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Pietro Antonio (1729) Novelli Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, b. 1729 - d. 1804

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      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804)
        Feb. 25, 2025

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804) Volto di uomo con turbante Olio su tela 73 x 48,5 cm Pietro Antonio si formò nel fertile crogiolo veneziano della metà del Settecento, probabilmente nella bottega di Jacopo Amigoni, comunque interessandosi di quanto dipinto da Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta e Gaspare Diziani, dei quali mostra l’influsso. Frequentò l’Accademia di Pittura locale e a partire dai trent’anni operò in laguna e nel territorio veneto sebbene imperversasse lo stile di Giambattista Tiepolo e della sua cerchia. La fama giunse a Caterina II di Russia, che gli ordinò il dipinto con La famiglia di Enea, eseguito nel 1772, e collocato all’Ermitage accanto a Chirone consegna Achille a Teti di Pompeo Batoni. Nel 1773-74 soggiornò a Bologna, dove probabilmente ebbe modo di vedere personalmente le opere dei Gandolfi, viste certe consonanze espressive. Nel 1779 si trasferì a Roma, dove ebbe modo di vedere gli amatissimi Raffaello e Michelangelo. Coinvolto nel clima del Neoclassico variò la sua pittura in uno stile più sobrio e geometrizzante. Nell’ultima parte della sua vita, tornato a Venezia si prodigò nelle commissioni ecclesiastiche e di decoro di palazzi nobiliari sparsi tra la laguna, il territorio della Serenissima e in Friuli. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729 - 1804) Face of a Man with Turban Oil on canvas 73 x 48,5 cm

        Lucas Aste
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli 1729 Venezia-1804 Venezia Figura femminile con brocca e anfora
        Dec. 12, 2024

        Pietro Antonio Novelli 1729 Venezia-1804 Venezia Figura femminile con brocca e anfora

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        penna e inchiostro bruno su carta, reca iscrizione in basso a sinistra

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI
        Sep. 23, 2024

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI

        Est: €1,200 - €1,500

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (Venise, 1729 - 1804 ) Scène de théâtre avec personnages en costumes orientaux Plume et encre brune, lavis brun sur traits de crayon 30.0 x 24.0 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Me Renaud, 15 mars 1983, n°64 (comme attribué à Francesco Fontebasso) ; Collection particulière, Paris Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (Venise, 1729 - 1804 ) 30.0 x 24.0 cm

        Sep. 20, 2024


        Est: CHF1,000 - CHF1,500

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (1729 Venice 1804) The Archangel Michael. Design for the altarpiece in the church of St Bartholomeo in Venice 1798. Pen and brush and black and grey ink. Signed and dated on left margin in pen and black ink: Petrus Ant. Novelli Venetus Pinxit Anno MDCCXCVIII. Inscribed below the image: Pala d'Altare Chiesa di S. Bartolomeo di Venezia... 49 x 29 cm (round top) Framed. ------------------------------------------------- PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (1729 Venedig 1804) Der Erzengel Michael. Entwurf für das Altarbild in der Kirche St. Bartholomeo in Venedig. 1798. Feder und Pinsel in Schwarz und Grau. Am linken Rand mit schwarzer Feder signiert und datiert: Petrus Ant. Novelli Venetus Pinxit Anno MDCCXCVIII. Unterhalb der Darstellung bezeichnet: Pala d'Altare Chiesa di S. Bartolomeo di Venezia... 49 x 29 cm (oben gerundet). Gerahmt.

        Koller Auctions
      • A vision of the Madonna and Child with Saint Dominic
        Jul. 03, 2024

        A vision of the Madonna and Child with Saint Dominic

        Est: £6,000 - £8,000

        Property of a Private Collector Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729 - 1804) A vision of the Madonna and Child with Saint Dominic Pen and black ink and watercolour, over traces of black chalk, arched top; signed and dated, lower left: PETRUS ANTONIUS NOVELLI VENETUS / PINXIT ANNO MCCCXCVI 485 by 254 mm

      • Pietro Antonio Novelli 1729 Venezia-1804 Venezia Figura femminile con brocca e anfora
        Jun. 13, 2024

        Pietro Antonio Novelli 1729 Venezia-1804 Venezia Figura femminile con brocca e anfora

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        reca iscrizione in basso a sinistra

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729-Venezia 1804). Figure in seascape with boat
        Apr. 19, 2024

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729-Venezia 1804). Figure in seascape with boat

        Est: €400 - €600

        Red pencil and grey wash on laid paper. 163 x 115mm

        Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Nicolas apaise la tempête Plume et encre de Chine, lavis d'encre de Chine, sur trai..
        Mar. 20, 2024

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Nicolas apaise la tempête Plume et encre de Chine, lavis d'encre de Chine, sur trai..

