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George Lethbridge (1774) Saunders Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter

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      • SEWEL William The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called QUAKERS, 3rd edition, folio, Burlington, New-Jersey (Collins) 1774, signed by George Mifflin and Saunders Lewis, contemporary calf, spine damaged
        May. 01, 2024

        SEWEL William The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called QUAKERS, 3rd edition, folio, Burlington, New-Jersey (Collins) 1774, signed by George Mifflin and Saunders Lewis, contemporary calf, spine damaged

        Est: €100 - €200

        SEWEL William The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called QUAKERS, 3rd edition, folio, Burlington, New-Jersey (Collins) 1774, signed by George Mifflin and Saunders Lewis, contemporary calf, spine damaged Provenance: Dawesfield House, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA Lots 92 - 175 form part of the original contents of Dawesfield, Lewis Lane, Ambler, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania - an iconic American farmhouse built by Abraham Dawes and by descent through generations of the female line. It served as the Revolutionary Headquarters of General George Washington from 20th October until 2nd November, 1777. The books (lots 133 - 160) are from the personal library of Dr. Thomas Chalkey James (1766 - 1835) who was married to Hannah née Morris. Dr James was a Philadelphia physician and joined the staff of Pennsylvania hospital. In 1810 he was elected professor of midwifery at the University of Pennsylvania. He favoured being part of the intellectual and scientific life of Philadelphia, Dr James was a member of the American Philosophical Society, the librarian of the College of Physicians and a founder of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It is known that he preferred a quiet literary life at Dawesfield, which is witnessed by the categories of the books that were housed in the library.

      • George Lethbridge Sanders, 1774-1846, portraitof a noble
        May. 27, 2023

        George Lethbridge Sanders, 1774-1846, portraitof a noble

        Est: €200 - €400

        George Lethbridge Sanders, 1774-1846, portraitof a noble lady with a lace collar, feather fan and opulent dress, fine gouache painting on paper, signed lower right: G.L.Sanders July1836, approx. 21.5x 15cm, minor surface damage . German Description: George Lethbridge Sanders, 1774-1846, Porträt einer Edeldame mit Spitzenkragen, Federfächer und opulentem Kleid, feine Gouachemalerei auf Papier, rechts unten signiert: G.L.Sanders July 1836, ca. 21.5x 15cm, leichtere Oberflächenschäden

        Henry's Auktionshaus
      • Saunders, George Lethbridge
        May. 14, 2022

        Saunders, George Lethbridge

        Est: €60 - €90

        (1774 Kinghorn 1846). The interior of Westminster Abbey during the coronating of her most gracious Majesty Victoria. Schabkunst. Um 1838. Ca. 40 x 38 cm. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • Saunders, George Lethbridge
        Dec. 18, 2021

        Saunders, George Lethbridge

        Est: €120 - €180

        (1774 Kinghorn 1846). The interior of Westminster Abbey during the coronating of her most gracious Majesty Victoria. Schabkunst. Um 1838. Ca. 40 x 38 cm. D

        Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
      • After George Lethbridge Sanders (1774-1846) British. '6th Lord Byron, with his servant, Robert Rushton 1783-1833', Watercolor, 9" x 7".
        Oct. 02, 2019

        After George Lethbridge Sanders (1774-1846) British. '6th Lord Byron, with his servant, Robert Rushton 1783-1833', Watercolor, 9" x 7".

        Est: £30 - £50

        After George Lethbridge Sanders (1774-1846) British. '6th Lord Byron, with his servant, Robert Rushton 1783-1833', Watercolor, 9" x 7".

        John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
        Mar. 28, 2017


        Est: £400 - £600

        mezzotint by William James Ward, pub. 1837 and Sir William Forbes, 6th Bt. of Pitsligo, after Archibald Skirving, engraved by Thomas Woolnoth, unframed, together with a group of decorative portraits and studies of family members and others comprising; four prints after Frederick Christian Lewis (1779–1856); one of a little girl, another of John William Robert Kerr, 7th Marquess of Lothian (1794–1841) and two further of the same sitter, a portrait of Charles Rodolph Trefusis, 19th Baron Clinton (1791-1866) together with a photographic portrait of an unknown male sitter, late 19th century, a group of five photographic prints of children mounted and framed together, late 19th century, a portrait of the Hon. Mark George Kerr Rolle (1835–1907) and another larger of the same sitter but by a different hand, both lithographs, a group of unframed works, comprising; a late 19th century watercolour drawing of a man in a niche, after an earlier painting, a print of a lady, oval and heightened with red pencil and a Gentleman mounted on horseback, British School, possibly 18th century, an engraving after Cosway and three Edwardian charcoal studies of women (17)

      • ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE SAUNDERS (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Lady, wearing white dress and pink stole, her blonde hair curled and upswept
        Jun. 17, 2014

        ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE SAUNDERS (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Lady, wearing white dress and pink stole, her blonde hair curled and upswept

        Est: -

        ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE SAUNDERS (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Lady, wearing white dress and pink stole, her blonde hair curled and upswept

      • GEORGE LETHBRIDGE SAUNDERS (1774-1846) ECOLE DE « Ernest-Auguste Ier de Hanovre, duc de Cumberland, 5e fils de Georges III» Huile sur toile, réentoilée. 76.5 x 63.5 cm Cadre en bois noir. Rare représentation historique Œuvre en rapport : Notre
        Jun. 15, 2014

        GEORGE LETHBRIDGE SAUNDERS (1774-1846) ECOLE DE « Ernest-Auguste Ier de Hanovre, duc de Cumberland, 5e fils de Georges III» Huile sur toile, réentoilée. 76.5 x 63.5 cm Cadre en bois noir. Rare représentation historique Œuvre en rapport : Notre

        Est: €3,500 - €4,500

        GEORGE LETHBRIDGE SAUNDERS (1774-1846) ECOLE DE « Ernest-Auguste Ier de Hanovre, duc de Cumberland, 5e fils de Georges III» Huile sur toile, réentoilée. 76.5 x 63.5 cm Cadre en bois noir. Rare représentation historique Œuvre en rapport : Notre tableau est à rapprocher de la gravure de H.R. Cook de la National Gallery. Provenance : Ce portrait proviendrait de la succession de la princesse Louise de Danemark, Vente de 1881. Puis collection particulière. Biographies : Ernest-Auguste Ier de HANOVRE (en allemand : Ernst August I.), né le 5 juin 1771 au palais de Buckingham, à Londres, et mort le 18 novembre 1851 à Hanovre, était un membre de la famille royale britannique qui fut roi de Hanovre du 20 juin 1837 à sa mort. Il était le cinquième fils et le neuvième enfant de George III, qui régnait à la fois sur le royaume de Grande-Bretagne et le royaume de Hanovre. Ainsi, les chances d'Ernest de devenir souverain de l'un ou l'autre royaume paraissaient minces. Cependant la loi salique, qui enlevait aux femmes le droit de monter sur le trône, était en vigueur au Hanovre et aucun des frères d'Ernest n'avait d'héritier mâle légitime. Ainsi, à la mort de George III, Victoria de Kent, sa seule héritière et nièce d'Ernest, ne put devenir reine de Hanovre et n'hérita que du Royaume-Uni. Le trône allemand échut alors entre les mains d'Ernest. Cela mit fin à l'union personnelle entre la Grande-Bretagne et le Hanovre, en place depuis 1714. En 1799, il reçut de son père le titre de duc de Cumberland et Teviotdale. Malgré l'hostilité de sa mère, la reine Charlotte, envers son mariage avec la princesse deux fois veuve Frédérique de Mecklembourg-Strelitz en 1814, Ernest épousa celle-ci en mai 1815. En 1817, le roi George III n'avait qu'un seul petit enfant légitime : la princesse Charlotte de Galles , à la mort de cette dernière, Ernest-Auguste était le plus vieux fils de George III à être marié et à ne pas être séparé de son épouse. Cela lui ouvrit la perspective d'hériter un jour du trône britannique. Toutefois, ses deux frères aînés, restés célibataires, trouvèrent chacun une femme , le quatrième fils de George III, Édouard de Kent, eut une fille : la princesse Victoria de Kent (future reine Victoria), qui devint l'héritière du Royaume-Uni. Ernest était actif à la chambre des Lords, où il maintenait une position extrêmement conservatrice. Il fut plusieurs fois victime de rumeurs (lancées par ses adversaires politiques). Peu avant l'accession au trône de Victoria, une autre rumeur prétendit qu'Ernest avait l'intention de l'assassiner afin de monter sur le trône à sa place. Lorsque Guillaume IV du Royaume-Uni mourut le 20 juin 1837, Ernest hérita du trône hanovrien. Premier souverain de Hanovre à résider au royaume depuis George Ier, il connut un règne paisible de quatorze ans, seulement troublé à ses débuts par l'affaire des Sept de Göttingen. George Lethbridge SAUNDERS, travailla d'abord chez un peintre de voitures d'Edimbourg, puis s'établit comme peintre en miniature et professeur des dessins. Il exécuta également un panorama d'Edimbourg. En 1807, il vint s'établir à Londres et y travailla avec succès. La princesse Charlotte, le Duc de Cumberland, Lord Byron, notamment, se firent peindre par lui. Vers 1812, il fit des portraits à l'huile et n'y réussit pas moins bien. Au cours des fréquents voyages qu'il fit sur le continent, il dessina de nombreux sujets d'après les anciens maîtres. Ses portraits se rencontrent assez fréquemment en Angleterre. La National Gallery de Londres conserve de lui le portrait du poète Lewis.

