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Raphael (1560) Sadeler Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver, b. 1560 - d. 1628

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          • Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Dolor (Old age marred by sorrow).
            Nov. 22, 2024

            Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Dolor (Old age marred by sorrow).

            Est: €100 - €150

            Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Dolor (Old age marred by sorrow). Engraving after Maarten DE VOS, 21,6x25,2 cm. (image, incl. caption), numb. "4" in the plate. - Cut just outside the borderline and caption; sm. closed tear in centre caption. = Part of the series of 4 allegorical prints, also representing the Ages of Man. Janssen, Grijsaards in zwart en wit, p.98-100, ill. 38; Hollstein (R. Sadeler) 209; Hollstein (De Vos) 1465.

            Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
          • Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta.
            Nov. 22, 2024

            Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta.

            Est: €100 - €150

            Sadeler I, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta. Lot of 12 (of 60) engravings from the series, 19,5x15 cm. (borderline), 1615. = Incl. 2 duplicates. I.a. Sturmio, the 40 martyrs of Larich, Carolomanus, Cumbaldus and Gistarius, Sola van Solnhofen and Emaram of Regensburg. AND 1 other by the same from Trophaeum Vitae Solitariae.

            Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
          • RAPHAEL SADELER DER ÄLTERE : France-Vranckeryk.
            Oct. 19, 2024

            RAPHAEL SADELER DER ÄLTERE : France-Vranckeryk.

            Est: €400 - €480

            RAPHAEL SADELER DER ÄLTERE Antwerpen 1560 - 1632 München France-Vranckeryk. Seitenverkehrte Kopie nach dem gleichnamigen Kupferstich von R. Sadeler d. Ä. nach einer verschollenen Zeichnung von H. von Aachen. Kupferstich, anonym. Vgl. Hollstein 176. Ramaix (TIB) 7101.159 und New Hollstein (Aachen) 50, jeweils nicht erwähnte Kopie. - Mit dem Titel und franz. bzw. niederl. Text in der Platte. Auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: Bekröntes Wappen mit Fleur-de-Lys. 22,2 x 25,5 cm. Mit schwacher vertikaler Knickspur. Mit wenigen winzigen Fleckchen und etwas angestaubt. Ränder mit geringfügigen Papierquetschfalten und rechter Rand mit wenigen winzigen Bestoßungen. [bg]

          • SADELER, Raphael I (*1560/61 Antwerpen † 1622/28 München)/
            Jul. 20, 2024

            SADELER, Raphael I (*1560/61 Antwerpen † 1622/28 München)/

            Est: -

            SADELER, Raphael I (*1560/61 Antwerpen † 1622/28 München)/ AACHEN, Hans von (*1552 Köln † 1615 Prag), Kupferstiche, Satz von 4, "Hispania", "Germania", "Italia", "Francia", je 22 x 25,5 cm, KlappPpmontage, spätere Auflage

            zeitGenossen Antiquitäten - Kunst - Design
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Jul. 05, 2024

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €50 - €75

            (1560 Antwerpen - München 1632). S. Elisabetha Andecensis. Die hl. Elisabeth wäscht einem Armen die Füße. Radierung n. J.M.Kager aus "Bavaria Sancta", ca. 1615. Plgr. 27,8 x 19,7, Blgr. 40,5 x 29 cm. Mit den Namensz., Kopftitel u. lat. Text i.d. Platte. - Vgl. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum R.Sadeler d. Ä. AB 3.52.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Sadeler d. Ä., Raphael (Antwerpen 1560-1628 Venedig oder 1632 München),
            Jun. 07, 2024

            Sadeler d. Ä., Raphael (Antwerpen 1560-1628 Venedig oder 1632 München),

            Est: €120 - €180

            Maria Magdalena in der Wüste. Kupferstich nach M. de Vos. In der Platte sign. und dat. "Antverpiae 1583". 18,6 x 27,8 cm. - Auf Trägerkarton mont. - Hollstein XXI, 238, 110.

            Zisska & Lacher
          • Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). The Nativity.
            May. 17, 2024

            Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). The Nativity.

            Est: €200 - €300

            Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). The Nativity. Engraving after Joos VAN WINGHE, 27x21,5 cm. (including the caption). - Trimmed (sl. unevenly) on/ just within the platemark (w. tiny loss of the image); sm. closed tear in left edge and tiny hole in caption below; upper left corner repaired; formerly folded. = Hollstein 13. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVIII.

            Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
          • Raphael Sadeler (1560-1628) - Marriage, one of the King's obligations
            Apr. 18, 2024

            Raphael Sadeler (1560-1628) - Marriage, one of the King's obligations

            Est: €260 - €320

            From a series of five prints: Schema seu speculum principum: Nuptials; in the foreground, a youth, wearing a garland of flowers and holding a flaming torch; to left, various symbols of marriage including, a canopied bed, a table laid for a feast and two chests filled with items from a dowry; to left, a procession passes by a church; to right, a tournament and a feast are in progress. Engraving made by Raphael Sadeler I after design drawings by Jan van der Straet.

            Old Master Print
          • R. Sadeler (1560-1628) - The unchastity of Emperor Antoninus, Joos Van Winghe
            Apr. 18, 2024

            R. Sadeler (1560-1628) - The unchastity of Emperor Antoninus, Joos Van Winghe

            Est: €320 - €460

            The unchastity of Heliogabalus (= Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus). This is one of a series of four plates showing the power of women over men: pl.4 [Holl. 180-183]. .....Heliobalus, officially known as Antonius was a Roman emperor. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, and lavished favors on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers. He wore women's clothing, preferred to be called a lady and developed a reputation among his contemporaries for extreme eccentricity, decadence, and zealotry.....By Raphael Sadeler, after Joos van Winghe Flemish, 1544 - 1603. Signed R.S fec: et excud … I a Winge in.

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler, Joos van Winghe - Solomon and his wives
            Apr. 18, 2024

            Raphael Sadeler, Joos van Winghe - Solomon and his wives

            Est: €360 - €480

            Solomon forced to idolatry by his wives. Interior of a large room with the king seated on a throne surrounded by fifteen women, one of them holding a statue in front of her. Signed in lower left corner of impression: "J a Winghe inuent." and "R. Sadeler fec. et excud.". Numbered in lower center .This is one of a series of four plates showing the power of women over men: pl.4 [Holl. 180-183]. By Raphael Sadeler, after Joos van Winghe Flemish, 1544 - 1603. Signed R.S fec: et excud … I a Winge in.

            Old Master Print
          • Christoph Schwarz, Raphael Sadeler - Allegory of death
            Apr. 18, 2024

            Christoph Schwarz, Raphael Sadeler - Allegory of death

            Est: €320 - €380

            Allegory of death, after Christoph Schwarz: a naked boy sitting with his right hand resting on a hourglass, a vase and a skull on the right; beyond, a funeral monument at right and wheat and flowers at left. The theme of the ears of corn and the few fallen grains around the skull are an equivalent of the ideas resurrection and expresses the idea that Man when dead and buried will be resurrected. The grains of corns create new plants. Within image: 'cum. grat. et privilegio S. C. M.' and 'Hodie mihi, cras tibi', and below: 'Cristoff Swarz pinxit, R. Sadeler scalpsit', with two lines of Latin inscription: 'Vita quid est hominis?... illa bonis brevis est'. Engraving made by: Raphael Sadeler I, after: Christoph Schwarz (1595-1592)

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler, Maerten de Vos - The Sanguinic temperament
            Apr. 18, 2024

            Raphael Sadeler, Maerten de Vos - The Sanguinic temperament

            Est: €280 - €340

            Flora of the personification of spring sits next to a youthful man in front of a pergola. They depict the sanguine temperament of the epicureans. In the back left some couples of love near a fountain. Dancing couples at the back right. On top signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, which correspond to the element of air. Under a four-line, Latin caption. Engraving by Raphaël Sadeler (I) after design by Maerten de Vos, publisher by Raphaël Sadeler in Antwerp in 1583 as part of a series of four plates (Hollstein 1482-1485).

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler, Maerten de Vos - The Choleric temperament
            Apr. 18, 2024

            Raphael Sadeler, Maerten de Vos - The Choleric temperament

            Est: €280 - €340

            Ceres with a sickle and ears of corn stands next to Mars, the god of war. Mars symbolizes the choleric, quick-tempered temperament. Weapons lie at his feet. Behind them plundering and arson-setting soldiers. Left Minerva. At the top left, middle and right signs of the zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, which correspond to the element of fire. Under a four-line, Latin caption. Engraving by Raphaël Sadeler (I) after design by Maerten de Vos, publisher by Raphaël Sadeler in Antwerp in 1583 as part of a series of four plates (Hollstein 1482-1485).

