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Carlo Naya Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1816 - d. 1882

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      • Giacomo Brogi / Adolphe Braun / Paolo Lombardi und andere Fotografen, Ca. 57 Ansichten aus Italien. Überwiegend 2nd half 19th cent.
        Mar. 08, 2025

        Giacomo Brogi / Adolphe Braun / Paolo Lombardi und andere Fotografen, Ca. 57 Ansichten aus Italien. Überwiegend 2nd half 19th cent.

        Est: €750 - €800

        Giacomo Brogi 1822 Florenz – 1881 ebenda Fratelli Alinari S. p. A. 1852 Florenz – existiert bis heute Adolphe Braun 1812 Besançon – 1877 Dornach Hippolyte Deroche 19. Jh. Paolo Lombardi tätig um 1860-1880 Carlo Naya 1816 Tronzano Vercellese – 1882 Venedig Carlo Ponti 1820 Ticino – 1893 Venedig (?) Giorgio Sommer 1834 Frankfurt am Main – 1914 Neapel 51 Albuminabzüge und Silbergelatineabzüge, überwiegend vollflächig auf Untersatzkartons montiert. Teilweise mit einbelichteten oder trockengestempelten Fotografen- bzw. Studiobezeichnungen. Mit neun Abzügen von Giacomo Brogi, vier Abzügen von Paolo Lombardi, sechs Abzügen der Fratelli Alinari, fünf Abzügen von Ernesto Richter, zwei Abzügen von Giorgio Sommer, jeweils einem Abzug von Carlo Naya, Carlo Ponti, Hippolyte Deroche (?), Fratelli d''Alessandri und Adolphe Braun sowie 26 Abzügen anonymer Fotografen. Giacomo Brogi 1822 Florenz – 1881 ebenda Studium an der ABA Florenz. 1860 Gründung eines eigenen Fotoateliers in Florenz, ab 1869 Niederlassungen in Rom und Neapel. Ab 1871 Teilnahme an nationalen und internationalen Ausstellungen. Seit 1878 Hoffotograf von König Vittorio Emanuele und Umberto I. Brogi, trat als Mitbegründer der fotografischen Gesellschaft in Italien hervor und war einer der wichtigsten italienischen Fotografen des 19. Jh. Fratelli Alinari S. p. A. 1852 Florenz – existiert bis heute Das Florentinische Unternehmen gehört zu den ältesten fotografischen Gesellschaften der Welt. Zunächst spezialisiert auf die Fotografie von Menschen und Kunstwerken, wandte man sich später auch der Fertigung von Lichtdrucken zu. Das Unternehmen besteht bis heute und ist spezialisiert auf Kunstdrucke auf höchstem Niveau aber beispielsweise auch auf die Restaurierung historischer Fotografien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der örtlichen Universität wird außerdem ein digitales Bildarchiv betrieben, das sich aus dem firmeneigenen Bestand von über 300.000 Bildern speist. Adolphe Braun 1812 Besançon – 1877 Dornach Französischer Textildesigner und Fotograf. Zunächst als Designer von Stoffmustern und Zeichner tätig, 1847 Wechsel zur Fotografie, 1850 Eröffnung eines eigenen Ateliers in Dornach, ab 1868 auch in Paris. Ab den frühen 1860er Jahren lag sein Hauptinteresse in der Herstellung von topografischen Ansichten Europas. Später Hinwendung zur Reproduktion von Kunstwerken. Während des Deutsch-Französischen Kriegs fotografische Dokumentation der Kriegsschäden, v.a. in Paris. Carlo Naya 1816 Tronzano Vercellese – 1882 Venedig Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Pisa, Abschluss 1840. Danach Reise durch Europa, mit Aufenthalt in Prag. Um 1846 Experimente mit Daguerreotypien in Kostantinopel. Ab 1857 ansässig in Venedig, Eröffnung eines Fotostudios. 1868 Eröffnung eines großen Fotostudios in der Nähe des Markusplatzes. Auszeichnungen 1862 bei der Londoner Weltausstellung, 1869 bei einer Ausstellung in Groningen, 1872 in Triest und Dublin. Naya gilt als wichtiger Reise- und Architekturfotograf des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seltener sind seine Porträts und Alltagsaufnahmen von Venedig. Carlo Ponti 1820 Ticino – 1893 Venedig (?) Optiker und Fotograf, tätig in Venedig. Erfinder des Megalethoskps sowie des Alethoskops. Optiker von König Victor Emanuel II von Italien.

        Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Ponte dei Sospiri preso dal Ponte del Rimedio, Venezia, 1860s
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Ponte dei Sospiri preso dal Ponte del Rimedio, Venezia, 1860s

        Est: €200 - €300

        Albumen print, applied on original cardboard cm 35,5 x 27,3 (cm 45 x 31,8 cardboard) | 13.9 x 10.7 in. (17.7 x 12.5 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blindstamp on the cardboard recto and photographer's didactic stamp on the cardboard verso

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Palazzo Cà Doro sul gran Canale, 1860s/1870s
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Palazzo Cà Doro sul gran Canale, 1860s/1870s

        Est: €200 - €300

        Albumen print, applied on original cardboard cm 27,3 x 35,4 (cm 29,8 x 38,5 cardboard) | 10.7 x 13.9 in. (11.7 x 15.2 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blindstamp on the cardboard recto and photographer's didactic stamp on the cardboard verso

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Panorama preso dal Campanile di S. Marco, Venezia, 1860s
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Panorama preso dal Campanile di S. Marco, Venezia, 1860s

        Est: €200 - €300

        Albumen print, applied on original cardboard cm 27 x 35,3 (cm 32 x 45 cardboard) | 10.6 x 13.9 in. (12.6 x 17.7 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blindstamp on the cardboard recto and didactic stamp on the cardboard verso

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Basilica di S. Marco e orologio, 1870s
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Basilica di S. Marco e orologio, 1870s

        Est: €500 - €600

        Albumen print cm 34 x 53 | 13.3 x 20.8 in. Title from negative on the image and photographer's credit stamp on the verso

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Basilica di S. Marco e Torre dell'Orologio, Venezia, 1870s
        Dec. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Basilica di S. Marco e Torre dell'Orologio, Venezia, 1870s

        Est: €300 - €400

        Albumen print, handcoloured, applied on original cardboard cm 27 x 35,6 (cm 49 x 63,6 cardboard) | 10.6 x 14 in. (19.3 x 25 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blindstamp on the cardboard recto

      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        Oct. 26, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View of the magnificent inner courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Cour du palais des Doges - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high detail sharpness. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights in their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on copies or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world cultural heritage, Doge's Palace, Palazzo Ducale, St Mark's Basilica, gothic architecture, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy, Size: Cardboard: 26,8 cm x 35,0 cm (10,6 x 13,8 in), Depiction: 19,2 cm x 24,5 cm (7,6 x 9,6 in)

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. Naya, etc Italian Architecture Photographs, 11
        Oct. 23, 2024

        C. Naya, etc Italian Architecture Photographs, 11

        Est: $300 - $500

        11 Grand Tour Italian Architecture Photographs, 19th century, comprising: Carlo Naya (Italian, 1816-1882), two (2) albumen prints, comprising: "Arsenale di Venezia" and "Canova's Tomb, Venezia", inscribed in pencil lower right, both stamped "Naya Fotograpfa Venezia" to lower center, eight (8) gelatin silver prints, comprising: Miramar Castle, St Peter's Square, Interior of San Vitale, Capital of a Column in Ravenna, two (2) interiors of Galla Placidia, two (2) Duomo di Milano, and Vienna amphitheater. Largest image: 14" H x 10.75" W; mat: 18" H x 12.75" W. Provenance: From a New York City Collection. Keywords: Photography, Black and white photographs, Street photography, Historical, Architecture photography, Prints, Still photo, Travel, Antique

        Auctions at Showplace
      • Carlo Naya (attribuito a) (1816-1882) - Untitled (Venice, San Marco), 1860s
        Jun. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (attribuito a) (1816-1882) - Untitled (Venice, San Marco), 1860s

        Est: €250 - €350

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard cm 27,3 x 33,6 (cm 31,7 x 48,4 cardboard) | 10.7 x 13.2 in. (12.5 x 19 in. cardboard)

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Canale dell'Ospitale Civile, 1860s
        Jun. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Canale dell'Ospitale Civile, 1860s

        Est: €250 - €350

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard cm 27 x 35,4 (cm 31,8 x 44,8 cardboard) | 10.6 x 13.9 in. (12.5 x 17.6 in. cardboard) Photographer's didactic stamp on the verso of the cardboard

      • Carlo Naya (attribuito a) (1816-1882) - Venezia, Palazzo Ducale e Prigioni (nocturnal), 1870s
        Jun. 18, 2024

        Carlo Naya (attribuito a) (1816-1882) - Venezia, Palazzo Ducale e Prigioni (nocturnal), 1870s

        Est: €300 - €400

        Albumen print cm 19,3 x 23,7 | 7.6 x 9.3 in.

