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Pier Francesco Mola Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, b. 1612 - d. 1666

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          • ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio 1612 - Rome 1666
            Dec. 17, 2024

            ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio 1612 - Rome 1666

            Est: -

            ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio 1612 - Rome 1666 Rest on the Flight into Egypt, c. 1640-1660 Oil on canvas Dimensions 74.5 x 62.5 cm This Rest on the Flight into Egypt reflects the influence of Roman classicism led by the Carracci brothers by constructing an idyllic landscape that highlights the connection between the Holy Family and the surrounding nature. The central scene shows Mary holding the Child while two angels watch attentively. On the other side, Saint Joseph is concentrating on reading a book, oblivious to everything around him. Like other versions of the same theme (National Gallery in London, MET in New York) painted by Mola, the types of the characters are indebted to his teacher Francesco Albani. This iconographic theme was popularized in the previous century by Titian, whose pastoral landscapes Mola emulated on a small scale, suitable for hanging in a study or bedroom.

            Subastas Segre
          • Pier Francesco Mola [attribuito a], Figura maschile in corsa verso sinistra.
            Nov. 26, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola [attribuito a], Figura maschile in corsa verso sinistra.

            Est: €480 - €960

            Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello marrone chiaro su carta vergellata bianca. mm 250x190.

            Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
          • Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of a man wearing a hat, seen
            Nov. 20, 2024

            Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of a man wearing a hat, seen

            Est: £600 - £800

            Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of a man wearing a hat, seen from behind;  red chalk on paper, 29.5 x 22 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The present drawing has previously been associated with artists such as Pier Francesco Mola (1612-1666) and Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), particularly in its loose strokes and rapid execution, although the work cannot definitively be linked to any specific works by these artists. 

          • Pier Francesco Mola Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666 Alpheus and Arethusa
            Nov. 13, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666 Alpheus and Arethusa

            Est: €9,000 - €18,000

            Pier Francesco Mola Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666 Alpheus and Arethusa Expertise by Doctor Anna Coliva Oil on canvas 65x48 cm - with frame 80X63 cm 1650 approx.

            Casa d'aste ARCADIA
          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) ATTRIBUÉ À
            Oct. 19, 2024

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) ATTRIBUÉ À

            Est: €800 - €1,000

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) ATTRIBUÉ À Adoration des bergers Lavis d’encre brune 21 x 38 cm

            HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA - zugeschrieben : Tödlicher Zweikampf.
            Oct. 19, 2024

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA - zugeschrieben : Tödlicher Zweikampf.

            Est: €600 - €850

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA - zugeschrieben Coldrerio 1612 - 1666 Rom Tödlicher Zweikampf. In Brau lavierte Federzeichnung. Auf Bütten. 19 x 27 cm. Alt auf Unterlage montiert. Gering gebräunt. Vermutlich zeigt die Szene den Kampf zwischen Kain und Abel. Federstrich und Lavierung weisen auf den venezianisch beeinflussten P. F. Mola hin. [bg]

          • Mola, Pier Francesco
            Sep. 27, 2024

            Mola, Pier Francesco

            Est: €100 - €150

            (1612 Coldrerio - Rom 1666), nach. Joseph und seine Brüder. Radierung. Plgr. 35 x 42,8 cm. Mit dem Namenszug i.d.Pl. - Leicht fl., mit Quetschfalte, kl. Löchlein u. am Rand gewellt. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of
            Jul. 09, 2024

            Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of

            Est: £1,000 - £1,500

            Bolognese School,  17th century-  A caricature: the head and shoulders of a man wearing a hat, seen from behind;  red chalk on paper, 29.5 x 22 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The present drawing has previously been associated with artists such as Pier Francesco Mola (1612-1666) and Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), particularly in its loose strokes and rapid execution, although the work cannot definitively be linked to any specific works by these artists. 

          • Mola, Pier Francesco: Madonna mit Kind
            May. 29, 2024

            Mola, Pier Francesco: Madonna mit Kind

            Est: €400 - €600

            Madonna mit Kind. Radierung. 11,5 x 6,3 cm. B. 3. Ausgezeichneter, kräftiger Druck mit sehr feinem Rändchen um die Plattenkante, oben minimal knapp an dieselbe geschnitten. Vor allem oben rechts oben etwas fleckig, sonst in sehr guter und originaler Erhaltung. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

            Bassenge Auctions
          • Pier Francesco Mola (scope of) (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Little Saint John Oil on canvas 30x40 cm - with frame 40x50 cm
            Apr. 17, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola (scope of) (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Little Saint John Oil on canvas 30x40 cm - with frame 40x50 cm

            Est: €600 - €800

            Pier Francesco Mola (scope of) (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Little Saint John Oil on canvas 30x40 cm - with frame 40x50 cm

            Casa d'aste ARCADIA
          • Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Alphaeus and Arethusa 1650 ca. Oil on canvas 65x48 cm - with frame 80X63 cm Expertise by Doctor Anna Coliva
            Apr. 17, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Alphaeus and Arethusa 1650 ca. Oil on canvas 65x48 cm - with frame 80X63 cm Expertise by Doctor Anna Coliva

            Est: €9,000 - €18,000

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-Rome 1666) Alphaeus and Arethusa 1650 ca. Oil on canvas 65x48 cm - with frame 80X63 cm Expertise by Doctor Anna Coliva

            Casa d'aste ARCADIA
          • Attr. Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612-1666) Oil Painting
            Apr. 11, 2024

            Attr. Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612-1666) Oil Painting

            Est: $5,000 - $8,000

            Painting on canvas of Saint Bertholdus. Dimensions: 45" x 33.5" Provenance: Was purchased on June,22nd 1997 from either Sotheby's or Christie's auction house, comes with a page from the catalog.

