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Franz Naager Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Landscape painter, Sculptor, Commercial artist

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    • Franz Naager, Germany 1870-1942, Artist In Studio
      Dec. 17, 2024

      Franz Naager, Germany 1870-1942, Artist In Studio

      Est: $100 - $200

      Franz Naager Germany, 1870-1942 Artist In Studio oil on canvas signed lower middle

      Abell Auction
    • NAAGER, FRANZ (1870-1942) "High time in Venice"
      Sep. 28, 2024

      NAAGER, FRANZ (1870-1942) "High time in Venice"

      Est: €260 - €350

      NAAGER, FRANZ (1870-1942) ‘Wedding in Venice’ Oil on canvas, signed, verso: Paper label of the Württ. Kunstverein with information on the painting and the artist, HxW: 100/120 cm. Slight traces of age, frame, hxw: 112/130 cm.

      Auktionshaus Eppli
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Aug. 16, 2024

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Naager, Franz
      Jun. 14, 2024

      Naager, Franz

      Est: €300 - €450

      Naager, Franz (1870-1942). Madonna mit Kind bei den Tieren. Zeichnung. Tuschpinsel, leichter Karton, mit Bleistift signiert. Verso ornamentaler Entwurf, Aquarell, signiert und eigenhändig bezeichnet Plafond. 24,8:39,8 (35,5:47) cm.

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Dec. 08, 2023

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Naager, Franz (München 1870-1942)
      Jun. 22, 2023

      Naager, Franz (München 1870-1942)

      Est: €240 - €288

      Maler und Modell im Atelier Sign. u. dat. mit Ortsangabe München, 1. XII. (19)36 IV. Öl auf Lwd. (nicht auf Keilrahmen aufgezogen). 45,5×35,5 cm. R. (60268)

      Leo Spik
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Apr. 07, 2023

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 ebenda
      Mar. 30, 2023

      Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 ebenda

      Est: €150 - €300

      WEIHNACHT, 1881 Öl auf Karton. 74,5 x 60 cm. Unten am Rand signiert und betitelt. In breitem profiliertem Rahmen. Weite Landschaft mit Brunnen und daneben kniender Mutter Gottes mit Kind sowie einem Engel. (13402914) (13)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 ebenda
      Mar. 30, 2023

      Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 ebenda

      Est: €150 - €300

      KARNEVAL IN VENEDIG, 1937 Öl auf Holz. 43,5 x 74,5 cm. Rechts unten signiert, datiert und ortsbezeichnet „Franz Naager 23.5.37 / München“. In gekehltem Rahmen. Gegenüber von Santa Maria della Salute stehen am Canal Grande einige karnevalistisch verkleidete Figuren in manierierter Bewegung begriffen. (13402911) (13)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Prof. Franz Naager, "Paracelsus doziert"
      Feb. 25, 2023

      Prof. Franz Naager, "Paracelsus doziert"