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler I., "Phlegmaticus" aus der Serie: "Die vier Temperamente" nach Maarten de Vos, Kupferstich
            Mar. 08, 2024

            Raphael Sadeler I., "Phlegmaticus" aus der Serie: "Die vier Temperamente" nach Maarten de Vos, Kupferstich

            Est: €250 - €350

            Raphael Sadeler I., "Phlegmaticus" aus der Serie: "Die vier Temperamente" nach Maarten de Vos, Kupferstich Raphael Sadeler I., 1560/61 Antwerpen -1628/32 München (od. Venedig), Kupferstecher, Grafiker, Zeichner, Reproduktionskupferstecher, Grafikhändler und Grafikverleger "Phlegmaticus" aus der Serie: "Die vier Temperamente" nach Maarten de Vos (1532-1603 Antwerpen), 17,5 x 21 cm, hinter P.p. und Glas gerahmt Raphael Sadeler I, "Phlegmaticus" from the series: "The Four Temperaments" after Maarten de Vos, copper engraving Raphael Sadeler I., 1560/61 Antwerp -1628/32 Munich (or Venice), engraver, graphic artist, draughtsman, reproduction engraver, print dealer and print publisher "Phlegmaticus" from the series: "The Four Temperaments" after Maarten de Vos (1532-1603 Antwerp), 17.5 x 21 cm, framed behind passepartout and glass

            K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
            Feb. 27, 2024


            Est: €2,500 - €3,500

            EUROPEAN SCHOOL (17TH/18TH CENTURY), SPRING Oil on canvas. Recanvased and restorations. Dim.: 98x111 cm. Note: after Jacopo Bassano (1510-1592), Venice, ca. 1577, today in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Gemäldegalerie, 4303). Based on this painting Raphael Sadeler I (1560/61-1628/32) published and engraving, ca. 1580 (British Museum, W,9.128). Bassano's Seasons from Vienna is considered the original version, but there are others, were Spring has different compositions (Museo del Prado, P000030; Galleria Borghese, inv. 003; Hermitage, ГЭ-1603 [wrongly registered as Fall]).

            Dec. 14, 2023


            Est: $400 - $600

            Raphael Sadeler I (Belgian, 1560/61-1628/32) After Maerten de Vos (Flemish, 1532-1603), Gratus odor Recreat Nares Offendit Acerbus, Etching, 1581. From the series: the five senses - Smell. Signed in plate. 10x13cm. See the Rijksmuseum Collection - https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/nl/collectie/RP-P-OB-7575

          • Two 17th C. Prints, R. Sadeler (2pc)
            Dec. 09, 2023

            Two 17th C. Prints, R. Sadeler (2pc)

            Est: $200 - $400

            Two 17th C. Prints: (1) Print of a figure praying before a cross with Latin text beneath. Signed lower right corner "R. Sadeler Sculp" (Raphael Sadeler, Flemish, 1560-1632). Good condition, set in wooden frame, measures: 10.75" H X 12.75" W X 1.5" D, (1) 17th C. Italian print of ships titled "Sub Philippo Secundo Gubernante Duce Parmae & Archid Marthia"., good condition, framed measures: 11.5" H X 13" W X 1.25" D, image: 5.75" H X 6.75" W.

            J. James Auctioneers and Appraisers
          • Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta.
            Nov. 24, 2023

            Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta.

            Est: €100 - €150

            Sadeler, Raphael (1560-1632). Bavaria Sancta. Lot of 22 (of 60) engravings, 19,5x15 cm. (borderline), 1615. - All w. extended border; partly w. glue stains shining through along edges. = Saints Bonifatius, Utho, Marinus and Theclanus, Lupus, Hartmannus, Aegil, Aurelia, Adelindis Antistata, Waltho, Emericus, Maximilianus. Eberhardt, Margretha van Antiochia, Pirminius, Erentrude, Florianus, Lucius, Petrus, Sebaldus, Sturmio, Maximus, Valentinus.

            Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
          • Sadeler, Johannes und Raphael
            Jul. 13, 2023

            Sadeler, Johannes und Raphael

            Est: €600 - €900

            (1550-1600 u. 1560-1632). 25 Kupferstiche nach M. de Vos. In den Platten num. und sign., nicht dat. (um 1600). Je ca. 15,5 x 20,5 cm (Blattgr.: 21,5 x 25 cm). Etw. späteres Hprgt. (Leicht beschabt und bestoßen). Thieme/Becker XXIX, 300 und 301 (Biographien). - Hollstein XXI, 153, 439-450 (Johannes Sadeler) und XXI, 244, 145-157 (Raphael Sadeler). - Es fehlen der gestoch. Titel und die gestoch. Widmung, die Kupfertafeln vollzählig. - Mit lateinischem Text unter der Darstellung. - Etw. fingerfleckig in den rechten unteren Ecken, leicht fleckig und gebräunt.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • RAPHAEL I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32) Fides
            Jul. 07, 2023

            RAPHAEL I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32) Fides

            Est: €120 - €200

            RAPHAEL I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32) Fides Planche de la série des Vertus. Burin d'après M. de Vos Légères taches petites marges. (Hollstein 165) 21 x 14 cm

            HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
          • Landscape with +J265Ruins
            Jun. 26, 2023

            Landscape with +J265Ruins

            Est: -

            Raphael Sadeler I (1560ca.-1628ca.) after Paul Bril (1554-1626) Landscape with +J265Ruins Etching, 207 x 270 mm (platemark); 250 x 310 mm (sheet) Hollstain 218 Fine impression on laid paper with watermark. Very good condition.

            Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
          • [Ermites.] Raphaël SADELER. (1560-1628 ou 1632). …
            Jun. 03, 2023

            [Ermites.] Raphaël SADELER. (1560-1628 ou 1632). …

            Est: €100 - €150

            [Ermites.] Raphaël SADELER. (1560-1628 ou 1632). « Théonas — Arnulphus. » Deux burins. Ca. 1595-1600. D'après Martin de VOS. (1532-1603) Planches No 7 et No 12 de la série Solitudo sive vitae patrum eremicolarum et Oraculum Anachoreticum. Légende de 4 lignes en latin et numéro. Dimension image : 165 x 205 mm Épreuves sur papier vergé. Coupées à la cuvette

            Rois & Vauprès
          • Raphael I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32)
            May. 13, 2023

            Raphael I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32)

            Est: €120 - €200

            Raphael I SADELER (1560/61-1628/32) Fides. Planche de la série des Vertus. Burin d'après M. de Vos. Légères taches petites marges. (Hollstein 165) 21 x 14 cm

            HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
          • Gilles Coignet by Sadeler - Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venvs.
            Apr. 27, 2023

            Gilles Coignet by Sadeler - Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venvs.

            Est: €300 - €450

            Venus, Bacchus and Ceres. Venus seated at the foot of a tree at centre, her foot resting on a stone block, Bacchus at left with wine leaves in his hair, Ceres at right and seen from behind with vegetables in her arms, Cupid holding an arrow next to Venus. Engraving made and published by Raphael Sadeler after Gillis Coignet (1542-1599). Signed in lower corners of impression: "Gillis Coingnet inuentor." and "Raphael Sadler f. et excud.". In lower part on a stone block: "Sine Cerere et Baccho / friget Venvs.".

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler I (1560-1628/32) - Virgin and Child
            Apr. 27, 2023

            Raphael Sadeler I (1560-1628/32) - Virgin and Child

            Est: €300 - €450

            This engraving by Raphael Sadeler was based on a painting by Peter de Witte (1548-1628), also called Petrus Candidus, a Fleming who worked with Vasari in Florence from 1559 to 1586. Tenderly, Mary holds her child lying on a cushion. The depiction of his nimbus floating above his curly hair is extraordinary. The scene is enclosed by an oval containing text in which Mary, as a glorious woman from heaven, is praised for offering her holy milk. The dotted background against which the oval stands out adds sophistication and delicacy to the ensemble.

            Old Master Print
          • RAPHAEL SADELER I (1560-1628) NAAR/ D'APRÈS/ AFTER MARTEN DE VOS (1532-1603)
            Apr. 27, 2023

            RAPHAEL SADELER I (1560-1628) NAAR/ D'APRÈS/ AFTER MARTEN DE VOS (1532-1603)

            Est: €600 - €800

            'The Five Senses', 1581. Series of five engravings. All signed in the plate, one dated. trimmed to or just inside the plate. Verso edges with traces of old mounting/adhesive residue. Mounted under two passe-partouts. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Description FR 'The Five Senses', 1581. Série de cinq gravures. Toutes signées dans le cuivre, une datée. Coupées jusqu'au cuivre ou juste dans l'image. Bords du verso avec des traces d'anciens résidus de montage/adhésifs. Montées sous deux passe-partouts. Provenance: Frans Leytens. Beschrijving NL 'The Five Senses', 1581. Reeks van vijf burijngravures. Alle getekend in de plaat, een gedateerd. Gesneden tot aan of net in de plaat. Verso randen met sporen oude montage/ kleefresten. Gemonteerd onder twee passe-partouts. Herkomst: Frans Leytens.