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882), attr.
        Jun. 06, 2024

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882), attr.

        Est: £100 - £200

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882), attr. Carlo Naya (1816-1882), attr. VENICE, c.1865. A pair of albumen print views of Venice, pasted down to period card, image sizes 260 x 350mm and 270 x 353mm, sheet sizes 415 x 550mm, each numbered in the negative. Comprising views of the Rialto Bridge and the Palazzo Ducale.

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Carlo Naya, Untitled (Venice), 1870-1880s
        Jun. 04, 2024

        Carlo Naya, Untitled (Venice), 1870-1880s

        Est: €1,800 - €2,000

        One print with photographer's name in the negative lower right, reference number and title lower left, eight prints with handwritten reference number in the negative lower right, thereof six prints with printed captions in French in the lower margin. Subjects: 116. Barque de Chioggia conduisant des femmes du peuple au bain - Ile de Chioggia près Venise 121. Untitled (Young woman) 123. Untitled (Woman with fish basket) 125. Pecheurs raccomodant les filets et une marchande de citrouille rotie - Ile de Chioggia près Venise 126. Pecheurs portant ses filets - Ile de Chioggia près Venise 135. Untitled (Genre scene by the fountain) 136. Type d'un gondolier - Venise 140. Des mendiants - Venise 147. Vieux marchand de poissons debout - Venise 191. Pescheria - Venezia

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, San Marco district with Doge's Palace, around 1880, albumen paper print
        Apr. 27, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, San Marco district with Doge's Palace, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: Bird's eye view of the San Marco district with the Doge's Palace and St Mark's Tower as well as large and small ships on the water, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise. Vue prise de l'île de S. Giorgio - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: The picture, taken from the platform above the bell tower of the church of San Giorgio, shows a particularly frequently used motif that has helped to create those clichés in the minds of tourists and collectors that have become iconic for the lagoon city: The San Marco district with the sights of the Palazzo Ducale, the Basilica and domes of San Marco, the Campanile and Library of Sansovino. The Campanile forms a vertical axis, while the horizontal is emphasised by the horizon line in the distance and the coastline in front of San Marco, as well as the steamer in the foreground. Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on reproductions or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world cultural heritage, lagoon, Basilica di San Marco, St Mark's Basilica, St Mark's Tower, Campanile, Doge's Palace, island, ships, lagoon city, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper prin
        Apr. 27, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper prin

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View over St Mark's Square to the Doge's Palace, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Vue générale du palais des Doges - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high detail sharpness. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights in their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on copies or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world cultural heritage, Doge's Palace, Palazzo Ducale, St Mark's Basilica, gothic architecture, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Libreria di San Marco, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper print
        Apr. 27, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Libreria di San Marco, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View from the north across the Piazzetta to the Libreria di San Marco with passers-by, on the right in the foreground the Campanile with the Loggetta, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - La Loggetta et l'ancienne Bibliothéque, auj. Palais Royal". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high detail sharpness. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights in their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on copies or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, world cultural heritage, St Mark's Square, St Mark's Library, Library of San Marco, Libreria Marciana, Biblioteca Marciana, Libreria Sansoviniana, Libreria di San Marco, library building, Piazzetta, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Rialto Bridge, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        Apr. 27, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Rialto Bridge, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View across the Grand Canal to the Rialto Bridge, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Pont du Rialto -". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high detail sharpness. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights in their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on copies or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge, world heritage site, arch bridge, renaissance building, gondolieri, Ponte di Rialto, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Venice seen from the bell tower, around 1880, albumen paper print
        Apr. 27, 2024

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Venice seen from the bell tower, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: Very nice, historical view, Venice seen from the bell tower with a view of St Mark's Square, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: At the lower part inscribed on the support: "Italien: Venedig vom Glockenthurm gesehen". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high detail sharpness. An early example of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from bourgeois circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken at great expense in terms of time and with expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site, so that they could bring back a souvenir from their holiday home or collect them as mementos. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer and the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights in their home cities and travelled themselves to photograph their customers' favourite destinations and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting the art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on copies or engravings if they were unable to view the original themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, St Mark's Square, Campanile, bell tower, view, Church of San Marco, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
        Feb. 29, 2024


        Est: €200 - €250

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Albumen print “N.60 RIVA OGNISSANTI”. 1880-'90.  CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Stampa all’albumina “N.60 RIVA OGNISSANTI”. 1880-'90. 

