink and colour on paper, picture size 93cm x 29cm陆小曼(1903-1965)款《神女图卷》设色纸本 卷轴
Signed Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Flower vase, ink and colour on paper, signed and with one seal of the artist, picture size 90cm x 32cm陆小曼(款)《瓶花图》卷 设色纸本 卷轴
LU XIAOMAN (1903-1965) / ZHANG SHOULING (1869-1937) Solitude in the Autumn / Calligraphy in Running Script Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink on paper 18.5 x 48 cm. (7 1/4 x 18 7/8 in.)
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965) ; Lady Playing Flute Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Signed Xiaoman Lu Mei, with one seal of the artist Annotation signed Qingyan Li Chun, Wu Zhiying, Lv Bicheng, Wang Rongbao, Hongming, with eight seals of the artists 146 x 47cm (57½ x 18½in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Longevity, ink and colour on silk, signed and with one seal of the artist, dated 1940, picture size 44cm x 28cm 陆小曼(1903-1965)《献寿图》 设色绢本 卷轴
Attributed to Lu Xiaoman (Chinese, 1903-1965) Begonias and Cuckoo Birds ink and color on silk, hanging scroll signed and inscribed, dated year bingxu (1946), with two artist seals, Lu Mei, Xiaoman. 陸小曼(款) (近代,1903-1965) 海棠畫眉圖 絹本設色,立軸 款識:膩若裁云薄若霜,春殘獨自殿群芳。 梅妝向日霏霏暖,紈扇搖風閃閃光。 月魄照來空見影,露華凝後更多香。嵗次丙戌(1946)暮秋九月小曼陸眉寫於海上。 鈐印:陸眉、小曼 Image: 44 x 19 3/4 in., 111.8 x 30.2 cm. With a label from Guangzhou Antique Store. 附廣東文物商店價簽。
A Set Of Four Chinese Flowers And Fruits Painting Scroll, Lu Xiaoman Mark 1.Length:129 cm, Width:32.6 cm, 2.Length:129 cm, Width:32.6 cm, 3.Length:129 cm, Width:32.6 cm, 4.Length:129 cm, Width:32.6 cm,
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965) Looking Afar from the Mountain Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf Titled, inscribed and signed Xiaoman Lu Mei, dedicated to Jin Yuelin (1895-1984), with one seal of the artist Dated dinghai year (1947) 19 x 53cm (7½ x 20⅞in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965) Guanyin Ink on paper, scroll Inscribed and signed Xiaoman Lu Mei, dated guiwei year (1943), with a dedication, one seal of the artist and one collector's seal Heart sutra by Mei Lanfang, inscribed and signed, dated guiwei year (1943), with two seals of his 123.8 x 36.2cm (48¾ x 14¼in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website