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Nicolas apaise la tempête Plume et encre de Chine, lavis d'encre de Chine, sur trait de crayon, cintré en partie supérieure Filigrane 'A S' couronné Sans cadre Saint Nicholas calms the storm, pen and india ink, wash of india ink, pencil, by P. A. Novelli h: 49,50 w: 27 cm Provenance : Collection Émile Chambon (Genève, 1905 - Collonge-Bellerive, 1993), peintre, Genève ; Collection particulière européenne Commentaire : La figure de la foi se retrouve dans un autre dessin de l'artiste conservé à l'Art Institute de Chicago représentant La Foi triomphant de l'hérésie (n° d'inv. 1963.761) Estimation 1 500 - 2 000 €

      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Philippe Néri et saint Louis de Gonzague devant la Vierge de Lorette, projet de maî...
        Sep. 26, 2023

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Philippe Néri et saint Louis de Gonzague devant la Vierge de Lorette, projet de maî...

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Venise, 1729 - 1804 Saint Philippe Néri et saint Louis de Gonzague devant la Vierge de Lorette, projet de maître-autel Plume et encre noire, lavis gris et aquarelle Signé du monogramme de l'artiste en bas à gauche (Reprise du motif au crayon au verso) h: 31,50 w: 21,50 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Berlin, Bassenge, 27 novembre 2011, n°6746 Estimation 800 - 1 200 €

        Jun. 21, 2023


        Est: €2,000 - €2,400

        NOVELLI, Pietro Antonio. Tentazioni di Sant’Antonio. Visione. Disegni. 1729 – 1804 Foglio di mm. 260x200. Due disegni recto e verso a penna con inchiostro bruno su carta vergellata color avorio con traccia di filigrana. Ottimo stato di conservazione. Due disegni su unico foglio, nello stile rapido e incisivo tipico di Novelli: le Tentazioni al recto, la Visione al verso. Pietro Antonio Novelli nella sua formazione artistica si è basato sui grandi maestri veneti della tradizione, quali Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta e Gaspare Diziani. Nei numerosi affreschi e pale d'altare si notano anche elementi del Rococò veneziano, su cui ha influito la frequentazione di Jacopo Amigoni.

        Bado e Mart
        Mar. 29, 2023


        Est: £800 - £1,200

        Pietro Antonio Novelli,  Italian 1729-1804-  Diana the Huntress;  pen, black ink and grey wash on paper, 12.8 x 9.1 cm., (unframed).  Provenance:  Carlo Praya (1826-1900) (Lugt 2044).  Maria de Bernasconi, 1977 (inscription on the verso).  with Hill-Stone, USA.  Private Collection.  Note:  Novelli, a pupil of Jacopo Amigoni (c.1685-1752), was a prolific draughtsman and printmaker, and had an extremely successful career as a decorative painter in Venice and the surrounding terra firma. The present work constitutes a peak in Novelli's fluid and sensual draftsmanship. The subject is conveyed in strokes of grey washes, modelled in a darker ink with a finer brush. For a larger drawing of the same model in similar format, see Anon. sale, Christie's, Paris, 18 March 2004, lot 50 (€4,113). We are grateful to Dr Annalisa Scarpa for confirming the attribution to Novelli, based on inspection of high resolution photographs.

      • NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804) Saint Francis of Assisi
        Feb. 21, 2023

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804) Saint Francis of Assisi

        Est: €500 - €800

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804). Saint Francis of Assisi. Cm 22,00 x 30,50.