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Court of the Ducal Palace, Venice, 1860s/1870s
        Dec. 12, 2023

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Court of the Ducal Palace, Venice, 1860s/1870s

        Est: €300 - €500

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard cm 27,2 x 35,4 (cm 31,7 x 38,2 cartoncino) | 10.7 x 13.9 in. (12.4 x 15 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blind stamp on the cardboard recto

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Veduta della piazzetta ed isola di San Giorgio, 1860s
        Dec. 12, 2023

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Veduta della piazzetta ed isola di San Giorgio, 1860s

        Est: €250 - €350

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard cm 27 x 35 (cm 31,5 x 44,8 cardboard) | 10.6 x 13.8 in. (12.4 x 17.6 in. cardboard) Photographer's credit blind stamp on the cardboard recto and photographer's credit stamp on the cardboard verso

      • Carlo PONTI (1820-1893) - Carlo NAYA (1816-1882) - Collection of 12 original and vintage photos
        Sep. 27, 2023

        Carlo PONTI (1820-1893) - Carlo NAYA (1816-1882) - Collection of 12 original and vintage photos

        Est: €100 - €300

        Collection of 12 original and vintage photos: (1) Carlo PONTI "Venice - Doge's Palace" Period albumen print laminated on cardboard with the dry stamp "PONTI Rivadei Schiavoni VENEZIA" 23 x 28 cm (31.5 x 48 cm). Very good state. c.1860. (1) Carlo NAYA "Venice - Interior of Saint-Marc" Period albumen print laminated on cardboard with the dry stamp "NAYA FOTOGRAFO" 27 x 35 cm (31 x 45.5 cm). Very good state. c.1860. We attach 10 photos of authors without stamp for identification including a very beautiful photo taken from the top of the portal of Saint-Pierre in Rome, vintage albumen print, 28.5 x 39 cm (31 x 43 cm). Very good state. c.1850 and two photos of the Piazzetta and the Lagoon of Venice attributed to NAYA, vintage laminated albumen prints, 25 x 36 cm (31 x 44 cm). Very good state. C.1860. Plus five photos of churches in Venice, albumen prints c.1860. Provenance: Pierre-Henri MAYEUX then by descent. Pierre-Henri MAYEUX (1845-1929) Government Architect: The Sacré-Cœur in Paris, the Museum of Decorative Arts, the École Polytechnique, the Sèvres factory… painter, draftsman and engraver, exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1873 . Works in museum collections, including the Louvre (decorator of the Sèvres vases placed in the large painting gallery), Orsay (drawings), Petit Palais (drawings)... Professor of decorative art at the École nationale des fine arts and author of reference books always republished including: La Composition decorative, 1885, Paris: Société française d'Édition d'Art et Fantaisies architecturales, 1898, Paris: Armand Guérinet. Delivery of the lots without transport costs to Paris (rue Drouot), Lyon or Marseille a few days after the sale or dispatch at the buyer's expense by the carrier of their choice. Réunion de 12 photos originales et d’époque : (1) Carlo PONTI "Venise - Palais des Doges" Tirage albuminé contrecollé d’époque sur carton avec le timbre à sec "PONTI Rivadei Schiavoni VENEZIA" 23 x 28 cm (31,5 x 48 cm). Très bon état. c.1860. (1) Carlo NAYA "Venise - Intérieur de Saint-Marc" Tirage albuminé contrecollé d’époque sur carton avec le timbre à sec "NAYA FOTOGRAFO" 27 x 35 cm (31 x 45,5 cm). Très bon état. c.1860. On y joint 10 photos d’auteurs sans cachet pour identification dont une très belle photo prise du haut du portail de Saint-Pierre à Rome, tirage albuminé contrecollé d’époque, 28,5 x 39 cm (31 x 43 cm). Très bon état. c.1850 et deux photos de la Piazzetta et de la Lagune de Venise attribuées à NAYA, tirages albuminés contrecollés d’époque, 25 x 36 cm (31 x 44 cm). Très bon état. C.1860. Plus cinq photos d’églises de Venise, tirages albuminés c.1860. Provenance : Pierre-Henri MAYEUX puis par descendance. Pierre-Henri MAYEUX (1845-1929) Architecte du Gouvernement : Le Sacré-Cœur à Paris, le musée des Arts décoratifs, l’École polytechnique, la manufacture de Sèvres… peintre, dessinateur et graveur, expose au Salon des artistes français dès 1873. Œuvres dans les collections de musées, dont le Louvre (décorateur des vases de Sèvres placés dans la grande galerie de peinture), Orsay (dessins), Petit Palais (dessins)... Professeur d'art décoratif à l'École nationale des beaux-arts et auteur de livres de références toujours réédités dont : La Composition décorative, 1885, Paris : Société française d'Édition d'Art et Fantaisies architecturales, 1898, Paris : Armand Guérinet. Remise des lots sans frais de transport à Paris (rue Drouot), Lyon ou Marseille quelques jours après la vente ou l'envoi à la charge de l’acheteur par le transporteur de son choix.