            Bernaerts Auctioneers
          • Raphael Sadeler der Ältere, "Die Heilige Familie"
            Feb. 25, 2023

            Raphael Sadeler der Ältere, "Die Heilige Familie"

            Est: -

            Raphael Sadeler der Ältere, "Die Heilige Familie" prachtvoller vielfigürlicher Kupferstich nach Hans von Aachen (1552 Köln bis 1615 Prag), siehe Hollstein 77, Kupferstich, rechts unten in der Darstellung bezeichnet "Hans von Achen incent: Raphael Sadeler fecit et exud." sowie datiert "1598", knitter- und rissspurig, Spuren von Farbe, auf Unterlagekarton und hinter Glas gerahmt, Darstellungs- = Blattgröße ca. 25,5 x 21 cm. Künstlerinfo: niederl. Kupferstecher und Kunsthändler (1555 Brüssel oder um 1561 Antwerpen bis 1628 Venedig bzw. 1632 München), entstammt einer alten niederl. Kupferstecherfamilie, Kupferstichschüler seines Bruders Johann (Jan, Joan) Sadeler des Älteren, welchen er später nach Deutschland und Italien begleitete, 1580 in Köln, 1582–84 in Antwerpen und Mitglied der Gilde zu Antwerpen, 1591–93 in München, 1601–04 in Venedig und anschließend nach München berufen, arbeitete zunächst gemeinschaftlich mit seinem Bruder, später mit seinem gleichnamigen Sohn Raphael Sadeler den Jüngeren, Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Nagler. Raphael Sadeler the Elder, "The Holy Family" Gorgeous polychrome copper engraving after Hans von Aachen (1552 Cologne to 1615 Prague), see Hollstein 77, copper engraving, inscribed lower right in the image "Hans von Achen incent: Raphael Sadeler fecit et exud." and dated "1598", creases and cracks, traces of paint, on backing cardboard and framed behind glass, size of image = sheet ca. 25,5 x 21 cm. Artist's info: niederl. Engraver and art dealer (1555 Brussels or c. 1561 Antwerp to 1628 Venice or 1632 Munich), descended from an old Dutch family of engravers. Engraver's pupil of his brother Johann (Jan, Joan) Sadeler the Elder, whom he later accompanied to Germany and Italy, 1580 in Cologne, 1582-84 in Antwerp and member of the Antwerp Guild, 1591-93 in Munich, 1601-04 in Venice and then appointed to Munich, worked first together with his brother, later with his son Raphael Sadeler the Younger of the same name, source: Thieme-Becker und Nagler.

            Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Feb. 18, 2023

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €40 - €60

            (1560 Antwerpen - München 1632). S. Elisabetha Andecensis. Die hl. Elisabeth wäscht einem Armen die Füße. Radierung n. J.M.Kager aus "Bavaria Sancta", ca. 1615. Plgr. 27,8 x 19,7, Blgr. 40,5 c 29 cm. Mit den Namensz., Kopftitel u. lat. Text i.d. Platte. - Vgl. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum R.Sadeler d. Ä. AB 3.52. - Tls. etw. knittrig, ob. wasserrandig, vereinz. fleckig, mittig Knicksp. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Sadeler, Johannes und Raphael
            Feb. 16, 2023

            Sadeler, Johannes und Raphael

            Est: €550 - €800

            (1550-1600 u. 1560-1632). 25 Kupferstiche nach M. de Vos. In den Platten num. und sign., nicht dat. (um 1600). Je ca. 15,5 x 20,5 cm (Blattgr.: 21,5 x 25 cm). Etw. späteres Hprgt. (Leicht beschabt und bestoßen). Thieme/Becker XXIX, 300 und 301 (Biographien). - Hollstein XXI, 153, 439-450 (Johannes Sadeler) und XXI, 244, 145-157 (Raphael Sadeler). - Es fehlen der gestoch. Titel und die gestoch. Widmung, die Kupfertafeln vollzählig. - Mit lateinischem Text unter der Darstellung. - Etw. fingerfleckig in den rechten unteren Ecken, leicht fleckig und gebräunt.

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Raphael SADELER – STEVENS. Paesaggio con cavaliere.
            Feb. 07, 2023

            Raphael SADELER – STEVENS. Paesaggio con cavaliere.

            Est: €1,000 - €1,200

            Raphael SADELER – Peter STEVENS. 1560-1629 Paesaggio con cavaliere. Bulino, mm. 208x273. Iscr.: al piede a sin.: P. Stephani inventor; a dx.: Ralph. Sadeler excud. Ampi margini. Ottimo stato di conservazione.

            Bado e Mart
          • Two 17th C. Prints, R. Sadeler (2pc)
            Jan. 28, 2023

            Two 17th C. Prints, R. Sadeler (2pc)

            Est: $300 - $600

            Two 17th C. Prints: (1) Print of a figure praying before a cross with Latin text beneath. Signed lower right corner "R. Sadeler Sculp" (Raphael Sadeler, Flemish, 1560-1632). Good condition, set in wooden frame, measures: 10.75" H X 12.75" W X 1.5" D, (1) 17th C. Italian print of ships titled "Sub Philippo Secundo Gubernante Duce Parmae & Archid Marthia"., good condition, framed measures: 11.5" H X 13" W X 1.25" D, image: 5.75" H X 6.75" W.