        Capitolium Art
      • NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804) Saint Luigi Gonzaga
        Feb. 21, 2023

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804) Saint Luigi Gonzaga

        Est: €500 - €800

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO (1792 - 1804). Saint Luigi Gonzaga. Cm 22,00 x 30,50.

        Capitolium Art
      • Pietro Antonio Novelil (1729-1804), Collection of Six Drawings of Male Heads
        Nov. 28, 2022

        Pietro Antonio Novelil (1729-1804), Collection of Six Drawings of Male Heads

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        Pietro Antonio Novelil (1729-1804), Collection of Six Drawings of Male Heads Indian ink on paper 30 x 17 cm Condition: For a detailed condition report, please contact us at info@hammersite.com

      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (attr. a)
        Jun. 09, 2022

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (attr. a)

        Est: €400 - €700

        (Venezia, 1729 - 1804) Apparizione della Vergine e San Francesco di Sales e Sant'Antonio Penna e acquerello su carta, cm 41X26 Databile alla fine del XVIII secolo, il disegno esprime una cultura pittorica indubbiamente veneta e neoclassica. Queste considerazioni conducono a confronti con le opere di Pietro Antonio Novelli e rammentano le parole espresse dal Pallucchini (Pallucchini, 1996, p. 477) sul felice 'equilibrio tra l'infatuazione del gusto neoclassico [...] e la tradizione tardo barocca alla quale era stato educato' a proposito degli affreschi realizzati dall'artista a Padova nei palazzi Pisani e Zigno. L'esecuzione di queste opere avviene dopo il 1784, ossia dopo il fortunato soggiorno romano in cui il pittore perfezionò il suo naturale talento nell'ornare 'quegli spazi progettati secondo i canoni di un elegante, domestico classicismo, come di un palladianesimo rivisto attraverso la lezione degli Adam' (Mariuz, 2005, p. 72). Bibliografia di riferimento: R. Pallucchini, La pittura nel Veneto. Il Settecento, II, Milano 1996, pp. 473-483 A. Mariuz, La pittura di storia a Venezia nella seconda metà del Settecento, in Antonio Canova. La cultura figurativa e letteraria dei grandi centri italiani, I, Venezia e Roma, Bassano del Grappa 2005, pp. 59-77 D. Ton, Padova, in La pittura nel Veneto. Il Settecento di Terraferma, a cura di G. Pavanello, Milano 2011, pp. 44

        Wannenes Art Auctions
      • Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) A Doge presented by St. Mark to the Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus and some saints
        May. 20, 2022

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) A Doge presented by St. Mark to the Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus and some saints

        Est: €400 - €600

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) A Doge presented by St. Mark to the Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus and some saints Pen, ink, gray wash. Tiled, pasted Attribuito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Un doge presentato da San Marco alla Vergine, al Bambin Gesù e a dei santi Penna, inchiostro, acquerello grigio. Quadrettato, controcollato 25,6 x 33,5 cm Un Doge présenté par saint Marc à la Vierge, à l'Enfant Jésus et à des saints Plume, encre, lavis gris. Mis au carreau, contrecollé Attribuito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Un doge presentato da San Marco alla Vergine, al Bambin Gesù e a dei santi Penna, inchiostro, acquerello grigio. Quadrettato, controcollato 25,6 x 33,5 cm

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Study for a church pediment: "God the Father and Angels"
        May. 20, 2022

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Study for a church pediment: "God the Father and Angels"

        Est: €300 - €600

        Attribué à Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Study for a church pediment: "God the Father and Angels" Pen, grey wash Annotated, in pen, in the upper left corner: "N°6" and "metri 2,50" Attribito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Studio per il timpano di una chiesa: "Dio Padre e degli angeli" Penna, acquerello grigio 20,7 x 64 cm Provenance: On the reverse side two stamps of the Mario Carena collection (Not listed in Lugt) Étude pour un fronton d'église : « Dieu le père et des Anges » Plume, lavis gris Annoté, à la plume, en haut à gauche : « N°6 » et « metri 2,50 » Attribito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI Studio per il timpano di una chiesa : « Dio Padre e degli angeli » Penna, acquerello grigio 20,7 x 64 cm Provenance : Au verso deux cachets de la collection Mario Carena (Non répertorié dans Lugt)

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1728 - 1804), A Venetian Lion, pen and brown ink with brown wash, sight size 10 7/8" x 15 1/2". Pro...
        Apr. 30, 2022

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1728 - 1804), A Venetian Lion, pen and brown ink with brown wash, sight size 10 7/8" x 15 1/2". Pro...