            Lion and Unicorn
          • Pier Francesco Mola (Manner of)
            Apr. 05, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola (Manner of)

            Est: $1,000 - $2,000

            Pier Francesco Mola (Manner of) (Italian, 1612-1666) PROFILE OF AN ELDERLY BEARDED MAN oil on canvas, framed, unsigned H22" W17" Provenance: Ira McKissick Koger Estate of Wade Lee & Celeste Koger Hampton Other Notes: Mrs. Celeste Koger Hampton (1939-1998) and her husband Wade Lee Hampton (1928-2023) were the daughter and son-in-law of Ira McKissick Koger (1912-2004). Charleston-born Mr. Koger pursued many endeavors in life, but his fortune was made in real estate development. His suburban office park concept made him a multi-millionaire. Mr. Ira Koger is widely recognized for his patronage, philanthropy, and as an arts champion. He contributed millions to the University of South Carolina's performing arts center, the Koger Center For The Arts, which is named to honor him and his wife Nancy. Ira and Nancy personally collected paintings, furniture, and ceramics. Some of these pieces inherited by Celeste and Wade Hampton are offered in this sale.

            Charlton Hall
          • Pier Francesco MOLA (12612-1666) d'après La prédi…
            Mar. 31, 2024

            Pier Francesco MOLA (12612-1666) d'après La prédi…

            Est: €800 - €1,000

            Pier Francesco MOLA (12612-1666) d'après La prédication de saint Jean-Baptiste Encre brune sur papier Haut : 20 cm ; Lrg : 22,6 cm

          • Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben
            Mar. 21, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben

            Est: €30,000 - €40,000

            GemäldepaarDARSTELLUNGEN AUS DEM LEBEN DES SELIGEN EGIDIO Öl auf Leinwand. 47,3 x 64,5 cm. Verso Aufschrift „134“ und „CN“ sowie „134“, „CN“ und „MF“. Der selig gesprochene Egidio (um 1190-1262) war als italienischer Franziskaner der „Dritte Gefährte“ des Heiligen Franz von Assisi. Als einfacher Bauer gesellte er sich 1208 zu den Franziskus-Anhängern, pilgerte nach Compostela und nach Jerusalem, führte ein einfaches Leben in Arbeit, hinterließ jedoch eine umfangreiche Sammlung seiner Sprüche und Weisheiten, die von Anhängern gesammelt, tradiert und als Dicta bis heute veröffentlicht werden. Selbst bei Dante wurde er in der „Göttlichen Komödie“ erwähnt. Seine Enthaltsamkeit und Bescheidenheit wurde auch Bildthema in der Malerei. Die beiden zusammengehörigen Bilder zeigen Situationen aus der Vita des Egidio. Im erstgenannten Bild ist ein Waldstück gezeigt, mit Ausblick zwischen Baumgruppen in heller erleuchtete Landschaft. Im Vordergrund zwei Mönche im Gespräch. Dabei hat sich einer – gemeint ist Egidio – zur Rast niedergesetzt, während ihm ein Ordenskollege einen Trunk aus dem danebenstehenden Wasserkrug anbietet. Egidio jedoch lehnt dankend ab, ist das Wasser doch für die Mönche im weiter entfernten Kloster bestimmt, die an Wassermangel leiden. Im Gegenstück, mit einer ähnlichen Waldsituation, wird der Mord an dem frühen Dominikanermönch der Inquisition, dem heiliggesprochenen Pietro da Verona (1200-1252), gezeigt. Der Legende nach wurde er Opfer eines von Mailänder Familien geplanten Auftragsmordes, dessen Prozess sich Jahre hinzog und unterschiedlichen Deutungen hinterließ. Die Legende berichtet, der Mörder sei dann selbst in den Orden eingetreten, später heiliggesprochen worden. Der Maler Pier Francesco Mola, Sohn eines Architekten, zog 1616 aus dem Tessin nach Rom, um sich bei Giuseppe Cesari ausbilden zu lassen. In Venedig und in Bologna tätig, war er zwei Jahre bei Francesco Albani dessen Assistent. Zurück in Rom, hat er im weiträumigen Palazzo Pamphiliji in Nettuno Fresken ausgeführt, ebenso in Valmontone. Von Papst Alexander VII für den Quirinalspalast beauftragt, entstand mit dem Fresko „Josef und seine Brüder“ wohl sein Hauptwerk. 1655 wurde er in die Lukasgilde aufgenommen. Die beiden Bilder wurden in der Publikation „Il Barocco è Noto“ besprochen von Emilio Negro und abgebildet. Literatur: Emilio Negro, in: Pierluigi Carofano (Hrsg.), Il Barocco è Noto“. Noto, Convitto delle Arti Noto Museum, 7. April-28. Oktober 2023. S. 106, mit 2 Abbn. Vgl. Federica Bianchi, Pier Francesco Mola, in: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, 4.12.2008. Vgl. Jean Genty, Pier Francesco Mola pittore. Lugano-Porza 1976. (1391833) (11) Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rome, attributed A pair of paintings SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF BLESSED EGIDIO Oil on canvas. 47.3 x 64.5 cm. Inscribed on the back: “134” and “CN” as well as “134”, “CN” and “MF”.

            Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          • Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben
            Mar. 21, 2024

            Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben

            Est: €25,000 - €27,000

            DER BLINDE HOMER Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 78 x 65 cm. In mit Goldornamenten verziertem, ebonisierten Wellenleistenrahmen. Vor weitgehend unbestimmter, in mystisches Dunkel gehüllter Hintergrundfolie das Hüftportrait eines nach links gewandten alten Mannes mit weißem Bart, nach oben geführter Hand, entgegen der Blickrichtung und Lorbeerkranz. Das Gemälde zeigt eine sorgfältige und persönliche Auseinandersetzung mit Arbeiten Guercinos, Borgiannis und Riberas, aber auch eine Kenntnis der Werke einiger neapolitanischer Naturalisten, wie dem Meister der Verkündigung an die Hirten, Juan Do und Francesco Fracanzano, wobei noch unklar ist, ob dies einem Aufenthalt Molas in Neapel zu verdanken ist. Das vorliegende Bild findet seinen thematischen Widerhall in einem Gemälde, welches ebenfalls Homer zeigt, jedoch mit leicht nach rechts gerichtetem Kopf und als Tondo gearbeitet (Fondazione Zeri 47924), ein weiterer Homer jedoch mit Geige, wurde 2019 bei Sotheby‘s angeboten (31. Januar 2019, lot 112); auch in der Gallerie dell‘ Accademia in Venedig wird unter Inv. Nr. 32 ein geigender Homer verwahrt, dessen Kopf wie hier nach links gerichtet ist; und auch im Palazzo Corsini in Rom wird eine Version des „Homer mit Geige“, Baumstaffage und Begleitperson verwahrt, die vielleicht die aufwendigste Version darstellt (Inv.Nr. 192). Der Künstler arbeitete ab 1633 längere Zeit in Venedig und in Bologna, 1647 ging er nach Rom. In seinen Werken lassen sich Einflüsse von Salvator Rosa (1615-1673), aber auch von Carracci erkennen.  Anmerkung: Wenngleich das Thema ein anderes ist, so ist der dargestellte Mann vermutlich nach dem gleichen Modell entstanden wie der Orientale, der unter Fondazione Zeri Nummer 47934 verzeichnet ist und 1978 bei Christie‘s angeboten worden ist. Literatur: Vgl. Francesca Petrucci, Pier Francesco Mola (1612-1666). Materia e colore nella pittura del Seicento, Rom 2012. Vgl. zu dem Werk im Palazzo Corsini: Wart Arslan, Opere romane di Pier Francesco Mola, in Bollettino d‘arte, 1928, S. 68. Vgl. zu der Version in Venedig: Sandra Moschini Marconi, Gallerie dell‘Accademia di Venezia. Opere d‘arte dei secoli XVII, XVIII, XIX, 1970, S. 146. (1390041) (13) Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rome, attributed THE BLIND HOMER Oil on canvas. Relined. 78 x 65 cm.

            Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          • San Sebastiano
            Feb. 15, 2024

            San Sebastiano

            Est: €150 - €300

            Piccole mancanze alla carta. Firmato in lastra.

            DAMS Casa d'Aste
          • Portrait of a Bearded Man
            Feb. 01, 2024

            Portrait of a Bearded Man

            Est: $40,000 - $60,000

            Pier Francesco Mola Coldrerio 1612 - 1666 Rome Portrait of a Bearded Man oil on canvas canvas: 25 ½ by 19 in.; 64.8 by 48.3 cm. framed: 34 ½ by 27 ⅞ in.; 87.6 by 70.8 cm.

          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome, Italy (1666) "Sleepy Cupid"
            Dec. 18, 2023

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome, Italy (1666) "Sleepy Cupid"

            Est: €9,000 - €12,000

            Oil on canvas. This work with a mythological theme shows the naturalism that characterizes the painting of Pier Francesco Mola and his interest in the contrasts of light and shadow and the landscape. The god of love appears asleep, showing in his hand the gold-tipped arrow with which he grants love and the lead arrow to promote oblivion and disdain. Measurements: 100 x 97 cm.

          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome, Italy (1666) "The Virgin and Child triumphing over evil"
            Dec. 18, 2023

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome, Italy (1666) "The Virgin and Child triumphing over evil"

            Est: €3,000 - €4,000

            Ink, wash on paper. On the back label of the Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid. Measurements: 18.6 x 12.5 cm.