            J. James Auctioneers and Appraisers
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Dec. 17, 2022

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €50 - €75

            (1560 Antwerpen - 1632 München). Die Anbetung der Heilgen Drei Könige. Kupferstich n. Jacobo Bassano. 1598. Blgr. 26,4 x 20,7 cm. Über den Rand beschnitten. - Leicht fl. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Sadeler d. Ä., Johannes, und Raphael Sadeler (d. Ä.) (Brüssel 1550-ca. 1600 Venedig bzw.
            Dec. 02, 2022

            Sadeler d. Ä., Johannes, und Raphael Sadeler (d. Ä.) (Brüssel 1550-ca. 1600 Venedig bzw.

            Est: €240 - €360

            Antwerpen 1560-1628 Venedig oder 1632 München), 25 Kupferstiche nach M. de Vos. In den Platten num. und sign., nicht dat. (um 1600). Je ca. 15,5 x 20,5 cm (Blattgr.: 21,5 x 25 cm). Etw. späteres Hpgt. (leicht beschabt und bestoßen). - Thieme/Becker XXIX, 300 und 301 (Biographien). - Hollstein XXI, 153, 439-450 (Johannes Sadeler) und XXI, 244, 145-157 (Raphael Sadeler). - Es fehlen der gestoch. Titel und die gestoch. Widmung, die Kupfertafeln vollzählig. - Mit lateinischem Text unter der Darstellung.

            Zisska & Lacher
          • SADELER, Raphael (1561-1628)
            Sep. 30, 2022

            SADELER, Raphael (1561-1628)

            Est: €280 - €360

            Paysage avec scène rustique (1601) Gravure (23.3 x 29.7 cm) d'après Jacob de Bassan (1510-1592). Beau tirage sur papier vergé Marques de collection: Morisson, Marechal, Van Loock, de Ramaix et 3 autres

            Auctions Van de Wiele
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Jul. 09, 2022

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €40 - €60

            (1560 Antwerpen - München 1632). Ieiunium (Fasten, Verzicht). Maria Magdalena als betende Büßerin. Aus d. Folge von 6 christlichen Tugenden. Kupferstich auf Bütten n. M.de Vos. Blgr. 20,8 x 14,4 cm. Mit den Namensz., Kopftitel u. lat. Text "Qui dolet admissum..." i. d. Platte. Innerhalb d. Plattenkante geschn., seitl. mit Rändchen um die Darsst. Ho. 1181. Vgl. Rijksmuseum RP-P-1966-102. - Leicht gebr. u. schmutzfl., verso Montierreste. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Raphael I Sadeler (Antwerp 1560- Venice 1632), Death strikes the rich lady at the banquet, Flanders second half 16th century
            Jul. 07, 2022

            Raphael I Sadeler (Antwerp 1560- Venice 1632), Death strikes the rich lady at the banquet, Flanders second half 16th century

            Est: -

            Engraving made from a work by Giovanni Stradano (Bruges, 1523 - Florence, 2 November 1605). It bears at the top the inscription 'O mors quam amara est memoria tua homini pacem habenti in substantiis suis: etc Eccl. Cap. XLI.', at the bottom 'Divitibus mors dura venit, redimita corona Anguifera, et risus ultima luctus habet'. At the bottom it bears the inscription '...Stradan Academic Florentinus figurault' and 'Raphael Sadeler Sculpsit Venetiis'. Flaws present, unframed

          • Sadeler, Raphael - (Antwerpen 1560-1628 Venedig oder 1632 München),
            Jun. 03, 2022

            Sadeler, Raphael - (Antwerpen 1560-1628 Venedig oder 1632 München),

            Est: - €250

            "Sanguineus" - "Cholericus". 2 Kupferstiche nach M. de Vos. In den Platten num. und sign., bei R. Sadeler in Antwerpen, nicht dat. (um 1600). Je ca. 17,5 x 24 cm. - Jeweils auf Trägerkarton mont., unter Passepartout. (34) - Hollstein XXI, 194 und 196 (Abb. XXII, 194 und 196). - Aus der Folge "Vier Temperamente". - Mit zweizeiligem lateinischen Text in zwei Spalten. - Seitlich knapprandig, leicht wellig und gebräunt.