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1728 - 1804), A Venetian Lion, pen and brown ink with brown wash, sight size 10 7/8" x 15 1/2". Provenance: (From 1978 catalog), ex coll: Anna Bozza, Sotheby's, Rome, November 14, 1978, Lot 486, purchased by Cristiano Barozzi, Venice, May 24, 1990, receipt on back. Estate of Wallace Bradway, New Haven, CT.

        Nadeau's Auction Gallery
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804)
        Feb. 22, 2022

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804)

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venezia 1729 - 1804) Apollo e Aurora cacciano la Notte Inchiostro a penna e acquerello 315 x 480 mm Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729 - 1804) Apollo and Aurora chase the Night Pen and watercolor ink 31,5 x 48

        Lucas Aste
      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)
        Jan. 19, 2022

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)

        Est: €300 - €500

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Study of head and hand Sanguine Étude de tête et de main Sanguine H_25,7 cm W_18 cm Exhibition : 1977, London, Adolphe Stein Gallery, Masters Drawings, no. 75, pl. 69 (attribution by G. Knox) Studio di testa e mano Sanguigna Étude de tête et de main Sanguine H_25,7 cm L_18 cm Esposizione : 1977, Londra, Galleria Adolphe Stein, Masters Drawings, n. 75, pl. 69 (attribuzione di G. Knox)

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • Attribuito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)
        Jan. 19, 2022

        Attribuito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)

        Est: €600 - €800

        Attribuito a Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Group of three characters Pen, lavis grigio Groupe de trois personnages Plume, lavis gris H_20,4 cm L_24,6 cm Old attribution to Sebastiano Ricci Gruppo di tre personaggi Penna, lavis grigio Groupe de trois personnages Plume, lavis gris H_20,4 cm L_24,6 cm Antica attribuzione a Sebastiano Ricci

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)
        Jan. 19, 2022

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)

        Est: €500 - €800

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Il "Vecchio sabbadin" Pen and brown ink on paper with backing (tears, creases) Le "Vecchio sabbadin" Plume, encre brune sur papier contrecollé déchirures, pliures) H_31 cm L_21 cm Inscribed at the bottom / Annotations dans la partie inférieure : "Il vecchio sabbadin qui per fortuna Capitato é dal mondo della Luna Con tartare siffatte ed arti stranrane Che di cucina fa scappare i cani" (The old sabbadin here fortunately came from the world of the Moon With such tartare and strange limbs That he makes the dogs run away from the kitchen) Il «Vecchio sabbadin» Penna e inchiostro marrone su carta controcollata (strappi, pieghe) Le «Vecchio sabbadin» Plume, encre brune sur papier contrecollé déchirures, pliures) H_31 cm L_21 cm Iscritto nella parte inferiore / Annotations dans la partie inférieure : «Il vecchio sabbadin qui per fortuna Capitato é dal mondo della Luna Con tartare siffatte ed arti strane Che di cucina fa scappare i cani»

        Pierre Bergé & Associés
      • Attrib Pietro Antonio Novelli drawing Man Speaking
        Dec. 04, 2021

        Attrib Pietro Antonio Novelli drawing Man Speaking

        Est: $400 - $800

        Novelli, Attributed to Pietro Antonio (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Man Speaking, pen and ink, 4.75 x 4 inches, beautifully rendered drawing framed measuring 11 x 10.25 inches, Provenance: Rifkin-Young Fine Arts, Riverdale N.Y.; The Estate of Marc and Lillian Raeff, Tenafly N. J.

        Concept Art Gallery
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli – Felsige Landschaft mit Hirten (Shepherds in a rocky landscape)
        Nov. 24, 2021

        Pietro Antonio Novelli – Felsige Landschaft mit Hirten (Shepherds in a rocky landscape)

        Est: €3,000 - €4,000

        Black ink, with light brown wash on laid paper, laid down on firm wove. 21.7 x 31.4 cm. Inscribed lower right "G:B: Lazarini fece".