          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (attr. a)
            Dec. 11, 2023

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (attr. a)

            Est: €500 - €800

            (Coldrerio, 1612 ; Roma, 1666) Madonna col Bambino, San Giuseppe e Angelo sul verso Apostolo Bistro su carta, cm 20,5X15 Delacroix raccomandava ai suoi allievi di imitare le opere di Pier Francesco Mola più di ogni altro pittore del passato, il celebre artista francese vedeva in lui la modernità, un esponente ante litteram dell'Impressionismo. L'arte del Mola, infatti, modulandosi sul colore neoveneziano e guercinesco, sembra anticipare nei risultati la pittura ottocentesca, proprio per il suo far di macchia. La capacità inventiva, la materia densa e luminosa, gli permisero tra gli anni '50 e la metà degli anni '60 del Seicento di affermarsi quale primo pittore dell'Urbe, ottenendo prestigiose commissioni dai Colonna, i Pamphilj e i Chigi, godendo della protezione di Alessandro VII e Cristina di Svezia, in un successo crescente culminante con l'elezione a Principe dell'Accademia di San Luca nel 1662. A testimoniare la notevole fortuna critica, si può altresì citare una lettera scritta a Roma il 20 novembre 1670 da Abraham Brueghel al principe Ruffo, che del Mola scrisse: 'qui ha lasciato fama del primo Pictor d'Italia'.

            Wannenes Art Auctions
          • Mola, Pier Francesco: Madonna mit Kind
            Nov. 29, 2023

            Mola, Pier Francesco: Madonna mit Kind

            Est: €500 - €750

            Madonna mit Kind. Radierung. 11,5 x 6,3 cm. B. 3. -- -- Ausgezeichneter Druck mit feinem bzw. schmalem Rändchen um die Plattenkante. Etwas fleckig, an der Mittelfalte wieder zusammengefügt und dort hinterlegt und teils mit zarten Anfaserungen, weitere Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, sonst noch gut. Aus den Sammlungen Agostino Caironi, Mailand (Lugt 426), Giovanni Locarno, Mailand (Lugt 1691), Pacini (Lugt 2011) sowie E. Tinto, Bologna (nicht bei Lugt). -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

            Bassenge Auctions
          • Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rome, attributed PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN
            Nov. 20, 2023

            Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rome, attributed PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN

            Est: €8,000 - €12,000

            Against a green-brown background, the portrait slightly to the right, the old man depicted with a full beard, long gray hair and thoughtfully closed eyes. The light falls from an unknown source from the top left and illuminates parts of his hair and the right side of his face. The strong light and dark painting is reminiscent of the works of the Caravaggists. From 1633 onwards, the artist worked for a long time in Venice and Bologna, and in 1647 he went to Rome. Influences from Salvator Rosa (1615-1673), but also from Carracci, can be seen in his works. Oil on paper on wood, 45.5x35.5cm.

            Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
          • Pier Francesco Mola
            Oct. 25, 2023

            Pier Francesco Mola

            Est: €40,000 - €50,000

            (Coldrerio 1612–1666 Rome) The Meeting of Jacob and Rachel, oil on canvas, 98.7 x 147 cm, framed Provenance: Scardeoni Collection, Lugano; where acquired by the present owner Exhibited: Lugano, Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Pier Francesco Mola. 1612–1666, 23 September – 19 November 1989, no. I.4; Rome, Musei Capitolini, Pier Francesco Mola. 1612–1666, 3 December 1989 – 31 January 1990, no. I.4 Literature: L. Laureati, in: M. Kahn-Rossi (ed.), Pier Francesco Mola 1612 – 1666, exhibition catalogue, Milan 1989, p. 148, cat. no. I.4, illustrated p. 152; F. Petrucci, L. Piu, Indice dell’opera pittorica del Mola, in: F. Petrucci (ed.), Mola e il suo tempo. Pittura di figura a Roma della Collezione Koelliker, exhibition catalogue, Milan 2005, p. 243, no. 57; F. Petrucci, Pier Francesco Mola (1612–1666). Materia e colore nella pittura del ‘600, Rome 2012, p. 298, no. B34, illustrated The present painting depicts a Biblical episode described in the book of Genesis: Rachel, was sent by her father Laban to graze and water their flock and was helped in the task by Jacob, her future husband who moved a heavy stone which was covering a well. The scene is framed by a wide classical landscape reminiscent of those of Carracci, with a high mountain in the far distance. Born in the province of Ticino, a canton of Switzerland, Pier Francesco Mola moved to Rome as a young boy when his father was appointed architect to the Camera Apostolica. He entered the Roman studio of Cavaliere d’Arpino at a young age, and later worked in Bologna as an assistant to Francesco Albani. Mola was also influenced by Pietro Testa, who he met in Lucca in 1637, as well as Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, il Guercino, in whose Bolognese studio he may have spent time in the 1640s. Mola’s most characteristic works are small scale cabinet and gallery pictures created for private collectors, with themes drawn from the Bible, classical mythology or modern poetry, usually set in landscapes inspired by the Venetian and Emilian schools of painting and marked by an intensely poetic and romantic mood. This work has been considered to date from the early period of Mola’s career, however, the presence of stylistic influences apparently derived from Guercino has led to the suggestion that the painting was executed by Mola during the second half of the 1640s.