        Hotel des ventes de Lausanne
        Jun. 29, 2023


        Est: €400 - €600

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercelles,e 1816 - Venezia, 1882). Albumen print "WOMEN WITH BASKETS" CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercelles,e 1816 - Venezia, 1882). Stampa all'albumina "DONNE CON CESTI"

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
        Jun. 29, 2023


        Est: €400 - €600

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese, 1816 - Venezia, 1882). Albumen print "N.131 PONTE LUNGO-GIUDECCA" CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese, 1816 - Venezia, 1882). Stampa all'albumina "N.131 PONTE LUNGO-GIUDECCA"

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Veduta della Piazzetta e dell'isola della Giudecca dal balcone del Palazzo Ducale, Venezia, 1860s
        May. 09, 2023

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Veduta della Piazzetta e dell'isola della Giudecca dal balcone del Palazzo Ducale, Venezia, 1860s

        Est: €300 - €500

        Albumen print, applied on original cardboard cm 27 x 35,5 (cm 32 x 45,3 cardboard) | 10.6 x 14 in. (12.6 x 17.8 in. cardboard) Photographer's didactic stamp on the verso of the cardboard Contrary to many good craftsmen with an artistic background (many were former painters who had switched to the new art) and often simple origins, Carlo Naya belonged to a wealthy Piedmontese family: after the death of his father, he had travelled with his brother around Italy and the world before moving permanently to Venice. Here he discovered photography as a simple enthusiast, but the excellent results pushed him into the profession first as a supplier to Carlo Ponti's studio, then as an entrepreneur in a very popular shop cleverly located in the centre, under the Procuratie Nuove.

      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, San Marco district with Doge's Palace, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, San Marco district with Doge's Palace, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: Bird's eye view of the San Marco district with Doge's Palace and St Mark's Tower as well as large and small ships on the water, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise. Vue prise de l'île de S. Giorgio - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: The picture, taken from the platform above the bell tower of the Church of San Giorgio, shows a particularly frequently used motif that has helped to create the clichés in the minds of tourists and collectors that have become iconic for the lagoon city: The San Marco district with its landmarks the Palazzo Ducale, the Basilica and domes of San Marco, the Campanile and Library of Sansovino. The Campanile forms a vertical axis, while the horizontal is emphasised by the horizon line in the distance and the coastline in front of San Marco, as well as the steamer in the foreground. Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world heritage, lagoon, Basilica di San Marco, St. Mark's Basilica, St. Mark's Tower, Campanile, Doge's Palace, island, ships, lagoon city, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper prin
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper prin

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View over St Mark's Square to the Doge's Palace, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Vue générale du palais des Doges - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home towns and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world heritage, Doge's Palace, Palazzo Ducale, St. Mark's Basilica, gothic architecture, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View of the magnificent courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Cour du palais des Doges - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, photo album, world heritage, Doge's Palace, Palazzo Ducale, St. Mark's Basilica, gothic architecture, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Ponte della Paglia, Seufzerbrücke, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper p
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Ponte della Paglia, Seufzerbrücke, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper p

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View from the Ponte della Paglia to the Bridge of Sighs with the bas-relief of the drunken Noah, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, world heritage, Bridge of Sighs, Ponte della Paglia, Noah, drunkenness, bas-relief, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Cathedral, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, St Mark's Cathedral, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View across St Mark's Square to the main façade of the magnificent St Mark's Basilica with doves and passers-by, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Cathédrale de St. Marc - La facade principale - ". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, world heritage, St. Mark's Square, Basilica di San Marco, national monument, cross-domed church, church buildings, pigeons, passers-by, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Libreria di San Marco, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Libreria di San Marco, Venedig, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View from the north across the Piazzetta to the Libreria di San Marco with passers-by, the Campanile with the Loggetta in the foreground on the right, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - La Loggetta et l'ancienne Bibliothéque, auj. Palais Royal". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, world heritage, St. Mark's Square, St. Mark's Library, Library of San Marco, Libreria Marciana, Biblioteca Marciana, Libreria Sansoviniana, Libreria di San Marco, library building, Piazzetta, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Rialto Bridge, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Rialto Bridge, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: View across the Grand Canal to the Rialto Bridge, Venice, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: Lower middle inscribed on the support: "- Venise - Pont du Rialto -". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge, world heritage, arch bridge, renaissance building, gondoliers, Ponte di Rialto, 19th century, Historicism, Cities, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882), Bell Tower and Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882), Bell Tower and Doge's Palace, Venice, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €750 - €1,000

