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Agostino Masucci Sold at Auction Prices

Historical-scenes painter, Portrait painter, b. 1690 - d. 1768

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    • Agostino Masucci: Portrait of a Pope, presumably Benedict XIII
      May. 17, 2024

      Agostino Masucci: Portrait of a Pope, presumably Benedict XIII

      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      MASUCCI, AGOSTINO Rom 1690 - 1758 attributed Title: Portrait of a Pope, presumably Benedict XIII. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Laid down on card. Measurement: 29,5 x 23cm. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Collection Erich Schleier, Berlin. We are grateful to Francesco Petrucci, Rome, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Germany: 32,77 Euro plus 6,23 Euro VAT EU: 50,42 Euro plus 9,58 Euro VAT Worldwide: 92,44 Euro plus 17,56 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance Explanations to the Catalogue Agostino Masucci Baroque 18th C. Old Masters Framed Portrait Painting Church

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Agostino Masucci, 1691 – 1758, Kreis des
      Mar. 21, 2024

      Agostino Masucci, 1691 – 1758, Kreis des

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      DIE MYSTISCHE VERMÄHLUNG DER HEILIGEN KATHARINA MIT DEM JESUSKIND Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 76 x 63,5 cm. Ungerahmt. In Nahsicht vor bräunlichem Hintergrund, die Madonna in ihrem rechten Arm den nackten Jesusknaben auf einem weißen Tuch haltend. Ihm gegenüber die Heilige Katharina, der er gerade einen Ring an den Finger steckt. Diese, von Maria mit der linken Hand sanft an der Schulter berührt, trägt ein edles grünes Gewand mit goldfarbenem Überwurf und eine Krone als Zeichen für ihre königliche Herkunft. Qualitätvolle Malerei in zurückhaltender Farbgebung dieses christlich symbolischen Themas. Teils Randretuschen. (1390731) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758)
      Sep. 12, 2023

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758)

      Est: £700 - £1,000

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Property from a Private English Collection AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Study for the head of a saint bears modern inscription on the verso: Agostino Masucci / Confirmed by Philip Pouncey 24/02/81. Bears unidentified collector's mark and further modern provenance inscription: Purchased by Robert Adam in Florence / Coll. Blair Adam black, red chalk and wash on prepared paper, heigthened with white 24 x 17.5 cm PROVENANCE: Phillips, 04.12.96, Lot 454 as study for St. Simon Stock

      Chiswick Auctions
    • Agostino Masucci Madonna con Gesù Bambino
      Jun. 29, 2023

      Agostino Masucci Madonna con Gesù Bambino

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500


      Cambi Casa d'Aste
      Jun. 21, 2023


      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      MASUCCI, Agostino. Madonna in trono con Bambino e due santi. Scena bucolica. Disegni. 1691-1758 Foglio di mm. 289x213. Due disegni, fronte retro, in sanguigna. Buono stato di conservazione. L’immagine sacra è raffigurata entro ovale: i due santi sembrano essere Sant’Antonio e San Bartolomeo, con i loro attributi, il giglio e il coltello. Nella scena pastorale, a piena pagina, un giovane seduto e una fanciulla conversano in un ambiente agreste: in primo piano, ai piedi del ragazzo, un cane accovacciato. Il pittore romano Agostino Masucci, allievo di Carlo Maratta, fu amico di Filippo Juvarra e Luigi Vanvitelli e ottenne importanti commissioni tanto a Roma quanto in diverse corti italiane ed europee. Soprattutto nel secondo disegno si esprime l’accademismo di stampo arcadico tipico della pittura romana del XVIII secolo.

      Bado e Mart
    • MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.
      Jun. 07, 2022

      MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      MASUCCI, Agostino. Madonna in trono con Bambino e due santi. Scena bucolica. Disegni.1691-1758 Foglio di mm. 289x213. Due disegni, fronte retro, in sanguigna. Buono stato di conservazione. L’immagine sacra è raffigurata entro ovale: i due santi sembrano essere Sant’Antonio e San Bartolomeo, con i loro attributi, il giglio e il coltello. Nella scena pastorale, a piena pagina, un giovane seduto e una fanciulla conversano in un ambiente agreste: in primo piano, ai piedi del ragazzo, un cane accovacciato. Il pittore romano Agostino Masucci, allievo di Carlo Maratta, fu amico di Filippo Juvarra e Luigi Vanvitelli e ottenne importanti commissioni tanto a Roma quanto in diverse corti italiane ed europee. Soprattutto nel secondo disegno si esprime l’accademismo di stampo arcadico tipico della pittura romana del XVIII secolo.