            Zisska & Lacher
          • Sadeler I, J. (1550-1600) and R. (1560-1628 or 1632). (Hermits).
            May. 20, 2022

            Sadeler I, J. (1550-1600) and R. (1560-1628 or 1632). (Hermits).

            Est: €80 - €100

            Sadeler I, J. (1550-1600) and R. (1560-1628 or 1632). (Hermits). Four engravings after M. DE VOS, each ±16,5x20,5 cm., all w. 4-line engr. caption in Latin and numb. below and artists' names, addresses and privilege in the image, unif. framed. - All but one trimmed to the platemark. = From i.a. the series Oraculum Anachoreticum. Helias, Theonas, Apollonius, Paphnutius.

            Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
          • Raphael Sadeler I (1561-1628), after Hans von Aachen (1552–1616): Spain
            May. 18, 2022

            Raphael Sadeler I (1561-1628), after Hans von Aachen (1552–1616): Spain

            Est: -

            Raphael Sadeler I (1561-1628), after Hans von Aachen (1552–1616) Spain Engraving 202 x 255 mm Inscribed “R. S. sculp. excud. Monachij cum privil. S. Caes. Maiest ". The title “Hispania” is engraved on the top. Latin inscription on three columns and Italian translation on two columns by Giacomo Antonio Bianchino. The engraving is part of the series The Four Countries of Europe published by Raphael Sadeler I and Jan Sadeler in Munich around 1594. Nice impression, small margins on the right and left side.

            Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
          • Raphael Sadeler, St Francis Consoled by Musical Angel - Rare
            Mar. 03, 2022

            Raphael Sadeler, St Francis Consoled by Musical Angel - Rare

            Est: €320 - €380

            St. Francis falling into ecstasy to the sound of a violin played by an angel who sees himself on a cloud to the left from above. The Saint is seen only up to his knees . After the engraving by Franesco Vanni (1563-1610). Dedication line to R.P.F. Zenoni Bergomensi and the date MLDD. This work seems rather rare as not in the British Museum, nor the Rijksmuseum. Not found in Hollstein either. One in the Clark Museum. Agostino Carracci also engraved this subject after Vanni in 1595.

            Old Master Print
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Feb. 19, 2022

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €100 - €150

            (1560 Antwerpen - München 1632). Salomon wird von seinen Frauen zum Götzendienst gezwungen. Bl. 2 aus der Folge von 4 Bl. "Die Macht der Frauen über die Männer". Kupferstich auf feinem Bütten n. Joos van Winghe, 1589. Plgr. 22,7 x 29,1, Blgr. 28,8 x 37,4 cm. Mit den Namensz., Nr. u. lat. Text i.d. Platte. - Ho. 181. - Vereinz. schmale Wurmsp., tls. etw. stockfl. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • Sadeler, Raphael I
            Feb. 19, 2022

            Sadeler, Raphael I

            Est: €60 - €80

            (1560 Antwerpen - München 1632). S. Elisabetha Andecensis. Die hl. Elisabeth wäscht einem Armen die Füße. Radierung n. J.M.Kager aus "Bavaria Sancta", ca. 1615. Plgr. 27,8 x 19,7, Blgr. 40,5 c 29 cm. Mit den Namensz., Kopftitel u. lat. Text i.d. Platte. - Vgl. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum RSadeler d. Ä. AB 3.52. - Tls. etw. knittrig, ob. wasserrandig, vereinz. fleckig, mittig Knicksp. R

            Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
          • R. Sadeler (1560-1628) - Loth and his daughters, J. van Winghe (1542-1603)
            Dec. 14, 2021

            R. Sadeler (1560-1628) - Loth and his daughters, J. van Winghe (1542-1603)

            Est: €800 - €1,200

            Loth and his daughters, Very rare and large engraving by Raphael Sadeler after Joos van Winghe. Signed in full in the bottom left corner. Underneath one line: Lothi … compressa. Lot and his daughters [Genesis 19]; Lot in left foreground with his arms around one of his daughters while the other daughter pours them a drink; Sodom and Gomorrah in flames in the distance at centre, with a silhouette of the salt statue of Lot's wife.

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler (1560-1632) - Eagle Killing a Scorpion / Pozzoserrato
            Dec. 14, 2021

            Raphael Sadeler (1560-1632) - Eagle Killing a Scorpion / Pozzoserrato

            Est: €320 - €380

            This engraving shows a scene from Aesop's fables. It shows a landscape with a group of people crossing a high round bridge with watermill's floating on the river beneath. At left of centre an eagle killing a scorpion., a city on the river in background; after Lodewijk Toeput. Signed in the plate at bottom left corner. Companion piece to a print by Jan Sadeler I (Hollstein 583). C. 1599. This is a fina and rare print, not in British Museum, not in Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler, Ship in a storm
            Dec. 14, 2021

            Raphael Sadeler, Ship in a storm

            Est: €275 - €475

            Ship in storm in a coastal landscape with a harbor. Engraving made by Raphael Sadeler 1560-1632) after a painting/drawing of Pieter Stevens (1567-1624). Made and published ca 1570-1632. Hollstein Dutch 55. In excellent condition. Very good dark impression on thin laid paper with margins.

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael Sadeler, Gillis Mostard, Christ on the stone
            Dec. 14, 2021

            Raphael Sadeler, Gillis Mostard, Christ on the stone

            Est: €275 - €475

            Christ on the stone, Engraving made and published by Raphael Sadeler (1560-1632) ca 1575-1600, after Gillis Mostaert (1534-1598). In excellent condition, good dark grey impression on very thin laid paper on the margins, image complete, very rare engraving

            Old Master Print
          • Raphael SADELER – STEVENS. Paesaggio con cavaliere.
            Dec. 02, 2021

            Raphael SADELER – STEVENS. Paesaggio con cavaliere.

            Est: €1,000 - €1,200

            Raphael SADELER – Peter STEVENS. 1560-1629 Paesaggio con cavaliere. Bulino, mm. 208x273. Iscr.: al piede a sin.: P. Stephani inventor; a dx.: Ralph. Sadeler excud. Ampi margini. Ottimo stato di conservazione. Scena di gusto fiammingo con antiche rovine e un cavaliere che si staglia nel viottolo. P. Stevens, detto Stephani, fu pittore di battaglie e di paesaggi, membro dapprima della gilda di Malines, poi della gilda di Anversa dal 1589. Pittore della corte di Rodolfo II a Praga dal 1590 al 1612, compì anche un viaggio in Italia verso il 1600, soggiornando a Venezia e a Roma. R. Sadeler, membro dal 1582 della gilda di Anversa, accompagnò suo padre Jan in Germania e in Italia e nel 1604 fu chiamato da Venezia a Monaco dal principe Maximilian. Notevole e di grande qualità la sua attività incisoria: Le Blanc cataloga 126 stampe da lui eseguite.

            Bado e Mart
          • JOAN SADELER (1550-1600) & RAPHAEL SADELER (1560/61-1628/32)
            Oct. 07, 2021

            JOAN SADELER (1550-1600) & RAPHAEL SADELER (1560/61-1628/32)

            Est: €400 - €600

            Convolute in-oblong with four suites of in total 108 engravings with depiction of saints and hermits in seclusion in ever-changing surroundings, after the design of Marten De Vos (1532 - 1603), with two-line Latin legend at the bottom. Published in Paris, by Jean Le Clerc, (c. 1606). 1. Oraclum Anachoreticum, title + 23 (of 24) copper engravings. 2. Sylvae Sacrae, title + 28 copper engravings. 3. Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum, title + 29 plates. 4. Solitudo sive Vitae Foeminarum anachoritarum, title + 24 Copper Engravings. Orig. full brown calf leather binding, raised spine. Description FR Convolute in-oblong avec quatre suites de 108 gravures sur cuivre au total, avec la représentation de saints et d'ermites en réclusion dans des environnements toujours changeants, selon le dessin de Marten De Vos (1532 - 1603), avec une légende latine de deux lignes en bas. Publié à Paris, par Jean Le Clerc, (vers 1606). 1. Oraclum Anachoreticum, titre + 23 (sur 24) gravures sur cuivre. 2. Sylvae Sacrae, titre + 28 gravures sur cuivre. 3. Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum, titre + 29 planches. 4. Solitudo sive Vitae Foeminarum anachoritarum, titre + 24 gravures sur cuivre. Reliure d'origine en plein veau brun, dos à cinq nerfs. Beschrijving NL Convoluut in-oblong met vier suites van in totaal 108 kopergravuren met voorstelling van heiligen en heremieten in afzondering in steeds wisselende omgeving naar ontwerp van Marten De Vos (1532 - 1603), met tweeregelige Latijnse legende onderaan. Uitgegeven te Parijs, bij Jean Le Clerc, (ca. 1606). 1. Oraclum Anachoreticum, titel + 23 (van 24) kopergravuren. 2. Sylvae Sacrae, titel + 28 kopergravuren. 3. Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum, titel + 29 kopergravuren. 4. Solitudo sive Vitae Foeminarum anachoritarum, titel + 24 kopergravuren. Orig. volle bruine kalfslederen band, rug op vijf ribben.

            Bernaerts Auctioneers
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