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice): Venice View of St Mark's Library, Campanile and Doge's Palace, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: At the lower part inscribed on the support: "Italien: Der Glockenthurm und Dogenpalast in Venedig". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, St. Mark's Square, San Marco, Doge's Palace, gondoliers, gondola, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
      • C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Venice seen from the bell tower, around 1880, albumen paper print
        May. 07, 2023

        C. NAYA (1816-1882) Circle, Venice seen from the bell tower, around 1880, albumen paper print

        Est: €600 - €800

        Carlo Naya (1816 Tronzano Vercellese - 1882 Venice) Circle: Very beautiful, historical view, Venice seen from the bell tower with view of St Mark's Square, c. 1880, albumen paper print Technique: albumen paper print, mounted on Cardboard Inscription: At the lower part inscribed on the support: "Italien: Venedig vom Glockenthurm gesehen". Date: c. 1880 Description: Original photograph with high sharpness of detail. An early testimony of travel photography. Around the middle of the 19th century, more and more tourists from middle-class circles travelled to Italy. At that time, photographs could only be taken with a great deal of time and expensive, unwieldy equipment. This made many tourists all the more grateful for the work of the professional photographer's studios on site to bring back a souvenir from afar for those who stayed at home or to collect as souvenirs. Famous photographers such as Carlo Naya, Giorgio Sommer or the Alinari brothers photographed the most famous sights of their home cities and went on journeys themselves to photograph the most popular destinations of their clients and offer them as albumen prints. Ancient art treasures were also photographed and offered to travellers. The high-quality photographs of sculptures and frescoes continued to make an important contribution to documenting art treasures and making them accessible to scholars from all over Europe, who previously had to rely on tracings or engravings if they could not view the original for themselves. Keywords: Italy view, documentary photography, architectural photography, travel photography, St. Mark's Square, Campanile, bell tower, view, San Marco Church, 19th century, Historicism, Architecture, Italy,

        Fichter Kunsthandel
        Apr. 20, 2023


        Est: €200 - €400

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Albumin print on cardboard “N.350 VENICE PALAZZO VENDRAMIN”. Title lower left. CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Stampa all’albumina su cartone “N.350 VENEZIA PALAZZO VENDRAMIN”. Titolo in basso a sinistra.

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
        Apr. 20, 2023


        Est: €300 - €600

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Album print on cardboard “N.165 DONNE AL POZZO”. Number and title written lower left. 20x25 cm on 26x36 cm paper. CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Stampa all’albumina su cartone “N.165 DONNE AL POZZO”. Numero e titolo scritti in basso a sinistra. 20x25 cm su carta 26x36 cm.

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
        Apr. 20, 2023


        Est: €200 - €400

        CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Albumin print “N.60 RIVA OGNISSANTI”. 1880-'90.  CARLO NAYA (Tronzano Vercellese 1816-Venezia 1882). Stampa all’albumina “N.60 RIVA OGNISSANTI”. 1880-'90. 

        Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
      • Giacomo Brogi / Adolphe Braun / Paolo Lombardi und andere Fotografen, Ca. 57 Ansichten aus Italien. Überwiegend 2nd half 19th cent.
        Dec. 03, 2022

        Giacomo Brogi / Adolphe Braun / Paolo Lombardi und andere Fotografen, Ca. 57 Ansichten aus Italien. Überwiegend 2nd half 19th cent.