      Bado e Mart
    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758)
      Dec. 16, 2021

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758)

      Est: €20,000 - €30,000

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) PORTRAIT DE FRANCISCO PESCATORI BARONI MASTIGOLI Y PASCUAL (1721-1791), TROISIEME MARQUIS DE SAN ANDRES DE PARMA Toile Inscription sur la lettre posée sur la table : Al S. D. Francisco/Marques de S. Andres/Al… de las R.G. Españoles/de M.C.D M a/ en el Coll Clementina Roma Portrait of Francisco Pescatori Baroni Mastigoli y Pascual (1721-1791), Third Marquis of San Andrés de Parma, canvas Inscription on the letter laid on the table: Al S. D. Francisco/Marques de S. Andres/Al… de las R.G. Españoles/de M.C.D M a/ en el Coll Clementina Roma 217,5 x 144 cm – 855/8 x 563/4 in.

    • Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Study for Suicide of Lucrezia, study of two hands, one with a sword (recto); and Study of figure (verso)
      Nov. 16, 2021

      Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Study for Suicide of Lucrezia, study of two hands, one with a sword (recto); and Study of figure (verso)

      Est: €300 - €600

      black chalk and white lead on greenish paper

    • Attribuito a Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Study of figures with one of the Dioscuri (recto and verso)
      May. 25, 2021

      Attribuito a Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Study of figures with one of the Dioscuri (recto and verso)

      Est: €300 - €600

      black pencil and biacca on blue prepared paper slightly irregular edges

    • Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Portrait of Pope Clement XI Albani
      May. 25, 2021

      Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691-1758) - Portrait of Pope Clement XI Albani

      Est: €200 - €300

      black pencil on paper

    • MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.
      May. 19, 2021

      MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      MASUCCI, Agostino. Madonna in trono con Bambino e due santi. Scena bucolica. Disegni.1691-1758 Foglio di mm. 289x213. Due disegni, fronte retro, in sanguigna. Buono stato di conservazione. L’immagine sacra è raffigurata entro ovale: i due santi sembrano essere Sant’Antonio e San Bartolomeo, con i loro attributi, il giglio e il coltello. Nella scena pastorale, a piena pagina, un giovane seduto e una fanciulla conversano in un ambiente agreste: in primo piano, ai piedi del ragazzo, un cane accovacciato. Il pittore romano Agostino Masucci, allievo di Carlo Maratta, fu amico di Filippo Juvarra e Luigi Vanvitelli e ottenne importanti commissioni tanto a Roma quanto in diverse corti italiane ed europee. Soprattutto nel secondo disegno si esprime l’accademismo di stampo arcadico tipico della pittura romana del XVIII secolo. MASUCCI, Agostino. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.1691-1758 Sheet of mm. 289x213. Two drawings, front and back, in sanguine. Good conditions. The sacred image is depicted within an oval: the two saints seem to be Saint Anthony and Saint Bartholomew, with their attributes, the lily and the knife. In the pastoral scene, full page, a seated young man and a girl converse in a rural setting: in the foreground, at the boy's feet, a crouched dog. The Roman painter Agostino Masucci, a pupil of Carlo Maratta, was a friend of Filippo Juvarra and Luigi Vanvitelli and obtained important commissions both in Rome and in various Italian and European courts. Especially in the second drawing the Arcadian academicism typical of 18th century Roman painting is expressed.

      Bado e Mart
    • MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.
      Feb. 10, 2021

      MASUCCI. Enthroned Madonna with Child and Two Saints. Bucolic scene. Drawings.