        Karl & Faber
      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)., L’adoration des mages., Encre brune sur papier., Signée et située en bas à gauche., Très légères piqures sur les rebords., Dimensions : 35 x 25 cm.
        Nov. 21, 2021

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804)., L’adoration des mages., Encre brune sur papier., Signée et située en bas à gauche., Très légères piqures sur les rebords., Dimensions : 35 x 25 cm.

        Est: €1,500 - €2,000

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804). L'adoration des mages. Encre brune sur papier. Signée et située en bas à gauche. Très légères piqures sur les rebords. Dimensions : 35 x 25 cm. Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804). The adoration of the Magi. Brown ink on paper. Signed and located lower left. Very slight pitting on the edges. Size : 35 x 25 cm.

        MJV Soudant
      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) Virgin and Child Seated in a Landscape with an Angel.
        Nov. 03, 2021

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) Virgin and Child Seated in a Landscape with an Angel.

        Est: $1,500 - $2,500

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) Virgin and Child Seated in a Landscape with an Angel. Pen and brown ink on cream laid paper mounted on card stock. 245x176 mm; 9 3/4x7 inches. Provenance: Private collection, Italy; private collection, Massachusetts.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Attributed to Pietro Antonio Novelli
        Oct. 22, 2021

        Attributed to Pietro Antonio Novelli

        Est: $200 - $400

        (Italian, 1729-1804) Two drawings from a sketchbook: The Annunciation, numbered "16", ink on laid paper, sight 4-1/2 x 3-1/8 in.; The Adoration, numbered "21", two customs stamps verso, ink on tissue, 5 x 4-1/2 in.; framed, largest, 15-3/4 x 12 in.

        Brunk Auctions
        Sep. 28, 2021


        Est: €1,400 - €1,600

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO III (1729-1804) Trompe l'oeil disegno e acquarello f.to in b.a ds. cm. 30x21

        Aste Boetto SRL
        Dec. 16, 2020


        Est: €2,000 - €2,300

        NOVELLI PIETRO ANTONIO III (1729-1804) Trompe l'oeil disegno e acquarello f.to in b.a ds. cm. 30x21

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Pietro NOVELLI (Venise 1729 - Venise 1804) Le Couronnement de l'empereur d'Autriche François II
        May. 29, 2020

        Pietro NOVELLI (Venise 1729 - Venise 1804) Le Couronnement de l'empereur d'Autriche François II

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Pietro NOVELLI (Venise 1729 - Venise 1804) Le Couronnement de l'empereur d'Autriche François II Plume et encre brune - mise au carreau au crayon noir. Numérotée en bas à droite " 123 ". Deux cachets non identifiés au verso. (Petite déchirure en bas à gauche). 52 x 75,3 cm sur deux feuilles jointes par le centre

      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) - A chained slave, seated on armory
        Jan. 28, 2020

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) - A chained slave, seated on armory

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) A chained slave, seated on armory gray and dark gray wash, black ink 17 ¾ x 13 3/8 in. (45 x 33.8 cm)

      • att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings
        Jan. 16, 2020

        att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings

        Est: $25 - $25,000

        att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings ink and wash on laid paper, each signed at lower right, sheets are laid on mat board, in uniform matting and framing. Sheet Size 14.5 x 10 in.; 19.25 x 14.25 in. Estate of the late Millicent G. Diehl, Sanford, North Carolina Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

        Leland Little Auctions
      • att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings
        Dec. 07, 2019

        att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings

        Est: $400 - $800

        att. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 - 1804), Two Drawings ink and wash on laid paper, each signed at lower right, sheets are laid on mat board, in uniform matting and framing. Sheet Size 14.5 x 10 in.; 19.25 x 14.25 in. Estate of the late Millicent G. Diehl, Sanford, North Carolina Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

        Leland Little Auctions
      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Design for a Birth Register.
        Nov. 05, 2019

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Design for a Birth Register.