        Est: €950 - €1,100

        Giacomo Brogi 1822 Florenz – 1881 ebenda Fratelli Alinari S. p. A. 1852 Florenz – existiert bis heute Adolphe Braun 1812 Besançon – 1877 Dornach Hippolyte Deroche 19. Jh. Paolo Lombardi tätig um 1860-1880 Carlo Naya 1816 Tronzano Vercellese – 1882 Venedig Carlo Ponti 1820 Ticino – 1893 Venedig (?) Giorgio Sommer 1834 Frankfurt am Main – 1914 Neapel Albuminabzüge und Silbergelatineabzüge, überwiegend vollflächig auf Untersatzkartons montiert. Teilweise mit einbelichteten oder trockengestempelten Fotografen- bzw. Studiobezeichnungen. Mit neun Abzügen von Giacomo Brogi, vier Abzügen von Paolo Lombardi, sechs Abzügen der Fratelli Alinari, fünf Abzügen von Ernesto Richter, zwei Abzügen von Giorgio Sommer, jeweils einem Abzug von Carlo Naya, Carlo Ponti, Hippolyte Deroche (?), Fratelli d''Alessandri und Adolphe Braun sowie 26 Abzügen anonymer Fotografen. Giacomo Brogi 1822 Florenz – 1881 ebenda Studium an der ABA Florenz. 1860 Gründung eines eigenen Fotoateliers in Florenz, ab 1869 Niederlassungen in Rom und Neapel. Ab 1871 Teilnahme an nationalen und internationalen Ausstellungen. Seit 1878 Hoffotograf von König Vittorio Emanuele und Umberto I. Brogi, trat als Mitbegründer der fotografischen Gesellschaft in Italien hervor und war einer der wichtigsten italienischen Fotografen des 19. Jh. Fratelli Alinari S. p. A. 1852 Florenz – existiert bis heute Das Florentinische Unternehmen gehört zu den ältesten fotografischen Gesellschaften der Welt. Zunächst spezialisiert auf die Fotografie von Menschen und Kunstwerken, wandte man sich später auch der Fertigung von Lichtdrucken zu. Das Unternehmen besteht bis heute und ist spezialisiert auf Kunstdrucke auf höchstem Niveau aber beispielsweise auch auf die Restaurierung historischer Fotografien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der örtlichen Universität wird außerdem ein digitales Bildarchiv betrieben, das sich aus dem firmeneigenen Bestand von über 300.000 Bildern speist. Adolphe Braun 1812 Besançon – 1877 Dornach Französischer Textildesigner und Fotograf. Zunächst als Designer von Stoffmustern und Zeichner tätig, 1847 Wechsel zur Fotografie, 1850 Eröffnung eines eigenen Ateliers in Dornach, ab 1868 auch in Paris. Ab den frühen 1860er Jahren lag sein Hauptinteresse in der Herstellung von topografischen Ansichten Europas. Später Hinwendung zur Reproduktion von Kunstwerken. Während des Deutsch-Französischen Kriegs fotografische Dokumentation der Kriegsschäden, v.a. in Paris. Carlo Naya 1816 Tronzano Vercellese – 1882 Venedig Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Pisa, Abschluss 1840. Danach Reise durch Europa, mit Aufenthalt in Prag. Um 1846 Experimente mit Daguerreotypien in Kostantinopel. Ab 1857 ansässig in Venedig, Eröffnung eines Fotostudios. 1868 Eröffnung eines großen Fotostudios in der Nähe des Markusplatzes. Auszeichnungen 1862 bei der Londoner Weltausstellung, 1869 bei einer Ausstellung in Groningen, 1872 in Triest und Dublin. Naya gilt als wichtiger Reise- und Architekturfotograf des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seltener sind seine Porträts und Alltagsaufnahmen von Venedig. Carlo Ponti 1820 Ticino – 1893 Venedig (?) Optiker und Fotograf, tätig in Venedig. Erfinder des Megalethoskps sowie des Alethoskops. Optiker von König Victor Emanuel II von Italien.

        Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
      • Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Ponte dei sospiri. [1880 ca.].
        Dec. 01, 2022

        Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Ponte dei sospiri. [1880 ca.].

        Est: €900 - €1,800

        Albumina, mm. 545x420, in alcune parti colorata a mano; applicata su cartone, mm. 620x507 e montata in un vecchio passepartout (ingiallito e con residui di colla di un'antica incorniciatura). Stampa in buono stato. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Basilica di San Marco. [1880 ca.].
        Dec. 01, 2022

        Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Basilica di San Marco. [1880 ca.].

        Est: €900 - €1,800

        Albumina, mm. 435x550, colorata a mano e applicata su cartone, mm. 550x750, con una riquadratura a inchiostro lungo i bordi della stampa. Nell'immagine, in basso a sinistra: "CHIESA S. MARCO" (iscrizione nel negativo). Stampa in buono stato, cartone di supporto con depositi di polvere e sporco soprattutto sul verso. (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Piazza San Marco. [1880 ca.].
        Dec. 01, 2022

        Carlo Naya [attribuito a], Venezia. Piazza San Marco. [1880 ca.].

        Est: €100 - €200

        Albumina colorata a mano, mm. 179x237. Buono stato di conservazione, piccola lacuna all'angolo in alto a destra e una macchia a destra (in corrispondenza del cielo). (1)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Carlo Naya, Lotto di due albumine di Venezia. [1860-1865].
        Dec. 01, 2022

        Carlo Naya, Lotto di due albumine di Venezia. [1860-1865].