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      MASUCCI, Agostino. Madonna in trono con Bambino e due santi. Scena bucolica. Disegni.1691-1758 Foglio di mm. 289x213. Due disegni, fronte retro, in sanguigna. Buono stato di conservazione. L’immagine sacra è raffigurata entro ovale: i due santi sembrano essere Sant’Antonio e San Bartolomeo, con i loro attributi, il giglio e il coltello. Nella scena pastorale, a piena pagina, un giovane seduto e una fanciulla conversano in un ambiente agreste: in primo piano, ai piedi del ragazzo, un cane accovacciato. Il pittore romano Agostino Masucci, allievo di Carlo Maratta, fu amico di Filippo Juvarra e Luigi Vanvitelli e ottenne importanti commissioni tanto a Roma quanto in diverse corti italiane ed europee. Soprattutto nel secondo disegno si esprime l’accademismo di stampo arcadico tipico della pittura romana del XVIII secolo.

      Bado e Mart
    • Agostino MASUCCI Rome, 1691 - 1768 La dispute entre Ajax et Ulysse pour les armes d'Achille Huile sur toile
      Nov. 18, 2020

      Agostino MASUCCI Rome, 1691 - 1768 La dispute entre Ajax et Ulysse pour les armes d'Achille Huile sur toile

      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      Agostino MASUCCI Rome, 1691 - 1768 La dispute entre Ajax et Ulysse pour les armes d'Achille Huile sur toile The argument between Ajax and Odysseus over Achilles' armour, oil on canvas, by A. Masucci h: 116 w: 168,50 cm Commentaire : La signification d'un choix iconographique est parfois plus subtile qu'il n'y paraît. Masucci représente de façon splendide une noble assemblée : les Grecs Ulysse et Ajax se disputent les armes d'Achille, récemment tué par une flèche reçue à son talon, devant leur roi Agamemnon et son conseil Ménélas. Ajax, cousin d'Achille mais guerrier colérique peu porté à l'éloquence peine à défendre son titre. Ulysse, orateur habile, calme et serein convainc l'assemblée. La déesse Minerve porte son choix sur ce dernier. Notre tableau illustre la victoire de l'éloquence comme le conclut Ovide dans le livre XIII des Métamorphoses : " L'assemblée des nobles fut ébranlée et son arrêt affirma le pouvoir de l'éloquence : l'habile orateur obtint les armes du valeureux héros." Le furieux Ajax vêtu de rouge cède devant la stature magistrale d'Ulysse : Masucci utile chaque indice relaté par Ovide pour réussir à la perfection son tableau. Ce thème fut souvent représenté par les peintres depuis la Renaissance et cette composition semble avoir eu un certain succès puisqu'une autre version, de taille plus réduite, de qualité inférieure et avec quelques variantes, fut récemment offerte aux enchères (Vienne, Im Kinsky, 8 novembre 2011, n° 80, huile sur toile, 75 x 99,5 cm). Estimation 25 000 - 35 000 €

      Jul. 07, 2020


      Est: €2,000 - €2,300

      MASUCCI AGOSTINO (1691-1758) 'Ritratto di Benedetto XIII a cavallo' olio cm. 37x46

      Aste Boetto SRL
    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ambito di)
      May. 29, 2019

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ambito di)

      Est: €100 - €500

      (Roma, 1691 - 1758) Madonna, Gesù e angeli Olio su tela, cm 118X80

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Portrait of Pope Clement XII (1652-1740)
      May. 18, 2017

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Portrait of Pope Clement XII (1652-1740)

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Portrait of Pope Clement XII (1652-1740) signed inscribed and dated ‘Augustinus Masucci pinxit Roma anno 1730/ Clemens XII Corsini ‘ (on the reverse of the original canvas, according to an old photograph attached to the relining) oil on canvas 38 3/4 x 30 3/4 in. (98.4 x 78.1 cm.) in a 17th century moulded giltwood frame

    • Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768) Portrait of Cardinal Niccolò d
      Oct. 26, 2016

      Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768) Portrait of Cardinal Niccolò d

      Est: $12,000 - $18,000

      Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768) Portrait of Cardinal Niccolò del Giudice (1660-1743), half-length oil on canvas 39 1/8 x 29 1/8 in. (99.3 x 74 cm.)

    • Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691 – 1758)
      May. 19, 2015

      Agostino Masucci (Roma 1691 – 1758)

      Est: €10,000 - €20,000

      La Madonna in gloria appare a san Filippo Neri olio su tela, cm 66,5 x 50, entro cornice dorata a quattro ordini di intaglio coeva

      Finarte Roma
    • Agostino Masucci (c.1690 - 1768) - Bernard of Menthon, standing upon a dragon or demon at his feet, with a hilltop church beyond
      Mar. 25, 2015

      Agostino Masucci (c.1690 - 1768) - Bernard of Menthon, standing upon a dragon or demon at his feet, with a hilltop church beyond

      Est: £300 - £500

      Black chalk, on laid paper, inset into contemporary mount with pen and black ink ruled borders Numbered 8 in pen and brown ink upper right, no.35 to mount lower centre , and inscribed Massucci by the same [?]contemporary hand verso , with various later inscriptions verso and on mount 47 x 32.5 cm. (18 1/2 x 12 3/4 in), excluding mount Unframed Provenance: Ex-collection A. Mameer, Geneva (according to pencil inscription verso ) ; Schaffner (according to pencil inscription verso ) ; Societe du Muses, de Nyon ( ink stamp recto , not in Lugt); Private collection, UK. Bernard of Menthon, or of Montjoux (923 - 1008), is the patron and protector of Alpinists and mountain climbers. He is remembered for the construction of two hospices that he built to aid lost travellers in the mountain passes of the Alps; one of which was situated at the highest point of a path across the Pennine Alps leading from the valley of Aosta to the Swiss canton of Valais, which is now named after him.

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Attribué à Agostino MASUCCI (1690-1768) La Mort de Lucrèce
      Mar. 28, 2014

      Attribué à Agostino MASUCCI (1690-1768) La Mort de Lucrèce

      Est: €800 - €1,200

      Attribué à Agostino MASUCCI (1690-1768) La Mort de Lucrèce Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir 19,5 × 25 cm (Manques dûes à l'encre ferro-gallique, restaurations, doublé, rousseurs) L'attribution a été confirmée par le Dr Andrea Czere après examen photographique en 2004

      Oct. 16, 2013


      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      ENTOURAGE DE AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Etude d'une tête de saint François pierre noire, craie blanche, estompe, sur papier bleu, filigrane aigle dans un cercle 147 x 122 mm. (5 x 4¾ in.)

      Jul. 05, 2013


      Est: £1,500 - £2,000

      ROME  1690  -  1768 STUDIES  FOR  THE  PROPHETS  DANIEL  AND  BARUCH  (?) Pen  and  brown  ink  over  traces  of  black  chalk  within  partial  grey  ink  framing  lines; inscribed  in  pen  and  brown  ink  upper  right:  Leoni  Li  Segna  La  Sega  /  della  Visione,  and  bears  numbering/collector's  number,  lower  right:  m  138,  also  bears  old  attribution  in  black  chalk,  lower  centre:  Trevisani 127  by  241  mm

      Jul. 05, 2013


      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      ROME  1690  -  1768 THE  MADONNA  AND  CHILD  APPEARING  ABOVE  AN  ALTAR  TO  A  KNEELING  PRELATE Red  chalk  heightened  with  white  chalk,  squared  in  black  chalk  for  transfer; bears  old  attribution  in  pen  and  brown  ink,  lower  left:  Agost.oMasucci  and  lettering  lower  right:  SX;  bears  inscription  on  the  backing  in  pen  and  brown  ink:  Appartiene  ad  alessandro  Mag=  /  giori,  il  quale  lo  compró  /  in  Roma  nel  1808 414  by  261  mm

      Jul. 05, 2013


      Est: £3,000 - £4,000

      ROME  1690  -  1768 VARIOUS  STUDIES  FOR  ST.  SIMON  STOCK  RECEIVING  THE  SCAPULAR  FROM  THE  VIRGIN Pen  and  brown  ink 260  by  189  mm

      Jul. 05, 2013


      Est: £6,000 - £8,000

      ROME  1690  -  1768 STUDIES  FOR  THE  HEAD  OF  ST.  PETER  AND  A  SEPARATE  STUDY  OF  A  PROPHET Pen  and  brown  ink  over  traces  of  black  chalk  within  grey  ink  framing  lines; bears  numbering  in  pen  and  brown  ink  lower  right:    m  139  177  by  268  mm