        Est: $500 - $750

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Design for a Birth Register. Pen and black ink and bluish gray wash on cream laid paper. 210x305 mm; 8 1/4x12 1/4 inches.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) The Emperor Francis II Crowned by Faith and Peace, with Envy Vanquished Below.
        Nov. 05, 2019

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) The Emperor Francis II Crowned by Faith and Peace, with Envy Vanquished Below.

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) The Emperor Francis II Crowned by Faith and Peace, with Envy Vanquished Below. Pen and brown ink and black chalk, squared in black chalk, on cream laid paper. 518x744 mm; 20 1/2x29 1/4 inches. The letters AHF below a crown and three stars in a crowned cartouche watermark.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Young Woman Washing Linen.
        Nov. 05, 2019

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Young Woman Washing Linen.

        Est: $15,000 - $20,000

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (Venice 1729-1804 Venice) A Young Woman Washing Linen. Pen and black ink and gray wash on cream laid paper. 377x288 mm; 14 7/8x11 3/8 inches. Inscribed "Merivieschi invento" in brown ink, lower right recto, and annotated "La Meneghina presto xè Novizza, Cussi la lava, e piu no la se instizza" in ink, lower center recto. Large coat-of-arms watermark. Sold Christie's, Paris, March 18, 2004, lot 48; private collection, New York.

        Swann Auction Galleries
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  STUDI
        Oct. 01, 2019

        Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  STUDI

        Est: €800 - €1,200

        Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  STUDI PER UNA SACRA FAMIGLIA  penna e inchiostro, carta vergellata filigranata, mm 150x202    STUDIES FOR A HOLY FAMILY  pen and ink, laid paper with watermark, mm 150x202 

        Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
      • Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  ANGEL
        Oct. 01, 2019

        Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  ANGEL

        Est: €300 - €500

        Pietro Antonio Novelli  (Venezia, 1729  1804)  ANGELO IN VOLO  matita nera, penna e inchiostro, pennello e inchiostro acquarellato, carta vergellata, applicato su cartoncino, mm 125x97    A FLYING ANGEL  black chalk, pen and ink, brush and wash, laid paper, laid down on cardboard, mm 125x97    Iscrizioni  "... Antonio Novelli dis" a penna sul recto in basso a sinistra   

        Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
        Sep. 27, 2019


        Est: CHF600 - CHF800

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (1729 Venice 1804) Study for a head of a crowned bearded man. Pen in brown. Old numbering verso in red chalk: O. 372. 11 x 17 cm. --------------- PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (1729 Venedig 1804) Studie zum Haupt eines bekrönten bärtigen Mannes. Feder in Braun. Verso mit roter Kreide alt nummeriert: O. 372. 11 x 17 cm.

        Koller Auctions
      • Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Les sept Sacrements Plume et encre brune
        Jul. 07, 2019

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Les sept Sacrements Plume et encre brune

        Est: €7,000 - €8,000

        Pietro Antonio NOVELLI (1729-1804) Les sept Sacrements Plume et encre brune, lavis gris sur esquisse au crayon noir 24,5 x 34,5 cm chaque Un dessin avec des piqures, un autre avec une pliure l’ensemble des sept dessins Provenance : collection de S.A.I. le Prince Napoléon, sa vente, Nyon, Villa de Prangins, 30 octobre au 11 novembre 1950, n°433

      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) A young couple by a well, the woman feeding their child, and a donkey... pen and brown ink and watercolour 19 ¾ x 13 7/8 in. (50.3 x 35.5 cm)
        Jul. 02, 2019

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) A young couple by a well, the woman feeding their child, and a donkey... pen and brown ink and watercolour 19 ¾ x 13 7/8 in. (50.3 x 35.5 cm)

        Est: £12,000 - £15,000

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (Venice 1729-1804) A young couple by a well, the woman feeding their child, and a donkey approaching with inscription 'MATTIA/ DE/ PITOCHI' (recto) and with inscription 'Di Mattia de Pittochi/ Campagna [...] and 'No 36. 53.7.' (verso) pen and brown ink and watercolour 19 ¾ x 13 7/8 in. (50.3 x 35.5 cm)

