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Igo Pötsch Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter, Landscape painter, Lithographer

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      • Pötsch, Igo (1884 Graz - Wien 1943), wohl
        Dec. 07, 2024

        Pötsch, Igo (1884 Graz - Wien 1943), wohl

        Est: €120 - €144

        Kanallauf mit Booten. Mischtechnik/Papier, re. u. monog. und verso bez. Igor Pötsch. 16x 26,5 cm. PP., in Berliner Leiste, 19. Jh.

      • Pötsch, Igo (1884 Graz - Wien 1943), wohl
        Sep. 21, 2024

        Pötsch, Igo (1884 Graz - Wien 1943), wohl

        Est: €150 - €180

        Kanallauf mit Booten. Mischtechnik/Papier, re. u. monog. und verso bez. Igor Pötsch. 16x 26,5 cm. PP., in Berliner Leiste, 19. Jh.

      • Yard in Kahlenbergerdorf, 1919
        May. 28, 2024

        Yard in Kahlenbergerdorf, 1919

        Est: €2,000 - €2,400

        oil on canvas signed and dated lower right 25,5 x 21,2 in rental frame Verso plaque from the artistwith descriptions regarding title and technique

        Lehner Kunstauktionen
      • Pötsch, Igo
        Oct. 14, 2023

        Pötsch, Igo

        Est: €80 - €120

        (1884 Graz - Wien 1943). Triumph(-Doppel-Malz-Bier) Austria-Brauer(ei, Wien-Neudorf). Nur die linke Seite des dplblgr. Plakats. Farblithographie bei Papier- u. Blechdruck-Industrie, Wien ca. 1910. 122,5 x 93 bzw. 94,5 cm. Mehrf. gefaltet. Vgl. PI 1843 im MAK (Österr. Museum f. angewandte Kunst). - Wenig knittrig, geringf. randrissig, 2 Falzeinrisse. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Pötsch, Igo
        May. 25, 2023

        Pötsch, Igo

        Est: €120 - €180

        (1884 Graz - Wien 1943). Triumph(-Doppel-Malz-Bier) Austria-Brauer(ei, Wien-Neudorf). Nur die linke Seite des dplblgr. Plakats. Farblithographie bei Papier- u. Blechdruck-Industrie, Wien ca. 1910. 122,5 x 93 bzw. 94,5 cm. Mehrf. gefaltet. Vgl. PI 1843 im MAK (Österr. Museum f. angewandte Kunst). - Wenig knittrig, geringf. randrissig, 2 Falzeinrisse. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Poster by Igo Pötsch - Autriche
        Feb. 11, 2023

        Poster by Igo Pötsch - Autriche

        Est: €180 - €400

        Autriche - 63,5x95, 1927 by Igo Pötsch (1884-1943)

        Van Sabben Poster Auctions
      • Igo Pötsch, "Habkirchen"
        Nov. 26, 2022

        Igo Pötsch, "Habkirchen"

        Est: -

        Igo Pötsch, "Habkirchen" Brücke mit dahinter liegendem Schloss, umgeben von einigen Bäumen, Deckfarben auf Karton, links unten signiert und datiert "Igo Pötsch (19)40" sowie betitelt "Habkirchen", minimal wasserrandig, unter Glas gerahmt, 66,5 x 73,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentl. Ignaz Pötsch, österr. Maler, Graphiker und Plakatkünstler (1884 Graz bis 1943 Wien), ab 1898 Besuch der Landeskunstschule in Graz und der privaten Kunstschule von Paul Schad-Rossa, ab 1904 als Lithograph in Dresden tätig, 1905–1914 künstlerischer Leiter der Nußdorfer Papier- und Blechdruck-Industrie, ab 1918 Beschäftigung mit der Malerei, 1926–28 Lehrer für Lithographie an der Graphischen Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Wien, 1930 Leitung des Spezialkurses für Lithographie an der Akademie für graphische Künste in Leipzig, ab 1938 Mitglied der NSDAP, 1938–43 Ausstellungsleiter des Wiener Künstlerhauses. Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer und Wikipedia.

        Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
      • Pötsch, Igo
        Oct. 15, 2022

        Pötsch, Igo

        Est: €160 - €240

        (1884 Graz - Wien 1943). Triumph(-Doppel-Malz-Bier) Austria-Brauer(ei, Wien-Neudorf). Nur die linke Seite des dplblgr. Plakats. Farblithographie bei Papier- u. Blechdruck-Industrie, Wien ca. 1910. 122,5 x 93 bzw. 94,5 cm. Mehrf. gefaltet. Vgl. PI 1843 im MAK (Österr. Museum f. angewandte Kunst). - Wenig knittrig, geringf. randrissig, 2 Falzeinrisse. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Pötsch, Igo.
        May. 13, 2022

        Pötsch, Igo.

        Est: €60 - €90

        Vom Weingelände Wiens. 6 Steinzeichnungen. Wien (1923). Fol. Mit 6 farb. lith. Taf. Lose in OU. - Jahresgabe der Ges. f. vervielf. Kunst. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Pötsch, Igo.
        Dec. 17, 2021

        Pötsch, Igo.

        Est: €80 - €120

        Vom Weingelände Wiens. 6 Steinzeichnungen. Wien (1923). Fol. Mit 6 farb. lith. Taf. Lose in OU. - Jahresgabe der Ges. f. vervielf. Kunst. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Pötsch, Igo: Blick über verschneite Berge
        Nov. 27, 2020

        Pötsch, Igo: Blick über verschneite Berge

        Est: -

        Pötsch, Igo — View over snowy mountains (Graz 1884-1943 Vienna) Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower right ''(19)18''. 64 x 64 cm. // Pötsch, Igo Blick über verschneite Berge (Graz 1884-1943 Wien) Öl/Lwd. Rechts unten sign. und dat. ''(19)18''. 64 x 64 cm.

        Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
      • Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt"
        Oct. 18, 2020

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt"

        Est: -

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt", Aquarell, ger/Glas, RG 40x30 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien"
        Oct. 18, 2020

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien"

        Est: -

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien", Aquarell, ger/Glas, RG 40x30 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Grinzing"
        Oct. 02, 2020

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Grinzing"

        Est: -

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Grinzing", Aquarell, loses Blatt mit Läsuren, Einrissen, Wasserflecken

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt"
        Oct. 02, 2020

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt"

        Est: -

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Eroica-Haus in Heiligenstadt", Aquarell, ger/Glas, RG 40x30 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien"
        Oct. 02, 2020

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien"

        Est: -

        Igo PÖTSCH (1884-1943) "Ansicht Alt-Sievering bei Wien", Aquarell, ger/Glas, RG 40x30 cm

        Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
      • Igo Pötsch (1884-1943)
        Nov. 21, 2017

        Igo Pötsch (1884-1943)

        Est: €400 - €600

        Igo Pötsch (1884-1943), Church in village with peasants by a river; pastell colours on paper; laid down on cardboard; framed.

        Deutsch Auktionen
      • Igo Pötsch attributed, Oil Painting “Alpine Pass”, around 1930
        Jan. 16, 2017

        Igo Pötsch attributed, Oil Painting “Alpine Pass”, around 1930

        Est: €1,440 - €1,800

        Oil on wood Austria, around 1930 Attributed to Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) – Austrian painter Paintings by Igo Pötsch fetch up to 7.700 euros at international auctions Literature: Dr. Anne Hofmann-Heck, Der Maler Igo Pötsch, in: Der getrreue Eckart, year 17 (1939/40) Overall dimensions: 93 x 89 cm Very good condition This beautiful painting, which is attributed to the Austrian painter Igo Pötsch shows an Alpine landscape. The first spring dew revealed fields and meadows from the snow, while the mountain peaks remain covered in white. The depiction is rendered in a masterful expressive style in a thick layer of paint. A very similar landscape by Igo Pötsch is shown in an essay by Dr. Anne Hofmann-Heck in the famous monthly journal 'Der getreue Eckart' (year 17, 1939/40). The painting is in very good condition. It is created in oil on panel; at the back is another, inchoate work. The dark, wooden frame shows some indentations and material loss. The dimensions are framed 93 x 89 cm, unframed 80 x 75 cm. Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) The Austrian painter Igo Pötsch was born in 1884 in Graz. He was a student of the artists H. A. Schwach and P. Schad-Rossa in Graz and studied under V. Mader at theGraphischen Lehr- und Versuchsanstaltin Vienna. From 1922 until 1928, he taught at this institution. Igo Pötsch’s works are part of the collections of theLandesmuseum Joanneum in Graz as well as theHistorische Museumin Vienna. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Vineyard in South Styria
        Nov. 23, 2016