      Est: -

      Prof. Franz Naager, "Paracelsus doziert" Darstellung des Paracelsus genannten Schweizer Arztes, Alchemisten, Theologen, Ethikers und Philosophen Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim (ca. 1493–1541) bei einer wissenschaftlichen Autopsie vor Publikum im dämmrigen Interieur, der vielseitig begabte Naager liebte alles Anekdotische in seiner Malerei und trachtete als Liebhaber altmeisterlicher Malerei modernen Impressionismus und barocke Opulenz in seinem malerischen Werk zu vereinigen, so vermerkt Horst Ludwig "... sein Kolorismus, der die schrillen Töne vermeidet und sich gern im chromatischen Bereich bewegt, weisen ihn als eigenständigen, originellen und bemerkenswerten Künstler um die Jahrhundertwende aus, der die Ansätze aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und aus dem Barock aufgreift und autonom in eine eigene Bildwelt integriert. ..." und Franz Xaver Maria Gailer schreibt "... Naager war ein Grandseigneur des Pinsels. Seine flüssige, spontane Pinselschrift und die Leichtigkeit seines Farbauftrages waren vor allem durch Guardi und Magnasco beeinflusst. Ein Ton, gemischt aus Schimmer und Dunkel, herrschte vor und gab der Verbindung München und Venedig, die in dem Künstler lebte, ihren bestimmenden Ausdruck. Naagers Handschrift ist unverwechselbar und weist ihn als Impressionisten aus. Er malte die Heiligen und Hexen, die Bettler und Nobili, die Akte und Hetären in den Spelunken und Palästen, Ateliers und Straßen Venedigs, die Prozessionen, Raufereien und Duellszenen auf dem Marktplatz, das karnevalistische Maskentreiben, und Don Quijote, auf den er durch Goya aufmerksam wurde. ...", pastose Malerei mit breitem Pinselduktus in erdiger Farbigkeit, Öl auf Leinwand und Keilrahmen, rechts unten ritzsigniert, ortsbezeichnet und datiert "Franz Naager Venedig 8. II.[19]25", rückseitig auf dem Keilrahmen wenige Annotationen und altes Ausstellungsetikett des Württembergischen Kunstvereins Stuttgart mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen "... Name und Vorname: Prof. Franz Naager, Genaue Anschrift: München 13 Barerstr. 50/3, Reichskammer-Mitglieds-Nr. M 4678, Titel des Werkes: Paracelsius [sic] doziert ...", geringe Altersspuren, ungerahmt, Maße ca. 100 x 150 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler, Graphiker, Illustrator, Bildhauer, Kunstgewerbler, Architekt, Unternehmer, Schriftsteller und Kunstsammler (1870 München bis 1942 München), ab 1886 Schüler der Kunstgewerbeschule München bei Ferdinand Barth, studierte ab 1889 an der Akademie München bei Alexander Strähuber und Gabriel von Hackl, ab 1890 hier Wechsel zum Kunstgewerbe und Schüler von Gabriel von Seidl und Rudolf Seitz, beeinflusst von Lorenz Gedon, 1893 erster Aufenthalt in Venedig, 1901–11 Aufenthalt in Venedig, erwarb hier den Palazzo Contarini und andere kleine Paläste und gründete seine kunstgewerblichen Werkstätten mit zahlreichen Angestellten, hier künstlerisch freischaffend und als Kunstsammler aktiv, 1910 Kauf der Alten Schack-Galerie in München zur Unterbringung seiner Kunstsammlung, 1911 Rückkehr nach München, lieferte 1896–1940 Beiträge für die Münchner Zeitschrift "Jugend", auf Vermittlung Gabriel von Seidels Ausmalung Berliner Villen, durch die Bekanntschaft mit dem Berliner Stadtbaurat Geheimrat Hoffmann Gestaltung des Lichthofs im Kaufhaus Wertheim und Arbeiten im kaiserlichen Schloss, 1913 Verleihung des Professorentitels durch den preußischen Staat, im 1. Weltkrieg Beschlagnahmung seiner venezianischen Werkstätten, ca. 1918–24 eigenes Haus in den Bergen am Chiemsee, ab 1923 vorwiegend als Maler freischaffend, wechselnde Aufenthalte in München und Venedig, 1928–34 wechselnd in München und auf Burg Tittmoning tätig, ab 1934 ausschließlich in München, Mitglied der Münchner Künstlervereinigung „Allotria“ und der Münchner Sezession, ab 1929 Ehrenmitglied der Münchner Akademie, beschickte unter anderem den Münchner Glaspalast, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Dressler, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh.", Matrikel der Münchner Akademie, Busse, Bénezit, Goldstein, Horst Ludwig "Der Münchner Impressionist Franz Naager 1870–1942" und Wikipedia. Prof. Franz Naager, "Paracelsus lecturing" Depiction of the Swiss physician, alchemist, theologian, ethicist and philosopher Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim (c. 1493-1541), called Paracelsus. 1493-1541) at a scientific autopsy in front of an audience in a dim interior, the versatile Naager loved everything anecdotal in his painting and, as a lover of old-master painting, strove to unite modern impressionism and baroque opulence in his painterly work, as Horst Ludwig notes ".. his colourism, which avoids shrill tones and likes to move in the chromatic range, show him to be an independent, original and remarkable artist at the turn of the century, who took up approaches from the 19th century and from the Baroque and autonomously integrated them into his own pictorial world. ..." and Franz Xaver Maria Gailer writes "... Naager was a grand seigneur of the brush. His fluid, spontaneous brushwork and the lightness of his paint application were influenced above all by Guardi and Magnasco. A tone mixed of shimmer and darkness prevailed and gave its defining expression to the Munich-Venice connection that lived in the artist. Naager's signature is unmistakable and identifies him as an Impressionist. He painted the saints and witches, the beggars and nobili, the nudes and hetaeras in the taverns and palaces, studios and streets of Venice, the processions, scuffles and duel scenes in the marketplace, the carnival masquerade, and Don Quixote, to whom he became aware through Goya. ...", impasto painting with broad brushstrokes in earthy colours, oil on canvas and stretcher, signed with an incised inscription on the lower right, dated "Franz Naager Venedig 8. II.[19]25", few annotations on the stretcher on the reverse and an old exhibition label of the Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart with handwritten additions "... Surname and first name: Prof. Franz Naager, Exact address: Munich 13 Barerstr. 50/3, Reichskammer membership no. M 4678, title of the work: Paracelsius [sic] doziert ...", slight signs of age, unframed, dimensions approx. 100 x 150 cm. Artist's info: Germ. Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor, craftsman, architect, entrepreneur, writer and art collector (1870 Munich to 1942 Munich), from 1886 pupil of Ferdinand Barth at the Munich School of Arts and Crafts, studied from 1889 at the Munich Academy under Alexander Strähuber and Gabriel von Hackl, from 1890 he changed to arts and crafts and became a pupil of Gabriel von Seidl and Rudolf Seitz, influenced by Lorenz Gedon, 1893 first stay in Venice, 1901-11 stay in Venice, here he bought the Palazzo Contarini and other small palaces and founded his arts and crafts workshops with numerous employees, In 1910 he bought the Alte Schack-Galerie in Munich to house his art collection, in 1911 he returned to Munich, from 1896 to 1940 he contributed to the Munich magazine Jugend, through Gabriel von Seidel he painted Berlin villas, through his acquaintance with the Berlin city architect Geheimrat Hoffmann he designed the atrium in the Wertheim department stores' and worked in the imperial palace, in 1913 he was awarded the title of professor by the Prussian state, during the First World War his paintings were confiscated. Confiscation of his Venetian workshops during the First World War, ca. 1918-24 owns his own house in the mountains near Lake Chiemsee, from 1923 mainly freelance painter, alternating stays in Munich and Venice, 1928-34 alternately active in Munich and at Tittmoning Castle, from 1934 exclusively in Munich, member of the Munich artists' association "Allotria" and the Munich Secession, from 1929 honorary member of the Munich Academy, among other things decorated the Munich Glass Palace, Source: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Dressler, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20th century", Matrikel der Münchner Akademie, Busse, Bénezit, Goldstein, Horst Ludwig "Der Münchner Impressionist Franz Naager 1870-1942" and Wikipedia.

      Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    • Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 München
      Dec. 08, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 München

      Est: €300 - €500

      Weihnacht, 1881 Öl auf Karton. 74,5 x 60 cm. Unten am Rand signiert und betitelt. In beitem profiliertem Rahmen. Weite Landschaft mit Brunnen und danebenkniender Mutter Gottes mit Kind sowie einem Engel. (13402914) (13)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 München
      Dec. 08, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870 München – 1942 München

      Est: €300 - €500

      Karneval in Venedig Öl auf Holz. 43,5 x 74,5 cm. Rechts unten signiert, datiert und ortsbezeichnet „Franz Naager 23.5.37 / München“. In gekehltem Rahmen. Gegenüber von Santa Maria della Salute stehen am Canal Grande einige karnevalistisch verkleidete Figuren in manierierter Bewegung begriffen. (13402911) (13)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Naager, Franz
      Nov. 29, 2022

      Naager, Franz

      Est: €350 - €500

      Naager, Franz (1870-1942). Madonna mit Kind bei den Tieren. Zeichnung. Tuschpinsel, leichter Karton, mit Bleistift signiert; verso ornamentaler Entwurf, Aquarell, signiert und eigenh. bezeichnet Plafond. 24,8:39,8 (35,5:47) cm.

    • Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique
      Oct. 09, 2022

      Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique

      Est: $550 - $700

      ARTIST: Franz Naager (Germany, 1870 - 1942) NAME: Maler und sein Modell MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Few minor scratches / paint losses. Minor damages to edges and corners. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 16 x 12 inches / 40 x 30 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: lower left CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 120308 US Shipping $49 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Naager was born in Munich he was a German painter, graphic artist, sculptor, art collector and entrepreneur.Franz Naager was the son of a Munich prosecutor. He studied from May 24, 1889 at the Munich Art Academy under Alexander Strahuber, Ferdinand Barth and Gabriel von Hack.He then spent the years from 1901 to 1913 in Venice, where he worked in addition to his activities as an artist with the purchase of works of art. In Venice he founded art workshops with about 200 employees. Influenced by the sculptor and craftsman Lorenz Gedon and the architect Gabriel von Seidl, he designed works of art, including marble inlays , mosaicsand sculptural jewelery.Back in Munich, he bought the house of the former Schack-Galerie to house his art collections.Franz Naager also worked as a graphic designer and writer. He was a member of the Munich artists' association "Allotria".Naager designed relief slabs of Istrian limestone in 1910 for the main facade of the Berlin Admiral's Palace.Naager created around 1911 the terracotta friezes on the facades of the residential and commercial building AS Drey (Max-Joseph-Strasse 2 in Munich), manufactured in the Nymphenburger Porzellanmanufaktur.Franz Naager was elected in 1922 honorary member of the Munich Academy of Arts.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Aug. 12, 2022

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique
      Jul. 03, 2022

      Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique

      Est: $600 - $750

      ARTIST: Franz Naager (Germany, 1870 - 1942) NAME: Maler und sein Modell MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Few minor scratches / paint losses. Minor damages to edges and corners. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 16 x 12 inches / 40 x 30 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed (In-House framing available) SIGNATURE: lower left CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 120308 US Shipping $49 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Naager was born in Munich he was a German painter, graphic artist, sculptor, art collector and entrepreneur.Franz Naager was the son of a Munich prosecutor. He studied from May 24, 1889 at the Munich Art Academy under Alexander Strahuber, Ferdinand Barth and Gabriel von Hack.He then spent the years from 1901 to 1913 in Venice, where he worked in addition to his activities as an artist with the purchase of works of art. In Venice he founded art workshops with about 200 employees. Influenced by the sculptor and craftsman Lorenz Gedon and the architect Gabriel von Seidl, he designed works of art, including marble inlays , mosaicsand sculptural jewelery.Back in Munich, he bought the house of the former Schack-Galerie to house his art collections.Franz Naager also worked as a graphic designer and writer. He was a member of the Munich artists' association "Allotria".Naager designed relief slabs of Istrian limestone in 1910 for the main facade of the Berlin Admiral's Palace.Naager created around 1911 the terracotta friezes on the facades of the residential and commercial building AS Drey (Max-Joseph-Strasse 2 in Munich), manufactured in the Nymphenburger Porzellanmanufaktur.Franz Naager was elected in 1922 honorary member of the Munich Academy of Arts.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Jun. 24, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €150 - €300

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and businessman, lived in Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded art workshops, here: painter and nude model inthe studio, oil/painting board, signed in the middle right and dated 1921, approx. 75x50cm ,smaller paint defects, frame damaged approx. 94x67cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Maler und Aktmodell im Atelier, Öl/Malkarton, rechts mittig signiert und dat. 1921, ca. 75x50cm, kleinere Farbfehlstellen, Rahmen beschädigt ca. 94x67cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Jun. 24, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €150 - €300

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and businessman, lived in Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded various art workshops, here: traveling merchant, oil/painting board, signed and dated23 top left, approx. 47x36cm, framed under glass, approx. 66x 53cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er versch. Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Reisender Kaufmann, Öl/Malkarton, links oben signiert und dat. 23, ca. 47x36cm, u.Gl., R. ca. 66x 53cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Jun. 24, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €150 - €300

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and entrepreneur, livedin Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded art workshops, here: Don Quichotte , oil/canvas, signed lower right, dat. Munich 1941, approx. 48x37cm, frame approx. 59x48cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Don Quichotte, Öl/Lwd, rechts unten signiert, dat. München 1941, ca. 48x37cm, R. ca. 59x48cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique
      Apr. 17, 2022

      Franz Naager (German,1870-1942) oil painting antique

      Est: $600 - $750

      ARTIST: Franz Naager (Germany, 1870 - 1942) NAME: Maler und sein Modell MEDIUM: oil on board CONDITION: Few minor scratches / paint losses. Minor damages to edges and corners. No visible inpaint under UV light. SIGHT SIZE: 16 x 12 inches / 40 x 30 cm FRAME SIZE: unframed SIGNATURE: lower left CATEGORY: antique vintage painting AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 120308 US Shipping $49 + insurance. BIOGRAPHY: Naager was born in Munich he was a German painter, graphic artist, sculptor, art collector and entrepreneur.Franz Naager was the son of a Munich prosecutor. He studied from May 24, 1889 at the Munich Art Academy under Alexander Strahuber, Ferdinand Barth and Gabriel von Hack.He then spent the years from 1901 to 1913 in Venice, where he worked in addition to his activities as an artist with the purchase of works of art. In Venice he founded art workshops with about 200 employees. Influenced by the sculptor and craftsman Lorenz Gedon and the architect Gabriel von Seidl, he designed works of art, including marble inlays , mosaicsand sculptural jewelery.Back in Munich, he bought the house of the former Schack-Galerie to house his art collections.Franz Naager also worked as a graphic designer and writer. He was a member of the Munich artists' association "Allotria".Naager designed relief slabs of Istrian limestone in 1910 for the main facade of the Berlin Admiral's Palace.Naager created around 1911 the terracotta friezes on the facades of the residential and commercial building AS Drey (Max-Joseph-Strasse 2 in Munich), manufactured in the Nymphenburger Porzellanmanufaktur.Franz Naager was elected in 1922 honorary member of the Munich Academy of Arts.

      Broward Auction Gallery LLC
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Mar. 26, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €300 - €600

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and businessman, lived in Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded art workshops, here: painter and nude model inthe studio, oil/painting board, signed in the middle right and dated 1921, approx. 75x50cm ,smaller paint defects, frame damaged approx. 94x67cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Maler und Aktmodell im Atelier, Öl/Malkarton, rechts mittig signiert und dat. 1921, ca. 75x50cm, kleinere Farbfehlstellen, Rahmen beschädigt ca. 94x67cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Mar. 26, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €300 - €600

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and entrepreneur, livedin Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded art workshops, here: Don Quichotte , oil/canvas, signed lower right, dat. Munich 1941, approx. 48x37cm, frame approx. 59x48cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Don Quichotte, Öl/Lwd, rechts unten signiert, dat. München 1941, ca. 48x37cm, R. ca. 59x48cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art
      Mar. 26, 2022