            Oct. 19, 2023


            Est: $20,000 - $30,000

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, CALLED IL TICINESE (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) A reclining young man seen from the back, with a second study of a reclining... black and red chalk, on two pieces of paper cut and glued together by the artist (?) 8 3/8 x 14 ¼ in. (21.4 x 36.4 cm)

          • Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben
            Sep. 28, 2023

            Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben

            Est: €8,000 - €10,000

            PORTRAIT EINES ALTEN MANNES Öl auf Papier auf Holz. 45,5 x 35,5 cm. Ungerahmt. Vor grün-braunem Hintergrund das Bildnis leicht nach rechts, der dargestellte Alte mit Vollbart, langen grauen Haaren und nachdenklich geschlossenen Augen. Das Licht fällt von links oben aus unbekannter Quelle herab und bestrahlt Teile seiner Haare und der rechten Gesichtshälfte. Die starke Hell-Dunkel-Malerei erinnert an Werke der Caravaggisten. Der Künstler arbeitete ab 1633 längere Zeit in Venedig und in Bologna, 1647 ging er nach Rom. In seinen Werken lassen sich Einflüsse von Salvator Rosa (1615-1673), aber auch von Carracci erkennen. (13703374) (18)

            Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          • Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben
            Sep. 28, 2023

            Pier Francesco Mola, 1612 Coldrerio – 1666 Rom, zugeschrieben

            Est: €5,000 - €7,000

            BILDNIS EINES MANNES Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 71 x 55 cm. In prächtigem Rahmen. Barockes Bildnis eines Mannes mit heller Kopfbedeckung. Die Physiognomie des Charakterkopfes ist präszise herausgearbeitet. Die Malweise ist sichtlich von Pier Francesco Mola beeinflusst. Als Vergleich dient zum Beispiel das Mola zugeschriebene Gemälde „Omero“ bei der Fondazione Zeri unter der Nr. 47924 aufgeführt. (1370234) (3) (19)

            Hampel Fine Art Auctions
          • Attr. Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612-1666) Oil Painting
            Jul. 25, 2023

            Attr. Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612-1666) Oil Painting

            Est: $5,000 - $8,000

            Painting on canvas of Saint Bertholdus. Dimensions: 45" x 33.5" Provenance: Was purchased on June,22nd 1997 from either Sotheby's or Christie's auction house, comes with a page from the catalog.

            Lion and Unicorn
          • OIL PAINTING BY PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, follower of
            Jul. 18, 2023

            OIL PAINTING BY PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, follower of

            Est: -

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, seguace di (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) Vecchio che scalda in braciere Olio su tela, cm. 97 x 72,5 Provenienza Già collezione Prof. Domenico Pranzetti, Roma Collezione privata romana Come da comunicazione della proprietà questo dipinto è proveniente dalla collezione di Domenico Pranzetti, Professore di disegno alla Accademia delle Belle Arti di Roma e direttore della Galleria Doria Pamphili nell'inizio del novecento. Egli, inoltre lavorò a Roma per il Principe Filippo Doria Andrea V. Diversi sono i soggetti replicati dagli allievi di Pier Francesco Mola e seguaci, il dipinto in questione rientra tra le tematiche molesche più conosciute. La versione attribuita al maestro è ubicata nella Burghley House a Stamford e se ne conosce una replica di bottega in collezione privata (Mario Epifani in Mola e il suo tempo, catalogo mostra, Milano 2005, pp. 152-153) Rintelo novecentesco. Un piccolo taglio al centro, cadute di colore al bordo destro. Numerosi punti di restauro sul paesaggio di fondo e sul braccio in primo piano

            Casa d'Aste Babuino
          • Mola, Pier Francesco - Umkreis: Die hl. Familie in der Landschaft
            Jun. 09, 2023

            Mola, Pier Francesco - Umkreis: Die hl. Familie in der Landschaft

            Est: €4,000 - €4,500

            Umkreis. Die hl. Familie in der Landschaft. -- Feder in Dunkelbraun, braun laviert über Bleigriffel. 22,7 x 17,3 cm. -- -- Das Blatt, das leichte Spuren einer alten Brieffaltelung zeigt, trägt rückseitig die Aufschrift "All. Illmo Sig.re [...] Colmo / Il sigre Carlo Abb.e Monaldi / Roma". -- -- - Provenienz: Aus einer unbekannten Sammlung "M" (Lugt 1851). -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

            Bassenge Auctions
            May. 23, 2023


            Est: €3,500 - €5,500

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) cerchia di Volto di uomo canuto Olio su tela 48 x 37 cm L'opera è conservata entro una prestigiosa cornice emiliana del XVII secolo. Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Rome 1666) circle of Face of a white-haired man Oil on canvas 48 x 37 cm The artwork is kept in a prestigious 17th century emilian frame.