        Vineyard in South Styria

        Est: €2,400 - €3,000

        oil on plate signed lower left 28;7 x 25;2 inch; original frame

        Lehner Kunstauktionen
      • Igo Pötsch, ‘The Historic Town in Linz’, Austria, around 1930
        Aug. 21, 2015

        Igo Pötsch, ‘The Historic Town in Linz’, Austria, around 1930

        Est: €140 - €182

        Watercolour on paper, mounted on card Austria, around 1930 Igo (Ignaz) Pötsch (1884-1943) – Austrian painter Signed lower right ‘Igo Pötsch’ Watercolours by Igo Pötsch fetch up to 3,000 EUR at international auctions Dimensions: 63.5 x 48 cm Good condition Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 400 EUR This watercolour drawing by Austrian painter Igo Pötsch depicts a fine view of the historic town in Linz with its beautiful baroque architecture. The shop windows reflect in many colours and the facades appear in light pastel, which is characteristic for baroque architecture. In the background, the tower of the parish church of the Assumption of Mary arises. The watercolour drawing is signed lower right ‘Igo Pötsch’ and is in a good condition showing slight signs of age and wear. There are few small holes in the lower left area. The sheet measures 63.5 x 48 cm. (cru) Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) The Austrian painter Igo Pötsch was born in 1884 in Graz. He was a student of the artists H. A. Schwach and P. Schad-Rossa in Graz and studied under V. Mader at the Graphischen Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Vienna. From 1922 until 1928, he taught at this institution. Igo Pötsch’s works are part of the collections of the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz as well as the Historische Museum in Vienna. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Igo Pötsch, Painting, Styrian Village Landscape in Summer, 1921
        Aug. 21, 2015

        Igo Pötsch, Painting, Styrian Village Landscape in Summer, 1921

        Est: €240 - €312

        Oil on panel Austria, 1921 Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) - Austrian painter from Baden near Vienna Signed and dated lower left ‘Igo Pötsch 21’ Dimensions: 48 x 48 cm Good condition Profiled frame Summer village landscape in Styria; landscape paintings by Igo Pötsch fetch up to €8,000 on the international auction market Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 700 EUR The painting presented here, executed in oil on panel, created by the Austrian painter Igo Pötsch in 1921. Shown is a vast pasture landscape with adjoining village in the surrounding of Styria, painted in a loose brushwork. The oil painting is signed and dated lower left ‘Igo Pötsch 21’ and is in good condition. It shows slight signs of age and wear such as slight marginal blemishes due to the framing, otherwise of good impression. The image measures 48 x 48 cm, the framed dimensions are 56 x 56 cm. The frame shows some traces of use. Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) Austrian painter Igo Pötsch was born in Graz in 1884. He was a student of the artist Heinrich August Schwach and Paul Schad-Rossa in Graz and studied under Victor Mader at the Institute of Graphic Arts and Research in Vienna where he taught from 1922 to 1928. His works are influenced by expressionism, but also show realistic tendencies. Igo Pötsch works can be found among others in the new gallery in the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz and at the Historical Museum of the City of Vienna. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Igo Pötsch (1884-1943), Oil Painting, Salomé, circa 1915
        Jun. 19, 2014