        Est: €400 - €800

        Due albumine, mm. 195x256 circa, su cartone, mm. 280x355 circa. 1) Veduta di Palazzo Ducale. Reca il numero "22" nell'immagine in basso a sinistra (inscritto nel negativo) e, sul supporto, la didascalia manoscritta a inchiostro: "Palazzo Ducale e Prigione". 2) Veduta della Piazzetta e della Basilica di San Marco. Con il numero "182." inscritto nel negativo, in basso a sinistra. Stampe in buono stato (ingiallimento). (2)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Carlo Naya, Lotto di due vedute di Venezia. [1860-1864].
        Dec. 01, 2022

        Carlo Naya, Lotto di due vedute di Venezia. [1860-1864].

        Est: €800 - €1,600

        1) Chiesa di Santa Fosca a Torcello. Albumina, mm. 271x354, su cartone originale, mm. 322x456; nell'immagine, in basso a sinistra, numero "218" (inscritto nel negativo). Sul supporto, in basso al centro, timbro a secco: "NAYA / FOTOGRAFO / VENEZIA". Sul verso, al centro del cartone di supporto, didascalia stampata con le varie indicazioni editoriali: "N. 218 VENEZIA. / Chiesa di Santa Fosca a Torcello. / [segue il titolo anche in francese, inglese e tedesco] / C. Naya fotografo in Venezia. / Riva Schiavoni N. 4206". 2) Porta dell'Arsenale. Albumina, mm. 338x265, su cartone originale, mm. 443x300, che reca sul verso, in caratteri a stampa, la didascalia "Grand porte de l'Arsenal." con note storiche sul monumento (in francese, nel genere delle edizioni di Carlo Ponti). Stampe in buono stato, cartoni ingialliti e con lacune agli angoli. (2)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      • Naya, C. (1816-1882). Lot of 9 views of palaces and churches in Venice,
        Nov. 23, 2022

        Naya, C. (1816-1882). Lot of 9 views of palaces and churches in Venice,

        Est: €250 - €350

        Naya, C. (1816-1882). Lot of 9 views of palaces and churches in Venice, albumen prints, all 34x25 cm. (1x sl. larger), all laid down on orig. mount. - All fine (1x w. vaguely misprinted portion). = All views identified in contemp. French hand on verso of mount, i.a. "Palais Lucrezia-Borgia d'avant la restauration", "Palais Pesaro sur la grande Canal", "Logette sur la tour du St. Marc" and (printed on verso:) "Veduta della Piazzetta con Gondola presa dall' Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore" (the latter is the first print of Naya's collection of views in "Ricordo di Venezia").

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Naya, C. (1816-1882). "Ricordo di Venezia".
        Nov. 23, 2022

        Naya, C. (1816-1882). "Ricordo di Venezia".

        Est: €600 - €800

        Naya, C. (1816-1882). "Ricordo di Venezia". Venice, 1876, 20 mounted albumen prints, all 25x34 cm., orig. giltlettered and blindst. cl., obl. folio. - All prints in fine condition. Upper hinge of album split; album worn and duststained along margins; some nibbled spots on covers. = Provenance (in contemp. pen and ink on verso first free endpaper): "Aan mijnen vriend Frans Hendriichs tot aandenken aan mijn zwager A.H. Kuinders op den 10den December 1870 te Venetië overleden. [signed:] F.Th. Westerwoudt". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE VI.

        Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia al chiaro di luna: Scala dei Giganti e Palazzo Ducale, 1870s
        Nov. 16, 2022

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia al chiaro di luna: Scala dei Giganti e Palazzo Ducale, 1870s

        Est: €300 - €400

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard 10.5 x 13.8 in. (15.4 x 18.7 in. cardboard) Photographer's title and credit printed on the cardboard recto

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia al chiaro di luna, 1870s
        Nov. 16, 2022

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia al chiaro di luna, 1870s

        Est: €300 - €400

        Albumen print applied on original cardboard 10.6 x 14 in. (15.4 x 18.6 in. cardboard) Photographer's title and credit printed on the cardboard recto

      • Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Corte dei Preti ; Palazzo sul Canal Grande, 1900s
        Nov. 16, 2022

        Carlo Naya (1816-1882) - Venezia, Corte dei Preti ; Palazzo sul Canal Grande, 1900s

        Est: €400 - €500

        Two albumen prints applied recto verso on orginal cardboard 7.7 x 10 in. ; 9.7 x 7.6 in. (10.2 x 12.9 in. cardboard) Title on negative of one print

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