      • Attributed to George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock
        Mar. 14, 2012

        Attributed to George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock

        Est: £600 - £800

        A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock. Gold frame. Oval, 81mm (3 3/16in) high

      • George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak
        May. 25, 2011

        George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak. Gilt-metal frame. Octagonal, 79mm (3 1/8in) high Provenance: Bonhams, 5 November 2002, lot 124

      • Attributed to George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock
        May. 25, 2011

        Attributed to George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock

        Est: £1,200 - £1,800

        A Field Officer, possibly of the 50th Regiment of Foot, wearing red coatee with navy blue facings, silver lace, buttons and epaulettes, white frilled chemise and black stock. Gold frame. Oval, 81mm (3 3/16in) high

      • George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak
        Nov. 24, 2010

        George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak

        Est: £1,500 - £1,800

        John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed grey doublet with white collar, pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, white chemise, buff coloured sword belt and fur cloak. Gilt-metal frame. Octagonal, 79mm (3 1/8in) high Provenance: Bonhams, 5 November 2002, lot 124

      • Circle of George Sanders (1774-1846)
        Oct. 23, 2008

        Circle of George Sanders (1774-1846)

        Est: £7,000 - £10,000

        Circle of George Sanders (1774-1846) The Islay Otter Hunt with numerous figures, including Walter Frederick Campbell (1798-1855), and his son John Francis Campbell (1822-1885) indistinctly inscribed 'An otter hunt in Islay painted by Cha[tfield?] in Islay/Portrait of ..... Campbell of Islay............' (on the stretcher) oil on canvas 32 x 42 in. (81.3 x 106.8 cm.)

      • [ OIL PAINTING ]
        Feb. 26, 2008

        [ OIL PAINTING ]

        Est: £400 - £600

        George Lethbridge Saunders (1774-1846) PORTRAIT OF MRS E.S. ROBARTS, WIFE OF A.G.ROBARTS, THREE-QUARTER LENGTH, IN A BLACK DRESS Signed and dated 1839, miniature on ivory, in a gilt metal frame and a leather and velvet fitted case 16.3 x 12.3cm

      • George Lethbridge Saunders (1774-1846) PORTRAIT OF
        Nov. 13, 2007

        George Lethbridge Saunders (1774-1846) PORTRAIT OF

        Est: £400 - £600

        George Lethbridge Saunders (1774-1846) PORTRAIT OF MRS E.S. ROBARTS, WIFE OF A.G.ROBARTS, THREE-QUARTER LENGTH, IN A BLACK DRESS Signed and dated 1839, miniature on ivory, in a gilt metal frame and a leather and velvet fitted case 16.3 x 12.3cm

      • George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed
        Nov. 05, 2002

        George Sanders (Scottish, 1774-1846) John Fane, Lord Burghersh (1784-1859), wearing white trimmed

        Est: $2,341 - $2,809

        grey doublet with pearl buttons and slashed sleeves, double white collar, buff-coloured sword belt and fur cloak over his left shoulder gilt-metal mount octagonal, 79mm. (3 1/8in.) high John was born, 2nd February, 1784 at 4 Sackville Street, Piccadilly to John 10th Earl of Westmorland and his wife Sarah Ann (née Child). He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he received his MA in 1808. He was MP for Lyme Regis, 1806-16; Assistant Adjutant-General in Sicily, 1806-7; and served in the Peninsula, 1808-10. He married 26th June, 1811 at Saville Street, St.James's, Westminster, Priscilla Anne Wellesley-Pole, daughter of William, 3rd Earl of Mornington. Together they had four sons of which only the youngest, Francis, was to outlive his father. In 1822, he founded the Royal Academy of Music, in Hanover Square. He had foreign ministerial posts in Italy and Germany and was awarded the GCB in 1846. John succeeded his father as 11th Earl of Westmorland in 1841. He died 16th October, 1859, at Apethorpe, Northampton and was buried there. Sanders was born in Scotland, but moved to London in 1810, where he was patronised by a number of Society figures. Although unsigned, the present lot was originally sold along with other members of the family by the same hand, of which some were signed.

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