        Igo Pötsch (1884-1943), Oil Painting, Salomé, circa 1915

        Est: €6,400 - €8,000

        Oil on panel Austria, circa 1915 Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) - Austrian Painter from Baden near Vienna Signed lower left 'Igo Pötsch' Wide golden frame Overall dimensions framed: 80.5 x 120.5 cm; wooden panel 64 x 105.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Austria Erotic scene showing Salome with the Head of John, stylistically influenced by the Art Deco Outstanding work in the oeuvre of the Austrian artist This painting by Austrian painter Igo Pötsch originated around 1915. It is a rather untypical subject for the artist. Depicted is an erotic scene showing Salome with the Head of John, stylistically influenced by the Art Deco. Mainly active as a landscape and portrait painter, Igo Pötsch created here in a masterly way of painting one of the favorite subjects of the second half of the 19th century. Hardly any other Christian mythological female figure fascinated the artists, writers and composers as much as the figure of Salomé as the embodiment of innocence, cruelty and eroticism. The painting is signed 'Igo Pötsch'. It shows some age-related vertical tension cracks in the image carrier, otherwise overall of very good impression. The wooden panel measures 64 x 105.5 cm. The framed dimensions are 80.5 x 120.5 cm. The frame shows slight signs of use. Igo Pötsch (1884-1943) Austrian painter Igo Pötsch was born in Graz in 1884. He was a student of the artist Heinrich August Schwach and Paul Schad-Rossa in Graz and studied under Victor Mader at the Institute of Graphic Arts and Research in Vienna where he taught from 1922 to 1928. His works are influenced by expressionism, but also show realistic tendencies. Igo Pötsch works can be found among others in the new gallery in the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz and at the Historical Museum of the City of Vienna. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

        Auctionata Paddle8 AG
      • Igo Pötsch *
        Jun. 19, 2013

        Igo Pötsch *

        Est: €1,500 - €2,500

        Igo Pötsch * (Graz 1884-1943 Vienna) "Der Ödstein" (Johnsbachtal), signed, dated Igo Pötsch 27 on the back titled and signed, oil on plywood, 70 x 82 cm, in frame, (K)

      • Igo Pötsch * (Graz 1884-1943, Ausbildung an der
        Jun. 06, 2013

        Igo Pötsch * (Graz 1884-1943, Ausbildung an der

        Est: -

        Igo Pötsch * (Graz 1884-1943, Ausbildung an der Landeskunstschule Graz, Mitglied des Wiener Künstlerhauses) Bauernhaus in der Obersteier- mark, signiert Igo Pötsch, Aquarell auf Papier, Bildaus- schnitt 27,5 x 34,5 cm, Passe-partout, verglast, gerahmt Please Note: Opening Price €360

      • Pötsch, Igo, steir. Bildnis- und Landschaftsmaler
        Mar. 07, 2009

        Pötsch, Igo, steir. Bildnis- und Landschaftsmaler

        Est: - €1,200

        Pötsch, Igo, steir. Bildnis- und Landschaftsmaler (Graz 1884 - 1943): "Wien - Stadtansicht". Öl/Platte, signiert, datiert (19)40, 72 x 130cm, Rahmen (82 x 140cm). Lit.: Vollmer.

        Auktionshaus Mag. Johann Sebök
      • Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der
        Jun. 12, 2008

        Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der

        Est: - €750

        Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der Landeskunstschule Graz sowie der grafischen Lehr- u. Versuchsanstalt Wien) Dalmatinische Künste, signier t, datiert Igo Pötsch 29, Öl auf Sperrholzplatte, 71 x 81 cm, silberfarbiger Holzrahmen, gering bestoßen, abgerieben

      • Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der
        Jun. 12, 2008

        Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der

        Est: - €750

        Igo Pötsch (Graz 1884-1943 Wien, Ausbildung an der Landeskunstschule Graz sowie an der grafischen Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Wien, ab 1930 Mitglied des Wiener Künstlerhauses) Alter Bauernhof, handsigniert, datiert Igo Pötsch 16, Öl auf Karton, 64 x 60 cm, schwarzer Holzrahmen, Rahmen stark beschädigt, fehlen Teile

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