            Lucas Aste
          • ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, ITALIAN 1612-1666, CLASSICAL FIGURES IN A LANDSCAPE, Pen and ink and sepia wash on laid paper, Sheet: 10 x 7 1/4 in. (25.4 x 18.4 cm.), Frame: 19 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (49.5 x 44.5 cm.)
            Apr. 05, 2023

            ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, ITALIAN 1612-1666, CLASSICAL FIGURES IN A LANDSCAPE, Pen and ink and sepia wash on laid paper, Sheet: 10 x 7 1/4 in. (25.4 x 18.4 cm.), Frame: 19 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (49.5 x 44.5 cm.)

            Est: $1,500 - $3,000

            ATTRIBUTED TO PIER FRANCESCO MOLA ITALIAN, 1612-1666 CLASSICAL FIGURES IN A LANDSCAPE Pen and ink and sepia wash on laid paper Inscribed: "Pe F. Mola 1609-1665," "No 50," "6;" verso inscribed: Collection of John Bailey; Old label affixed to verso of frame: Kennedy & Co. Rare Prints, 705 5th Ave., New York, inv # 20380

            Potomack Company
            Mar. 31, 2023


            Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,500

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (Coldrerio 1612–1666 Rome) Reclining male nude, supporting his head with his right arm. Verso: Noah's Ark. Red chalk, heightened in white on blue laid paper with watermark: anchor in oval with star (cf. Heawood 8: Rome, c. 1638). 28 x 25.4 cm (slightly uneven). --------------- PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (Coldrerio 1612–1666 Rom) Liegender männlicher Akt, seinen Kopf mit dem rechten Arm abstützend. Verso: Die Arche Noah. Rötel, weiss gehöht auf blauem Bütten mit Wz. Anker im Oval mit Stern (vgl. Heawood 8: Rom, um 1638). 28 x 25,4 cm (leicht unregelmässig). ---------------

            Koller Auctions
          • OIL PAINTING BY PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, follower of
            Mar. 28, 2023

            OIL PAINTING BY PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, follower of

            Est: €2,000 - €3,000

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA, seguace di (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) VECCHIO CHE SI SCALDA CON BRACIERE Olio su tela, cm. 97 x 72,5 PROVENIENZA Già collezione Prof. Domenico Pranzetti, Roma Collezione privata romana Come da comunicazione della proprietà questo dipinto è proveniente dalla collezione di Domenico Pranzetti, Professore di disegno alla Accademia delle Belle Arti di Roma e direttore della Galleria Doria Pamphili nell'inizio del novecento. Egli, inoltre lavorò a Roma per il Principe Filippo Doria Andrea V. Diversi sono i soggetti replicati dagli allievi di Pier Francesco Mola e seguaci, il dipinto in questione rientra tra le tematiche molesche più conosciute. La versione attribuita al maestro è ubicata nella Burghley House a Stamford e se ne conosce una replica di bottega in collezione privata (Mario Epifani in Mola e il suo tempo, catalogo mostra, Milano 2005, pp. 152-153) CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo novecentesco. Un piccolo taglio al centro, cadute di colore al bordo destro. Numerosi punti di restauro sul paesaggio di fondo e sul braccio in primo piano

            Casa d'Aste Babuino
          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Voyageurs orientaux s'arrêta
            Mar. 22, 2023

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Voyageurs orientaux s'arrêta

            Est: €6,000 - €8,000

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Voyageurs orientaux s'arrêtant près d'un bosquet d'arbres... pierre noire, sanguine, plume et encre brune, lavis brun (recto) ; pierre noire, sanguine (verso) 13 x 24,3 cm (5 1/8 x 9 5/8 in.)

          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO, NEAR LUGANO 1612-1666 ROME) The vision of Saint Bruno oil on canvas, unlined 28 3/4 x 38 3/8 in. (73 x 97.5 cm.) 75
            Jan. 31, 2023

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO, NEAR LUGANO 1612-1666 ROME) The vision of Saint Bruno oil on canvas, unlined 28 3/4 x 38 3/8 in. (73 x 97.5 cm.) 75

            Est: $30,000 - $50,000

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO, NEAR LUGANO 1612-1666 ROME) The vision of Saint Bruno oil on canvas, unlined 28 3/4 x 38 3/8 in. (73 x 97.5 cm.)

          • PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome (1666) "The Virgin and Child triumphing over evil"
            Dec. 14, 2022

            PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Coldrerio, Switzerland (1612) / Rome (1666) "The Virgin and Child triumphing over evil"

            Est: €5,100 - €6,800

            Ink, wash on paper. On the back is the label of the Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid. Measurements: 18.6 x 12.5 cm.

          • ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) Le reniement de saint Pierre hui
            Nov. 28, 2022

            ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) Le reniement de saint Pierre hui

            Est: €15,000 - €20,000

            ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (1612-1666) Le reniement de saint Pierre huile sur toile 91,5 x 70 cm. (35 3/4 x 27.5 in.)

          • Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 – Roma 1666), ambito di, Paesaggio con due Santi in conversazione
            Nov. 03, 2022

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 – Roma 1666), ambito di, Paesaggio con due Santi in conversazione

            Est: €2,000 - €3,000

            Questo pregevole paesaggio con due santi in conversazione, è attribuibile alla cerchia di Pier Francesco Mola; la stesura quasi di 'macchia' del colore e la resa quasi guercinesca delle figure rimandano all'esperienza del Ticinese, tanto attenta al dato naturalistico quanto di una espressività anticipatrice della pittura ottocentesca.

          • Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) cerchia di
            Sep. 20, 2022

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) cerchia di

            Est: €4,000 - €6,000

            Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Roma 1666) cerchia di Volto di uomo canuto Olio su tela 48 x 37 cm Pier Francesco Mola nacque a Coldrerio, in Ticino. Nel 1616 si trasferì con la famiglia a Roma, vista l’elezione del padre ad architetto della Camera Apostolica: qui frequentò sin da ragazzo le botteghe dei pittori più importanti come il Cavalier Giuseppe d’Arpino, Andrea Sacchi e Annibale Carracci, potendo anche osservare e apprendere l'arte di Poussin. Essendo di famiglia agiata e ricevendo una formazione con stimoli eterogenei e di massimo livello, ebbe modo di viaggiare a Bologna e Venezia. Per l’artista furono importanti l’acquisizione delle lezioni dei grandi pittori veneti del XVI secolo, come Tiziano e Tintoretto, e la grande pittura emiliana del primo Seicento, con Domenichino, Guercino e Francesco Albani. Questi artisti lo aiutarono a formare le sue scene immerse nella natura quando, tornato a Roma, nel 1647, iniziò a dedicarsi alla sua attività pittorica. Nel 1655 fu nominato membro dell’Accademia di San Luca e nel 1662 principe della stessa. La fine della sua carriera si rivelò colma di amarezza a causa di alcune lunghe e difficili dispute con un committente. L’artista si spense nel 1666 a Roma. Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612 - Rome 1666) circle of Face of a white-haired man Oil on canvas 48 x 37 cm

            Lucas Aste
          • Pier Francesco Mola (1612 – 1666), Portrait of an Elderly Friar
            Jul. 23, 2022

            Pier Francesco Mola (1612 – 1666), Portrait of an Elderly Friar

            Est: €9,500 - €15,000

            The painting represents the bust of a mature man (probably a monk), balding and with a very white beard, painted thread by thread. The look down, and the hand to shell the beads of a circolum precatorum (what we now call the Rosary), are details that bring the painting into a proto-baroque world, which is to say, that of a sweetened naturalism. The portraits of mature men became, in the mid-seventeenth century and then for many decades to follow, a real genre in which many artists have tried their hand with often similar results.

            Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
          • Pier Francesco Mola,
            Jul. 19, 2022

            Pier Francesco Mola,

            Est: £3,000 - £4,000

            Pier Francesco Mola, Italian 1612-1666- Joseph greeting his brothers; red chalk, pen and brown ink, watercolour and wash heightened with white on laid paper, with Joshua Reynolds's collector's stamp (Lugt 2364) (lower right), 19.1 x 24.7 cm. Provenance: Sir Joshua Reynolds, PRA (1723-1792).; The estate of the late designer Anthony Powell. Note: The present work is very likely one of several preparatory studies for the artist's arguably most prestigious commission, the large-scale fresco of Joseph greeting his Brothers in the Gallery of the Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome, of 1656-57. A drawing which is closer to the composition of the fresco is at Holkham (no.15694). Further studies in pen and brown ink exploring the composition are known (see R. Cocke, 'Pier Francesco Mola', Oxford, 1972, pls 60-72; and F. Petrucci, 'Pier Francesco Mola (1612-1666): Materia e colore nella pittura del '600', Rome, 2012, pp.466-67). We are grateful to Dr Francesco Petrucci for confirming the attribution of the present lot. Laid down on card. Please refer to department for condition report