    • MASUCCI, AGOSTINO(Rome, circa 1691 - 1758)Saint
      Sep. 21, 2012

      MASUCCI, AGOSTINO(Rome, circa 1691 - 1758)Saint

      Est: CHF900 - CHF1,200

      MASUCCI, AGOSTINO (Rome, circa 1691 - 1758) Saint Bernhard Black chalk. With old number upper right in brown pen: 8. Numbered centre bottom on old mount: No 35. Verso old inscription in brown pen: Dessin ... Massucci. With various hand-written collectors' notes verso. 47 x 32.5 cm. Provenance: - Geneva, Collection A.Mameer - Schaffner collection - Nyon, Societe du Muses, not in Lugt MASUCCI, AGOSTINO (Rom, um 1691 - 1758) Der Heilige Bernhard. Schwarze Kreide. Mit brauner Feder oben rechts alt nummeriert: 8. Auf alter Montierung unten mittig nummeriert: No 35. Verso mit brauner Feder alt bez.: Dessin ... Massucci. Mit verschiedenen handschriftlichen Sammlungsnachweisen verso. 47 x 32,5 cm. Provenienz: - Genf, Collection A.Mameer - Sammlung Schaffner - Nyon, Societe du Muses, nicht bei Lugt

      Koller Auctions
    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI - Madonna mit Kind
      Jun. 13, 2012

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI - Madonna mit Kind

      Est: CHF3,000 - CHF5,000

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI Rom um 1690-1768 Rom Madonna mit Kind Öl auf Lwd., doubliert, 52,5 x 40 cm

      Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
    • Attributed to Agostino Masucci (Rome circa 1690-1768) The martyrdom of St.Paul 22 x 14cm.
      Nov. 15, 2011

      Attributed to Agostino Masucci (Rome circa 1690-1768) The martyrdom of St.Paul 22 x 14cm.

      Est: £400 - £600

      The martyrdom of St.Paul Bears signature 'Carlo Maratti' Pen and brown ink over pencil 22 x 14cm.

    • Attributed to Agostino Masucci "portrait of a Vatican Prelate" oil painting on canvas. Canvas: 31.25"H x 26"W; Frame: 37"H x 32"W. Unsigned. Agostino Masucci (1690-1768) was a Roman Papal painter who did portraits of the upper clergy and altarpieces.
      Oct. 05, 2011

      Attributed to Agostino Masucci "portrait of a Vatican Prelate" oil painting on canvas. Canvas: 31.25"H x 26"W; Frame: 37"H x 32"W. Unsigned. Agostino Masucci (1690-1768) was a Roman Papal painter who did portraits of the upper clergy and altarpieces.

      Est: $3,000 - $5,000

      Attributed to Agostino Masucci "portrait of a Vatican Prelate" oil painting on canvas. Canvas: 31.25"H x 26"W; Frame: 37"H x 32"W. Unsigned. Agostino Masucci (1690-1768) was a Roman Papal painter who did portraits of the upper clergy and altarpieces. Circa - 18th C.

      Dallas Auction Gallery
      Jul. 07, 2011


      Est: £40,000 - £60,000

      ROME 1690 - 1768 PORTRAIT OF FRANCISCO PESCATORI BARONI MASTIGOLI Y PASQUAL (1721-1791), THIRD MARQUIS OF SAN ANDRÈS DE PARMA, FULL-LENGTH, WEARING THE SPANISH ORDER OF SAINT JAMES OF THE SWORD, BEHIND HIM A VIEW OF ROME WITH CASTEL SANT'ANGELO AND THE BASILICA OF ST PETER'S inscribed on the letter: Al S. Dυn. Francisco/Marques de S.Andres/Al...de las R. G. Españoles/ de M.C. D.υs M.υs a.υs/en el Collυo Clementina Roma oil on canvas 218.8 by 144.5 cm.; 86 1/8 by 56 7/8 in.

    • AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1690-1768)
      Apr. 01, 2011

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1690-1768)

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1690-1768) Diverses études dont la mort de la Vierge, et la Vierge et l'Enfant plume et encre brune, filigrane personnage agenouillé tenant une croix 377 x 264 mm.

    • Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768)
      Apr. 28, 2010

      Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768)

      Est: £4,000 - £6,000

      Agostino Masucci (Rome 1690-1768) The Madonna oil on canvas, in a feigned oval 19 x 15½ in. (48.3 x 39.4 cm.)

    • - Agostino Masucci , Rome 1690 - 1768 the virgin annunciate oil on canvas, in an 18th-century Italian frame
      Jul. 09, 2009

      - Agostino Masucci , Rome 1690 - 1768 the virgin annunciate oil on canvas, in an 18th-century Italian frame

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      signed and dated lower right: A. MASSVCCI 1748 oil on canvas, in an 18th-century Italian frame

    • Le martyre de saint Paul
      Nov. 21, 2007

      Le martyre de saint Paul

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      ATTRIBUE A AGOSTINO MASUCCI (ROME 1691-1758) Le martyre de saint Paul avec inscriptions 'Carlo marati' (recto) et '423. 424' et l'alphabet en majuscules et miniscules (verso) craie noire, plume et encre brune 220 x 142 mm.

    • Dieu le père apparaissant au Christ enfant portant la croix sur des nuages et Adam et Eve au Paradis
      Mar. 22, 2007

      Dieu le père apparaissant au Christ enfant portant la croix sur des nuages et Adam et Eve au Paradis

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      Attribué à Agostino Masucci (Rome 1691-1758) Dieu le père apparaissant au Christ enfant portant la croix sur des nuages et Adam et Eve au Paradis craie rouge, plume et encre noire, filigrane fleur de lys dans un cercle 300 x 204 mm.

    • La sainte Famille avec saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Elisabeth derrière ( recto ); Une étude pour la même composition avec des calculs ( verso )
      Mar. 22, 2007

      La sainte Famille avec saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Elisabeth derrière ( recto ); Une étude pour la même composition avec des calculs ( verso )

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      Attribué à Agostino Masucci (Rome 1691-1758) La sainte Famille avec saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Elisabeth derrière (recto); Une étude pour la même composition avec des calculs (verso) numéroté '342' (recto) et inscrit 'Io sottos.o fo fede, come avendo considerato l'apprezzo de quadri di Gio: Batta Clementi, sequestrati p parte dell' ospizio de Conten alla Fede, ho stimato quello esser ottimo, e contenere il valore' (verso) plume et encre brune, lavis gris 200 x 108 mm.

    • Agostino Masucci (Rome 1691-1758)
      Jul. 06, 2004

      Agostino Masucci (Rome 1691-1758)

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      The marriage of Prince James Stuart, the Old Pretender, and Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown and red wash heightened with white on light brown paper (minor losses), watermark encircled fleur-de-lys 13 1/4 x 16 1/2 in. (338 x 418 mm.)

      Jan. 29, 2004


      Est: $800 - $1,200

      (Rome 1691-1758 Rome) Bust Study of Saint Francis, Looking Up and to the Left. Black chalk with touches of white heightening on greenish gray laid paper. 145x122 mm; 5 3/4x4 3/4 inches. Eagle in a circle watermark.

      Swann Auction Galleries
      Jan. 23, 2003


      Est: $1,500 - $2,500

      (Rome 1691-1758 Rome) Sheet of Studies of Nudes and Hands: Double-Sided. Red chalk on tan laid paper. 360x227 mm; 14 1/4 x9 inches. Sold at Christies, London, Fine old Master Drawings, December 6, 1972, lot 188.

      Swann Auction Galleries
      Jan. 23, 2003


      Est: $500 - $750

      (Rome 1691-1758 Rome) Standing Classical Figure. Pen and brown ink and pencil on cream laid paper. 140x115 mm; 5 1/2 x4 1/2 inches.

      Swann Auction Galleries
    • Agostino Masucci (1691-1768)
      Dec. 15, 2000

      Agostino Masucci (1691-1768)

      Est: $5,075 - $6,525

      The Fall of Man and the Vision of Redemption with an illegible insription ( verso ), red chalk, pen and brown ink 295 x 193 mm.

    Lots Per Page: