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Georgiy Savitskiy Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1887 - d. 1949

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      • GEORGY SAVITSKY (1887-1949) - Picnic…
        Nov. 25, 2021

        GEORGY SAVITSKY (1887-1949) - Picnic…

        Est: €15,000 - €17,000

        GEORGY SAVITSKY (1887-1949) Picnic signed in Cyrillic «Savitsky 22» (lower left), the author’s inscription '«Picnic» Petrograd G. Savitsky 1922' (on the reverse) oil on canvas 60 x 75 cm 1922 Animal and battle painter. The son of the famous artist K.A. Savitsky. In 1902-1907 he studied at the Penza Art School, then at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (graduated in 1915 with the award of a business trip abroad). In 1918-1924 he was in charge of the decorative workshop of the Petrograd military district. In 1924 he moved to Moscow and joined the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. 1941-1945 - works at TASS Windows. After the war - professor at the Moscow State Art Institute of V. Surikov. ГЕОРГИЙ КОНСТАНТИНОВИЧ САВИЦКИЙ (1887-1949) Пикник подпись «Савицкий 22» (слева внизу), авторская надпись ««Пикник» Петроград Г.Савицкий 1922 год» (на обороте) холст, масло 60 х 75 см 1922 год Художник-анималист и баталист. Сын известного художника К.А.Савицкого. В 1902-1907 учился в Пензенском художественном училище, затем – в петербургской Академии художеств (закончил в 1915 с присуждением заграничной командировки). В 1918-1924 заведовал декоративной мастерской Петроградского военного округа. В 1924 переезжает в Москву и вступает в Ассоциацию художников революционной России. В 1941-1945 – работает в «Окнах ТАСС». После войны – профессор Московского государственного художественного института им. В.Сурикова.

        Hermitage Fine Art
        Jun. 02, 2018


        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        GEORGIY KONSTANTINOVICH SAVITSKIY (RUSSIAN 1887-1949) Port in Odessa, 1924 oil on board 33 x 49.5 cm (13 x 19 1/2 in.) signed and dated lower right PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the artistÕs family MacDougall's, London, May 27-30th, Lot 320 EXHIBITED G. Savitskiy Gallery, Moscow,1941 G. Savitskiy Gallery, Moscow, 1948 Posthumous Exhibition of G. Savitskiy, USSR Academy of Arts, Moscow, 1954 The State Russian Museum, Lenigrad, 1954 LITERATURE E. Polishchuk, G.K. Savitskiy (Moscow: Iskusstvo,1961), p. 188, ilustrated EXPERTISE The authenticity of this work has been confirmed by the expert V. Petrov (copy of expertise available upon request)

        Shapiro Auctions LLC
      • * SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Girl on a Bench
        Oct. 12, 2015

        * SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Girl on a Bench

        Est: £15,000 - £20,000

        * SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Girl on a Bench, signed and dated 1939. Oil on canvas, 50 by 67 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe.

      • SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Port in Odessa,
        May. 30, 2012

        SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Port in Odessa,

        Est: £5,000 - £7,000

        SAVITSKIY, GEORGIY (1887-1949) Port in Odessa, signed and dated 1924. Oil on board, 33.5 by 49.5 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist's family by the present owner. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert V. Petrov. Exhibited: G. Savitskiy, Moscow, 1941. G. Savitskiy, Moscow, 1948. Posthumous Exhibition of G. Savitskiy, USSR Academy of Arts, Moscow; The State Russian Museum, Leningrad, 1954. Literature: E. Polishchuk, G.K. Savitskiy, Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1961, p. 188, listed.

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