      • "Via Crucis", a set of fifteen engravings on paper, according to the original drawing by Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804), consisting of frontispiece plus fourteen stations, individually framed, Italian, acidity spikes, small moisture stains, signed Bartholommeus Rizzi and dated 1788, Dim. - 14 x 9 cm
        Feb. 26, 2019

        "Via Crucis", a set of fifteen engravings on paper, according to the original drawing by Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804), consisting of frontispiece plus fourteen stations, individually framed, Italian, acidity spikes, small moisture stains, signed Bartholommeus Rizzi and dated 1788, Dim. - 14 x 9 cm

        Est: €500 - €750

        "Via Crucis", a set of fifteen engravings on paper, according to the original drawing by Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804), consisting of frontispiece plus fourteen stations, individually framed, Italian, acidity spikes, small moisture stains, signed Bartholommeus Rizzi and dated 1788, Dim. - 14 x 9 cm

        Cabral Moncada Leilões
      • "Tête de jeune garçon souriant" et "Profil de domestique", deux dessins dan
        Jun. 14, 2017

        "Tête de jeune garçon souriant" et "Profil de domestique", deux dessins dan

        Est: €300 - €400

        "Tête de jeune garçon souriant" et "Profil de domestique", deux dessins dans un même encadrement à la plume d'encre sépia sur papier collé en plein dont un rehaussé à l'aquarelle. Attribués à Pietro Antonio Novelli. Ecole italienne. Dim.:8x10cm et 9.5x7cm.

        Apr. 22, 2017


        Est: $300 - $500

        ATTRIBUTED TO PIETRO NOVELLI (1729-1804): JESUS AND MARY IN THE HEAVENS Ink and wash on paper tipped to paper, bearing inscription ''P. Novelli'' on the mount. 8 3/4 x 5 3/4 in. (sheet), unframed. Property from a Private Swiss Collector

        Mar. 31, 2017


        Est: CHF400 - CHF600

        NOVELLI, PIETRO ANTONIO (1729 Venice 1804) Lot of 3 studies: 1. Mary with the Infant Jesus 2. Virgin and Child on a chair 3. Sheet with two studies of Mary with the Infant Jesus in side view. Pen and brown ink. Old mounts, the framing lines each in pen and black ink. 14 x 10 cm, 13 x 12.5 cm and 19 x 13.4 cm. One sheet in gold frame. --------------- NOVELLI, PIETRO ANTONIO (1729 Venedig 1804) Lot von 3 Studien: 1. Maria mit dem Jesuskind 2. Maria mit Kind auf einem Stuhl 3. Blatt mit zwei Studien zu Maria mit dem Jesuskind in seitlicher Ansicht. Feder in Braun. Ältere Montierungen, die Einfassungslinien jeweils mit schwarzer Feder. 14 x 10 cm, 13 x 12,5 cm und 19 x 13,4 cm. Ein Blatt in Goldrahmung.

        Koller Auctions
      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Quatre couples de fgures de fan
        Mar. 22, 2017

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Quatre couples de fgures de fan

        Est: €4,000 - €6,000

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Quatre couples de fgures de fantaisies plume et encre noire, lavis gris, fligrane trois croissants avec initiales ‘A’ 41,2 x 29,4 cm. (4)

      • PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Homme debout drapé, tourné ver
        Mar. 22, 2017

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Homme debout drapé, tourné ver

        Est: €5,000 - €6,000

        PIETRO ANTONIO NOVELLI (VENISE 1729-1804) Homme debout drapé, tourné vers la droite, tenant un philactère ; et Homme debout drapé tourné vers la gauche, tenant un philactère plume et encre brune, lavis brun, rehaussé de blanc, sur papier brun 33,3 x 16,5 cm. (1) ; 33,4 x 17,1 cm. (2)

      • Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729 - 1804), Studi di teste.
        Jun. 14, 2016

        Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729 - 1804), Studi di teste.

        Est: €1,000 - €2,000

        Lotto di cinque disegni a penna e inchiostro bruno, uno solo ad inchiostro rosso, su carta bianca. 1) mm 190x123. 2) mm 95x75. 3) mm 63x84. 4) mm 87x75. 5) mm 105x85. (5)

        Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
      Lots Per Page: