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William Naish Sold at Auction Prices

Miniature painter

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    • William Naish (1766 - 1800) (attr.) Gentleman’s portrait Miniature on oval ivory (cm 7,5x6) framed, antique cartouche on the back; combined with an oval miniature on ivory depicting a gentleman of the same era (cm 8x6,5) in low carat gold...
      Oct. 20, 2023

      William Naish (1766 - 1800) (attr.) Gentleman’s portrait Miniature on oval ivory (cm 7,5x6) framed, antique cartouche on the back; combined with an oval miniature on ivory depicting a gentleman of the same era (cm 8x6,5) in low carat gold...

      Est: €330 - €350

      William Naish (1766 - 1800) (attr.) Gentleman’s portrait Miniature on oval ivory (cm 7,5x6) framed, antique cartouche on the back; combined with an oval miniature on ivory depicting a gentleman of the same era (cm 8x6,5) in low carat gold frame (defects) This lot is accompanied by documentation CITES IT/EC/2023/MI/00709 IT William Naish (1766 - 1800) (attr.) "Ritratto di gentiluomo" miniatura ovale su avorio (cm 7,5x6) in cornice, antico cartiglio al retro; unita a una miniatura ovale su avorio raffigurante gentiluomo di stessa epoca (cm 8x6,5) in cornice in oro a bassa caratura (difetti) Il presente lotto è accompagnato da documentazione CITES IT/CE/2023/MI/00709

      Il Ponte Auction House
    • Attributed to William Naish (British, 1767-1800) Portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally thought to be Sir Edward Astley, 4...
      Nov. 26, 2015

      Attributed to William Naish (British, 1767-1800) Portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally thought to be Sir Edward Astley, 4...

      Est: £300 - £500

      Attributed to William Naish (British, 1767-1800) Portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally thought to be Sir Edward Astley, 4th Baronet Astley of Hill Morton, MP (1729-1802), wearing a blue coat, yellow waistcoat and frilled white shirt with jewelled tie-pin watercolour on ivory in original gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited brown hair and previous collector labels (one indistinctly inscribed 'Sir/ Ed. Astley') Original gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited brown hair and previous collector labels (one indistinctly inscribed 'Sir / Ed. Astley') h:5 cm Provenance: The Daphne Foskett Collection, No.144 (acquired before 1974) Edward Astley was the eldest son of Sir Jacob Astley, 3rd Baronet and his second wife Lucy le Strange, youngest daughter of Sir Nicholas le Strange, 4th Baronet. After his graduation from Pembroke College, Cambridge, he followed family tradition by standing successfully as MP for Norfolk, the same constituency as his great-grandfather, Sir Jacob Astley, 1st Baronet. He held the Norfolk constituency until his retirement in 1790. Astley married three times. In 1751 he wed Rhoda Delaval, the union being short lived as she died in childbirth in 1757. From this marriage he was bequeathed Seaton Delaval Hall in Northumberland. His second wife was Anne Milles who died in 1792 and the following year he married Elizabeth Bullen. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir Jacob Astley, 5th Baronet, who also represented Norfolk in the House of Commons. Sir Edward Astley was an important collector and patron. In 1756, he bought the print collection of Arthur Pond, who had taught the Delavals to paint (the collection included numerous Rembrandt prints from the collection of Jan Six, Rembrandt's great friend and patron). Astley was a key patron of contemporary English engravers, in particular Thomas Worlidge. [1] Born in Axbridge, Somerset, the miniature portrait painter, William Naish, entered the Royal Academy Schools on 28 November 1788 at the age of twenty- one. He remains a rather enigmatic figure today, but he appears to have run a successful practice in Georgian London, and exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1786 until his death in 1800. A series of engravings, produced by William Ridley after several of Naish's original works (published in the Monthly Mirror on 1 July 1796), demonstrate the artist's sensitive modelling and his close observation to the idiosyncrasies implicit in each sitter's face. [2] A signed, titled and dated portrait miniature of Naish, by fellow artist 'H. W. Wymann', attests to his presence in Bristol in 1797 [3]. It is likely that he moved here for a time in order to gain the patronage of a growing middle-class population, affluent from trade connections. According to contemporary documents, Naish and his brother exhibited their work from a shared address (492 Strand, London) in 1792, while also exhibiting together at the Royal Academy from 1790 to 1795. Despite a woefully short life, Naish's artistic accomplishments were extolled by The Gentleman's Magazine, which published an 'Ode to Mr William Naish, Limner', celebrating his affable character and skill as a portraitist. [1] Worlidge etched a portrait of Astley in 1762, modelling it on Rembrandt's portrait of Jan Six. (2] The department of prints and drawings at the British Museum include engravings after Naish's portrait miniatures. [3] Foskett, Daphne, Miniatures: dictionary and guide, (1987), p. 606. William's brother, John Naish, was a sporting and miniature painter, who also entered the Royal Academy Schools (1791) [4] Foskett, (1987), p. 606. It is believed that he died at his home in Leicester Square at the age of thirty-three.

