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Luigi (1819) Saulini Sold at Auction Prices

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    • SAULINI LUIGI (1819-1883) Attribué à
      Mar. 26, 2024

      SAULINI LUIGI (1819-1883) Attribué à

      Est: €2,500 - €3,500

      SAULINI LUIGI (1819-1883) Attribué à CAMEE sur agate à deux strates et monté sur une bague en or jaune. Buste d'Apollon du Belvédère. Le dieu est présenté de profil v. la droite, les épaules recouvertes d'un manteau attaché par une fibule. Le visage est caractérisé par la beauté classique du dieu, les traits sont fins et juvéniles, la chevelure composée de longues mèches ondulées est ramenée en partie en un chignon haut et retenue par un bandeau. Ce camée est très proche de celui exécuté par Luigi Saulini anciennement dans la collection Milton Weil et maintenant conservé au Metropolitan Museum, New York, 40.20.55a-c. Camée 22 x 26 mm ; TDD 59 ; 17 g Premère moitié du XIXe siècle Attributed to Saulini Luigi (1819-1833), A Neoclassical two-layered agate cameo mounted in a later gold ring. Bust of Apollo from Belvedere. The god is presented in profile v. the right, the shoulders covered with a cloak attached by a fibula. The face is characterized by the classic beauty of the god, the features are fine and youthful, the hair composed of long wavy locks is partly pulled back into a high bun and held in place by a headband. This cameo is very close to the one executed by Luigi Saulini formerly in the Milton Weil collection and now in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, 40.20.55a-c.

      HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
    • SAULINI LUIGI, 1819-1883 (attribué à )
      Mar. 26, 2024

      SAULINI LUIGI, 1819-1883 (attribué à )

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      SAULINI LUIGI, 1819-1883 (attribué à ) CAMEE sur agate à deux strates monté dans un pendentif en or jaune. Buste de Clytie ou Antonia. Présentée de profil v. la gauche, l'épaule droite couverte d'un drapé. La chevelure longue et chatoyante est composée de longues mèches bouclées partiellement attachées à l'arrière en un chignon tressé d'où s'échappent quelques mèches. Pour un camée similaire de Luigi Saulini voir British Museum, 1978,1002.448. La source de ce modèle est la sculpture romaine en marbre identifiée à tort au XVIIIe siècle comme étant Clytie, la nymphe tombée amoureuse du Soleil. On pense aujourd'hui que le buste représente Antonia (36 avant notre ère - 38 après J.-C.), fille de Marc-Antoine et d'Octavie et mère de l'empereur Claude. Le buste appartenait au collectionneur Charles Townley et servit de modèle à Nataniel Marchant pour graver des pierres précieuses. Poids brut 20,5 g ; 34 x 42 mm Travail italien, circa 1860 Attributed to Luigi Saulini (1819-1883). A Neoclassical two-layered agate cameo set in a later gold pendant. Bust of Clytie. The Nymph is facing left, and characterized by a very elaborated and elegant hairstyle. The face is slighlty bent. Beautiful execution.For a similar cameo of Luigi Saulini see British Museum, London, 1978,1002.448. The source for this model is the roman marble sculpture wrongly identified in the 18th Century as Clytie, the nymph who falt in love with the Sun. The bust is now thought to represent Antonia (36 B.C.E. - 38 A.D. ) daughte rof Marc-Antony and Octavia and mothe of the empereur Claudius. The bust belonged to the collector Charles Townley and was used as model by Nataniel Marchant for engraving gems. Circa 1860

      HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
      Jun. 02, 2015


      Est: £500 - £800

      AN ITALIAN SHELL CAMEO PORTRAIT OF EDWARD WHITE BENSON, BY LUIGI SAULINI (1819-1893), ROME, CIRCA 1860 the profile carved facing to sinister, signed right edge L. Saulini F. 4.5cm high excluding gold brooch frame Provenance: Edward White Benson and thence by family descent to the present vendor. Edward White Benson (1829-1896), was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1883 until his death. Born in Birmingham to a chemical manufacturer, he began his career as a schoolmaster at Rugby in 1852, taking holy orders in 1857. In 1859 he was appointed by Prince Albert as the founding headmaster of Wellington College. Originally conceived as a military academy, Benson, inspired by Rugby and Arnold, developed the institution into a renowned public school. His rise to Canterbury came via chancellorship of Lincoln Cathedral (1872), chaplaincy-in-ordinary to the Queen (1875) and installation as Bishop of Truro (1877), where he formulated the still widely popular Christmas Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. "Throughout his life Benson was always more at home in ecclesiastical matters than in affairs of state, and he devoted extraordinary energy to the seeming minutiae of liturgy, history, or even dress. It was said by many that he looked the part of a bishop, dressed to perfection in a linen rochet copied from a Holbein picture." The Dictionary of National Biography also goes on to say: "In his personal life Benson found it difficult to express his emotions and display affection, and he was subject to violent mood swings and extended periods of depression." After his death, his wife (Mary Sidgwick) set up a lesbian menage with the daughter of the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Lucy Tait. Famed amongst his six children are the writers and novelists E.F. Benson (Mapp & Lucia), A.C. Benson (lyrics for Land of Hope & Glory), R.H. Benson (ghost stories and Catholic convert), and Margaret Benson (writer and Egyptologist). (http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/2139?docPos=1, accessed 18.03.2015) Luigi Saulini learned hardstone and shell carving from his adoptive father, Tommaso (1784-1864), and continued in the family trade from a very successful shop in the Via del Babuino in Rome. As well as depictions of classical subjects, Saulini was a highly regarded cameo portraitist, depicting many celebrities of the day, including Queen Victoria and Prince Albert; he also exhibited at both the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the International Exhibition of 1862.

      Matthew Barton Ltd
    • A 19th century shell cameo brooch, by Saulini
      Jun. 01, 2006

      A 19th century shell cameo brooch, by Saulini

      Est: £300 - £500

      The oval cameo carved to depict the the profile head of a young girl, signed L. Saulini, for Luigi Saulini (1819-1883) the gold mount with engraved border, the reverse with maker's initials J.L, circa 1860

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