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art

      Est: €300 - €600

      Franz Naager, 1870-1942 Munich, German painter, art collector and businessman, lived in Venice from 1901 to 1913, where he founded various art workshops, here: traveling merchant, oil/painting board, signed and dated23 top left, approx. 47x36cm, framed under glass, approx. 66x 53cm . German Description: Franz Naager, 1870-1942 München, deutscher Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer, lebte 1901 bis 1913 in Venedig, wo er versch. Kunstwerkstätten gründete, hier: Reisender Kaufmann, Öl/Malkarton, links oben signiert und dat. 23, ca. 47x36cm, u.Gl., R. ca. 66x 53cm

      Henry's Auktionshaus
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Oct. 15, 2021

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager
      Jul. 16, 2021

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager

      Est: $200 - $300

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German (1870-1942) Signed Lower Right & Dated 1927. "Don Quixote". Condition: Generally Good Condition. Dimensions: Sight- 36" x 26". Frame- 40" x 30". Provenance: From Christies, New York. Please note the absence of a condition report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed condition report.

      World Auction Gallery
    • Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German.
      Jan. 03, 2021

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German.

      Est: $200 - $300

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German (1870-1942) Signed Lower Right & Dated 1927. "Don Quixote". Condition: Generally Good Condition. Dimensions: Sight- 36" x 26". Frame- 40" x 30". Provenance: From Christies, New York. Please note the absence of a condition report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed condition report.

      World Auction Gallery
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Dec. 11, 2020

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German
      Sep. 13, 2020

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German

      Est: $200 - $300

      Painting Oil on Board by Franz Naager, German (1870-1942) Signed Lower Right & Dated 1927. "Don Quixote". Condition: Generally Good Condition. Dimensions: Sight- 36" x 26". Frame- 40" x 30". Provenance: From Christies, NY Please note the absence of a condition report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed condition report.

      World Auction Gallery
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Feb. 15, 2020

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Apr. 06, 2019

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting
      Mar. 09, 2019

      Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting

      Est: $300 - $400

      Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting. Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) abstract school oil painting on board, framed and with plaque. Paperwork on back. Measures 26 x 22.5 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
    • Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting
      Feb. 10, 2019

      Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting

      Est: $300 - $400

      Franz Naager Antique Framed German Oil Painting. Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) abstract school oil painting on board, framed and with plaque. Paperwork on back. Measures 26 x 22.5 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Oct. 20, 2018

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Feb. 17, 2018

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Oct. 07, 2017

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Jun. 10, 2017

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Feb. 18, 2017

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $500 - $700

      "Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65"

    • FRANZ NAAGER, (GERMAN, 1870-1942), VENICE
      Feb. 08, 2017

      FRANZ NAAGER, (GERMAN, 1870-1942), VENICE

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      FRANZ NAAGER (german, 1870-1942) VENICE Signed "Franz Naager Venedig 13.7.27" top right, oil on canvas 29 1/2 x 38 1/2 in. (74.93 x 97.79 cm)

      Freeman's | Hindman
    • Franz Naager, Illustration eines Gedichtes, Lithograph, 1895
      Dec. 29, 2016

      Franz Naager, Illustration eines Gedichtes, Lithograph, 1895

      Est: €150 - €180

      Lithograph in colors on thin laid paper Germany, 1895 Franz Naager (1870-1942) - German painter, decorator, architect and artisans Monogrammed 'F N', signed 'Franz Naager', inscribed 'Munich' on the stone and stamped 'Pan, 1895: 3' Illustration to: Gustav Falke, Ritter im Grünen Published in the magazine 'Pan', 1895, vol. III Image dimensions: c. 25 x 17.3 cm; sheet dimensions: 36.6 x 28 cm Good condition Object is taxed regularly. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. Condition: The sheet is in good condition overall slightly discolored consistent with the age, mainly at the upper edge. At the left edge traces of separation from the magazine, tiny damages to the edges, traces of mounting at the upper edge and two marks on the right side. The image measures c. 25 x 17.3 cm and the sheet dimensions are 36.6 x 28 cm. Franz Naager (1870-1942) Franz Naager was painter, sculptor, interior designer, knowledgeable art collector, writer and entrepreneur and therefore stands out as a particularly versatile artistic personality among the Munich painters of the early 1900's. As a contemporary of German impressionist painters, Naager followed the current trends of his time. He processed elements of plein air painting and impressionism in his paintings and incorporated sweeping gestures of the Baroque painting in his works. His choice of motifs ranged from landscapes and Venetian sceneries to interiors and character representations – often with humorous elements – as well as to religious themes. The artist created paintings, graphic works, photographs of interior decorations, wallpaper patterns and books. In Venice, he founded his art workshops, which included up to 200 employees and thus counted among the largest companies in the city. (msc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany
      Nov. 12, 2016

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany

      Est: $600 - $800

      "Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65"

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany 
      Jul. 30, 2016

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) Germany 

      Est: $600 - $800

      "Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) ; 1922 ; oil on cardboard / framed ; dimensions 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA - DHL $250 , National post with tracking service $120 / Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia - DHL - $150 , National post with tracking service - $65"

    • Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) - Germany
      Feb. 20, 2016

      Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) - Germany

      Est: $700 - $1,000

      "Franz NAAGER (1870-1942) oil on cardboard ; framed 1922 67 x 49 cm (26 1/3 x 19 1/3 in.) signed & dated lower right "

    • Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting
      Dec. 13, 2015

      Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) German Interior Scene Painting. Period frame. One of two in this auction from same private collection. Measures 25 by 19 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
    • Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting
      Dec. 13, 2015

      Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) German Interior Scene Painting. Period frame. One of two in this auction from same private collection. Measures 26 by 23 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
    • Franz Naager (1870-1942), At The Artist's Studio, Oil, 1922
      Nov. 30, 2015

      Franz Naager (1870-1942), At The Artist's Studio, Oil, 1922

      Est: €2,400 - €3,120

      Oil on cardboard Germany, Munich, 1922 Franz Naager (1870-1942) - German painter, decorator, architect and artisans Signed 'Fran Naager', dated '1922' and located 'M' upper center Dimensions of the image carrier: 47.8 x 35.9 cm Frame: 60.2 x 48.6 cm Very good condition An artist's popular subject of an impasto genre scene with the painting artist and his model; the girl is sitting on a chair in the foreground and pulls up her Stocking Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 5,000 Euro Condition: The work is in a very good condition with minimal signs of age and wear. Minimalcolor wear due to the frame along the edges. partly with craquelure . The dimensions of the image carrier are 47.8 x 35.9 cm, the frame measures 47.8 x 35.9 cm. Franz Naager (1870-1942) Franz Naager was painter, sculptor, interior designer, knowledgeable art collector, writer and entrepreneur and therefore stands out as a particularly versatile artistic personality among the Munich painters of the early 1900's. As a contemporary of German impressionist painters, Naager followed the current trends of his time. He processed elements of plein air painting and impressionism in his paintings and incorporated sweeping gestures of the Baroque painting in his works. His choice of motifs ranged from landscapes and Venetian sceneries to interiors and character representations – often with humorous elements – as well as to religious themes. The artist created paintings, graphic works, photographs of interior decorations, wallpaper patterns and books. In Venice, he founded his art workshops, which included up to 200 employees and thus counted among the largest companies in the city. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

      Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    • Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting
      Oct. 25, 2015

      Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) German Interior Scene Painting. Period frame. One of two in this auction from same private collection. Measures 25 by 19 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
    • Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting
      Oct. 25, 2015

      Franz Naager - German Interior Scene Painting

      Est: $800 - $1,200

      Franz Naager (1870 - 1942) German Interior Scene Painting. Period frame. One of two in this auction from same private collection. Measures 26 by 23 inches.

      Greenwich Auction
      Sep. 22, 2015


      Est: -

      NAAGER, FRANZ 1870 - 1942 Amazon with bow, watercolour, signed and inscribed "München", 31x24.5cm, framed.

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