    • Circle of William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing dou
      Sep. 30, 2015

      Circle of William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing dou

      Est: £600 - £800

      Circle of William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing double-breasted blue coat with gold buttons, saffron waistcoat, white chemise, stock and cravat

    • William Naish (British, 1766/67-1800) Portrait of a gentleman wearing a dark blue coat and tied white stock
      Mar. 05, 2015

      William Naish (British, 1766/67-1800) Portrait of a gentleman wearing a dark blue coat and tied white stock

      Est: £400 - £600

      William Naish (British, 1766/67-1800) Portrait of a gentleman wearing a dark blue coat and tied white stock watercolour on ivory, in an oval frame h:7 cm

    • WILLIAM NAISH (BRITISH, D. 1800) Oval, 71 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the
      Nov. 25, 2014

      WILLIAM NAISH (BRITISH, D. 1800) Oval, 71 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      WILLIAM NAISH (BRITISH, D. 1800) Oval, 71 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse centred with gold initials FR on opalescent glass over foiled ground, plaited hair surround

    • William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing blue coat, white waistcoat, stock and cravat, his hair powdered
      Nov. 23, 2011

      William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing blue coat, white waistcoat, stock and cravat, his hair powdered

      Est: £500 - £700

      A Gentleman, wearing blue coat, white waistcoat, stock and cravat, his hair powdered. Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal strands of hair tied with a gilt-metal ribbon surrounded by a gilt-metal wreath on opalescent glass. Oval, 68mm (2 11/16in) high

    • William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Naval Officer, wearing blue coat with white facings and gold epaulettes, white waistcoat with gold buttons, frilled white chemise, black stock and tie
      Nov. 23, 2011

      William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Naval Officer, wearing blue coat with white facings and gold epaulettes, white waistcoat with gold buttons, frilled white chemise, black stock and tie

      Est: £700 - £900

      A Naval Officer, wearing blue coat with white facings and gold epaulettes, white waistcoat with gold buttons, frilled white chemise, black stock and tie. Signed on the obverse and dated Naish '97, gilt-mounted rectangular papier-mâché frame. Oval, 86mm (3 3/8in) high

    • William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing brown coat, striped orange and white scarf and tied white cravat, his hair powdered
      Nov. 25, 2009

      William Naish (British, circa 1767-1800) A Gentleman, wearing brown coat, striped orange and white scarf and tied white cravat, his hair powdered

      Est: £1,500 - £2,500

      A Gentleman, wearing brown coat, striped orange and white scarf and tied white cravat, his hair powdered. Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal gold monogram JK on gold mounted blue glass within plaited hair border. Oval, 72mm (2 13/16in) high

    • William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)
      Apr. 28, 2005

      William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)

      Est: -

      Captain Henry Sherwood (1776-1849), wearing the uniform of the 53rd Foot, scarlet coat and facings edged with white piping, gold lace button holes in pairs and gold epaulette, frilled white chemise and black stock gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal seed pearl monogram HS on gold mounted blue glass within plaited hair border, brooch clasp attachment Oval, 77mm. (3ins.) high

    • William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)
      Nov. 18, 2003

      William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)

      Est: £1,500 - £2,500

      A Gentleman, wearing dark brown coat with black collar, white waistcoat, tied stock and frilled cravat, his hair powdered and worn en queue gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal gold monogram GB above lock of hair tied with gold wire and seed pearls, all on opalescent glass Oval, 75mm. (2 15/16ins.) high

    • William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)
      May. 22, 2003

      William Naish (British, c.1767-1800)

      Est: £400 - £600

      A Gentleman, wearing blue coat with brass buttons, white waistcoat and cravat gilt-mounted rectangular papier-mâché frame Oval, 72mm. (2 3/4ins.) high

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