            Jun. 09, 2022


            Est: €15,000 - €25,000

            (Coldrerio, 1612 - Roma, 1666) Studio di testa Olio su tela, cm 39X35 Provenienza: Abate Paolucci (1695)? Bibliografia: F Petrucci, Il Mercante di Venezia e altri dipinti del Mola, Studi di Storia dell'Arte, 18, 2007, pp. 289-298, ill. p. 296 Omaggio a Pier Francesco Mola, catalogo della mostra a cura di L. Damiani Cabrini, Rancate 2012 F. Petrucci, Pier Francesco Mola (1612 - 1666). Materia e colore nella pittura del '600, Roma 2012, pp. 314-315, n. B53 Delacroix raccomandava ai suoi allievi di imitare le opere di Pier Francesco Mola più di ogni altro pittore del passato, il celebre artista francese vedeva in lui la modernità, un esponente ante litteram dell'Impressionismo. L'arte del Mola, infatti, modulandosi sul colore neoveneziano e guercinesco, sembra anticipare nei risultati la pittura ottocentesca, proprio per il suo far di macchia. La capacità inventiva, la materia densa e luminosa, gli permisero tra gli anni '50 e la metà degli anni '60 del Seicento di affermarsi quale primo pittore dell'Urbe, ottenendo prestigiose commissioni dai Colonna, i Pamphilj e i Chigi, godendo della protezione di Alessandro VII e Cristina di Svezia, in un successo crescente culminante con l'elezione a Principe dell'Accademia di San Luca nel 1662. A testimoniare la fortuna critica, si può altresì citare una lettera scritta a Roma il 20 novembre 1670 da Abraham Brueghel al principe Ruffo, che del Mola scrisse: Qui ha lasciato fama del primo Pictor d'Italia. Questi aspetti di stile, si colgono molto bene nella tela qui presentata, che esibisce pennellate spesse e frante, modulate con vigore cromatico e da una sorprendente velocità d'esecuzione. Questi caratteri suggeriscono di conseguenza non solo una discendenza con la tradizione naturalistica e caravaggesca di Serodine, ma anche spunti di confronto con le teste di carattere realizzate dal Mola, in analogia con quelle custodite presso l'Accademia di San Luca a Roma e in modo particolare il San Luca (olio su tela, cm 71X50- inv. 0368). Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Cocke, Pier Francesco Mola, 1972, p. 68 G. Incisa della Rocchetta, La collezione dei ritratti dell'Accademia di San Luca , Roma 1979, p. 41, n. 106, p. 144 F. Petrucci, Pittura di ritratto a Roma, il '600 , Roma 2008, II, p. 354, riprodotto vol. III, fig. 483 F. Petrucci, Pier Francesco Mola, Roma 2012, p. 261, n. A29

            Wannenes Art Auctions
          • ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Saint François re
            May. 18, 2022

            ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Saint François re

            Est: €8,000 - €12,000

            ATTRIBUÉ À PIER FRANCESCO MOLA (COLDRERIO 1612-1666 ROME) Saint François recevant les stigmates sanguine, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 24,9 x 19,1 cm (9 3/4 x 7 1/2 in.)

          • Attributed to Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612 - 1666), young St. John the Baptist seated in a grotto, oil on panel, 8 7/8" x 7 1/...
            Apr. 30, 2022

            Attributed to Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612 - 1666), young St. John the Baptist seated in a grotto, oil on panel, 8 7/8" x 7 1/...

            Est: $200 - $400

            Attributed to Pier Francesco Mola (Italian, 1612 - 1666), young St. John the Baptist seated in a grotto, oil on panel, 8 7/8" x 7 1/4". Provenance: Purchased at American Art Galleries, Chicago, March 17, 1975, no receipt available. Estate of Wallace Bradway, New Haven, CT.

            Nadeau's Auction Gallery
          • Follower of Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-1666 Rome) The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
            Apr. 12, 2022

            Follower of Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-1666 Rome) The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

            Est: £1,500 - £2,000

            Follower of Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio 1612-1666 Rome) The Rest on the Flight into Egypt oil on canvas 59.9 x 49.4cm (23 9/16 x 19 7/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

          • * Mola (Pier Francesco, 1612-1666, Circle of). Rest on the Flight into Egypt, oil on canvas
            Mar. 09, 2022

            * Mola (Pier Francesco, 1612-1666, Circle of). Rest on the Flight into Egypt, oil on canvas

            Est: £3,000 - £5,000

            * Mola (Pier Francesco, 1612-1666, Circle of). Rest on the Flight into Egypt, oil on canvas Circle of Pier Francesco Mola (Coldrerio, near Lugano 1612-1666 Rome). The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, oil on canvas, 50.2 x 67.3 cm (19 3/4 x 26 1/2 ins), old gilt carved frame, Qty: (1) Footnote: Provenance: Christie's, London, 19 March 2020, Chieveley House, Berkshire and Five Private Collections, lot 266; Estate of Michael Jaffé (1923-1997), art historian and former director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. A recent restoration of this painting removed old, matt and discoloured varnish, and a film of surface dirt, and showed that the figures of Mary and Joseph are a later addition, probably dating from the 18th or early 19th century. When varnish was removed from the figurative group, which remained dark and ill-defined in some areas, a Cupid-like figure started to emerge, followed by a bare female leg. The painting was then x-rayed at the request of the current owner (illustrated here) revealing that the composition originally showed a reclining female nude as well as a garlanded Cupid figure, holding up a drape to reveal her beauty. The painting would therefore have originally represented Venus and Cupid in a pastoral landscape. Further restoration will most likely reveal the original composition more clearly, and redress the curent imbalance of light and dark. We are grateful to picture conservator Seonaid Wood for her conservation report.

            Dominic Winter Auctions
          • Pier Francesco Mola (1612 – 1666), Portrait of an Elderly Friar
            Feb. 26, 2022

            Pier Francesco Mola (1612 – 1666), Portrait of an Elderly Friar

            Est: €8,000 - €10,000

            The painting represents the bust of a mature man (probably a monk), balding and with a very white beard, painted thread by thread. The look down, and the hand to shell the beads of a circolum precatorum (what we now call the Rosary), are details that bring the painting into a proto-baroque world, which is to say, that of a sweetened naturalism. The portraits of mature men became, in the mid-seventeenth century and then for many decades to follow, a real genre in which many artists have tried their hand with often similar results.

            Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
          Lots Per Page: